/* Nikolai Amelin, Ludmila Malinina, Timur Pocheptsov (C) JINR/Dubna amelin@sunhe.jinr.ru, malinina@sunhe.jinr.ru, pocheptsov@sunhe.jinr.ru November. 2, 2005 */ //This class is taken from the GEANT4 tool kit and changed!!!!! //======================================================================================== //RandArrayFunction defines several methods for shooting generally distributed random values, //given a user-defined probability distribution function. //The probability distribution function Pdf must be provided by the user as an array of //positive real numbers. The array size must also be provided. Pdf doesn't need to be //normalized to 1. // if IntType = 0 ( default value ) a uniform random number is // generated using the StandardRand() engine. The uniform number is then transformed // to the user's distribution using the cumulative probability // distribution constructed from his histogram. The cumulative // distribution is inverted using a binary search for the nearest // bin boundary and a linear interpolation within the // bin. RandArrayFunction therefore generates a constant density within // each bin. // if IntType = 1 no interpolation is performed and the result is a // discrete distribution. //A speculate set of Shoot()/ShootArray() and Fire()/FireArray() methods is provided //to Shoot random numbers via an instantiated RandArrayFunction object. These methods //act directly on the flat distribution provided by a StandardRand() engine. //An Operator () is also provided. // example. // ... // Double_t* Pdf; // Int_t fNBins; // ... // RandArrayFunction FunctDist(Pdf,fNBins); // ... // Double_t num = FunctDist.Shoot();//Shoot() provides the same functionality as Fire() // example. // ... // Double_t* Pdf; // Int_t fNBins; // ... // RandArrayFunction FunctDist(Pdf,fNBins); // ... // Double_t num = FunctDist(); // example. // ... // Double_t* Pdf; // Int_t fNBins; // ... // RandArrayFunction FunctDist(Pdf,fNBins); // ... // Int_t size = 50; // Double_t* vect = new Double_t[size]; // FunctDist.FireArray (size, vect); //======================================================================================== #ifndef RANDARRAYFUNCTION_H #define RANDARRAYFUNCTION_H #include #include class RandArrayFunction { public: RandArrayFunction(const Double_t *aProbFunc, Int_t theProbSize, Int_t interpolationType = 0); RandArrayFunction(Int_t probSize, Int_t interpolationType = 0); Double_t Shoot()const; Double_t Fire()const; Double_t operator()()const; void ShootArray(Int_t size, Double_t *array)const; void FireArray(Int_t size, Double_t *array)const; void PrepareTable(const Double_t *aProbFunc); private: void UseFlatDistribution(); Double_t MapRandom(Double_t rand)const; Double_t StandardRand()const; std::vector fIntegralPdf; // Int_t fNBins; // Double_t fOneOverNbins; // Int_t fInterpolationType; // }; inline Double_t RandArrayFunction::StandardRand() const { return gRandom->Rndm(); } inline Double_t RandArrayFunction::Fire() const { return MapRandom(StandardRand()); } inline Double_t RandArrayFunction::Shoot() const { return Fire(); } inline Double_t RandArrayFunction::operator()() const { return Fire(); } inline void RandArrayFunction::ShootArray(Int_t size, Double_t *array) const { FireArray(size, array); } #endif