/****************************************************************************** * T H E R M I N A T O R * * THERMal heavy-IoN generATOR * * version 1.0 * * * * Authors of the model: Wojciech Broniowski, Wojciech.Broniowski@ifj.edu.pl, * * Wojciech Florkowski, Wojciech.Florkowski@ifj.edu.pl * * Authors of the code: Adam Kisiel, kisiel@if.pw.edu.pl * * Tomasz Taluc, ttaluc@if.pw.edu.pl * * Code designers: Adam Kisiel, Tomasz Taluc, Wojciech Broniowski, * * Wojciech Florkowski * * * * For the detailed description of the program and furhter references * * to the description of the model plesase refer to: nucl-th/0504047, * * accessibile at: http://www.arxiv.org/nucl-th/0504047 * * * * Homepage: http://hirg.if.pw.edu.pl/en/therminator/ * * * * This code can be freely used and redistributed. However if you decide to * * make modifications to the code, please contact the authors, especially * * if you plan to publish the results obtained with such modified code. * * Any publication of results obtained using this code must include the * * reference to nucl-th/0504047 and the published version of it, when * * available. * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include "ParticleType.h" #include "DecayTable.h" ParticleType::ParticleType() { mName = ""; mNumber=0; mMass=-1.; mStrangeness=-1; mBarionN=-1; mCharmN=-1; mSpin=-1.; mI=-1.; mI3=-1.; mGamma=-1.; mDecayChannelCount2=0; mDecayChannelCount3=0; mTable = new DecayTable(); mPDGCode = 0; mFMax = 0.0; } ParticleType::ParticleType(const ParticleType& aParticleType) { mName = aParticleType.GetName(); mNumber = aParticleType.GetNumber(); mMass = aParticleType.GetMass(); mStrangeness = aParticleType.GetStrangeness(); mBarionN=aParticleType.GetBarionN(); mCharmN=aParticleType.GetCharmN(); mSpin=aParticleType.GetSpin(); mI=aParticleType.GetI(); mI3=aParticleType.GetI3(); mGamma=aParticleType.GetGamma(); mDecayChannelCount2=aParticleType.GetDecayChannelCount2(); mDecayChannelCount3=aParticleType.GetDecayChannelCount3(); mPDGCode = aParticleType.GetPDGCode(); mFMax = aParticleType.GetFMax(); mTable = new DecayTable(*(aParticleType.GetTable())); } ParticleType::~ParticleType() { if (mTable) delete mTable; } void ParticleType::WriteParticle(int /*i*/) { mMass=-1; mStrangeness=-1; mBarionN=-1; mCharmN=-1; mSpin=-1; mName="1"; } int ParticleType::GetNumber() const { return mNumber; } float ParticleType::GetMass() const { return mMass; } int ParticleType::GetStrangeness() const { return mStrangeness; } int ParticleType::GetBarionN() const { return mBarionN; } int ParticleType::GetCharmN() const { return mCharmN; } float ParticleType::GetSpin() const { return mSpin; } float ParticleType::GetI() const { return mI; } float ParticleType::GetI3() const { return mI3; } float ParticleType::GetGamma() const { return mGamma; } std::string ParticleType::GetName() const { return mName; } int ParticleType::GetDecayChannelCount2() const { return mDecayChannelCount2; } int ParticleType::GetDecayChannelCount3() const { return mDecayChannelCount3; } int ParticleType::GetCharge() { return int(mI3+(mBarionN+mStrangeness)/2.); } /*MCH int() added */ int ParticleType::GetPDGCode() const { return mPDGCode; } void ParticleType::SetNumber(int aNumber) { mNumber = aNumber; } void ParticleType::SetMass(float aMass) { mMass = aMass; } void ParticleType::SetStrangeness(int aStrangeness) { mStrangeness = aStrangeness; } void ParticleType::SetBarionN(int aBarionN) { mBarionN = aBarionN; } void ParticleType::SetCharmN(int aCharmN) { mCharmN = aCharmN; } void ParticleType::SetSpin(float aSpin) { mSpin = aSpin; } void ParticleType::SetI(float aI) { mI = aI; } void ParticleType::SetI3(float aI3) { mI3 = aI3; } void ParticleType::SetGamma(float aGamma) { mGamma = aGamma; } void ParticleType::SetName(char *aName) { mName = aName; } void ParticleType::SetDecayChannelCount2(int aDCCount2) { mDecayChannelCount2 = aDCCount2; } void ParticleType::SetDecayChannelCount3(int aDCCount3) { mDecayChannelCount3 = aDCCount3; } void ParticleType::SetPDGCode(int aCode) { mPDGCode = aCode; } DecayTable* ParticleType::GetTable() const { if (mTable) return mTable; else return NULL; } void ParticleType::AddDecayChannel(DecayChannel aChannel) { if (!mTable) mTable = new DecayTable(); mTable->AddDecayChannel(aChannel); } float ParticleType::GetFMax() const { return mFMax; } void ParticleType::SetFMax(float aFMax) { mFMax = aFMax; }