#ifndef ALITRDCALDCSFEE_H #define ALITRDCALDCSFEE_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id: AliTRDCalDCSFEE.h 18952 2007-06-08 11:36:12Z cblume $ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TRD calibration class for FEE configuration parameters // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TObject.h" #include "TString.h" //class TString; class AliTRDCalDCSFEE : public TObject { public: AliTRDCalDCSFEE(); AliTRDCalDCSFEE(const AliTRDCalDCSFEE &c); virtual ~AliTRDCalDCSFEE() { }; AliTRDCalDCSFEE &operator=(const AliTRDCalDCSFEE &c); void SetStatusBit(Int_t stbit) { fStatusBit = (Char_t)stbit; } void SetDCSid(Int_t dcsid) { fDCSID = (Char_t)dcsid; } void SetSM(Int_t smid) { fSM = (Char_t)smid; } void SetStack(Int_t stid) { fStack = (Char_t)stid; } void SetLayer(Int_t lyid) { fLayer = (Char_t)lyid; } void SetNumberOfTimeBins(Int_t value) { fNumberOfTimeBins = (UShort_t)value; } void SetConfigTag(Int_t cfgt) { fConfigTag = (UShort_t)cfgt; } void SetSingleHitThres(Int_t sht) { fSingleHitThres = (Short_t)sht; } void SetThreePadClustThres(Int_t tpct) { fThrPdClsThres = (Short_t)tpct; } void SetSelectiveNoZS(Int_t snzs) { fSelNoZS = (Short_t)snzs; } void SetFastStatNoise(Int_t fstn) { fFastStatNoise = (Short_t)fstn; } void SetTCFilterWeight(Int_t tcfw) { fTCFilterWeight = (Short_t)tcfw; } void SetTCFilterShortDecPar(Int_t sdp) { fTCFilterShortDecPar = (Short_t)sdp; } void SetTCFilterLongDecPar(Int_t ldp) { fTCFilterLongDecPar = (Short_t)ldp; } void SetGainTableRocSerial(Int_t gts) { fGainTableRocSerial = (UChar_t)gts; } void SetFilterType(TString fity) { fFilterType = fity; } void SetReadoutParam(TString rpar) { fReadoutParam = rpar; } void SetTestPattern(TString tpat) { fTestPattern = tpat; } void SetTrackletMode(TString tmde) { fTrackletMode = tmde; } void SetTrackletDef(TString tdef) { fTrackletDef = tdef; } void SetTriggerSetup(TString trse) { fTriggerSetup = trse; } void SetAddOptions(TString adop) { fAddOptions = adop; } void SetConfigName(TString cfgn) { fConfigName = cfgn; } void SetConfigVersion(TString cfgv) { fConfigVersion = cfgv; } void SetGainTableName(TString gt) { fGainTableName = gt; } void SetGainTableDesc(TString gd) { fGainTableDesc = gd; } void SetGainTableRocType(TString gr) { fGainTableRocType = gr; } void SetMCMGlobalState(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t g) { fRStateGSM[r][m] = g; } void SetMCMStateNI(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t v) { fRStateNI[r][m] = v; } void SetMCMEventCnt(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t v) { fRStateEV[r][m] = v; } void SetMCMPtCnt(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t v) { fRStatePTRG[r][m] = v; } void SetGainTableAdcdac(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t v){ fGainTableAdcdac[r][m] = (Char_t)v; } void SetGainTableFgfn(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t a,Int_t v) { fGainTableFgfn[r][m][a] = (Short_t)v; } void SetGainTableFgan(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t a,Int_t v) { fGainTableFgan[r][m][a] = (Char_t)v; } Int_t GetStatusBit() const { return (Int_t)fStatusBit; } Int_t GetDCSid() const { return (Int_t)fDCSID; } Int_t GetSM() const { return (Int_t)fSM; } Int_t GetStack() const { return (Int_t)fStack; } Int_t GetLayer() const { return (Int_t)fLayer; } Int_t GetNumberOfTimeBins() const { return (Int_t)fNumberOfTimeBins; } Int_t GetConfigTag() const { return (Int_t)fConfigTag; } Int_t GetSingleHitThres() const { return (Int_t)fSingleHitThres; } Int_t GetThreePadClustThres() const { return (Int_t)fThrPdClsThres; } Int_t GetSelectiveNoZS() const { return (Int_t)fSelNoZS; } Int_t GetTCFilterWeight() const { return (Int_t)fTCFilterWeight; } Int_t GetTCFilterShortDecPar() const { return (Int_t)fTCFilterShortDecPar; } Int_t GetTCFilterLongDecPar() const { return (Int_t)fTCFilterLongDecPar; } Int_t GetFastStatNoise() const { return (Int_t)fFastStatNoise; } Int_t GetGainTableRocSerial() const { return (Int_t)fGainTableRocSerial; } TString GetFilterType() const { return fFilterType; } TString GetReadoutParam() const { return fReadoutParam; } TString GetTestPattern() const { return fTestPattern; } TString GetTrackletMode() const { return fTrackletMode; } TString GetTrackletDef() const { return fTrackletDef; } TString GetTriggerSetup() const { return fTriggerSetup; } TString GetAddOptions() const { return fAddOptions; } TString GetConfigName() const { return fConfigName; } TString GetConfigVersion() const { return fConfigVersion; } TString GetGainTableName() const { return fGainTableName; } TString GetGainTableDesc() const { return fGainTableDesc; } TString GetGainTableRocType() const { return fGainTableRocType; } Int_t GetMCMGlobalState(Int_t r,Int_t m) const { return (UChar_t)fRStateGSM[r][m]; } Int_t GetMCMStateNI(Int_t r,Int_t m) const { return (UChar_t)fRStateNI[r][m]; } Int_t GetMCMEventCnt(Int_t r,Int_t m) const { return fRStateEV[r][m]; } Int_t GetMCMPtCnt(Int_t r,Int_t m) const { return fRStatePTRG[r][m]; } Int_t GetGainTableAdcdac(Int_t r,Int_t m) const { return (Int_t)fGainTableAdcdac[r][m]; } Int_t GetGainTableFgfn(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t a) const { return (Int_t)fGainTableFgfn[r][m][a]; } Int_t GetGainTableFgan(Int_t r,Int_t m,Int_t a) const { return (Int_t)fGainTableFgan[r][m][a]; } protected: static const Char_t fgkROB = 8; // Number of readout boards static const Char_t fgkMCM = 18; // Number of MCMs static const Char_t fgkADC = 21; // Number of ADC channels Char_t fStatusBit; // 0 if everything is OK, otherwise !=0 (see impl. file) Char_t fSM; // the number of the supermode 0..17 Char_t fStack; // the number of the stack 0..4 Char_t fLayer; // the number of the layer 0..5 Char_t fGainTableFgan[(Int_t)fgkROB][(Int_t)fgkMCM][(Int_t)fgkADC]; // array of gain table fgan values Char_t fGainTableAdcdac[(Int_t)fgkROB][(Int_t)fgkMCM]; // array of gain table adcdac values UChar_t fRStateGSM[(Int_t)fgkROB][(Int_t)fgkMCM]; // array of the global states of the MCMs UChar_t fRStateNI[(Int_t)fgkROB][(Int_t)fgkMCM]; // array of the network interface states of the MCMs UChar_t fGainTableRocSerial; // the roc serial of the chamber from the gain table UShort_t fDCSID; // ID of the DCS-Board UShort_t fNumberOfTimeBins; // Number of timebins UShort_t fConfigTag; // Configuration tag Short_t fSingleHitThres; // threshold of single hits (arg of readout param) Short_t fThrPdClsThres; // threshold of 3-pad clusters (arg of readout param) Short_t fSelNoZS; // write every fSelNoZS'th event without ZS Short_t fTCFilterWeight; // tail cancellation filter weight Short_t fTCFilterShortDecPar; // tail cancellation filter short decay parameter Short_t fTCFilterLongDecPar; // tail cancellation filter long decay parameter Short_t fFastStatNoise; // collect statistics for fast noise mode Short_t fGainTableFgfn[(Int_t)fgkROB][(Int_t)fgkMCM][(Int_t)fgkADC]; // array of gain table fgfn values Int_t fRStateEV[(Int_t)fgkROB][(Int_t)fgkMCM]; // array of the event counters of the MCMs Int_t fRStatePTRG[(Int_t)fgkROB][(Int_t)fgkMCM]; // array of the pretrigger counters of the MCMs TString fGainTableRocType; // the roc type from the gain table TString fFilterType; // filter type (p, pgt, nf) TString fReadoutParam; // readout parameter (zs, nozs, testpattern) TString fTestPattern; // value of testpattern (for readout param) TString fTrackletMode; // tracklet mode (trk, csmtrk, notrk) TString fTrackletDef; // definition for tracklet mode trk TString fTriggerSetup; // trigger setup (ptrg, autotrg, autol0) TString fAddOptions; // additional options (nopm, nion) TString fConfigName; // Configuration name TString fConfigVersion; // Configuration version TString fGainTableName; // the name of the gain table TString fGainTableDesc; // the description of the gain table ClassDef(AliTRDCalDCSFEE,5) // TRD calibration class for TRD FEE parameters }; #endif