/****************************************************************************** * T H E R M I N A T O R * * THERMal heavy-IoN generATOR * * version 1.0 * * * * Authors of the model: Wojciech Broniowski, Wojciech.Broniowski@ifj.edu.pl, * * Wojciech Florkowski, Wojciech.Florkowski@ifj.edu.pl * * Authors of the code: Adam Kisiel, kisiel@if.pw.edu.pl * * Tomasz Taluc, ttaluc@if.pw.edu.pl * * Code designers: Adam Kisiel, Tomasz Taluc, Wojciech Broniowski, * * Wojciech Florkowski * * * * For the detailed description of the program and furhter references * * to the description of the model plesase refer to: nucl-th/0504047, * * accessibile at: http://www.arxiv.org/nucl-th/0504047 * * * * Homepage: http://hirg.if.pw.edu.pl/en/therminator/ * * * * This code can be freely used and redistributed. However if you decide to * * make modifications to the code, please contact the authors, especially * * if you plan to publish the results obtained with such modified code. * * Any publication of results obtained using this code must include the * * reference to nucl-th/0504047 and the published version of it, when * * available. * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "Particle.h" #include "Event.h" #include "Integrator.h" #include "ParticleDecayer.h" #include "DecayTable.h" #include "ReadPar.h" extern ReadPar* sRPInstance; Event::Event(ParticleDB *aDB, Integrator* aInteg) : mCurIter(), mScanStarted(0) { mDB = aDB; mInteg = aInteg; mRandom = new TRandom2(); #ifdef _ROOT_4_ mRandom->SetSeed2(31851, 14327); #else mRandom->SetSeed(31851); #endif mAverageMultiplicities.resize(mDB->GetParticleTypeCount()); mMultiplicities.resize(mDB->GetParticleTypeCount()); ReadParameters(); ReadMultiplicities(); } Event::~Event() { mParticles.clear(); delete mRandom; } void Event::GenerateEvent(int aSeed) { Particle **tPartBuf; mParticles.clear(); #ifdef _ROOT_4_ if (aSeed) mRandom->SetSeed2(aSeed, (aSeed*2) % (7*11*23*31)); #else if (aSeed) mRandom->SetSeed(aSeed); #endif GenerateMultiplicities(); for (unsigned int tIter=0; tIterGenerate(mDB->GetParticleType(tIter), mMultiplicities[tIter], &tPartBuf); for (int tBufIter=0; tBufItergetPar("EventOutputFile").Data()); } catch (STR e) { PRINT_MESSAGE("Very strange: No event output filename ???"); exit(0); } } else { try { os.open(sRPInstance->getPar("EventOutputFile").Data(), ios::app); } catch (STR e) { PRINT_MESSAGE("Very strange: No event output filename ???"); exit(0); } } if (nEvent == 0) { os << "Therminator text output\nall_particles_p_x\nTherminator " << endl; } os << nEvent+1 << " " << GetParticleCount() << " " << "0.000" << " " << "0.000" << endl; while (tPLIter != mParticles.end()) { os.flags(ios::right); os.precision(6); os.width(6); os << tCount << " "; (*tPLIter).WriteParticle(&os); os << endl; tCount++; tPLIter++; } } void Event::AddParticle(Particle* aParticle) { if (0) { ParticleListIter tPLIter; tPLIter = mParticles.begin(); while (tPLIter != mParticles.end()) { if (((*tPLIter).GetMass() == aParticle->GetMass()) && ((*tPLIter).GetI3() == aParticle->GetI3()) && ((*tPLIter).GetBarionN() == aParticle->GetBarionN()) && ((*tPLIter).GetStrangeness() == aParticle->GetStrangeness())) break; if ((*tPLIter).GetMass() < aParticle->GetMass()) break; else if ((*tPLIter).GetMass() == aParticle->GetMass()) if ((*tPLIter).GetI3() < aParticle->GetI3()) break; else if ((*tPLIter).GetI3() == aParticle->GetI3()) if ((*tPLIter).GetBarionN() < aParticle->GetBarionN()) break; else if ((*tPLIter).GetBarionN() == aParticle->GetBarionN()) if ((*tPLIter).GetStrangeness() < aParticle->GetStrangeness()) break; tPLIter++; } mParticles.insert(tPLIter, *aParticle); } else mParticles.push_back(*aParticle); } void Event::ReadMultiplicities() { char tName[200]; double tMult; char *tHash; int multsize; char *tMultName = 0; ifstream *fin = NULL; tHash = mInteg->ParameterHash(); multsize = strlen(mFOHSlocation.Data()) + 25 + strlen(tHash); tMultName = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * multsize); if (!tMultName) { printf("Cannot allocate memory!\n"); exit(0); } if (mFOHSlocation != "") { strcpy(tMultName, mFOHSlocation.Data()); strcat(tMultName, "/"); strcat(tMultName, "fmultiplicity_"); strcat(tMultName, tHash); strcat(tMultName, ".txt"); fin = new ifstream(tMultName); } else if (!((fin) && (fin->is_open()))) { strcpy(tMultName, "fmultiplicity_"); strcat(tMultName, tHash); strcat(tMultName, ".txt"); fin = new ifstream(tMultName); } // strcpy(tMultName, "fmultiplicity_"); // strcat(tMultName, tHash); // strcat(tMultName, ".txt"); // fin = new ifstream(tMultName); if ((fin) && (fin->is_open())) { PRINT_MESSAGE("Reading Multiplicities from " << tMultName); while (!fin->eof()) { (*fin) >> tName >> tMult; PRINT_DEBUG_2(tName << " " << mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(strdup(tName)) << " " << tMult); mAverageMultiplicities[mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(strdup(tName))] = tMult; } fin->close(); } delete tMultName; } void Event::GenerateMultiplicities() { for (unsigned int tIter=0; tIterPoisson(mAverageMultiplicities[tIter]); } void Event::DecayParticles() { Particle *tPart1, *tPart2, *tPart3, *tFather; ParticleDecayer* tDecayer; int tCount = 0; tDecayer = new ParticleDecayer(mDB); tDecayer->SeedSet(mRandom->Integer(100000000)); // InitParticleScan(); while ((tFather = GetParticleOfCount(tCount))) { if (tFather->GetParticleType()->GetGamma() >= 0.0) if ((tFather->GetParticleType()->GetTable()) && (((DecayTable *) tFather->GetParticleType()->GetTable())->GetChannelCount()+1 > 0)) { tDecayer->DecayParticle(tFather, &tPart1, &tPart2, &tPart3); #ifndef _RESCALE_CHANNELS_ if (!tPart1) { tCount++; continue; } #endif #ifdef _NO_THREE_BODY_DECAYS_ if (tPart3){ tCount++; continue; } #endif #ifdef _OMIT_TWO_BODY_ if (tPart1 && tPart2 && !tPart3){ tCount++; continue; } #endif tPart1->SetFather(tCount); tPart2->SetFather(tCount); if (tPart3) tPart3->SetFather(tCount); AddParticle(tPart1); AddParticle(tPart2); delete tPart1; delete tPart2; if (tPart3) { AddParticle(tPart3); delete tPart3; } } else { } tCount++; } delete tDecayer; } void Event::Randomize() { TDatime dat; #ifdef _ROOT_4_ mRandom->SetSeed2(dat.Get() / 2 * 3, dat.Get() / 11 * 9); #else mRandom->SetSeed(dat.Get() / 2 * 3); #endif } void Event::ReadParameters() { STR tEvFile; STR tUseNegativeBinomial; try { tEvFile = sRPInstance->getPar("EventOutputFile"); } catch (STR e) { PRINT_DEBUG_1("Event::ReadParameters - Caught exception " << e); PRINT_MESSAGE("Did not find one of the neccessary parameters in the parameters file."); exit(0); } try { tUseNegativeBinomial = sRPInstance->getPar("MultiplicityDistribution"); if (tUseNegativeBinomial.Contains("NegativeBinomial")) mNegBin = 1; else mNegBin = 0; } catch (STR e) { PRINT_MESSAGE("Using default multiplicty distribution: Poissonian"); mNegBin = 0; } try { mFOHSlocation = sRPInstance->getPar("FOHSLocation"); } catch (STR e) { } }