//_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDdisplayDigits3D(Int_t event = 0, Int_t thresh = 2 , Bool_t sdigits = kFALSE) { // // TRD digits display // // Input parameter: // : Event number // : Threshold to suppress the noise // : If kTRUE it will display summable digits, normal digits otherwise. // The signal event is displayed in yellow. // Char_t *inputFile = "galice.root"; const Int_t kNdict = 3; // Define the objects AliTRDv1 *trd; AliTRDgeometry *geo; Int_t track; Int_t idict; TString evfoldname = AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(); fRunLoader = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(evfoldname); if (!fRunLoader) { fRunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(inputFile ,AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName() ,"UPDATE"); } if (!fRunLoader) { Printf("Can not open session for file %s.",inputFile); return kFALSE; } if (!fRunLoader->GetAliRun()) { fRunLoader->LoadgAlice(); } gAlice = fRunLoader->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { printf("Could not find AliRun object.\n"); return kFALSE; } fRunLoader->GetEvent(event); AliLoader *loader = fRunLoader->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (!loader) { printf("Can not get TRD loader from Run Loader"); } loader->LoadDigits(); // Get the pointer to the detector object trd = (AliTRDv1*) gAlice->GetDetector("TRD"); // Get the pointer to the geometry object if (trd) { geo = trd->GetGeometry(); } else { printf("Cannot find the geometry\n"); return 1; } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("digits","TRD digits display",0,0,700,730); TView *v = new TView(1); v->SetRange(-430,-560,-430,430,560,1710); c1->Clear(); c1->SetFillColor(1); c1->SetTheta(90.0); c1->SetPhi(0.0); Int_t markerColorSignal = 2; Int_t markerColorBgnd = 7; Int_t markerColorMerged = 5; Int_t mask = 10000000; // Create the digits manager AliTRDdigitsManager *digitsManager = new AliTRDdigitsManager(); digitsManager->SetDebug(1); digitsManager->SetSDigits(sdigits); // Read the digits from the file if (sdigits) { digitsManager->ReadDigits(loader->TreeS()); } else { if (!loader->TreeD()) { printf("mist\n"); return kFALSE; } digitsManager->ReadDigits(loader->TreeD()); } Int_t totalsignal = 0; Int_t totalbgnd = 0; Int_t totalmerged = 0; AliTRDparameter *par = new AliTRDparameter("TRDparameter","TRD parameter class"); // Loop through all detectors for (Int_t idet = 0; idet < geo->Ndet(); idet++) { printf(" Loading detector %d\n",idet); AliTRDdataArrayI *digits = digitsManager->GetDigits(idet); digits->Expand(); AliTRDdataArrayI *tracks[kNdict]; for (Int_t idict = 0; idict < kNdict; idict++) { tracks[idict] = digitsManager->GetDictionary(idet,idict); tracks[idict]->Expand(); } Int_t isec = geo->GetSector(idet); Int_t icha = geo->GetChamber(idet); Int_t ipla = geo->GetPlane(idet); Int_t rowMax = par->GetRowMax(ipla,icha,isec); Int_t colMax = par->GetColMax(ipla); Int_t timeMax = par->GetTimeMax(); Int_t ndigits = digits->GetOverThreshold(thresh); if (ndigits > 0) { TPolyMarker3D *pmSignal = new TPolyMarker3D(ndigits); TPolyMarker3D *pmBgnd = new TPolyMarker3D(ndigits); TPolyMarker3D *pmMerged = new TPolyMarker3D(ndigits); Int_t ibgnd = 0; Int_t isignal = 0; Int_t imerged = 0; for (Int_t time = 0; time < timeMax; time++) { for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) { for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) { Int_t type = 1; Int_t amp = digits->GetDataUnchecked(row,col,time); for (idict = 0; idict < kNdict; idict++) { Int_t trk = tracks[idict]->GetDataUnchecked(row,col,time) - 1; if ((idict == 0) && (trk >= mask)) { type = 2; } if ((type == 1) && (trk >= mask)) { type = 3; } } if (amp > thresh) { Double_t glb[3]; Double_t loc[3]; loc[0] = row; loc[1] = col; loc[2] = time; geo->Local2Global(idet,loc,glb,par); Double_t x = glb[0]; Double_t y = glb[1]; Double_t z = glb[2]; if (type == 1) { pmSignal->SetPoint(isignal,x,y,z); isignal++; totalsignal++; } else if (type == 2) { pmBgnd->SetPoint(ibgnd,x,y,z); ibgnd++; totalbgnd++; } else if (type == 3) { pmMerged->SetPoint(imerged,x,y,z); imerged++; totalmerged++; } } } } } digits->Compress(1,0); for (idict = 0; idict < kNdict; idict++) { tracks[idict]->Compress(1,0); } pmMerged->SetMarkerSize(1); pmMerged->SetMarkerColor(markerColorMerged); pmMerged->SetMarkerStyle(1); pmMerged->Draw(); pmBgnd->SetMarkerSize(1); pmBgnd->SetMarkerColor(markerColorBgnd); pmBgnd->SetMarkerStyle(1); pmBgnd->Draw(); pmSignal->SetMarkerSize(1); pmSignal->SetMarkerColor(markerColorSignal); pmSignal->SetMarkerStyle(1); pmSignal->Draw(); } } TGeometry *geoAlice = gAlice->GetGeometry(); TNode *main = (TNode *) ((geoAlice->GetListOfNodes())->First()); TIter next(main->GetListOfNodes()); TNode *module = 0; while ((module = (TNode *) next())) { Char_t ch[100]; sprintf(ch,"%s\n",module->GetTitle()); if ((ch[0] == 'T') && ((ch[1] == 'R') || (ch[1] == 'P'))) { module->SetVisibility( 3); } else { module->SetVisibility(-1); } } geoAlice->Draw("same"); c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); printf(" Number of digits:\n"); printf(" signal = %d, bgnd = %d, merged = %d\n" ,totalsignal,totalbgnd,totalmerged); return 0; }