/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TRD MCM (Multi Chip Module) simulator // // which simulates the TRAP processing after the AD-conversion. // // The relevant parameters (i.e. configuration settings of the TRAP) // // are taken from AliTRDtrapConfig. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TMath.h" #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliTRDfeeParam.h" #include "AliTRDcalibDB.h" #include "AliTRDtrapConfig.h" #include "AliTRDdigitsManager.h" #include "AliTRDarrayADC.h" #include "AliTRDarrayDictionary.h" #include "AliTRDtrackletMCM.h" #include "AliTRDmcmSim.h" ClassImp(AliTRDmcmSim) Bool_t AliTRDmcmSim::fgApplyCut = kTRUE; Int_t AliTRDmcmSim::fgAddBaseline = 0; Bool_t AliTRDmcmSim::fgStoreClusters = kFALSE; const Int_t AliTRDmcmSim::fgkFormatIndex = std::ios_base::xalloc(); const UShort_t AliTRDmcmSim::fgkFPshifts[4] = {11, 14, 17, 21}; AliTRDmcmSim::AliTRDmcmSim() : TObject(), fInitialized(kFALSE), fDetector(-1), fRobPos(-1), fMcmPos(-1), fRow (-1), fNTimeBin(-1), fADCR(NULL), fADCF(NULL), fMCMT(NULL), fTrackletArray(NULL), fZSMap(NULL), fTrklBranchName("mcmtrklbranch"), fFeeParam(NULL), fTrapConfig(NULL), fDigitsManager(NULL), fPedAcc(NULL), fGainCounterA(NULL), fGainCounterB(NULL), fTailAmplLong(NULL), fTailAmplShort(NULL), fNHits(0), fFitReg(NULL) { // // AliTRDmcmSim default constructor // By default, nothing is initialized. // It is necessary to issue Init before use. for (Int_t iDict = 0; iDict < 3; iDict++) fDict[iDict] = 0x0; fFitPtr[0] = 0; fFitPtr[1] = 0; fFitPtr[2] = 0; fFitPtr[3] = 0; } AliTRDmcmSim::~AliTRDmcmSim() { // // AliTRDmcmSim destructor // if(fInitialized) { for( Int_t iAdc = 0 ; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++ ) { delete [] fADCR[iAdc]; delete [] fADCF[iAdc]; } delete [] fADCR; delete [] fADCF; delete [] fZSMap; delete [] fMCMT; delete [] fPedAcc; delete [] fGainCounterA; delete [] fGainCounterB; delete [] fTailAmplLong; delete [] fTailAmplShort; delete [] fFitReg; fTrackletArray->Delete(); delete fTrackletArray; } } void AliTRDmcmSim::Init( Int_t det, Int_t robPos, Int_t mcmPos, Bool_t /* newEvent */ ) { // // Initialize the class with new MCM position information // memory is allocated in the first initialization // if (!fInitialized) { fFeeParam = AliTRDfeeParam::Instance(); fTrapConfig = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance()->GetTrapConfig(); } fDetector = det; fRobPos = robPos; fMcmPos = mcmPos; fRow = fFeeParam->GetPadRowFromMCM( fRobPos, fMcmPos ); if (!fInitialized) { fADCR = new Int_t *[AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; fADCF = new Int_t *[AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; fZSMap = new Int_t [AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; fGainCounterA = new UInt_t[AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; fGainCounterB = new UInt_t[AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; fNTimeBin = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kC13CPUA, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); for( Int_t iAdc = 0 ; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++ ) { fADCR[iAdc] = new Int_t[fNTimeBin]; fADCF[iAdc] = new Int_t[fNTimeBin]; } // filter registers fPedAcc = new UInt_t[AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; // accumulator for pedestal filter fTailAmplLong = new UShort_t[AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; fTailAmplShort = new UShort_t[AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; // tracklet calculation fFitReg = new FitReg_t[AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()]; fTrackletArray = new TClonesArray("AliTRDtrackletMCM", fgkMaxTracklets); fMCMT = new UInt_t[fgkMaxTracklets]; } fInitialized = kTRUE; Reset(); } void AliTRDmcmSim::Reset() { // Resets the data values and internal filter registers // by re-initialising them if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; for( Int_t iAdc = 0 ; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++ ) { for( Int_t it = 0 ; it < fNTimeBin ; it++ ) { fADCR[iAdc][it] = 0; fADCF[iAdc][it] = 0; } fZSMap[iAdc] = -1; // Default unread, low active bit mask fGainCounterA[iAdc] = 0; fGainCounterB[iAdc] = 0; } for(Int_t i = 0; i < fgkMaxTracklets; i++) { fMCMT[i] = 0; } for (Int_t iDict = 0; iDict < 3; iDict++) fDict[iDict] = 0x0; FilterPedestalInit(); FilterGainInit(); FilterTailInit(); } void AliTRDmcmSim::SetNTimebins(Int_t ntimebins) { // Reallocate memory if a change in the number of timebins // is needed (should not be the case for real data) if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; fNTimeBin = ntimebins; for( Int_t iAdc = 0 ; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++ ) { delete [] fADCR[iAdc]; delete [] fADCF[iAdc]; fADCR[iAdc] = new Int_t[fNTimeBin]; fADCF[iAdc] = new Int_t[fNTimeBin]; } } Bool_t AliTRDmcmSim::LoadMCM(AliRunLoader* const runloader, Int_t det, Int_t rob, Int_t mcm) { // loads the ADC data as obtained from the digitsManager for the specified MCM. // This method is meant for rare execution, e.g. in the visualization. When called // frequently use SetData(...) instead. Init(det, rob, mcm); if (!runloader) { AliError("No Runloader given"); return kFALSE; } AliLoader *trdLoader = runloader->GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (!trdLoader) { AliError("Could not get TRDLoader"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t retval = kTRUE; trdLoader->LoadDigits(); fDigitsManager = 0x0; AliTRDdigitsManager *digMgr = new AliTRDdigitsManager(); digMgr->SetSDigits(0); digMgr->CreateArrays(); digMgr->ReadDigits(trdLoader->TreeD()); AliTRDarrayADC *digits = (AliTRDarrayADC*) digMgr->GetDigits(det); if (digits->HasData()) { digits->Expand(); if (fNTimeBin != digits->GetNtime()) { AliWarning(Form("Changing no. of timebins from %i to %i", fNTimeBin, digits->GetNtime())); SetNTimebins(digits->GetNtime()); } SetData(digits); } else retval = kFALSE; delete digMgr; return retval; } void AliTRDmcmSim::NoiseTest(Int_t nsamples, Int_t mean, Int_t sigma, Int_t inputGain, Int_t inputTail) { // This function can be used to test the filters. // It feeds nsamples of ADC values with a gaussian distribution specified by mean and sigma. // The filter chain implemented here consists of: // Pedestal -> Gain -> Tail // With inputGain and inputTail the input to the gain and tail filter, respectively, // can be chosen where // 0: noise input // 1: pedestal output // 2: gain output // The input has to be chosen from a stage before. // The filter behaviour is controlled by the TRAP parameters from AliTRDtrapConfig in the // same way as in normal simulation. // The functions produces four histograms with the values at the different stages. if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; TString nameInputGain; TString nameInputTail; switch (inputGain) { case 0: nameInputGain = "Noise"; break; case 1: nameInputGain = "Pedestal"; break; default: AliError("Undefined input to tail cancellation filter"); return; } switch (inputTail) { case 0: nameInputTail = "Noise"; break; case 1: nameInputTail = "Pedestal"; break; case 2: nameInputTail = "Gain"; break; default: AliError("Undefined input to tail cancellation filter"); return; } TH1F *h = new TH1F("noise", "Gaussian Noise;sample;ADC count", nsamples, 0, nsamples); TH1F *hfp = new TH1F("ped", "Noise #rightarrow Pedestal filter;sample;ADC count", nsamples, 0, nsamples); TH1F *hfg = new TH1F("gain", (nameInputGain + "#rightarrow Gain;sample;ADC count").Data(), nsamples, 0, nsamples); TH1F *hft = new TH1F("tail", (nameInputTail + "#rightarrow Tail;sample;ADC count").Data(), nsamples, 0, nsamples); h->SetStats(kFALSE); hfp->SetStats(kFALSE); hfg->SetStats(kFALSE); hft->SetStats(kFALSE); Int_t value; // ADC count with noise (10 bit) Int_t valuep; // pedestal filter output (12 bit) Int_t valueg; // gain filter output (12 bit) Int_t valuet; // tail filter value (12 bit) for (Int_t i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) { value = (Int_t) gRandom->Gaus(mean, sigma); // generate noise with gaussian distribution h->SetBinContent(i, value); valuep = FilterPedestalNextSample(1, 0, ((Int_t) value) << 2); if (inputGain == 0) valueg = FilterGainNextSample(1, ((Int_t) value) << 2); else valueg = FilterGainNextSample(1, valuep); if (inputTail == 0) valuet = FilterTailNextSample(1, ((Int_t) value) << 2); else if (inputTail == 1) valuet = FilterTailNextSample(1, valuep); else valuet = FilterTailNextSample(1, valueg); hfp->SetBinContent(i, valuep >> 2); hfg->SetBinContent(i, valueg >> 2); hft->SetBinContent(i, valuet >> 2); } TCanvas *c = new TCanvas; c->Divide(2,2); c->cd(1); h->Draw(); c->cd(2); hfp->Draw(); c->cd(3); hfg->Draw(); c->cd(4); hft->Draw(); } Bool_t AliTRDmcmSim::CheckInitialized() const { // // Check whether object is initialized // if( ! fInitialized ) AliError(Form ("AliTRDmcmSim is not initialized but function other than Init() is called.")); return fInitialized; } void AliTRDmcmSim::Print(Option_t* const option) const { // Prints the data stored and/or calculated for this MCM. // The output is controlled by option which can be a sequence of any of // the following characters: // R - prints raw ADC data // F - prints filtered data // H - prints detected hits // T - prints found tracklets // The later stages are only meaningful after the corresponding calculations // have been performed. if ( !CheckInitialized() ) return; printf("MCM %i on ROB %i in detector %i\n", fMcmPos, fRobPos, fDetector); TString opt = option; if (opt.Contains("R") || opt.Contains("F")) { std::cout << *this; } if (opt.Contains("H")) { printf("Found %i hits:\n", fNHits); for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < fNHits; iHit++) { printf("Hit %3i in timebin %2i, ADC %2i has charge %3i and position %3i\n", iHit, fHits[iHit].fTimebin, fHits[iHit].fChannel, fHits[iHit].fQtot, fHits[iHit].fYpos); } } if (opt.Contains("T")) { printf("Tracklets:\n"); for (Int_t iTrkl = 0; iTrkl < fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast(); iTrkl++) { printf("tracklet %i: 0x%08x\n", iTrkl, ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[iTrkl])->GetTrackletWord()); } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::Draw(Option_t* const option) { // Plots the data stored in a 2-dim. timebin vs. ADC channel plot. // The option selects what data is plotted and can be a sequence of // the following characters: // R - plot raw data (default) // F - plot filtered data (meaningless if R is specified) // In addition to the ADC values: // H - plot hits // T - plot tracklets if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; TString opt = option; TH2F *hist = new TH2F("mcmdata", Form("Data of MCM %i on ROB %i in detector %i", \ fMcmPos, fRobPos, fDetector), \ AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(), -0.5, AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()-.5, fNTimeBin, -.5, fNTimeBin-.5); hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ADC Channel"); hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Timebin"); hist->SetStats(kFALSE); if (opt.Contains("R")) { for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { hist->SetBinContent(iAdc+1, iTimeBin+1, fADCR[iAdc][iTimeBin] >> fgkAddDigits); } } } else { for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { hist->SetBinContent(iAdc+1, iTimeBin+1, fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] >> fgkAddDigits); } } } hist->Draw("colz"); if (opt.Contains("H")) { TGraph *grHits = new TGraph(); for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < fNHits; iHit++) { grHits->SetPoint(iHit, fHits[iHit].fChannel + 1 + fHits[iHit].fYpos/256., fHits[iHit].fTimebin); } grHits->Draw("*"); } if (opt.Contains("T")) { TLine *trklLines = new TLine[4]; for (Int_t iTrkl = 0; iTrkl < fTrackletArray->GetEntries(); iTrkl++) { AliTRDtrackletMCM *trkl = (AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[iTrkl]; Float_t padWidth = 0.635 + 0.03 * (fDetector % 6); Float_t offset = padWidth/256. * ((((((fRobPos & 0x1) << 2) + (fMcmPos & 0x3)) * 18) << 8) - ((18*4*2 - 18*2 - 3) << 7)); // revert adding offset in FitTracklet Int_t ndrift = fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrNdrift, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) >> 5; Float_t slope = 0; if (ndrift) slope = trkl->GetdY() * 140e-4 / ndrift; Int_t t0 = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFS, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); Int_t t1 = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFE, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); trklLines[iTrkl].SetX1((offset - (trkl->GetY() - slope * t0)) / padWidth); // ??? sign? trklLines[iTrkl].SetY1(t0); trklLines[iTrkl].SetX2((offset - (trkl->GetY() - slope * t1)) / padWidth); // ??? sign? trklLines[iTrkl].SetY2(t1); trklLines[iTrkl].SetLineColor(2); trklLines[iTrkl].SetLineWidth(2); printf("Tracklet %i: y = %f, dy = %f, offset = %f\n", iTrkl, trkl->GetY(), (trkl->GetdY() * 140e-4), offset); trklLines[iTrkl].Draw(); } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::SetData( Int_t adc, const Int_t* const data ) { // // Store ADC data into array of raw data // if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; if( adc < 0 || adc >= AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm() ) { AliError(Form ("Error: ADC %i is out of range (0 .. %d).", adc, AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()-1)); return; } for( Int_t it = 0 ; it < fNTimeBin ; it++ ) { fADCR[adc][it] = (Int_t) (data[it]) << fgkAddDigits; fADCF[adc][it] = (Int_t) (data[it]) << fgkAddDigits; } } void AliTRDmcmSim::SetData( Int_t adc, Int_t it, Int_t data ) { // // Store ADC data into array of raw data // if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; if( adc < 0 || adc >= AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm() ) { AliError(Form ("Error: ADC %i is out of range (0 .. %d).", adc, AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()-1)); return; } fADCR[adc][it] = data << fgkAddDigits; fADCF[adc][it] = data << fgkAddDigits; } void AliTRDmcmSim::SetData(AliTRDarrayADC* const adcArray, AliTRDdigitsManager * const digitsManager) { // Set the ADC data from an AliTRDarrayADC if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; fDigitsManager = digitsManager; if (fDigitsManager) { for (Int_t iDict = 0; iDict < 3; iDict++) { AliTRDarrayDictionary *newDict = (AliTRDarrayDictionary*) fDigitsManager->GetDictionary(fDetector, iDict); if (fDict[iDict] != 0x0 && newDict != 0x0) { if (fDict[iDict] == newDict) continue; fDict[iDict] = newDict; if(fDict[iDict]->GetDim() != 0) fDict[iDict]->Expand(); } else { fDict[iDict] = newDict; if (fDict[iDict] && (fDict[iDict]->GetDim() != 0) ) fDict[iDict]->Expand(); } // If there is no data, set dictionary to zero to avoid crashes if (fDict[iDict]->GetDim() == 0) { // AliError(Form("Dictionary %i of det. %i has dim. 0", iDict, fDetector)); fDict[iDict] = 0x0; } } } if (fNTimeBin != adcArray->GetNtime()) SetNTimebins(adcArray->GetNtime()); Int_t offset = (fMcmPos % 4 + 1) * 21 + (fRobPos % 2) * 84 - 1; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { Int_t value = adcArray->GetDataByAdcCol(GetRow(), offset - iAdc, iTimeBin); // treat 0 as suppressed, // this is not correct but reported like that from arrayADC if (value <= 0 || (offset - iAdc < 1) || (offset - iAdc > 165)) { fADCR[iAdc][iTimeBin] = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFPNP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); } else { fZSMap[iAdc] = 0; fADCR[iAdc][iTimeBin] = (value << fgkAddDigits) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] = (value << fgkAddDigits) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); } } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::SetDataByPad(const AliTRDarrayADC* const adcArray, AliTRDdigitsManager * const digitsManager) { // Set the ADC data from an AliTRDarrayADC // (by pad, to be used during initial reading in simulation) if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; fDigitsManager = digitsManager; if (fDigitsManager) { for (Int_t iDict = 0; iDict < 3; iDict++) { AliTRDarrayDictionary *newDict = (AliTRDarrayDictionary*) fDigitsManager->GetDictionary(fDetector, iDict); if (fDict[iDict] != 0x0 && newDict != 0x0) { if (fDict[iDict] == newDict) continue; fDict[iDict] = newDict; fDict[iDict]->Expand(); } else { fDict[iDict] = newDict; if (fDict[iDict]) fDict[iDict]->Expand(); } // If there is no data, set dictionary to zero to avoid crashes if (fDict[iDict]->GetDim() == 0) { AliError(Form("Dictionary %i of det. %i has dim. 0", iDict, fDetector)); fDict[iDict] = 0x0; } } } if (fNTimeBin != adcArray->GetNtime()) SetNTimebins(adcArray->GetNtime()); Int_t offset = (fMcmPos % 4 + 1) * 18 + (fRobPos % 2) * 72 + 1; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { Int_t value = -1; Int_t pad = offset - iAdc; if (pad > -1 && pad < 144) value = adcArray->GetData(GetRow(), offset - iAdc, iTimeBin); // Int_t value = adcArray->GetDataByAdcCol(GetRow(), offset - iAdc, iTimeBin); if (value < 0 || (offset - iAdc < 1) || (offset - iAdc > 165)) { fADCR[iAdc][iTimeBin] = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFPNP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); } else { fZSMap[iAdc] = 0; fADCR[iAdc][iTimeBin] = (value << fgkAddDigits) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] = (value << fgkAddDigits) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); } } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::SetDataPedestal( Int_t adc ) { // // Store ADC data into array of raw data // if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; if( adc < 0 || adc >= AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm() ) { return; } for( Int_t it = 0 ; it < fNTimeBin ; it++ ) { fADCR[adc][it] = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFPNP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); fADCF[adc][it] = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) + (fgAddBaseline << fgkAddDigits); } } Bool_t AliTRDmcmSim::GetHit(Int_t index, Int_t &channel, Int_t &timebin, Int_t &qtot, Int_t &ypos, Float_t &y, Int_t &label) const { // retrieve the MC hit information (not available in TRAP hardware) if (index < 0 || index >= fNHits) return kFALSE; channel = fHits[index].fChannel; timebin = fHits[index].fTimebin; qtot = fHits[index].fQtot; ypos = fHits[index].fYpos; y = (Float_t) ((((((fRobPos & 0x1) << 2) + (fMcmPos & 0x3)) * 18) << 8) - ((18*4*2 - 18*2 - 1) << 7) - (channel << 8) - ypos) * (0.635 + 0.03 * (fDetector % 6)) / 256.0; label = fHits[index].fLabel[0]; return kTRUE; } Int_t AliTRDmcmSim::GetCol( Int_t adc ) { // // Return column id of the pad for the given ADC channel // if( !CheckInitialized() ) return -1; Int_t col = fFeeParam->GetPadColFromADC(fRobPos, fMcmPos, adc); if (col < 0 || col >= fFeeParam->GetNcol()) return -1; else return col; } Int_t AliTRDmcmSim::ProduceRawStream( UInt_t *buf, Int_t bufSize, UInt_t iEv) const { // // Produce raw data stream from this MCM and put in buf // Returns number of words filled, or negative value // with -1 * number of overflowed words // if( !CheckInitialized() ) return 0; UInt_t x; UInt_t mcmHeader = 0; UInt_t adcMask = 0; Int_t nw = 0; // Number of written words Int_t of = 0; // Number of overflowed words Int_t rawVer = fFeeParam->GetRAWversion(); Int_t **adc; Int_t nActiveADC = 0; // number of activated ADC bits in a word if( !CheckInitialized() ) return 0; if (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kEBSF, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) != 0) // store unfiltered data adc = fADCR; else adc = fADCF; // Produce ADC mask : nncc cccm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm 1100 // n : unused , c : ADC count, m : selected ADCs if( rawVer >= 3 && (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kC15CPUA, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) & (1 << 13))) { // check for zs flag in TRAP configuration for( Int_t iAdc = 0 ; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm() ; iAdc++ ) { if( ~fZSMap[iAdc] != 0 ) { // 0 means not suppressed adcMask |= (1 << (iAdc+4) ); // last 4 digit reserved for 1100=0xc nActiveADC++; // number of 1 in mmm....m } } if ((nActiveADC == 0) && (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kC15CPUA, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) & (1 << 8))) // check for DEH flag in TRAP configuration return 0; // assemble adc mask word adcMask |= (1 << 30) | ( ( 0x3FFFFFFC ) & (~(nActiveADC) << 25) ) | 0xC; // nn = 01, ccccc are inverted, 0xc=1100 } // MCM header mcmHeader = (1<<31) | (fRobPos << 28) | (fMcmPos << 24) | ((iEv % 0x100000) << 4) | 0xC; if (nw < bufSize) buf[nw++] = mcmHeader; else of++; // ADC mask if( adcMask != 0 ) { if (nw < bufSize) buf[nw++] = adcMask; else of++; } // Produce ADC data. 3 timebins are packed into one 32 bits word // In this version, different ADC channel will NOT share the same word UInt_t aa=0, a1=0, a2=0, a3=0; for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < 21; iAdc++ ) { if( rawVer>= 3 && ~fZSMap[iAdc] == 0 ) continue; // Zero Suppression, 0 means not suppressed aa = !(iAdc & 1) + 2; for (Int_t iT = 0; iT < fNTimeBin; iT+=3 ) { a1 = ((iT ) < fNTimeBin ) ? adc[iAdc][iT ] >> fgkAddDigits : 0; a2 = ((iT + 1) < fNTimeBin ) ? adc[iAdc][iT+1] >> fgkAddDigits : 0; a3 = ((iT + 2) < fNTimeBin ) ? adc[iAdc][iT+2] >> fgkAddDigits : 0; x = (a3 << 22) | (a2 << 12) | (a1 << 2) | aa; if (nw < bufSize) { buf[nw++] = x; } else { of++; } } } if( of != 0 ) return -of; else return nw; } Int_t AliTRDmcmSim::ProduceTrackletStream( UInt_t *buf, Int_t bufSize ) { // // Produce tracklet data stream from this MCM and put in buf // Returns number of words filled, or negative value // with -1 * number of overflowed words // if( !CheckInitialized() ) return 0; Int_t nw = 0; // Number of written words Int_t of = 0; // Number of overflowed words // Produce tracklet data. A maximum of four 32 Bit words will be written per MCM // fMCMT is filled continuously until no more tracklet words available for (Int_t iTracklet = 0; iTracklet < fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast(); iTracklet++) { if (nw < bufSize) buf[nw++] = ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[iTracklet])->GetTrackletWord(); else of++; } if( of != 0 ) return -of; else return nw; } void AliTRDmcmSim::Filter() { // // Filter the raw ADC values. The active filter stages and their // parameters are taken from AliTRDtrapConfig. // The raw data is stored separate from the filtered data. Thus, // it is possible to run the filters on a set of raw values // sequentially for parameter tuning. // if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; // Apply filters sequentially. Bypass is handled by filters // since counters and internal registers may be updated even // if the filter is bypassed. // The first filter takes the data from fADCR and // outputs to fADCF. // Non-linearity filter not implemented. FilterPedestal(); FilterGain(); FilterTail(); // Crosstalk filter not implemented. } void AliTRDmcmSim::FilterPedestalInit(Int_t baseline) { // Initializes the pedestal filter assuming that the input has // been constant for a long time (compared to the time constant). UShort_t fptc = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFPTC, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // 0..3, 0 - fastest, 3 - slowest for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) fPedAcc[iAdc] = (baseline << 2) * (1 << fgkFPshifts[fptc]); } UShort_t AliTRDmcmSim::FilterPedestalNextSample(Int_t adc, Int_t timebin, UShort_t value) { // Returns the output of the pedestal filter given the input value. // The output depends on the internal registers and, thus, the // history of the filter. UShort_t fpnp = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFPNP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // 0..511 -> 0..127.75, pedestal at the output UShort_t fptc = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFPTC, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // 0..3, 0 - fastest, 3 - slowest UShort_t fpby = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFPBY, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // 0..1 bypass, active low UShort_t accumulatorShifted; Int_t correction; UShort_t inpAdd; inpAdd = value + fpnp; accumulatorShifted = (fPedAcc[adc] >> fgkFPshifts[fptc]) & 0x3FF; // 10 bits if (timebin == 0) // the accumulator is disabled in the drift time { correction = (value & 0x3FF) - accumulatorShifted; fPedAcc[adc] = (fPedAcc[adc] + correction) & 0x7FFFFFFF; // 31 bits } if (fpby == 0) return value; if (inpAdd <= accumulatorShifted) return 0; else { inpAdd = inpAdd - accumulatorShifted; if (inpAdd > 0xFFF) return 0xFFF; else return inpAdd; } } void AliTRDmcmSim::FilterPedestal() { // // Apply pedestal filter // // As the first filter in the chain it reads data from fADCR // and outputs to fADCF. // It has only an effect if previous samples have been fed to // find the pedestal. Currently, the simulation assumes that // the input has been stable for a sufficiently long time. for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] = FilterPedestalNextSample(iAdc, iTimeBin, fADCR[iAdc][iTimeBin]); } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::FilterGainInit() { // Initializes the gain filter. In this case, only threshold // counters are reset. for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { // these are counters which in hardware continue // until maximum or reset fGainCounterA[iAdc] = 0; fGainCounterB[iAdc] = 0; } } UShort_t AliTRDmcmSim::FilterGainNextSample(Int_t adc, UShort_t value) { // Apply the gain filter to the given value. // BEGIN_LATEX O_{i}(t) = #gamma_{i} * I_{i}(t) + a_{i} END_LATEX // The output depends on the internal registers and, thus, the // history of the filter. UShort_t fgby = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFGBY, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // bypass, active low UShort_t fgf = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::TrapReg_t(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFGF0 + adc), fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // 0x700 + (0 & 0x1ff); UShort_t fga = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::TrapReg_t(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFGA0 + adc), fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // 40; UShort_t fgta = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFGTA, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // 20; UShort_t fgtb = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFGTB, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // 2060; UInt_t fgfExtended = 0x700 + fgf; // The corr factor which is finally applied has to be extended by 0x700 (hex) or 0.875 (dec) // because fgf=0 correspons to 0.875 and fgf=511 correspons to 1.125 - 2^(-11) // (see TRAP User Manual for details) UInt_t corr; // corrected value value &= 0xFFF; corr = (value * fgfExtended) >> 11; corr = corr > 0xfff ? 0xfff : corr; corr = AddUintClipping(corr, fga, 12); // Update threshold counters // not really useful as they are cleared with every new event if (!((fGainCounterA[adc] == 0x3FFFFFF) || (fGainCounterB[adc] == 0x3FFFFFF))) // stop when full { if (corr >= fgtb) fGainCounterB[adc]++; else if (corr >= fgta) fGainCounterA[adc]++; } if (fgby == 1) return corr; else return value; } void AliTRDmcmSim::FilterGain() { // Read data from fADCF and apply gain filter. for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] = FilterGainNextSample(iAdc, fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin]); } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::FilterTailInit(Int_t baseline) { // Initializes the tail filter assuming that the input has // been at the baseline value (configured by FTFP) for a // sufficiently long time. // exponents and weight calculated from configuration UShort_t alphaLong = 0x3ff & fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFTAL, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // the weight of the long component UShort_t lambdaLong = (1 << 10) | (1 << 9) | (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFTLL, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) & 0x1FF); // the multiplier UShort_t lambdaShort = (0 << 10) | (1 << 9) | (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFTLS, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) & 0x1FF); // the multiplier Float_t lambdaL = lambdaLong * 1.0 / (1 << 11); Float_t lambdaS = lambdaShort * 1.0 / (1 << 11); Float_t alphaL = alphaLong * 1.0 / (1 << 11); Float_t qup, qdn; qup = (1 - lambdaL) * (1 - lambdaS); qdn = 1 - lambdaS * alphaL - lambdaL * (1 - alphaL); Float_t kdc = qup/qdn; Float_t kt, ql, qs; UShort_t aout; if (baseline < 0) baseline = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFPNP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); ql = lambdaL * (1 - lambdaS) * alphaL; qs = lambdaS * (1 - lambdaL) * (1 - alphaL); for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { Int_t value = baseline & 0xFFF; Int_t corr = (value * fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::TrapReg_t(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFGF0 + iAdc), fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)) >> 11; corr = corr > 0xfff ? 0xfff : corr; corr = AddUintClipping(corr, fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::TrapReg_t(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFGA0 + iAdc), fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos), 12); kt = kdc * baseline; aout = baseline - (UShort_t) kt; fTailAmplLong[iAdc] = (UShort_t) (aout * ql / (ql + qs)); fTailAmplShort[iAdc] = (UShort_t) (aout * qs / (ql + qs)); } } UShort_t AliTRDmcmSim::FilterTailNextSample(Int_t adc, UShort_t value) { // Returns the output of the tail filter for the given input value. // The output depends on the internal registers and, thus, the // history of the filter. // exponents and weight calculated from configuration UShort_t alphaLong = 0x3ff & fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFTAL, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // the weight of the long component UShort_t lambdaLong = (1 << 10) | (1 << 9) | (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFTLL, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) & 0x1FF); // the multiplier of the long component UShort_t lambdaShort = (0 << 10) | (1 << 9) | (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFTLS, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) & 0x1FF); // the multiplier of the short component // intermediate signals UInt_t aDiff; UInt_t alInpv; UShort_t aQ; UInt_t tmp; UShort_t inpVolt = value & 0xFFF; // 12 bits // add the present generator outputs aQ = AddUintClipping(fTailAmplLong[adc], fTailAmplShort[adc], 12); // calculate the difference between the input and the generated signal if (inpVolt > aQ) aDiff = inpVolt - aQ; else aDiff = 0; // the inputs to the two generators, weighted alInpv = (aDiff * alphaLong) >> 11; // the new values of the registers, used next time // long component tmp = AddUintClipping(fTailAmplLong[adc], alInpv, 12); tmp = (tmp * lambdaLong) >> 11; fTailAmplLong[adc] = tmp & 0xFFF; // short component tmp = AddUintClipping(fTailAmplShort[adc], aDiff - alInpv, 12); tmp = (tmp * lambdaShort) >> 11; fTailAmplShort[adc] = tmp & 0xFFF; // the output of the filter if (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kFTBY, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) == 0) // bypass mode, active low return value; else return aDiff; } void AliTRDmcmSim::FilterTail() { // Apply tail cancellation filter to all data. for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] = FilterTailNextSample(iAdc, fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin]); } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::ZSMapping() { // // Zero Suppression Mapping implemented in TRAP chip // only implemented for up to 30 timebins // // See detail TRAP manual "Data Indication" section: // http://www.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/ti/TRD/doc/trap/TRAP-UserManual.pdf // if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; Int_t eBIS = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kEBIS, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); Int_t eBIT = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kEBIT, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); Int_t eBIL = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kEBIL, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); Int_t eBIN = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kEBIN, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); Int_t **adc = fADCF; for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) fZSMap[iAdc] = -1; for( Int_t it = 0 ; it < fNTimeBin ; it++ ) { Int_t iAdc; // current ADC channel Int_t ap; Int_t ac; Int_t an; Int_t mask; Int_t supp; // suppression of the current channel (low active) // ----- first channel ----- iAdc = 0; ap = 0; // previous ac = adc[iAdc ][it]; // current an = adc[iAdc+1][it]; // next mask = ( ac >= ap && ac >= an ) ? 0 : 0x1; // peak center detection mask += ( ap + ac + an > eBIT ) ? 0 : 0x2; // cluster mask += ( ac > eBIS ) ? 0 : 0x4; // absolute large peak supp = (eBIL >> mask) & 1; fZSMap[iAdc] &= ~((1-supp) << it); if( eBIN == 0 ) { // neighbour sensitivity fZSMap[iAdc+1] &= ~((1-supp) << it); } // ----- last channel ----- iAdc = AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm() - 1; ap = adc[iAdc-1][it]; // previous ac = adc[iAdc ][it]; // current an = 0; // next mask = ( ac >= ap && ac >= an ) ? 0 : 0x1; // peak center detection mask += ( ap + ac + an > eBIT ) ? 0 : 0x2; // cluster mask += ( ac > eBIS ) ? 0 : 0x4; // absolute large peak supp = (eBIL >> mask) & 1; fZSMap[iAdc] &= ~((1-supp) << it); if( eBIN == 0 ) { // neighbour sensitivity fZSMap[iAdc-1] &= ~((1-supp) << it); } // ----- middle channels ----- for( iAdc = 1 ; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()-1; iAdc++ ) { ap = adc[iAdc-1][it]; // previous ac = adc[iAdc ][it]; // current an = adc[iAdc+1][it]; // next mask = ( ac >= ap && ac >= an ) ? 0 : 0x1; // peak center detection mask += ( ap + ac + an > eBIT ) ? 0 : 0x2; // cluster mask += ( ac > eBIS ) ? 0 : 0x4; // absolute large peak supp = (eBIL >> mask) & 1; fZSMap[iAdc] &= ~((1-supp) << it); if( eBIN == 0 ) { // neighbour sensitivity fZSMap[iAdc-1] &= ~((1-supp) << it); fZSMap[iAdc+1] &= ~((1-supp) << it); } } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::AddHitToFitreg(Int_t adc, UShort_t timebin, UShort_t qtot, Short_t ypos, Int_t label[]) { // Add the given hit to the fit register which is lateron used for // the tracklet calculation. // In addition to the fit sums in the fit register MC information // is stored. if ((timebin >= fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQS0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)) && (timebin < fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQE0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos))) fFitReg[adc].fQ0 += qtot; if ((timebin >= fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQS1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)) && (timebin < fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQE1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos))) fFitReg[adc].fQ1 += qtot; if ((timebin >= fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFS, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) ) && (timebin < fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFE, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos))) { fFitReg[adc].fSumX += timebin; fFitReg[adc].fSumX2 += timebin*timebin; fFitReg[adc].fNhits++; fFitReg[adc].fSumY += ypos; fFitReg[adc].fSumY2 += ypos*ypos; fFitReg[adc].fSumXY += timebin*ypos; AliDebug(10, Form("fitreg[%2i] in timebin %2i: X=%i, X2=%i, N=%i, Y=%i, Y2=%i, XY=%i, Q0=%i, Q1=%i", adc, timebin, fFitReg[adc].fSumX, fFitReg[adc].fSumX2, fFitReg[adc].fNhits, fFitReg[adc].fSumY, fFitReg[adc].fSumY2, fFitReg[adc].fSumXY, fFitReg[adc].fQ0, fFitReg[adc].fQ1)); } // register hits (MC info) fHits[fNHits].fChannel = adc; fHits[fNHits].fQtot = qtot; fHits[fNHits].fYpos = ypos; fHits[fNHits].fTimebin = timebin; fHits[fNHits].fLabel[0] = label[0]; fHits[fNHits].fLabel[1] = label[1]; fHits[fNHits].fLabel[2] = label[2]; fNHits++; } void AliTRDmcmSim::CalcFitreg() { // Preprocessing. // Detect the hits and fill the fit registers. // Requires 12-bit data from fADCF which means Filter() // has to be called before even if all filters are bypassed. //??? to be clarified: UInt_t adcMask = 0xffffffff; Bool_t hitQual; Int_t adcLeft, adcCentral, adcRight; UShort_t timebin, adcch, timebin1, timebin2, qtotTemp; Short_t ypos, fromLeft, fromRight, found; UShort_t qTotal[19+1]; // the last is dummy UShort_t marked[6], qMarked[6], worse1, worse2; if (fgStoreClusters) { timebin1 = 0; timebin2 = fNTimeBin; } else { // find first timebin to be looked at timebin1 = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFS, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); if (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQS0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) < timebin1) timebin1 = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQS0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); if (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQS1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) < timebin1) timebin1 = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQS1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // find last timebin to be looked at timebin2 = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFE, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); if (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQE0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) > timebin2) timebin2 = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQE0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); if (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQE1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) > timebin2) timebin2 = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQE1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); } // reset the fit registers fNHits = 0; for (adcch = 0; adcch < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()-2; adcch++) // due to border channels { fFitReg[adcch].fNhits = 0; fFitReg[adcch].fQ0 = 0; fFitReg[adcch].fQ1 = 0; fFitReg[adcch].fSumX = 0; fFitReg[adcch].fSumY = 0; fFitReg[adcch].fSumX2 = 0; fFitReg[adcch].fSumY2 = 0; fFitReg[adcch].fSumXY = 0; } for (timebin = timebin1; timebin < timebin2; timebin++) { // first find the hit candidates and store the total cluster charge in qTotal array // in case of not hit store 0 there. for (adcch = 0; adcch < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm()-2; adcch++) { if ( ( (adcMask >> adcch) & 7) == 7) //??? all 3 channels are present in case of ZS { adcLeft = fADCF[adcch ][timebin]; adcCentral = fADCF[adcch+1][timebin]; adcRight = fADCF[adcch+2][timebin]; if (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPVBY, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) == 0) { // bypass the cluster verification hitQual = kTRUE; } else { hitQual = ( (adcLeft * adcRight) < ((fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPVT, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) * adcCentral*adcCentral) >> 10) ); if (hitQual) AliDebug(5, Form("cluster quality cut passed with %3i, %3i, %3i - threshold %3i -> %i", adcLeft, adcCentral, adcRight, fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPVT, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos), fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPVT, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) * adcCentral*adcCentral)); } // The accumulated charge is with the pedestal!!! qtotTemp = adcLeft + adcCentral + adcRight; if ( (hitQual) && (qtotTemp >= fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPHT, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)) && (adcLeft <= adcCentral) && (adcCentral > adcRight) ) qTotal[adcch] = qtotTemp; else qTotal[adcch] = 0; } else qTotal[adcch] = 0; //jkl if (qTotal[adcch] != 0) AliDebug(10,Form("ch %2d qTotal %5d",adcch, qTotal[adcch])); } fromLeft = -1; adcch = 0; found = 0; marked[4] = 19; // invalid channel marked[5] = 19; // invalid channel qTotal[19] = 0; while ((adcch < 16) && (found < 3)) { if (qTotal[adcch] > 0) { fromLeft = adcch; marked[2*found+1]=adcch; found++; } adcch++; } fromRight = -1; adcch = 18; found = 0; while ((adcch > 2) && (found < 3)) { if (qTotal[adcch] > 0) { marked[2*found]=adcch; found++; fromRight = adcch; } adcch--; } AliDebug(10,Form("Fromleft=%d, Fromright=%d",fromLeft, fromRight)); // here mask the hit candidates in the middle, if any if ((fromLeft >= 0) && (fromRight >= 0) && (fromLeft < fromRight)) for (adcch = fromLeft+1; adcch < fromRight; adcch++) qTotal[adcch] = 0; found = 0; for (adcch = 0; adcch < 19; adcch++) if (qTotal[adcch] > 0) found++; // NOT READY if (found > 4) // sorting like in the TRAP in case of 5 or 6 candidates! { if (marked[4] == marked[5]) marked[5] = 19; for (found=0; found<6; found++) { qMarked[found] = qTotal[marked[found]] >> 4; AliDebug(10,Form("ch_%d qTotal %d qTotals %d",marked[found],qTotal[marked[found]],qMarked[found])); } Sort6To2Worst(marked[0], marked[3], marked[4], marked[1], marked[2], marked[5], qMarked[0], qMarked[3], qMarked[4], qMarked[1], qMarked[2], qMarked[5], &worse1, &worse2); // Now mask the two channels with the smallest charge if (worse1 < 19) { qTotal[worse1] = 0; AliDebug(10,Form("Kill ch %d\n",worse1)); } if (worse2 < 19) { qTotal[worse2] = 0; AliDebug(10,Form("Kill ch %d\n",worse2)); } } for (adcch = 0; adcch < 19; adcch++) { if (qTotal[adcch] > 0) // the channel is marked for processing { adcLeft = fADCF[adcch ][timebin]; adcCentral = fADCF[adcch+1][timebin]; adcRight = fADCF[adcch+2][timebin]; // hit detected, in TRAP we have 4 units and a hit-selection, here we proceed all channels! // subtract the pedestal TPFP, clipping instead of wrapping Int_t regTPFP = fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPFP, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); AliDebug(10, Form("Hit found, time=%d, adcch=%d/%d/%d, adc values=%d/%d/%d, regTPFP=%d, TPHT=%d\n", timebin, adcch, adcch+1, adcch+2, adcLeft, adcCentral, adcRight, regTPFP, fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPHT, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos))); if (adcLeft < regTPFP) adcLeft = 0; else adcLeft -= regTPFP; if (adcCentral < regTPFP) adcCentral = 0; else adcCentral -= regTPFP; if (adcRight < regTPFP) adcRight = 0; else adcRight -= regTPFP; // Calculate the center of gravity // checking for adcCentral != 0 (in case of "bad" configuration) if (adcCentral == 0) continue; ypos = 128*(adcRight - adcLeft) / adcCentral; if (ypos < 0) ypos = -ypos; // make the correction using the position LUT ypos = ypos + fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg((AliTRDtrapConfig::TrapReg_t) (AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPL00 + (ypos & 0x7F)), fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); if (adcLeft > adcRight) ypos = -ypos; // label calculation (up to 3) Int_t mcLabel[] = {-1, -1, -1}; if (fDigitsManager) { const Int_t maxLabels = 9; Int_t label[maxLabels] = { 0 }; // up to 9 different labels possible Int_t count[maxLabels] = { 0 }; Int_t nLabels = 0; Int_t padcol[3]; padcol[0] = fFeeParam->GetPadColFromADC(fRobPos, fMcmPos, adcch); padcol[1] = fFeeParam->GetPadColFromADC(fRobPos, fMcmPos, adcch+1); padcol[2] = fFeeParam->GetPadColFromADC(fRobPos, fMcmPos, adcch+2); Int_t padrow = fFeeParam->GetPadRowFromMCM(fRobPos, fMcmPos); for (Int_t iDict = 0; iDict < 3; iDict++) { if (!fDict[iDict]) continue; for (Int_t iPad = 0; iPad < 3; iPad++) { if (padcol[iPad] < 0) continue; Int_t currLabel = fDict[iDict]->GetData(padrow, padcol[iPad], timebin); AliDebug(10, Form("Read label: %4i for det: %3i, row: %i, col: %i, tb: %i\n", currLabel, fDetector, padrow, padcol[iPad], timebin)); for (Int_t iLabel = 0; iLabel < nLabels; iLabel++) { if (currLabel == label[iLabel]) { count[iLabel]++; currLabel = -1; break; } } if (currLabel >= 0) { label[nLabels] = currLabel; count[nLabels] = 1; nLabels++; } } } Int_t index[2*maxLabels]; TMath::Sort(maxLabels, count, index); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (count[index[i]] <= 0) break; mcLabel[i] = label[index[i]]; } } // add the hit to the fitregister AddHitToFitreg(adcch, timebin, qTotal[adcch] >> fgkAddDigits, ypos, mcLabel); } } } for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { if (fFitReg[iAdc].fNhits != 0) { AliDebug(2, Form("fitreg[%i]: nHits = %i, sumX = %i, sumY = %i, sumX2 = %i, sumY2 = %i, sumXY = %i", iAdc, fFitReg[iAdc].fNhits, fFitReg[iAdc].fSumX, fFitReg[iAdc].fSumY, fFitReg[iAdc].fSumX2, fFitReg[iAdc].fSumY2, fFitReg[iAdc].fSumXY )); } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::TrackletSelection() { // Select up to 4 tracklet candidates from the fit registers // and assign them to the CPUs. UShort_t adcIdx, i, j, ntracks, tmp; UShort_t trackletCand[18][2]; // store the adcch[0] and number of hits[1] for all tracklet candidates ntracks = 0; for (adcIdx = 0; adcIdx < 18; adcIdx++) // ADCs if ( (fFitReg[adcIdx].fNhits >= fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPCL, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)) && (fFitReg[adcIdx].fNhits+fFitReg[adcIdx+1].fNhits >= fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPCT, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos))) { trackletCand[ntracks][0] = adcIdx; trackletCand[ntracks][1] = fFitReg[adcIdx].fNhits+fFitReg[adcIdx+1].fNhits; AliDebug(10,Form("%d %2d %4d\n", ntracks, trackletCand[ntracks][0], trackletCand[ntracks][1])); ntracks++; }; for (i=0; i 4) { // primitive sorting according to the number of hits for (j = 0; j < (ntracks-1); j++) { for (i = j+1; i < ntracks; i++) { if ( (trackletCand[j][1] < trackletCand[i][1]) || ( (trackletCand[j][1] == trackletCand[i][1]) && (trackletCand[j][0] < trackletCand[i][0]) ) ) { // swap j & i tmp = trackletCand[j][1]; trackletCand[j][1] = trackletCand[i][1]; trackletCand[i][1] = tmp; tmp = trackletCand[j][0]; trackletCand[j][0] = trackletCand[i][0]; trackletCand[i][0] = tmp; } } } ntracks = 4; // cut the rest, 4 is the max } // else is not necessary to sort // now sort, so that the first tracklet going to CPU0 corresponds to the highest adc channel - as in the TRAP for (j = 0; j < (ntracks-1); j++) { for (i = j+1; i < ntracks; i++) { if (trackletCand[j][0] < trackletCand[i][0]) { // swap j & i tmp = trackletCand[j][1]; trackletCand[j][1] = trackletCand[i][1]; trackletCand[i][1] = tmp; tmp = trackletCand[j][0]; trackletCand[j][0] = trackletCand[i][0]; trackletCand[i][0] = tmp; } } } for (i = 0; i < ntracks; i++) // CPUs with tracklets. fFitPtr[i] = trackletCand[i][0]; // pointer to the left channel with tracklet for CPU[i] for (i = ntracks; i < 4; i++) // CPUs without tracklets fFitPtr[i] = 31; // pointer to the left channel with tracklet for CPU[i] = 31 (invalid) AliDebug(10,Form("found %i tracklet candidates\n", ntracks)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) AliDebug(10,Form("fitPtr[%i]: %i\n", i, fFitPtr[i])); } void AliTRDmcmSim::FitTracklet() { // Perform the actual tracklet fit based on the fit sums // which have been filled in the fit registers. // parameters in fitred.asm (fit program) Int_t rndAdd = 0; Int_t decPlaces = 5; // must be larger than 1 or change the following code // if (decPlaces > 1) rndAdd = (1 << (decPlaces-1)) + 1; // else if (decPlaces == 1) // rndAdd = 1; Int_t ndriftDp = 5; // decimal places for drift time Long64_t shift = ((Long64_t) 1 << 32); // calculated in fitred.asm Int_t padrow = ((fRobPos >> 1) << 2) | (fMcmPos >> 2); Int_t yoffs = (((((fRobPos & 0x1) << 2) + (fMcmPos & 0x3)) * 18) << 8) - ((18*4*2 - 18*2 - 1) << 7); yoffs = yoffs << decPlaces; // holds position of ADC channel 1 Int_t layer = fDetector % 6; UInt_t scaleY = (UInt_t) ((0.635 + 0.03 * layer)/(256.0 * 160.0e-4) * shift); UInt_t scaleD = (UInt_t) ((0.635 + 0.03 * layer)/(256.0 * 140.0e-4) * shift); Int_t deflCorr = (Int_t) fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrDeflCorr, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); Int_t ndrift = (Int_t) fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrNdrift, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // local variables for calculation Long64_t mult, temp, denom; //??? UInt_t q0, q1, pid; // charges in the two windows and total charge UShort_t nHits; // number of hits Int_t slope, offset; // slope and offset of the tracklet Int_t sumX, sumY, sumXY, sumX2; // fit sums from fit registers Int_t sumY2; // not used in the current TRAP program, now used for error calculation (simulation only) Float_t fitError, fitSlope, fitOffset; FitReg_t *fit0, *fit1; // pointers to relevant fit registers // const uint32_t OneDivN[32] = { // 2**31/N : exactly like in the TRAP, the simple division here gives the same result! // 0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0x40000000, 0x2AAAAAA0, 0x20000000, 0x19999990, 0x15555550, 0x12492490, // 0x10000000, 0x0E38E380, 0x0CCCCCC0, 0x0BA2E8B0, 0x0AAAAAA0, 0x09D89D80, 0x09249240, 0x08888880, // 0x08000000, 0x07878780, 0x071C71C0, 0x06BCA1A0, 0x06666660, 0x06186180, 0x05D17450, 0x0590B210, // 0x05555550, 0x051EB850, 0x04EC4EC0, 0x04BDA120, 0x04924920, 0x0469EE50, 0x04444440, 0x04210840}; for (Int_t cpu = 0; cpu < 4; cpu++) { if (fFitPtr[cpu] == 31) { fMCMT[cpu] = 0x10001000; //??? AliTRDfeeParam::GetTrackletEndmarker(); } else { fit0 = &fFitReg[fFitPtr[cpu] ]; fit1 = &fFitReg[fFitPtr[cpu]+1]; // next channel mult = 1; mult = mult << (32 + decPlaces); mult = -mult; // Merging nHits = fit0->fNhits + fit1->fNhits; // number of hits sumX = fit0->fSumX + fit1->fSumX; sumX2 = fit0->fSumX2 + fit1->fSumX2; denom = ((Long64_t) nHits)*((Long64_t) sumX2) - ((Long64_t) sumX)*((Long64_t) sumX); mult = mult / denom; // exactly like in the TRAP program q0 = fit0->fQ0 + fit1->fQ0; q1 = fit0->fQ1 + fit1->fQ1; sumY = fit0->fSumY + fit1->fSumY + 256*fit1->fNhits; sumXY = fit0->fSumXY + fit1->fSumXY + 256*fit1->fSumX; sumY2 = fit0->fSumY2 + fit1->fSumY2 + 512*fit1->fSumY + 256*256*fit1->fNhits; slope = nHits*sumXY - sumX * sumY; offset = sumX2*sumY - sumX * sumXY; temp = mult * slope; slope = temp >> 32; // take the upper 32 bits slope = -slope; temp = mult * offset; offset = temp >> 32; // take the upper 32 bits offset = offset + yoffs; AliDebug(10, Form("slope = %i, slope * ndrift = %i, deflCorr: %i", slope, slope * ndrift, deflCorr)); slope = ((slope * ndrift) >> ndriftDp) + deflCorr; offset = offset - (fFitPtr[cpu] << (8 + decPlaces)); temp = slope; temp = temp * scaleD; slope = (temp >> 32); temp = offset; temp = temp * scaleY; offset = (temp >> 32); // rounding, like in the TRAP slope = (slope + rndAdd) >> decPlaces; offset = (offset + rndAdd) >> decPlaces; AliDebug(5, Form("Det: %3i, ROB: %i, MCM: %2i: deflection: %i, min: %i, max: %i", fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos, slope, (Int_t) fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrDeflCutStart + 2*fFitPtr[cpu], fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos), (Int_t) fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrDeflCutStart + 1 + 2*fFitPtr[cpu], fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos))); AliDebug(5, Form("Fit sums: x = %i, X = %i, y = %i, Y = %i, Z = %i, q0 = %i, q1 = %i", sumX, sumX2, sumY, sumY2, sumXY, q0, q1)); fitSlope = (Float_t) (nHits * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (nHits * sumX2 - sumX*sumX); fitOffset = (Float_t) (sumX2 * sumY - sumX * sumXY) / (nHits * sumX2 - sumX*sumX); Float_t sx = (Float_t) sumX; Float_t sx2 = (Float_t) sumX2; Float_t sy = (Float_t) sumY; Float_t sy2 = (Float_t) sumY2; Float_t sxy = (Float_t) sumXY; fitError = sy2 - (sx2 * sy*sy - 2 * sx * sxy * sy + nHits * sxy*sxy) / (nHits * sx2 - sx*sx); //fitError = (Float_t) sumY2 - (Float_t) (sumY*sumY) / nHits - fitSlope * ((Float_t) (sumXY - sumX*sumY) / nHits); Bool_t rejected = kFALSE; // deflection range table from DMEM if ((slope < ((Int_t) fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrDeflCutStart + 2*fFitPtr[cpu], fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos))) || (slope > ((Int_t) fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrDeflCutStart + 1 + 2*fFitPtr[cpu], fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)))) rejected = kTRUE; if (rejected && GetApplyCut()) { fMCMT[cpu] = 0x10001000; //??? AliTRDfeeParam::GetTrackletEndmarker(); } else { if (slope > 63 || slope < -64) { // wrapping in TRAP! AliDebug(1,Form("Overflow in slope: %i, tracklet discarded!", slope)); fMCMT[cpu] = 0x10001000; continue; } slope = slope & 0x7F; // 7 bit if (offset > 0xfff || offset < -0xfff) AliWarning("Overflow in offset"); offset = offset & 0x1FFF; // 13 bit pid = GetPID(q0, q1); if (pid > 0xff) AliWarning("Overflow in PID"); pid = pid & 0xFF; // 8 bit, exactly like in the TRAP program // assemble and store the tracklet word fMCMT[cpu] = (pid << 24) | (padrow << 20) | (slope << 13) | offset; // calculate number of hits and MC label Int_t mcLabel[] = { -1, -1, -1}; Int_t nHits0 = 0; Int_t nHits1 = 0; const Int_t maxLabels = 30; Int_t label[maxLabels] = {0}; // up to 30 different labels possible Int_t count[maxLabels] = {0}; Int_t nLabels = 0; for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < fNHits; iHit++) { if ((fHits[iHit].fChannel - fFitPtr[cpu] < 0) || (fHits[iHit].fChannel - fFitPtr[cpu] > 1)) continue; // counting contributing hits if (fHits[iHit].fTimebin >= fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQS0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) && fHits[iHit].fTimebin < fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQE0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)) nHits0++; if (fHits[iHit].fTimebin >= fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQS1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) && fHits[iHit].fTimebin < fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kTPQE1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)) nHits1++; // label calculation only if there is a digitsmanager to get the labels from if (fDigitsManager) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Int_t currLabel = fHits[iHit].fLabel[i]; for (Int_t iLabel = 0; iLabel < nLabels; iLabel++) { if (currLabel == label[iLabel]) { count[iLabel]++; currLabel = -1; break; } } if (currLabel >= 0 && nLabels < maxLabels) { label[nLabels] = currLabel; count[nLabels]++; nLabels++; } } } if (fDigitsManager) { Int_t index[2*maxLabels]; TMath::Sort(maxLabels, count, index); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (count[index[i]] <= 0) break; mcLabel[i] = label[index[i]]; } } } new ((*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()]) AliTRDtrackletMCM((UInt_t) fMCMT[cpu], fDetector*2 + fRobPos%2, fRobPos, fMcmPos); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetLabel(mcLabel); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetNHits(fit0->fNhits + fit1->fNhits); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetNHits0(nHits0); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetNHits1(nHits1); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetQ0(q0); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetQ1(q1); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetSlope(fitSlope); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetOffset(fitOffset); ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetError(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(fitError)/nHits)); // store cluster information (if requested) if (fgStoreClusters) { Float_t *res = new Float_t[fNTimeBin]; Float_t *qtot = new Float_t[fNTimeBin]; for (Int_t iTimebin = 0; iTimebin < fNTimeBin; ++iTimebin) { res[iTimebin] = 0; qtot[iTimebin] = 0; } for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < fNHits; iHit++) { Int_t timebin = fHits[iHit].fTimebin; // check if hit contributes if (fHits[iHit].fChannel == fFitPtr[cpu]) { res[timebin] = fHits[iHit].fYpos - (fitSlope * timebin + fitOffset); qtot[timebin] = fHits[iHit].fQtot; } else if (fHits[iHit].fChannel == fFitPtr[cpu] + 1) { res[timebin] = fHits[iHit].fYpos + 256 - (fitSlope * timebin + fitOffset); qtot[timebin] = fHits[iHit].fQtot; } } ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast()-1])->SetClusters(res, qtot, fNTimeBin); delete [] res; delete [] qtot; } if (fitError < 0) AliError(Form("Strange fit error: %f from Sx: %i, Sy: %i, Sxy: %i, Sx2: %i, Sy2: %i, nHits: %i", fitError, sumX, sumY, sumXY, sumX2, sumY2, nHits)); AliDebug(3, Form("fit slope: %f, offset: %f, error: %f", fitSlope, fitOffset, TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(fitError)/nHits))); } } } } void AliTRDmcmSim::Tracklet() { // Run the tracklet calculation by calling sequentially: // CalcFitreg(); TrackletSelection(); FitTracklet() // and store the tracklets if (!fInitialized) { AliError("Called uninitialized! Nothing done!"); return; } fTrackletArray->Delete(); CalcFitreg(); if (fNHits == 0) return; TrackletSelection(); FitTracklet(); } Bool_t AliTRDmcmSim::StoreTracklets() { // store the found tracklets via the loader if (fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast() == 0) return kTRUE; AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Instance(); AliDataLoader *dl = 0x0; if (rl) dl = rl->GetLoader("TRDLoader")->GetDataLoader("tracklets"); if (!dl) { AliError("Could not get the tracklets data loader!"); return kFALSE; } TTree *trackletTree = dl->Tree(); if (!trackletTree) { dl->MakeTree(); trackletTree = dl->Tree(); } AliTRDtrackletMCM *trkl = 0x0; TBranch *trkbranch = trackletTree->GetBranch(fTrklBranchName.Data()); if (!trkbranch) trkbranch = trackletTree->Branch(fTrklBranchName.Data(), "AliTRDtrackletMCM", &trkl, 32000); for (Int_t iTracklet = 0; iTracklet < fTrackletArray->GetEntriesFast(); iTracklet++) { trkl = ((AliTRDtrackletMCM*) (*fTrackletArray)[iTracklet]); trkbranch->SetAddress(&trkl); trkbranch->Fill(); } return kTRUE; } void AliTRDmcmSim::WriteData(AliTRDarrayADC *digits) { // write back the processed data configured by EBSF // EBSF = 1: unfiltered data; EBSF = 0: filtered data // zero-suppressed valued are written as -1 to digits if( !CheckInitialized() ) return; Int_t offset = (fMcmPos % 4 + 1) * 21 + (fRobPos % 2) * 84 - 1; if (fTrapConfig->GetTrapReg(AliTRDtrapConfig::kEBSF, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) != 0) // store unfiltered data { for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { if (~fZSMap[iAdc] == 0) { for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { digits->SetDataByAdcCol(GetRow(), offset - iAdc, iTimeBin, -1); } } else if (iAdc < 2 || iAdc == 20) { for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { digits->SetDataByAdcCol(GetRow(), offset - iAdc, iTimeBin, (fADCR[iAdc][iTimeBin] >> fgkAddDigits) - fgAddBaseline); } } } } else { for (Int_t iAdc = 0; iAdc < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iAdc++) { if (~fZSMap[iAdc] != 0) { for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { digits->SetDataByAdcCol(GetRow(), offset - iAdc, iTimeBin, (fADCF[iAdc][iTimeBin] >> fgkAddDigits) - fgAddBaseline); } } else { for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { digits->SetDataByAdcCol(GetRow(), offset - iAdc, iTimeBin, -1); } } } } } // ****************************** // PID section // // Memory area for the LUT: 0xC100 to 0xC3FF // // The addresses for the parameters (the order is optimized for maximum calculation speed in the MCMs): // 0xC028: cor1 // 0xC029: nBins(sF) // 0xC02A: cor0 // 0xC02B: TableLength // Defined in AliTRDtrapConfig.h // // The algorithm implemented in the TRAP program of the MCMs (Venelin Angelov) // 1) set the read pointer to the beginning of the Parameters in DMEM // 2) shift right the FitReg with the Q0 + (Q1 << 16) to get Q1 // 3) read cor1 with rpointer++ // 4) start cor1*Q1 // 5) read nBins with rpointer++ // 6) start nBins*cor1*Q1 // 7) read cor0 with rpointer++ // 8) swap hi-low parts in FitReg, now is Q1 + (Q0 << 16) // 9) shift right to get Q0 // 10) start cor0*Q0 // 11) read TableLength // 12) compare cor0*Q0 with nBins // 13) if >=, clip cor0*Q0 to nBins-1 // 14) add cor0*Q0 to nBins*cor1*Q1 // 15) compare the result with TableLength // 16) if >=, clip to TableLength-1 // 17) read from the LUT 8 bits Int_t AliTRDmcmSim::GetPID(Int_t q0, Int_t q1) { // return PID calculated from charges accumulated in two time windows ULong64_t addrQ0; ULong64_t addr; UInt_t nBinsQ0 = fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrLUTnbins, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); // number of bins in q0 / 4 !! UInt_t pidTotalSize = fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrLUTLength, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); if(nBinsQ0==0 || pidTotalSize==0) // make sure we don't run into trouble if the value for Q0 is not configured return 0; // Q1 not configured is ok for 1D LUT ULong_t corrQ0 = fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrLUTcor0, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); ULong_t corrQ1 = fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrLUTcor1, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); if(corrQ0==0) // make sure we don't run into trouble if one of the values is not configured return 0; addrQ0 = corrQ0; addrQ0 = (((addrQ0*q0)>>16)>>16); // because addrQ0 = (q0 * corrQ0) >> 32; does not work for unknown reasons if(addrQ0 >= nBinsQ0) { // check for overflow AliDebug(5,Form("Overflow in q0: %llu/4 is bigger then %u", addrQ0, nBinsQ0)); addrQ0 = nBinsQ0 -1; } addr = corrQ1; addr = (((addr*q1)>>16)>>16); addr = addrQ0 + nBinsQ0*addr; // because addr = addrQ0 + nBinsQ0* (((corrQ1*q1)>>32); does not work if(addr >= pidTotalSize) { AliDebug(5,Form("Overflow in q1. Address %llu/4 is bigger then %u", addr, pidTotalSize)); addr = pidTotalSize -1; } // For a LUT with 11 input and 8 output bits, the first memory address is set to LUT[0] | (LUT[1] << 8) | (LUT[2] << 16) | (LUT[3] << 24) // and so on UInt_t result = fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrLUTStart+(addr/4), fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); return (result>>((addr%4)*8)) & 0xFF; } // help functions, to be cleaned up UInt_t AliTRDmcmSim::AddUintClipping(UInt_t a, UInt_t b, UInt_t nbits) const { // // This function adds a and b (unsigned) and clips to // the specified number of bits. // UInt_t sum = a + b; if (nbits < 32) { UInt_t maxv = (1 << nbits) - 1;; if (sum > maxv) sum = maxv; } else { if ((sum < a) || (sum < b)) sum = 0xFFFFFFFF; } return sum; } void AliTRDmcmSim::Sort2(UShort_t idx1i, UShort_t idx2i, \ UShort_t val1i, UShort_t val2i, \ UShort_t * const idx1o, UShort_t * const idx2o, \ UShort_t * const val1o, UShort_t * const val2o) const { // sorting for tracklet selection if (val1i > val2i) { *idx1o = idx1i; *idx2o = idx2i; *val1o = val1i; *val2o = val2i; } else { *idx1o = idx2i; *idx2o = idx1i; *val1o = val2i; *val2o = val1i; } } void AliTRDmcmSim::Sort3(UShort_t idx1i, UShort_t idx2i, UShort_t idx3i, \ UShort_t val1i, UShort_t val2i, UShort_t val3i, \ UShort_t * const idx1o, UShort_t * const idx2o, UShort_t * const idx3o, \ UShort_t * const val1o, UShort_t * const val2o, UShort_t * const val3o) { // sorting for tracklet selection Int_t sel; if (val1i > val2i) sel=4; else sel=0; if (val2i > val3i) sel=sel + 2; if (val3i > val1i) sel=sel + 1; switch(sel) { case 6 : // 1 > 2 > 3 => 1 2 3 case 0 : // 1 = 2 = 3 => 1 2 3 : in this case doesn't matter, but so is in hardware! *idx1o = idx1i; *idx2o = idx2i; *idx3o = idx3i; *val1o = val1i; *val2o = val2i; *val3o = val3i; break; case 4 : // 1 > 2, 2 <= 3, 3 <= 1 => 1 3 2 *idx1o = idx1i; *idx2o = idx3i; *idx3o = idx2i; *val1o = val1i; *val2o = val3i; *val3o = val2i; break; case 2 : // 1 <= 2, 2 > 3, 3 <= 1 => 2 1 3 *idx1o = idx2i; *idx2o = idx1i; *idx3o = idx3i; *val1o = val2i; *val2o = val1i; *val3o = val3i; break; case 3 : // 1 <= 2, 2 > 3, 3 > 1 => 2 3 1 *idx1o = idx2i; *idx2o = idx3i; *idx3o = idx1i; *val1o = val2i; *val2o = val3i; *val3o = val1i; break; case 1 : // 1 <= 2, 2 <= 3, 3 > 1 => 3 2 1 *idx1o = idx3i; *idx2o = idx2i; *idx3o = idx1i; *val1o = val3i; *val2o = val2i; *val3o = val1i; break; case 5 : // 1 > 2, 2 <= 3, 3 > 1 => 3 1 2 *idx1o = idx3i; *idx2o = idx1i; *idx3o = idx2i; *val1o = val3i; *val2o = val1i; *val3o = val2i; break; default: // the rest should NEVER happen! AliError("ERROR in Sort3!!!\n"); break; } } void AliTRDmcmSim::Sort6To4(UShort_t idx1i, UShort_t idx2i, UShort_t idx3i, UShort_t idx4i, UShort_t idx5i, UShort_t idx6i, \ UShort_t val1i, UShort_t val2i, UShort_t val3i, UShort_t val4i, UShort_t val5i, UShort_t val6i, \ UShort_t * const idx1o, UShort_t * const idx2o, UShort_t * const idx3o, UShort_t * const idx4o, \ UShort_t * const val1o, UShort_t * const val2o, UShort_t * const val3o, UShort_t * const val4o) { // sorting for tracklet selection UShort_t idx21s, idx22s, idx23s, dummy; UShort_t val21s, val22s, val23s; UShort_t idx23as, idx23bs; UShort_t val23as, val23bs; Sort3(idx1i, idx2i, idx3i, val1i, val2i, val3i, idx1o, &idx21s, &idx23as, val1o, &val21s, &val23as); Sort3(idx4i, idx5i, idx6i, val4i, val5i, val6i, idx2o, &idx22s, &idx23bs, val2o, &val22s, &val23bs); Sort2(idx23as, idx23bs, val23as, val23bs, &idx23s, &dummy, &val23s, &dummy); Sort3(idx21s, idx22s, idx23s, val21s, val22s, val23s, idx3o, idx4o, &dummy, val3o, val4o, &dummy); } void AliTRDmcmSim::Sort6To2Worst(UShort_t idx1i, UShort_t idx2i, UShort_t idx3i, UShort_t idx4i, UShort_t idx5i, UShort_t idx6i, \ UShort_t val1i, UShort_t val2i, UShort_t val3i, UShort_t val4i, UShort_t val5i, UShort_t val6i, \ UShort_t * const idx5o, UShort_t * const idx6o) { // sorting for tracklet selection UShort_t idx21s, idx22s, idx23s, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4, dummy5; UShort_t val21s, val22s, val23s; UShort_t idx23as, idx23bs; UShort_t val23as, val23bs; Sort3(idx1i, idx2i, idx3i, val1i, val2i, val3i, &dummy1, &idx21s, &idx23as, &dummy2, &val21s, &val23as); Sort3(idx4i, idx5i, idx6i, val4i, val5i, val6i, &dummy1, &idx22s, &idx23bs, &dummy2, &val22s, &val23bs); Sort2(idx23as, idx23bs, val23as, val23bs, &idx23s, idx5o, &val23s, &dummy1); Sort3(idx21s, idx22s, idx23s, val21s, val22s, val23s, &dummy1, &dummy2, idx6o, &dummy3, &dummy4, &dummy5); } // ----- I/O implementation ----- ostream& AliTRDmcmSim::Text(ostream& os) { // manipulator to activate output in text format (default) os.iword(fgkFormatIndex) = 0; return os; } ostream& AliTRDmcmSim::Cfdat(ostream& os) { // manipulator to activate output in CFDAT format // to send to the FEE via SCSN os.iword(fgkFormatIndex) = 1; return os; } ostream& AliTRDmcmSim::Raw(ostream& os) { // manipulator to activate output as raw data dump os.iword(fgkFormatIndex) = 2; return os; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const AliTRDmcmSim& mcm) { // output implementation // no output for non-initialized MCM if (!mcm.CheckInitialized()) return os; // ----- human-readable output ----- if (os.iword(AliTRDmcmSim::fgkFormatIndex) == 0) { os << "MCM " << mcm.fMcmPos << " on ROB " << mcm.fRobPos << " in detector " << mcm.fDetector << std::endl; os << "----- Unfiltered ADC data (10 bit) -----" << std::endl; os << "ch "; for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) os << std::setw(5) << iChannel; os << std::endl; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < mcm.fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { os << "tb " << std::setw(2) << iTimeBin << ":"; for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) { os << std::setw(5) << (mcm.fADCR[iChannel][iTimeBin] >> mcm.fgkAddDigits); } os << std::endl; } os << "----- Filtered ADC data (10+2 bit) -----" << std::endl; os << "ch "; for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) os << std::setw(4) << iChannel << ((~mcm.fZSMap[iChannel] != 0) ? "!" : " "); os << std::endl; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < mcm.fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { os << "tb " << std::setw(2) << iTimeBin << ":"; for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) { os << std::setw(4) << (mcm.fADCF[iChannel][iTimeBin]) << (((mcm.fZSMap[iChannel] & (1 << iTimeBin)) == 0) ? "!" : " "); } os << std::endl; } } // ----- CFDAT output ----- else if(os.iword(AliTRDmcmSim::fgkFormatIndex) == 1) { Int_t dest = 127; Int_t addrOffset = 0x2000; Int_t addrStep = 0x80; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < mcm.fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) { os << std::setw(5) << 10 << std::setw(5) << addrOffset + iChannel * addrStep + iTimeBin << std::setw(5) << (mcm.fADCF[iChannel][iTimeBin]) << std::setw(5) << dest << std::endl; } os << std::endl; } } // ----- raw data ouptut ----- else if (os.iword(AliTRDmcmSim::fgkFormatIndex) == 2) { Int_t bufSize = 300; UInt_t *buf = new UInt_t[bufSize]; Int_t bufLength = mcm.ProduceRawStream(&buf[0], bufSize); for (Int_t i = 0; i < bufLength; i++) std::cout << "0x" << std::hex << buf[i] << std::dec << std::endl; delete [] buf; } else { os << "unknown format set" << std::endl; } return os; } void AliTRDmcmSim::PrintFitRegXml(ostream& os) const { // print fit registres in XML format bool tracklet=false; for (Int_t cpu = 0; cpu < 4; cpu++) { if(fFitPtr[cpu] != 31) tracklet=true; } if(tracklet==true) { os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; for(int cpu=0; cpu<4; cpu++) { os << " " << std::endl; if(fFitPtr[cpu] != 31) { for(int adcch=fFitPtr[cpu]; adcch"<< std::endl; os << " " << fFitReg[adcch].fNhits << ""<< std::endl; os << " " << fFitReg[adcch].fQ0 << ""<< std::endl; os << " " << fFitReg[adcch].fQ1 << ""<< std::endl; os << " " << fFitReg[adcch].fSumX << ""<< std::endl; os << " " << fFitReg[adcch].fSumX2 << ""<< std::endl; os << " " << fFitReg[adcch].fSumY << ""<< std::endl; os << " " << fFitReg[adcch].fSumY2 << ""<< std::endl; os << " " << fFitReg[adcch].fSumXY << ""<< std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; } } os << " " << std::endl; } os << " " << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; } } void AliTRDmcmSim::PrintTrackletsXml(ostream& os) const { // print tracklets in XML format os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; Int_t pid, padrow, slope, offset; for(Int_t cpu=0; cpu<4; cpu++) { if(fMCMT[cpu] == 0x10001000) { pid=-1; padrow=-1; slope=-1; offset=-1; } else { pid = (fMCMT[cpu] & 0xFF000000) >> 24; padrow = (fMCMT[cpu] & 0xF00000 ) >> 20; slope = (fMCMT[cpu] & 0xFE000 ) >> 13; offset = (fMCMT[cpu] & 0x1FFF ) ; } os << " " << pid << "" << " " << padrow << "" << " " << slope << "" << " " << offset << "" << "" << std::endl; } os << " " << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; } void AliTRDmcmSim::PrintAdcDatHuman(ostream& os) const { // print ADC data in human-readable format os << "MCM " << fMcmPos << " on ROB " << fRobPos << " in detector " << fDetector << std::endl; os << "----- Unfiltered ADC data (10 bit) -----" << std::endl; os << "ch "; for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) os << std::setw(5) << iChannel; os << std::endl; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { os << "tb " << std::setw(2) << iTimeBin << ":"; for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) { os << std::setw(5) << (fADCR[iChannel][iTimeBin] >> fgkAddDigits); } os << std::endl; } os << "----- Filtered ADC data (10+2 bit) -----" << std::endl; os << "ch "; for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) os << std::setw(4) << iChannel << ((~fZSMap[iChannel] != 0) ? "!" : " "); os << std::endl; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { os << "tb " << std::setw(2) << iTimeBin << ":"; for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) { os << std::setw(4) << (fADCF[iChannel][iTimeBin]) << (((fZSMap[iChannel] & (1 << iTimeBin)) == 0) ? "!" : " "); } os << std::endl; } } void AliTRDmcmSim::PrintAdcDatXml(ostream& os) const { // print ADC data in XML format os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; for(Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) { os << " " << std::endl; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { os << "" << fADCF[iChannel][iTimeBin]/4 << ""; } os << " " << std::endl; } os << " " << std::endl; os << " " << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; } void AliTRDmcmSim::PrintAdcDatDatx(ostream& os, Bool_t broadcast, Int_t timeBinOffset) const { // print ADC data in datx format (to send to FEE) fTrapConfig->PrintDatx(os, 2602, 1, 0, 127); // command to enable the ADC clock - necessary to write ADC values to MCM os << std::endl; Int_t addrOffset = 0x2000; Int_t addrStep = 0x80; Int_t addrOffsetEBSIA = 0x20; for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fNTimeBin; iTimeBin++) { for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < AliTRDfeeParam::GetNadcMcm(); iChannel++) { if ((iTimeBin < timeBinOffset) || (iTimeBin >= fNTimeBin+timeBinOffset)) { if(broadcast==kFALSE) fTrapConfig->PrintDatx(os, addrOffset+iChannel*addrStep+addrOffsetEBSIA+iTimeBin, 10, GetRobPos(), GetMcmPos()); else fTrapConfig->PrintDatx(os, addrOffset+iChannel*addrStep+addrOffsetEBSIA+iTimeBin, 10, 0, 127); } else { if(broadcast==kFALSE) fTrapConfig->PrintDatx(os, addrOffset+iChannel*addrStep+addrOffsetEBSIA+iTimeBin, (fADCF[iChannel][iTimeBin-timeBinOffset]/4), GetRobPos(), GetMcmPos()); else fTrapConfig->PrintDatx(os, addrOffset+iChannel*addrStep+addrOffsetEBSIA+iTimeBin, (fADCF[iChannel][iTimeBin-timeBinOffset]/4), 0, 127); } } os << std::endl; } } void AliTRDmcmSim::PrintPidLutHuman() { // print PID LUT in human readable format UInt_t result; UInt_t addrEnd = fgkDmemAddrLUTStart + fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrLUTLength, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos)/4; // /4 because each addr contains 4 values UInt_t nBinsQ0 = fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrLUTnbins, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); std::cout << "nBinsQ0: " << nBinsQ0 << std::endl; std::cout << "LUT table length: " << fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(fgkDmemAddrLUTLength, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos) << std::endl; if (nBinsQ0>0) { for(UInt_t addr=fgkDmemAddrLUTStart; addr< addrEnd; addr++) { result = fTrapConfig->GetDmemUnsigned(addr, fDetector, fRobPos, fMcmPos); std::cout << addr << " # x: " << ((addr-fgkDmemAddrLUTStart)%((nBinsQ0)/4))*4 << ", y: " <<(addr-fgkDmemAddrLUTStart)/(nBinsQ0/4) << " # " <<((result>>0)&0xFF) << " | " << ((result>>8)&0xFF) << " | " << ((result>>16)&0xFF) << " | " << ((result>>24)&0xFF) << std::endl; } } } Bool_t AliTRDmcmSim::ReadPackedConfig(AliTRDtrapConfig *cfg, Int_t hc, UInt_t *data, Int_t size) { // Read the packed configuration from the passed memory block // // To be used to retrieve the TRAP configuration from the // configuration as sent in the raw data. AliDebugClass(1, "Reading packed configuration"); Int_t det = hc/2; Int_t idx = 0; Int_t err = 0; Int_t step, bwidth, nwords, exitFlag, bitcnt; UShort_t caddr; UInt_t dat, msk, header, dataHi; while (idx < size && *data != 0x00000000) { Int_t rob = (*data >> 28) & 0x7; Int_t mcm = (*data >> 24) & 0xf; AliDebugClass(1, Form("Config of det. %3i MCM %i:%02i (0x%08x)", det, rob, mcm, *data)); data++; while (idx < size && *data != 0x00000000) { header = *data; data++; idx++; AliDebugClass(5, Form("read: 0x%08x", header)); if (header & 0x01) // single data { dat = (header >> 2) & 0xFFFF; // 16 bit data caddr = (header >> 18) & 0x3FFF; // 14 bit address if (caddr != 0x1FFF) // temp!!! because the end marker was wrong { if (header & 0x02) // check if > 16 bits { dataHi = *data; AliDebugClass(5, Form("read: 0x%08x", dataHi)); data++; idx++; err += ((dataHi ^ (dat | 1)) & 0xFFFF) != 0; dat = (dataHi & 0xFFFF0000) | dat; } AliDebugClass(5, Form("addr=0x%04x (%s) data=0x%08x\n", caddr, cfg->GetRegName(cfg->GetRegByAddress(caddr)), dat)); if ( ! cfg->Poke(caddr, dat, det, rob, mcm) ) AliDebugClass(5, Form("(single-write): non-existing address 0x%04x containing 0x%08x\n", caddr, header)); if (idx > size) { AliDebugClass(5, Form("(single-write): no more data, missing end marker\n")); return -err; } } else { AliDebugClass(5, Form("(single-write): address 0x%04x => old endmarker?\n", caddr)); return err; } } else // block of data { step = (header >> 1) & 0x0003; bwidth = ((header >> 3) & 0x001F) + 1; nwords = (header >> 8) & 0x00FF; caddr = (header >> 16) & 0xFFFF; exitFlag = (step == 0) || (step == 3) || (nwords == 0); if (exitFlag) break; switch (bwidth) { case 15: case 10: case 7: case 6: case 5: { msk = (1 << bwidth) - 1; bitcnt = 0; while (nwords > 0) { nwords--; bitcnt -= bwidth; if (bitcnt < 0) { header = *data; AliDebugClass(5, Form("read 0x%08x", header)); data++; idx++; err += (header & 1); header = header >> 1; bitcnt = 31 - bwidth; } AliDebugClass(5, Form("addr=0x%04x (%s) data=0x%08x\n", caddr, cfg->GetRegName(cfg->GetRegByAddress(caddr)), header & msk)); if ( ! cfg->Poke(caddr, header & msk, det, rob, mcm) ) AliDebugClass(5, Form("(single-write): non-existing address 0x%04x containing 0x%08x\n", caddr, header)); caddr += step; header = header >> bwidth; if (idx >= size) { AliDebugClass(5, Form("(block-write): no end marker! %d words read\n", idx)); return -err; } } break; } // end case 5-15 case 31: { while (nwords > 0) { header = *data; AliDebugClass(5, Form("read 0x%08x", header)); data++; idx++; nwords--; err += (header & 1); AliDebugClass(5, Form("addr=0x%04x (%s) data=0x%08x", caddr, cfg->GetRegName(cfg->GetRegByAddress(caddr)), header >> 1)); if ( ! cfg->Poke(caddr, header >> 1, det, rob, mcm) ) AliDebugClass(5, Form("(single-write): non-existing address 0x%04x containing 0x%08x\n", caddr, header)); caddr += step; if (idx >= size) { AliDebugClass(5, Form("no end marker! %d words read", idx)); return -err; } } break; } default: return err; } // end switch } // end block case } } // end while AliDebugClass(5, Form("no end marker! %d words read", idx)); return -err; // only if the max length of the block reached! }