//expanding localy equilibated fireball with volume hadron radiation //thermal part: Blast wave model, Bjorken-like parametrization //hyght-pt: PYTHIA + jet quenching model PYQUEN // // HYDJET++ // version 1.0: // InitialStateHydjet is the modified InitialStateBjorken // The high-pt part related with PYTHIA-PYQUEN is included // InitialStateBjorken (FASTMC) was used. // // // // InitialStateBjorken // version 2.0: // Ludmila Malinina malinina@lav01.sinp.msu.ru, SINP MSU/Moscow and JINR/Dubna // Ionut Arsene i.c.arsene@fys.uio.no, Oslo University // June 2007 // // version 1.0: // Nikolai Amelin, Ludmila Malinina, Timur Pocheptsov (C) JINR/Dubna // amelin@sunhe.jinr.ru, malinina@sunhe.jinr.ru, pocheptsov@sunhe.jinr.ru // November. 2, 2005 #include #include #include #include #include #include "InitialStateHydjet.h" #include "RandArrayFunction.h" #include "GrandCanonical.h" #include "StrangePotential.h" #include "Particle.h" #include "ParticlePDG.h" #include "HYJET_COMMONS.h" extern "C" void hyevnt_(); extern "C" void myini_(); extern HYIPARCommon HYIPAR; extern HYFPARCommon HYFPAR; extern HYJPARCommon HYJPAR; extern HYPARTCommon HYPART; extern SERVICECommon SERVICE; using std::cout; using std::endl; class ParticleAllocator; class TRandom3; // declaration of the static member fLastIndex Int_t Particle::fgLastIndex; //_________________________________________________________________________________ void InitialStateHydjet::Initialize(List_t &source, ParticleAllocator & allocator) { // Generate initial particles from the soft and hard components // Initialize the static "last index variable" Particle::InitIndexing(); //----- high-pt part------------------------------ TLorentzVector partJMom, partJPos, zeroVec; // run a HYDJET event hyevnt_(); fBgen = HYFPAR.bgen * HYIPAR.RA; fNpart = HYFPAR.npart; fNcoll = HYFPAR.nbcol; if(fParams.fNhsel != 0) { //get number of particles in jets Int_t numbJetPart = HYPART.njp; for(Int_t i = 0; i GetPDGParticle(pdg); Int_t type =1; //from jet if(partDef) { partJMom.SetXYZT(px, py, pz, e); partJPos.SetXYZT(vx, vy, vz, vt); Particle *particle=new Particle(partDef, partJPos, partJMom, 0, 0, type, -1, zeroVec, zeroVec); particle->SetIndex(); allocator.AddParticle(*particle, source); delete particle; } } } //nhsel !=0 not only hydro! //----------HYDRO part------------------------------------------------ if(fParams.fNhsel < 3) { const Double_t weightMax = 2*TMath::CosH(fParams.fUmax); const Int_t nBins = 100; Double_t probList[nBins]; RandArrayFunction arrayFunctDistE(nBins); RandArrayFunction arrayFunctDistR(nBins); TLorentzVector partPos, partMom, n1, p0; TVector3 vec3; //set maximal hadron energy const Double_t eMax = 5.; //------------------------------------- // get impact parameter //effective volume for central double dYl= 2 * fParams.fYlmax; //uniform distr. [-Ylmax; Ylmax] if(fParams.fEtaType >0) dYl = TMath::Sqrt(2 * TMath::Pi()) * fParams.fYlmax ; //Gaussian distr. Double_t volEffcent = 2 * TMath::Pi() * fParams.fTau * dYl * (fParams.fR * fParams.fR)/TMath::Power((fParams.fUmax),2)* ((fParams.fUmax)*TMath::SinH((fParams.fUmax))-TMath::CosH((fParams.fUmax))+ 1); //effective volume for non-central Simpson2 Double_t volEffnoncent = fParams.fTau * dYl * SimpsonIntegrator2(0., 2.*TMath::Pi()); fVolEff = volEffcent * HYFPAR.npart/HYFPAR.npart0; Double_t coeffRB = TMath::Sqrt(volEffcent * HYFPAR.npart/HYFPAR.npart0/volEffnoncent); Double_t coeffR1 = HYFPAR.npart/HYFPAR.npart0; coeffR1 = TMath::Power(coeffR1, 0.333333); double veff=fVolEff; //------------------------------------ //cycle on particles types for(Int_t i = 0; i < fParams.fNPartTypes; ++i) { Double_t mparam = fParams.fPartMult[2 * i] * veff; Int_t multiplicity = gRandom->Poisson(mparam); const Int_t encoding = fParams.fPartEnc[i]; if(multiplicity > 0) { ParticlePDG *partDef = fDatabase->GetPDGParticle(encoding); if(!partDef) { Error("InitialStateHydjet::Initialize", "No particle with encoding %d", encoding); continue; } //no charm now ! if(TMath::Abs(partDef->GetCharmQNumber())>0 || TMath::Abs(partDef->GetCharmAQNumber())>0){ continue; } //compute chemical potential for single f.o. mu==mu_ch //compute chemical potential for thermal f.o. Double_t mu = fParams.fPartMu[2 * i]; //choose Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac statistics const Double_t d = !(Int_t(2*partDef->GetSpin()) & 1) ? -1 : 1; const Double_t mass = partDef->GetMass(); //prepare histogram to sample hadron energy: Double_t h = (eMax - mass) / nBins; Double_t x = mass + 0.5 * h; Int_t ii; for(ii = 0; ii < nBins; ++ii) { if(x>=mu && fParams.fThFO>0)probList[ii] = x * TMath::Sqrt(x * x - mass * mass) / (TMath::Exp((x - mu) / (fParams.fThFO)) + d); if(x>=mu && fParams.fThFO<=0)probList[ii] = x * TMath::Sqrt(x * x - mass * mass) / (TMath::Exp((x - mu) / (fParams.fT)) + d); if(xRndm() - 1.) : etaF = (fParams.fYlmax) * (gRandom->Gaus()); n1.SetXYZT(0.,0.,TMath::SinH(etaF),TMath::CosH(etaF)); if(TMath::Abs(etaF)>5.)continue; rB = fParams.fR * coeffRB * coeffR1; Double_t rho = TMath::Sqrt(gRandom->Rndm()); Double_t phi = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm(); Double_t rx = TMath::Sqrt(1-fParams.fEpsilon)*rB; Double_t ry = TMath::Sqrt(1+fParams.fEpsilon)*rB; x0 = rx * rho * TMath::Cos(phi); y0 = ry * rho * TMath::Sin(phi); r = TMath::Sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0); phiF = TMath::Abs(TMath::ATan(y0/x0)); if(x0<0&&y0>0)phiF = TMath::Pi()-phiF; if(x0<0&&y0<0)phiF = TMath::Pi()+phiF; if(x0>0&&y0<0)phiF = 2.*TMath::Pi()-phiF; //proper time with emission duration Double_t tau = coeffR1 * fParams.fTau + sqrt(2.) * fParams.fSigmaTau * coeffR1 * (gRandom->Gaus()); z0 = tau * TMath::SinH(etaF); t0 = tau * TMath::CosH(etaF); Double_t rhou = fParams.fUmax * r / rB; Double_t uxf = TMath::SinH(rhou)*TMath::Sqrt(1+fParams.fDelta)*TMath::Cos(phiF); Double_t uyf = TMath::SinH(rhou)*TMath::Sqrt(1-fParams.fDelta)*TMath::Sin(phiF); Double_t utf = TMath::CosH(etaF) * TMath::CosH(rhou) * TMath::Sqrt(1+fParams.fDelta*TMath::Cos(2*phiF)*TMath::TanH(rhou)*TMath::TanH(rhou)); Double_t uzf = TMath::SinH(etaF) * TMath::CosH(rhou) * TMath::Sqrt(1+fParams.fDelta*TMath::Cos(2*phiF)*TMath::TanH(rhou)*TMath::TanH(rhou)); vec3.SetXYZ(uxf / utf, uyf / utf, uzf / utf); n1.Boost(-vec3); yy = weightMax * gRandom->Rndm(); Double_t php0 = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm(); Double_t ctp0 = 2. * gRandom->Rndm() - 1.; Double_t stp0 = TMath::Sqrt((1.-ctp0)*(1.+ctp0)); e = mass + (eMax - mass) * arrayFunctDistE(); Double_t pp0 = TMath::Sqrt((e-mass)*(e+mass)); px0 = pp0 * stp0 * TMath::Sin(php0); py0 = pp0 * stp0 * TMath::Cos(php0); pz0 = pp0 * ctp0; p0.SetXYZT(px0, py0, pz0, e); //weight for rdr weight = (n1 * p0) /e; // weight for rdr gammar: weight = (n1 * p0) / n1[3] / e; } while(yy >= weight); partMom.SetXYZT(px0, py0, pz0, e); partPos.SetXYZT(x0, y0, z0, t0); partMom.Boost(vec3); Int_t type =0; //hydro Particle *particle=new Particle(partDef, partPos, partMom, 0., 0, type, -1, zeroVec, zeroVec); particle->SetIndex(); allocator.AddParticle(*particle, source); delete particle; } //nhsel==4 , no hydro part } } } } //_________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t InitialStateHydjet::ReadParams() { // Read parameters from an input file in ascii Float_t par[200] = {0.}; Int_t i = 0; std::string s(40,' '); std::ifstream input("RunInputHydjet"); if (!input) { Error("Ukm::ReadParams", "Cannot open RunInputHydjet"); return kFALSE; } while (std::getline(input, s)) { input>>par[i]; if (i < 140) std::cout<=0: decays on, (default: 0) fParams.fWeakDecay = Int_t(par[22]); //flag to switch on/off weak hadron decays <0: decays off, >0: decays on, (default: 0) fParams.fEtaType = Int_t(par[23]); // flag to choose rapidity distribution, if fEtaType<=0, //then uniform rapidity distribution in [-fYlmax,fYlmax] if fEtaType>0, //then Gaussian with dispertion = fYlmax fParams.fTMuType = Int_t(par[24]); // flag to use calculated chemical freeze-out temperature, //baryon potential and strangeness potential as a function of fSqrtS fParams.fCorrS = par[25]; // flag and value to include strangeness supression factor fParams.fNhsel = Int_t(par[26]); //flag to switch on/off jet and hydro-state production (0: jet // production off and hydro on, 1: jet production on and jet quenching // off and hydro on, 2: jet production on and jet quenching on and // hydro on, 3: jet production on and jet quenching off and hydro // off, 4: jet production on and jet quenching on and hydro off fParams.fIshad= Int_t(par[27]); //flag to switch on/off impact parameter dependent nuclear // shadowing for gluons and light sea quarks (u,d,s) (0: shadowing off, // 1: shadowing on for fAw=207, 197, 110, 40, default: 1 fParams.fPtmin = par[28]; //minimal transverse momentum transfer p_T of hard // parton-parton scatterings in GeV (the PYTHIA parameter ckin(3)=fPtmin) // PYQUEN energy loss model parameters: fParams.fT0 = par[29]; // initial temperature (in GeV) of QGP for //central Pb+Pb collisions at mid-rapidity (initial temperature for other //centralities and atomic numbers will be calculated automatically) (allowed range is 0.2SetSeed(fParams.fSeed); //Set 0 to use the current time //to send seed in PYTHIA SERVICE.iseed_fromC=gRandom->GetSeed(); std::cout<<"Seed for random number generation= "<GetSeed()<0 && fParams.fSqrtS > 2.24) { if(fParams.fSqrtS < 2.24){ Error("InitialStateHydjet::MultIni", "SqrtS<2.24 not allowed with fParams.fTMuType>0"); return 0; } //sqrt(s) = 2.24 ==> T_kin = 0.8 GeV //see J. Cleymans, H. Oeschler, K. Redlich,S. Wheaton, Phys Rev. C73 034905 (2006) fParams.fMuB = 1.308/(1. + fParams.fSqrtS*0.273); fParams.fT = 0.166 - 0.139*fParams.fMuB*fParams.fMuB - 0.053*fParams.fMuB*fParams.fMuB* fParams.fMuB*fParams.fMuB; fParams.fMuI3 = 0.; fParams.fMuS = 0.; //create strange potential object and set strangeness density 0 StrangePotential psp(0., fDatabase); psp.SetBaryonPotential(fParams.fMuB); psp.SetTemperature(fParams.fT); //compute strangeness potential if(fParams.fMuB > 0.01) fParams.fMuS = psp.CalculateStrangePotential(); //if user choose fYlmax larger then allowed by kinematics at the specified beam energy sqrt(s) if(fParams.fYlmax > TMath::Log(fParams.fSqrtS/0.94)){ Error("InitialStateHydjet::MultIni", "fParams.fYlmax > TMath::Log(fParams.fSqrtS/0.94)!!! "); return 0; } if(fParams.fCorrS <= 0.) { //see F. Becattini, J. Mannien, M. Gazdzicki, Phys Rev. C73 044905 (2006) fParams.fCorrS = 1. - 0.386* TMath::Exp(-1.23*fParams.fT/fParams.fMuB); } std::cout<<"The phenomenological f-la J. Cleymans et al. PRC73 034905 (2006) for Tch mu_B was used." << std::endl; std::cout<<"The simulation will be done with the calculated parameters:" << std::endl; std::cout<<"Baryon chemical potential = "< 1000) Error("in Bool_t MultIni:", "fNPartTypes is too large %d", fParams.fNPartTypes); } } return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t InitialStateHydjet::SimpsonIntegrator2(Double_t a, Double_t b) { // Simpson integration Int_t nsubIntervals=10000; Double_t h = (b - a)/nsubIntervals; //0-pi, phi Double_t s=0; Double_t x = 0; //phi for(Int_t j = 1; j < nsubIntervals; j++) { x += h; // phi Double_t e = fParams.fEpsilon; Double_t rSB = fParams.fR; //test: podstavit' *coefff_RB Double_t rB = rSB *(TMath::Sqrt(1-e*e)/TMath::Sqrt(1+e*TMath::Cos(2*x))); //f-la7 rB Double_t sr = SimpsonIntegrator(0,rB,x); s += sr; } return s*h; } //_________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t InitialStateHydjet::SimpsonIntegrator(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t phi) { // Simpson integration Int_t nsubIntervals=100; Double_t h = (b - a)/nsubIntervals; Double_t s = F2(phi,a + 0.5*h); Double_t t = 0.5*(F2(phi,a) + F2(phi,b)); Double_t x = a; Double_t y = a + 0.5*h; for(Int_t i = 1; i < nsubIntervals; i++) { x += h; y += h; s += F2(phi,y); t += F2(phi,x); } t += 2.0*s; return t*h/3.0; } //f2=f(phi,r) //_________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t InitialStateHydjet::F2(Double_t x, Double_t y) { // formula Double_t rSB = fParams.fR; //test: podstavit' *coefff_RB Double_t rhou = fParams.fUmax * y / rSB; Double_t ff = y*TMath::CosH(rhou)* TMath::Sqrt(1+fParams.fDelta*TMath::Cos(2*x)*TMath::TanH(rhou)*TMath::TanH(rhou)); //n_mu u^mu f-la 20 return ff; } //_________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t InitialStateHydjet::MidpointIntegrator2(Double_t a, Double_t b) { // Perform integration through the mid-point method Int_t nsubIntervals=2000; Int_t nsubIntervals2=1; Double_t h = (b - a)/nsubIntervals; //0-pi , phi Double_t h2 = (fParams.fR)/nsubIntervals; //0-R maximal rB ? Double_t x = a + 0.5*h; Double_t y = 0; Double_t t = F2(x,y); Double_t e = fParams.fEpsilon; for(Int_t j = 1; j < nsubIntervals; j++) { x += h; // integr phi Double_t rSB = fParams.fR; //test: podstavit' *coefff_RB Double_t rB = rSB *(TMath::Sqrt(1-e*e)/TMath::Sqrt(1+e*TMath::Cos(2*x))); //f-la7 rB nsubIntervals2 = Int_t(rB / h2)+1; // integr R y=0; for(Int_t i = 1; i < nsubIntervals2; i++) t += F2(x,(y += h2)); } return t*h*h2; }