///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // July 2008 BW mass is limited by "PYTHIA method", by I. Lokhtin and L. Malinina // // // // Nikolai Amelin, Ludmila Malinina, Timur Pocheptsov (C) JINR/Dubna // // amelin@sunhe.jinr.ru, malinina@sunhe.jinr.ru, pocheptsov@sunhe.jinr.ru // // November. 2, 2005 // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DatabasePDG.h" #include "ParticlePDG.h" #include "DecayChannel.h" #include "UKUtility.h" #include "Particle.h" #include "HYJET_COMMONS.h" #include "HadronDecayer.h" //calculates decay time in fm/c //calculates 1,2 and 3 body decays using std::cout; using std::endl; Double_t GetDecayTime(const Particle &parent, Double_t weakDecayLimit) { // // return a random decay time according to the particle's width // ParticlePDG *pDef = parent.Def(); Double_t width = pDef->GetWidth(); //GeV // if particle is set to be stable then return 0 if(pDef->GetStableStatus()) return 0.; if(width > weakDecayLimit && weakDecayLimit>=0.0) { const Double_t slope = parent.E() * 0.1973 / (pDef->GetMass() * width); return -slope * TMath::Log(gRandom->Rndm());//in fm/c } return 0.; } extern "C" void mydelta_(); extern SERVICEEVCommon SERVICEEV; void Decay(List_t &output, Particle &parent, ParticleAllocator &allocator, const DatabasePDG* database) { // // perform the decay // // Get the PDG properties of the particle ParticlePDG *pDef = parent.Def(); // Get the number of posible decay channels Int_t nDecayChannel = pDef->GetNDecayChannels(); // check the full branching of this specie Double_t fullBranching = pDef->GetFullBranching(); // Only 3 or less body decays // return if particle has no branching if(fullBranching < 0.00001) return; // get the PDG mass of the specie Double_t pdgMass = pDef->GetMass(); Int_t comprCodePyth=0; Float_t delta =0; Bool_t success = kFALSE; Int_t iterations = 0; // Try to decay the particle while(!success) { // std::cout << "HadronDecayer::Decay() iteration #" << iterations << std::endl; if(iterations>1000) { std::cout << "HadronDecayer::Decay() more than 1000 iterations to decay particle with code " << pDef->GetPDG() << std::endl; std::cout << " Will be left undecayed ... check it out!" << std::endl; return; } // get a random mass using the Breit Wigner distribution Double_t bwMass = gRandom->BreitWigner(pdgMass, pDef->GetWidth()); // bwMass = pdgMass; // Try to cut the Breit Wigner tail of the particle using the cuts from pythia // The delta variable is obtained from pythia based on the specie int encoding =pDef->GetPDG(); SERVICEEV.ipdg = encoding; mydelta_(); comprCodePyth=SERVICEEV.KC; delta = SERVICEEV.delta;// PYDAT2.PMAS[KC][3]; //if there are no such particle in PYTHIA particle table, we take delta=0.4 if(comprCodePyth==0){ bwMass=pdgMass; delta=0.0; } //bad delta - an exception if(comprCodePyth==254){ bwMass=pdgMass; delta=0.0; } // K0 decay into K0s or K0l if(TMath::Abs(encoding)==311) { bwMass=pdgMass; delta=0.0; } //for particles from PYTHIA table only, if the BW mass is outside the cut range then quit this iteration and generate another BW mass if(comprCodePyth!=0 && delta>0 && (bwMasspdgMass+delta)){ iterations++; continue; } // check how many decay channels are allowed with the generated mass Int_t nAllowedChannels = database->GetNAllowedChannels(pDef, bwMass); // if no decay channels are posible with this mass, then generate another BW mass if(nAllowedChannels==0) { iterations++; std::cout << "HadronDecayer::Decay() no decays allowed at this BW mass" << std::endl; continue; } std::vector apDaughter; std::vector dMass; //daughters'mass std::vector dMom; std::vector sm; std::vector rd; // we need to choose an allowed decay channel Double_t randValue = gRandom->Rndm() * fullBranching; Int_t chosenChannel = 1000; Bool_t found = kFALSE; Int_t channelIterations = 0; while(!found) { for(Int_t nChannel = 0; nChannel < nDecayChannel; nChannel++) { randValue -= pDef->GetDecayChannel(nChannel)->GetBranching(); if(randValue <= 0. && database->IsChannelAllowed(pDef->GetDecayChannel(nChannel), bwMass)) { chosenChannel = nChannel; found = kTRUE; break; } } channelIterations++; } // get the PDG information for the chosen decay channel DecayChannel *dc = pDef->GetDecayChannel(chosenChannel); Int_t nSec = dc->GetNDaughters(); // Adjust the parent momentum four-vector for the MC generated Breit-Wigner mass Particle parentBW(database->GetPDGParticle(parent.Encoding())); parentBW.Pos(parent.Pos()); Double_t bwEnergy = TMath::Sqrt(parent.Mom().X()*parent.Mom().X() + parent.Mom().Y()*parent.Mom().Y() + parent.Mom().Z()*parent.Mom().Z() + bwMass*bwMass); Int_t nb = (Int_t)parent.GetType(); //particle from jets TLorentzVector MomparentBW(parent.Mom().X(), parent.Mom().Y(), parent.Mom().Z(), bwEnergy); parentBW.Mom(MomparentBW); // take into account BW when calculating boost velocity (for wide resonances it matters) TVector3 velocityBW(parentBW.Mom().BoostVector()); // now we have an allowed decay // first case: one daughter particle if(nSec == 1) { // initialize the daughter particle Particle p1(database->GetPDGParticle(dc->GetDaughterPDG(0))); p1.Pos(parentBW.Pos()); p1.Mom(parent.Mom()); p1.SetLastMotherPdg(parentBW.Encoding()); p1.SetLastMotherDecayCoor(parentBW.Pos()); p1.SetLastMotherDecayMom(parentBW.Mom()); p1.SetType(nb); // add the daughter to the list of secondaries Int_t parentIndex = parent.GetIndex(); Int_t p1Index = p1.SetIndex(); // set the daughter index p1.SetMother(parentIndex); // set the mother index for this daughter parent.SetFirstDaughterIndex(p1Index); parent.SetLastDaughterIndex(p1Index); allocator.AddParticle(p1, output); success = kTRUE; } // second case: two daughter particles else if(nSec == 2) { // initialize the daughter particles Particle p1(database->GetPDGParticle(dc->GetDaughterPDG(0))); p1.Pos(parentBW.Pos()); Particle p2(database->GetPDGParticle(dc->GetDaughterPDG(1))); p2.Pos(parentBW.Pos()); // calculate the momenta in rest frame of mother for the two particles (theta and phi are isotropic) MomAntiMom(p1.Mom(), p1.TableMass(), p2.Mom(), p2.TableMass(), bwMass); // boost to the laboratory system (to the mother velocity) p1.Mom().Boost(velocityBW); p2.Mom().Boost(velocityBW); //store information about mother p1.SetLastMotherPdg(parentBW.Encoding()); p1.SetLastMotherDecayCoor(parentBW.Pos()); p1.SetLastMotherDecayMom(parentBW.Mom()); p2.SetLastMotherPdg(parentBW.Encoding()); p2.SetLastMotherDecayCoor(parentBW.Pos()); p2.SetLastMotherDecayMom(parentBW.Mom()); //set to daughters the same type as has mother p1.SetType(nb); p2.SetType(nb); // check the kinematics in the lab system Double_t deltaS = TMath::Sqrt((parentBW.Mom().X()-p1.Mom().X()-p2.Mom().X())*(parentBW.Mom().X()-p1.Mom().X()-p2.Mom().X())+ (parentBW.Mom().Y()-p1.Mom().Y()-p2.Mom().Y())*(parentBW.Mom().Y()-p1.Mom().Y()-p2.Mom().Y())+ (parentBW.Mom().Z()-p1.Mom().Z()-p2.Mom().Z())*(parentBW.Mom().Z()-p1.Mom().Z()-p2.Mom().Z())+ (parentBW.Mom().E()-p1.Mom().E()-p2.Mom().E())*(parentBW.Mom().E()-p1.Mom().E()-p2.Mom().E())); // if deltaS is too big then repeat the kinematic procedure if(deltaS>0.001) { iterations++; continue; } // push particles to the list of secondaries Int_t parentIndex = parent.GetIndex(); p1.SetIndex(); p2.SetIndex(); p1.SetMother(parentIndex); p2.SetMother(parentIndex); parent.SetFirstDaughterIndex(p1.GetIndex()); parent.SetLastDaughterIndex(p2.GetIndex()); allocator.AddParticle(p1, output); allocator.AddParticle(p2, output); success = kTRUE; } // third case: three daughter particle else if(nSec == 3) { // initialize the daughter particle Particle p1(database->GetPDGParticle(dc->GetDaughterPDG(0))); p1.Pos(parentBW.Pos()); Particle p2(database->GetPDGParticle(dc->GetDaughterPDG(1))); p2.Pos(parentBW.Pos()); Particle p3(database->GetPDGParticle(dc->GetDaughterPDG(2))); p3.Pos(parentBW.Pos()); // calculate the momenta in the rest frame of the mother particle Double_t pAbs1 = 0., pAbs2 = 0., pAbs3 = 0., sumPabs = 0., maxPabs = 0.; Double_t mass1 = p1.TableMass(), mass2 = p2.TableMass(), mass3 = p3.TableMass(); TLorentzVector &mom1 = p1.Mom(), &mom2 = p2.Mom(), &mom3 = p3.Mom(); Double_t deltaMass = bwMass - mass1 - mass2 - mass3; do { Double_t rd1 = gRandom->Rndm(); Double_t rd2 = gRandom->Rndm(); if (rd2 > rd1) std::swap(rd1, rd2); // 1 Double_t e = rd2*deltaMass; pAbs1 = TMath::Sqrt(e*e + 2*e*mass1); sumPabs = pAbs1; maxPabs = sumPabs; // 2 e = (1-rd1)*deltaMass; pAbs2 = TMath::Sqrt(e*e + 2*e*mass2); if(pAbs2 > maxPabs) maxPabs = pAbs2; sumPabs += pAbs2; // 3 e = (rd1-rd2)*deltaMass; pAbs3 = TMath::Sqrt(e*e + 2*e*mass3); if (pAbs3 > maxPabs) maxPabs = pAbs3; sumPabs += pAbs3; } while(maxPabs > sumPabs - maxPabs); // isotropic sample first particle 3-momentum Double_t cosTheta = 2*(gRandom->Rndm()) - 1; Double_t sinTheta = TMath::Sqrt(1 - cosTheta*cosTheta); Double_t phi = TMath::TwoPi()*(gRandom->Rndm()); Double_t sinPhi = TMath::Sin(phi); Double_t cosPhi = TMath::Cos(phi); mom1.SetPxPyPzE(sinTheta*cosPhi, sinTheta*sinPhi, cosTheta, 0); mom1 *= pAbs1; // sample rest particle 3-momentum Double_t cosThetaN = (pAbs2*pAbs2 - pAbs3*pAbs3 - pAbs1*pAbs1)/(2*pAbs1*pAbs3); Double_t sinThetaN = TMath::Sqrt(1 - cosThetaN*cosThetaN); Double_t phiN = TMath::TwoPi()*(gRandom->Rndm()); Double_t sinPhiN = TMath::Sin(phiN); Double_t cosPhiN = TMath::Cos(phiN); mom3.SetPxPyPzE(sinThetaN*cosPhiN*cosTheta*cosPhi - sinThetaN*sinPhiN*sinPhi + cosThetaN*sinTheta*cosPhi, sinThetaN*cosPhiN*cosTheta*sinPhi + sinThetaN*sinPhiN*cosPhi + cosThetaN*sinTheta*sinPhi, -sinThetaN*cosPhiN*sinTheta + cosThetaN*cosTheta, 0.); mom3 *= pAbs3*mom3.P(); mom2 = mom1; mom2 += mom3; mom2 *= -1.; // calculate energy mom1.SetE(TMath::Sqrt(mom1.P()*mom1.P() + mass1*mass1)); mom2.SetE(TMath::Sqrt(mom2.P()*mom2.P() + mass2*mass2)); mom3.SetE(TMath::Sqrt(mom3.P()*mom3.P() + mass3*mass3)); // boost to Lab system mom1.Boost(velocityBW); mom2.Boost(velocityBW); mom3.Boost(velocityBW); p1.SetLastMotherPdg(parentBW.Encoding()); p1.SetLastMotherDecayCoor(parentBW.Pos()); p1.SetLastMotherDecayMom(parentBW.Mom()); p2.SetLastMotherPdg(parentBW.Encoding()); p2.SetLastMotherDecayCoor(parentBW.Pos()); p2.SetLastMotherDecayMom(parentBW.Mom()); p3.SetLastMotherPdg(parentBW.Encoding()); p3.SetLastMotherDecayCoor(parentBW.Pos()); p3.SetLastMotherDecayMom(parentBW.Mom()); //set to daughters the same type as has mother p1.SetType(nb); p2.SetType(nb); p3.SetType(nb); // energy conservation check in the lab system Double_t deltaS = TMath::Sqrt((parentBW.Mom().X()-p1.Mom().X()-p2.Mom().X()-p3.Mom().X())*(parentBW.Mom().X()-p1.Mom().X()-p2.Mom().X()-p3.Mom().X()) + (parentBW.Mom().Y()-p1.Mom().Y()-p2.Mom().Y()-p3.Mom().Y())*(parentBW.Mom().Y()-p1.Mom().Y()-p2.Mom().Y()-p3.Mom().Y()) + (parentBW.Mom().Z()-p1.Mom().Z()-p2.Mom().Z()-p3.Mom().Z())*(parentBW.Mom().Z()-p1.Mom().Z()-p2.Mom().Z()-p3.Mom().Z()) + (parentBW.Mom().E()-p1.Mom().E()-p2.Mom().E()-p3.Mom().E())*(parentBW.Mom().E()-p1.Mom().E()-p2.Mom().E()-p3.Mom().E())); // if deltaS is too big then repeat the kinematic procedure if(deltaS>0.001) { // cout << "3-body decay kinematic check in lab system: " << pDef->GetPDG() << " --> " << p1.Encoding() << " + " << p2.Encoding() << " + " << p3.Encoding() << endl; // cout << "Mother (e,px,py,pz): " << parentBW.Mom().E() << "\t" << parentBW.Mom().X() << "\t" << parentBW.Mom().Y() << "\t" << parentBW.Mom().Z() << endl; // cout << "Daughter1 (e,px,py,pz): " << p1.Mom().E() << "\t" << p1.Mom().X() << "\t" << p1.Mom().Y() << "\t" << p1.Mom().Z() << endl; // cout << "Daughter2 (e,px,py,pz): " << p2.Mom().E() << "\t" << p2.Mom().X() << "\t" << p2.Mom().Y() << "\t" << p2.Mom().Z() << endl; // cout << "Daughter3 (e,px,py,pz): " << p3.Mom().E() << "\t" << p3.Mom().X() << "\t" << p3.Mom().Y() << "\t" << p3.Mom().Z() << endl; // cout << "3-body decay delta(sqrtS) = " << deltaS << endl; // cout << "Repeating the decay algorithm..." << endl; iterations++; continue; } Int_t parentIndex = parent.GetIndex(); p1.SetIndex(); p2.SetIndex(); p3.SetIndex(); p1.SetMother(parentIndex); p2.SetMother(parentIndex); p3.SetMother(parentIndex); parent.SetFirstDaughterIndex(p1.GetIndex()); parent.SetLastDaughterIndex(p3.GetIndex()); allocator.AddParticle(p1, output); allocator.AddParticle(p2, output); allocator.AddParticle(p3, output); success = kTRUE; } } return; }