// ALICE event generator based on the THERMINATOR model // It reads the test output of the model and puts it onto // the stack // It has an option to use the Lhyquid3D input freeze-out // hypersurface // Author: Adam.Kisiel@cern.ch #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliConst.h" #include "AliDecayer.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenTherminator.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRun.h" ClassImp(AliGenTherminator) using namespace std; AliGenTherminator::AliGenTherminator(): AliGenMC(), fNt(0), fEventNumber(0), fFileName(""), fFreezeOutModel(""), fFOHSlocation(""), fTemperature(0.1656), fMiuI(-0.0009), fMiuS(0.0), fMiuB(0.0008), fAlfaRange(6.0), fRapRange(4.0), fRhoMax(8.0), fTau(8.0), fBWA(0.0), fBWVt(1.41), fBWDelay(0.0) { // Default constructor fFOHSlocation = ""; fEnergyCMS = 5500.; fAProjectile = 208; fZProjectile = 82; fProjectile = "A"; fATarget = 208; fZTarget = 82; fTarget = "A"; } AliGenTherminator::AliGenTherminator(Int_t npart): AliGenMC(npart), fNt(0), fEventNumber(0), fFileName(""), fFreezeOutModel(""), fFOHSlocation(""), fTemperature(0.1656), fMiuI(-0.0009), fMiuS(0.0), fMiuB(0.0008), fAlfaRange(6.0), fRapRange(4.0), fRhoMax(8.0), fTau(8.0), fBWA(0.0), fBWVt(1.41), fBWDelay(0.0) { // Constructor specifying the size of the particle table fNprimaries = 0; fEnergyCMS = 5500.; fAProjectile = 208; fZProjectile = 82; fProjectile = "A"; fATarget = 208; fZTarget = 82; fTarget = "A"; } AliGenTherminator::~AliGenTherminator() { // AliGenMC::~AliGenMC(); // if (fTherminator) delete fTherminator; } void AliGenTherminator::Generate() { // Run single event generation with the Therminator model AliWarning("Generating event from AliGenTherminator"); Float_t polar[3] = {0,0,0}; Float_t origin[3] = {0,0,0}; Float_t origin0[3] = {0,0,0}; Float_t p[3]; Float_t mass, energy; Int_t nt = 0; Int_t j, kf, ks, imo; kf = 0; Vertex(); for (j=0; j < 3; j++) origin0[j] = fVertex[j]; // Generate one event ((TTherminator *) fMCEvGen)->GenerateEvent(); AliWarning("Generated"); ((TTherminator *) fMCEvGen)->ImportParticles(&fParticles); Int_t np = fParticles.GetEntriesFast(); AliWarning(Form("Imported %d particles", np)); Int_t *idsOnStack; idsOnStack = new Int_t[np]; TParticle *iparticle; Double_t evrot = gRandom->Rndm()*TMath::Pi(); for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { iparticle = (TParticle *) fParticles.At(i); Bool_t hasMother = (iparticle->GetFirstMother() >=0); Bool_t hasDaughter = (iparticle->GetFirstDaughter() >=0); if (hasDaughter) { // This particle has decayed // It will not be tracked // Add it only once with coorduinates not // smeared with primary vertex position kf = iparticle->GetPdgCode(); ks = iparticle->GetStatusCode(); Double_t aphi = TMath::ATan2(iparticle->Py(), iparticle->Px()); Double_t arho = TMath::Hypot(iparticle->Px(), iparticle->Py()); p[0] = arho*TMath::Cos(aphi + evrot); p[1] = arho*TMath::Sin(aphi + evrot); // p[0] = iparticle->Px(); // p[1] = iparticle->Py(); p[2] = iparticle->Pz(); mass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(kf)->Mass(); energy = sqrt(mass*mass + p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2]); Double_t vphi = TMath::ATan2(iparticle->Vy(), iparticle->Vx()); Double_t vrho = TMath::Hypot(iparticle->Vx(), iparticle->Vy()); origin[0] = vrho*TMath::Cos(vphi + evrot); origin[1] = vrho*TMath::Sin(vphi + evrot); origin[2] = iparticle->Vz(); imo = -1; TParticle* mother = 0; if (hasMother) { imo = iparticle->GetFirstMother(); mother = (TParticle *) fParticles.At(imo); } // if has mother Bool_t tFlag = (!hasDaughter); // printf("Pushing Track %d with status %d mother %d\n", kf, tFlag, imo>=0?idsOnStack[imo]:imo); PushTrack(tFlag,imo>=0?idsOnStack[imo]:imo,kf, p[0],p[1],p[2],energy, origin[0],origin[1],origin[2],iparticle->T(), polar[0],polar[1],polar[2], hasMother ? kPDecay:kPNoProcess,nt); idsOnStack[i] = nt; fNprimaries++; KeepTrack(nt); } else { // This is a final state particle // It will be tracked // Add it TWICE to the stack !!! // First time with event-wide coordicates (for femtoscopy) - // this one will not be tracked // Second time with event-wide ccordiantes and vertex smearing // this one will be tracked kf = iparticle->GetPdgCode(); ks = iparticle->GetStatusCode(); Double_t aphi = TMath::ATan2(iparticle->Py(), iparticle->Px()); Double_t arho = TMath::Hypot(iparticle->Px(), iparticle->Py()); p[0] = arho*TMath::Cos(aphi + evrot); p[1] = arho*TMath::Sin(aphi + evrot); // p[0] = iparticle->Px(); // p[1] = iparticle->Py(); p[2] = iparticle->Pz(); mass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(kf)->Mass(); energy = sqrt(mass*mass + p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2]); Double_t vphi = TMath::ATan2(iparticle->Vy(), iparticle->Vx()); Double_t vrho = TMath::Hypot(iparticle->Vx(), iparticle->Vy()); origin[0] = vrho*TMath::Cos(vphi + evrot); origin[1] = vrho*TMath::Sin(vphi + evrot); origin[2] = iparticle->Vz(); imo = -1; TParticle* mother = 0; if (hasMother) { imo = iparticle->GetFirstMother(); mother = (TParticle *) fParticles.At(imo); } // if has mother Bool_t tFlag = (hasDaughter); // printf("Found mother %i with true id %i\n", imo, imo>=0?idsOnStack[imo]:imo); // printf("Pushing Track %d with status %d mother %d\n", kf, tFlag, imo>=0?idsOnStack[imo]:imo); PushTrack(tFlag,imo>=0?idsOnStack[imo]:imo,kf, p[0],p[1],p[2],energy, origin[0],origin[1],origin[2],iparticle->T(), polar[0],polar[1],polar[2], hasMother ? kPDecay:kPNoProcess,nt); idsOnStack[i] = nt; fNprimaries++; KeepTrack(nt); origin[0] = origin0[0]+vrho*TMath::Cos(vphi + evrot); origin[1] = origin0[1]+vrho*TMath::Sin(vphi + evrot); origin[2] = origin0[2]+iparticle->Vz(); imo = nt; // mother = (TParticle *) fParticles.At(nt); tFlag = (!hasDaughter); // printf("Pushing Track %d with status %d mother %d\n", kf, tFlag, imo); PushTrack(tFlag,imo,kf, p[0],p[1],p[2],energy, origin[0],origin[1],origin[2],iparticle->T(), polar[0],polar[1],polar[2], hasMother ? kPDecay:kPNoProcess,nt); fNprimaries++; KeepTrack(nt); } } SetHighWaterMark(fNprimaries); TArrayF eventVertex; eventVertex.Set(3); eventVertex[0] = origin0[0]; eventVertex[1] = origin0[1]; eventVertex[2] = origin0[2]; // Builds the event header, to be called after each event AliGenEventHeader* header = new AliGenHijingEventHeader("Therminator"); // Header // AliGenEventHeader* header = new AliGenEventHeader("Therminator"); // Event Vertex // header->SetPrimaryVertex(eventVertex); // header->SetNProduced(fNprimaries); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetNProduced(fNprimaries); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetPrimaryVertex(eventVertex); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetImpactParameter(0.0); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetTotalEnergy(0.0); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetHardScatters(0); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetParticipants(0, 0); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetCollisions(0, 0, 0, 0); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetSpectators(0, 0, 0, 0); ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetReactionPlaneAngle(evrot); // 4-momentum vectors of the triggered jets. // // Before final state gluon radiation. // TLorentzVector* jet1 = new TLorentzVector(fHijing->GetHINT1(21), // fHijing->GetHINT1(22), // fHijing->GetHINT1(23), // fHijing->GetHINT1(24)); // TLorentzVector* jet2 = new TLorentzVector(fHijing->GetHINT1(31), // fHijing->GetHINT1(32), // fHijing->GetHINT1(33), // fHijing->GetHINT1(34)); // // After final state gluon radiation. // TLorentzVector* jet3 = new TLorentzVector(fHijing->GetHINT1(26), // fHijing->GetHINT1(27), // fHijing->GetHINT1(28), // fHijing->GetHINT1(29)); // TLorentzVector* jet4 = new TLorentzVector(fHijing->GetHINT1(36), // fHijing->GetHINT1(37), // fHijing->GetHINT1(38), // fHijing->GetHINT1(39)); // ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetJets(jet1, jet2, jet3, jet4); // Bookkeeping for kinematic bias // ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header)->SetTrials(fTrials); // Event Vertex header->SetPrimaryVertex(fVertex); AddHeader(header); fCollisionGeometry = (AliGenHijingEventHeader*) header; delete [] idsOnStack; // gAlice->SetGenEventHeader(header); } void AliGenTherminator::Init() { // Initialize global variables and // particle and decay tables if (fFileName.Length() == 0) fFileName = "event.out"; ReadShareParticleTable(); SetMC(new TTherminator()); AliGenMC::Init(); ((TTherminator *) fMCEvGen)->Initialize(); } void AliGenTherminator::SetFileName(const char *infilename) { // Set parameter filename fFileName = infilename; } void AliGenTherminator::SetEventNumberInFile(int evnum) { // Set number of events to generate - default: 1 fEventNumber = evnum; } void AliGenTherminator::ReadShareParticleTable() { // Read in particle table from share // and add missing particle type to TDatabasePDG char str[50]; char str1[200]; TDatabasePDG *tInstance = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); TParticlePDG *tParticleType; AliWarning(Form("Reading particle types from particles.data")); TString aroot = gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"); ifstream in((aroot+"/TTherminator/data/SHARE/particles.data").Data()); // ifstream in("particles.data"); int charge; int number=0; if ((in) && (in.is_open())) { //START OF HEAD-LINE in.ignore(200,'\n'); in.ignore(200,'\n'); in.ignore(200,'\n'); //END OF HEAD-LINE while (in>>str) { if (/*(*str == '#')||*/(*str<65)||(*str>122)) { in.getline(str1,200); continue; } double mass, gamma, spin, tI3, tI, q, s, aq, as, c, ac, mc; in>>mass>>gamma>>spin>>tI>>tI3>>q>>s>>aq>>as>>c>>ac>>mc; number++; tParticleType = tInstance->GetParticle((int) mc); if (!tParticleType) { charge = 0; if (strstr(str, "plu")) charge = 1; if (strstr(str, "min")) charge = -1; if (strstr(str, "plb")) charge = -1; if (strstr(str, "mnb")) charge = 1; if (strstr(str, "plp")) charge = 2; if (strstr(str, "ppb")) charge = -2; tInstance->AddParticle(str, str, mass, gamma == 0.0 ? 1:0, gamma, charge , "meson", (int) mc); AliWarning(Form("Added particle %s with PDG PID %d charge %d", str, (int) mc, charge)); // AliWarning(Form("Quantum numbers q s c aq as ac tI3 %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", q, s, c, aq, as, ac, tI3)); } } in.close(); } CreateTherminatorInputFile(); } void AliGenTherminator::CreateTherminatorInputFile() { // Create Therminator input file const char *aroot = gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"); ofstream *ostr = new ofstream("therminator.in"); (*ostr) << "NumberOfEvents = 1" << endl; (*ostr) << "Randomize = 1" << endl; (*ostr) << "TableType = SHARE" << endl; (*ostr) << "InputDirSHARE = "<< aroot << "/TTherminator/data/SHARE" << endl; (*ostr) << "EventOutputFile = " << fFileName.Data() << endl; (*ostr) << "FOHSLocation = " << fFOHSlocation.Data() << endl; (*ostr) << "FreezeOutModel = " << fFreezeOutModel.Data() << endl; (*ostr) << "BWVt = " << fBWVt << endl; (*ostr) << "Tau = " << fTau << endl; (*ostr) << "RhoMax = " << fRhoMax << endl; (*ostr) << "Temperature = " << fTemperature << endl; (*ostr) << "MiuI = " << fMiuI << endl; (*ostr) << "MiuS = " << fMiuS << endl; (*ostr) << "MiuB = " << fMiuB << endl; (*ostr) << "AlphaRange = " << fAlfaRange << endl; (*ostr) << "RapidityRange = " << fRapRange << endl; (*ostr) << "NumberOfIntegrateSamples = 1000000" << endl; } void AliGenTherminator::SetModel(const char *model) { // Set the freeze-out model to use fFreezeOutModel = model; AliWarning(Form("Selected model %s", fFreezeOutModel.Data())); AliWarning(Form("FOHSLocation is %s", fFOHSlocation.Data())); } void AliGenTherminator::SetLhyquidSet(const char *set) { // Select one of pregenerated Lhyquid hypersurfaces const char *aroot = gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"); if (strstr(set, "LHC500C0005")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, centrality 0-5 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" initial temperature at tau=1 fm in the center Ti=500 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC500C0005/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC500C0005"); } if (strstr(set, "LHC500C0510")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, centrality 5-10 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" initial temperature at tau=1 fm in the center Ti=500 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC500C0510/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC500C0510"); } if (strstr(set, "LHC500C1020")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, centrality 10-20 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" initial temperature at tau=1 fm in the center Ti=500 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC500C1020/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC500C1020"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC500C2030")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, centrality 20-30 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" initial temperature at tau=1 fm in the center Ti=500 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC500C2030/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC500C2030"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC500C3040")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, centrality 30-40 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" initial temperature at tau=1 fm in the center Ti=500 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC500C3040/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC500C3040"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC500C4050")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, centrality 40-50 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" initial temperature at tau=1 fm in the center Ti=500 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC500C4050/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC500C4050"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC276TC0005")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, 2.76TeV, centrality 00-05 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC0005/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC0005"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC276TC0510")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, 2.76TeV, centrality 05-10 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC0510/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC0510"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC276TC1020")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, 2.76TeV, centrality 10-20 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC1020/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC1020"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC276TC2030")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, 2.76TeV, centrality 20-30 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC2030/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC2030"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC276TC3040")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, 2.76TeV, centrality 30-40 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC3040/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC3040"); } else if (strstr(set, "LHC276TC4050")) { AliWarning(Form("AliGenTherminator: Selected default Lhyquid hypersurface")); AliWarning(Form(" Pb-Pb collisions, 2.76TeV, centrality 40-50 percent")); AliWarning(Form(" freeze-out criteria Tf=145 MeV")); AliWarning(Form(" for details see $(ALICE_ROOT)/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC4050/FO.txt")); fFOHSlocation.Append(aroot); fFOHSlocation.Append("/TTherminator/data/LHC276TC4050"); } else { AliWarning(Form("Did not find Lhyquid set %s", set)); AliWarning(Form("Reverting to default: current directory")); fFOHSlocation += ""; } } void AliGenTherminator::SetLhyquidInputDir(const char *inputdir) { // Select Your own Lhyquid hypersurface fFOHSlocation = inputdir; }