/****************************************************************************** * T H E R M I N A T O R * * THERMal heavy-IoN generATOR * * version 1.0 * * * * Authors of the model: Wojciech Broniowski, Wojciech.Broniowski@ifj.edu.pl, * * Wojciech Florkowski, Wojciech.Florkowski@ifj.edu.pl * * Authors of the code: Adam Kisiel, kisiel@if.pw.edu.pl * * Tomasz Taluc, ttaluc@if.pw.edu.pl * * Code designers: Adam Kisiel, Tomasz Taluc, Wojciech Broniowski, * * Wojciech Florkowski * * * * For the detailed description of the program and furhter references * * to the description of the model plesase refer to: nucl-th/0504047, * * accessibile at: http://www.arxiv.org/nucl-th/0504047 * * * * Homepage: http://hirg.if.pw.edu.pl/en/therminator/ * * * * This code can be freely used and redistributed. However if you decide to * * make modifications to the code, please contact the authors, especially * * if you plan to publish the results obtained with such modified code. * * Any publication of results obtained using this code must include the * * reference to nucl-th/0504047 and the published version of it, when * * available. * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include "THGlobal.h" #include "ReadPar.h" #include "Parser.h" #include "DecayChannel.h" #include #include extern ReadPar *sRPInstance; const double factorials[7] = {1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 24.0, 120.0, 720.0 }; Parser::Parser(ParticleDB *aDB) { mDB = aDB; ReadParameters(); } Parser::~Parser() { } int Parser::check(char *a,char *b) { int tIter3=0; while(a[tIter3]!='\0') { if(a[tIter3]!=b[tIter3]) return 0; tIter3++; } return 1; } int Parser::GetParticleCount() { return mParticleCount; } char * Parser::GetParticleName(int i) { return mNameBuffer[i]; } double Parser::GetParticleMass(int i) { return mMassBuffer[i]; } double Parser::GetParticleGamma(int i) { return mGammaBuffer[i]; } double Parser::GetParticleSpin(int i) { return mSpinBuffer[i]; } int Parser::GetParticleBarionN(int i) { return mBarionBuffer[i]; } int Parser::GetParticleStrangeN(int i) { return mStrangeBuffer[i]; } double Parser::GetParticleI3(int i) { return mI3Buffer[i]; } int Parser::GetParticleDecayChannelCount(int i,int j) { return mDecayBuffer[i][j]; } int Parser::GetParticleNumber(int i) { return mTypeCountBuffer[i]; } void Parser::ReadInput() { int j,tPartIter=0,l,tIter2, tIter; //variables char str[200]; char str1[200]; double spin1,spin2,value; ////// START OF "TABLES.M" ///////// ifstream in("tables.m"); if(in) { //START OF HEAD-LINE in.ignore(100,'\n'); //END OF HEAD-LINE for(tIter2=0;tIter2<50;tIter2++) str[tIter2]='\0'; tPartIter=0; //START OF DATA while(in>>str) { if(*str == 'x') break; l=0; //PARTICLE NAME AND MASS if(str[0] == 'm' && str[1] == '[') { for(;;) { if(str[l+2] == ']') break; mNameBuffer[tPartIter][l]=str[l+2]; //name l++; } // mNameBuffer[tPartIter][l]='\0'; in>>str; // sign "=" in>>value; // mass mMassBuffer[tPartIter]=value; mTypeCountBuffer[tPartIter]=tPartIter; for(tIter2=0;tIter2<50;tIter2++) str[tIter2]='\0'; } if(str[0] == 'G' && str[3] == '[') { in>>str; // sign "=" in>>value; // gamma mGammaBuffer[tPartIter]=value; for(tIter2=0;tIter2<50;tIter2++) str[tIter2]='\0'; } // spin if(str[0] == 'J' && str[1] == '[') { in>>str; // sign "=" in>>str; if(str[1] == '/') { *str1=str[0];spin1=atof(str1); *str1=str[2];spin2=atof(str1); mSpinBuffer[tPartIter]=spin1/spin2; } if(str[0] == '-') { *str1=str[1];spin1=atof(str1); mSpinBuffer[tPartIter]=-spin1; } if(str[0]!='-' && str[1]!='/') { *str1=str[0]; spin1=atof(str1); mSpinBuffer[tPartIter]=spin1; } tPartIter++; //next particle for(tIter2=0;tIter2<50;tIter2++) str[tIter2]='\0'; } } //END OF DATA } mParticleCount=tPartIter; ////// END OF "TABLES.M" ///////// ////// START OF "i200STAR.m"////// double izospin1,izospin2; //help to calculate izospin, if niecalkowity // input=fopen("i200STAR.m","r+"); ifstream in1("i200STAR.m"); for(tIter2=0;tIter2<369;tIter2++) for(int jj=0;jj<2;jj++) mDecayBuffer[tIter2][jj]=0; for(;;) { j=3; //first letter of particle in line in file for(tIter=0;tIter<50;tIter++) str[tIter]='\0'; for(tIter=0;tIter<20;tIter++) str1[tIter]='\0'; tIter=0; in1.getline(str,200); if(str[0] == 'x') break; if(str[0] == 'f' && str[1] == 'i') { //name for(;;) { if(str[j] == ',') { j++; //to skip "," break; } str1[tIter++]=str[j++]; } for(tIter=0;tIter<369;tIter++) { if(check(str1,mNameBuffer[tIter])) { //barion number for(tIter2=0;tIter2<20;tIter2++) str1[tIter2]='\0'; if(str[j] == '-') { *str1=str[j+1]; mBarionBuffer[tIter]=atoi(str1); mBarionBuffer[tIter]=-mBarionBuffer[tIter]; } if(str[j] != '-') { *str1=str[j]; mBarionBuffer[tIter]=atoi(str1); } if(str[j] == '-') j+=3; else j+=2; //strange number for(tIter2=0;tIter2<20;tIter2++) str1[tIter2]='\0'; if(str[j] == '-') { *str1=str[j+1]; mStrangeBuffer[tIter]=atoi(str1); mStrangeBuffer[tIter]=-mStrangeBuffer[tIter]; } if(str[j] != '-') { *str1=str[j]; mStrangeBuffer[tIter]=atoi(str1); } if(str[j] == '-') j+=3; else j+=2; //izospin3 number for(tIter2=0;tIter2<20;tIter2++) str1[tIter2]='\0'; if(str[j+1] == '/' && str[j+3] == ']') { *str1=str[j]; izospin1=atoi(str1); *str1=str[j+2]; izospin2=atoi(str1); mI3Buffer[tIter]=izospin1/izospin2; } if(str[j] == '-' && str[j+2] == '/' && str[j+4] == ']') { *str1=str[j+1]; izospin1=atoi(str1); *str1=str[j+3]; izospin2=atoi(str1); mI3Buffer[tIter]=-izospin1/izospin2; } if(str[j] == '-' && str[j+2] == ']') { *str1=str[j+1]; izospin1=atoi(str1); mI3Buffer[tIter]=-izospin1; } if(str[j+1] == ']') { *str1=str[j]; mI3Buffer[tIter]=atof(str1); } break; } } } //DECAY CHANNELS tIter=0; //TWO-BODY DECAYS if(str[0] == 's' && str[1] == 'e' && str[2] == '[') { // Reading in the decay channels char *tLBrackert, *tFirstComma, *tSecondComma, *tThirdComma, *tRBracket; tLBrackert = strchr(str,'['); tFirstComma = strchr(str,','); tSecondComma = strchr(tFirstComma+1,','); tThirdComma = strchr(tSecondComma+1,','); tRBracket = strchr(tThirdComma,']'); if (!(tLBrackert && tFirstComma && tSecondComma && tThirdComma && tRBracket)) PRINT_DEBUG_1("Malformed line!: " << str); char *tFather = new char[tFirstComma-tLBrackert]; strncpy(tFather, tLBrackert+1, tFirstComma-tLBrackert-1); char *tDaughter1 = new char[tSecondComma-tFirstComma]; strncpy(tDaughter1, tFirstComma+1, tSecondComma-tFirstComma-1); char *tDaughter2 = new char[tThirdComma-tSecondComma]; strncpy(tDaughter2, tSecondComma+1, tThirdComma-tSecondComma-1); char *tBRatio = new char[tRBracket-tThirdComma]; strncpy(tBRatio, tThirdComma+1, tRBracket-tThirdComma-1); // Getting the ratio char *tMiddle, *tRatComponent; double tRatio = 1.0; tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,'_'); if (!tMiddle) tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,' '); while(tMiddle) { tRatComponent = new char[tMiddle-tBRatio+1]; strncpy(tRatComponent, tBRatio, tMiddle-tBRatio); if (strchr(tRatComponent,'/')) tRatio *= atof(tRatComponent)/atof(tRatComponent+2); else tRatio *= atof(tRatComponent); tBRatio = tMiddle+1; tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,'_'); if (!tMiddle) tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,' '); delete [] tRatComponent; } if (strchr(tBRatio,'/')) tRatio *= atof(tBRatio)/atof(tBRatio+2); else tRatio *= atof(tBRatio); delete [] tFather; delete [] tDaughter1; delete [] tDaughter2; delete [] tBRatio; } //THREE-BODY DECAYS j++; //because se3[] if(str[0] == 's' && str[1] == 'e' && str[2] == '3' && str[3] == '[') { for(;;) { if(str[j] == ',') { j++; //to skip "," break; } str1[tIter++]=str[j++]; //name } for(tIter=0;tIter<369;tIter++) { if(check(str1,mNameBuffer[tIter])) { mDecayBuffer[tIter][1]++; break; } } } } ////// END OF "i200STAR.m"////// ParticleType *tPartBuf; int tNum, tPart; for(tPart=0;tPartSetName(mNameBuffer[tPart]); tPartBuf->SetMass(mMassBuffer[tPart]); tPartBuf->SetGamma(mGammaBuffer[tPart]); tPartBuf->SetSpin(mSpinBuffer[tPart]); tPartBuf->SetBarionN(mBarionBuffer[tPart]); tPartBuf->SetStrangeness(mStrangeBuffer[tPart]); tPartBuf->SetI3(mI3Buffer[tPart]); tPartBuf->SetDecayChannelCount2(mDecayBuffer[tPart][0]); tPartBuf->SetDecayChannelCount3(mDecayBuffer[tPart][1]); tPartBuf->SetNumber(tPart); tNum = mDB->AddParticleType(tPartBuf); } ifstream in2("i200STAR.m"); while (in2.getline(str,200)) { tIter=0; //TWO-BODY DECAYS if(str[0] == 's' && str[1] == 'e' && str[2] == '[') { // Reading in the decay channels char *tLBrackert, *tFirstComma, *tSecondComma, *tThirdComma, *tRBracket; tLBrackert = strchr(str,'['); tFirstComma = strchr(str,','); tSecondComma = strchr(tFirstComma+1,','); tThirdComma = strchr(tSecondComma+1,','); tRBracket = strchr(tThirdComma,']'); if (!(tLBrackert && tFirstComma && tSecondComma && tThirdComma && tRBracket)) PRINT_DEBUG_1("Malformed line!: " << str); char *tFather = new char[tFirstComma-tLBrackert]; strncpy(tFather, tLBrackert+1, tFirstComma-tLBrackert-1); char *tDaughter1 = new char[tSecondComma-tFirstComma]; strncpy(tDaughter1, tFirstComma+1, tSecondComma-tFirstComma-1); char *tDaughter2 = new char[tThirdComma-tSecondComma]; strncpy(tDaughter2, tSecondComma+1, tThirdComma-tSecondComma-1); char *tBRatio = new char[tRBracket-tThirdComma]; strncpy(tBRatio, tThirdComma+1, tRBracket-tThirdComma-1); // Getting the ratio char *tMiddle, *tRatComponent; double tRatio = 1.0; tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,'_'); if (!tMiddle) tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,' '); while(tMiddle) { tRatComponent = new char[tMiddle-tBRatio]; strncpy(tRatComponent, tBRatio, tMiddle-tBRatio); if (strchr(tRatComponent,'/')) tRatio *= atof(tRatComponent)/atof(tRatComponent+2); else tRatio *= atof(tRatComponent); tBRatio = tMiddle+1; tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,'_'); if (!tMiddle) tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,' '); delete [] tRatComponent; } if (strchr(tBRatio,'/')) tRatio *= atof(tBRatio)/atof(tBRatio+2); else tRatio *= atof(tBRatio); DecayChannel *newChannel = new DecayChannel(tRatio, mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter1), mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter2), -1); // if (mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetMass() + // mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetMass() // < mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->GetMass()) { // (mDB->GetParticleType(tFather))->AddDecayChannel(*newChannel); // } (mDB->GetParticleType(tFather))->AddDecayChannel(*newChannel); delete newChannel; } if(str[0] == 's' && str[1] == 'e' && str[2] == '3') { // Reading in the decay channels char *tLBrackert, *tFirstComma, *tSecondComma, *tThirdComma, *tFourthComma, *tRBracket; tLBrackert = strchr(str,'['); tFirstComma = strchr(str,','); tSecondComma = strchr(tFirstComma+1,','); tThirdComma = strchr(tSecondComma+1,','); tFourthComma = strchr(tThirdComma+1,','); tRBracket = strchr(tThirdComma,']'); if (!(tLBrackert && tFirstComma && tSecondComma && tThirdComma && tFourthComma && tRBracket)) PRINT_DEBUG_1("Malformed line!: " << str); char *tFather = new char[tFirstComma-tLBrackert]; strncpy(tFather, tLBrackert+1, tFirstComma-tLBrackert-1); char *tDaughter1 = new char[tSecondComma-tFirstComma]; strncpy(tDaughter1, tFirstComma+1, tSecondComma-tFirstComma-1); char *tDaughter2 = new char[tThirdComma-tSecondComma]; strncpy(tDaughter2, tSecondComma+1, tThirdComma-tSecondComma-1); char *tDaughter3 = new char[tFourthComma-tThirdComma]; strncpy(tDaughter3, tThirdComma+1, tFourthComma-tThirdComma-1); char *tBRatio = new char[tRBracket-tFourthComma]; strncpy(tBRatio, tFourthComma+1, tRBracket-tFourthComma-1); // Getting the ratio char *tMiddle, *tRatComponent; double tRatio = 1.0; tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,'_'); if (!tMiddle) tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,' '); while(tMiddle) { tRatComponent = new char[tMiddle-tBRatio+1]; strncpy(tRatComponent, tBRatio, tMiddle-tBRatio); if (strchr(tRatComponent,'/')) tRatio *= atof(tRatComponent)/atof(tRatComponent+2); else tRatio *= atof(tRatComponent); tBRatio = tMiddle+1; tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,'_'); if (!tMiddle) tMiddle = strchr(tBRatio,' '); delete [] tRatComponent; } if (strchr(tBRatio,'/')) tRatio *= atof(tBRatio)/atof(tBRatio+2); else tRatio *= atof(tBRatio); DecayChannel *newChannel = new DecayChannel(tRatio, mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter1), mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter2), mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter3)); // if (mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetMass() + // mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetMass() + // mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter3)->GetMass() // < mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->GetMass()) (mDB->GetParticleType(tFather))->AddDecayChannel(*newChannel); } } ifstream in3("pdgcodes.m"); while (in3.getline(str,200)) { string tName; int tCode; std::stringstream tIS(str); tIS >> tName >> tCode; mDB->GetParticleType(tName)->SetPDGCode(tCode); } } void Parser::ReadShare() { char str[50]; char str1[200]; ParticleType *tPartBuf; int tNum; PRINT_DEBUG_1("Reading from |"<<(mInputDir+"/"+"particles.data").Data()<<"|"); ifstream in((mInputDir+"/"+"particles.data").Data()); int number=0; if ((in) && (in.is_open())) { //START OF HEAD-LINE in.ignore(200,'\n'); in.ignore(200,'\n'); in.ignore(200,'\n'); //END OF HEAD-LINE while (in>>str) { if (/*(*str == '#')||*/(*str<65)||(*str>122)) { in.getline(str1,200); continue; } double mass, gamma, spin, I3, I, q, s, aq, as, c, ac, mc; in>>mass>>gamma>>spin>>I>>I3>>q>>s>>aq>>as>>c>>ac>>mc; number++; PRINT_DEBUG_2(number<<" "<SetName(str); tPartBuf->SetMass(mass); tPartBuf->SetGamma(gamma); tPartBuf->SetSpin(spin); tPartBuf->SetBarionN((int) ((q+s+c)/3. - (aq+as+ac)/3.) ); tPartBuf->SetCharmN((int) (c - ac)); tPartBuf->SetStrangeness((int) (as-s)); tPartBuf->SetI(I); tPartBuf->SetI3(I3); tPartBuf->SetPDGCode((int) mc); tPartBuf->SetNumber(number); tNum = mDB->AddParticleType(tPartBuf); } in.close(); } else { PRINT_MESSAGE("File "<<(mInputDir+"/"+"particles.data").Data()<<" containing particle data not found!"); PRINT_MESSAGE("Please set the correct path to this file in the input parameter file"); PRINT_MESSAGE("Aborting!"); exit(0); } ifstream in2((mInputDir+"/decays.data").Data()); if ((in2) && (in2.is_open())) { //START OF HEAD-LINE in2.ignore(200,'\n'); in2.ignore(200,'\n'); in2.ignore(200,'\n'); //END OF HEAD-LINE char tFather[20], tDaughter1[20], tDaughter2[20], tDaughter3[20]; double tBRatio, tRatio; int CGcoeff; // complete branching ratio by Clebsch-Gordan coefficient: 0-no 1-yes while (in2>>str) { if (*str == '#') { in2.getline(str1,200); continue; } in2>>tDaughter1>>tDaughter2>>tDaughter3; if (!mDB->ExistsParticleType(tDaughter1)) { PRINT_MESSAGE("Did not find the daughter 1 particle: " << tDaughter1); PRINT_MESSAGE("Not adding channel"); in2.getline(str1,200); continue; } if (!mDB->ExistsParticleType(tDaughter2)) { PRINT_MESSAGE("Did not find the daughter 2 particle: " << tDaughter2); PRINT_MESSAGE("Not adding channel"); in2.getline(str1,200); continue; } if ((*tDaughter3>65)&&(*tDaughter3<122)&&(!mDB->ExistsParticleType(tDaughter3))) { PRINT_MESSAGE("Did not find the daughter 3 particle: " << tDaughter3); PRINT_MESSAGE("Not adding channel"); in2.getline(str1,200); continue; } strcpy(tFather,str); PRINT_DEBUG_2(tFather<<"\t"<65)&&(*tDaughter3<122)) // check if first char is a letter - if yes then 3-body decay { in2>>tBRatio>>CGcoeff; PRINT_DEBUG_2(tDaughter3<<" (3-body decay)\t"); if (mDB->ExistsParticleType(tFather)) { mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->SetDecayChannelCount3(mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->GetDecayChannelCount3()+1); tRatio=tBRatio; DecayChannel *newChannel = new DecayChannel(tRatio, mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter1), mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter2), mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter3)); if (mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetMass() + mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetMass() + mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter3)->GetMass() < mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->GetMass()) (mDB->GetParticleType(tFather))->AddDecayChannel(*newChannel); delete newChannel; tRatio=tBRatio; PRINT_DEBUG_2(tBRatio << '\t' << tRatio); } else { PRINT_MESSAGE("Did not find the father particle: " << tFather); PRINT_MESSAGE("Not adding channel"); } } else // 2-body decay { tBRatio=atof(tDaughter3); in2>>CGcoeff; PRINT_DEBUG_2(" (2-body decay)\t"); if (mDB->ExistsParticleType(tFather)) { mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->SetDecayChannelCount2(mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->GetDecayChannelCount2()+1); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (CGcoeff) // complete branching ratio by Clebsch-Gordan coefficient { double j1, m1, j2, m2, J, M, CB; J=mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->GetI(); M=mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->GetI3(); j1=mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetI(); m1=mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetI3(); j2=mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetI(); m2=mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetI3(); PRINT_DEBUG_2(" "<GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetSpin() - mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetSpin()) < 0.01) && (fabs(mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetMass() - mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetMass()) < 0.01) && (mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetStrangeness() == mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetStrangeness()) && (fabs(mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetI3() - mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetI3()) > 0.01)) { PRINT_DEBUG_2("Multuplying Clebsch by two for " << tFather << "->" << tDaughter1 << "+" << tDaughter2); tRatio *= 2.0; } PRINT_DEBUG_2(CB << '\t' << tBRatio << '\t' << tRatio<<"\t"<GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter1), mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter2), -1); if (mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter1)->GetMass() + mDB->GetParticleType(tDaughter2)->GetMass() < mDB->GetParticleType(tFather)->GetMass()) { (mDB->GetParticleType(tFather))->AddDecayChannel(*newChannel); PRINT_DEBUG_2("Added channel " << newChannel << " " << mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tFather) << " " << mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter1) << " " << mDB->GetParticleTypeIndex(tDaughter2)); } else { PRINT_DEBUG_2("Masses do not match! Not adding channel " << newChannel); } } else { PRINT_MESSAGE("Did not find the father particle: " << tFather); PRINT_MESSAGE("Not adding channel"); } } } in2.close(); } else { PRINT_MESSAGE("File "<<(mInputDir+"/decays.data").Data()<<" with particle decay channels not found!"); PRINT_MESSAGE("No particle decays will be simulated"); } } double Parser::ClebschGordan(double aJot, double aEm, double aJot1, double aEm1, double aJot2, double aEm2) { int mint, maxt; double cgc = 0.0; int titer; double coef; maxt = lrint(aJot1 + aJot2 - aJot); mint = 0; if (lrint(aJot1 - aEm1) < maxt) maxt = lrint(aJot1 - aEm1); if (lrint(aJot2 + aEm2) < maxt) maxt = lrint(aJot2 + aEm2); if (lrint(-(aJot-aJot2+aEm1)) > mint) mint = lrint(-(aJot-aJot2+aEm1)); if (lrint(-(aJot-aJot1-aEm2)) > mint) mint = lrint(-(aJot-aJot1-aEm2)); PRINT_DEBUG_3("mint " << mint << " " << aJot1 << " " << aEm1); PRINT_DEBUG_3("maxt " << maxt << " " << aJot2 << " " << aEm2); for (titer = mint; titer<=maxt; titer ++) { coef = TMath::Power(-1, titer); PRINT_DEBUG_3("coef1 " << coef); coef *= TMath::Sqrt((2*aJot+1)* factorials[lrint(aJot1+aEm1)] * factorials[lrint(aJot1-aEm1)] * factorials[lrint(aJot2+aEm2)] * factorials[lrint(aJot2-aEm2)] * factorials[lrint(aJot+aEm)] * factorials[lrint(aJot-aEm)]); PRINT_DEBUG_3("coef2 " << coef); coef /= (factorials[titer] * factorials[lrint(aJot1+aJot2-aJot-titer)] * factorials[lrint(aJot1-aEm1-titer)] * factorials[lrint(aJot2+aEm2-titer)] * factorials[lrint(aJot-aJot2+aEm1+titer)] * factorials[lrint(aJot-aJot1-aEm2+titer)]); PRINT_DEBUG_3("coef3 " << coef); cgc += coef; } cgc *= DeltaJ(aJot1, aJot2, aJot); return cgc; } double Parser::DeltaJ(double aJot1, double aJot2, double aJot) { double res = TMath::Sqrt(1.0 * factorials[lrint(aJot1+aJot2-aJot)] * factorials[lrint(aJot1-aJot2+aJot)] * factorials[lrint(-aJot1+aJot2+aJot)] / factorials[lrint(aJot1+aJot2+aJot+1)]); return res; } void Parser::ReadParameters() { // Read the input directory try { mInputDir = sRPInstance->getPar("InputDirSHARE"); } catch (STR tError) { PRINT_DEBUG_1("Parser::ReadParameters - Caught exception " << tError); PRINT_MESSAGE("Did not find SHARE input file location."); PRINT_MESSAGE("Using default: '../share'"); mInputDir = "../share"; } }