#ifndef ALITRDRAWSTREAMTB_H #define ALITRDRAWSTREAMTB_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // This class provides access to TRD digits in raw data. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TObject.h" #include "TString.h" class AliTRDgeometry; class AliRawReader; class AliTRDdigitsManager; class TTreeSRedirector; class AliTRDfeeParam; #define TRD_MAX_TBINS 30 #define TRD_MAX_ADC 21 #define TRD_MAX_MCM 4 * 16 class AliTRDrawStreamTB : public TObject { // class def begin public: //-------------------------------------------------------- // THE STRUCTURES //-------------------------------------------------------- struct AliTRDrawADC {//adc struct UInt_t *fPos; //! position of ADC 1st word in the buffer Short_t fADCnumber; // number of the ADC 0 .. 20 Short_t fCOL; // column - row from MCM Int_t fSignals[TRD_MAX_TBINS]; // signals for this adc Bool_t fIsShared; // is pad chared between MCMs Short_t fCorrupted; // is adc word corrupted AliTRDrawADC() : fPos(0) , fADCnumber(0) , fCOL(0) , fSignals() , fIsShared(kFALSE) , fCorrupted(0) { // default constructor ; } }; //-------------------------------------------------------- struct AliTRDrawMCM { // mcm struct Int_t fROB; // ROB number Int_t fMCM; // MCM number Int_t fROW; //filed during decoding! UInt_t fEvCounter; // MCM event counter UInt_t fADCMask; // ADC mask UInt_t fADCMaskWord; // word with ADC mask in UInt_t fADCchannel[30]; // channels to be decoded accrording to ADC mask Int_t fADCindex; // index of current ADC (comment: 1 ADC is 1 pad) Int_t fADCmax; // number of ADCs fired Int_t fMCMADCWords; // mcm words to expect Int_t fSingleADCwords; // n of words per ADC Int_t fCorrupted; // is mcm word corrupted UInt_t fErrorCounter; // count the mcm header errors UInt_t fMaskErrorCounter; // count the adc mask errors UInt_t *fPos; //! position of mcm header in the buffer UInt_t *fAdcDataPos; //! start of ADC data for this mcm Int_t fADCcounter; // count the adcs decoded AliTRDrawADC fADCs[TRD_MAX_ADC]; // 21 adcs AliTRDrawMCM() : fROB(-1) , fMCM(-1) , fROW(-1) , fEvCounter(0) , fADCMask(0) , fADCMaskWord(0) , fADCchannel() , fADCindex(0) , fADCmax(0) , fMCMADCWords(0) , fSingleADCwords(0) , fCorrupted(0) , fErrorCounter(0) , fMaskErrorCounter(0) , fPos(0) , fAdcDataPos(0) , fADCcounter(0) , fADCs() { // default constructor /* the following violates coding conventions */ //for (Int_t i = 0; i < 30; i++) fADCchannel[i] = 0; } }; //-------------------------------------------------------- struct AliTRDrawHC { // hc struct // global Int_t fCorrupted; // Zero if not corrupted UInt_t fH0ErrorCounter; // Count the H0 word errors UInt_t fH1ErrorCounter; // Count the H1 word errors // word 0 Int_t fSpecialRawV; // Raw data version Int_t fRawVMajor; // Raw data version Int_t fRawVMinor; // Raw data version Int_t fNExtraWords; // N extra HC header words Int_t fDCSboard; // DCS board number Int_t fSM; // Super Module number Int_t fStack; // Stack number (some people might call it a chamber) Int_t fLayer; // Layer number (some people might call it a plane) Int_t fSide; // Side of HC //word 1 Int_t fTimeBins; // N of t bins UInt_t fBunchCrossCounter; // Bunch crossing counter UInt_t fPreTriggerCounter; // Pre Trigger counter UInt_t fPreTriggerPhase; // Pre Trigger phase UInt_t *fPos[2]; //! position of the header words in buffer Int_t fDET; // filled while decoding Int_t fROC; // filled while decoding Int_t fRowMax; // filled while decoding Int_t fColMax; // filled while decoding //AliTRDrawMCM fMCMs[4][16]; // 4 ROBS 16 each - that is max! Int_t fMCMmax; // number of mcm found AliTRDrawMCM fMCMs[TRD_MAX_MCM]; // 4 ROBS 16 each - that is max! AliTRDrawHC() : fCorrupted(0) , fH0ErrorCounter(0) , fH1ErrorCounter(0) , fSpecialRawV(0) , fRawVMajor(0) , fRawVMinor(0) , fNExtraWords(0) , fDCSboard(-1) , fSM(-1) , fStack(-1) , fLayer(-1) , fSide(-1) , fTimeBins(0) , fBunchCrossCounter(0) , fPreTriggerCounter(0) , fPreTriggerPhase(0) , fPos() , fDET(-1) , fROC(-1) , fRowMax(-1) , fColMax(-1) , fMCMmax(0) , fMCMs() { // default constructor hc info /* the following violates coding conventions */ //fPos[0] = fPos[0] = 0; } }; //-------------------------------------------------------- struct AliTRDrawStack { UInt_t fHeaderSize; // header size of the stack info Bool_t fLinksActive[12]; // data links active - 1 per half chamber Bool_t fTrackletDecode[12]; // book keeping while decoding - set false after decoding Bool_t fHCDecode[12]; // book keeping while decoding - set false after HC header decoding Int_t fActiveLinks; // number of active links UInt_t *fPos; //! position in the buffer AliTRDrawHC fHalfChambers[12]; // 6 chambers in a stack AliTRDrawStack() : fHeaderSize(0) , fLinksActive() , fTrackletDecode() //book keeping while decoding - set false after decoding , fHCDecode() //book keeping while decoding - set false after HC header decoding , fActiveLinks(0) , fPos(0) , fHalfChambers() { // default constructor } }; /* the following violates coding conventions */ /* for (Int_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) */ /* { */ /* fLinksActive[i] = fTrackletDecode[i] = fHCDecode[i] = kFALSE; */ /* } */ //-------------------------------------------------------- struct AliTRDrawSM { UInt_t fHeaderSize; // size of the header in words Bool_t fTrackletEnable; // tracklet enable bit Bool_t fStackActive[5]; // map of active/expected stacks Int_t fActiveStacks; // number of active stacks Int_t fCorrupted; // is sm info corrupted Int_t fNexpectedHalfChambers; // number of half chambers to be read out Bool_t fClean; // true if everything went OK - false is some error occured UInt_t *fPos; //! location of the sm info - should be the first word (after CDH if not DDL buffer) AliTRDrawStack fStacks[5]; // we do have only five stacks ;) AliTRDrawSM() : fHeaderSize(0) , fTrackletEnable(0) , fStackActive() , fActiveStacks(0) , fCorrupted(0) , fNexpectedHalfChambers(0) , fClean(kTRUE) , fPos(0) , fStacks() { // Default constructor // coding rule violation in the next line //for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) fStackActive[i] = kFALSE; }; }; //-------------------------------------------------------- AliTRDrawStreamTB(); AliTRDrawStreamTB(AliRawReader *rawReader); virtual ~AliTRDrawStreamTB(); //-------------------------------------------------------- virtual Bool_t Next(); // Read the next data virtual Int_t NextChamber(AliTRDdigitsManager *man); // read next chamber data virtual Bool_t Init(); // Init some internal variables void SetRawVersion(Int_t fraw); // set the raw version - used for backward compat. Int_t GetCommonAdditive() const {return fCommonAdditive;} // return the common additive Bool_t IsCurrentPadShared() const {return fADC->fIsShared;} // is current pad shared between mcms void SetSharedPadReadout(Bool_t fv) {fSharedPadsOn = fv;} // set the flag on if the reader should return the shared pads Bool_t IsDataZeroSuppressed() const {return (fHC->fRawVMajor > 2) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;} // check the version and tell if ZS is on Bool_t DecodeSM(void *buffer, UInt_t length); //decode a buffer Int_t DecodeSM(); // used with raw reader Int_t DecodeSM(AliRawReader *reader); // used with raw reader Bool_t SetReader(AliRawReader *reader); // set the raw reader to use Bool_t IsTrackletEnableBitSet() const {return fSM.fTrackletEnable;} // get status of the tracklets enable bit Bool_t IsStackActive(Int_t is) const {return fSM.fStackActive[is];} // get status of a stack Int_t GetNofActiveStacks() const {return fSM.fActiveStacks;} // get number of active stacks UInt_t *GetSMstreamPosition() const {return fSM.fPos;} // get position of the SM index word in the buffer Bool_t IsSMbufferClean() const {return fSM.fClean;} // is data clean Bool_t IsLinkActiveInStack(Int_t is, Int_t il) const {return fSM.fStacks[is].fLinksActive[il];} // check whether the link is active Int_t GetActiveLinksInStack(Int_t is) const {return fSM.fStacks[is].fActiveLinks;} //get active links in a stack Int_t GetSpecialRawVersion() const {return fHC ? fHC->fSpecialRawV : -1;} // return special raw version Int_t GetMajorRawVersion() const {return fHC ? fHC->fRawVMajor : -1;} // major raw version getter Int_t GetRawVersion() const {return fHC ? fHC->fRawVMajor : -1;} // compatibility see funtion above Int_t GetMinorRawVersion() const {return fHC ? fHC->fRawVMinor : -1;} // minor raw version Int_t GetSM() const {return fHC ? fHC->fSM : -1;} // Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t GetLayer() const {return fHC ? fHC->fLayer : -1;} // PLANE = Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t GetStack() const {return fHC ? fHC->fStack : -1;} // CHAMBER = Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t GetSide() const {return fHC ? fHC->fSide : -1;} // get side Int_t GetDCS() const { return fHC ? fHC->fDCSboard : -1;} // DCS board number read from data (HC header) //Int_t GetDCSboard() {return fHC ? fHC->fDCSboard : -1;} // DCS board number read from data (HC header) Int_t GetROC() const { return fHC ? fHC->fROC : -1;} // Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t GetNumberOfTimeBins() const { return fHC ? fHC->fTimeBins : 0;} // Get Ntime bins UInt_t GetBunchCrossCounter() const {return fHC ? fHC->fBunchCrossCounter : 0;} // get bunch cross counter UInt_t GetPreTriggerCounter() const {return fHC ? fHC->fPreTriggerCounter : 0;} // get pre trigger info UInt_t GetPreTriggerPhase() const {return fHC ? fHC->fPreTriggerPhase : 0;} // get trigger phase Int_t GetRow() const {return fMCM ? fMCM->fROW : -1;} // get current row number Int_t GetCol() const {return fADC ? fADC->fCOL : -1;} // get current column number Int_t GetRowMax() const { return fHC ? fHC->fRowMax : -1;} // Get maximum rows in the current HC Int_t GetColMax() const { return fHC ? fHC->fColMax : -1;} // Get maximum cols in the current HC // compatibility Int_t GetMaxRow() const { return fHC ? fHC->fRowMax : -1;} // Get maximum rows in the current HC Int_t GetMaxCol() const { return fHC ? fHC->fColMax : -1;} // Get maximum cols in the current HC UInt_t GetHCword0() const {return fHC ? *fHC->fPos[0] : 0;} // get the HC word 0 UInt_t GetHCword1() const {return fHC ? *fHC->fPos[1] : 0;} // get the HC word 1 Int_t GetDET() const {return fHC ? fHC->fDET : -1;} // get current det number Int_t GetDet() const {return fHC ? fHC->fDET : -1;} // get current det number Int_t GetROB() const {return fMCM ? fMCM->fROB : -1;} // get current ROB number Int_t GetMCM() const {return fMCM ? fMCM->fMCM : -1;} // get current MCM number Int_t GetEventNumber() const { return fMCM->fEvCounter;} // MCM Event number and position of current MCM on TRD chamber Int_t IsMCMcorrupted() const {return fMCM ? fMCM->fCorrupted : -1;} // is current MCM header corrupted Int_t *GetSignals() const { return fADC ? fADC->fSignals : (Int_t *)fgEmptySignals;}//Signals in the n-time bins from Data Word Int_t GetADC() const { return fADC ? fADC->fADCnumber : -1 ;} // MCM ADC channel and Time Bin of word 1 Int_t GetTimeBin() const { return 0;} // MCM ADC channel and Time Bin of word 1 //---------------------------------------------------------- static void SetNoDebug() {fgDebugFlag = kFALSE;} // allow debug info static void SetNoErrorWarning() {fgWarnError = kFALSE;} // disable warning and error info static void SetForceCleanDataOnly() {fgCleanDataOnly = kTRUE;} // clean data only static void AllowCorruptedData() {fgCleanDataOnly = kFALSE;} // accept corrupted data static void SetExtraWordsFix() {fgExtraSkip = kTRUE;} // extra skip of 24 32-bit words static void SetSkipCDH() {fgSkipCDH = kTRUE;} // skip of 8 32-bit words void EnableDebug(TTreeSRedirector *debugStream = 0); // enable the debug stream - use the paramter if non zero static void EnableDebugStream() {fgDebugStreamFlag = kTRUE;} //global enable of the dbug stream static void DeleteDebugStream(); // helper function to delete the debug streamer static void SetDumpHead(UInt_t iv) {fgDumpHead = iv;} void DumpErrorCount(); void ReSetStreamEventCounter(Int_t ival = 0) {fgStreamEventCounter = ival;} // reset the event counter for the debug streamer //-------------------------------------------------------- // Decoding functions //-------------------------------------------------------- void DecodeSMInfo(const UInt_t *word, struct AliTRDrawSM *sm) const ; const char *DumpSMInfo(const struct AliTRDrawSM *sm); void DecodeStackInfo(const UInt_t *word, struct AliTRDrawStack *st) const; const char *DumpStackInfo(const struct AliTRDrawStack *st); void DecodeHCwordH0(const UInt_t *word, struct AliTRDrawHC *hc) const; void DecodeHCwordH1(const UInt_t *word, struct AliTRDrawHC *hc) const; const char *DumpHCinfoH0(const struct AliTRDrawHC *hc); const char *DumpHCinfoH1(const struct AliTRDrawHC *hc); void DecodeMCMheader(const UInt_t *word, struct AliTRDrawMCM *mcm) const; UInt_t GetMCMadcMask(const UInt_t *word, struct AliTRDrawMCM *mcm) const; void DecodeMask(const UInt_t *word, struct AliTRDrawMCM *mcm) const; void MCMADCwordsWithTbins(UInt_t fTbins, struct AliTRDrawMCM *mcm) const; const char *DumpMCMinfo(const struct AliTRDrawMCM *mcm); const char *DumpMCMadcMask(const struct AliTRDrawMCM *mcm); protected: private: Bool_t InitBuffer(void *buffer, UInt_t length); // init the buffer - called by DecodeSM(void*, UInt_t) Bool_t DumpWords(UInt_t *px, UInt_t iw, UInt_t marker = 0); // dump some words onto the screen Int_t NextBuffer(); // go and init next buffer if available - check the implementation file for return values void SwapOnEndian(); // swap if endian is BIG Bool_t SkipWords(UInt_t iw); // skip number of words Bool_t DecodeTracklets(); // decode tracklets Bool_t DecodeHC(); // decode data in HC Bool_t DecodeADC(); // decode 10 ADC words Bool_t DecodeHCheader(); // decode HC header Bool_t SeekEndOfData(); // go to next end of raw data marker (actually 1 word after) Bool_t SeekNextMCMheader(); // go to next mcm header Bool_t DecodeMCMheader(); // decode mcm header Bool_t IsRowValid(); // check if row within the range Bool_t IsHCheaderOK(); // check if current hc header data make sense Bool_t IsMCMheaderOK(); // check if current mcm header data make sense void ResetCounters(); // reset some counters void ResetIterators(); // needed for Next() AliTRDrawStreamTB(const AliTRDrawStreamTB& st); AliTRDrawStreamTB &operator=(const AliTRDrawStreamTB &); // ----------------- DATA MEMBERS START struct AliTRDrawSM fSM; // one SM per buffer struct AliTRDrawStack *fStack; //! pointer to the current stack struct AliTRDrawHC *fHC; //! current HC struct AliTRDrawMCM *fMCM; //! current MCM struct AliTRDrawADC *fADC; //! current ADC UInt_t *fpPos; // current position in the buffer UInt_t *fpBegin; // begin - pointer to the buffer word 0 UInt_t *fpEnd; // end of the buffer UInt_t fWordLength; // length of the buffer in 32bit words Int_t fStackNumber; // current stack number Int_t fStackLinkNumber; // current link in the stack Int_t fhcMCMcounter; // mcm counter inside single hc - used in Next() Int_t fmcmADCcounter; // adc counrer inside single adc - used in Next() Int_t fLinkTrackletCounter; // count the tracklets in the current HC Int_t fEndOfTrackletCount; // count link by link (hc by hc) used for debug UInt_t fMaskADCword; // temp mask when decoding adcs UInt_t fTbinADC; // temp adc Int_t fDecodedADCs; // counter of decoded adcs UInt_t fEventCounter; // stores the valid/current MCM event counter UInt_t fLastEventCounter; // last known event counter of MCM Int_t fCommonAdditive; // common additive - should be decoded! from HC word2 Bool_t fSharedPadsOn; // do we want to output shared pads - default is off Int_t fMaxADCgeom; // maximum ADC channels per mcm AliTRDgeometry *fGeometry; //! TRD geometry AliRawReader *fRawReader; //! raw reader AliTRDfeeParam *fTRDfeeParam; // pointer to the fee params Bool_t fDebugStreamOwned; // created in this case by this - allowed to delete? // STATIC static Bool_t fgExtraSkip; // whether we should skip the leading 24 words static Bool_t fgSkipCDH; // whether we should skip CDH (8 words) static Bool_t fgWarnError; // no errors no warnings static Bool_t fgCleanDataOnly; // release only clean events = no errors static Bool_t fgDebugFlag; // allow debugging info static Bool_t fgDebugStreamFlag; // set on debug streamer static TTreeSRedirector *fgDebugStreamer; //!Debug streamer static UInt_t fgStreamEventCounter; // event counter for debug streamer static UInt_t fgDumpHead; // number of words to dump (from the start of the buffer) on each Init static Int_t fgEmptySignals[30]; // empty signals in case of ADC pointer = NULL // ----------------- DATA MEMBERS STOP enum ETRDzRawStreamError { kDecodeStackInfo = 1 // , kMissingData = 2 // , kLinkDataMissing = 3 // , kHCdataMissing = 4 // , kTrackletOverflow = 5 // , kEOTrackeltsMissing = 6 // , kWrongPadrow = 7 // , kMCMheaderCorrupted = 8 // , kWrongMCMorROB = 9 // , kMCMeventMissmatch = 10 // , kMCMADCMaskMissing = 11 // , kHCHeaderCorrupt = 12 // , kHCHeaderWrongStack = 13 // , kHCHeaderWrongLayer = 14 // , kHCHeaderWrongSide = 15 // , kHCHeaderWrongSM = 16 // , kHCHeaderWrongDet = 17 // , kHCHeaderWrongROC = 18 // , kHCWordMissing = 19 // , kMCMdataMissing = 20 // , kMCMoverflow = 21 // , kADCdataMissing = 22 // , kADCmaskMissmatch = 23 // , kWrongPadcolumn = 24 // }; ClassDef(AliTRDrawStreamTB, 0) }; //clas def end #endif