/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AliTRDCalibraFillHisto // // This class is for the TRD calibration of the relative gain factor, the drift velocity, // the time 0 and the pad response function. It fills histos or vectors. // It can be used for the calibration per chamber but also per group of pads and eventually per pad. // The user has to choose with the functions SetNz and SetNrphi the precision of the calibration (see AliTRDCalibraMode). // 2D Histograms (Histo2d) or vectors (Vector2d), then converted in Trees, will be filled // from RAW DATA in a run or from reconstructed TRD tracks during the offline tracking // in the function "FollowBackProlongation" (AliTRDtracker) // Per default the functions to fill are off. // // Author: // R. Bailhache (R.Bailhache@gsi.de) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliTRDCalibraFillHisto.h" #include "AliTRDCalibraFit.h" #include "AliTRDCalibraMode.h" #include "AliTRDCalibraVector.h" #include "AliTRDCalibraVdriftLinearFit.h" #include "AliTRDcalibDB.h" #include "AliTRDCommonParam.h" #include "AliTRDmcmTracklet.h" #include "AliTRDpadPlane.h" #include "AliTRDcluster.h" #include "AliTRDtrack.h" #include "AliTRDRawStream.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" #ifdef ALI_DATE #include "event.h" #endif ClassImp(AliTRDCalibraFillHisto) AliTRDCalibraFillHisto* AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::fgInstance = 0; Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::fgTerminated = kFALSE; //_____________singleton implementation_________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraFillHisto *AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::Instance() { // // Singleton implementation // if (fgTerminated != kFALSE) { return 0; } if (fgInstance == 0) { fgInstance = new AliTRDCalibraFillHisto(); } return fgInstance; } //______________________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::Terminate() { // // Singleton implementation // Deletes the instance of this class // fgTerminated = kTRUE; if (fgInstance != 0) { delete fgInstance; fgInstance = 0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::AliTRDCalibraFillHisto() :TObject() ,fGeo(0) ,fMITracking(kFALSE) ,fMcmTracking(kFALSE) ,fMcmCorrectAngle(kFALSE) ,fCH2dOn(kFALSE) ,fPH2dOn(kFALSE) ,fPRF2dOn(kFALSE) ,fHisto2d(kFALSE) ,fVector2d(kFALSE) ,fLinearFitterOn(kFALSE) ,fLinearFitterDebugOn(kFALSE) ,fRelativeScale(0) ,fThresholdClusterPRF2(15.0) ,fCalibraMode(new AliTRDCalibraMode()) ,fDebugStreamer(0) ,fDebugLevel(0) ,fDetectorAliTRDtrack(kFALSE) ,fDetectorPreviousTrack(-1) ,fNumberClusters(18) ,fProcent(6.0) ,fDifference(17) ,fNumberTrack(0) ,fTimeMax(0) ,fSf(10.0) ,fNumberBinCharge(100) ,fNumberBinPRF(40) ,fNgroupprf(0) ,fListClusters(new TObjArray()) ,fPar0(0x0) ,fPar1(0x0) ,fPar2(0x0) ,fPar3(0x0) ,fPar4(0x0) ,fAmpTotal(0x0) ,fPHPlace(0x0) ,fPHValue(0x0) ,fGoodTracklet(kTRUE) ,fGoodTrack(kTRUE) ,fEntriesCH(0x0) ,fEntriesLinearFitter(0x0) ,fCalibraVector(0x0) ,fPH2d(0x0) ,fPRF2d(0x0) ,fCH2d(0x0) ,fLinearFitterArray(0) ,fLinearVdriftFit(0x0) { // // Default constructor // // // Init some default values // fNumberUsedCh[0] = 0; fNumberUsedCh[1] = 0; fNumberUsedPh[0] = 0; fNumberUsedPh[1] = 0; fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::AliTRDCalibraFillHisto(const AliTRDCalibraFillHisto &c) :TObject(c) ,fGeo(0) ,fMITracking(c.fMITracking) ,fMcmTracking(c.fMcmTracking) ,fMcmCorrectAngle(c.fMcmCorrectAngle) ,fCH2dOn(c.fCH2dOn) ,fPH2dOn(c.fPH2dOn) ,fPRF2dOn(c.fPRF2dOn) ,fHisto2d(c.fHisto2d) ,fVector2d(c.fVector2d) ,fLinearFitterOn(c.fLinearFitterOn) ,fLinearFitterDebugOn(c.fLinearFitterDebugOn) ,fRelativeScale(c.fRelativeScale) ,fThresholdClusterPRF2(c.fThresholdClusterPRF2) ,fCalibraMode(0x0) ,fDebugStreamer(0) ,fDebugLevel(c.fDebugLevel) ,fDetectorAliTRDtrack(c.fDetectorAliTRDtrack) ,fDetectorPreviousTrack(c.fDetectorPreviousTrack) ,fNumberClusters(c.fNumberClusters) ,fProcent(c.fProcent) ,fDifference(c.fDifference) ,fNumberTrack(c.fNumberTrack) ,fTimeMax(c.fTimeMax) ,fSf(c.fSf) ,fNumberBinCharge(c.fNumberBinCharge) ,fNumberBinPRF(c.fNumberBinPRF) ,fNgroupprf(c.fNgroupprf) ,fListClusters(new TObjArray()) ,fPar0(0x0) ,fPar1(0x0) ,fPar2(0x0) ,fPar3(0x0) ,fPar4(0x0) ,fAmpTotal(0x0) ,fPHPlace(0x0) ,fPHValue(0x0) ,fGoodTracklet(c.fGoodTracklet) ,fGoodTrack(c.fGoodTrack) ,fEntriesCH(0x0) ,fEntriesLinearFitter(0x0) ,fCalibraVector(0x0) ,fPH2d(0x0) ,fPRF2d(0x0) ,fCH2d(0x0) ,fLinearFitterArray(0) ,fLinearVdriftFit(0x0) { // // Copy constructor // if(c.fCalibraMode) fCalibraMode = new AliTRDCalibraMode(*c.fCalibraMode); if(c.fCalibraVector) fCalibraVector = new AliTRDCalibraVector(*c.fCalibraVector); if(c.fPH2d) { fPH2d = new TProfile2D(*c.fPH2d); fPH2d->SetDirectory(0); } if(c.fPRF2d) { fPRF2d = new TProfile2D(*c.fPRF2d); fPRF2d->SetDirectory(0); } if(c.fCH2d) { fCH2d = new TH2I(*c.fCH2d); fCH2d->SetDirectory(0); } if(c.fLinearVdriftFit){ fLinearVdriftFit = new AliTRDCalibraVdriftLinearFit(*c.fLinearVdriftFit); } if (fGeo) { delete fGeo; } fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::~AliTRDCalibraFillHisto() { // // AliTRDCalibraFillHisto destructor // ClearHistos(); if ( fDebugStreamer ) delete fDebugStreamer; if (fGeo) { delete fGeo; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::Destroy() { // // Delete instance // if (fgInstance) { delete fgInstance; fgInstance = 0x0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::ClearHistos() { // // Delete the histos // if (fPH2d) { delete fPH2d; fPH2d = 0x0; } if (fCH2d) { delete fCH2d; fCH2d = 0x0; } if (fPRF2d) { delete fPRF2d; fPRF2d = 0x0; } } //____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFillHisto in the code_________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::Init2Dhistos() { // // For the offline tracking // This function will be called in the function AliReconstruction::Run() // Init the calibration mode (Nz, Nrphi), the 2D histograms if fHisto2d = kTRUE, // // DB Setting // Get cal AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!cal) { AliInfo("Could not get calibDB"); return kFALSE; } AliTRDCommonParam *parCom = AliTRDCommonParam::Instance(); if (!parCom) { AliInfo("Could not get CommonParam"); return kFALSE; } // Some parameters fTimeMax = cal->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); fSf = parCom->GetSamplingFrequency(); fRelativeScale = 20; //Init the tracklet parameters fPar0 = new Double_t[fTimeMax]; fPar1 = new Double_t[fTimeMax]; fPar2 = new Double_t[fTimeMax]; fPar3 = new Double_t[fTimeMax]; fPar4 = new Double_t[fTimeMax]; for(Int_t k = 0; k < fTimeMax; k++){ fPar0[k] = 0.0; fPar1[k] = 0.0; fPar2[k] = 0.0; fPar3[k] = 0.0; fPar4[k] = 0.0; } // Calcul Xbins Chambd0, Chamb2 Int_t Ntotal0 = CalculateTotalNumberOfBins(0); Int_t Ntotal1 = CalculateTotalNumberOfBins(1); Int_t Ntotal2 = CalculateTotalNumberOfBins(2); // If vector method On initialised all the stuff if(fVector2d){ fCalibraVector = new AliTRDCalibraVector(); fCalibraVector->SetNumberBinCharge(fNumberBinCharge); fCalibraVector->SetTimeMax(fTimeMax); if(fNgroupprf != 0) { fCalibraVector->SetNumberBinPRF(2*fNgroupprf*fNumberBinPRF); fCalibraVector->SetPRFRange((Float_t)(3.0*fNgroupprf)); } else { fCalibraVector->SetNumberBinPRF(fNumberBinPRF); fCalibraVector->SetPRFRange(1.5); } for(Int_t k = 0; k < 3; k++){ fCalibraVector->SetDetCha0(k,fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb0(k)); fCalibraVector->SetDetCha2(k,fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb2(k)); } TString namech("Nz"); namech += fCalibraMode->GetNz(0); namech += "Nrphi"; namech += fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(0); fCalibraVector->SetNameCH((const char* ) namech); TString nameph("Nz"); nameph += fCalibraMode->GetNz(1); nameph += "Nrphi"; nameph += fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(1); fCalibraVector->SetNamePH((const char* ) nameph); TString nameprf("Nz"); nameprf += fCalibraMode->GetNz(2); nameprf += "Nrphi"; nameprf += fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(2); nameprf += "Ngp"; nameprf += fNgroupprf; fCalibraVector->SetNamePRF((const char* ) nameprf); } // Create the 2D histos corresponding to the pad groupCalibration mode if (fCH2dOn) { AliInfo(Form("The pad calibration mode for the relative gain calibration: Nz %d, and Nrphi %d" ,fCalibraMode->GetNz(0) ,fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(0))); // Create the 2D histo if (fHisto2d) { CreateCH2d(Ntotal0); } // Variable fAmpTotal = new Float_t[TMath::Max(fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb2(0),fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb0(0))]; for (Int_t k = 0; k < TMath::Max(fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb2(0),fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb0(0)); k++) { fAmpTotal[k] = 0.0; } //Statistics fEntriesCH = new Int_t[Ntotal0]; for(Int_t k = 0; k < Ntotal0; k++){ fEntriesCH[k] = 0; } } if (fPH2dOn) { AliInfo(Form("The pad calibration mode for the drift velocity calibration: Nz %d, and Nrphi %d" ,fCalibraMode->GetNz(1) ,fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(1))); // Create the 2D histo if (fHisto2d) { CreatePH2d(Ntotal1); } // Variable fPHPlace = new Short_t[fTimeMax]; for (Int_t k = 0; k < fTimeMax; k++) { fPHPlace[k] = -1; } fPHValue = new Float_t[fTimeMax]; for (Int_t k = 0; k < fTimeMax; k++) { fPHValue[k] = 0.0; } } if (fLinearFitterOn) { fLinearFitterArray.Expand(540); fLinearFitterArray.SetName("ArrayLinearFitters"); fEntriesLinearFitter = new Int_t[540]; for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){ fEntriesLinearFitter[k] = 0; } fLinearVdriftFit = new AliTRDCalibraVdriftLinearFit(); } if (fPRF2dOn) { AliInfo(Form("The pad calibration mode for the PRF calibration: Nz %d, and Nrphi %d" ,fCalibraMode->GetNz(2) ,fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(2))); // Create the 2D histo if (fHisto2d) { CreatePRF2d(Ntotal2); } } return kTRUE; } //____________Functions for filling the histos in the code_____________________ //____________Offine tracking in the AliTRDtracker_____________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::ResetTrack() { // // For the offline tracking // This function will be called in the function // AliTRDtracker::FollowBackPropagation() at the beginning // Reset the parameter to know we have a new TRD track // fDetectorAliTRDtrack = kFALSE; fGoodTrack = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } //____________Offine tracking in the AliTRDtracker_____________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::ResetfVariables() { // // Reset values per tracklet // // Reset the list of clusters fListClusters->Clear(); //Reset the tracklet parameters for(Int_t k = 0; k < fTimeMax; k++){ fPar0[k] = 0.0; fPar1[k] = 0.0; fPar2[k] = 0.0; fPar3[k] = 0.0; fPar4[k] = 0.0; } //Reset good tracklet fGoodTracklet = kTRUE; // Reset the fPHValue if (fPH2dOn) { //Reset the fPHValue and fPHPlace for (Int_t k = 0; k < fTimeMax; k++) { fPHValue[k] = 0.0; fPHPlace[k] = -1; } } // Reset the fAmpTotal where we put value if (fCH2dOn) { for (Int_t k = 0; k < fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(0); k++) { fAmpTotal[k] = 0.0; } } } //____________Offline tracking in the AliTRDtracker____________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::UpdateHistograms(AliTRDcluster *cl, AliTRDtrack *t) { // // For the offline tracking // This function will be called in the function // AliTRDtracker::FollowBackPropagation() in the loop over the clusters // of TRD tracks // Fill the 2D histos or the vectors with the info of the clusters at // the end of a detectors if the track is "good" // // Localisation of the detector Int_t detector = cl->GetDetector(); // Fill the infos for the previous clusters if not the same // detector anymore or if not the same track if (((detector != fDetectorPreviousTrack) || (!fDetectorAliTRDtrack)) && (fDetectorPreviousTrack != -1)) { fNumberTrack++; // If the same track, then look if the previous detector is in // the same plane, if yes: not a good track //FollowBack if (fDetectorAliTRDtrack && (GetPlane(detector) <= GetPlane(fDetectorPreviousTrack))) { //Follow //if (fDetectorAliTRDtrack && // (GetPlane(detector) >= GetPlane(fDetectorPreviousTrack))) { fGoodTrack = kFALSE; } // Fill only if the track doesn't touch a masked pad or doesn't // appear in the middle (fGoodTrack) if (fGoodTrack && fGoodTracklet) { // drift velocity unables to cut bad tracklets Bool_t pass = FindP1TrackPH(); // Gain calibration if (fCH2dOn) { FillTheInfoOfTheTrackCH(); } // PH calibration if (fPH2dOn) { FillTheInfoOfTheTrackPH(); } if(pass && fPRF2dOn) HandlePRF(); } // if a good track ResetfVariables(); } // Fill at the end the charge // Calcul the position of the detector if (detector != fDetectorPreviousTrack) { LocalisationDetectorXbins(detector); } // Reset the detector fDetectorPreviousTrack = detector; fDetectorAliTRDtrack = kTRUE; // Store the infos of the tracklets AliTRDcluster *kcl = new AliTRDcluster(*cl); fListClusters->Add((TObject *)kcl); Int_t time = cl->GetLocalTimeBin(); fPar0[time] = t->GetY(); fPar1[time] = t->GetZ(); fPar2[time] = t->GetSnp(); fPar3[time] = t->GetTgl(); fPar4[time] = t->Get1Pt(); // Store the info bis of the tracklet Int_t *rowcol = CalculateRowCol(cl); CheckGoodTracklet(detector,rowcol); Int_t group[2] = {0,0}; if(fCH2dOn) group[0] = CalculateCalibrationGroup(0,rowcol); if(fPH2dOn) group[1] = CalculateCalibrationGroup(1,rowcol); StoreInfoCHPH(cl,t,group); return kTRUE; } //____________Online trackling in AliTRDtrigger________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::UpdateHistogramcm(AliTRDmcmTracklet *trk) { // // For the tracking // This function will be called in the function AliTRDtrigger::TestTracklet // before applying the pt cut on the tracklets // Fill the infos for the tracklets fTrkTest if the tracklets is "good" // // Localisation of the Xbins involved Int_t idect = trk->GetDetector(); fDetectorPreviousTrack = idect; LocalisationDetectorXbins(idect); // Get the parameter object AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!cal) { AliInfo("Could not get calibDB"); return kFALSE; } // Reset ResetfVariables(); // Row of the tracklet and position in the pad groups Int_t *rowcol = new Int_t[2]; rowcol[0] = trk->GetRow(); Int_t group[3] = {-1,-1,-1}; // Eventuelle correction due to track angle in z direction Float_t correction = 1.0; if (fMcmCorrectAngle) { Float_t z = trk->GetRowz(); Float_t r = trk->GetTime0(); correction = r / TMath::Sqrt((r*r+z*z)); } // Boucle sur les clusters // Condition on number of cluster: don't come from the middle of the detector if (trk->GetNclusters() >= fNumberClusters) { for (Int_t icl = 0; icl < trk->GetNclusters(); icl++) { Float_t amp[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; Int_t time = trk->GetClusterTime(icl); rowcol[1] = trk->GetClusterCol(icl); amp[0] = trk->GetClusterADC(icl)[0] * correction; amp[1] = trk->GetClusterADC(icl)[1] * correction; amp[2] = trk->GetClusterADC(icl)[2] * correction; if ((amp[0] < 0.0) || (amp[1] < 0.0) || (amp[2] < 0.0)) { continue; } // Col of cluster and position in the pad groups if(fCH2dOn) { group[0] = CalculateCalibrationGroup(0,rowcol); fAmpTotal[(Int_t) group[0]] += (Float_t) (amp[0]+amp[1]+amp[2]); } if(fPH2dOn) { group[1] = CalculateCalibrationGroup(1,rowcol); fPHPlace[time] = group[1]; fPHValue[time] = (Float_t) (amp[0]+amp[1]+amp[2]); } if(fPRF2dOn) group[2] = CalculateCalibrationGroup(2,rowcol); // See if we are not near a masked pad fGoodTracklet CheckGoodTracklet(idect,rowcol); // Fill PRF direct without tnp bins...only for monitoring... if (fPRF2dOn && fGoodTracklet) { if ((amp[0] > fThresholdClusterPRF2) && (amp[1] > fThresholdClusterPRF2) && (amp[2] > fThresholdClusterPRF2) && ((amp[0]*amp[2]/(amp[1]*amp[1])) < 0.06)) { // Security of the denomiateur is 0 if ((((Float_t) (((Float_t) amp[1]) * ((Float_t) amp[1]))) / ((Float_t) (((Float_t) amp[0]) * ((Float_t) amp[2])))) != 1.0) { Float_t xcenter = 0.5 * (TMath::Log(amp[2] / amp[0])) / (TMath::Log((amp[1]*amp[1]) / (amp[0]*amp[2]))); Float_t ycenter = amp[1] / (amp[0] + amp[1] + amp[2]); if (TMath::Abs(xcenter) < 0.5) { Float_t yminus = amp[0] / (amp[0]+amp[1]+amp[2]); Float_t ymax = amp[2] / (amp[0]+amp[1]+amp[2]); // Fill only if it is in the drift region! if (((Float_t) time / fSf) > 0.3) { if (fHisto2d) { fPRF2d->Fill(xcenter,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(2)+group[2]+0.5),ycenter); fPRF2d->Fill(-(xcenter+1.0),(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(2)+group[2]+0.5),yminus); fPRF2d->Fill((1.0-xcenter),(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(2)+group[2]+0.5),ymax); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(idect,group[2],xcenter,ycenter); fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(idect,group[2],-(xcenter+1.0),yminus); fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(idect,group[2],(1.0-xcenter),ymax); } }//in the drift region }//in the middle }//denominateur security }//cluster shape and thresholds }//good and PRF On } // Boucle clusters // Fill the charge if(fGoodTracklet){ if (fCH2dOn) FillTheInfoOfTheTrackCH(); if (fPH2dOn) FillTheInfoOfTheTrackPH(); } fNumberTrack++; } // Condition on number of clusters return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t *AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::CalculateRowCol(AliTRDcluster *cl) const { // // Calculate the row and col number of the cluster // Int_t *rowcol = new Int_t[2]; rowcol[0] = 0; rowcol[1] = 0; // Localisation of the detector Int_t detector = cl->GetDetector(); Int_t chamber = GetChamber(detector); Int_t plane = GetPlane(detector); // Localisation of the cluster Double_t pos[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; pos[0] = ((AliCluster *)cl)->GetX(); pos[1] = cl->GetY(); pos[2] = cl->GetZ(); // Position of the cluster AliTRDpadPlane *padplane = fGeo->GetPadPlane(plane,chamber); Int_t row = padplane->GetPadRowNumber(pos[2]); //Do not take from here because it was corrected from ExB already.... //Double_t offsetz = padplane->GetPadRowOffset(row,pos[2]); //Double_t offsettilt = padplane->GetTiltOffset(offsetz); //Int_t col = padplane->GetPadColNumber(pos[1] + offsettilt,offsetz); //Int_t col = padplane->GetPadColNumber(pos[1]+offsettilt); Int_t col = cl->GetPad(); //return rowcol[0] = row; rowcol[1] = col; return rowcol; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::CheckGoodTracklet(Int_t detector, Int_t *rowcol) { // // See if we are not near a masked pad // Int_t row = rowcol[0]; Int_t col = rowcol[1]; if (!IsPadOn(detector, col, row)) { fGoodTracklet = kFALSE; } if (col > 0) { if (!IsPadOn(detector, col-1, row)) { fGoodTracklet = kFALSE; } } if (col < 143) { if (!IsPadOn(detector, col+1, row)) { fGoodTracklet = kFALSE; } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::IsPadOn(Int_t detector, Int_t col, Int_t row) const { // // Look in the choosen database if the pad is On. // If no the track will be "not good" // // Get the parameter object AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!cal) { AliInfo("Could not get calibDB"); return kFALSE; } if (!cal->IsChamberInstalled(detector) || cal->IsChamberMasked(detector) || cal->IsPadMasked(detector,col,row)) { return kFALSE; } else { return kTRUE; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::CalculateCalibrationGroup(Int_t i, Int_t *rowcol) const { // // Calculate the calibration group number for i // // Row of the cluster and position in the pad groups Int_t posr = 0; if (fCalibraMode->GetNnZ(i) != 0) { posr = (Int_t) rowcol[0] / fCalibraMode->GetNnZ(i); } // Col of the cluster and position in the pad groups Int_t posc = 0; if (fCalibraMode->GetNnRphi(i) != 0) { posc = (Int_t) rowcol[1] / fCalibraMode->GetNnRphi(i); } return posc*fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(i)+posr; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::CalculateTotalNumberOfBins(Int_t i) { // // Calculate the total number of calibration groups // Int_t Ntotal = 0; fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration(2,i); fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation(0,2,0,i); fCalibraMode->SetDetChamb2(i); Ntotal += 6 * 18 * fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb2(i); fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration(0,i); fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation(0,0,0,i); fCalibraMode->SetDetChamb0(i); Ntotal += 6 * 4 * 18 * fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb0(i); AliInfo(Form("Total number of Xbins: %d for i %d",Ntotal,i)); return Ntotal; } //____________Set the pad calibration variables for the detector_______________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::LocalisationDetectorXbins(Int_t detector) { // // For the detector calcul the first Xbins and set the number of row // and col pads per calibration groups, the number of calibration // groups in the detector. // // first Xbins of the detector if (fCH2dOn) { fCalibraMode->CalculXBins(detector,0); } if (fPH2dOn) { fCalibraMode->CalculXBins(detector,1); } if (fPRF2dOn) { fCalibraMode->CalculXBins(detector,2); } // fragmentation of idect for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetChamber(detector),i); fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetPlane(detector) , (Int_t) GetChamber(detector) , (Int_t) GetSector(detector),i); } return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::StoreInfoCHPH(AliTRDcluster *cl, AliTRDtrack *t, Int_t *group) { // // Store the infos in fAmpTotal, fPHPlace and fPHValue // // Charge in the cluster Float_t q = TMath::Abs(cl->GetQ()); Int_t time = cl->GetLocalTimeBin(); // Correction due to the track angle Float_t correction = 1.0; Float_t normalisation = 6.67; if ((q >0) && (t->GetNdedx() > 0)) { correction = t->GetClusterdQdl((t->GetNdedx() - 1)) / (normalisation); } // Fill the fAmpTotal with the charge if (fCH2dOn) { fAmpTotal[(Int_t) group[0]] += correction; } // Fill the fPHPlace and value if (fPH2dOn) { fPHPlace[time] = group[1]; fPHValue[time] = correction; } } //_____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::ProcessEventDAQ(AliTRDRawStream *rawStream, Bool_t nocheck) { // // Event Processing loop - AliTRDRawStream // 0 timebin problem // 1 no input // 2 input // Int_t withInput = 1; Int_t phvalue[36]; //Int_t row[36]; //Int_t col[36]; for(Int_t k = 0; k < 36; k++){ phvalue[k] = 10; //row[k] = -1; //col[36] = -1; } fDetectorPreviousTrack = -1; Int_t nbtimebin = 0; if(!nocheck){ fTimeMax = 0; while (rawStream->Next()) { Int_t idetector = rawStream->GetDet(); // current detector if((fDetectorPreviousTrack != idetector) && (fDetectorPreviousTrack != -1)){ if(TMath::Mean(fTimeMax,phvalue)>13.0){ withInput = 2; for(Int_t k = 0; k < fTimeMax; k++){ UpdateDAQ(fDetectorPreviousTrack,0,0,k,phvalue[k],fTimeMax); phvalue[k] = 10; //row[k] = -1; //col[k] = -1; } } } fDetectorPreviousTrack = idetector; nbtimebin = rawStream->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); // number of time bins read from data if(nbtimebin == 0) return 0; if((fTimeMax != 0) && (nbtimebin != fTimeMax)) return 0; fTimeMax = nbtimebin; Int_t iTimeBin = rawStream->GetTimeBin(); // current time bin //row[iTimeBin] = rawStream->GetRow(); // current row //col[iTimeBin] = rawStream->GetCol(); // current col Int_t *signal = rawStream->GetSignals(); // current ADC signal Int_t fin = TMath::Min(fTimeMax,(iTimeBin+3)); Int_t n = 0; for(Int_t itime = iTimeBin; itime < fin; itime++){ // should extract baseline here! if(signal[n]>13) phvalue[itime] = signal[n]; n++; } } // fill the last one if(fDetectorPreviousTrack != -1){ if(TMath::Mean(fTimeMax,phvalue)>13.0){ withInput = 2; for(Int_t k = 0; k < fTimeMax; k++){ UpdateDAQ(fDetectorPreviousTrack,0,0,k,phvalue[k],fTimeMax); phvalue[k] = 10; //row[k] = -1; //col[k] = -1; } } } } else{ while (rawStream->Next()) { Int_t idetector = rawStream->GetDet(); // current detector if((fDetectorPreviousTrack != idetector) && (fDetectorPreviousTrack != -1)){ if(TMath::Mean(nbtimebin,phvalue)>13.0){ withInput = 2; for(Int_t k = 0; k < nbtimebin; k++){ UpdateDAQ(fDetectorPreviousTrack,0,0,k,phvalue[k],nbtimebin); phvalue[k] = 10; //row[k] = -1; //col[k] = -1; } } } fDetectorPreviousTrack = idetector; nbtimebin = rawStream->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); // number of time bins read from data Int_t iTimeBin = rawStream->GetTimeBin(); // current time bin //row[iTimeBin] = rawStream->GetRow(); // current row //col[iTimeBin] = rawStream->GetCol(); // current col Int_t *signal = rawStream->GetSignals(); // current ADC signal Int_t fin = TMath::Min(nbtimebin,(iTimeBin+3)); Int_t n = 0; for(Int_t itime = iTimeBin; itime < fin; itime++){ // should extract baseline here! if(signal[n]>13) phvalue[itime] = signal[n]; n++; } } // fill the last one if(fDetectorPreviousTrack != -1){ if(TMath::Mean(nbtimebin,phvalue)>13.0){ withInput = 2; for(Int_t k = 0; k < nbtimebin; k++){ UpdateDAQ(fDetectorPreviousTrack,0,0,k,phvalue[k],nbtimebin); phvalue[k] = 10; //row[k] = -1; //col[k] = -1; } } } } return withInput; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::ProcessEventDAQ(AliRawReader *rawReader, Bool_t nocheck) { // // Event processing loop - AliRawReader // AliTRDRawStream rawStream(rawReader); rawReader->Select("TRD"); return ProcessEventDAQ(&rawStream, nocheck); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::ProcessEventDAQ( #ifdef ALI_DATE eventHeaderStruct *event, Bool_t nocheck #else eventHeaderStruct* /*event*/, Bool_t /*nocheck*/ #endif ) { // // process date event // #ifdef ALI_DATE AliRawReader *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event); Int_t result=ProcessEventDAQ(rawReader, nocheck); delete rawReader; return result; #else Fatal("AliTRDCalibraFillHisto", "this class was compiled without DATE"); return 0; #endif } //____________Online trackling in AliTRDtrigger________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::UpdateDAQ(Int_t det, Int_t /*row*/, Int_t /*col*/, Int_t timebin, Int_t signal, Int_t nbtimebins) { // // For the DAQ // Fill a simple average pulse height // // Localisation of the Xbins involved //LocalisationDetectorXbins(det); // Row and position in the pad groups //Int_t posr = 0; //if (fCalibraMode->GetNnZ(1) != 0) { // posr = (Int_t) row / fCalibraMode->GetNnZ(1); //} // Col of cluster and position in the pad groups //Int_t posc = 0; //if (fCalibraMode->GetNnRphi(1) != 0) { // posc = (Int_t) col / fCalibraMode->GetNnRphi(1); //} //fPH2d->Fill((Float_t) timebin/fSf,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(1)+posc*fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1)+posr)+0.5,(Float_t) signal); ((TProfile2D *)GetPH2d(nbtimebins,fSf))->Fill((Float_t) timebin/fSf,det+0.5,(Float_t) signal); return kTRUE; } //____________Write_____________________________________________________ //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::Write2d(const Char_t *filename, Bool_t append) { // // Write infos to file // //For debugging if ( fDebugStreamer ) { delete fDebugStreamer; fDebugStreamer = 0x0; } AliInfo(Form("Numbertrack: %d Numberusedch[0]: %d, Numberusedch[1]: %d Numberusedph[0]: %d, Numberusedph[1]: %d" ,fNumberTrack ,fNumberUsedCh[0] ,fNumberUsedCh[1] ,fNumberUsedPh[0] ,fNumberUsedPh[1])); TDirectory *backup = gDirectory; TString option; if ( append ) option = "update"; else option = "recreate"; TFile f(filename,option.Data()); TStopwatch stopwatch; stopwatch.Start(); if(fVector2d) { f.WriteTObject(fCalibraVector); } if (fCH2dOn ) { if (fHisto2d) { f.WriteTObject(fCH2d); } } if (fPH2dOn ) { if (fHisto2d) { f.WriteTObject(fPH2d); } } if (fPRF2dOn) { if (fHisto2d) { f.WriteTObject(fPRF2d); } } if(fLinearFitterOn){ AnalyseLinearFitter(); f.WriteTObject(fLinearVdriftFit); } f.Close(); if ( backup ) backup->cd(); AliInfo(Form("Execution time Write2d: R:%.2fs C:%.2fs" ,stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime())); } //___________________________________________probe the histos__________________________________________________ Double_t *AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::StatH(TH2 *h, Int_t i) { // // Check the number of stats in h, 0 is TH2I 1 is TProfile2D // debug mode with 2 for TH2I and 3 for TProfile2D // It gives a pointer to a Double_t[7] with the info following... // [0] : number of calibration groups with entries // [1] : minimal number of entries found // [2] : calibration group number of the min // [3] : maximal number of entries found // [4] : calibration group number of the max // [5] : mean number of entries found // [6] : mean relative error // Double_t *info = new Double_t[7]; // Number of Xbins (detectors or groups of pads) Int_t nbins = h->GetNbinsY(); //number of calibration groups Int_t nxbins = h->GetNbinsX(); //number of bins per histo // Initialise Double_t nbwe = 0; //number of calibration groups with entries Double_t minentries = 0; //minimal number of entries found Double_t maxentries = 0; //maximal number of entries found Double_t placemin = 0; //calibration group number of the min Double_t placemax = -1; //calibration group number of the max Double_t meanstats = 0.0; //mean number of entries over the calibration group with at least ome entry Double_t meanrelativerror = 0.0; //mean relativ error in the TProfile2D Double_t counter = 0; //Debug TH1F *NbEntries = 0x0;//distribution of the number of entries TH1F *NbEntriesPerGroup = 0x0;//Number of entries per group TProfile *NbEntriesPerSp = 0x0;//Number of entries for one supermodule // Beginning of the loop over the calibration groups for (Int_t idect = 0; idect < nbins; idect++) { TH1I *projch = (TH1I *) h->ProjectionX("projch",idect+1,idect+1,(Option_t *)"e"); projch->SetDirectory(0); // Number of entries for this calibration group Double_t nentries = 0.0; if((i%2) == 0){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < nxbins; k++) { nentries += h->GetBinContent(h->GetBin(k+1,idect+1)); } } else{ for (Int_t k = 0; k < nxbins; k++) { nentries += ((TProfile2D *)h)->GetBinEntries(h->GetBin(k+1,idect+1)); if(h->GetBinContent(h->GetBin(k+1,idect+1)) != 0) { meanrelativerror += (h->GetBinError(h->GetBin(k+1,idect+1))/(TMath::Abs(h->GetBinContent(h->GetBin(k+1,idect+1))))); counter++; } } } //Debug if(i > 1){ if((!((Bool_t)NbEntries)) && (nentries > 0)){ NbEntries = new TH1F("Number of entries","Number of entries" ,100,(Int_t)nentries/2,nentries*2); NbEntries->SetDirectory(0); NbEntriesPerGroup = new TH1F("Number of entries per group","Number of entries per group" ,nbins,0,nbins); NbEntriesPerGroup->SetDirectory(0); NbEntriesPerSp = new TProfile("Number of entries per supermodule","Number of entries per supermodule" ,(Int_t)(nbins/18),0,(Int_t)(nbins/18)); NbEntriesPerSp->SetDirectory(0); } if(NbEntries){ if(nentries > 0) NbEntries->Fill(nentries); NbEntriesPerGroup->Fill(idect+0.5,nentries); NbEntriesPerSp->Fill((idect%((Int_t)(nbins/18)))+0.5,nentries); } } //min amd max if(nentries > maxentries){ maxentries = nentries; placemax = idect; } if(idect == 0) { minentries = nentries; } if(nentries < minentries){ minentries = nentries; placemin = idect; } //nbwe if(nentries > 0) { nbwe++; meanstats += nentries; } }//calibration groups loop if(nbwe > 0) meanstats /= nbwe; if(counter > 0) meanrelativerror /= counter; AliInfo(Form("There are %f calibration groups with entries",nbwe)); AliInfo(Form("The minimum number of entries is %f for the group %f",minentries,placemin)); AliInfo(Form("The maximum number of entries is %f for the group %f",maxentries,placemax)); AliInfo(Form("The mean number of entries is %f",meanstats)); if((i%2) == 1) AliInfo(Form("The mean relative error is %f",meanrelativerror)); info[0] = nbwe; info[1] = minentries; info[2] = placemin; info[3] = maxentries; info[4] = placemax; info[5] = meanstats; info[6] = meanrelativerror; if(i > 1){ gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(1111); gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(10); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.01); TCanvas *stat = new TCanvas("stat","",50,50,600,800); stat->Divide(2,1); stat->cd(1); NbEntries->Draw(""); stat->cd(2); NbEntriesPerSp->SetStats(0); NbEntriesPerSp->Draw(""); TCanvas *stat1 = new TCanvas("stat1","",50,50,600,800); stat1->cd(); NbEntriesPerGroup->SetStats(0); NbEntriesPerGroup->Draw(""); } return info; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t *AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::GetMeanMedianRMSNumberCH() { // // Return a Int_t[4] with: // 0 Mean number of entries // 1 median of number of entries // 2 rms of number of entries // 3 number of group with entries // Double_t *stat = new Double_t[4]; stat[3] = 0.0; Int_t nbofgroups = CalculateTotalNumberOfBins(0); Double_t *weight = new Double_t[nbofgroups]; Int_t *nonul = new Int_t[nbofgroups]; for(Int_t k = 0; k < nbofgroups; k++){ if(fEntriesCH[k] > 0) { weight[k] = 1.0; nonul[(Int_t)stat[3]] = fEntriesCH[k]; stat[3]++; } else weight[k] = 0.0; } stat[0] = TMath::Mean(nbofgroups,fEntriesCH,weight); stat[1] = TMath::Median(nbofgroups,fEntriesCH,weight); stat[2] = TMath::RMS((Int_t)stat[3],nonul); return stat; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t *AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::GetMeanMedianRMSNumberLinearFitter() const { // // Return a Int_t[4] with: // 0 Mean number of entries // 1 median of number of entries // 2 rms of number of entries // 3 number of group with entries // Double_t *stat = new Double_t[4]; stat[3] = 0.0; Int_t nbofgroups = 540; Double_t *weight = new Double_t[nbofgroups]; Int_t *nonul = new Int_t[nbofgroups]; for(Int_t k = 0; k < nbofgroups; k++){ if(fEntriesLinearFitter[k] > 0) { weight[k] = 1.0; nonul[(Int_t) stat[3]] = fEntriesLinearFitter[k]; stat[3]++; } else weight[k] = 0.0; } stat[0] = TMath::Mean(nbofgroups,fEntriesLinearFitter,weight); stat[1] = TMath::Median(nbofgroups,fEntriesLinearFitter,weight); stat[2] = TMath::RMS((Int_t)stat[3],nonul); return stat; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::SetNumberGroupsPRF(Short_t numberGroupsPRF) { // // Should be between 0 and 6 // if ((numberGroupsPRF < 0) || (numberGroupsPRF > 6)) { AliInfo("The number of groups must be between 0 and 6!"); } else { fNgroupprf = numberGroupsPRF; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::SetRelativeScale(Float_t RelativeScale) { // // Set the factor that will divide the deposited charge // to fit in the histo range [0,300] // if (RelativeScale > 0.0) { fRelativeScale = RelativeScale; } else { AliInfo("RelativeScale must be strict positif!"); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::SetNz(Int_t i, Short_t Nz) { // // Set the mode of calibration group in the z direction for the parameter i // if ((Nz >= 0) && (Nz < 5)) { fCalibraMode->SetNz(i, Nz); } else { AliInfo("You have to choose between 0 and 4"); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::SetNrphi(Int_t i, Short_t Nrphi) { // // Set the mode of calibration group in the rphi direction for the parameter i // if ((Nrphi >= 0) && (Nrphi < 7)) { fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i ,Nrphi); } else { AliInfo("You have to choose between 0 and 6"); } } //____________Protected Functions______________________________________________ //____________Create the 2D histo to be filled online__________________________ // //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::CreatePRF2d(Int_t nn) { // // Create the 2D histos: here we have 2*fNgroupprf bins in tnp of 0.2 amplitude each // If fNgroupprf is zero then no binning in tnp // TString name("Nz"); name += fCalibraMode->GetNz(2); name += "Nrphi"; name += fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(2); name += "Ngp"; name += fNgroupprf; if(fNgroupprf != 0){ fPRF2d = new TProfile2D("PRF2d",(const Char_t *) name ,2*fNgroupprf*fNumberBinPRF,-3.0*fNgroupprf,3.0*fNgroupprf,nn,0,nn); fPRF2d->SetYTitle("Det/pad groups"); fPRF2d->SetXTitle("Position x/W [pad width units]"); fPRF2d->SetZTitle("Q_{i}/Q_{total}"); fPRF2d->SetStats(0); } else{ fPRF2d = new TProfile2D("PRF2d",(const Char_t *) name ,fNumberBinPRF,-1.5,1.5,nn,0,nn); fPRF2d->SetYTitle("Det/pad groups"); fPRF2d->SetXTitle("Position x/W [pad width units]"); fPRF2d->SetZTitle("Q_{i}/Q_{total}"); fPRF2d->SetStats(0); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::CreatePH2d(Int_t nn) { // // Create the 2D histos // TString name("Nz"); name += fCalibraMode->GetNz(1); name += "Nrphi"; name += fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(1); fPH2d = new TProfile2D("PH2d",(const Char_t *) name ,fTimeMax,-0.5/fSf,(Float_t) (fTimeMax-0.5)/fSf ,nn,0,nn); fPH2d->SetYTitle("Det/pad groups"); fPH2d->SetXTitle("time [#mus]"); fPH2d->SetZTitle(" [a.u.]"); fPH2d->SetStats(0); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::CreateCH2d(Int_t nn) { // // Create the 2D histos // TString name("Nz"); name += fCalibraMode->GetNz(0); name += "Nrphi"; name += fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(0); fCH2d = new TH2I("CH2d",(const Char_t *) name ,fNumberBinCharge,0,300,nn,0,nn); fCH2d->SetYTitle("Det/pad groups"); fCH2d->SetXTitle("charge deposit [a.u]"); fCH2d->SetZTitle("counts"); fCH2d->SetStats(0); fCH2d->Sumw2(); } //____________Offine tracking in the AliTRDtracker_____________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::FillTheInfoOfTheTrackCH() { // // For the offline tracking or mcm tracklets // This function will be called in the functions UpdateHistogram... // to fill the info of a track for the relativ gain calibration // Int_t nb = 0; // Nombre de zones traversees Int_t fd = -1; // Premiere zone non nulle Float_t totalcharge = 0.0; // Total charge for the supermodule histo // See if the track goes through different zones for (Int_t k = 0; k < fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(0); k++) { if (fAmpTotal[k] > 0.0) { totalcharge += fAmpTotal[k]; nb++; if (nb == 1) { fd = k; } } } switch (nb) { case 1: fNumberUsedCh[0]++; fEntriesCH[fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd]++; if (fHisto2d) { FillCH2d(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd,fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale); //fCH2d->Fill(fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale,fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+0.5); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorCH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd,fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale); } break; case 2: if ((fAmpTotal[fd] > 0.0) && (fAmpTotal[fd+1] > 0.0)) { // One of the two very big if (fAmpTotal[fd] > fProcent*fAmpTotal[fd+1]) { if (fHisto2d) { FillCH2d(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd,fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale); //fCH2d->Fill(fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale,fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+0.5); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorCH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd,fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale); } fNumberUsedCh[1]++; fEntriesCH[fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd]++; } if (fAmpTotal[fd+1] > fProcent*fAmpTotal[fd]) { if (fHisto2d) { FillCH2d(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+1,fAmpTotal[fd+1]/fRelativeScale); //fCH2d->Fill(fAmpTotal[fd+1]/fRelativeScale,fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+1.5); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorCH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd+1,fAmpTotal[fd+1]/fRelativeScale); } fNumberUsedCh[1]++; fEntriesCH[fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+1]++; } } if (fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0) > 1) { if (fAmpTotal[fd] > 0.0) { if ((fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)) < (fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(0))) { if (fAmpTotal[fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)] > 0.0) { // One of the two very big if (fAmpTotal[fd] > fProcent*fAmpTotal[fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)]) { if (fHisto2d) { FillCH2d(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd,fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale); //fCH2d->Fill(fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale,fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+0.5); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorCH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd,fAmpTotal[fd]/fRelativeScale); } fNumberUsedCh[1]++; fEntriesCH[fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd]++; } if (fAmpTotal[fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)] > fProcent*fAmpTotal[fd]) { if (fHisto2d) { FillCH2d(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0),fAmpTotal[fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)]/fRelativeScale); //fCH2d->Fill(fAmpTotal[fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)]/fRelativeScale,fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)+0.5); } fNumberUsedCh[1]++; fEntriesCH[fCalibraMode->GetXbins(0)+fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)]++; if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorCH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0),fAmpTotal[fd+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)]/fRelativeScale); } } } } } } break; default: break; } } //____________Offine tracking in the AliTRDtracker_____________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::FillTheInfoOfTheTrackPH() { // // For the offline tracking or mcm tracklets // This function will be called in the functions UpdateHistogram... // to fill the info of a track for the drift velocity calibration // Int_t nb = 1; // Nombre de zones traversees 1, 2 ou plus de 3 Int_t fd1 = -1; // Premiere zone non nulle Int_t fd2 = -1; // Deuxieme zone non nulle Int_t k1 = -1; // Debut de la premiere zone Int_t k2 = -1; // Debut de la seconde zone // See if the track goes through different zones for (Int_t k = 0; k < fTimeMax; k++) { if (fPHValue[k] > 0.0) { if (fd1 == -1) { fd1 = fPHPlace[k]; k1 = k; } if (fPHPlace[k] != fd1) { if (fd2 == -1) { k2 = k; fd2 = fPHPlace[k]; nb = 2; } if (fPHPlace[k] != fd2) { nb = 3; } } } } switch(nb) { case 1: fNumberUsedPh[0]++; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fTimeMax; i++) { if (fHisto2d) { fPH2d->Fill((Float_t) i/fSf,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(1)+fd1)+0.5,(Float_t) fPHValue[i]); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd1,i,fPHValue[i]); } } break; case 2: if ((fd1 == fd2+1) || (fd2 == fd1+1)) { // One of the two fast all the think if (k2 > (k1+fDifference)) { //we choose to fill the fd1 with all the values fNumberUsedPh[1]++; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fTimeMax; i++) { if (fHisto2d) { fPH2d->Fill((Float_t) i/fSf,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(1)+fd1)+0.5,(Float_t) fPHValue[i]); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd1,i,fPHValue[i]); } } } if ((k2+fDifference) < fTimeMax) { //we choose to fill the fd2 with all the values fNumberUsedPh[1]++; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fTimeMax; i++) { if (fHisto2d) { fPH2d->Fill((Float_t) i/fSf,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(1)+fd2)+0.5,(Float_t) fPHValue[i]); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd2,i,fPHValue[i]); } } } } // Two zones voisines sinon rien! if (fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1) > 1) { // Case 2 if ((fd1+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1)) < (fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(1))) { if (fd2 == (fd1+fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1))) { // One of the two fast all the think if (k2 > (k1+fDifference)) { //we choose to fill the fd1 with all the values fNumberUsedPh[1]++; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fTimeMax; i++) { if (fHisto2d) { fPH2d->Fill((Float_t) i/fSf,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(1)+fd1)+0.5,(Float_t) fPHValue[i]); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd1,i,fPHValue[i]); } } } if ((k2+fDifference) < fTimeMax) { //we choose to fill the fd2 with all the values fNumberUsedPh[1]++; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fTimeMax; i++) { if (fHisto2d) { fPH2d->Fill((Float_t) i/fSf,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(1)+fd2)+0.5,(Float_t) fPHValue[i]); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd2,i,fPHValue[i]); } } } } } // Two zones voisines sinon rien! // Case 3 if ((fd1 - fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1)) >= 0) { if (fd2 == (fd1 - fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1))) { // One of the two fast all the think if (k2 > (k1 + fDifference)) { //we choose to fill the fd1 with all the values fNumberUsedPh[1]++; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fTimeMax; i++) { if (fHisto2d) { fPH2d->Fill((Float_t) i/fSf,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(1)+fd1)+0.5,(Float_t) fPHValue[i]); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd1,i,fPHValue[i]); } } } if ((k2+fDifference) < fTimeMax) { //we choose to fill the fd2 with all the values fNumberUsedPh[1]++; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fTimeMax; i++) { if (fHisto2d) { fPH2d->Fill((Float_t) i/fSf,(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(1)+fd2)+0.5,(Float_t) fPHValue[i]); } if (fVector2d) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPH(fDetectorPreviousTrack,fd2,i,fPHValue[i]); } } } } } } break; default: break; } } //____________Offine tracking in the AliTRDtracker_____________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::FindP1TrackPH() { // // For the offline tracking // This function will be called in the functions UpdateHistogram... // to fill the find the parameter P1 of a track for the drift velocity calibration // //Number of points: if less than 3 return kFALSE Int_t Npoints = fListClusters->GetEntriesFast(); if(Npoints <= 2) return kFALSE; //Variables TLinearFitter linearFitterTracklet = TLinearFitter(2,"pol1"); // TLinearFitter per tracklet Double_t snp = 0.0; // sin angle in the plan yx track Double_t y = 0.0; // y clusters in the middle of the chamber Double_t z = 0.0; // z cluster in the middle of the chamber Double_t dydt = 0.0; // dydt tracklet after straight line fit Double_t tnp = 0.0; // tan angle in the plan xy track Double_t tgl = 0.0; // dz/dl and not dz/dx! Double_t errorpar = 0.0; // error after straight line fit on dy/dt Double_t pointError = 0.0; // error after straight line fit Int_t detector = ((AliTRDcluster *) fListClusters->At(0))->GetDetector(); //detector Int_t snpright = 1; // if we took in the middle snp Int_t crossrow = 0; // if it crosses a pad row Double_t tiltingangle = 0; // tiltingangle of the pad Float_t dzdx = 0; // dz/dx now from dz/dl Int_t nbli = 0; // number linear fitter points AliTRDpadPlane *padplane = fGeo->GetPadPlane(GetPlane(detector),GetChamber(detector)); linearFitterTracklet.StoreData(kFALSE); linearFitterTracklet.ClearPoints(); //if more than one row Int_t rowp = -1; // if it crosses a pad row //tiltingangle tiltingangle = padplane->GetTiltingAngle(); Float_t tnt = TMath::Tan(tiltingangle/180.*TMath::Pi()); // tan tiltingangle //Fill with points for(Int_t k = 0; k < Npoints; k++){ AliTRDcluster *cl = (AliTRDcluster *) fListClusters->At(k); Double_t ycluster = cl->GetY(); Int_t time = cl->GetLocalTimeBin(); Double_t timeis = time/fSf; //See if cross two pad rows Int_t row = padplane->GetPadRowNumber(cl->GetZ()); if(k==0) rowp = row; if(row != rowp) crossrow = 1; //Take in the middle of the chamber //FollowBack if(time > (Int_t) 10) { //Follow //if(time < (Int_t) 11) { z = cl->GetZ(); y = cl->GetY(); snp = fPar2[time]; tgl = fPar3[time]; } linearFitterTracklet.AddPoint(&timeis,ycluster,1); nbli++; } //FollowBack if(((AliTRDcluster *) fListClusters->At(0))->GetLocalTimeBin() < 10) snpright = 0; //Follow //if(((AliTRDcluster *) fListClusters->At(0))->GetLocalTimeBin() >= 11) snpright = 0; if(nbli <= 2) return kFALSE; // Do the straight line fit now TVectorD pars; linearFitterTracklet.Eval(); linearFitterTracklet.GetParameters(pars); pointError = TMath::Sqrt(linearFitterTracklet.GetChisquare()/nbli); errorpar = linearFitterTracklet.GetParError(1)*pointError; dydt = pars[1]; if( TMath::Abs(snp) < 1.){ tnp = snp / (TMath::Sqrt(1-(snp*snp))); } dzdx = tgl*TMath::Sqrt(1+tnp*tnp); if(fDebugLevel > 0){ if ( !fDebugStreamer ) { //debug stream TDirectory *backup = gDirectory; fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDdebugCalibraFill.root"); if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer } (* fDebugStreamer) << "VDRIFT0"<< "Npoints="<= 0.1) return kFALSE; if(crossrow == 1) return kFALSE; if(fLinearFitterOn){ //Add to the linear fitter of the detector if( TMath::Abs(snp) < 1.){ Double_t x = tnp-dzdx*tnt; (GetLinearFitter(detector,kTRUE))->AddPoint(&x,dydt); if(fLinearFitterDebugOn) { fLinearVdriftFit->Update(detector,x,pars[1]); } fEntriesLinearFitter[detector]++; } } //AliInfo("End of FindP1TrackPH with success!") return kTRUE; } //____________Offine tracking in the AliTRDtracker_____________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::HandlePRF() { // // For the offline tracking // Fit the tracklet with a line and take the position as reference for the PRF // //Number of points Int_t Npoints = fListClusters->GetEntriesFast(); // number of total points Int_t Nb3pc = 0; // number of three pads clusters used for fit Int_t detector = ((AliTRDcluster *) fListClusters->At(0))->GetDetector(); // detector // To see the difference due to the fit Double_t *padPositions; padPositions = new Double_t[Npoints]; for(Int_t k = 0; k < Npoints; k++){ padPositions[k] = 0.0; } //Find the position by a fit TLinearFitter fitter(2,"pol1"); fitter.StoreData(kFALSE); fitter.ClearPoints(); for(Int_t k = 0; k < Npoints; k++){ //Take the cluster AliTRDcluster *cl = (AliTRDcluster *) fListClusters->At(k); Short_t *signals = cl->GetSignals(); Double_t time = cl->GetLocalTimeBin(); //Calculate x if possible Float_t xcenter = 0.0; Bool_t echec = kTRUE; if((time<=7) || (time>=21)) continue; // Center 3 balanced: position with the center of the pad if ((((Float_t) signals[3]) > 0.0) && (((Float_t) signals[2]) > 0.0) && (((Float_t) signals[4]) > 0.0)) { echec = kFALSE; // Security if the denomiateur is 0 if ((((Float_t) (((Float_t) signals[3]) * ((Float_t) signals[3]))) / ((Float_t) (((Float_t) signals[2]) * ((Float_t) signals[4])))) != 1.0) { xcenter = 0.5 * (TMath::Log((Float_t) (((Float_t) signals[4]) / ((Float_t) signals[2])))) / (TMath::Log(((Float_t) (((Float_t) signals[3]) * ((Float_t) signals[3]))) / ((Float_t) (((Float_t) signals[2]) * ((Float_t) signals[4]))))); } else { echec = kTRUE; } } if(TMath::Abs(xcenter) > 0.5) echec = kTRUE; if(echec) continue; //if no echec: calculate with the position of the pad // Position of the cluster Double_t padPosition = xcenter + cl->GetPad(); padPositions[k] = padPosition; Nb3pc++; fitter.AddPoint(&time, padPosition,1); }//clusters loop //printf("Nb3pc %d, Npoints %d\n",Nb3pc,Npoints); if(Nb3pc < 3) return kFALSE; fitter.Eval(); TVectorD line(2); fitter.GetParameters(line); Float_t pointError = -1.0; pointError = TMath::Sqrt(fitter.GetChisquare()/Nb3pc); // Now fill the PRF for(Int_t k = 0; k < Npoints; k++){ //Take the cluster AliTRDcluster *cl = (AliTRDcluster *) fListClusters->At(k); Short_t *signals = cl->GetSignals(); // signal Double_t time = cl->GetLocalTimeBin(); // time bin Float_t padPosTracklet = line[0]+line[1]*time; // reconstruct position from fit Float_t padPos = cl->GetPad(); // middle pad Double_t dpad = padPosTracklet - padPos; // reconstruct position relative to middle pad from fit Float_t ycenter = 0.0; // relative center charge Float_t ymin = 0.0; // relative left charge Float_t ymax = 0.0; // relative right charge Double_t tgl = fPar3[(Int_t)time]; // dz/dl and not dz/dx Double_t pt = fPar4[(Int_t)time]; // pt Float_t dzdx = 0.0; // dzdx //Requiere simply two pads clusters at least if(((((Float_t) signals[3]) > 0.0) && (((Float_t) signals[2]) > 0.0)) || ((((Float_t) signals[3]) > 0.0) && (((Float_t) signals[4]) > 0.0))){ Float_t sum = ((Float_t) signals[2]) + ((Float_t) signals[3]) + ((Float_t) signals[4]); if(sum > 0.0) ycenter = ((Float_t) signals[3])/ sum; if(sum > 0.0) ymin = ((Float_t) signals[2])/ sum; if(sum > 0.0) ymax = ((Float_t) signals[4])/ sum; } //calibration group Int_t *rowcol = CalculateRowCol(cl); // calcul col and row pad of the cluster Int_t grouplocal = CalculateCalibrationGroup(2,rowcol); // calcul the corresponding group Int_t caligroup = fCalibraMode->GetXbins(2)+ grouplocal; // calcul the corresponding group Double_t snp = fPar2[(Int_t)time]; // sin angle in xy plan Float_t xcl = cl->GetY(); // y cluster Float_t qcl = cl->GetQ(); // charge cluster Int_t plane = GetPlane(detector); // plane Int_t chamber = GetChamber(detector); // chamber Double_t xdiff = dpad; // reconstructed position constant Double_t x = dpad; // reconstructed position moved Float_t Ep = pointError; // error of fit Float_t signal1 = (Float_t)signals[1]; // signal at the border Float_t signal3 = (Float_t)signals[3]; // signal Float_t signal2 = (Float_t)signals[2]; // signal Float_t signal4 = (Float_t)signals[4]; // signal Float_t signal5 = (Float_t)signals[5]; // signal at the border Float_t tnp = 0.0; if(TMath::Abs(snp) < 1.0){ tnp = snp / (TMath::Sqrt(1-snp*snp)); dzdx = tgl*TMath::Sqrt(1+tnp*tnp); } if(fDebugLevel > 0){ if ( !fDebugStreamer ) { //debug stream TDirectory *backup = gDirectory; fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDdebugCalibraFill.root"); if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer } (* fDebugStreamer) << "PRF0"<< "caligroup="<= 21) || (time < 7)) continue; if(TMath::Abs(snp) >= 1.0) continue; if(qcl < 80) continue; Bool_t echec = kFALSE; Double_t shift = 0.0; //Calculate the shift in x coresponding to this tnp if(fNgroupprf != 0.0){ shift = -3.0*(fNgroupprf-1)-1.5; Double_t limithigh = -0.2*(fNgroupprf-1); if((tnp < (-0.2*fNgroupprf)) || (tnp > (0.2*fNgroupprf))) echec = kTRUE; else{ while(tnp > limithigh){ limithigh += 0.2; shift += 3.0; } } } if (fHisto2d && !echec) { if(TMath::Abs(dpad) < 1.5) { fPRF2d->Fill(shift+dpad,(caligroup+0.5),ycenter); fPRF2d->Fill(shift-dpad,(caligroup+0.5),ycenter); } if((ymin > 0.0) && (TMath::Abs(dpad+1.0) < 1.5)) { fPRF2d->Fill(shift-(dpad+1.0),(caligroup+0.5),ymin); fPRF2d->Fill(shift+(dpad+1.0),(caligroup+0.5),ymin); } if((ymax > 0.0) && (TMath::Abs(dpad-1.0) < 1.5)) { fPRF2d->Fill(shift+1.0-dpad,(caligroup+0.5),ymax); fPRF2d->Fill(shift-1.0+dpad,(caligroup+0.5),ymax); } } //Not equivalent anymore here! if (fVector2d && !echec) { if(TMath::Abs(dpad) < 1.5) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(fDetectorPreviousTrack,grouplocal,shift+dpad,ycenter); fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(fDetectorPreviousTrack,grouplocal,shift-dpad,ycenter); } if((ymin > 0.0) && (TMath::Abs(dpad+1.0) < 1.5)) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(fDetectorPreviousTrack,grouplocal,shift-(dpad+1.0),ymin); fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(fDetectorPreviousTrack,grouplocal,shift+(dpad+1.0),ymin); } if((ymax > 0.0) && (TMath::Abs(dpad-1.0) < 1.5)) { fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(fDetectorPreviousTrack,grouplocal,shift+1.0-dpad,ymax); fCalibraVector->UpdateVectorPRF(fDetectorPreviousTrack,grouplocal,shift-1.0+dpad,ymax); } } } return kTRUE; } // //____________Some basic geometry function_____________________________________ // //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::GetPlane(Int_t d) const { // // Reconstruct the plane number from the detector number // return ((Int_t) (d % 6)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::GetChamber(Int_t d) const { // // Reconstruct the chamber number from the detector number // Int_t fgkNplan = 6; return ((Int_t) (d % 30) / fgkNplan); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::GetSector(Int_t d) const { // // Reconstruct the sector number from the detector number // Int_t fg = 30; return ((Int_t) (d / fg)); } //_____________________________________________________________________ TProfile2D* AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::GetPH2d(Int_t nbtimebin, Float_t samplefrequency) { // // return pointer to fPH2d TProfile2D // create a new TProfile2D if it doesn't exist allready // if ( fPH2d ) return fPH2d; // Some parameters fTimeMax = nbtimebin; fSf = samplefrequency; /* AliInfo(Form("The pad calibration mode for the drift velocity calibration: Nz %d, and Nrphi %d" ,fCalibraMode->GetNz(1) ,fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(1))); // Calcul the number of Xbins Int_t Ntotal1 = 0; fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration(2,1); fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation(0,2,0,1); fCalibraMode->SetDetChamb2(1); Ntotal1 += 6 * 18 * fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb2(1); fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration(0,1); fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation(0,0,0,1); fCalibraMode->SetDetChamb0(1); Ntotal1 += 6 * 4 * 18 * fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb0(1); AliInfo(Form("Total number of Xbins: %d",Ntotal1)); CreatePH2d(Ntotal1); */ CreatePH2d(540); return fPH2d; } //_____________________________________________________________________ TLinearFitter* AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::GetLinearFitter(Int_t detector, Bool_t force) { // // return pointer to TLinearFitter Calibration // if force is true create a new TLinearFitter if it doesn't exist allready // if ( !force || fLinearFitterArray.UncheckedAt(detector) ) return (TLinearFitter*)fLinearFitterArray.UncheckedAt(detector); // if we are forced and TLinearFitter doesn't yet exist create it // new TLinearFitter TLinearFitter *linearfitter = new TLinearFitter(2,"pol1"); fLinearFitterArray.AddAt(linearfitter,detector); return linearfitter; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::FillCH2d(Int_t x, Float_t y) { // // FillCH2d: Marian style // //skip simply the value out of range if((y>=300.0) || (y<0.0)) return; //Calcul the y place Int_t yplace = (Int_t) (fNumberBinCharge*y/300.0)+1; Int_t place = (fNumberBinCharge+2)*(x+1)+yplace; //Fill fCH2d->GetArray()[place]++; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraFillHisto::AnalyseLinearFitter() { // // Analyse array of linear fitter because can not be written // Store two arrays: one with the param the other one with the error param + number of entries // for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){ TLinearFitter *linearfitter = GetLinearFitter(k); if((linearfitter!=0) && (fEntriesLinearFitter[k]>10)){ TVectorD *par = new TVectorD(2); TVectorD pare = TVectorD(2); TVectorD *parE = new TVectorD(3); linearfitter->Eval(); linearfitter->GetParameters(*par); linearfitter->GetErrors(pare); Float_t ppointError = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(linearfitter->GetChisquare())/fEntriesLinearFitter[k]); (*parE)[0] = pare[0]*ppointError; (*parE)[1] = pare[1]*ppointError; (*parE)[2] = (Double_t) fEntriesLinearFitter[k]; ((TObjArray *)fLinearVdriftFit->GetPArray())->AddAt(par,k); ((TObjArray *)fLinearVdriftFit->GetEArray())->AddAt(parE,k); } } }