/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.4 2000/06/08 18:32:58 cblume Make code compliant to coding conventions Revision 1.3 2000/06/07 16:25:37 cblume Try to remove compiler warnings on Sun and HP Revision 1.2 2000/05/08 16:17:27 cblume Merge TRD-develop Revision 2000/05/08 14:45:55 cblume Bug fix in RotateBack(). Geometry update Revision 1.1 2000/02/28 19:00:44 cblume Add new TRD classes */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TRD geometry class // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" #include "AliTRDrecPoint.h" #include "AliMC.h" ClassImp(AliTRDgeometry) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDgeometry::AliTRDgeometry():AliGeometry() { // // AliTRDgeometry default constructor // Init(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDgeometry::~AliTRDgeometry() { // // AliTRDgeometry destructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDgeometry::Init() { // // Initializes the geometry parameter // Int_t iplan; // The width of the chambers fCwidth[0] = 99.6; fCwidth[1] = 104.1; fCwidth[2] = 108.5; fCwidth[3] = 112.9; fCwidth[4] = 117.4; fCwidth[5] = 121.8; // The default pad dimensions fRowPadSize = 4.5; fColPadSize = 1.0; fTimeBinSize = 0.1; // The maximum number of pads // and the position of pad 0,0,0 // // chambers seen from the top: // +----------------------------+ // | | // | | ^ // | | rphi| // | | | // |0 | | // +----------------------------+ +------> // z // chambers seen from the side: ^ // +----------------------------+ time| // | | | // |0 | | // +----------------------------+ +------> // z // // The pad column (rphi-direction) for (iplan = 0; iplan < kNplan; iplan++) { fColMax[iplan] = 1 + TMath::Nint((fCwidth[iplan] - 2. * kCcthick) / fColPadSize - 0.5); fCol0[iplan] = -fCwidth[iplan]/2. + kCcthick; } // The time bucket fTimeMax = 1 + TMath::Nint(kDrThick / fTimeBinSize - 0.5); for (iplan = 0; iplan < kNplan; iplan++) { fTime0[iplan] = kRmin + kCcframe/2. + kDrZpos - 0.5 * kDrThick + iplan * (kCheight + kCspace); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDgeometry::CreateGeometry(Int_t *idtmed) { // // Create the TRD geometry // // Author: Christoph Blume (C.Blume@gsi.de) 20/07/99 // // The volumes: // TRD1-3 (Air) --- The TRD mother volumes for one sector. // To be placed into the spaceframe. // // UAFI(/M/O) (Al) --- The aluminum frame of the inner(/middle/outer) chambers (readout) // UCFI(/M/O) (C) --- The carbon frame of the inner(/middle/outer) chambers // (driftchamber + radiator) // UAII(/M/O) (Air) --- The inner part of the readout of the inner(/middle/outer) chambers // UFII(/M/O) (Air) --- The inner part of the chamner and radiator of the // inner(/middle/outer) chambers // // The material layers in one chamber: // UL01 (G10) --- The gas seal of the radiator // UL02 (CO2) --- The gas in the radiator // UL03 (PE) --- The foil stack // UL04 (Mylar) --- Entrance window to the driftvolume and HV-cathode // UL05 (Xe) --- The driftvolume // UL06 (Xe) --- The amplification region // // UL07 (Cu) --- The pad plane // UL08 (G10) --- The Nomex honeycomb support structure // UL09 (Cu) --- FEE and signal lines // UL10 (PE) --- The cooling devices // UL11 (Water) --- The cooling water const Int_t kNparCha = 3; Float_t parDum[3]; Float_t parCha[kNparCha]; Float_t xpos, ypos, zpos; // The aluminum frames - readout + electronics (Al) // The inner chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UAFI","BOX ",idtmed[1301-1],parDum,0); // The middle chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UAFM","BOX ",idtmed[1301-1],parDum,0); // The outer chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UAFO","BOX ",idtmed[1301-1],parDum,0); // The inner part of the aluminum frames (Air) // The inner chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UAII","BOX ",idtmed[1302-1],parDum,0); // The middle chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UAIM","BOX ",idtmed[1302-1],parDum,0); // The outer chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UAIO","BOX ",idtmed[1302-1],parDum,0); // The carbon frames - radiator + driftchamber (C) // The inner chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UCFI","BOX ",idtmed[1307-1],parDum,0); // The middle chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UCFM","BOX ",idtmed[1307-1],parDum,0); // The outer chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UCFO","BOX ",idtmed[1307-1],parDum,0); // The inner part of the carbon frames (Air) // The inner chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UCII","BOX ",idtmed[1302-1],parDum,0); // The middle chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UCIM","BOX ",idtmed[1302-1],parDum,0); // The outer chambers gMC->Gsvolu("UCIO","BOX ",idtmed[1302-1],parDum,0); // The material layers inside the chambers parCha[0] = -1.; parCha[1] = -1.; // G10 layer (radiator seal) parCha[2] = kSeThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL01","BOX ",idtmed[1313-1],parCha,kNparCha); // CO2 layer (radiator) parCha[2] = kRaThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL02","BOX ",idtmed[1312-1],parCha,kNparCha); // PE layer (radiator) parCha[2] = kPeThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL03","BOX ",idtmed[1303-1],parCha,kNparCha); // Mylar layer (entrance window + HV cathode) parCha[2] = kMyThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL04","BOX ",idtmed[1308-1],parCha,kNparCha); // Xe/Isobutane layer (drift volume, sensitive) parCha[2] = kDrThick/2.; gMC->Gsvolu("UL05","BOX ",idtmed[1309-1],parCha,kNparCha); // Xe/Isobutane layer (amplification volume, not sensitive) parCha[2] = kAmThick/2.; gMC->Gsvolu("UL06","BOX ",idtmed[1309-1],parCha,kNparCha); // Cu layer (pad plane) parCha[2] = kCuThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL07","BOX ",idtmed[1305-1],parCha,kNparCha); // G10 layer (support structure) parCha[2] = kSuThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL08","BOX ",idtmed[1313-1],parCha,kNparCha); // Cu layer (FEE + signal lines) parCha[2] = kFeThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL09","BOX ",idtmed[1305-1],parCha,kNparCha); // PE layer (cooling devices) parCha[2] = kCoThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL10","BOX ",idtmed[1303-1],parCha,kNparCha); // Water layer (cooling) parCha[2] = kWaThick/2; gMC->Gsvolu("UL11","BOX ",idtmed[1314-1],parCha,kNparCha); // Position the layers in the chambers xpos = 0; ypos = 0; // G10 layer (radiator seal) zpos = kSeZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL01",1,"UCII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL01",2,"UCIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL01",3,"UCIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // CO2 layer (radiator) zpos = kRaZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL02",1,"UCII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL02",2,"UCIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL02",3,"UCIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // PE layer (radiator) zpos = 0; gMC->Gspos("UL03",1,"UL02",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // Mylar layer (entrance window + HV cathode) zpos = kMyZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL04",1,"UCII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL04",2,"UCIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL04",3,"UCIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // Xe/Isobutane layer (drift volume) zpos = kDrZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL05",1,"UCII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL05",2,"UCIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL05",3,"UCIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // Xe/Isobutane layer (amplification volume) zpos = kAmZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL06",1,"UCII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL06",2,"UCIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL06",3,"UCIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // Cu layer (pad plane) zpos = kCuZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL07",1,"UAII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL07",2,"UAIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL07",3,"UAIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // G10 layer (support structure) zpos = kSuZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL08",1,"UAII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL08",2,"UAIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL08",3,"UAIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // Cu layer (FEE + signal lines) zpos = kFeZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL09",1,"UAII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL09",2,"UAIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL09",3,"UAIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // PE layer (cooling devices) zpos = kCoZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL10",1,"UAII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL10",2,"UAIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL10",3,"UAIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); // Water layer (cooling) zpos = kWaZpos; gMC->Gspos("UL11",1,"UAII",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL11",1,"UAIM",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("UL11",1,"UAIO",xpos,ypos,zpos,0,"ONLY"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDgeometry::Local2Global(Int_t idet, Float_t *local, Float_t *global) const { // // Converts local pad-coordinates (row,col,time) into // global ALICE reference frame coordinates (x,y,z) // Int_t icham = GetChamber(idet); // Chamber info (0-4) Int_t isect = GetSector(idet); // Sector info (0-17) Int_t iplan = GetPlane(idet); // Plane info (0-5) return Local2Global(iplan,icham,isect,local,global); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDgeometry::Local2Global(Int_t iplan, Int_t icham, Int_t isect , Float_t *local, Float_t *global) const { // // Converts local pad-coordinates (row,col,time) into // global ALICE reference frame coordinates (x,y,z) // Int_t idet = GetDetector(iplan,icham,isect); // Detector number Float_t padRow = local[0]; // Pad Row position Float_t padCol = local[1]; // Pad Column position Float_t timeSlice = local[2]; // Time "position" Float_t row0 = GetRow0(iplan,icham,isect); Float_t col0 = GetCol0(iplan); Float_t time0 = GetTime0(iplan); Float_t rot[3]; // calculate (x,y,z) position in rotated chamber rot[0] = time0 + timeSlice * fTimeBinSize; rot[1] = col0 + padCol * fColPadSize; rot[2] = row0 + padRow * fRowPadSize; // Rotate back to original position return RotateBack(idet,rot,global); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDgeometry::Rotate(Int_t d, Float_t *pos, Float_t *rot) { // // Rotates all chambers in the position of sector 0 and transforms // the coordinates in the ALICE restframe into the // corresponding local frame . // Int_t sector = GetSector(d); Float_t phi = -2.0 * kPI / (Float_t) kNsect * ((Float_t) sector + 0.5); rot[0] = pos[0] * TMath::Cos(phi) + pos[1] * TMath::Sin(phi); rot[1] = -pos[0] * TMath::Sin(phi) + pos[1] * TMath::Cos(phi); rot[2] = pos[2]; return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDgeometry::RotateBack(Int_t d, Float_t *rot, Float_t *pos) const { // // Rotates a chambers from the position of sector 0 into its // original position and transforms the corresponding local frame // coordinates into the coordinates of the ALICE restframe . // Int_t sector = GetSector(d); Float_t phi = 2.0 * kPI / (Float_t) kNsect * ((Float_t) sector + 0.5); pos[0] = rot[0] * TMath::Cos(phi) + rot[1] * TMath::Sin(phi); pos[1] = -rot[0] * TMath::Sin(phi) + rot[1] * TMath::Cos(phi); pos[2] = rot[2]; return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDgeometry::GetDetector(Int_t p, Int_t c, Int_t s) const { // // Convert plane / chamber / sector into detector number // return (p + c * kNplan + s * kNplan * kNcham); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDgeometry::GetPlane(Int_t d) const { // // Reconstruct the plane number from the detector number // return ((Int_t) (d % kNplan)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDgeometry::GetChamber(Int_t d) const { // // Reconstruct the chamber number from the detector number // return ((Int_t) (d % (kNplan * kNcham)) / kNplan); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDgeometry::GetSector(Int_t d) const { // // Reconstruct the sector number from the detector number // return ((Int_t) (d / (kNplan * kNcham))); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDgeometry::GetGlobal(const AliRecPoint *p, TVector3 &pos, TMatrix &mat) const { // // Returns the global coordinate and error matrix of a AliTRDrecPoint // GetGlobal(p,pos); mat.Zero(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDgeometry::GetGlobal(const AliRecPoint *p, TVector3 &pos) const { // // Returns the global coordinate and error matrix of a AliTRDrecPoint // Int_t detector = ((AliTRDrecPoint *) p)->GetDetector(); Float_t global[3]; Float_t local[3]; local[0] = ((AliTRDrecPoint *) p)->GetLocalRow(); local[1] = ((AliTRDrecPoint *) p)->GetLocalCol(); local[2] = ((AliTRDrecPoint *) p)->GetLocalTime(); if (Local2Global(detector,local,global)) { pos.SetX(global[0]); pos.SetY(global[1]); pos.SetZ(global[2]); } else { pos.SetX(0.0); pos.SetY(0.0); pos.SetZ(0.0); } }