/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.22 2003/01/30 15:19:58 cblume New set of parameters Revision 1.21 2003/01/27 16:34:49 cblume Update of tracking by Sergei and Chuncheng Revision 1.20 2002/11/07 15:52:09 cblume Update of tracking code for tilted pads Revision 1.19 2002/10/22 15:53:08 alibrary Introducing Riostream.h Revision 1.18 2002/10/14 14:57:44 hristov Merging the VirtualMC branch to the main development branch (HEAD) Revision 2002/07/24 10:09:31 alibrary Updating VirtualMC Revision 1.17 2002/06/13 12:09:58 hristov Minor corrections Revision 1.16 2002/06/12 09:54:36 cblume Update of tracking code provided by Sergei Revision 1.14 2001/11/14 10:50:46 cblume Changes in digits IO. Add merging of summable digits Revision 1.13 2001/05/30 12:17:47 hristov Loop variables declared once Revision 1.12 2001/05/28 17:07:58 hristov Last minute changes; ExB correction in AliTRDclusterizerV1; taking into account of material in G10 TEC frames and material between TEC planes (C.Blume,S.Sedykh) Revision 1.8 2000/12/20 13:00:44 cblume Modifications for the HP-compiler Revision 1.7 2000/12/08 16:07:02 cblume Update of the tracking by Sergei Revision 1.6 2000/11/30 17:38:08 cblume Changes to get in line with new STEER and EVGEN Revision 1.5 2000/11/14 14:40:27 cblume Correction for the Sun compiler (kTRUE and kFALSE) Revision 1.4 2000/11/10 14:57:52 cblume Changes in the geometry constants for the DEC compiler Revision 1.3 2000/10/15 23:40:01 cblume Remove AliTRDconst Revision 1.2 2000/10/06 16:49:46 cblume Made Getters const Revision 2000/10/04 16:34:58 cblume Replace include files by forward declarations Revision 2000/09/22 14:47:52 cblume Add the tracking code */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" #include "AliTRDparameter.h" #include "AliTRDgeometryDetail.h" #include "AliTRDcluster.h" #include "AliTRDtrack.h" #include "../TPC/AliTPCtrack.h" #include "AliTRDtracker.h" ClassImp(AliTRDtracker) const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fSeedDepth = 0.5; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fSeedStep = 0.10; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fSeedGap = 0.25; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fMaxSeedDeltaZ12 = 40.; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fMaxSeedDeltaZ = 25.; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fMaxSeedC = 0.0052; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fMaxSeedTan = 1.2; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fMaxSeedVertexZ = 150.; const Double_t AliTRDtracker::fSeedErrorSY = 0.2; const Double_t AliTRDtracker::fSeedErrorSY3 = 2.5; const Double_t AliTRDtracker::fSeedErrorSZ = 0.1; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fMinClustersInSeed = 0.7; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fMinClustersInTrack = 0.5; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fMinFractionOfFoundClusters = 0.8; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fSkipDepth = 0.3; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fLabelFraction = 0.8; const Float_t AliTRDtracker::fWideRoad = 20.; const Double_t AliTRDtracker::fMaxChi2 = 12.; //____________________________________________________________________ AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtracker(const TFile *geomfile) { // // Main constructor // Float_t fTzero = 0; fAddTRDseeds = kFALSE; fGeom = NULL; fNoTilt = kFALSE; TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; TFile *in=(TFile*)geomfile; if (!in->IsOpen()) { printf("AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtracker(): geometry file is not open!\n"); printf(" DETAIL TRD geometry and DEFAULT TRD parameter will be used\n"); } else { in->cd(); in->ls(); fGeom = (AliTRDgeometry*) in->Get("TRDgeometry"); fPar = (AliTRDparameter*) in->Get("TRDparameter"); fGeom->Dump(); } if(fGeom) { // fTzero = geo->GetT0(); printf("Found geometry version %d on file \n", fGeom->IsVersion()); } else { printf("AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtracker(): cann't find TRD geometry!\n"); printf(" DETAIL TRD geometry and DEFAULT TRD parameter will be used\n"); fGeom = new AliTRDgeometryDetail(); fPar = new AliTRDparameter(); } savedir->cd(); // fGeom->SetT0(fTzero); fEvent = 0; fNclusters = 0; fClusters = new TObjArray(2000); fNseeds = 0; fSeeds = new TObjArray(2000); fNtracks = 0; fTracks = new TObjArray(1000); for(Int_t geom_s = 0; geom_s < kTRACKING_SECTORS; geom_s++) { Int_t tr_s = CookSectorIndex(geom_s); fTrSec[tr_s] = new AliTRDtrackingSector(fGeom, geom_s, fPar); } Float_t tilt_angle = TMath::Abs(fPar->GetTiltingAngle()); if(tilt_angle < 0.1) { fNoTilt = kTRUE; } fSY2corr = 0.2; fSZ2corr = 120.; if(fNoTilt && (tilt_angle > 0.1)) fSY2corr = fSY2corr + tilt_angle * 0.05; // calculate max gap on track Double_t dxAmp = (Double_t) fGeom->CamHght(); // Amplification region Double_t dxDrift = (Double_t) fGeom->CdrHght(); // Drift region Double_t dx = (Double_t) fPar->GetTimeBinSize(); Int_t tbAmp = fPar->GetTimeBefore(); Int_t maxAmp = (Int_t) ((dxAmp+0.000001)/dx); if(kTRUE) maxAmp = 0; // intentional until we change the parameter class Int_t tbDrift = fPar->GetTimeMax(); Int_t maxDrift = (Int_t) ((dxDrift+0.000001)/dx); tbDrift = TMath::Min(tbDrift,maxDrift); tbAmp = TMath::Min(tbAmp,maxAmp); fTimeBinsPerPlane = tbAmp + tbDrift; fMaxGap = (Int_t) (fTimeBinsPerPlane * fGeom->Nplan() * fSkipDepth); fVocal = kFALSE; } //___________________________________________________________________ AliTRDtracker::~AliTRDtracker() { delete fClusters; delete fTracks; delete fSeeds; delete fGeom; delete fPar; for(Int_t geom_s = 0; geom_s < kTRACKING_SECTORS; geom_s++) { delete fTrSec[geom_s]; } } //_____________________________________________________________________ inline Double_t f1trd(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) { // // Initial approximation of the track curvature // Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=d/(d*y1-b); return -xr*yr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); } //_____________________________________________________________________ inline Double_t f2trd(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) { // // Initial approximation of the track curvature times X coordinate // of the center of curvature // Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=d/(d*y1-b); return -a/(d*y1-b)*xr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); } //_____________________________________________________________________ inline Double_t f3trd(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t z1,Double_t z2) { // // Initial approximation of the tangent of the track dip angle // return (z1 - z2)/sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); } //___________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::Clusters2Tracks(const TFile *inp, TFile *out) { // // Finds tracks within the TRD. File is expected to contain seeds // at the outer part of the TRD. If is NULL, the seeds // are found within the TRD if fAddTRDseeds is TRUE. // The tracks are propagated to the innermost time bin // of the TRD and stored in file . // LoadEvent(); TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; char tname[100]; if (!out->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"AliTRDtracker::Clusters2Tracks(): output file is not open !\n"; return 1; } sprintf(tname,"seedTRDtoTPC_%d",fEvent); TTree tpc_tree(tname,"Tree with seeds from TRD at outer TPC pad row"); AliTPCtrack *iotrack=0; tpc_tree.Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&iotrack,32000,0); sprintf(tname,"TreeT%d_TRD",fEvent); TTree trd_tree(tname,"TRD tracks at inner TRD time bin"); AliTRDtrack *iotrack_trd=0; trd_tree.Branch("tracks","AliTRDtrack",&iotrack_trd,32000,0); Int_t timeBins = fTrSec[0]->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); Float_t foundMin = fMinClustersInTrack * timeBins; if (inp) { TFile *in=(TFile*)inp; if (!in->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"AliTRDtracker::Clusters2Tracks(): file with seeds is not open !\n"; cerr<<" ... going for seeds finding inside the TRD\n"; } else { in->cd(); sprintf(tname,"TRDb_%d",fEvent); TTree *seedTree=(TTree*)in->Get(tname); if (!seedTree) { cerr<<"AliTRDtracker::Clusters2Tracks(): "; cerr<<"can't get a tree with track seeds !\n"; return 3; } AliTRDtrack *seed=new AliTRDtrack; seedTree->SetBranchAddress("tracks",&seed); Int_t n=(Int_t)seedTree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetEvent(i); seed->ResetCovariance(); AliTRDtrack *tr = new AliTRDtrack(*seed,seed->GetAlpha()); fSeeds->AddLast(tr); fNseeds++; } delete seed; delete seedTree; } } out->cd(); // find tracks from loaded seeds Int_t nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t i, found = 0; Int_t innerTB = fTrSec[0]->GetInnerTimeBin(); for (i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; FollowProlongation(t, innerTB); if (t.GetNumberOfClusters() >= foundMin) { UseClusters(&t); CookLabel(pt, 1-fLabelFraction); // t.CookdEdx(); } iotrack_trd = pt; trd_tree.Fill(); cout<GetAlpha()); iotrack = tpc; tpc_tree.Fill(); delete tpc; } delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); fNseeds--; } cout<<"Number of loaded seeds: "<GetNumberOfTimeBins(); Int_t nSteps = (Int_t) (fSeedDepth / fSeedStep); Int_t gap = (Int_t) (timeBins * fSeedGap); Int_t step = (Int_t) (timeBins * fSeedStep); // make a first turn with tight cut on initial curvature for(Int_t turn = 1; turn <= 2; turn++) { if(turn == 2) { nSteps = (Int_t) (fSeedDepth / (3*fSeedStep)); step = (Int_t) (timeBins * (3*fSeedStep)); } for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); MakeSeeds(inner, outer, turn); nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); printf("\n turn %d, step %d: number of seeds for TRD inward %d\n", turn, i, nseed); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; FollowProlongation(t,innerTB); if (t.GetNumberOfClusters() >= foundMin) { UseClusters(&t); CookLabel(pt, 1-fLabelFraction); t.CookdEdx(); cout<GetAlpha()); iotrack = tpc; tpc_tree.Fill(); delete tpc; } } delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); fNseeds--; } } } } tpc_tree.Write(); trd_tree.Write(); cout<<"Total number of found tracks: "<cd(); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::PropagateBack(const TFile *inp, TFile *out) { // // Reads seeds from file . The seeds are AliTPCtrack's found and // backpropagated by the TPC tracker. Each seed is first propagated // to the TRD, and then its prolongation is searched in the TRD. // If sufficiently long continuation of the track is found in the TRD // the track is updated, otherwise it's stored as originaly defined // by the TPC tracker. // LoadEvent(); TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; TFile *in=(TFile*)inp; if (!in->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"AliTRDtracker::PropagateBack(): "; cerr<<"file with back propagated TPC tracks is not open !\n"; return 1; } if (!out->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"AliTRDtracker::PropagateBack(): "; cerr<<"file for back propagated TRD tracks is not open !\n"; return 2; } in->cd(); char tname[100]; sprintf(tname,"seedsTPCtoTRD_%d",fEvent); TTree *seedTree=(TTree*)in->Get(tname); if (!seedTree) { cerr<<"AliTRDtracker::PropagateBack(): "; cerr<<"can't get a tree with seeds from TPC !\n"; cerr<<"check if your version of TPC tracker creates tree "<SetBranchAddress("tracks",&seed); Int_t n=(Int_t)seedTree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetEvent(i); Int_t lbl = seed->GetLabel(); AliTRDtrack *tr = new AliTRDtrack(*seed,seed->GetAlpha()); tr->SetSeedLabel(lbl); fSeeds->AddLast(tr); fNseeds++; } delete seed; delete seedTree; out->cd(); AliTPCtrack *otrack=0; sprintf(tname,"seedsTRDtoTOF1_%d",fEvent); TTree tofTree1(tname,"Tracks back propagated through TPC and TRD"); tofTree1.Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&otrack,32000,0); sprintf(tname,"seedsTRDtoTOF2_%d",fEvent); TTree tofTree2(tname,"Tracks back propagated through TPC and TRD"); tofTree2.Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&otrack,32000,0); sprintf(tname,"seedsTRDtoPHOS_%d",fEvent); TTree phosTree(tname,"Tracks back propagated through TPC and TRD"); phosTree.Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&otrack,32000,0); sprintf(tname,"seedsTRDtoRICH_%d",fEvent); TTree richTree(tname,"Tracks back propagated through TPC and TRD"); richTree.Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&otrack,32000,0); sprintf(tname,"TRDb_%d",fEvent); TTree trdTree(tname,"Back propagated TRD tracks at outer TRD time bin"); AliTRDtrack *otrack_trd=0; trdTree.Branch("tracks","AliTRDtrack",&otrack_trd,32000,0); Int_t found=0; Int_t nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); // Float_t foundMin = fMinClustersInTrack * fTimeBinsPerPlane * fGeom->Nplan(); Float_t foundMin = 0; Int_t outermost_tb = fTrSec[0]->GetOuterTimeBin(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &s=*ps; Int_t expectedClr = FollowBackProlongation(s); Int_t foundClr = s.GetNumberOfClusters(); Int_t last_tb = fTrSec[0]->GetLayerNumber(s.GetX()); // printf("seed %d: found %d out of %d expected clusters, Min is %f\n", // i, foundClr, expectedClr, foundMin); if (foundClr >= foundMin) { if(foundClr >= 2) { s.CookdEdx(); CookLabel(ps, 1-fLabelFraction); UseClusters(ps); } otrack_trd=ps; trdTree.Fill(); cout<= 10) && (((Float_t) foundClr) / ((Float_t) expectedClr) >= fMinFractionOfFoundClusters) && (last_tb == outermost_tb))) { Double_t x_tof = 375.5; if(PropagateToOuterPlane(s,x_tof)) { AliTPCtrack *pt = new AliTPCtrack(*ps,ps->GetAlpha()); otrack = pt; tofTree1.Fill(); delete pt; x_tof = 381.5; if(PropagateToOuterPlane(s,x_tof)) { AliTPCtrack *pt = new AliTPCtrack(*ps,ps->GetAlpha()); otrack = pt; tofTree2.Fill(); delete pt; Double_t x_phos = 460.; if(PropagateToOuterPlane(s,x_phos)) { AliTPCtrack *pt = new AliTPCtrack(*ps,ps->GetAlpha()); otrack = pt; phosTree.Fill(); delete pt; Double_t x_rich = 490+1.267; if(PropagateToOuterPlane(s,x_rich)) { AliTPCtrack *pt = new AliTPCtrack(*ps,ps->GetAlpha()); otrack = pt; richTree.Fill(); delete pt; } } } } } } tofTree1.Write(); tofTree2.Write(); phosTree.Write(); richTree.Write(); trdTree.Write(); savedir->cd(); cerr<<"Number of seeds: "< 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); Int_t s=Int_t(alpha/AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha())%AliTRDgeometry::kNsect; Double_t rad_length, rho, x, dx, y, ymax, z; Int_t expectedNumberOfClusters = 0; Bool_t lookForCluster; alpha=AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha(); // note: change in meaning for (Int_t nr=fTrSec[0]->GetLayerNumber(t.GetX()); nr>rf; nr--) { y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); // first propagate to the inner surface of the current time bin fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr)->GetPropagationParameters(y,z,dx,rho,rad_length,lookForCluster); x = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr)->GetX()-dx/2; y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; y = t.GetY(); ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) break; if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) break; if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; } y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); // now propagate to the middle plane of the next time bin fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr-1)->GetPropagationParameters(y,z,dx,rho,rad_length,lookForCluster); x = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr-1)->GetX(); y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; y = t.GetY(); ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) break; if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) break; if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; } if(lookForCluster) { expectedNumberOfClusters++; wIndex = (Float_t) t.GetLabel(); wTB = nr; AliTRDpropagationLayer& time_bin=*(fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr-1)); Double_t sy2=ExpectedSigmaY2(x,t.GetTgl(),t.GetPt()); Double_t sz2=ExpectedSigmaZ2(x,t.GetTgl()); Double_t road; if((t.GetSigmaY2() + sy2) > 0) road=10.*sqrt(t.GetSigmaY2() + sy2); else return expectedNumberOfClusters; wYrt = (Float_t) y; wZrt = (Float_t) z; wYwindow = (Float_t) road; t.GetPxPyPz(Px,Py,Pz); wPx = (Float_t) Px; wPy = (Float_t) Py; wPz = (Float_t) Pz; wC = (Float_t) t.GetC(); wSigmaC2 = (Float_t) t.GetSigmaC2(); wSigmaTgl2 = (Float_t) t.GetSigmaTgl2(); wSigmaY2 = (Float_t) t.GetSigmaY2(); wSigmaZ2 = (Float_t) t.GetSigmaZ2(); wChi2 = -1; if (road>fWideRoad) { if (t.GetNumberOfClusters()>4) cerr<GetLabel(0) != trackIndex) && (c->GetLabel(1) != trackIndex) && (c->GetLabel(2) != trackIndex)) continue; if(TMath::Abs(c->GetY() - y) > minDY) continue; minDY = TMath::Abs(c->GetY() - y); wYcorrect = c->GetY(); wZcorrect = c->GetZ(); Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(c); wChi2 = t.GetPredictedChi2(c, h01); } } // Now go for the real cluster search if (time_bin) { for (Int_t i=time_bin.Find(y-road); iGetY() > y+road) break; if (c->IsUsed() > 0) continue; if((c->GetZ()-z)*(c->GetZ()-z) > 3 * sz2) continue; Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(c); Double_t chi2=t.GetPredictedChi2(c,h01); if (chi2 > max_chi2) continue; max_chi2=chi2; cl=c; index=time_bin.GetIndex(i); } if(!cl) { for (Int_t i=time_bin.Find(y-road); iGetY() > y+road) break; if (c->IsUsed() > 0) continue; if((c->GetZ()-z)*(c->GetZ()-z) > 12 * sz2) continue; Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(c); Double_t chi2=t.GetPredictedChi2(c, h01); if (chi2 > max_chi2) continue; max_chi2=chi2; cl=c; index=time_bin.GetIndex(i); } } if (cl) { wYclosest = cl->GetY(); wZclosest = cl->GetZ(); Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(cl); t.SetSampledEdx(cl->GetQ()/dx,t.GetNumberOfClusters()); if(!t.Update(cl,max_chi2,index,h01)) { if(!try_again--) return 0; } else try_again=fMaxGap; } else { if (try_again==0) break; try_again--; } /* if((((Int_t) wTB)%15 == 0) || (((Int_t) wTB)%15 == 14)) { printf(" %f", wIndex); //1 printf(" %f", wTB); //2 printf(" %f", wYrt); //3 printf(" %f", wYclosest); //4 printf(" %f", wYcorrect); //5 printf(" %f", wYwindow); //6 printf(" %f", wZrt); //7 printf(" %f", wZclosest); //8 printf(" %f", wZcorrect); //9 printf(" %f", wZwindow); //10 printf(" %f", wPx); //11 printf(" %f", wPy); //12 printf(" %f", wPz); //13 printf(" %f", wSigmaC2*1000000); //14 printf(" %f", wSigmaTgl2*1000); //15 printf(" %f", wSigmaY2); //16 // printf(" %f", wSigmaZ2); //17 printf(" %f", wChi2); //17 printf(" %f", wC); //18 printf("\n"); } */ } } } return expectedNumberOfClusters; } //___________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::FollowBackProlongation(AliTRDtrack& t) { // Starting from current radial position of track this function // extrapolates the track up to outer timebin and in the sensitive // layers confirms prolongation if a close cluster is found. // Returns the number of clusters expected to be found in sensitive layers Float_t wIndex, wTB, wChi2; Float_t wYrt, wYclosest, wYcorrect, wYwindow; Float_t wZrt, wZclosest, wZcorrect, wZwindow; Float_t wPx, wPy, wPz, wC; Double_t Px, Py, Pz; Float_t wSigmaC2, wSigmaTgl2, wSigmaY2, wSigmaZ2; Int_t trackIndex = t.GetLabel(); Int_t ns=Int_t(2*TMath::Pi()/AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha()+0.5); Int_t try_again=fMaxGap; Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); Int_t s=Int_t(alpha/AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha())%AliTRDgeometry::kNsect; Int_t outerTB = fTrSec[0]->GetOuterTimeBin(); Double_t rad_length, rho, x, dx, y, ymax, z; Bool_t lookForCluster; Int_t expectedNumberOfClusters = 0; x = t.GetX(); alpha=AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha(); // note: change in meaning for (Int_t nr=fTrSec[0]->GetLayerNumber(t.GetX()); nrGetLayer(nr)->GetPropagationParameters(y,z,dx,rho,rad_length,lookForCluster); x = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr)->GetX()+dx/2; y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; y = t.GetY(); ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) break; if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) break; if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; } y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); // now propagate to the middle plane of the next time bin fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr+1)->GetPropagationParameters(y,z,dx,rho,rad_length,lookForCluster); x = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr+1)->GetX(); y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; y = t.GetY(); ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); if(fVocal) printf("nr+1=%d, x %f, z %f, y %f, ymax %f\n",nr+1,x,z,y,ymax); if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) break; if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) break; if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) break; } // printf("label %d, pl %d, lookForCluster %d \n", // trackIndex, nr+1, lookForCluster); if(lookForCluster) { expectedNumberOfClusters++; wIndex = (Float_t) t.GetLabel(); wTB = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr+1)->GetTimeBinIndex(); AliTRDpropagationLayer& time_bin=*(fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr+1)); Double_t sy2=ExpectedSigmaY2(t.GetX(),t.GetTgl(),t.GetPt()); Double_t sz2=ExpectedSigmaZ2(t.GetX(),t.GetTgl()); if((t.GetSigmaY2() + sy2) < 0) break; Double_t road = 10.*sqrt(t.GetSigmaY2() + sy2); Double_t y=t.GetY(), z=t.GetZ(); wYrt = (Float_t) y; wZrt = (Float_t) z; wYwindow = (Float_t) road; t.GetPxPyPz(Px,Py,Pz); wPx = (Float_t) Px; wPy = (Float_t) Py; wPz = (Float_t) Pz; wC = (Float_t) t.GetC(); wSigmaC2 = (Float_t) t.GetSigmaC2(); wSigmaTgl2 = (Float_t) t.GetSigmaTgl2(); wSigmaY2 = (Float_t) t.GetSigmaY2(); wSigmaZ2 = (Float_t) t.GetSigmaZ2(); wChi2 = -1; if (road>fWideRoad) { if (t.GetNumberOfClusters()>4) cerr<GetLabel(0) != trackIndex) && (c->GetLabel(1) != trackIndex) && (c->GetLabel(2) != trackIndex)) continue; if(TMath::Abs(c->GetY() - y) > minDY) continue; minDY = TMath::Abs(c->GetY() - y); wYcorrect = c->GetY(); wZcorrect = c->GetZ(); Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(c); wChi2 = t.GetPredictedChi2(c, h01); } } // Now go for the real cluster search if (time_bin) { for (Int_t i=time_bin.Find(y-road); iGetY() > y+road) break; // if (c->IsUsed() > 0) continue; if((c->GetZ()-z)*(c->GetZ()-z) > 3 * sz2) continue; Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(c); Double_t chi2=t.GetPredictedChi2(c,h01); if (chi2 > max_chi2) continue; max_chi2=chi2; cl=c; index=time_bin.GetIndex(i); } if(!cl) { for (Int_t i=time_bin.Find(y-road); iGetY() > y+road) break; // if (c->IsUsed() > 0) continue; if((c->GetZ()-z)*(c->GetZ()-z) > 2.25 * 12 * sz2) continue; Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(c); Double_t chi2=t.GetPredictedChi2(c,h01); if (chi2 > max_chi2) continue; max_chi2=chi2; cl=c; index=time_bin.GetIndex(i); } } if (cl) { wYclosest = cl->GetY(); wZclosest = cl->GetZ(); t.SetSampledEdx(cl->GetQ()/dx,t.GetNumberOfClusters()); Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(cl); if(!t.Update(cl,max_chi2,index,h01)) { if(!try_again--) return 0; } else try_again=fMaxGap; } else { if (try_again==0) break; try_again--; } /* if((((Int_t) wTB)%15 == 0) || (((Int_t) wTB)%15 == 14)) { printf(" %f", wIndex); //1 printf(" %f", wTB); //2 printf(" %f", wYrt); //3 printf(" %f", wYclosest); //4 printf(" %f", wYcorrect); //5 printf(" %f", wYwindow); //6 printf(" %f", wZrt); //7 printf(" %f", wZclosest); //8 printf(" %f", wZcorrect); //9 printf(" %f", wZwindow); //10 printf(" %f", wPx); //11 printf(" %f", wPy); //12 printf(" %f", wPz); //13 printf(" %f", wSigmaC2*1000000); //14 printf(" %f", wSigmaTgl2*1000); //15 printf(" %f", wSigmaY2); //16 // printf(" %f", wSigmaZ2); //17 printf(" %f", wChi2); //17 printf(" %f", wC); //18 printf("\n"); } */ } } } return expectedNumberOfClusters; } //___________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::PropagateToOuterPlane(AliTRDtrack& t, Double_t xToGo) { // Starting from current radial position of track this function // extrapolates the track up to radial position . // Returns 1 if track reaches the plane, and 0 otherwise Int_t ns=Int_t(2*TMath::Pi()/AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha()+0.5); Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); Int_t s=Int_t(alpha/AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha())%AliTRDgeometry::kNsect; Bool_t lookForCluster; Double_t rad_length, rho, x, dx, y, ymax, z; x = t.GetX(); alpha=AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha(); // note: change in meaning Int_t plToGo = fTrSec[0]->GetLayerNumber(xToGo); for (Int_t nr=fTrSec[0]->GetLayerNumber(x); nrGetLayer(nr)->GetPropagationParameters(y,z,dx,rho,rad_length,lookForCluster); x = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr)->GetX()+dx/2; y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) return 0; y = t.GetY(); ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) return 0; } if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) return 0; y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); // now propagate to the middle plane of the next time bin fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr+1)->GetPropagationParameters(y,z,dx,rho,rad_length,lookForCluster); x = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr+1)->GetX(); y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) return 0; y = t.GetY(); ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) return 0; } if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) return 0; } return 1; } //___________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::PropagateToTPC(AliTRDtrack& t) { // Starting from current radial position of track this function // extrapolates the track up to radial position of the outermost // padrow of the TPC. // Returns 1 if track reaches the TPC, and 0 otherwise Int_t ns=Int_t(2*TMath::Pi()/AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha()+0.5); Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); Int_t s=Int_t(alpha/AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha())%AliTRDgeometry::kNsect; Bool_t lookForCluster; Double_t rad_length, rho, x, dx, y, ymax, z; x = t.GetX(); alpha=AliTRDgeometry::GetAlpha(); // note: change in meaning Int_t plTPC = fTrSec[0]->GetLayerNumber(246.055); for (Int_t nr=fTrSec[0]->GetLayerNumber(x); nr>plTPC; nr--) { y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); // first propagate to the outer surface of the current time bin fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr)->GetPropagationParameters(y,z,dx,rho,rad_length,lookForCluster); x = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr)->GetX()-dx/2; y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) return 0; y = t.GetY(); ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) return 0; } if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) return 0; y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); // now propagate to the middle plane of the next time bin fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr-1)->GetPropagationParameters(y,z,dx,rho,rad_length,lookForCluster); x = fTrSec[s]->GetLayer(nr-1)->GetX(); y = t.GetY(); z = t.GetZ(); if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) return 0; y = t.GetY(); ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) return 0; } if(!t.PropagateTo(x,rad_length,rho)) return 0; } return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::LoadEvent() { // Fills clusters into TRD tracking_sectors // Note that the numbering scheme for the TRD tracking_sectors // differs from that of TRD sectors ReadClusters(fClusters); Int_t ncl=fClusters->GetEntriesFast(); cout<<"\n LoadSectors: sorting "<UncheckedAt(ncl); Int_t detector=c->GetDetector(), local_time_bin=c->GetLocalTimeBin(); Int_t sector=fGeom->GetSector(detector); Int_t plane=fGeom->GetPlane(detector); Int_t tracking_sector = CookSectorIndex(sector); Int_t gtb = fTrSec[tracking_sector]->CookTimeBinIndex(plane,local_time_bin); if(gtb < 0) continue; Int_t layer = fTrSec[tracking_sector]->GetLayerNumber(gtb); index=ncl; fTrSec[tracking_sector]->GetLayer(layer)->InsertCluster(c,index); } printf("\r\n"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::UnloadEvent() { // // Clears the arrays of clusters and tracks. Resets sectors and timebins // Int_t i, nentr; nentr = fClusters->GetEntriesFast(); for (i = 0; i < nentr; i++) delete fClusters->RemoveAt(i); nentr = fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); for (i = 0; i < nentr; i++) delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); nentr = fTracks->GetEntriesFast(); for (i = 0; i < nentr; i++) delete fTracks->RemoveAt(i); Int_t nsec = AliTRDgeometry::kNsect; for (i = 0; i < nsec; i++) { for(Int_t pl = 0; pl < fTrSec[i]->GetNumberOfLayers(); pl++) { fTrSec[i]->GetLayer(pl)->Clear(); } } } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::MakeSeeds(Int_t inner, Int_t outer, Int_t turn) { // Creates track seeds using clusters in timeBins=i1,i2 if(turn > 2) { cerr<<"MakeSeeds: turn "<GetLayerNumber(inner); Int_t i1 = fTrSec[0]->GetLayerNumber(outer); Double_t x1 =fTrSec[0]->GetX(i1); Double_t xx2=fTrSec[0]->GetX(i2); for (Int_t ns=0; nsGetLayer(i2)); Int_t nl=(*fTrSec[(ns-1+max_sec)%max_sec]->GetLayer(i2)); Int_t nm=(*fTrSec[ns]->GetLayer(i2)); Int_t nu=(*fTrSec[(ns+1)%max_sec]->GetLayer(i2)); Int_t nu2=(*fTrSec[(ns+2)%max_sec]->GetLayer(i2)); AliTRDpropagationLayer& r1=*(fTrSec[ns]->GetLayer(i1)); for (Int_t is=0; is < r1; is++) { Double_t y1=r1[is]->GetY(), z1=r1[is]->GetZ(); for (Int_t js=0; js < nl2+nl+nm+nu+nu2; js++) { const AliTRDcluster *cl; Double_t x2, y2, z2; Double_t x3=0., y3=0.; if (jsGetLayer(i2)); cl=r2[js]; y2=cl->GetY(); z2=cl->GetZ(); x2= xx2*cs2+y2*sn2; y2=-xx2*sn2+y2*cs2; } else if (jsGetLayer(i2)); cl=r2[js-nl2]; y2=cl->GetY(); z2=cl->GetZ(); x2= xx2*cs+y2*sn; y2=-xx2*sn+y2*cs; } else if (jsGetLayer(i2)); cl=r2[js-nl2-nl]; x2=xx2; y2=cl->GetY(); z2=cl->GetZ(); } else if (jsGetLayer(i2)); cl=r2[js-nl2-nl-nm]; y2=cl->GetY(); z2=cl->GetZ(); x2=xx2*cs-y2*sn; y2=xx2*sn+y2*cs; } else { if(turn != 2) continue; AliTRDpropagationLayer& r2=*(fTrSec[(ns+2)%max_sec]->GetLayer(i2)); cl=r2[js-nl2-nl-nm-nu]; y2=cl->GetY(); z2=cl->GetZ(); x2=xx2*cs2-y2*sn2; y2=xx2*sn2+y2*cs2; } if(TMath::Abs(z1-z2) > fMaxSeedDeltaZ12) continue; Double_t zz=z1 - z1/x1*(x1-x2); if (TMath::Abs(zz-z2)>fMaxSeedDeltaZ) continue; Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(0.-y2)-(0.-x2)*(y2-y1); if (d==0.) {cerr<<"TRD MakeSeeds: Straight seed !\n"; continue;} x[0]=y1; x[1]=z1; x[4]=f1trd(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); if (TMath::Abs(x[4]) > fMaxSeedC) continue; x[2]=f2trd(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); if (TMath::Abs(x[4]*x1-x[2]) >= 0.99999) continue; x[3]=f3trd(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2); if (TMath::Abs(x[3]) > fMaxSeedTan) continue; Double_t a=asin(x[2]); Double_t zv=z1 - x[3]/x[4]*(a+asin(x[4]*x1-x[2])); if (TMath::Abs(zv)>fMaxSeedVertexZ) continue; Double_t sy1=r1[is]->GetSigmaY2(), sz1=r1[is]->GetSigmaZ2(); Double_t sy2=cl->GetSigmaY2(), sz2=cl->GetSigmaZ2(); Double_t sy3=fSeedErrorSY3, sy=fSeedErrorSY, sz=fSeedErrorSZ; // Tilt changes Double_t h01 = GetTiltFactor(r1[is]); Double_t xu_factor = 100.; if(fNoTilt) { h01 = 0; xu_factor = 1; } sy1=sy1+sz1*h01*h01; Double_t syz=sz1*(-h01); // end of tilt changes Double_t f40=(f1trd(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(f1trd(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(f1trd(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(f2trd(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(f2trd(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(f2trd(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f30=(f3trd(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(f3trd(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1+sz,z2)-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(f3trd(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(f3trd(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; // c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[1]=syz; c[2]=sz1*xu_factor; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; UInt_t index=r1.GetIndex(is); AliTRDtrack *track=new AliTRDtrack(r1[is],index,x,c,x1,ns*alpha+shift); Int_t rc=FollowProlongation(*track, i2); if ((rc < 1) || (track->GetNumberOfClusters() < (outer-inner)*fMinClustersInSeed)) delete track; else { fSeeds->AddLast(track); fNseeds++; cerr<<"\r found seed "<= 0) or AliTRDrecPoints (option < 0) // from the file. The names of the cluster tree and branches // should match the ones used in AliTRDclusterizer::WriteClusters() // TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; if (inp) { TFile *in=(TFile*)inp; if (!in->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"AliTRDtracker::ReadClusters(): input file is not open !\n"; return; } else{ in->cd(); } } Char_t treeName[12]; sprintf(treeName,"TreeR%d_TRD",fEvent); TTree *ClusterTree = (TTree*) gDirectory->Get(treeName); TObjArray *ClusterArray = new TObjArray(400); ClusterTree->GetBranch("TRDcluster")->SetAddress(&ClusterArray); Int_t nEntries = (Int_t) ClusterTree->GetEntries(); printf("found %d entries in %s.\n",nEntries,ClusterTree->GetName()); // Loop through all entries in the tree Int_t nbytes; AliTRDcluster *c = 0; printf("\n"); for (Int_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries; iEntry++) { // Import the tree nbytes += ClusterTree->GetEvent(iEntry); // Get the number of points in the detector Int_t nCluster = ClusterArray->GetEntriesFast(); printf("\r Read %d clusters from entry %d", nCluster, iEntry); // Loop through all TRD digits for (Int_t iCluster = 0; iCluster < nCluster; iCluster++) { c = (AliTRDcluster*)ClusterArray->UncheckedAt(iCluster); AliTRDcluster *co = new AliTRDcluster(*c); co->SetSigmaY2(c->GetSigmaY2() * fSY2corr); Int_t ltb = co->GetLocalTimeBin(); if(ltb == 19) co->SetSigmaZ2(c->GetSigmaZ2()); else if(fNoTilt) co->SetSigmaZ2(c->GetSigmaZ2() * fSZ2corr); array->AddLast(co); delete ClusterArray->RemoveAt(iCluster); } } delete ClusterArray; savedir->cd(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::ReadClusters(TObjArray *array, const Char_t *filename) { // // Reads AliTRDclusters from file . The names of the cluster // tree and branches should match the ones used in // AliTRDclusterizer::WriteClusters() // if == 0, clusters are added into AliTRDtracker fCluster array // TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename); if (!file->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"Can't open file with TRD clusters"<Get(treeName); if (!ClusterTree) { cerr<<"AliTRDtracker::ReadClusters(): "; cerr<<"can't get a tree with clusters !\n"; return; } TObjArray *ClusterArray = new TObjArray(400); ClusterTree->GetBranch("TRDcluster")->SetAddress(&ClusterArray); Int_t nEntries = (Int_t) ClusterTree->GetEntries(); cout<<"found "<GetEvent(iEntry); // Get the number of points in the detector Int_t nCluster = ClusterArray->GetEntriesFast(); printf("\n Read %d clusters from entry %d", nCluster, iEntry); // Loop through all TRD digits for (Int_t iCluster = 0; iCluster < nCluster; iCluster++) { c = (AliTRDcluster*)ClusterArray->UncheckedAt(iCluster); AliTRDcluster *co = new AliTRDcluster(*c); co->SetSigmaY2(c->GetSigmaY2() * fSY2corr); Int_t ltb = co->GetLocalTimeBin(); if(ltb == 19) co->SetSigmaZ2(c->GetSigmaZ2()); else if(fNoTilt) co->SetSigmaZ2(c->GetSigmaZ2() * fSZ2corr); array->AddLast(co); delete ClusterArray->RemoveAt(iCluster); } } file->Close(); delete ClusterArray; savedir->cd(); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::CookLabel(AliKalmanTrack* pt, Float_t wrong) const { Int_t label=123456789, index, i, j; Int_t ncl=pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); const Int_t range = fTrSec[0]->GetOuterTimeBin()+1; Bool_t label_added; // Int_t s[range][2]; Int_t **s = new Int_t* [range]; for (i=0; iGetClusterIndex(i); AliTRDcluster *c=(AliTRDcluster*)fClusters->UncheckedAt(index); t0=c->GetLabel(0); t1=c->GetLabel(1); t2=c->GetLabel(2); } for (i=0; iGetClusterIndex(i); AliTRDcluster *c=(AliTRDcluster*)fClusters->UncheckedAt(index); for (Int_t k=0; k<3; k++) { label=c->GetLabel(k); label_added=kFALSE; j=0; if (label >= 0) { while ( (!label_added) && ( j < range ) ) { if (s[j][0]==label || s[j][1]==0) { s[j][0]=label; s[j][1]=s[j][1]+1; label_added=kTRUE; } j++; } } } } Int_t max=0; label = -123456789; for (i=0; imax) { max=s[i][1]; label=s[i][0]; } } for (i=0; i wrong) label=-label; pt->SetLabel(label); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::UseClusters(const AliKalmanTrack* t, Int_t from) const { Int_t ncl=t->GetNumberOfClusters(); for (Int_t i=from; iGetClusterIndex(i); AliTRDcluster *c=(AliTRDcluster*)fClusters->UncheckedAt(index); c->Use(); } } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDtracker::ExpectedSigmaY2(Double_t r, Double_t tgl, Double_t pt) { // Parametrised "expected" error of the cluster reconstruction in Y Double_t s = 0.08 * 0.08; return s; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDtracker::ExpectedSigmaZ2(Double_t r, Double_t tgl) { // Parametrised "expected" error of the cluster reconstruction in Z Double_t s = 9 * 9 /12.; return s; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDtracker::GetX(Int_t sector, Int_t plane, Int_t local_tb) const { // // Returns radial position which corresponds to time bin // in tracking sector and plane // Int_t index = fTrSec[sector]->CookTimeBinIndex(plane, local_tb); Int_t pl = fTrSec[sector]->GetLayerNumber(index); return fTrSec[sector]->GetLayer(pl)->GetX(); } //_______________________________________________________ AliTRDtracker::AliTRDpropagationLayer::AliTRDpropagationLayer(Double_t x, Double_t dx, Double_t rho, Double_t rad_length, Int_t tb_index) { // // AliTRDpropagationLayer constructor // fN = 0; fX = x; fdX = dx; fRho = rho; fX0 = rad_length; fClusters = NULL; fIndex = NULL; fTimeBinIndex = tb_index; for(Int_t i=0; i < (Int_t) kZONES; i++) { fZc[i]=0; fZmax[i] = 0; } fYmax = 0; if(fTimeBinIndex >= 0) { fClusters = new AliTRDcluster*[kMAX_CLUSTER_PER_TIME_BIN]; fIndex = new UInt_t[kMAX_CLUSTER_PER_TIME_BIN]; } fHole = kFALSE; fHoleZc = 0; fHoleZmax = 0; fHoleYc = 0; fHoleYmax = 0; fHoleRho = 0; fHoleX0 = 0; } //_______________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::AliTRDpropagationLayer::SetHole( Double_t Zmax, Double_t Ymax, Double_t rho, Double_t rad_length, Double_t Yc, Double_t Zc) { // // Sets hole in the layer // fHole = kTRUE; fHoleZc = Zc; fHoleZmax = Zmax; fHoleYc = Yc; fHoleYmax = Ymax; fHoleRho = rho; fHoleX0 = rad_length; } //_______________________________________________________ AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtrackingSector::AliTRDtrackingSector(AliTRDgeometry* geo, Int_t gs, AliTRDparameter* par) { // // AliTRDtrackingSector Constructor // fGeom = geo; fPar = par; fGeomSector = gs; fTzeroShift = 0.13; fN = 0; for(UInt_t i=0; i < kMAX_TIME_BIN_INDEX; i++) fTimeBinIndex[i] = -1; AliTRDpropagationLayer* ppl; Double_t x, xin, xout, dx, rho, rad_length; Int_t steps; // set time bins in the gas of the TPC xin = 246.055; xout = 254.055; steps = 20; dx = (xout-xin)/steps; rho = 0.9e-3; rad_length = 28.94; for(Int_t i=0; iRmin(); // add layers between TPC and TRD (Air temporarily) xin = xout; xout = xtrd; steps = 50; dx = (xout - xin)/steps; rho = 1.2e-3; rad_length = 36.66; for(Int_t i=0; iCroHght(); // Rohacell Double_t dxSpace = (Double_t) fGeom->Cspace(); // Spacing between planes Double_t dxAmp = (Double_t) fGeom->CamHght(); // Amplification region Double_t dxDrift = (Double_t) fGeom->CdrHght(); // Drift region Double_t dxRad = (Double_t) fGeom->CraHght(); // Radiator Double_t dxTEC = dxRad + dxDrift + dxAmp + dxRo; Double_t dxPlane = dxTEC + dxSpace; Int_t tb, tb_index; const Int_t nChambers = AliTRDgeometry::Ncham(); Double_t Ymax = 0, holeYmax = 0; Double_t * Zc = new Double_t[nChambers]; Double_t * Zmax = new Double_t[nChambers]; Double_t holeZmax = 1000.; // the whole sector is missing for(Int_t plane = 0; plane < AliTRDgeometry::Nplan(); plane++) { // Radiator xin = xtrd + plane * dxPlane; xout = xin + dxRad; steps = 12; dx = (xout - xin)/steps; rho = 0.074; rad_length = 40.6; for(Int_t i=0; iGetPHOShole()) && (fGeomSector >= 2) && (fGeomSector <= 6)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } if((fGeom->GetRICHhole()) && (fGeomSector >= 12) && (fGeomSector <= 14)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } InsertLayer(ppl); } Ymax = fGeom->GetChamberWidth(plane)/2; for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nChambers; ch++) { Zmax[ch] = fGeom->GetChamberLength(plane,ch)/2; Float_t pad = fPar->GetRowPadSize(plane,ch,0); Float_t row0 = fPar->GetRow0(plane,ch,0); Int_t nPads = fPar->GetRowMax(plane,ch,0); Zc[ch] = (pad * nPads)/2 + row0 - pad/2; } dx = fPar->GetTimeBinSize(); rho = 0.00295 * 0.85; rad_length = 11.0; Double_t x0 = (Double_t) fPar->GetTime0(plane); Double_t xbottom = x0 - dxDrift; Double_t xtop = x0 + dxAmp; // Amplification region steps = (Int_t) (dxAmp/dx); for(tb = 0; tb < steps; tb++) { x = x0 + tb * dx + dx/2; tb_index = CookTimeBinIndex(plane, -tb-1); ppl = new AliTRDpropagationLayer(x,dx,rho,rad_length,tb_index); ppl->SetYmax(Ymax); for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nChambers; ch++) { ppl->SetZmax(ch, Zc[ch], Zmax[ch]); } if((fGeom->GetPHOShole()) && (fGeomSector >= 2) && (fGeomSector <= 6)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } if((fGeom->GetRICHhole()) && (fGeomSector >= 12) && (fGeomSector <= 14)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } InsertLayer(ppl); } tb_index = CookTimeBinIndex(plane, -steps); x = (x + dx/2 + xtop)/2; dx = 2*(xtop-x); ppl = new AliTRDpropagationLayer(x,dx,rho,rad_length,tb_index); ppl->SetYmax(Ymax); for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nChambers; ch++) { ppl->SetZmax(ch, Zc[ch], Zmax[ch]); } if((fGeom->GetPHOShole()) && (fGeomSector >= 2) && (fGeomSector <= 6)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } if((fGeom->GetRICHhole()) && (fGeomSector >= 12) && (fGeomSector <= 14)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } InsertLayer(ppl); // Drift region dx = fPar->GetTimeBinSize(); steps = (Int_t) (dxDrift/dx); for(tb = 0; tb < steps; tb++) { x = x0 - tb * dx - dx/2; tb_index = CookTimeBinIndex(plane, tb); ppl = new AliTRDpropagationLayer(x,dx,rho,rad_length,tb_index); ppl->SetYmax(Ymax); for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nChambers; ch++) { ppl->SetZmax(ch, Zc[ch], Zmax[ch]); } if((fGeom->GetPHOShole()) && (fGeomSector >= 2) && (fGeomSector <= 6)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } if((fGeom->GetRICHhole()) && (fGeomSector >= 12) && (fGeomSector <= 14)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } InsertLayer(ppl); } tb_index = CookTimeBinIndex(plane, steps); x = (x - dx/2 + xbottom)/2; dx = 2*(x-xbottom); ppl = new AliTRDpropagationLayer(x,dx,rho,rad_length,tb_index); ppl->SetYmax(Ymax); for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nChambers; ch++) { ppl->SetZmax(ch, Zc[ch], Zmax[ch]); } if((fGeom->GetPHOShole()) && (fGeomSector >= 2) && (fGeomSector <= 6)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } if((fGeom->GetRICHhole()) && (fGeomSector >= 12) && (fGeomSector <= 14)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } InsertLayer(ppl); // Pad Plane xin = xtop; dx = 0.025; xout = xin + dx; rho = 1.7; rad_length = 33.0; ppl = new AliTRDpropagationLayer(xin+dx/2,dx,rho,rad_length,-1); if((fGeom->GetPHOShole()) && (fGeomSector >= 2) && (fGeomSector <= 6)) { holeYmax = (xin+dx/2)*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } if((fGeom->GetRICHhole()) && (fGeomSector >= 12) && (fGeomSector <= 14)) { holeYmax = (xin+dx/2)*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } InsertLayer(ppl); // Rohacell xin = xout; xout = xtrd + (plane + 1) * dxPlane - dxSpace; steps = 5; dx = (xout - xin)/steps; rho = 0.074; rad_length = 40.6; for(Int_t i=0; iGetPHOShole()) && (fGeomSector >= 2) && (fGeomSector <= 6)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } if((fGeom->GetRICHhole()) && (fGeomSector >= 12) && (fGeomSector <= 14)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } InsertLayer(ppl); } // Space between the chambers, air xin = xout; xout = xtrd + (plane + 1) * dxPlane; steps = 5; dx = (xout - xin)/steps; rho = 1.29e-3; rad_length = 36.66; for(Int_t i=0; iGetPHOShole()) && (fGeomSector >= 2) && (fGeomSector <= 6)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } if((fGeom->GetRICHhole()) && (fGeomSector >= 12) && (fGeomSector <= 14)) { holeYmax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*alpha); ppl->SetHole(holeYmax, holeZmax); } InsertLayer(ppl); } } // Space between the TRD and RICH Double_t xRICH = 500.; xin = xout; xout = xRICH; steps = 200; dx = (xout - xin)/steps; rho = 1.29e-3; rad_length = 36.66; for(Int_t i=0; i in plane // Double_t dxAmp = (Double_t) fGeom->CamHght(); // Amplification region Double_t dxDrift = (Double_t) fGeom->CdrHght(); // Drift region Double_t dx = (Double_t) fPar->GetTimeBinSize(); Int_t tbAmp = fPar->GetTimeBefore(); Int_t maxAmp = (Int_t) ((dxAmp+0.000001)/dx); if(kTRUE) maxAmp = 0; // intentional until we change parameter class Int_t tbDrift = fPar->GetTimeMax(); Int_t maxDrift = (Int_t) ((dxDrift+0.000001)/dx); Int_t tb_per_plane = TMath::Min(tbAmp,maxAmp) + TMath::Min(tbDrift,maxDrift); Int_t gtb = (plane+1) * tb_per_plane - local_tb - 1 - TMath::Min(tbAmp,maxAmp); if((local_tb < 0) && (TMath::Abs(local_tb) > TMath::Min(tbAmp,maxAmp))) return -1; if(local_tb >= TMath::Min(tbDrift,maxDrift)) return -1; return gtb; } //______________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtrackingSector::MapTimeBinLayers() { // // For all sensitive time bins sets corresponding layer index // in the array fTimeBins // Int_t index; for(Int_t i = 0; i < fN; i++) { index = fLayers[i]->GetTimeBinIndex(); // printf("gtb %d -> pl %d -> x %f \n", index, i, fLayers[i]->GetX()); if(index < 0) continue; if(index >= (Int_t) kMAX_TIME_BIN_INDEX) { printf("*** AliTRDtracker::MapTimeBinLayers: \n"); printf(" index %d exceeds allowed maximum of %d!\n", index, kMAX_TIME_BIN_INDEX-1); continue; } fTimeBinIndex[index] = i; } Double_t x1, dx1, x2, dx2, gap; for(Int_t i = 0; i < fN-1; i++) { x1 = fLayers[i]->GetX(); dx1 = fLayers[i]->GetdX(); x2 = fLayers[i+1]->GetX(); dx2 = fLayers[i+1]->GetdX(); gap = (x2 - dx2/2) - (x1 + dx1/2); if(gap < -0.01) { printf("*** warning: layers %d and %d are overlayed:\n",i,i+1); printf(" %f + %f + %f > %f\n", x1, dx1/2, dx2/2, x2); } if(gap > 0.01) { printf("*** warning: layers %d and %d have a large gap:\n",i,i+1); printf(" (%f - %f) - (%f + %f) = %f\n", x2, dx2/2, x1, dx1, gap); } } } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtrackingSector::GetLayerNumber(Double_t x) const { // // Returns the number of time bin which in radial position is closest to // if(x >= fLayers[fN-1]->GetX()) return fN-1; if(x <= fLayers[0]->GetX()) return 0; Int_t b=0, e=fN-1, m=(b+e)/2; for (; b fLayers[m]->GetX()) b=m+1; else e=m; } if(TMath::Abs(x - fLayers[m]->GetX()) > TMath::Abs(x - fLayers[m+1]->GetX())) return m+1; else return m; } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtrackingSector::GetInnerTimeBin() const { // // Returns number of the innermost SENSITIVE propagation layer // return GetLayerNumber(0); } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtrackingSector::GetOuterTimeBin() const { // // Returns number of the outermost SENSITIVE time bin // return GetLayerNumber(GetNumberOfTimeBins() - 1); } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtrackingSector::GetNumberOfTimeBins() const { // // Returns number of SENSITIVE time bins // Int_t tb, layer; for(tb = kMAX_TIME_BIN_INDEX-1; tb >=0; tb--) { layer = GetLayerNumber(tb); if(layer>=0) break; } return tb+1; } //______________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtrackingSector::InsertLayer(AliTRDpropagationLayer* pl) { // // Insert layer in fLayers array. // Layers are sorted according to X coordinate. if ( fN == ((Int_t) kMAX_LAYERS_PER_SECTOR)) { printf("AliTRDtrackingSector::InsertLayer(): Too many layers !\n"); return; } if (fN==0) {fLayers[fN++] = pl; return;} Int_t i=Find(pl->GetX()); memmove(fLayers+i+1 ,fLayers+i,(fN-i)*sizeof(AliTRDpropagationLayer*)); fLayers[i]=pl; fN++; } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::AliTRDtrackingSector::Find(Double_t x) const { // // Returns index of the propagation layer nearest to X // if (x <= fLayers[0]->GetX()) return 0; if (x > fLayers[fN-1]->GetX()) return fN; Int_t b=0, e=fN-1, m=(b+e)/2; for (; b fLayers[m]->GetX()) b=m+1; else e=m; } return m; } //______________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::AliTRDpropagationLayer::GetPropagationParameters( Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t &dx, Double_t &rho, Double_t &rad_length, Bool_t &lookForCluster) const { // // Returns radial step , density , rad. length , // and sensitivity in point // dx = fdX; rho = fRho; rad_length = fX0; lookForCluster = kFALSE; // check dead regions if(fTimeBinIndex >= 0) { for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < (Int_t) kZONES; ch++) { if(TMath::Abs(z - fZc[ch]) < fZmax[ch]) lookForCluster = kTRUE; // else { rho = 1.7; rad_length = 33.0; } // G10 } if(TMath::Abs(y) > fYmax) lookForCluster = kFALSE; if(!lookForCluster) { // rho = 1.7; rad_length = 33.0; // G10 } } // check hole if(fHole && (TMath::Abs(y - fHoleYc) < fHoleYmax) && (TMath::Abs(z - fHoleZc) < fHoleZmax)) { lookForCluster = kFALSE; rho = fHoleRho; rad_length = fHoleX0; } return; } //______________________________________________________ void AliTRDtracker::AliTRDpropagationLayer::InsertCluster(AliTRDcluster* c, UInt_t index) { // Insert cluster in cluster array. // Clusters are sorted according to Y coordinate. if(fTimeBinIndex < 0) { printf("*** attempt to insert cluster into non-sensitive time bin!\n"); return; } if (fN== (Int_t) kMAX_CLUSTER_PER_TIME_BIN) { printf("AliTRDpropagationLayer::InsertCluster(): Too many clusters !\n"); return; } if (fN==0) {fIndex[0]=index; fClusters[fN++]=c; return;} Int_t i=Find(c->GetY()); memmove(fClusters+i+1 ,fClusters+i,(fN-i)*sizeof(AliTRDcluster*)); memmove(fIndex +i+1 ,fIndex +i,(fN-i)*sizeof(UInt_t)); fIndex[i]=index; fClusters[i]=c; fN++; } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDtracker::AliTRDpropagationLayer::Find(Double_t y) const { // Returns index of the cluster nearest in Y if (y <= fClusters[0]->GetY()) return 0; if (y > fClusters[fN-1]->GetY()) return fN; Int_t b=0, e=fN-1, m=(b+e)/2; for (; b fClusters[m]->GetY()) b=m+1; else e=m; } return m; } //--------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliTRDtracker::GetTiltFactor(const AliTRDcluster* c) { // // Returns correction factor for tilted pads geometry // Double_t h01 = sin(TMath::Pi() / 180.0 * fPar->GetTiltingAngle()); Int_t det = c->GetDetector(); Int_t plane = fGeom->GetPlane(det); if((plane == 1) || (plane == 3) || (plane == 5)) h01=-h01; if(fNoTilt) h01 = 0; return h01; }