/****************************************************************************** * T H E R M I N A T O R * * THERMal heavy-IoN generATOR * * version 1.0 * * * * Authors of the model: Wojciech Broniowski, Wojciech.Broniowski@ifj.edu.pl, * * Wojciech Florkowski, Wojciech.Florkowski@ifj.edu.pl * * Authors of the code: Adam Kisiel, kisiel@if.pw.edu.pl * * Tomasz Taluc, ttaluc@if.pw.edu.pl * * Code designers: Adam Kisiel, Tomasz Taluc, Wojciech Broniowski, * * Wojciech Florkowski * * * * For the detailed description of the program and furhter references * * to the description of the model plesase refer to: nucl-th/0504047, * * accessibile at: http://www.arxiv.org/nucl-th/0504047 * * * * Homepage: http://hirg.if.pw.edu.pl/en/therminator/ * * * * This code can be freely used and redistributed. However if you decide to * * make modifications to the code, please contact the authors, especially * * if you plan to publish the results obtained with such modified code. * * Any publication of results obtained using this code must include the * * reference to nucl-th/0504047 and the published version of it, when * * available. * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include "Particle.h" #include "ParticleType.h" #include #define FIELDWIDTH 15 Particle::Particle() { mPartType = 0; px = 0; py = 0; pz = 0; rx = 0; ry = 0; rz = 0; rt = 0; mDecayed = 0; mHasFather = -1; } Particle::Particle(double aRapidity, double aPt, double aPhip, double aAlfam, double aRho, double aPhis, double aTau, ParticleType *aType) { mPartType = aType; mDecayed = 0; mHasFather = -1; px = aPt*TMath::Cos(aPhip); py = aPt*TMath::Sin(aPhip); double tMt = TMath::Hypot(GetMass(),aPt); pz = tMt*TMath::SinH(aRapidity); rx = aRho*TMath::Cos(aPhis); ry = aRho*TMath::Sin(aPhis); // New method of calculating rz, rt rz = aTau*TMath::SinH(aAlfam); rt = aTau*TMath::CosH(aAlfam); } Particle::Particle(ParticleType *aType, double aPx, double aPy, double aPz, double aRx, double aRy, double aRz, double aTime) { mPartType = aType; mDecayed = 0; mHasFather = -1; px = aPx; py = aPy; pz = aPz; rx = aRx; ry = aRy; rz = aRz; rt = aTime; } Particle::Particle(const Particle& aParticle) { mPartType = aParticle.GetParticleType(); mDecayed = 0; mHasFather = aParticle.GetFather(); px = aParticle.px; py = aParticle.py; pz = aParticle.pz; rx = aParticle.rx; ry = aParticle.ry; rz = aParticle.rz; rt = aParticle.rt; } Particle::~Particle() { /* no-op */ } void Particle::WriteParticle(ostream *aOuts) { aOuts->flags(ios::left | ios::scientific); aOuts->width(10); (*aOuts) << mPartType->GetPDGCode(); aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << px; aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << py; aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << pz; aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << GetEnergy(); aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << GetMass(); aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << rx; aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << ry; aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << rz; aOuts->width(FIELDWIDTH); (*aOuts) << rt; // (*aOuts) << mPartType->GetCharge() << " "; // if (mHasFather>-1) (*aOuts) << mHasFather << " "; aOuts->width(6); (*aOuts) << (mHasFather); aOuts->width(2); (*aOuts) << (mDecayed); } double Particle::Pt() { return TMath::Hypot(px, py); } double Particle::Rapidity() { double tE = TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz+GetMass()*GetMass()); return 0.5*TMath::Log((tE-pz)/(tE+pz)); } ParticleType* Particle::GetParticleType() const { return mPartType; } int Particle::HadDecayed() { return mDecayed; } double Particle::GetMass() { return mPartType->GetMass(); } double Particle::GetEnergy() { return TMath::Sqrt(GetMass()*GetMass()+px*px+py*py+pz*pz); } double Particle::GetI3() { return mPartType->GetI3(); } double Particle::GetBarionN() { return mPartType->GetBarionN(); } double Particle::GetStrangeness() { return mPartType->GetStrangeness(); } void Particle::SetDecayed() { mDecayed = 1; } void Particle::SetFather(int aFather) { mHasFather = aFather; } int Particle::GetFather() const { return mHasFather; }