/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include "TVectorT.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliTracker.h" #include "AliTRDtrackV1.h" #include "AliTRDcluster.h" #include "AliTRDcalibDB.h" #include "AliTRDReconstructor.h" #include "AliTRDPIDResponse.h" #include "AliTRDrecoParam.h" #include "AliTRDdEdxUtils.h" ClassImp(AliTRDtrackV1) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Represents a reconstructed TRD track // // Local TRD Kalman track // // // // Authors: // // Alex Bercuci // // Markus Fasel // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_______________________________________________________________ AliTRDtrackV1::AliTRDtrackV1() : AliKalmanTrack() ,fStatus(0) ,fESDid(0) ,fDE(0.) ,fTruncatedMean(0) ,fNchamberdEdx(0) ,fNclusterdEdx(0) ,fkReconstructor(NULL) ,fBackupTrack(NULL) ,fTrackLow(NULL) ,fTrackHigh(NULL) { // // Default constructor // //printf("AliTRDtrackV1::AliTRDtrackV1()\n"); for(int i =0; i<3; i++) fBudget[i] = 0.; Float_t pid = 1./AliPID::kSPECIES; for(int is =0; isGetX() ,par->GetAlpha() ,par->GetParameter() ,par->GetCovariance()); if(t.GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTIME) { StartTimeIntegral(); Double_t times[10]; t.GetIntegratedTimes(times); SetIntegratedTimes(times); SetIntegratedLength(t.GetIntegratedLength()); } } //_______________________________________________________________ AliTRDtrackV1::AliTRDtrackV1(AliTRDseedV1 * const trklts, const Double_t p[5], const Double_t cov[15] , Double_t x, Double_t alpha) : AliKalmanTrack() ,fStatus(0) ,fESDid(0) ,fDE(0.) ,fTruncatedMean(0) ,fNchamberdEdx(0) ,fNclusterdEdx(0) ,fkReconstructor(NULL) ,fBackupTrack(NULL) ,fTrackLow(NULL) ,fTrackHigh(NULL) { // // The stand alone tracking constructor // TEMPORARY !!!!!!!!!!! // to check : // 1. covariance matrix // 2. dQdl calculation // Double_t b(GetBz()); Double_t cnv = (TMath::Abs(b) < 1.e-5) ? 1.e5 : 1./GetBz()/kB2C; Double_t pp[5] = { p[0] , p[1] , p[2] , p[3] , p[4]*cnv }; Double_t c22 = x*x*cov[14] - 2*x*cov[12] + cov[ 5]; Double_t c32 = x*cov[13] - cov[ 8]; Double_t c20 = x*cov[10] - cov[ 3]; Double_t c21 = x*cov[11] - cov[ 4]; Double_t c42 = x*cov[14] - cov[12]; Double_t cc[15] = { cov[ 0] , cov[ 1], cov[ 2] , c20, c21, c22 , cov[ 6], cov[ 7], c32, cov[ 9] , cov[10]*cnv, cov[11]*cnv, c42*cnv, cov[13]*cnv, cov[14]*cnv*cnv }; Double_t mostProbablePt=AliExternalTrackParam::GetMostProbablePt(); Double_t p0=TMath::Sign(1/mostProbablePt,pp[4]); Double_t w0=cc[14]/(cc[14] + p0*p0), w1=p0*p0/(cc[14] + p0*p0); AliDebug(3, Form("Pt mixing : w0[%4.2f] pt0[%5.3f] w1[%4.2f] pt[%5.3f]", w0, 1./p0, w1, 1./pp[4])); pp[4] = w0*p0 + w1*pp[4]; cc[10]*=w1; cc[11]*=w1; cc[12]*=w1; cc[13]*=w1; cc[14]*=w1; Set(x,alpha,pp,cc); AliDebug(2, Form("Init @ x[%6.2f] pt[%5.3f]", x, 1./pp[4])); Int_t ncls = 0; for(int iplane=0; iplaneGetN(); } } AliKalmanTrack::SetNumberOfClusters(ncls); for(int i =0; i<3; i++) fBudget[i] = 0.; Float_t pid = 1./AliPID::kSPECIES; for(int is =0; isGetClusters(ic))) continue; for (Int_t k(0); k < 3; k++) { if ((label = c->GetLabel(k)) < 0) continue; Int_t j(0); while(j < kMAXCLUSTERSPERTRACK){ if(s[0][j]!=label && s[1][j]!=0){j++; continue;} if(!s[1][j]) nlabels++; s[0][j] = label; s[1][j]++; break; } } } } //printf(" Found %4d labels\n", nlabels); Float_t prob(1.); if(!nlabels){ AliError(Form("No MC labels found for track %d.", fESDid)); return 0; } else if(nlabels==1) { label = s[0][0]; if(labs && freq){labs[0]=label; freq[0]=1.;} } else { Int_t idx[kMAXCLUSTERSPERTRACK]; TMath::Sort(nlabels, s[1], idx); label = s[0][idx[0]]; prob = s[1][idx[0]]/Float_t(ncl); if(labs && freq){ for (Int_t i(0); i wrong)?-label:label); return nlabels; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDtrackV1::CookPID() { // // Cook the PID information for the track by delegating the omonim function of the tracklets. // Computes the number of tracklets used. The tracklet information are considered independent. // For the moment no global track measurement of PID is performed as for example to estimate // bremsstrahlung probability based on global chi2 of the track. // // The status bit AliESDtrack::kTRDpid is set during the call of AliTRDtrackV1::UpdateESDtrack().The PID performance of the //TRD for tracks with 6 tacklets is displayed below. //Begin_Html // //End_Html // const AliTRDPIDResponse *pidResponse = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance()->GetPIDResponse(fkReconstructor->GetRecoParam()->GetPIDmethod()); if(!pidResponse){ AliError("PID Response not available"); return kFALSE; } Int_t nslices = pidResponse->GetNumberOfSlices(); Double_t dEdx[kNplane * (Int_t)AliTRDPIDResponse::kNslicesNN]; Float_t trackletP[kNplane]; memset(dEdx, 0, sizeof(Double_t) * kNplane * (Int_t)AliTRDPIDResponse::kNslicesNN); memset(trackletP, 0, sizeof(Float_t)*kNplane); for(Int_t iseed = 0; iseed < kNplane; iseed++){ if(!fTracklet[iseed]) continue; trackletP[iseed] = fTracklet[iseed]->GetMomentum(); fTracklet[iseed]->SetPID(); if(pidResponse->GetPIDmethod() == AliTRDPIDResponse::kLQ1D){ dEdx[iseed] = fTracklet[iseed]->GetdQdl(); } else { fTracklet[iseed]->CookdEdx(nslices); const Float_t *trackletdEdx = fTracklet[iseed]->GetdEdx(); for(Int_t islice = 0; islice < nslices; islice++){ dEdx[iseed*nslices + islice] = trackletdEdx[islice]; } } } pidResponse->GetResponse(nslices, dEdx, trackletP, fPID); static Int_t nprint = 0; if(!nprint){ AliTRDdEdxUtils::PrintControl(); nprint++; } //do truncated mean AliTRDdEdxUtils::SetObjPHQ(AliTRDcalibDB::Instance()->GetPHQ()); const Double_t mag = AliTRDdEdxUtils::IsExBOn() ? GetBz() : -1; const Double_t charge = AliTRDdEdxUtils::IsExBOn() ? Charge() : -1; fTruncatedMean = CookTruncatedMean(0, mag, charge, kTRUE, fNchamberdEdx, fNclusterdEdx); return kTRUE; } //___________________________________________________________ UChar_t AliTRDtrackV1::GetNumberOfTrackletsPID() const { // Retrieve number of tracklets used for PID calculation. UChar_t nPID = 0; for(int ip=0; ipIsOK()) continue; nPID++; } return nPID; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliTRDcluster* AliTRDtrackV1::GetCluster(Int_t id) { // Get the cluster at a certain position in the track Int_t n = 0; for(Int_t ip=0; ipGetN() <= id){ n+=fTracklet[ip]->GetN(); continue; } AliTRDcluster *c = NULL; for(Int_t ic=AliTRDseedV1::kNclusters; ic--;){ if(!(c = fTracklet[ip]->GetClusters(ic))) continue; if(nGetN() <= id){ n+=fTracklet[ip]->GetN(); continue; } for(Int_t ic=AliTRDseedV1::kNclusters; ic--;){ if(!(fTracklet[ip]->GetClusters(ic))) continue; if(nGetIndexes(ic); } } return -1; } //_______________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDtrackV1::GetPredictedChi2(const AliTRDseedV1 *trklt, Double_t *cov) const { // Compute chi2 between tracklet and track. The value is calculated at the radial position of the track // equal to the reference radial position of the tracklet (see AliTRDseedV1) // // The chi2 estimator is computed according to the following formula // BEGIN_LATEX // #chi^{2}=(X_{trklt}-X_{track})(C_{trklt}+C_{track})^{-1}(X_{trklt}-X_{track})^{T} // END_LATEX // where X=(y z), the position of the track/tracklet in the yz plane // Double_t p[2] = { trklt->GetY(), trklt->GetZ()}; trklt->GetCovAt(trklt->GetX(), cov); return AliExternalTrackParam::GetPredictedChi2(p, cov); } //_______________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtrackV1::GetSector() const { return Int_t(GetAlpha()/AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha() + (GetAlpha()>0. ? 0 : AliTRDgeometry::kNsector)); } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDtrackV1::IsEqual(const TObject *o) const { // Checks whether two tracks are equal if (!o) return kFALSE; const AliTRDtrackV1 *inTrack = dynamic_cast(o); if (!inTrack) return kFALSE; //if ( fPIDquality != inTrack->GetPIDquality() ) return kFALSE; if(memcmp(fPID, inTrack->fPID, AliPID::kSPECIES*sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; if(memcmp(fBudget, inTrack->fBudget, 3*sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; if(memcmp(&fDE, &inTrack->fDE, sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; if(memcmp(&fFakeRatio, &inTrack->fFakeRatio, sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; if(memcmp(&fChi2, &inTrack->fChi2, sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; if(memcmp(&fMass, &inTrack->fMass, sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; if( fLab != inTrack->fLab ) return kFALSE; if( fN != inTrack->fN ) return kFALSE; Double32_t l(0.), in(0.); l = GetIntegratedLength(); in = inTrack->GetIntegratedLength(); if(memcmp(&l, &in, sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; l=GetX(); in=inTrack->GetX(); if(memcmp(&l, &in, sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; l = GetAlpha(); in = inTrack->GetAlpha(); if(memcmp(&l, &in, sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; if(memcmp(GetParameter(), inTrack->GetParameter(), 5*sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; if(memcmp(GetCovariance(), inTrack->GetCovariance(), 15*sizeof(Double32_t))) return kFALSE; for (Int_t iTracklet = 0; iTracklet < kNplane; iTracklet++){ AliTRDseedV1 *curTracklet = fTracklet[iTracklet]; AliTRDseedV1 *inTracklet = inTrack->GetTracklet(iTracklet); if (curTracklet && inTracklet){ if (! curTracklet->IsEqual(inTracklet) ) { curTracklet->Print(); inTracklet->Print(); return kFALSE; } } else { // if one tracklet exists, and corresponding // in other track doesn't - return kFALSE if(inTracklet || curTracklet) return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDtrackV1::IsElectron() const { if(GetPID(0) > fkReconstructor->GetRecoParam()->GetPIDThreshold(GetP())) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtrackV1::MakeBackupTrack() { // // Creates a backup track // TO DO update quality check of the track. // Float_t occupancy(0.); Int_t n(0), ncls(0); for(Int_t il(AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer); il--;){ if(!fTracklet[il]) continue; n++; occupancy+=fTracklet[il]->GetTBoccupancy()/AliTRDseedV1::kNtb; ncls += fTracklet[il]->GetN(); } if(!n) return -1; occupancy/=n; //Float_t ratio1 = Float_t(t.GetNumberOfClusters()+1) / Float_t(t.GetNExpected()+1); Int_t failedCutId(0); if(GetChi2()/n > 5.0) failedCutId=1; if(occupancy < 0.7) failedCutId=2; //if(ratio1 > 0.6) && //if(ratio0+ratio1 > 1.5) && if(GetNCross() != 0) failedCutId=3; if(TMath::Abs(GetSnp()) > 0.85) failedCutId=4; if(ncls < 20) failedCutId=5; if(failedCutId){ AliDebug(2, Form("\n" "chi2/tracklet < 5.0 [%c] %5.2f\n" "occupancy > 0.7 [%c] %4.2f\n" "NCross == 0 [%c] %d\n" "Abs(snp) < 0.85 [%c] %4.2f\n" "NClusters > 20 [%c] %d" ,(GetChi2()/n<5.0)?'y':'n', GetChi2()/n ,(occupancy>0.7)?'y':'n', occupancy ,(GetNCross()==0)?'y':'n', GetNCross() ,(TMath::Abs(GetSnp())<0.85)?'y':'n', TMath::Abs(GetSnp()) ,(ncls>20)?'y':'n', ncls )); return failedCutId; } if(fBackupTrack) { fBackupTrack->~AliTRDtrackV1(); new(fBackupTrack) AliTRDtrackV1((AliTRDtrackV1&)(*this)); return 0; } fBackupTrack = new AliTRDtrackV1((AliTRDtrackV1&)(*this)); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtrackV1::GetProlongation(Double_t xk, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const { // // Find a prolongation at given x // Return -1 if it does not exist // Double_t bz = GetBz(); if (!AliExternalTrackParam::GetYAt(xk,bz,y)) return -1; if (!AliExternalTrackParam::GetZAt(xk,bz,z)) return -1; return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDtrackV1::PropagateTo(Double_t xk, Double_t xx0, Double_t xrho) { // // Propagates this track to a reference plane defined by "xk" [cm] // correcting for the mean crossed material. // // "xx0" - thickness/rad.length [units of the radiation length] // "xrho" - thickness*density [g/cm^2] // if (TMath::Abs(xk - GetX()) x1[%6.2f] dx[%6.2f] rho[%f]\n", xyz0[0], xyz1[0], xyz0[0]-xk, xrho/TMath::Abs(xyz0[0]-xk)); if(xyz0[0] < xk) { xrho = -xrho; if (IsStartedTimeIntegral()) { Double_t l2 = TMath::Sqrt((xyz1[0]-xyz0[0])*(xyz1[0]-xyz0[0]) + (xyz1[1]-xyz0[1])*(xyz1[1]-xyz0[1]) + (xyz1[2]-xyz0[2])*(xyz1[2]-xyz0[2])); Double_t crv = AliExternalTrackParam::GetC(b[2]); if (TMath::Abs(l2*crv) > 0.0001) { // Make correction for curvature if neccesary l2 = 0.5 * TMath::Sqrt((xyz1[0]-xyz0[0])*(xyz1[0]-xyz0[0]) + (xyz1[1]-xyz0[1])*(xyz1[1]-xyz0[1])); l2 = 2.0 * TMath::ASin(l2 * crv) / crv; l2 = TMath::Sqrt(l2*l2 + (xyz1[2]-xyz0[2])*(xyz1[2]-xyz0[2])); } AddTimeStep(l2); } } if (!AliExternalTrackParam::CorrectForMeanMaterial(xx0, xrho, fMass)) return kFALSE; { // Energy losses Double_t p2 = (1.0 + GetTgl()*GetTgl()) / (GetSigned1Pt()*GetSigned1Pt()); Double_t beta2 = p2 / (p2 + fMass*fMass); if ((beta2 < 1.0e-10) || ((5940.0 * beta2/(1.0 - beta2 + 1.0e-10) - beta2) < 0.0)) { return kFALSE; } Double_t dE = 0.153e-3 / beta2 * (TMath::Log(5940.0 * beta2/(1.0 - beta2 + 1.0e-10)) - beta2) * xrho; fBudget[0] += xrho; /* // Suspicious part - think about it ? Double_t kinE = TMath::Sqrt(p2); if (dE > 0.8*kinE) dE = 0.8 * kinE; // if (dE < 0) dE = 0.0; // Not valid region for Bethe bloch */ fDE += dE; /* // Suspicious ! I.B. Double_t sigmade = 0.07 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(dE)); // Energy loss fluctuation Double_t sigmac2 = sigmade*sigmade*fC*fC*(p2+fMass*fMass)/(p2*p2); fCcc += sigmac2; fCee += fX*fX * sigmac2; */ } return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtrackV1::PropagateToR(Double_t r,Double_t step) { // // Propagate track to the radial position // Rotation always connected to the last track position // Double_t xyz0[3]; Double_t xyz1[3]; Double_t y; Double_t z; Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(GetX()*GetX() + GetY()*GetY()); // Direction +- Double_t dir = (radius > r) ? -1.0 : 1.0; for (Double_t x = radius+dir*step; dir*x < dir*r; x += dir*step) { GetXYZ(xyz0); Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(xyz0[1],xyz0[0]); Rotate(alpha,kTRUE); GetXYZ(xyz0); if(GetProlongation(x,y,z)<0) return -1; xyz1[0] = x * TMath::Cos(alpha) + y * TMath::Sin(alpha); xyz1[1] = x * TMath::Sin(alpha) - y * TMath::Cos(alpha); xyz1[2] = z; Double_t param[7]; if(AliTracker::MeanMaterialBudget(xyz0,xyz1,param)<=0.) return -1; if (param[1] <= 0) { param[1] = 100000000; } PropagateTo(x,param[1],param[0]*param[4]); } GetXYZ(xyz0); Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(xyz0[1],xyz0[0]); Rotate(alpha,kTRUE); GetXYZ(xyz0); if(GetProlongation(r,y,z)<0) return -1; xyz1[0] = r * TMath::Cos(alpha) + y * TMath::Sin(alpha); xyz1[1] = r * TMath::Sin(alpha) - y * TMath::Cos(alpha); xyz1[2] = z; Double_t param[7]; if(AliTracker::MeanMaterialBudget(xyz0,xyz1,param) <= 0.) return -1; if (param[1] <= 0) { param[1] = 100000000; } PropagateTo(r,param[1],param[0]*param[4]); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::Print(Option_t *o) const { // Print track status AliInfo(Form("PID [%4.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f]", 1.E2*fPID[0], 1.E2*fPID[1], 1.E2*fPID[2], 1.E2*fPID[3], 1.E2*fPID[4])); AliInfo(Form("Material[%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f]", fBudget[0], fBudget[1], fBudget[2])); AliInfo(Form("x[%7.2f] t[%7.4f] alpha[%f] mass[%f]", GetX(), GetIntegratedLength(), GetAlpha(), fMass)); AliInfo(Form("Ntr[%1d] NtrPID[%1d] Ncl[%3d] lab[%3d]", GetNumberOfTracklets(), GetNumberOfTrackletsPID(), fN, fLab)); printf("|X| = ("); const Double_t *curP = GetParameter(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) printf("%7.2f ", curP[i]); printf(")\n"); printf("|V| = \n"); const Double_t *curC = GetCovariance(); for (Int_t i = 0, j=4, k=0; i<15; i++, k++){ printf("%7.2f ", curC[i]); if(k==j){ printf("\n"); k=-1; j--; } } if(strcmp(o, "a")!=0) return; for(Int_t ip=0; ipPrint(o); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDtrackV1::Rotate(Double_t alpha, Bool_t absolute) { // // Rotates track parameters in R*phi plane // if absolute rotation alpha is in global system // otherwise alpha rotation is relative to the current rotation angle // if (absolute) alpha -= GetAlpha(); //else fNRotate++; return AliExternalTrackParam::Rotate(GetAlpha()+alpha); } //___________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::SetNumberOfClusters() { // Calculate the number of clusters attached to this track Int_t ncls = 0; for(int ip=0; ip= 0) ncls += fTracklet[ip]->GetN(); } AliKalmanTrack::SetNumberOfClusters(ncls); } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::SetOwner() { // // Toggle ownership of tracklets // if(TestBit(kOwner)) return; for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < kNplane; ip++) { if(fTrackletIndex[ip]<0 || !fTracklet[ip]) continue; fTracklet[ip] = new AliTRDseedV1(*fTracklet[ip]); fTracklet[ip]->SetOwner(); } SetBit(kOwner); } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::SetTracklet(AliTRDseedV1 *const trklt, Int_t index) { // // Set the tracklets // Int_t plane = trklt->GetPlane(); fTracklet[plane] = trklt; fTrackletIndex[plane] = index; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::SetTrackIn() { // Save location of birth for the TRD track // If the pointer is not valid allocate memory // const AliExternalTrackParam *op = dynamic_cast(this); //printf("SetTrackIn() : fTrackLow[%p]\n", (void*)fTrackLow); if(fTrackLow){ fTrackLow->~AliExternalTrackParam(); new(fTrackLow) AliExternalTrackParam(*op); } else fTrackLow = new AliExternalTrackParam(*op); } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::SetTrackOut(const AliExternalTrackParam *op) { // Save location of death for the TRD track // If the pointer is not valid allocate memory // if(!op) op = dynamic_cast(this); if(fTrackHigh){ fTrackHigh->~AliExternalTrackParam(); new(fTrackHigh) AliExternalTrackParam(*op); } else fTrackHigh = new AliExternalTrackParam(*op); } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::UnsetTracklet(Int_t plane) { if(plane<0) return; fTrackletIndex[plane] = -1; fTracklet[plane] = NULL; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::UpdateChi2(Float_t chi2) { // Update chi2/track with one tracklet contribution SetChi2(GetChi2() + chi2); } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtrackV1::UpdateESDtrack(AliESDtrack *track) { // // Update the TRD PID information in the ESD track // // Int_t nslices = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance()->GetPIDResponse(fkReconstructor->GetRecoParam()->GetPIDmethod())->GetNumberOfSlices(); // number of tracklets used for PID calculation UChar_t nPID = GetNumberOfTrackletsPID(); // number of tracklets attached to the track UChar_t nTrk = GetNumberOfTracklets(); // pack the two numbers together and store them in the ESD track->SetTRDntracklets(nPID | (nTrk<<3)); // allocate space to store raw PID signals dEdx & momentum track->SetNumberOfTRDslices((AliTRDPIDResponse::kNslicesNN+3)*AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer); // store raw signals Float_t p, sp; Double_t spd; for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < kNplane; ip++) { if(fTrackletIndex[ip]<0 || !fTracklet[ip]) continue; if(!fTracklet[ip]->HasPID()) continue; fTracklet[ip]->CookdEdx(AliTRDPIDResponse::kNslicesNN); const Float_t *dedx = fTracklet[ip]->GetdEdx(); for (Int_t js = 0; js < AliTRDPIDResponse::kNslicesNN; js++, dedx++){ track->SetTRDslice(*dedx, ip, js+1); } p = fTracklet[ip]->GetMomentum(&sp); spd = sp; track->SetTRDmomentum(p, ip, &spd); // store global quality per tracklet instead of momentum error // 26.09.11 A.Bercuci // first implementation store no. of time bins filled in tracklet (5bits see "y" bits) and // no. of double clusters in case of pad row cross (4bits see "x" bits) // bit map for tracklet quality xxxxyyyyy // 27.10.11 A.Bercuci // add chamber status bit "z" bit // bit map for tracklet quality zxxxxyyyyy // 12.11.11 A.Bercuci // fit tracklet quality into the field fTRDTimeBin [Char_t] // bit map for tracklet quality zxxyyyyy // The information should be retrieved by the following functions of AliESDtrack for each TRD layer // GetTRDtrkltOccupancy(layer) -> no of TB filled in tracklet // GetTRDtrkltClCross(layer) -> no of TB filled in crossing pad rows // IsTRDtrkltChmbGood(layer) -> status of the chamber from which the tracklet is found Int_t nCross(fTracklet[ip]->IsRowCross()?fTracklet[ip]->GetTBcross():0); if(nCross>3) nCross = 3; Char_t trackletQ = Char_t(fTracklet[ip]->GetTBoccupancy() | (nCross<<5) | (fTracklet[ip]->IsChmbGood()<<7)); track->SetTRDTimBin(trackletQ, ip); track->SetTRDslice(fTracklet[ip]->GetdQdl(), ip, 0); // Set Summed dEdx into the first slice } // store PID probabilities track->SetTRDpid(fPID); //store truncated mean track->SetTRDsignal(fTruncatedMean); track->SetTRDNchamberdEdx(fNchamberdEdx); track->SetTRDNclusterdEdx(fNclusterdEdx); } //_______________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDtrackV1::CookTruncatedMean(const Bool_t kinvq, const Double_t mag, const Int_t charge, const Int_t kcalib, Int_t &nch, Int_t &ncls, TVectorD *Qs, TVectorD *Xs, Int_t timeBin0, Int_t timeBin1, Int_t tstep) const { // //Origin: Xianguo Lu , Marian Ivanov // TVectorD arrayQ(200), arrayX(200); ncls = AliTRDdEdxUtils::GetArrayClusterQ(kinvq, &arrayQ, &arrayX, this, timeBin0, timeBin1, tstep); const TObjArray *cobj = kcalib ? AliTRDdEdxUtils::GetObjPHQ(kinvq, mag, charge) : NULL; const Double_t tmean = AliTRDdEdxUtils::ToyCook(kinvq, ncls, &arrayQ, &arrayX, cobj); nch = AliTRDdEdxUtils::UpdateArrayX(ncls, &arrayX); if(Qs && Xs){ (*Qs)=arrayQ; (*Xs)=arrayX; } //printf("\ntest %.10f %d %d\n", tmean, nch, ncls); return tmean; }