/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Creates and handles digits from TRD hits // // // // Authors: C. Blume (blume@ikf.uni-frankfurt.de) // // C. Lippmann // // B. Vulpescu // // // // The following effects are included: // // - Diffusion // // - ExB effects // // - Gas gain including fluctuations // // - Pad-response (simple Gaussian approximation) // // - Time-response // // - Electronics noise // // - Electronics gain // // - Digitization // // - Zero suppression // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliConfig.h" #include "AliDigitizationInput.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTRD.h" #include "AliTRDhit.h" #include "AliTRDdigitizer.h" #include "AliTRDarrayDictionary.h" #include "AliTRDarrayADC.h" #include "AliTRDarraySignal.h" #include "AliTRDdigitsManager.h" #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" #include "AliTRDpadPlane.h" #include "AliTRDcalibDB.h" #include "AliTRDSimParam.h" #include "AliTRDCommonParam.h" #include "AliTRDfeeParam.h" #include "AliTRDmcmSim.h" #include "AliTRDdigitsParam.h" #include "Cal/AliTRDCalROC.h" #include "Cal/AliTRDCalDet.h" #include "Cal/AliTRDCalOnlineGainTableROC.h" ClassImp(AliTRDdigitizer) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDdigitizer::AliTRDdigitizer() :AliDigitizer() ,fRunLoader(0) ,fDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManagerList(0) ,fTRD(0) ,fGeo(0) ,fMcmSim(new AliTRDmcmSim) ,fEvent(0) ,fMasks(0) ,fCompress(kTRUE) ,fSDigits(kFALSE) ,fMergeSignalOnly(kFALSE) { // // AliTRDdigitizer default constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDdigitizer::AliTRDdigitizer(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title) :AliDigitizer(name,title) ,fRunLoader(0) ,fDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManagerList(0) ,fTRD(0) ,fGeo(0) ,fMcmSim(new AliTRDmcmSim) ,fEvent(0) ,fMasks(0) ,fCompress(kTRUE) ,fSDigits(kFALSE) ,fMergeSignalOnly(kFALSE) { // // AliTRDdigitizer constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDdigitizer::AliTRDdigitizer(AliDigitizationInput* digInput , const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title) :AliDigitizer(digInput,name,title) ,fRunLoader(0) ,fDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManagerList(0) ,fTRD(0) ,fGeo(0) ,fMcmSim(new AliTRDmcmSim) ,fEvent(0) ,fMasks(0) ,fCompress(kTRUE) ,fSDigits(kFALSE) ,fMergeSignalOnly(kFALSE) { // // AliTRDdigitizer constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDdigitizer::AliTRDdigitizer(AliDigitizationInput* digInput) :AliDigitizer(digInput,"AliTRDdigitizer","TRD digitizer") ,fRunLoader(0) ,fDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManagerList(0) ,fTRD(0) ,fGeo(0) ,fMcmSim(new AliTRDmcmSim) ,fEvent(0) ,fMasks(0) ,fCompress(kTRUE) ,fSDigits(kFALSE) ,fMergeSignalOnly(kFALSE) { // // AliTRDdigitizer constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDdigitizer::AliTRDdigitizer(const AliTRDdigitizer &d) :AliDigitizer(d) ,fRunLoader(0) ,fDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManager(0) ,fSDigitsManagerList(0) ,fTRD(0) ,fGeo(0) ,fMcmSim(new AliTRDmcmSim) ,fEvent(0) ,fMasks(0) ,fCompress(d.fCompress) ,fSDigits(d.fSDigits) ,fMergeSignalOnly(d.fMergeSignalOnly) { // // AliTRDdigitizer copy constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDdigitizer::~AliTRDdigitizer() { // // AliTRDdigitizer destructor // delete fDigitsManager; fDigitsManager = 0; // s-digitsmanager will be deleted via list fSDigitsManager = 0; if (fSDigitsManagerList) { fSDigitsManagerList->Delete(); delete fSDigitsManagerList; } fSDigitsManagerList = 0; delete [] fMasks; fMasks = 0; delete fMcmSim; fMcmSim = 0; delete fGeo; fGeo = 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDdigitizer &AliTRDdigitizer::operator=(const AliTRDdigitizer &d) { // // Assignment operator // if (this != &d) { ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).Copy(*this); } return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDdigitizer::Copy(TObject &d) const { // // Copy function // ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fRunLoader = 0; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fDigitsManager = 0; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fSDigitsManager = 0; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fSDigitsManagerList = 0; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fTRD = 0; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fGeo = 0; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fEvent = 0; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fMasks = 0; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fCompress = fCompress; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fSDigits = fSDigits; ((AliTRDdigitizer &) d).fMergeSignalOnly = fMergeSignalOnly; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDdigitizer::Digitize(const Option_t* option) { // // Executes the merging // Int_t iInput; AliTRDdigitsManager *sdigitsManager; TString optionString = option; if (optionString.Contains("deb")) { AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTRDdigitizer",1); AliInfo("Called with debug option"); } // The AliRoot file is already connected by the manager AliRunLoader *inrl = 0x0; if (gAlice) { AliDebug(1,"AliRun object found on file."); } else { inrl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fDigInput->GetInputFolderName(0)); inrl->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = inrl->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { AliError("Could not find AliRun object."); return; } } Int_t nInput = fDigInput->GetNinputs(); fMasks = new Int_t[nInput]; for (iInput = 0; iInput < nInput; iInput++) { fMasks[iInput] = fDigInput->GetMask(iInput); } // // Initialization // AliRunLoader *orl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fDigInput->GetOutputFolderName()); if (InitDetector()) { AliLoader *ogime = orl->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); TTree *tree = 0; if (fSDigits) { // If we produce SDigits tree = ogime->TreeS(); if (!tree) { ogime->MakeTree("S"); tree = ogime->TreeS(); } } else { // If we produce Digits tree = ogime->TreeD(); if (!tree) { ogime->MakeTree("D"); tree = ogime->TreeD(); } } MakeBranch(tree); } for (iInput = 0; iInput < nInput; iInput++) { AliDebug(1,Form("Add input stream %d",iInput)); // Check if the input tree exists inrl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fDigInput->GetInputFolderName(iInput)); AliLoader *gime = inrl->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); TTree *treees = gime->TreeS(); if (treees == 0x0) { if (gime->LoadSDigits()) { AliError(Form("Error Occured while loading S. Digits for input %d.",iInput)); return; } treees = gime->TreeS(); } if (treees == 0x0) { AliError(Form("Input stream %d does not exist",iInput)); return; } // Read the s-digits via digits manager sdigitsManager = new AliTRDdigitsManager(); sdigitsManager->SetSDigits(kTRUE); AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fDigInput->GetInputFolderName(iInput)); AliLoader *gimme = rl->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (!gimme->TreeS()) { gimme->LoadSDigits(); } sdigitsManager->ReadDigits(gimme->TreeS()); // Add the s-digits to the input list AddSDigitsManager(sdigitsManager); } // Convert the s-digits to normal digits AliDebug(1,"Do the conversion"); SDigits2Digits(); // Store the digits AliDebug(1,"Write the digits"); fDigitsManager->WriteDigits(); // Write parameters orl->CdGAFile(); // Clean up DeleteSDigitsManager(); AliDebug(1,"Done"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::Open(const Char_t *file, Int_t nEvent) { // // Opens a ROOT-file with TRD-hits and reads in the hit-tree // // Connect the AliRoot file containing Geometry, Kine, and Hits // TString evfoldname = AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(); fRunLoader = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(evfoldname); if (!fRunLoader) { fRunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(file,evfoldname,"UPDATE"); } if (!fRunLoader) { AliError(Form("Can not open session for file %s.",file)); return kFALSE; } if (!fRunLoader->GetAliRun()) { fRunLoader->LoadgAlice(); } gAlice = fRunLoader->GetAliRun(); if (gAlice) { AliDebug(1,"AliRun object found on file."); } else { AliError("Could not find AliRun object."); return kFALSE; } fEvent = nEvent; AliLoader *loader = fRunLoader->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (!loader) { AliError("Can not get TRD loader from Run Loader"); return kFALSE; } if (InitDetector()) { TTree *tree = 0; if (fSDigits) { // If we produce SDigits tree = loader->TreeS(); if (!tree) { loader->MakeTree("S"); tree = loader->TreeS(); } } else { // If we produce Digits tree = loader->TreeD(); if (!tree) { loader->MakeTree("D"); tree = loader->TreeD(); } } return MakeBranch(tree); } else { return kFALSE; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::Open(AliRunLoader * const runLoader, Int_t nEvent) { // // Opens a ROOT-file with TRD-hits and reads in the hit-tree // // Connect the AliRoot file containing Geometry, Kine, and Hits // fRunLoader = runLoader; if (!fRunLoader) { AliError("RunLoader does not exist"); return kFALSE; } if (!fRunLoader->GetAliRun()) { fRunLoader->LoadgAlice(); } gAlice = fRunLoader->GetAliRun(); if (gAlice) { AliDebug(1,"AliRun object found on file."); } else { AliError("Could not find AliRun object."); return kFALSE; } fEvent = nEvent; AliLoader *loader = fRunLoader->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (!loader) { AliError("Can not get TRD loader from Run Loader"); return kFALSE; } if (InitDetector()) { TTree *tree = 0; if (fSDigits) { // If we produce SDigits tree = loader->TreeS(); if (!tree) { loader->MakeTree("S"); tree = loader->TreeS(); } } else { // If we produce Digits tree = loader->TreeD(); if (!tree) { loader->MakeTree("D"); tree = loader->TreeD(); } } return MakeBranch(tree); } else { return kFALSE; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::InitDetector() { // // Sets the pointer to the TRD detector and the geometry // // Get the pointer to the detector class and check for version 1 fTRD = (AliTRD *) gAlice->GetDetector("TRD"); if (!fTRD) { AliFatal("No TRD module found"); exit(1); } if (fTRD->IsVersion() != 1) { AliFatal("TRD must be version 1 (slow simulator)"); exit(1); } // Get the geometry fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry(); // Create a digits manager if (fDigitsManager) { delete fDigitsManager; } fDigitsManager = new AliTRDdigitsManager(); fDigitsManager->SetSDigits(fSDigits); fDigitsManager->CreateArrays(); fDigitsManager->SetEvent(fEvent); // The list for the input s-digits manager to be merged if (fSDigitsManagerList) { fSDigitsManagerList->Delete(); } else { fSDigitsManagerList = new TList(); } return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::MakeBranch(TTree *tree) const { // // Create the branches for the digits array // return fDigitsManager->MakeBranch(tree); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDdigitizer::AddSDigitsManager(AliTRDdigitsManager *man) { // // Add a digits manager for s-digits to the input list. // fSDigitsManagerList->Add(man); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDdigitizer::DeleteSDigitsManager() { // // Removes digits manager from the input list. // fSDigitsManagerList->Delete(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::MakeDigits() { // // Creates digits. // AliDebug(1,"Start creating digits"); if (!fGeo) { AliError("No geometry defined"); return kFALSE; } AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!calibration) { AliFatal("Could not get calibration object"); return kFALSE; } const Int_t kNdet = AliTRDgeometry::Ndet(); Float_t **hits = new Float_t*[kNdet]; Int_t *nhit = new Int_t[kNdet]; memset(nhit,0,kNdet*sizeof(Int_t)); AliTRDarraySignal *signals = 0x0; // Check the number of time bins from simParam against OCDB, // if OCDB value is not supposed to be used. // As default, the value from OCDB is taken if (AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetNTBoverwriteOCDB()) { if (calibration->GetNumberOfTimeBinsDCS() != AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetNTimeBins()) { AliWarning(Form("Number of time bins is different to OCDB value [SIM=%d, OCDB=%d]" ,AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetNTimeBins() ,calibration->GetNumberOfTimeBinsDCS())); } // Save the values for the raw data headers fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->SetNTimeBinsAll(AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetNTimeBins()); } else { // Get the OCDB values Int_t NTB=calibration->GetNumberOfTimeBinsDCS(); if (NTB < 0) { // Currently -1 gets returned for "undefined" and "mixed", // one might go back to -1 undefined and -2 mixed? AliError("No useful DCS information available for this run! Using standard values."); // We fall back to the standard OCDB object, // cache the current run number.. Long64_t run = calibration->GetRun(); calibration->SetRun(0); NTB=calibration->GetNumberOfTimeBinsDCS(); // ..to set it again calibration->SetRun(run); // If there's no standard OCDB object, we can still fail if(NTB < 0){ AliFatal("No standard object found in the OCDB!"); } } // Save the values for the raw data headers fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->SetNTimeBinsAll(NTB); } // Save the values for the raw data headers fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->SetADCbaselineAll(AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetADCbaseline()); // Sort all hits according to detector number if (!SortHits(hits,nhit)) { AliError("Sorting hits failed"); delete [] hits; delete [] nhit; return kFALSE; } // Loop through all detectors for (Int_t det = 0; det < kNdet; det++) { // Detectors that are switched off, not installed, etc. if ((!calibration->IsChamberNoData(det)) && ( fGeo->ChamberInGeometry(det)) && (nhit[det] > 0)) { signals = new AliTRDarraySignal(); // Convert the hits of the current detector to detector signals if (!ConvertHits(det,hits[det],nhit[det],signals)) { AliError(Form("Conversion of hits failed for detector=%d",det)); delete [] hits; delete [] nhit; delete signals; signals = 0x0; return kFALSE; } // Convert the detector signals to digits or s-digits if (!ConvertSignals(det,signals)) { AliError(Form("Conversion of signals failed for detector=%d",det)); delete [] hits; delete [] nhit; delete signals; signals = 0x0; return kFALSE; } // Delete the signals array delete signals; signals = 0x0; } // if: detector status delete [] hits[det]; } // for: detector if (!fSDigits) { if (AliDataLoader *trklLoader = AliRunLoader::Instance()->GetLoader("TRDLoader")->GetDataLoader("tracklets")) { if (trklLoader->Tree()) trklLoader->WriteData("OVERWRITE"); } } delete [] hits; delete [] nhit; return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::SortHits(Float_t **hits, Int_t *nhit) { // // Read all the hits and sorts them according to detector number // in the output array . // AliDebug(1,"Start sorting hits"); const Int_t kNdet = AliTRDgeometry::Ndet(); // Size of the hit vector const Int_t kNhit = 6; Float_t *xyz = 0; Int_t nhitTrk = 0; Int_t *lhit = new Int_t[kNdet]; memset(lhit,0,kNdet*sizeof(Int_t)); for (Int_t det = 0; det < kNdet; det++) { hits[det] = 0x0; } AliLoader *gimme = fRunLoader->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (!gimme->TreeH()) { gimme->LoadHits(); } TTree *hitTree = gimme->TreeH(); if (hitTree == 0x0) { AliError("Can not get TreeH"); delete [] lhit; return kFALSE; } fTRD->SetTreeAddress(); // Get the number of entries in the hit tree // (Number of primary particles creating a hit somewhere) Int_t nTrk = (Int_t) hitTree->GetEntries(); AliDebug(1,Form("Found %d tracks",nTrk)); // Loop through all the tracks in the tree for (Int_t iTrk = 0; iTrk < nTrk; iTrk++) { gAlice->GetMCApp()->ResetHits(); hitTree->GetEvent(iTrk); if (!fTRD->Hits()) { AliError(Form("No hits array for track = %d",iTrk)); continue; } // Number of hits for this track nhitTrk = fTRD->Hits()->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t hitCnt = 0; // Loop through the TRD hits AliTRDhit *hit = (AliTRDhit *) fTRD->FirstHit(-1); while (hit) { hitCnt++; // Don't analyze test hits if (((Int_t) hit->GetCharge()) != 0) { Int_t trk = hit->Track(); Int_t det = hit->GetDetector(); Int_t q = hit->GetCharge(); Float_t x = hit->X(); Float_t y = hit->Y(); Float_t z = hit->Z(); Float_t time = hit->GetTime(); if (nhit[det] == lhit[det]) { // Inititialization of new detector xyz = new Float_t[kNhit*(nhitTrk+lhit[det])]; if (hits[det]) { memcpy(xyz,hits[det],sizeof(Float_t)*kNhit*lhit[det]); delete [] hits[det]; } lhit[det] += nhitTrk; hits[det] = xyz; } else { xyz = hits[det]; } xyz[nhit[det]*kNhit+0] = x; xyz[nhit[det]*kNhit+1] = y; xyz[nhit[det]*kNhit+2] = z; xyz[nhit[det]*kNhit+3] = q; xyz[nhit[det]*kNhit+4] = trk; xyz[nhit[det]*kNhit+5] = time; nhit[det]++; } // if: charge != 0 hit = (AliTRDhit *) fTRD->NextHit(); } // for: hits of one track } // for: tracks delete [] lhit; return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::ConvertHits(Int_t det , const Float_t * const hits , Int_t nhit , AliTRDarraySignal *signals) { // // Converts the detectorwise sorted hits to detector signals // AliDebug(1,Form("Start converting hits for detector=%d (nhits=%d)",det,nhit)); // Number of pads included in the pad response const Int_t kNpad = 3; // Number of track dictionary arrays const Int_t kNdict = AliTRDdigitsManager::kNDict; // Size of the hit vector const Int_t kNhit = 6; // Width of the amplification region const Float_t kAmWidth = AliTRDgeometry::AmThick(); // Width of the drift region const Float_t kDrWidth = AliTRDgeometry::DrThick(); // Drift + amplification region const Float_t kDrMin = - 0.5 * kAmWidth; const Float_t kDrMax = kDrWidth + 0.5 * kAmWidth; Int_t iPad = 0; Int_t dict = 0; Int_t timeBinTRFend = 1; Double_t pos[3]; Double_t loc[3]; Double_t padSignal[kNpad]; Double_t signalOld[kNpad]; AliTRDarrayDictionary *dictionary[kNdict]; AliTRDSimParam *simParam = AliTRDSimParam::Instance(); AliTRDCommonParam *commonParam = AliTRDCommonParam::Instance(); AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!commonParam) { AliFatal("Could not get common parameterss"); return kFALSE; } if (!simParam) { AliFatal("Could not get simulation parameters"); return kFALSE; } if (!calibration) { AliFatal("Could not get calibration object"); return kFALSE; } // Get the detector wise calibration objects AliTRDCalROC *calVdriftROC = 0; Float_t calVdriftDetValue = 0.0; const AliTRDCalDet *calVdriftDet = calibration->GetVdriftDet(); AliTRDCalROC *calT0ROC = 0; Float_t calT0DetValue = 0.0; const AliTRDCalDet *calT0Det = calibration->GetT0Det(); Double_t calExBDetValue = 0.0; const AliTRDCalDet *calExBDet = calibration->GetExBDet(); if (simParam->TRFOn()) { timeBinTRFend = ((Int_t) (simParam->GetTRFhi() * commonParam->GetSamplingFrequency())) - 1; } Int_t nTimeTotal = fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(det); Float_t samplingRate = commonParam->GetSamplingFrequency(); Float_t elAttachProp = simParam->GetElAttachProp() / 100.0; AliTRDpadPlane *padPlane = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det); Int_t layer = fGeo->GetLayer(det); //update Float_t row0 = padPlane->GetRow0ROC(); Int_t nRowMax = padPlane->GetNrows(); Int_t nColMax = padPlane->GetNcols(); // Create a new array for the signals signals->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); // Create a new array for the dictionary for (dict = 0; dict < kNdict; dict++) { dictionary[dict] = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) fDigitsManager->GetDictionary(det,dict); dictionary[dict]->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); } // Loop through the hits in this detector for (Int_t hit = 0; hit < nhit; hit++) { pos[0] = hits[hit*kNhit+0]; pos[1] = hits[hit*kNhit+1]; pos[2] = hits[hit*kNhit+2]; Float_t q = hits[hit*kNhit+3]; Float_t hittime = hits[hit*kNhit+5]; Int_t track = ((Int_t) hits[hit*kNhit+4]); Int_t inDrift = 1; // Find the current volume with the geo manager gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint(pos); gGeoManager->FindNode(); if (strstr(gGeoManager->GetPath(),"/UK")) { inDrift = 0; } // Get the calibration objects calVdriftROC = calibration->GetVdriftROC(det); calVdriftDetValue = calVdriftDet->GetValue(det); calT0ROC = calibration->GetT0ROC(det); calT0DetValue = calT0Det->GetValue(det); calExBDetValue = calExBDet->GetValue(det); // Go to the local coordinate system: // loc[0] - col direction in amplification or driftvolume // loc[1] - row direction in amplification or driftvolume // loc[2] - time direction in amplification or driftvolume gGeoManager->MasterToLocal(pos,loc); if (inDrift) { // Relative to middle of amplification region loc[2] = loc[2] - kDrWidth/2.0 - kAmWidth/2.0; } // The driftlength [cm] (w/o diffusion yet !). // It is negative if the hit is between pad plane and anode wires. Double_t driftlength = -1.0 * loc[2]; // Stupid patch to take care of TR photons that are absorbed // outside the chamber volume. A real fix would actually need // a more clever implementation of the TR hit generation if (q < 0.0) { if ((loc[1] < padPlane->GetRowEndROC()) || (loc[1] > padPlane->GetRow0ROC())) { continue; } if ((driftlength < kDrMin) || (driftlength > kDrMax)) { continue; } } // Get row and col of unsmeared electron to retrieve drift velocity // The pad row (z-direction) Int_t rowE = padPlane->GetPadRowNumberROC(loc[1]); if (rowE < 0) { continue; } Double_t rowOffset = padPlane->GetPadRowOffsetROC(rowE,loc[1]); // The pad column (rphi-direction) Double_t offsetTilt = padPlane->GetTiltOffset(rowOffset); Int_t colE = padPlane->GetPadColNumber(loc[0]+offsetTilt); if (colE < 0) { continue; } Double_t colOffset = 0.0; // Normalized drift length Float_t driftvelocity = calVdriftDetValue * calVdriftROC->GetValue(colE,rowE); Double_t absdriftlength = TMath::Abs(driftlength); if (commonParam->ExBOn()) { absdriftlength /= TMath::Sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 + calExBDetValue*calExBDetValue)); } // Loop over all electrons of this hit // TR photons produce hits with negative charge Int_t nEl = ((Int_t) TMath::Abs(q)); for (Int_t iEl = 0; iEl < nEl; iEl++) { // Now the real local coordinate system of the ROC // column direction: locC // row direction: locR // time direction: locT // locR and locC are identical to the coordinates of the corresponding // volumina of the drift or amplification region. // locT is defined relative to the wire plane (i.e. middle of amplification // region), meaning locT = 0, and is negative for hits coming from the // drift region. Double_t locC = loc[0]; Double_t locR = loc[1]; Double_t locT = loc[2]; // Electron attachment if (simParam->ElAttachOn()) { if (gRandom->Rndm() < (absdriftlength * elAttachProp)) { continue; } } // Apply the diffusion smearing if (simParam->DiffusionOn()) { if (!(Diffusion(driftvelocity,absdriftlength,calExBDetValue,locR,locC,locT))) { continue; } } // Apply E x B effects (depends on drift direction) if (commonParam->ExBOn()) { locC = locC + calExBDetValue * driftlength; } // The electron position after diffusion and ExB in pad coordinates. // The pad row (z-direction) rowE = padPlane->GetPadRowNumberROC(locR); if (rowE < 0) continue; rowOffset = padPlane->GetPadRowOffsetROC(rowE,locR); // The pad column (rphi-direction) offsetTilt = padPlane->GetTiltOffset(rowOffset); colE = padPlane->GetPadColNumber(locC+offsetTilt); if (colE < 0) continue; colOffset = padPlane->GetPadColOffset(colE,locC+offsetTilt); // Also re-retrieve drift velocity because col and row may have changed driftvelocity = calVdriftDetValue * calVdriftROC->GetValue(colE,rowE); Float_t t0 = calT0DetValue + calT0ROC->GetValue(colE,rowE); // Convert the position to drift time [mus], using either constant drift velocity or // time structure of drift cells (non-isochronity, GARFIELD calculation). // Also add absolute time of hits to take pile-up events into account properly Double_t drifttime; if (simParam->TimeStructOn()) { // Get z-position with respect to anode wire Double_t zz = row0 - locR + padPlane->GetAnodeWireOffset(); zz -= ((Int_t)(2 * zz)) / 2.0; if (zz > 0.25) { zz = 0.5 - zz; } // Use drift time map (GARFIELD) drifttime = commonParam->TimeStruct(driftvelocity,0.5*kAmWidth-1.0*locT,zz) + hittime; } else { // Use constant drift velocity drifttime = TMath::Abs(locT) / driftvelocity + hittime; } // Apply the gas gain including fluctuations Double_t ggRndm = 0.0; do { ggRndm = gRandom->Rndm(); } while (ggRndm <= 0); Double_t signal = -(simParam->GetGasGain()) * TMath::Log(ggRndm); // Apply the pad response if (simParam->PRFOn()) { // The distance of the electron to the center of the pad // in units of pad width Double_t dist = (colOffset - 0.5*padPlane->GetColSize(colE)) / padPlane->GetColSize(colE); // This is a fixed parametrization, i.e. not dependent on // calibration values ! if (!(calibration->PadResponse(signal,dist,layer,padSignal))) continue; } else { padSignal[0] = 0.0; padSignal[1] = signal; padSignal[2] = 0.0; } // The time bin (always positive), with t0 distortion Double_t timeBinIdeal = drifttime * samplingRate + t0; // Protection if (TMath::Abs(timeBinIdeal) > 2*nTimeTotal) { timeBinIdeal = 2 * nTimeTotal; } Int_t timeBinTruncated = ((Int_t) timeBinIdeal); // The distance of the position to the middle of the timebin Double_t timeOffset = ((Float_t) timeBinTruncated + 0.5 - timeBinIdeal) / samplingRate; // Sample the time response inside the drift region // + additional time bins before and after. // The sampling is done always in the middle of the time bin for (Int_t iTimeBin = TMath::Max(timeBinTruncated,0) ;iTimeBin < TMath::Min(timeBinTruncated+timeBinTRFend,nTimeTotal) ;iTimeBin++) { // Apply the time response Double_t timeResponse = 1.0; Double_t crossTalk = 0.0; Double_t time = (iTimeBin - timeBinTruncated) / samplingRate + timeOffset; if (simParam->TRFOn()) { timeResponse = simParam->TimeResponse(time); } if (simParam->CTOn()) { crossTalk = simParam->CrossTalk(time); } signalOld[0] = 0.0; signalOld[1] = 0.0; signalOld[2] = 0.0; for (iPad = 0; iPad < kNpad; iPad++) { Int_t colPos = colE + iPad - 1; if (colPos < 0) continue; if (colPos >= nColMax) break; // Add the signals signalOld[iPad] = signals->GetData(rowE,colPos,iTimeBin); if (colPos != colE) { // Cross talk added to non-central pads signalOld[iPad] += padSignal[iPad] * (timeResponse + crossTalk); } else { // W/o cross talk at central pad signalOld[iPad] += padSignal[iPad] * timeResponse; } signals->SetData(rowE,colPos,iTimeBin,signalOld[iPad]); // Store the track index in the dictionary // Note: We store index+1 in order to allow the array to be compressed // Note2: Taking out the +1 in track if (signalOld[iPad] > 0.0) { for (dict = 0; dict < kNdict; dict++) { Int_t oldTrack = dictionary[dict]->GetData(rowE,colPos,iTimeBin); if (oldTrack == track) break; if (oldTrack == -1 ) { dictionary[dict]->SetData(rowE,colPos,iTimeBin,track); break; } } } } // Loop: pads } // Loop: time bins } // Loop: electrons of a single hit } // Loop: hits AliDebug(2,Form("Finished analyzing %d hits",nhit)); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::ConvertSignals(Int_t det, AliTRDarraySignal *signals) { // // Convert signals to digits // AliDebug(1,Form("Start converting the signals for detector %d",det)); if (fSDigits) { // Convert the signal array to s-digits if (!Signal2SDigits(det,signals)) { return kFALSE; } } else { // Convert the signal array to digits if (!Signal2ADC(det,signals)) { return kFALSE; } // Run digital processing for digits RunDigitalProcessing(det); } // Compress the arrays CompressOutputArrays(det); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::Signal2ADC(Int_t det, AliTRDarraySignal *signals) { // // Converts the sampled electron signals to ADC values for a given chamber // AliDebug(1,Form("Start converting signals to ADC values for detector=%d",det)); AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!calibration) { AliFatal("Could not get calibration object"); return kFALSE; } AliTRDSimParam *simParam = AliTRDSimParam::Instance(); if (!simParam) { AliFatal("Could not get simulation parameters"); return kFALSE; } // Converts number of electrons to fC const Double_t kEl2fC = 1.602e-19 * 1.0e15; // Coupling factor Double_t coupling = simParam->GetPadCoupling() * simParam->GetTimeCoupling(); // Electronics conversion factor Double_t convert = kEl2fC * simParam->GetChipGain(); // ADC conversion factor Double_t adcConvert = simParam->GetADCoutRange() / simParam->GetADCinRange(); // The electronics baseline in mV Double_t baseline = simParam->GetADCbaseline() / adcConvert; // The electronics baseline in electrons Double_t baselineEl = baseline / convert; Int_t row = 0; Int_t col = 0; Int_t time = 0; Int_t nRowMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det)->GetNrows(); Int_t nColMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det)->GetNcols(); Int_t nTimeTotal = fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(det); if (fSDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(det)) { nTimeTotal = fSDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(det); } else { AliFatal("Could not get number of time bins"); return kFALSE; } // The gain factor calibration objects const AliTRDCalDet *calGainFactorDet = calibration->GetGainFactorDet(); AliTRDCalROC *calGainFactorROC = 0x0; Float_t calGainFactorDetValue = 0.0; AliTRDarrayADC *digits = 0x0; if (!signals) { AliError(Form("Signals array for detector %d does not exist\n",det)); return kFALSE; } if (signals->HasData()) { // Expand the container if neccessary signals->Expand(); } else { // Create missing containers signals->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); } // Get the container for the digits of this detector if (fDigitsManager->HasSDigits()) { AliError("Digits manager has s-digits"); return kFALSE; } digits = (AliTRDarrayADC *) fDigitsManager->GetDigits(det); // Allocate memory space for the digits buffer if (!digits->HasData()) { digits->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); } // Get the calibration objects calGainFactorROC = calibration->GetGainFactorROC(det); calGainFactorDetValue = calGainFactorDet->GetValue(det); // Create the digits for this chamber for (row = 0; row < nRowMax; row++ ) { for (col = 0; col < nColMax; col++ ) { // Check whether pad is masked // Bridged pads are not considered yet!!! if (calibration->IsPadMasked(det,col,row) || calibration->IsPadNotConnected(det,col,row)) { continue; } // The gain factors Float_t padgain = calGainFactorDetValue * calGainFactorROC->GetValue(col,row); if (padgain <= 0) { AliError(Form("Not a valid gain %f, %d %d %d",padgain,det,col,row)); } for (time = 0; time < nTimeTotal; time++) { // Get the signal amplitude Float_t signalAmp = signals->GetData(row,col,time); // Pad and time coupling signalAmp *= coupling; // Gain factors signalAmp *= padgain; // Add the noise, starting from minus ADC baseline in electrons signalAmp = TMath::Max((Double_t) gRandom->Gaus(signalAmp,simParam->GetNoise()) ,-baselineEl); // Convert to mV signalAmp *= convert; // Add ADC baseline in mV signalAmp += baseline; // Convert to ADC counts. Set the overflow-bit fADCoutRange if the // signal is larger than fADCinRange Short_t adc = 0; if (signalAmp >= simParam->GetADCinRange()) { adc = ((Short_t) simParam->GetADCoutRange()); } else { adc = TMath::Nint(signalAmp * adcConvert); } // Saving all digits digits->SetData(row,col,time,adc); } // for: time } // for: col } // for: row return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::Signal2SDigits(Int_t det, AliTRDarraySignal *signals) { // // Converts the sampled electron signals to s-digits // AliDebug(1,Form("Start converting signals to s-digits for detector=%d",det)); AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!calibration) { AliFatal("Could not get calibration object"); return kFALSE; } Int_t row = 0; Int_t col = 0; Int_t time = 0; Int_t nRowMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det)->GetNrows(); Int_t nColMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det)->GetNcols(); Int_t nTimeTotal = fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(det); // Get the container for the digits of this detector if (!fDigitsManager->HasSDigits()) { AliError("Digits manager has no s-digits"); return kFALSE; } AliTRDarraySignal *digits = (AliTRDarraySignal *) fDigitsManager->GetSDigits(det); // Allocate memory space for the digits buffer if (!digits->HasData()) { digits->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); } // Create the sdigits for this chamber for (row = 0; row < nRowMax; row++ ) { for (col = 0; col < nColMax; col++ ) { for (time = 0; time < nTimeTotal; time++) { digits->SetData(row,col,time,signals->GetData(row,col,time)); } // for: time } // for: col } // for: row return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::Digits2SDigits(AliTRDdigitsManager * const manDig , AliTRDdigitsManager * const manSDig) { // // Converts digits into s-digits. Needed for embedding into real data. // AliDebug(1,"Start converting digits to s-digits"); if (!fGeo) { fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry(); } AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!calibration) { AliFatal("Could not get calibration object"); return kFALSE; } AliTRDSimParam *simParam = AliTRDSimParam::Instance(); if (!simParam) { AliFatal("Could not get simulation parameters"); return kFALSE; } // Converts number of electrons to fC const Double_t kEl2fC = 1.602e-19 * 1.0e15; // Coupling factor Double_t coupling = simParam->GetPadCoupling() * simParam->GetTimeCoupling(); // Electronics conversion factor Double_t convert = kEl2fC * simParam->GetChipGain(); // ADC conversion factor Double_t adcConvert = simParam->GetADCoutRange() / simParam->GetADCinRange(); // The electronics baseline in mV Double_t baseline = simParam->GetADCbaseline() / adcConvert; // The electronics baseline in electrons //Double_t baselineEl = baseline // / convert; // The gainfactor calibration objects // Not used since these digits are supposed to be from real raw data //const AliTRDCalDet *calGainFactorDet = calibration->GetGainFactorDet(); //AliTRDCalROC *calGainFactorROC = 0; //Float_t calGainFactorDetValue = 0.0; Int_t row = 0; Int_t col = 0; Int_t time = 0; for (Int_t det = 0; det < AliTRDgeometry::Ndet(); det++) { Int_t nRowMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det)->GetNrows(); Int_t nColMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det)->GetNcols(); Int_t nTimeTotal = manDig->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(det); // Get the calibration objects //calGainFactorROC = calibration->GetGainFactorROC(det); //calGainFactorDetValue = calGainFactorDet->GetValue(det); // Get the digits AliTRDarrayADC *digits = (AliTRDarrayADC *) manDig->GetDigits(det); if (!manSDig->HasSDigits()) { AliError("SDigits manager has no s-digits"); return kFALSE; } // Get the s-digits AliTRDarraySignal *sdigits = (AliTRDarraySignal *) manSDig->GetSDigits(det); AliTRDarrayDictionary *tracks0 = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) manSDig->GetDictionary(det,0); AliTRDarrayDictionary *tracks1 = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) manSDig->GetDictionary(det,1); AliTRDarrayDictionary *tracks2 = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) manSDig->GetDictionary(det,2); // Allocate memory space for the digits buffer sdigits->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); tracks0->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); tracks1->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); tracks2->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); // Keep the digits param manSDig->GetDigitsParam()->SetNTimeBinsAll(manDig->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(0)); manSDig->GetDigitsParam()->SetADCbaselineAll(manDig->GetDigitsParam()->GetADCbaseline(0)); if (digits->HasData()) { digits->Expand(); // Create the sdigits for this chamber for (row = 0; row < nRowMax; row++ ) { for (col = 0; col < nColMax; col++ ) { // The gain factors //Float_t padgain = calGainFactorDetValue // * calGainFactorROC->GetValue(col,row); for (time = 0; time < nTimeTotal; time++) { Short_t adcVal = digits->GetData(row,col,time); Double_t signal = (Double_t) adcVal; // ADC -> signal in mV signal /= adcConvert; // Subtract baseline in mV signal -= baseline; // Signal in mV -> signal in #electrons signal /= convert; // Gain factor //signal /= padgain; // Not needed for real data // Pad and time coupling signal /= coupling; sdigits->SetData(row,col,time,signal); tracks0->SetData(row,col,time,0); tracks1->SetData(row,col,time,0); tracks2->SetData(row,col,time,0); } // for: time } // for: col } // for: row } // if: has data sdigits->Compress(0); tracks0->Compress(); tracks1->Compress(); tracks2->Compress(); // No compress just remove manDig->RemoveDigits(det); manDig->RemoveDictionaries(det); } // for: det return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::SDigits2Digits() { // // Merges the input s-digits and converts them to normal digits // if (!MergeSDigits()) { return kFALSE; } return ConvertSDigits(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::MergeSDigits() { // // Merges the input s-digits: // - The amplitude of the different inputs are summed up. // - Of the track IDs from the input dictionaries only one is // kept for each input. This works for maximal 3 different merged inputs. // // Number of track dictionary arrays const Int_t kNDict = AliTRDdigitsManager::kNDict; AliTRDSimParam *simParam = AliTRDSimParam::Instance(); if (!simParam) { AliFatal("Could not get simulation parameters"); return kFALSE; } AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!calibration) { AliFatal("Could not get calibration object"); return kFALSE; } Int_t iDict = 0; Int_t jDict = 0; AliTRDarraySignal *digitsA; AliTRDarraySignal *digitsB; AliTRDarrayDictionary *dictionaryA[kNDict]; AliTRDarrayDictionary *dictionaryB[kNDict]; AliTRDdigitsManager *mergeSDigitsManager = 0x0; // Get the first s-digits fSDigitsManager = (AliTRDdigitsManager *) fSDigitsManagerList->First(); if (!fSDigitsManager) { AliError("No SDigits manager"); return kFALSE; } // Loop through the other sets of s-digits mergeSDigitsManager = (AliTRDdigitsManager *) fSDigitsManagerList->After(fSDigitsManager); if (mergeSDigitsManager) { AliDebug(1,Form("Merge %d input files.",fSDigitsManagerList->GetSize())); } else { AliDebug(1,"Only one input file."); } Int_t iMerge = 0; while (mergeSDigitsManager) { iMerge++; // Loop through the detectors for (Int_t iDet = 0; iDet < AliTRDgeometry::Ndet(); iDet++) { Int_t nTimeTotal = fSDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(iDet); if (mergeSDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(iDet) != nTimeTotal) { AliError(Form("Mismatch in the number of time bins [%d,%d] in detector %d" ,nTimeTotal ,mergeSDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(iDet) ,iDet)); return kFALSE; } Int_t nRowMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(iDet)->GetNrows(); Int_t nColMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(iDet)->GetNcols(); // Loop through the pixels of one detector and add the signals digitsA = (AliTRDarraySignal *) fSDigitsManager->GetSDigits(iDet); digitsB = (AliTRDarraySignal *) mergeSDigitsManager->GetSDigits(iDet); digitsA->Expand(); if (!digitsA->HasData()) continue; digitsB->Expand(); if (!digitsB->HasData()) continue; for (iDict = 0; iDict < kNDict; iDict++) { dictionaryA[iDict] = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) fSDigitsManager->GetDictionary(iDet,iDict); dictionaryB[iDict] = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) mergeSDigitsManager->GetDictionary(iDet,iDict); dictionaryA[iDict]->Expand(); dictionaryB[iDict]->Expand(); } // Merge only detectors that contain a signal Bool_t doMerge = kTRUE; if (fMergeSignalOnly) { if (digitsA->GetOverThreshold(0) == 0) { doMerge = kFALSE; } } if (doMerge) { AliDebug(1,Form("Merge detector %d of input no.%d",iDet,iMerge+1)); for (Int_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRowMax; iRow++ ) { for (Int_t iCol = 0; iCol < nColMax; iCol++ ) { for (Int_t iTime = 0; iTime < nTimeTotal; iTime++) { // Add the amplitudes of the summable digits Float_t ampA = digitsA->GetData(iRow,iCol,iTime); Float_t ampB = digitsB->GetData(iRow,iCol,iTime); ampA += ampB; digitsA->SetData(iRow,iCol,iTime,ampA); // Add the mask to the track id if defined. for (iDict = 0; iDict < kNDict; iDict++) { Int_t trackB = dictionaryB[iDict]->GetData(iRow,iCol,iTime); if ((fMasks) && (trackB > 0)) { for (jDict = 0; jDict < kNDict; jDict++) { Int_t trackA = dictionaryA[iDict]->GetData(iRow,iCol,iTime); if (trackA == 0) { trackA = trackB + fMasks[iMerge]; dictionaryA[iDict]->SetData(iRow,iCol,iTime,trackA); } // if: track A == 0 } // for: jDict } // if: fMasks and trackB > 0 } // for: iDict } // for: iTime } // for: iCol } // for: iRow } // if: doMerge mergeSDigitsManager->RemoveDigits(iDet); mergeSDigitsManager->RemoveDictionaries(iDet); if (fCompress) { digitsA->Compress(0); for (iDict = 0; iDict < kNDict; iDict++) { dictionaryA[iDict]->Compress(); } } } // for: detectors // The next set of s-digits mergeSDigitsManager = (AliTRDdigitsManager *) fSDigitsManagerList->After(mergeSDigitsManager); } // while: mergeDigitsManagers return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::ConvertSDigits() { // // Converts s-digits to normal digits // AliTRDarraySignal *digitsIn = 0x0; if (!fSDigitsManager->HasSDigits()) { AliError("No s-digits in digits manager"); return kFALSE; } // Loop through the detectors for (Int_t det = 0; det < AliTRDgeometry::Ndet(); det++) { // Get the merged s-digits (signals) digitsIn = (AliTRDarraySignal *) fSDigitsManager->GetSDigits(det); if (!digitsIn->HasData()) { AliDebug(2,Form("No digits for det=%d",det)); continue; } // Convert the merged sdigits to digits if (!Signal2ADC(det,digitsIn)) { continue; } // Copy the dictionary information to the output array if (!CopyDictionary(det)) { continue; } // Delete fSDigitsManager->RemoveDigits(det); fSDigitsManager->RemoveDictionaries(det); // Run digital processing RunDigitalProcessing(det); // Compress the arrays CompressOutputArrays(det); } // for: detector numbers if (AliDataLoader *trklLoader = AliRunLoader::Instance()->GetLoader("TRDLoader")->GetDataLoader("tracklets")) { if (trklLoader->Tree()) trklLoader->WriteData("OVERWRITE"); } // Save the values for the raw data headers if (AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetNTBoverwriteOCDB()) { fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->SetNTimeBinsAll(AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetNTimeBins()); } else { fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->SetNTimeBinsAll(AliTRDcalibDB::Instance()->GetNumberOfTimeBinsDCS()); } fDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->SetADCbaselineAll(AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetADCbaseline()); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::CopyDictionary(Int_t det) { // // Copies the dictionary information from the s-digits arrays // to the output arrays // AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!calibration) { AliFatal("Could not get calibration object"); return kFALSE; } AliDebug(1,Form("Start copying dictionaries for detector=%d",det)); const Int_t kNDict = AliTRDdigitsManager::kNDict; AliTRDarrayDictionary *dictionaryIn[kNDict]; AliTRDarrayDictionary *dictionaryOut[kNDict]; Int_t nRowMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det)->GetNrows(); Int_t nColMax = fGeo->GetPadPlane(det)->GetNcols(); Int_t nTimeTotal = fSDigitsManager->GetDigitsParam()->GetNTimeBins(det); Int_t row = 0; Int_t col = 0; Int_t time = 0; Int_t dict = 0; for (dict = 0; dict < kNDict; dict++) { dictionaryIn[dict] = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) fSDigitsManager->GetDictionary(det,dict); dictionaryIn[dict]->Expand(); dictionaryOut[dict] = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) fDigitsManager->GetDictionary(det,dict); dictionaryOut[dict]->Allocate(nRowMax,nColMax,nTimeTotal); for (row = 0; row < nRowMax; row++) { for (col = 0; col < nColMax; col++) { for (time = 0; time < nTimeTotal; time++) { Int_t track = dictionaryIn[dict]->GetData(row,col,time); dictionaryOut[dict]->SetData(row,col,time,track); } // for: time } // for: col } // for: row } // for: dictionaries return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDdigitizer::CompressOutputArrays(Int_t det) { // // Compress the output arrays // const Int_t kNDict = AliTRDdigitsManager::kNDict; AliTRDarrayDictionary *dictionary = 0x0; if (fCompress) { if (!fSDigits) { AliTRDarrayADC *digits = 0x0; digits = (AliTRDarrayADC *) fDigitsManager->GetDigits(det); digits->Compress(); } if (fSDigits) { AliTRDarraySignal *digits = 0x0; digits = (AliTRDarraySignal *) fDigitsManager->GetSDigits(det); digits->Compress(0); } for (Int_t dict = 0; dict < kNDict; dict++) { dictionary = (AliTRDarrayDictionary *) fDigitsManager->GetDictionary(det,dict); dictionary->Compress(); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDdigitizer::WriteDigits() const { // // Writes out the TRD-digits and the dictionaries // // Write parameters fRunLoader->CdGAFile(); // Store the digits and the dictionary in the tree return fDigitsManager->WriteDigits(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDdigitizer::InitOutput(Int_t iEvent) { // // Initializes the output branches // fEvent = iEvent; if (!fRunLoader) { AliError("Run Loader is NULL"); return; } AliLoader *loader = fRunLoader->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (!loader) { AliError("Can not get TRD loader from Run Loader"); return; } TTree *tree = 0; if (fSDigits) { // If we produce SDigits tree = loader->TreeS(); if (!tree) { loader->MakeTree("S"); tree = loader->TreeS(); } } else { // If we produce Digits tree = loader->TreeD(); if (!tree) { loader->MakeTree("D"); tree = loader->TreeD(); } } fDigitsManager->SetEvent(iEvent); fDigitsManager->MakeBranch(tree); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDdigitizer::Diffusion(Float_t vdrift, Double_t absdriftlength , Double_t exbvalue , Double_t &lRow, Double_t &lCol, Double_t &lTime) { // // Applies the diffusion smearing to the position of a single electron. // Depends on absolute drift length. // Float_t diffL = 0.0; Float_t diffT = 0.0; if (AliTRDCommonParam::Instance()->GetDiffCoeff(diffL,diffT,vdrift)) { Float_t driftSqrt = TMath::Sqrt(absdriftlength); Float_t sigmaT = driftSqrt * diffT; Float_t sigmaL = driftSqrt * diffL; lRow = gRandom->Gaus(lRow ,sigmaT); if (AliTRDCommonParam::Instance()->ExBOn()) { lCol = gRandom->Gaus(lCol ,sigmaT * 1.0 / (1.0 + exbvalue*exbvalue)); lTime = gRandom->Gaus(lTime,sigmaL * 1.0 / (1.0 + exbvalue*exbvalue)); } else { lCol = gRandom->Gaus(lCol ,sigmaT); lTime = gRandom->Gaus(lTime,sigmaL); } return 1; } else { return 0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDdigitizer::RunDigitalProcessing(Int_t det) { // // Run the digital processing in the TRAP // AliTRDfeeParam *feeParam = AliTRDfeeParam::Instance(); AliTRDarrayADC *digits = fDigitsManager->GetDigits(det); if (!digits) return; //Call the methods in the mcm class using the temporary array as input // process the data in the same order as in hardware for (Int_t side = 0; side <= 1; side++) { for(Int_t rob = side; rob < digits->GetNrow() / 2; rob += 2) { for(Int_t mcm = 0; mcm < 16; mcm++) { fMcmSim->Init(det, rob, mcm); fMcmSim->SetDataByPad(digits, fDigitsManager); fMcmSim->Filter(); if (feeParam->GetTracklet()) { fMcmSim->Tracklet(); fMcmSim->StoreTracklets(); } fMcmSim->ZSMapping(); fMcmSim->WriteData(digits); } } } }