#ifndef PARTICLEPDG_H #define PARTICLEPDG_H /* Copyright : The FASTMC and SPHMC Collaboration Author : Ionut Cristian Arsene Affiliation : Oslo University, Norway & Institute for Space Sciences, Bucharest, Romania e-mail : i.c.arsene@fys.uio.no Date : 2007/05/30 This class is using the particle and decay lists provided by the THERMINATOR (Computer Physics Communications 174 669 (2006)) and SHARE (Computer Physics Communications 167 229 (2005)) collaborations. */ #include "Rtypes.h" #ifndef DECAY_CHANNEL #include "DecayChannel.h" #endif const Int_t kMaxDecayChannels = 100; class ParticlePDG { public: ParticlePDG(); ParticlePDG(const Char_t * const name, Int_t pdg, Double_t mass, Double_t width); ~ParticlePDG(); void AddChannel(DecayChannel* channel); void SetName(const Char_t * const name) { for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) if(*(name+i) != '\0') fName[i] = *(name+i); else break; } void SetPDG(Int_t value) {fPDG = value;} void SetMass(Double_t value) {fMass = value;} void SetWidth(Double_t value) {fWidth = value;} void SetSpin(Double_t value) {fSpin = value;} void SetIsospin(Double_t value) {fIsospin = value;} void SetIsospinZ(Double_t value) {fIsospinZ = value;} void SetLightQNumber(Double_t value) {fLightQuarkNumber = value;} void SetLightAQNumber(Double_t value) {fAntiLightQuarkNumber = value;} void SetStrangeQNumber(Double_t value) {fStrangeQuarkNumber = value;} void SetStrangeAQNumber(Double_t value) {fAntiStrangeQuarkNumber = value;} void SetCharmQNumber(Double_t value) {fCharmQuarkNumber = value;} void SetCharmAQNumber(Double_t value) {fAntiCharmQuarkNumber = value;} void SetStable(Bool_t value) {fStable = value;} const Char_t* GetName() const {return fName;} Int_t GetPDG() const {return fPDG;} Double_t GetMass() const {return fMass;} Double_t GetWidth() const {return fWidth;} Int_t GetNDecayChannels() const {return fNDecayChannels;} Double_t GetSpin() const {return fSpin;} Double_t GetIsospin() const {return fIsospin;} Double_t GetIsospinZ() const {return fIsospinZ;} Double_t GetLightQNumber() const {return fLightQuarkNumber;} Double_t GetLightAQNumber() const {return fAntiLightQuarkNumber;} Double_t GetStrangeQNumber() const {return fStrangeQuarkNumber;} Double_t GetStrangeAQNumber() const {return fAntiStrangeQuarkNumber;} Double_t GetCharmQNumber() const {return fCharmQuarkNumber;} Double_t GetCharmAQNumber() const {return fAntiCharmQuarkNumber;} Double_t GetBaryonNumber() const {return (fLightQuarkNumber + fStrangeQuarkNumber + fCharmQuarkNumber - fAntiLightQuarkNumber - fAntiStrangeQuarkNumber - fAntiCharmQuarkNumber)/3.;} Double_t GetStrangeness() const {return (fAntiStrangeQuarkNumber - fStrangeQuarkNumber);} Double_t GetCharmness() const {return (fCharmQuarkNumber - fAntiCharmQuarkNumber);} Double_t GetElectricCharge() const {return fIsospinZ + (GetBaryonNumber()+GetStrangeness()+GetCharmness())/2.;} Bool_t GetStableStatus() const { return fStable; } Double_t GetFullBranching(); DecayChannel* GetDecayChannel(Int_t i) const { if(0<=i && i