/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // The seed of a local TRD track // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TMath.h" #include "TLinearFitter.h" #include "AliMathBase.h" #include "AliTRDseed.h" #include "AliTRDcalibDB.h" #include "AliTRDcluster.h" #include "AliTRDtracker.h" ClassImp(AliTRDseed) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDseed::AliTRDseed() :TObject() ,fTilt(0) ,fPadLength(0) ,fX0(0) ,fSigmaY(0) ,fSigmaY2(0) ,fMeanz(0) ,fZProb(0) ,fN(0) ,fN2(0) ,fNUsed(0) ,fFreq(0) ,fNChange(0) ,fMPads(0) ,fC(0) ,fCC(0) ,fChi2(1.0e10) ,fChi2Z(1.0e10) { // // Default constructor // for (Int_t i = 0; i < knTimebins; i++) { fX[i] = 0; // x position fY[i] = 0; // y position fZ[i] = 0; // z position fIndexes[i] = 0; // Indexes fClusters[i] = 0x0; // Clusters fUsable[i] = 0; // Indication - usable cluster } for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { fYref[i] = 0; // Reference y fZref[i] = 0; // Reference z fYfit[i] = 0; // Y fit position +derivation fYfitR[i] = 0; // Y fit position +derivation fZfit[i] = 0; // Z fit position fZfitR[i] = 0; // Z fit position fLabels[i] = 0; // Labels } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDseed::AliTRDseed(const AliTRDseed &s) :TObject(s) ,fTilt(s.fTilt) ,fPadLength(s.fPadLength) ,fX0(s.fX0) ,fSigmaY(s.fSigmaY) ,fSigmaY2(s.fSigmaY2) ,fMeanz(s.fMeanz) ,fZProb(s.fZProb) ,fN(s.fN) ,fN2(s.fN2) ,fNUsed(s.fNUsed) ,fFreq(s.fFreq) ,fNChange(s.fNChange) ,fMPads(s.fMPads) ,fC(s.fC) ,fCC(s.fCC) ,fChi2(s.fChi2) ,fChi2Z(s.fChi2Z) { // // Copy constructor // for (Int_t i = 0; i < knTimebins; i++) { fX[i] = s.fX[i]; // x position fY[i] = s.fY[i]; // y position fZ[i] = s.fZ[i]; // z position fIndexes[i] = s.fIndexes[i]; // Indexes fClusters[i] = s.fClusters[i]; // Clusters fUsable[i] = s.fUsable[i]; // Indication - usable cluster } for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { fYref[i] = s.fYref[i]; // Reference y fZref[i] = s.fZref[i]; // Reference z fYfit[i] = s.fYfit[i]; // Y fit position +derivation fYfitR[i] = s.fYfitR[i]; // Y fit position +derivation fZfit[i] = s.fZfit[i]; // Z fit position fZfitR[i] = s.fZfitR[i]; // Z fit position fLabels[i] = s.fLabels[i]; // Labels } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDseed::Copy(TObject &o) const { // // Copy function // AliTRDseed &seed = (AliTRDseed &)o; seed.fTilt = fTilt; seed.fPadLength = fPadLength; seed.fX0 = fX0; seed.fSigmaY = fSigmaY; seed.fSigmaY2 = fSigmaY2; seed.fMeanz = fMeanz; seed.fZProb = fZProb; seed.fN = fN; seed.fN2 = fN2; seed.fNUsed = fNUsed; seed.fFreq = fFreq; seed.fNChange = fNChange; seed.fMPads = fMPads; seed.fC = fC; seed.fCC = fCC; seed.fChi2 = fChi2; seed.fChi2Z = fChi2Z; for (Int_t i = 0; i < knTimebins; i++) { seed.fX[i] = fX[i]; seed.fY[i] = fY[i]; seed.fZ[i] = fZ[i]; seed.fIndexes[i] = fIndexes[i]; seed.fClusters[i] = fClusters[i]; seed.fUsable[i] = fUsable[i]; } for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { seed.fYref[i] = fYref[i]; seed.fZref[i] = fZref[i]; seed.fYfit[i] = fYfit[i]; seed.fYfitR[i] = fYfitR[i]; seed.fZfit[i] = fZfit[i]; seed.fZfitR[i] = fZfitR[i]; seed.fLabels[i] = fLabels[i]; } TObject::Copy(seed); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDseed::Reset() { // // Reset seed // for (Int_t i = 0; i < knTimebins; i++) { fX[i] = 0; // X position fY[i] = 0; // Y position fZ[i] = 0; // Z position fIndexes[i] = 0; // Indexes fClusters[i] = 0x0; // Clusters fUsable[i] = kFALSE; } for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { fYref[i] = 0; // Reference y fZref[i] = 0; // Reference z fYfit[i] = 0; // Y fit position +derivation fYfitR[i] = 0; // Y fit position +derivation fZfit[i] = 0; // Z fit position fZfitR[i] = 0; // Z fit position fLabels[i] = -1; // Labels } fSigmaY = 0; // "Robust" sigma in y fSigmaY2 = 0; // "Robust" sigma in y fMeanz = 0; // Mean vaue of z fZProb = 0; // Max probbable z fMPads = 0; fN = 0; // Number of associated clusters fN2 = 0; // Number of not crossed fNUsed = 0; // Number of used clusters fNChange = 0; // Change z counter } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDseed::CookLabels() { // // Cook 2 labels for seed // AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); Int_t nTimeBins = cal->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); Int_t labels[200]; Int_t out[200]; Int_t nlab = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins+1; i++) { if (!fClusters[i]) continue; for (Int_t ilab = 0; ilab < 3; ilab++) { if (fClusters[i]->GetLabel(ilab) >= 0) { labels[nlab] = fClusters[i]->GetLabel(ilab); nlab++; } } } Int_t nlab2 = AliTRDtracker::Freq(nlab,labels,out,kTRUE); fLabels[0] = out[0]; if ((nlab2 > 1) && (out[3] > 1)) { fLabels[1] = out[2]; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDseed::UseClusters() { // // Use clusters // AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); Int_t nTimeBins = cal->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins+1; i++) { if (!fClusters[i]) continue; if (!(fClusters[i]->IsUsed())) fClusters[i]->Use(); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDseed::Update() { // // Update the seed. // const Float_t kRatio = 0.8; const Int_t kClmin = 5; const Float_t kmaxtan = 2; AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); Int_t nTimeBins = cal->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); if (TMath::Abs(fYref[1]) > kmaxtan){ //printf("Exit: Abs(fYref[1]) = %3.3f, kmaxtan = %3.3f\n", TMath::Abs(fYref[1]), kmaxtan); return; // Track inclined too much } Float_t sigmaexp = 0.05 + TMath::Abs(fYref[1] * 0.25); // Expected r.m.s in y direction Float_t ycrosscor = fPadLength * fTilt * 0.5; // Y correction for crossing fNChange = 0; Double_t sumw; Double_t sumwx; Double_t sumwx2; Double_t sumwy; Double_t sumwxy; Double_t sumwz; Double_t sumwxz; // Buffering: Leave it constant fot Performance issues Int_t zints[knTimebins]; // Histograming of the z coordinate // Get 1 and second max probable coodinates in z Int_t zouts[2*knTimebins]; Float_t allowedz[knTimebins]; // Allowed z for given time bin Float_t yres[knTimebins]; // Residuals from reference Float_t anglecor = fTilt * fZref[1]; // Correction to the angle fN = 0; fN2 = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins; i++) { yres[i] = 10000.0; if (!fClusters[i]) continue; yres[i] = fY[i] - fYref[0] - (fYref[1] + anglecor) * fX[i]; // Residual y zints[fN] = Int_t(fZ[i]); fN++; } if (fN < kClmin){ //printf("Exit fN < kClmin: fN = %d\n", fN); return; } Int_t nz = AliTRDtracker::Freq(fN,zints,zouts,kFALSE); fZProb = zouts[0]; if (nz <= 1) zouts[3] = 0; if (zouts[1] + zouts[3] < kClmin) { //printf("Exit zouts[1] = %d, zouts[3] = %d\n",zouts[1],zouts[3]); return; } // Z distance bigger than pad - length if (TMath::Abs(zouts[0]-zouts[2]) > 12.0) { zouts[3]=0; } Int_t breaktime = -1; Bool_t mbefore = kFALSE; Int_t cumul[knTimebins][2]; Int_t counts[2] = { 0, 0 }; if (zouts[3] >= 3) { // // Find the break time allowing one chage on pad-rows // with maximal numebr of accepted clusters // fNChange = 1; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins; i++) { cumul[i][0] = counts[0]; cumul[i][1] = counts[1]; if (TMath::Abs(fZ[i]-zouts[0]) < 2) counts[0]++; if (TMath::Abs(fZ[i]-zouts[2]) < 2) counts[1]++; } Int_t maxcount = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins; i++) { Int_t after = cumul[nTimeBins][0] - cumul[i][0]; Int_t before = cumul[i][1]; if (after + before > maxcount) { maxcount = after + before; breaktime = i; mbefore = kFALSE; } after = cumul[nTimeBins-1][1] - cumul[i][1]; before = cumul[i][0]; if (after + before > maxcount) { maxcount = after + before; breaktime = i; mbefore = kTRUE; } } breaktime -= 1; } for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins+1; i++) { if (i > breaktime) allowedz[i] = mbefore ? zouts[2] : zouts[0]; if (i <= breaktime) allowedz[i] = (!mbefore) ? zouts[2] : zouts[0]; } if (((allowedz[0] > allowedz[nTimeBins]) && (fZref[1] < 0)) || ((allowedz[0] < allowedz[nTimeBins]) && (fZref[1] > 0))) { // // Tracklet z-direction not in correspondance with track z direction // fNChange = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins+1; i++) { allowedz[i] = zouts[0]; // Only longest taken } } if (fNChange > 0) { // // Cross pad -row tracklet - take the step change into account // for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins+1; i++) { if (!fClusters[i]) continue; if (TMath::Abs(fZ[i] - allowedz[i]) > 2) continue; yres[i] = fY[i] - fYref[0] - (fYref[1] + anglecor) * fX[i]; // Residual y if (TMath::Abs(fZ[i] - fZProb) > 2) { if (fZ[i] > fZProb) yres[i] += fTilt * fPadLength; if (fZ[i] < fZProb) yres[i] -= fTilt * fPadLength; } } } Double_t yres2[knTimebins]; Double_t mean; Double_t sigma; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins+1; i++) { if (!fClusters[i]) continue; if (TMath::Abs(fZ[i] - allowedz[i]) > 2) continue; yres2[fN2] = yres[i]; fN2++; } if (fN2 < kClmin) { //printf("Exit fN2 < kClmin: fN2 = %d\n", fN2); fN2 = 0; return; } AliMathBase::EvaluateUni(fN2,yres2,mean,sigma, Int_t(fN2*kRatio-2.)); if (sigma < sigmaexp * 0.8) { sigma = sigmaexp; } fSigmaY = sigma; // Reset sums sumw = 0; sumwx = 0; sumwx2 = 0; sumwy = 0; sumwxy = 0; sumwz = 0; sumwxz = 0; fN2 = 0; fMeanz = 0; fMPads = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins+1; i++) { fUsable[i] = kFALSE; if (!fClusters[i]) continue; if (TMath::Abs(fZ[i] - allowedz[i]) > 2) continue; if (TMath::Abs(yres[i] - mean) > 4.0 * sigma) continue; fUsable[i] = kTRUE; fN2++; fMPads += fClusters[i]->GetNPads(); Float_t weight = 1.0; if (fClusters[i]->GetNPads() > 4) weight = 0.5; if (fClusters[i]->GetNPads() > 5) weight = 0.2; Double_t x = fX[i]; sumw += weight; sumwx += x * weight; sumwx2 += x*x * weight; sumwy += weight * yres[i]; sumwxy += weight * (yres[i]) * x; sumwz += weight * fZ[i]; sumwxz += weight * fZ[i] * x; } if (fN2 < kClmin){ //printf("Exit fN2 < kClmin(2): fN2 = %d\n",fN2); fN2 = 0; return; } fMeanz = sumwz / sumw; Float_t correction = 0; if (fNChange > 0) { // Tracklet on boundary if (fMeanz < fZProb) correction = ycrosscor; if (fMeanz > fZProb) correction = -ycrosscor; } Double_t det = sumw * sumwx2 - sumwx * sumwx; fYfitR[0] = (sumwx2 * sumwy - sumwx * sumwxy) / det; fYfitR[1] = (sumw * sumwxy - sumwx * sumwy) / det; fSigmaY2 = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins+1; i++) { if (!fUsable[i]) continue; Float_t delta = yres[i] - fYfitR[0] - fYfitR[1] * fX[i]; fSigmaY2 += delta*delta; } fSigmaY2 = TMath::Sqrt(fSigmaY2 / Float_t(fN2-2)); fZfitR[0] = (sumwx2 * sumwz - sumwx * sumwxz) / det; fZfitR[1] = (sumw * sumwxz - sumwx * sumwz) / det; fZfit[0] = (sumwx2 * sumwz - sumwx * sumwxz) / det; fZfit[1] = (sumw * sumwxz - sumwx * sumwz) / det; fYfitR[0] += fYref[0] + correction; fYfitR[1] += fYref[1]; fYfit[0] = fYfitR[0]; fYfit[1] = fYfitR[1]; UpdateUsed(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDseed::UpdateUsed() { // // Update used seed // AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); Int_t nTimeBins = cal->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); fNUsed = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTimeBins; i++) { if (!fClusters[i]) { continue; } if ((fClusters[i]->IsUsed())) { fNUsed++; } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliTRDseed::FitRiemanTilt(AliTRDseed * cseed, Bool_t terror) { // // Fit the Rieman tilt // // Fitting with tilting pads - kz not fixed TLinearFitter fitterT2(4,"hyp4"); fitterT2.StoreData(kTRUE); AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); Int_t nTimeBins = cal->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); Float_t xref2 = (cseed[2].fX0 + cseed[3].fX0) * 0.5; // Reference x0 for z Int_t npointsT = 0; fitterT2.ClearPoints(); for (Int_t iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; iLayer++) { if (!cseed[iLayer].IsOK()) continue; Double_t tilt = cseed[iLayer].fTilt; for (Int_t itime = 0; itime < nTimeBins+1; itime++) { if (!cseed[iLayer].fUsable[itime]) continue; // x relative to the midle chamber Double_t x = cseed[iLayer].fX[itime] + cseed[iLayer].fX0 - xref2; Double_t y = cseed[iLayer].fY[itime]; Double_t z = cseed[iLayer].fZ[itime]; // // Tilted rieman // Double_t uvt[6]; Double_t x2 = cseed[iLayer].fX[itime] + cseed[iLayer].fX0; // Global x Double_t t = 1.0 / (x2*x2 + y*y); uvt[1] = t; uvt[0] = 2.0 * x2 * uvt[1]; uvt[2] = 2.0 * tilt * uvt[1]; uvt[3] = 2.0 * tilt *uvt[1] * x; uvt[4] = 2.0 * (y + tilt * z) * uvt[1]; Double_t error = 2.0 * uvt[1]; if (terror) { error *= cseed[iLayer].fSigmaY; } else { error *= 0.2; //Default error } fitterT2.AddPoint(uvt,uvt[4],error); npointsT++; } } fitterT2.Eval(); Double_t rpolz0 = fitterT2.GetParameter(3); Double_t rpolz1 = fitterT2.GetParameter(4); // // Linear fitter - not possible to make boundaries // non accept non possible z and dzdx combination // Bool_t acceptablez = kTRUE; for (Int_t iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; iLayer++) { if (!cseed[iLayer].IsOK()) continue; Double_t zT2 = rpolz0 + rpolz1 * (cseed[iLayer].fX0 - xref2); if (TMath::Abs(cseed[iLayer].fZProb - zT2) > cseed[iLayer].fPadLength * 0.5 + 1.0) acceptablez = kFALSE; } if (!acceptablez) { Double_t zmf = cseed[2].fZref[0] + cseed[2].fZref[1] * (xref2 - cseed[2].fX0); Double_t dzmf = (cseed[2].fZref[1] + cseed[3].fZref[1]) * 0.5; fitterT2.FixParameter(3,zmf); fitterT2.FixParameter(4,dzmf); fitterT2.Eval(); fitterT2.ReleaseParameter(3); fitterT2.ReleaseParameter(4); rpolz0 = fitterT2.GetParameter(3); rpolz1 = fitterT2.GetParameter(4); } Double_t chi2TR = fitterT2.GetChisquare() / Float_t(npointsT); Double_t params[3]; params[0] = fitterT2.GetParameter(0); params[1] = fitterT2.GetParameter(1); params[2] = fitterT2.GetParameter(2); Double_t curvature = 1.0 + params[1] * params[1] - params[2] * params[0]; for (Int_t iLayer = 0; iLayer < 6; iLayer++) { Double_t x = cseed[iLayer].fX0; Double_t y = 0; Double_t dy = 0; Double_t z = 0; Double_t dz = 0; // y Double_t res2 = (x * params[0] + params[1]); res2 *= res2; res2 = 1.0 - params[2]*params[0] + params[1]*params[1] - res2; if (res2 >= 0) { res2 = TMath::Sqrt(res2); y = (1.0 - res2) / params[0]; } //dy Double_t x0 = -params[1] / params[0]; if (-params[2]*params[0] + params[1]*params[1] + 1 > 0) { Double_t rm1 = params[0] / TMath::Sqrt(-params[2]*params[0] + params[1]*params[1] + 1); if (1.0/(rm1*rm1) - (x-x0) * (x-x0) > 0.0) { Double_t res = (x - x0) / TMath::Sqrt(1.0 / (rm1*rm1) - (x-x0)*(x-x0)); if (params[0] < 0) res *= -1.0; dy = res; } } z = rpolz0 + rpolz1 * (x - xref2); dz = rpolz1; cseed[iLayer].fYref[0] = y; cseed[iLayer].fYref[1] = dy; cseed[iLayer].fZref[0] = z; cseed[iLayer].fZref[1] = dz; cseed[iLayer].fC = curvature; } return chi2TR; }