// // Copyright : The FASTMC and SPHMC Collaboration // Author : Ionut Cristian Arsene // Affiliation : Oslo University, Norway & Institute for Space Sciences, Bucharest, Romania // e-mail : i.c.arsene@fys.uio.no // Date : 2007/05/30 // // This class is using the particle and decay lists provided by the // THERMINATOR (Computer Physics Communications 174 669 (2006)) and // SHARE (Computer Physics Communications 167 229 (2005)) collaborations. // #include #include using namespace std; #include "ParticlePDG.h" //________________________________________________________________________ ParticlePDG::ParticlePDG() : fPDG(kNonsensePDG), fMass(-1.0), fWidth(0.0), fSpin(0.0), fIsospin(0.0), fIsospinZ(0.0), fLightQuarkNumber(0.0), fAntiLightQuarkNumber(0.0), fStrangeQuarkNumber(0.0), fAntiStrangeQuarkNumber(0.0), fCharmQuarkNumber(0.0), fAntiCharmQuarkNumber(0.0), fNDecayChannels(0), fStable(0.0) { // // default constructor // memset(fName,'a',9); for(Int_t i=0; iGetBranching(); return fullBranching; } //________________________________________________________________________ void ParticlePDG::AddChannel(DecayChannel* channel) { // // add a decay channel // if(channel->GetMotherPDG() != fPDG) { cout << "ERROR in ParticlePDG::AddChannel() : You try to add a channel which has a different mother PDG" << endl; return; } fDecayChannels[fNDecayChannels]->SetMotherPDG(channel->GetMotherPDG()); fDecayChannels[fNDecayChannels]->SetBranching(channel->GetBranching()); fDecayChannels[fNDecayChannels]->SetDaughters(channel->GetDaughters(), channel->GetNDaughters()); fNDecayChannels++; }