Int_t AliTRDanalyzeDigits() { // // Analyzes the digits // Int_t rc = 0; const Int_t kNpla = AliTRDgeometry::Nplan(); if (!gAlice) { cout << " No AliRun object found" << endl; rc = 1; return rc; } Int_t nPart = gAlice->GetEvent(0); // Get the pointer to the TRD detector AliTRD *trd = (AliTRD *) gAlice->GetDetector("TRD"); if (!trd) { cout << " No TRD detector found" << endl; rc = 2; return rc; } // Get the digitizer object TFile *file = (TFile *) gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("TRD_test.root"); AliTRDdigitizer *digitizer = (AliTRDdigitizer *) file->Get("digitizer"); if (!digitizer) { cout << " No digitizer object found" << endl; rc = 3; return rc; } // Define the histograms Int_t adcRange = ((Int_t) digitizer->GetADCoutRange()); TH1F *hAmpAll = new TH1F("hAmpAll" ,"Amplitude of the digits (all)" ,adcRange+1,-0.5,((Float_t) adcRange)+0.5); TH1F *hAmpEl = new TH1F("hAmpEl" ,"Amplitude of the digits (electrons)" ,adcRange+1,-0.5,((Float_t) adcRange)+0.5); TH1F *hAmpPi = new TH1F("hAmpPi" ,"Amplitude of the digits (pions)" ,adcRange+1,-0.5,((Float_t) adcRange)+0.5); TH1F *hAmpNoise = new TH1F("hAmpNoise","Amplitude of the digits (noise)" ,5,-0.5,4.5); // Get the pointer to the geometry object AliTRDgeometry *geo; if (trd) { geo = trd->GetGeometry(); } else { cout << " No TRD geometry found" << endl; rc = 4; return rc; } // Create the digits manager AliTRDdigitsManager *digitsManager = new AliTRDdigitsManager(); digitsManager->Open("TRD_test.root"); // Read the digits from the file if (!(digitsManager->ReadDigits())) { cout << " Cannot read the digits" << endl; rc = 5; return rc; } AliTRDmatrix *matrix; Int_t countDigits = 0; Int_t iSec = trd->GetSensSector(); Int_t iCha = trd->GetSensChamber(); Int_t timeMax = geo->GetTimeTotal(); TProfile *hAmpTimeEl = new TProfile("hAmpTimeEl","Amplitude of the digits (electrons)" ,timeMax,-0.5,((Double_t) timeMax)-0.5); TProfile *hAmpTimePi = new TProfile("hAmpTimePi","Amplitude of the digits (pions)" ,timeMax,-0.5,((Double_t) timeMax)-0.5); // Loop over all planes for (Int_t iPla = 0; iPla < kNpla; iPla++) { Int_t iDet = geo->GetDetector(iPla,iCha,iSec); Int_t rowMax = geo->GetRowMax(iPla,iCha,iSec); Int_t colMax = geo->GetColMax(iPla); if (iPla == 0) { matrix = new AliTRDmatrix(rowMax,colMax,timeMax,iSec,iCha,iPla); } // Loop through the detector pixel for (Int_t time = 0; time < timeMax; time++) { for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) { for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) { AliTRDdigit *digit = digitsManager->GetDigit(row,col,time,iDet); Int_t amp = digit->GetAmp(); Int_t track0 = digitsManager->GetTrack(0,row,col,time,iDet); Int_t track1 = digitsManager->GetTrack(1,row,col,time,iDet); TParticle *particle = 0; if (track0 > -1) { particle = gAlice->Particle(track0); } if (amp > 0) { countDigits++; if (iPla == 0) { matrix->SetSignal(row,col,time,amp); } } // Total spectrum hAmpAll->Fill(amp); // Noise spectrum if (track0 < 0) { hAmpNoise->Fill(amp); } // Electron digit if ((particle) && (particle->GetPdgCode() == 11) && (track1 < 0)) { hAmpEl->Fill(amp); hAmpTimeEl->Fill(time,amp); } // Pion digit if ((particle) && (particle->GetPdgCode() == -211) && (track1 < 0)) { hAmpPi->Fill(amp); hAmpTimePi->Fill(time,amp); } delete digit; } } } } cout << " Found " << countDigits << " digits in total" << endl; // Display the detector matrix matrix->Draw(); matrix->ProjRow(); matrix->ProjCol(); matrix->ProjTime(); TCanvas *cDigits = new TCanvas("cDigits","AliTRDanalyzeDigits",50,50,600,800); cDigits->Divide(2,3); cDigits->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); hAmpAll->SetXTitle("Amplitude (ADC-channels)"); hAmpAll->SetYTitle("Entries"); hAmpAll->Draw(); cDigits->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); hAmpNoise->SetXTitle("Amplitude (ADC-channels)"); hAmpNoise->SetYTitle("Entries"); hAmpNoise->Draw(); cDigits->cd(3); gPad->SetLogy(); hAmpEl->SetXTitle("Amplitude (ADC-channels)"); hAmpEl->SetYTitle("Entries"); hAmpEl->Draw(); cDigits->cd(4); gPad->SetLogy(); hAmpPi->SetXTitle("Amplitude (ADC-channels)"); hAmpPi->SetYTitle("Entries"); hAmpPi->Draw(); cDigits->cd(5); hAmpTimeEl->SetXTitle("Timebin number"); hAmpTimeEl->SetYTitle("Mean amplitude"); hAmpTimeEl->Draw("HIST"); cDigits->cd(6); hAmpTimePi->SetXTitle("Timebin number"); hAmpTimePi->SetYTitle("Mean amplitude"); hAmpTimePi->Draw("HIST"); TFile *fileOut = new TFile("digits_test.root","RECREATE"); hAmpAll->Write(); hAmpNoise->Write(); hAmpEl->Write(); hAmpPi->Write(); hAmpTimeEl->Write(); hAmpTimePi->Write(); fileOut->Close(); return rc; }