/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Transforms clusters into space points with calibrated positions // // defined in the local tracking system // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTracker.h" #include "AliCodeTimer.h" #include "AliTRDtransform.h" #include "AliTRDcluster.h" #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" #include "AliTRDpadPlane.h" #include "AliTRDCommonParam.h" #include "AliTRDcalibDB.h" #include "Cal/AliTRDCalDet.h" #include "Cal/AliTRDCalROC.h" ClassImp(AliTRDtransform) //_____________________________________________________________________________ //AliTRDtransform::AliTRDtransform() // :AliTransform() AliTRDtransform::AliTRDtransform() :TObject() ,fGeo(0x0) ,fDetector(0) ,fParam(0x0) ,fCalibration(0x0) ,fCalVdriftROC(0x0) ,fCalT0ROC(0x0) ,fCalVdriftDet(0x0) ,fCalT0Det(0x0) ,fCalVdriftDetValue(0) ,fCalT0DetValue(0) ,fSamplingFrequency(0) ,fPadPlane(0x0) ,fZShiftIdeal(0) ,fMatrix(0x0) { // // AliTRDtransform default constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ //AliTRDtransform::AliTRDtransform(Int_t det) // :AliTransform() AliTRDtransform::AliTRDtransform(Int_t det) :TObject() ,fGeo(0x0) ,fDetector(0) ,fParam(0x0) ,fCalibration(0x0) ,fCalVdriftROC(0x0) ,fCalT0ROC(0x0) ,fCalVdriftDet(0x0) ,fCalT0Det(0x0) ,fCalVdriftDetValue(0) ,fCalT0DetValue(0) ,fSamplingFrequency(0) ,fPadPlane(0x0) ,fZShiftIdeal(0) ,fMatrix(0x0) { // // AliTRDtransform constructor for a given detector // fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry(); fGeo->ReadGeoMatrices(); fParam = AliTRDCommonParam::Instance(); if (!fParam) { AliError("Could not get common parameters\n"); } fSamplingFrequency = fParam->GetSamplingFrequency(); fCalibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!fCalibration) { AliError("Cannot find calibration object"); } // Get the calibration objects for the global calibration fCalVdriftDet = fCalibration->GetVdriftDet(); fCalT0Det = fCalibration->GetT0Det(); SetDetector(det); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ //AliTRDtransform::AliTRDtransform(const AliTRDtransform &t) // :AliTransform(t) AliTRDtransform::AliTRDtransform(const AliTRDtransform &t) :TObject(t) ,fGeo(0x0) ,fDetector(t.fDetector) ,fParam(0x0) ,fCalibration(0x0) ,fCalVdriftROC(0x0) ,fCalT0ROC(0x0) ,fCalVdriftDet(0x0) ,fCalT0Det(0x0) ,fCalVdriftDetValue(0) ,fCalT0DetValue(0) ,fSamplingFrequency(0) ,fPadPlane(0x0) ,fZShiftIdeal(0) ,fMatrix(0x0) { // // AliTRDtransform copy constructor // if (fGeo) { delete fGeo; } fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry(); fGeo->ReadGeoMatrices(); fParam = AliTRDCommonParam::Instance(); if (!fParam) { AliError("Could not get common parameters\n"); } fSamplingFrequency = fParam->GetSamplingFrequency(); fCalibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if (!fCalibration) { AliError("Cannot find calibration object"); } fCalVdriftDet = fCalibration->GetVdriftDet(); fCalT0Det = fCalibration->GetT0Det(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDtransform::~AliTRDtransform() { // // AliTRDtransform destructor // if (fGeo) { delete fGeo; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtransform::SetDetector(Int_t det) { // // Set to a new detector number and update the calibration objects // and values accordingly // fDetector = det; // Get the calibration objects for the pad-by-pad calibration fCalVdriftROC = fCalibration->GetVdriftROC(det); fCalT0ROC = fCalibration->GetT0ROC(det); // Get the detector wise defined calibration values fCalVdriftDetValue = fCalVdriftDet->GetValue(det); fCalT0DetValue = fCalT0Det->GetValue(det); // Shift needed to define Z-position relative to middle of chamber Int_t pla = fGeo->GetPlane(det); Int_t cha = fGeo->GetChamber(det); fPadPlane = fGeo->GetPadPlane(pla,cha); fZShiftIdeal = 0.5 * (fPadPlane->GetRow0() + fPadPlane->GetRowEnd()); // Get the current transformation matrix fMatrix = fGeo->GetCorrectionMatrix(det); if (!fMatrix) { AliError("No transformation matrix available\n"); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtransform::Transform(Double_t *x, Int_t *i, UInt_t time , Int_t /*coordinateType*/) { // // Transforms the local cluster coordinates into calibrated // space point positions defined in the local tracking system. // // Here the calibration for T0, Vdrift and ExB is applied as well. // // Input: // x[0] = COL-position relative to the center pad (pad units) // x[1] = cluster signal in left pad // x[2] = cluster signal in middle pad // x[3] = cluster signal in right pad // i[0] = ROW pad number // i[1] = COL pad number // time = time bin number (uncalibrated for t0) // // Output: // x[0] = X-positions in tracking CS // x[1] = Y-positions in tracking CS // x[2] = Z-positions in tracking CS // x[3] = total cluster charge // x[4] = error in Y-direction // x[5] = error in Z-direction // i[2] = time bin number (calibrated for t0) // Double_t posLocal[3]; Double_t posTracking[3]; Int_t row = i[0]; Int_t col = i[1]; // Parameter to adjust the X position const Double_t kX0shift = 2.52; // Calibration values Double_t vdrift = fCalVdriftDetValue * fCalVdriftROC->GetValue(col,row); Double_t t0 = fCalT0DetValue + fCalT0ROC->GetValue(col,row); // T0 correction Double_t timeT0Cal = time - t0; // Calculate the X-position, Double_t xLocal = (timeT0Cal + 0.5) / fSamplingFrequency * vdrift; // Length of the amplification region Double_t ampLength = (Double_t) AliTRDgeometry::CamHght(); // The drift distance Double_t driftLength = TMath::Max(xLocal - 0.5*ampLength,0.0); // ExB correction Double_t exbCorr = fCalibration->GetOmegaTau(vdrift ,-0.1*AliTracker::GetBz()); // Pad dimensions Double_t rowSize = fPadPlane->GetRowSize(row); Double_t colSize = fPadPlane->GetColSize(col); // Invert the X-position, // apply ExB correction to the Y-position // and move to the Z-position relative to the middle of the chamber posLocal[0] = -xLocal; posLocal[1] = (fPadPlane->GetColPos(col) - (x[0] + 0.5) * colSize) - driftLength * exbCorr; posLocal[2] = (fPadPlane->GetRowPos(row) - 0.5 * rowSize) - fZShiftIdeal; // Go to tracking coordinates fMatrix->LocalToMaster(posLocal,posTracking); // The total charge of the cluster Double_t q0 = x[1]; Double_t q1 = x[2]; Double_t q2 = x[3]; Double_t clusterCharge = q0 + q1 + q2; Double_t clusterSigmaY2 = 0.0; if (clusterCharge > 0.0) { clusterSigmaY2 = (q1 * (q0 + q2) + 4.0 * q0 * q2) / (clusterCharge*clusterCharge); } // Output values x[0] = posTracking[0] + kX0shift; x[1] = posTracking[1]; x[2] = posTracking[2]; x[3] = clusterCharge; x[4] = colSize*colSize * (clusterSigmaY2 + 1.0/12.0); x[5] = rowSize*rowSize / 12.0; i[2] = TMath::Nint(timeT0Cal); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDtransform::Recalibrate(AliTRDcluster *c, Bool_t setDet) { // // Recalibrates the position of a given cluster // If is TRUE, the detector number is set for each cluster // automatically. Otherwise, AliTRDtransform::SetDetector() has to // be used. // if (setDet) { SetDetector(c->GetDetector()); } // Transform the local cluster coordinates into recalibrated // space point positions defined in the local tracking system. // Here the calibration for T0, Vdrift and ExB is applied as well. Double_t clusterXYZ[6]; clusterXYZ[0] = c->GetCenter(); clusterXYZ[1] = 0.0; clusterXYZ[2] = 0.0; clusterXYZ[3] = 0.0; clusterXYZ[4] = 0.0; clusterXYZ[5] = 0.0; Int_t clusterRCT[3]; clusterRCT[0] = c->GetPadRow(); clusterRCT[1] = c->GetPadCol(); clusterRCT[2] = 0; Int_t time = c->GetPadTime(); Transform(clusterXYZ,clusterRCT,((UInt_t) time),0); // Set the recalibrated coordinates c->SetX(clusterXYZ[0]); c->SetY(clusterXYZ[1]); c->SetZ(clusterXYZ[2]); c->SetLocalTimeBin(((Char_t) clusterRCT[2])); }