/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.20 2000/06/08 18:32:58 cblume Make code compliant to coding conventions Revision 1.19 2000/06/07 16:27:32 cblume Try to remove compiler warnings on Sun and HP Revision 1.18 2000/05/08 16:17:27 cblume Merge TRD-develop Revision 2000/05/08 14:59:16 cblume Made inline function non-virtual. Bug fix in setting sensitive chamber Revision 1.17 2000/02/28 19:10:26 cblume Include the new TRD classes Revision 2000/02/28 18:04:35 cblume Change to new hit version, introduce geometry class, and move digitization and clustering to AliTRDdigitizer/AliTRDclusterizerV1 Revision 1.16 1999/11/05 22:50:28 fca Do not use Atan, removed from ROOT too Revision 1.15 1999/11/02 17:20:19 fca initialise nbytes before using it Revision 1.14 1999/11/02 17:15:54 fca Correct ansi scoping not accepted by HP compilers Revision 1.13 1999/11/02 17:14:51 fca Correct ansi scoping not accepted by HP compilers Revision 1.12 1999/11/02 16:35:56 fca New version of TRD introduced Revision 1.11 1999/11/01 20:41:51 fca Added protections against using the wrong version of FRAME Revision 1.10 1999/09/29 09:24:35 fca Introduction of the Copyright and cvs Log */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Transition Radiation Detector version 2 -- slow simulator // // // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliConst.h" #include "AliTRDv1.h" #include "AliTRDmatrix.h" #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" ClassImp(AliTRDv1) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDv1::AliTRDv1():AliTRD() { // // Default constructor // fIdSens = 0; fIdChamber1 = 0; fIdChamber2 = 0; fIdChamber3 = 0; fSensSelect = 0; fSensPlane = -1; fSensChamber = -1; fSensSector = -1; fSensSectorRange = 0; fDeltaE = NULL; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDv1::AliTRDv1(const char *name, const char *title) :AliTRD(name, title) { // // Standard constructor for Transition Radiation Detector version 1 // fIdSens = 0; fIdChamber1 = 0; fIdChamber2 = 0; fIdChamber3 = 0; fSensSelect = 0; fSensPlane = -1; fSensChamber = -1; fSensSector = -1; fSensSectorRange = 0; fDeltaE = NULL; SetBufferSize(128000); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDv1::AliTRDv1(const AliTRDv1 &trd) { // // Copy constructor // ((AliTRDv1 &) trd).Copy(*this); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDv1::~AliTRDv1() { // // AliTRDv1 destructor // if (fDeltaE) delete fDeltaE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDv1 &AliTRDv1::operator=(const AliTRDv1 &trd) { // // Assignment operator // if (this != &trd) ((AliTRDv1 &) trd).Copy(*this); return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::Copy(AliTRDv1 &trd) { // // Copy function // trd.fIdSens = fIdSens; trd.fIdChamber1 = fIdChamber1; trd.fIdChamber2 = fIdChamber2; trd.fIdChamber3 = fIdChamber3; trd.fSensSelect = fSensSelect; trd.fSensPlane = fSensPlane; trd.fSensChamber = fSensChamber; trd.fSensSector = fSensSector; trd.fSensSectorRange = fSensSectorRange; trd.fDeltaE = NULL; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::CreateGeometry() { // // Create the GEANT geometry for the Transition Radiation Detector - Version 1 // This version covers the full azimuth. // // Check that FRAME is there otherwise we have no place where to put the TRD AliModule* frame = gAlice->GetModule("FRAME"); if (!frame) return; // Define the chambers AliTRD::CreateGeometry(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::CreateMaterials() { // // Create materials for the Transition Radiation Detector version 1 // AliTRD::CreateMaterials(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::Init() { // // Initialise Transition Radiation Detector after geometry has been built. // AliTRD::Init(); printf(" Slow simulator\n\n"); if (fSensSelect) { if (fSensPlane >= 0) printf(" Only plane %d is sensitive\n",fSensPlane); if (fSensChamber >= 0) printf(" Only chamber %d is sensitive\n",fSensChamber); if (fSensSector >= 0) { Int_t sens1 = fSensSector; Int_t sens2 = fSensSector + fSensSectorRange; sens2 -= ((Int_t) (sens2 / kNsect)) * kNsect; printf(" Only sectors %d - %d are sensitive\n",sens1,sens2-1); } } printf("\n"); // First ionization potential (eV) for the gas mixture (90% Xe + 10% CO2) const Float_t kPoti = 12.1; // Maximum energy (50 keV); const Float_t kEend = 50000.0; // Ermilova distribution for the delta-ray spectrum Float_t poti = TMath::Log(kPoti); Float_t eEnd = TMath::Log(kEend); fDeltaE = new TF1("deltae",Ermilova,poti,eEnd,0); // Identifier of the sensitive volume (drift region) fIdSens = gMC->VolId("UL05"); // Identifier of the TRD-driftchambers fIdChamber1 = gMC->VolId("UCIO"); fIdChamber2 = gMC->VolId("UCIM"); fIdChamber3 = gMC->VolId("UCII"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 80; i++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::SetSensPlane(Int_t iplane) { // // Defines the hit-sensitive plane (0-5) // if ((iplane < 0) || (iplane > 5)) { printf("Wrong input value: %d\n",iplane); printf("Use standard setting\n"); fSensPlane = -1; fSensSelect = 0; return; } fSensSelect = 1; fSensPlane = iplane; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::SetSensChamber(Int_t ichamber) { // // Defines the hit-sensitive chamber (0-4) // if ((ichamber < 0) || (ichamber > 4)) { printf("Wrong input value: %d\n",ichamber); printf("Use standard setting\n"); fSensChamber = -1; fSensSelect = 0; return; } fSensSelect = 1; fSensChamber = ichamber; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::SetSensSector(Int_t isector) { // // Defines the hit-sensitive sector (0-17) // SetSensSector(isector,1); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::SetSensSector(Int_t isector, Int_t nsector) { // // Defines a range of hit-sensitive sectors. The range is defined by // (0-17) as the starting point and as the number // of sectors to be included. // if ((isector < 0) || (isector > 17)) { printf("Wrong input value : %d\n",isector); printf("Use standard setting\n"); fSensSector = -1; fSensSectorRange = 0; fSensSelect = 0; return; } if ((nsector < 1) || (nsector > 18)) { printf("Wrong input value : %d\n",nsector); printf("Use standard setting\n"); fSensSector = -1; fSensSectorRange = 0; fSensSelect = 0; return; } fSensSelect = 1; fSensSector = isector; fSensSectorRange = nsector; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv1::StepManager() { // // Slow simulator. Every charged track produces electron cluster as hits // along its path across the drift volume. The step size is set acording // to Bethe-Bloch. The energy distribution of the delta electrons follows // a spectrum taken from Ermilova et al. // Int_t iIdSens, icSens; Int_t iIdSpace, icSpace; Int_t iIdChamber, icChamber; Int_t pla = 0; Int_t cha = 0; Int_t sec = 0; Int_t iPdg; Int_t det[1]; Float_t hits[4]; Float_t random[1]; Float_t charge; Float_t aMass; Double_t pTot; Double_t qTot; Double_t eDelta; Double_t betaGamma, pp; TLorentzVector pos, mom; TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits; const Double_t kBig = 1.0E+12; // Ionization energy const Float_t kWion = 22.04; // Maximum energy for e+ e- g for the step-size calculation const Float_t kPTotMax = 0.002; // Plateau value of the energy-loss for electron in xenon // taken from: Allison + Comb, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. (1980), 30, 253 //const Double_t kPlateau = 1.70; // the averaged value (26/3/99) const Float_t kPlateau = 1.55; // dN1/dx|min for the gas mixture (90% Xe + 10% CO2) const Float_t kPrim = 48.0; // First ionization potential (eV) for the gas mixture (90% Xe + 10% CO2) const Float_t kPoti = 12.1; // PDG code electron const Int_t kPdgElectron = 11; // Set the maximum step size to a very large number for all // neutral particles and those outside the driftvolume gMC->SetMaxStep(kBig); // Use only charged tracks if (( gMC->TrackCharge() ) && (!gMC->IsTrackStop() ) && (!gMC->IsTrackDisappeared())) { // Inside a sensitive volume? iIdSens = gMC->CurrentVolID(icSens); if (iIdSens == fIdSens) { iIdSpace = gMC->CurrentVolOffID(4,icSpace ); iIdChamber = gMC->CurrentVolOffID(1,icChamber); // Calculate the energy of the delta-electrons eDelta = TMath::Exp(fDeltaE->GetRandom()) - kPoti; eDelta = TMath::Max(eDelta,0.0); // The number of secondary electrons created qTot = (Double_t) ((Int_t) (eDelta / kWion) + 1); // The hit coordinates and charge gMC->TrackPosition(pos); hits[0] = pos[0]; hits[1] = pos[1]; hits[2] = pos[2]; hits[3] = qTot; // The sector number (0 - 17) // The numbering goes clockwise and starts at y = 0 Float_t phi = kRaddeg*TMath::ATan2(pos[0],pos[1]); if (phi < 90.) phi = phi + 270.; else phi = phi - 90.; sec = ((Int_t) (phi / 20)); // The chamber number // 0: outer left // 1: middle left // 2: inner // 3: middle right // 4: outer right if (iIdChamber == fIdChamber1) cha = (hits[2] < 0 ? 0 : 4); else if (iIdChamber == fIdChamber2) cha = (hits[2] < 0 ? 1 : 3); else if (iIdChamber == fIdChamber3) cha = 2; // The plane number // The numbering starts at the innermost plane pla = icChamber - TMath::Nint((Float_t) (icChamber / 7)) * 6 - 1; // Check on selected volumes Int_t addthishit = 1; if (fSensSelect) { if ((fSensPlane >= 0) && (pla != fSensPlane )) addthishit = 0; if ((fSensChamber >= 0) && (cha != fSensChamber)) addthishit = 0; if (fSensSector >= 0) { Int_t sens1 = fSensSector; Int_t sens2 = fSensSector + fSensSectorRange; sens2 -= ((Int_t) (sens2 / kNsect)) * kNsect; if (sens1 < sens2) { if ((sec < sens1) || (sec >= sens2)) addthishit = 0; } else { if ((sec < sens1) && (sec >= sens2)) addthishit = 0; } } } // Add this hit if (addthishit) { det[0] = fGeometry->GetDetector(pla,cha,sec); new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliTRDhit(fIshunt ,gAlice->CurrentTrack() ,det ,hits); // The energy loss according to Bethe Bloch gMC->TrackMomentum(mom); pTot = mom.Rho(); iPdg = TMath::Abs(gMC->TrackPid()); if ( (iPdg != kPdgElectron) || ((iPdg == kPdgElectron) && (pTot < kPTotMax))) { aMass = gMC->TrackMass(); betaGamma = pTot / aMass; pp = kPrim * BetheBloch(betaGamma); // Take charge > 1 into account charge = gMC->TrackCharge(); if (TMath::Abs(charge) > 1) pp = pp * charge*charge; } // Electrons above 20 Mev/c are at the plateau else { pp = kPrim * kPlateau; } // Calculate the maximum step size for the next tracking step if (pp > 0) { do gMC->Rndm(random,1); while ((random[0] == 1.) || (random[0] == 0.)); gMC->SetMaxStep( - TMath::Log(random[0]) / pp); } } else { // set step size to maximal value gMC->SetMaxStep(kBig); } } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDv1::BetheBloch(Double_t bg) { // // Parametrization of the Bethe-Bloch-curve // The parametrization is the same as for the TPC and is taken from Lehrhaus. // // This parameters have been adjusted to averaged values from GEANT const Double_t kP1 = 7.17960e-02; const Double_t kP2 = 8.54196; const Double_t kP3 = 1.38065e-06; const Double_t kP4 = 5.30972; const Double_t kP5 = 2.83798; // This parameters have been adjusted to Xe-data found in: // Allison & Cobb, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. (1980), 30, 253 //const Double_t kP1 = 0.76176E-1; //const Double_t kP2 = 10.632; //const Double_t kP3 = 3.17983E-6; //const Double_t kP4 = 1.8631; //const Double_t kP5 = 1.9479; if (bg > 0) { Double_t yy = bg / TMath::Sqrt(1. + bg*bg); Double_t aa = TMath::Power(yy,kP4); Double_t bb = TMath::Power((1./bg),kP5); bb = TMath::Log(kP3 + bb); return ((kP2 - aa - bb)*kP1 / aa); } else return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t Ermilova(Double_t *x, Double_t *) { // // Calculates the delta-ray energy distribution according to Ermilova. // Logarithmic scale ! // Double_t energy; Double_t dpos; Double_t dnde; Int_t pos1, pos2; const Int_t kNv = 31; Float_t vxe[kNv] = { 2.3026, 2.9957, 3.4012, 3.6889, 3.9120 , 4.0943, 4.2485, 4.3820, 4.4998, 4.6052 , 4.7005, 5.0752, 5.2983, 5.7038, 5.9915 , 6.2146, 6.5221, 6.9078, 7.3132, 7.6009 , 8.0064, 8.5172, 8.6995, 8.9872, 9.2103 , 9.4727, 9.9035,10.3735,10.5966,10.8198 ,11.5129 }; Float_t vye[kNv] = { 80.0 , 31.0 , 23.3 , 21.1 , 21.0 , 20.9 , 20.8 , 20.0 , 16.0 , 11.0 , 8.0 , 6.0 , 5.2 , 4.6 , 4.0 , 3.5 , 3.0 , 1.4 , 0.67 , 0.44 , 0.3 , 0.18 , 0.12 , 0.08 , 0.056 , 0.04 , 0.023, 0.015, 0.011, 0.01 , 0.004 }; energy = x[0]; // Find the position pos1 = pos2 = 0; dpos = 0; do { dpos = energy - vxe[pos2++]; } while (dpos > 0); pos2--; if (pos2 > kNv) pos2 = kNv; pos1 = pos2 - 1; // Differentiate between the sampling points dnde = (vye[pos1] - vye[pos2]) / (vxe[pos2] - vxe[pos1]); return dnde; }