/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Container for the distributions of dE/dx and the time bin of the // // max. cluster for electrons and pions // // // // Authors: // // Prashant Shukla // // Alex Bercuci // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliPID.h" #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliTRDCalPIDLQ.h" #include "AliTRDCalPIDLQRef.h" #include "AliTRDpidESD.h" #include "AliTRDcalibDB.h" #include "AliTRDtrack.h" #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" ClassImp(AliTRDCalPIDLQ) Char_t* AliTRDCalPIDLQ::fpartName[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {"electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton"}; Char_t* AliTRDCalPIDLQ::fpartSymb[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {"EL", "MU", "PI", "KA", "PR"}; //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalPIDLQ::AliTRDCalPIDLQ() :TNamed("pid", "PID for TRD") ,fNMom(0) ,fNLength(0) ,fTrackMomentum(0x0) ,fTrackSegLength(0x0) ,fNTimeBins(0) ,fMeanChargeRatio(0) ,fNbins(0) ,fBinSize(0) ,fHistdEdx(0x0) ,fHistTimeBin(0x0) ,fEstimator(0x0) { // // The Default constructor // Init(); } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalPIDLQ::AliTRDCalPIDLQ(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title) :TNamed(name,title) ,fNMom(0) ,fNLength(0) ,fTrackMomentum(0x0) ,fTrackSegLength(0x0) ,fNTimeBins(0) ,fMeanChargeRatio(0) ,fNbins(0) ,fBinSize(0) ,fHistdEdx(0x0) ,fHistTimeBin(0x0) ,fEstimator(0x0) { // // The main constructor // Init(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalPIDLQ::AliTRDCalPIDLQ(const AliTRDCalPIDLQ &c) :TNamed(c) ,fNMom(c.fNMom) ,fNLength(c.fNLength) ,fTrackMomentum(0x0) ,fTrackSegLength(0x0) ,fNTimeBins(c.fNTimeBins) ,fMeanChargeRatio(c.fMeanChargeRatio) ,fNbins(c.fNbins) ,fBinSize(c.fBinSize) ,fHistdEdx(0x0) ,fHistTimeBin(0x0) ,fEstimator(0x0) { // // Copy constructor // if (this != &c) ((AliTRDCalPIDLQ &) c).Copy(*this); } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalPIDLQ::~AliTRDCalPIDLQ() { // // Destructor // CleanUp(); } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalPIDLQ::CleanUp() { // // Delets all newly created objects // if (fHistdEdx) { delete fHistdEdx; fHistdEdx = 0x0; } if (fHistTimeBin) { delete fHistTimeBin; fHistTimeBin = 0x0; } if (fTrackMomentum) { delete[] fTrackMomentum; fTrackMomentum = 0x0; } if (fTrackSegLength) { delete[] fTrackSegLength; fTrackSegLength = 0x0; } if (fEstimator) { delete fEstimator; fEstimator = 0x0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalPIDLQ &AliTRDCalPIDLQ::operator=(const AliTRDCalPIDLQ &c) { // // Assignment operator // if (this != &c) ((AliTRDCalPIDLQ &) c).Copy(*this); return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalPIDLQ::Copy(TObject &c) const { // // Copy function // AliTRDCalPIDLQ& target = (AliTRDCalPIDLQ &) c; target.CleanUp(); target.fNbins = fNbins; target.fBinSize = fBinSize; target.fMeanChargeRatio = fMeanChargeRatio; target.fNTimeBins = fNTimeBins; //target.fNMom = fNMom; target.fTrackMomentum = new Double_t[fNMom]; for (Int_t i=0; iClone(); } if (fHistTimeBin) { target.fHistTimeBin = (TObjArray*) fHistTimeBin->Clone(); } target.fEstimator = new AliTRDCalPIDLQRef(*fEstimator); TObject::Copy(c); } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalPIDLQ::Init() { // // Initialization // fNMom = 11; fNLength = 4; fTrackMomentum = new Double_t[fNMom]; fTrackMomentum[0] = 0.6; fTrackMomentum[1] = 0.8; fTrackMomentum[2] = 1.0; fTrackMomentum[3] = 1.5; fTrackMomentum[4] = 2.0; fTrackMomentum[5] = 3.0; fTrackMomentum[6] = 4.0; fTrackMomentum[7] = 5.0; fTrackMomentum[8] = 6.0; fTrackMomentum[9] = 8.0; fTrackMomentum[10] = 10.0; fTrackSegLength = new Double_t[fNLength]; fTrackSegLength[0] = 3.7; fTrackSegLength[1] = 3.9; fTrackSegLength[2] = 4.2; fTrackSegLength[3] = 5.0; fHistdEdx = new TObjArray(AliPID::kSPECIES * fNMom/* * fNLength*/); fHistdEdx->SetOwner(); fHistTimeBin = new TObjArray(2 * fNMom); fHistTimeBin->SetOwner(); // Initialization of estimator at object instantiation because late // initialization in function GetProbability() is not working due to // constantness of this function. fEstimator = new AliTRDCalPIDLQRef(); // Number of Time bins AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance(); if(!calibration){ AliWarning("No AliTRDcalibDB available. Using 22 time bins."); fNTimeBins = 22; } else { if (calibration->GetRun() > -1) { fNTimeBins = calibration->GetNumberOfTimeBins(); } else { AliWarning("No run number set. Using 22 time bins."); fNTimeBins = 22; } } // ADC Gain normalization fMeanChargeRatio = 1.0; // Number of bins and bin size fNbins = 0; fBinSize = 0.0; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalPIDLQ::ReadReferences(Char_t *responseFile) { // // Read the TRD dEdx histograms. // // Read histogram Root file TFile *histFile = new TFile(responseFile, "READ"); if (!histFile || !histFile->IsOpen()) { AliError(Form("Opening TRD histgram file %s failed", responseFile)); return kFALSE; } gROOT->cd(); // Read histograms for (Int_t iparticle = 0; iparticle < AliPID::kSPECIES; iparticle++){ for (Int_t imom = 0; imom < fNMom; imom++){ TH2D* hist = (TH2D*)histFile->Get(Form("h2dEdx%s%02d", fpartSymb[iparticle], imom/*, ilength*/))->Clone(); hist->Scale(1./hist->Integral()); fHistdEdx->AddAt(hist, GetHistID(iparticle, imom)); if (iparticle != AliPID::kElectron && iparticle != AliPID::kPion) continue; TH1F* ht = (TH1F*)histFile->Get(Form("h1MaxTB%s%02d", fpartSymb[iparticle], imom))->Clone(); if(ht->GetNbinsX() != fNTimeBins) AliWarning(Form("The number of time bins %d defined in h1MaxTB%s%02d differs from calibration value of %d. This may lead to erroneous results.", ht->GetNbinsX(), fpartSymb[iparticle], imom, fNTimeBins)); ht->Scale(1./ht->Integral()); fHistTimeBin->AddAt(ht, ((iparticle==AliPID::kElectron)?0:1)*fNMom + imom); } } histFile->Close(); delete histFile; // Number of bins and bin size //TH1F* hist = (TH1F*) fHistdEdx->At(GetHistID(AliPID::kPion, 1)); //fNbins = hist->GetNbinsX(); //fBinSize = hist->GetBinWidth(1); return kTRUE; } // //_________________________________________________________________________ // Double_t AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetMean(Int_t k, Int_t ip) const // { // // // // Gets mean of de/dx dist. of e // // // // AliInfo(Form("Mean for particle = %s and momentum = %.2f is:\n" // ,fpartName[k] // ,fTrackMomentum[ip])); // if (k < 0 || k > AliPID::kSPECIES) { // return 0; // } // // return ((TH1F*) fHistdEdx->At(GetHistID(k,ip)))->GetMean(); // // } // // //_________________________________________________________________________ // Double_t AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetNormalization(Int_t k, Int_t ip) const // { // // // // Gets Normalization of de/dx dist. of e // // // // AliInfo(Form("Normalization for particle = %s and momentum = %.2f is:\n" // ,fpartName[k] // ,fTrackMomentum[ip])); // if (k < 0 || k > AliPID::kSPECIES) { // return 0; // } // // return ((TH1F*) fHistdEdx->At(GetHistID(k,ip)))->Integral(); // // } //_________________________________________________________________________ TH1* AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetHistogram(Int_t k, Int_t ip/*, Int_t il*/) const { // // Returns one selected dEdx histogram // if (k < 0 || k >= AliPID::kSPECIES) return 0x0; if(ip<0 || ip>= fNMom ) return 0x0; AliInfo(Form("Retrive dEdx histogram for %s of %5.2f GeV/c", fpartName[k], fTrackMomentum[ip])); return (TH1*)fHistdEdx->At(GetHistID(k, ip)); } //_________________________________________________________________________ TH1* AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetHistogramT(Int_t k, Int_t ip) const { // // Returns one selected time bin max histogram // if (k < 0 || k >= AliPID::kSPECIES) return 0x0; if(ip<0 || ip>= fNMom ) return 0x0; AliInfo(Form("Retrive MaxTB histogram for %s of %5.2f GeV/c", fpartName[k], fTrackMomentum[ip])); return (TH1*)fHistTimeBin->At(((k==AliPID::kElectron)?0:1)*fNMom+ip); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetProbability(Int_t spec, Double_t mom, Double_t *dedx, Double_t length) const { // // Core function of AliTRDCalPIDLQ class for calculating the // likelihood for species "spec" (see AliTRDtrack::kNspecie) of a // given momentum "mom" and a given dE/dx (slice "dedx") yield per // layer // if (spec < 0 || spec >= AliPID::kSPECIES) return 0.; //Double_t dedx = dedx1/fMeanChargeRatio; // find the interval in momentum and track segment length which applies for this data Int_t ilength = 1; while(ilengthfTrackSegLength[ilength]){ ilength++; } Int_t imom = 1; while(imomfTrackMomentum[imom]) imom++; Int_t nbinsx, nbinsy; TAxis *ax = 0x0, *ay = 0x0; Double_t LQ1, LQ2; Double_t mom1 = fTrackMomentum[imom-1], mom2 = fTrackMomentum[imom]; TH2 *hist = 0x0; if(!(hist = (TH2D*)fHistdEdx->At(GetHistID(spec, imom-1/*, ilength*/)))){ AliInfo(Form("Looking for spec(%d) mom(%f) Ex(%f) Ey(%f) length(%f)", spec, mom, dedx[0], dedx[1], length)); AliError(Form("EHistogram id %d not found in DB.", GetHistID(spec, imom-1))); return 0.; } ax = hist->GetXaxis(); nbinsx = ax->GetNbins(); ay = hist->GetYaxis(); nbinsy = ay->GetNbins(); Float_t x = dedx[0]+dedx[1], y = dedx[2]; Bool_t kX = (x < ax->GetBinUpEdge(nbinsx)); Bool_t kY = (y < ay->GetBinUpEdge(nbinsy)); if(kX) if(kY) LQ1 = hist->GetBinContent( hist->FindBin(x, y)); //fEstimator->Estimate2D2(hist, x, y); else LQ1 = hist->GetBinContent(ax->FindBin(x), nbinsy); else if(kY) LQ1 = hist->GetBinContent(nbinsx, ay->FindBin(y)); else LQ1 = hist->GetBinContent(nbinsx, nbinsy); if(!(hist = (TH2D*)fHistdEdx->At(GetHistID(spec, imom/*, ilength*/)))){ AliInfo(Form("Looking for spec(%d) mom(%f) Ex(%f) Ey(%f) length(%f)", spec, mom, dedx[0], dedx[1], length)); AliError(Form("EHistogram id %d not found in DB.", GetHistID(spec, imom))); return LQ1; } if(kX) if(kY) LQ2 = hist->GetBinContent( hist->FindBin(x, y)); //fEstimator->Estimate2D2(hist, x, y); else LQ2 = hist->GetBinContent(ax->FindBin(x), nbinsy); else if(kY) LQ2 = hist->GetBinContent(nbinsx, ay->FindBin(y)); else LQ2 = hist->GetBinContent(nbinsx, nbinsy); // return interpolation over momentum binning return LQ1 + (LQ2 - LQ1)*(mom - mom1)/(mom2 - mom1); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetProbabilityT(Int_t spec, Double_t mom, Int_t timbin) const { // // Gets the Probability of having timbin at a given momentum (mom) // and particle type (spec) (0 for e) and (2 for pi) // from the precalculated timbin distributions // if (spec < 0 || spec >= AliPID::kSPECIES) return 0.; if (timbin<0 || timbin >= fNTimeBins) return 0.; Int_t iTBin = timbin+1; // Everything which is not an electron counts as a pion for time bin max //if(spec != AliPID::kElectron) spec = AliPID::kPion; Int_t imom = 1; while(imomfTrackMomentum[imom]) imom++; Double_t mom1 = fTrackMomentum[imom-1], mom2 = fTrackMomentum[imom]; TH1F *hist = 0x0; if(!(hist = (TH1F*) fHistTimeBin->At(((spec==AliPID::kElectron)?0:1)*fNMom+imom-1))){ AliInfo(Form("Looking for spec(%d) mom(%f) timbin(%d)", spec, mom, timbin)); AliError(Form("THistogram id %d not found in DB.", ((spec==AliPID::kElectron)?0:1)*fNMom+imom-1)); return 0.; } Double_t LQ1 = hist->GetBinContent(iTBin); if(!(hist = (TH1F*) fHistTimeBin->At(((spec==AliPID::kElectron)?0:1)*fNMom+imom))){ AliInfo(Form("Looking for spec(%d) mom(%f) timbin(%d)", spec, mom, timbin)); AliError(Form("THistogram id %d not found in DB.", ((spec==AliPID::kElectron)?0:1)*fNMom+imom)); return LQ1; } Double_t LQ2 = hist->GetBinContent(iTBin); // return interpolation over momentum binning return LQ1 + (LQ2 - LQ1)*(mom - mom1)/(mom2 - mom1); } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalPIDLQ::WriteReferences(Char_t *File, Char_t *dir) { // Build, Fill and write to file the histograms used for PID. // The simulations are looked in the // directories with the general form Form("p%3.1f", momentum) // starting from dir (default .). Here momentum belongs to the list // of known momentum to PID (see fTrackMomentum). // The output histograms are // written to the file "File" in cwd (default // TRDPIDHistograms.root). In order to build a DB entry // consider running $ALICE_ROOT/Cal/AliTRDCreateDummyCDB.C // // Author: // Alex Bercuci (A.Bercuci@gsi.de) const Int_t nDirs = 1; Int_t partCode[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {kElectron, kMuonMinus, kPiPlus, kKPlus, kProton}; // minimal test of simulation location TFile *f = new TFile(Form("%s/p%3.1f/galice.root", dir, 2.)); if(!f || f->IsZombie()){ AliError(Form("Could not access file galice in directry \"%s/p%3.1f\". Please check the location and try again.", dir, 2.)); return kFALSE; } f->Close(); delete f; f = new TFile(Form("%s/p%3.1f/AliESDs.root", dir, 2.)); if(!f || f->IsZombie()){ AliError(Form("Could not access file AliESDs in directry \"%s/p%3.1f\". Please check the location and try again.", dir, 2.)); return kFALSE; } f->Close(); delete f; // Init statistics Int_t nPart[AliPID::kSPECIES], nTotPart; printf("P[GeV/c] "); for(Int_t ispec=0; ispec0)?1:0] = new TH1F(Form("h1%s", fpartSymb[ispec]), "", fNTimeBins, -.5, fNTimeBins-.5); h1MaxTB[(ispec>0)?1:0]->SetLineColor(color[ispec]); } AliTRDCalPIDLQRef ref; // momentum loop AliRunLoader *fRunLoader = 0x0; TFile *esdFile = 0x0; TTree *esdTree = 0x0; AliESD *esd = 0x0; AliESDtrack *esdTrack = 0x0; for (Int_t imom = 0; imom < fNMom; imom++) { //for (Int_t imom = 4; imom < 5; imom++) { ref.Reset(); for(Int_t idir = 0; idirSetDirName(s); fRunLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = fRunLoader->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { AliError(Form("galice object not found for momentum %3.1f.", fTrackMomentum[imom])); return kFALSE; } fRunLoader->LoadKinematics(); fRunLoader->LoadHeader(); // open the ESD file esdFile = TFile::Open(Form("%s/p%3.1f/AliESDs.root", dir, fTrackMomentum[imom])); if (!esdFile || esdFile->IsZombie()) { AliError(Form("Opening ESD file failed for momentum", fTrackMomentum[imom])); return kFALSE; } esd = new AliESD; esdTree = (TTree*)esdFile->Get("esdTree"); if (!esdTree) { AliError(Form("ESD tree not found for momentum %3.1f.", fTrackMomentum[imom])); return kFALSE; } esdTree->SetBranchAddress("ESD", &esd); nTotPart = 0; for(Int_t ispec=0; ispecGetNumberOfEvents(); iEvent++) { fRunLoader->GetEvent(iEvent); // read stack info AliStack* stack = gAlice->Stack(); TArrayF vertex(3); fRunLoader->GetHeader()->GenEventHeader()->PrimaryVertex(vertex); // Load event summary data esdTree->GetEvent(iEvent); if (!esd) { AliWarning(Form("ESD object not found for event %d. [@ momentum %3.1f]", iEvent, imom)); continue; } for(Int_t iTrack=0; iTrackGetNumberOfTracks(); iTrack++){ esdTrack = esd->GetTrack(iTrack); if(!AliTRDpidESD::CheckTrack(esdTrack)) continue; //if((esdTrack->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kITSrefit) == 0) continue; //if(esdTrack->GetConstrainedChi2() > 1E9) continue; //if ((esdTrack->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kESDpid) == 0) continue; if (esdTrack->GetTRDsignal() == 0.) continue; // read MC info Int_t label = esdTrack->GetLabel(); if(label<0) continue; if (label > stack->GetNtrack()) continue; // background TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(label); if(!particle){ AliWarning(Form("Retriving particle with index %d from AliStack failed. [@ event %d track %d]", label, iEvent, iTrack)); continue; } if(particle->Pt() < 1.E-3) continue; // if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) > 0.3) continue; TVector3 dVertex(particle->Vx() - vertex[0], particle->Vy() - vertex[1], particle->Vz() - vertex[2]); if (dVertex.Mag() > 1.E-4){ //AliInfo(Form("Particle with index %d generated too far from vertex. Skip from analysis. Details follows. [@ event %d track %d]", label, iEvent, iTrack)); //particle->Print(); continue; } Int_t iGen = -1; for (Int_t ispec=0; ispecGetPdgCode()) == partCode[ispec]){ iGen = ispec; break; } if(iGen<0) continue; nPart[iGen]++; nTotPart++; Float_t mom, length; Double_t dedx[AliTRDtrack::kNslice], dEdx; Int_t timebin; for (Int_t iPlane=0; iPlaneGetTRDsignals(iPlane, iSlice); dEdx = esdTrack->GetTRDsignals(iPlane, -1); timebin = esdTrack->GetTRDTimBin(iPlane); // check data if ((dEdx <= 0.) || (timebin <= -1.)) continue; // retrive kinematic info for this track segment if(!AliTRDpidESD::GetTrackSegmentKine(esdTrack, iPlane, mom, length)) continue; // find segment length and momentum bin Int_t jmom = 1, refMom = -1; while(jmomfTrackMomentum[jmom]) jmom++; if(TMath::Abs(fTrackMomentum[jmom-1] - mom) < fTrackMomentum[jmom-1] * .2) refMom = jmom-1; else if(TMath::Abs(fTrackMomentum[jmom] - mom) < fTrackMomentum[jmom] * .2) refMom = jmom; if(refMom<0){ AliInfo(Form("Momentum at plane %d entrance not in momentum window. [@ event %d track %d]", iPlane, iEvent, iTrack)); continue; } /*while(jlengfTrackSegLength[jleng]) jleng++;*/ // this track segment has fulfilled all requierments //nPlanePID++; if(dedx[0] > 0. && dedx[1] > 0.){ dedx[0] = log(dedx[0]); dedx[1] = log(dedx[1]); ref.GetPrincipal(iGen)->AddRow(dedx); } h1MaxTB[(iGen>0)?1:0]->Fill(timebin); } // end plane loop } // end track loop } // end events loop delete esd; esd = 0x0; esdFile->Close(); delete esdFile; esdFile = 0x0; fRunLoader->UnloadHeader(); fRunLoader->UnloadKinematics(); delete fRunLoader; fRunLoader = 0x0; } // end directory loop // use data to prepare references ref.Prepare2DReferences(); // save this dEdx references ref.SaveReferences(imom, File); // save MaxTB references SaveMaxTimeBin(imom, File); // print momentum statistics printf(" %3.1f ", fTrackMomentum[imom]); for(Int_t ispec=0; ispecGetListOfFiles()); while((fSave=(TFile*)it.Next())) if(strcmp(File, fSave->GetName())==0) break; fSave->cd(); fSave->Close(); delete fSave; return kTRUE; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalPIDLQ::SaveMaxTimeBin(const Int_t mom, const char *fn) { // // Save the histograms // TFile *fSave = 0x0; TListIter it((TList*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()); TDirectory *pwd = gDirectory; Bool_t kFOUND = kFALSE; while((fSave=(TFile*)it.Next())) if(strcmp(fn, fSave->GetName())==0){ kFOUND = kTRUE; break; } if(!kFOUND) fSave = new TFile(fn, "RECREATE"); fSave->cd(); TH1 *h; h = (TH1F*)h1MaxTB[0]->Clone(Form("h1MaxTBEL%02d", mom)); h->SetTitle(Form("Maximum Time Bin distribution for electrons @ %4.1f GeV", fTrackMomentum[mom])); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("time [100 ns]"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); h->Write(); h = (TH1F*)h1MaxTB[1]->Clone(Form("h1MaxTBPI%02d", mom)); h->SetTitle(Form("Maximum Time Bin distribution for pions @ %4.1f GeV", fTrackMomentum[mom])); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("time [100 ns]"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); h->Write(); pwd->cd(); }