/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // V-Zero Detector // // This class contains the base procedures for the VZERO detector // // Default geometry of November 2003 : V0R box is 4.4 cm thick // // scintillators are 2 cm thick // // All comments should be sent to Brigitte CHEYNIS : // // b.cheynis@ipnl.in2p3.fr // // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- Standard libraries --- #include #include // --- ROOT libraries --- #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TNetFile.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TBranch.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TParameter.h" #include "TF1.h" // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliVZERO.h" #include "AliVZEROLoader.h" #include "AliVZERODigitizer.h" #include "AliVZEROBuffer.h" #include "AliRunDigitizer.h" #include "AliVZEROdigit.h" #include "AliVZEROSDigit.h" #include "AliDAQ.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliVZERORawStream.h" #include "AliVZEROCalibData.h" #include "AliVZERORecoParam.h" #include "AliVZEROReconstructor.h" ClassImp(AliVZERO) //__________________________________________________________________ AliVZERO::AliVZERO(): AliDetector(), fIdSens1(0), fThickness(0.), fThickness1(0.), fMaxStepQua(0.), fMaxStepAlu(0.), fMaxDestepQua(0.), fMaxDestepAlu(0.), fCalibData(NULL), fTimeSlewing(NULL), fSignalShape(NULL), fRecoParam(NULL) { /// Default Constructor AliDebug(1,Form("default (empty) ctor this=%p",this)); fIshunt = 0; for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < 64; ++i) { fNBins[i] = 0; fBinSize[i] = 0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliVZERO::AliVZERO(const char *name, const char *title) : AliDetector(name,title), fIdSens1(0), fThickness(4.4), fThickness1(2.0), fMaxStepQua(0.05), fMaxStepAlu(0.01), fMaxDestepQua(-1.0), fMaxDestepAlu(-1.0), fCalibData(NULL), fTimeSlewing(NULL), fSignalShape(NULL), fRecoParam(NULL) { // Standard constructor for VZERO Detector AliDebug(1,Form("ctor this=%p",this)); // fIshunt = 1; // All hits are associated with primary particles fHits = new TClonesArray("AliVZEROhit", 400); fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliVZEROdigit",400); gAlice->GetMCApp()->AddHitList(fHits); // fThickness = 4.4; // total thickness of the V0R box in cm // fThickness1 = 2.0; // thickness of scintillating cells in cm // // fMaxStepQua = 0.05; // fMaxStepAlu = 0.01; // // fMaxDestepQua = -1.0; // fMaxDestepAlu = -1.0; for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < 64; ++i) { fNBins[i] = 0; fBinSize[i] = 0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliVZERO::~AliVZERO() { // // Default destructor for VZERO Detector // if (fHits) { fHits->Delete(); delete fHits; fHits=0; } if (fDigits) { fDigits->Delete(); delete fDigits; fDigits=0; } if (fSignalShape) { delete fSignalShape; fSignalShape = NULL; } if (fRecoParam) { delete fRecoParam; fRecoParam = NULL; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::CreateGeometry() { // // Builds simple Geant3 geometry // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::CreateMaterials() { // // Creates materials used for Geant3 geometry // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::Init() { // // Initialises the VZERO class after it has been built // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::SetMaxStepQua(Float_t p1) { // // Possible parametrisation of steps in active materials // fMaxStepQua = p1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::SetMaxStepAlu(Float_t p1) { // // Possible parametrisation of steps in Aluminum foils (not used in // version v2) // fMaxStepAlu = p1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::SetMaxDestepQua(Float_t p1) { // // Possible parametrisation of steps in active materials (quartz) // fMaxDestepQua = p1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::SetMaxDestepAlu(Float_t p1) { // // Possible parametrisation of steps in Aluminum (not used in // version v2) // fMaxDestepAlu = p1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliLoader* AliVZERO::MakeLoader(const char* topfoldername) { // // Builds VZEROgetter (AliLoader type) // if detector wants to use customized getter, it must overload this method // // Info("MakeLoader","Creating AliVZEROLoader. Top folder is %s.",topfoldername); AliDebug(1,Form("Creating AliVZEROLoader, Top folder is %s ",topfoldername)); fLoader = new AliVZEROLoader(GetName(),topfoldername); return fLoader; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::SetTreeAddress() { // // Sets tree address for hits. // if (fLoader->TreeH() && (fHits == 0x0)) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliVZEROhit", 400); AliDetector::SetTreeAddress(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliDigitizer* AliVZERO::CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const { // // Creates a digitizer for VZERO // return new AliVZERODigitizer(manager); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::Hits2Digits(){ // // Converts hits to digits // // Creates the VZERO digitizer AliVZERODigitizer* dig = new AliVZERODigitizer(this,AliVZERODigitizer::kHits2Digits); // Creates the digits dig->Exec(""); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::Hits2SDigits(){ // // Converts hits to summable digits // // Creates the VZERO digitizer AliVZERODigitizer* dig = new AliVZERODigitizer(this,AliVZERODigitizer::kHits2SDigits); // Creates the sdigits dig->Exec(""); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::Digits2Raw() { // // Converts digits of the current event to raw data // AliVZERO *fVZERO = (AliVZERO*)gAlice->GetDetector("VZERO"); fLoader->LoadDigits(); TTree* digits = fLoader->TreeD(); if (!digits) { Error("Digits2Raw", "no digits tree"); return; } TClonesArray * VZEROdigits = new TClonesArray("AliVZEROdigit",1000); fVZERO->SetTreeAddress(); digits->GetBranch("VZERODigit")->SetAddress(&VZEROdigits); const char *fileName = AliDAQ::DdlFileName("VZERO",0); AliVZEROBuffer* buffer = new AliVZEROBuffer(fileName); // Get Trigger information first // Read trigger inputs from trigger-detector object AliDataLoader * dataLoader = fLoader->GetDigitsDataLoader(); if( !dataLoader->IsFileOpen() ) dataLoader->OpenFile( "READ" ); AliTriggerDetector* trgdet = (AliTriggerDetector*)dataLoader->GetDirectory()->Get( "Trigger" ); UInt_t triggerInfo = 0; if(trgdet) { triggerInfo = trgdet->GetMask() & 0xffff; } else { AliError(Form("There is no trigger object for %s",fLoader->GetName())); } buffer->WriteTriggerInfo((UInt_t)triggerInfo); buffer->WriteTriggerScalers(); buffer->WriteBunchNumbers(); Int_t aBBflagsV0A = 0; Int_t aBBflagsV0C = 0; Int_t aBGflagsV0A = 0; Int_t aBGflagsV0C = 0; if (digits->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("BBflagsV0A")) { aBBflagsV0A = ((TParameter*)digits->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("BBflagsV0A"))->GetVal(); } else AliWarning("V0A beam-beam flags not found in digits tree UserInfo! The flags will not be written to the raw-data stream!"); if (digits->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("BBflagsV0C")) { aBBflagsV0C = ((TParameter*)digits->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("BBflagsV0C"))->GetVal(); } else AliWarning("V0C beam-beam flags not found in digits tree UserInfo! The flags will not be written to the raw-data stream!"); if (digits->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("BGflagsV0A")) { aBGflagsV0A = ((TParameter*)digits->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("BGflagsV0A"))->GetVal(); } else AliWarning("V0A beam-gas flags not found in digits tree UserInfo! The flags will not be written to the raw-data stream!"); if (digits->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("BGflagsV0C")) { aBGflagsV0C = ((TParameter*)digits->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("BGflagsV0C"))->GetVal(); } else AliWarning("V0C beam-gas flags not found in digits tree UserInfo! The flags will not be written to the raw-data stream!"); // Now retrieve the channel information: charge smaples + time and // dump it into ADC and Time arrays Int_t nEntries = Int_t(digits->GetEntries()); Short_t aADC[64][AliVZEROdigit::kNClocks]; Float_t aTime[64]; Float_t aWidth[64]; Bool_t aIntegrator[64]; Bool_t aBBflag[64]; Bool_t aBGflag[64]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { fVZERO->ResetDigits(); digits->GetEvent(i); Int_t ndig = VZEROdigits->GetEntriesFast(); if(ndig == 0) continue; for(Int_t k=0; kAt(k); // Convert aliroot channel k into FEE channel iChannel before writing data Int_t iChannel = AliVZEROCalibData::GetBoardNumber(fVZERODigit->PMNumber()) * 8 + AliVZEROCalibData::GetFEEChannelNumber(fVZERODigit->PMNumber()); for(Int_t iClock = 0; iClock < AliVZEROdigit::kNClocks; ++iClock) aADC[iChannel][iClock] = fVZERODigit->ChargeADC(iClock); aTime[iChannel] = fVZERODigit->Time(); aWidth[iChannel] = fVZERODigit->Width(); aIntegrator[iChannel]= fVZERODigit->Integrator(); if(fVZERODigit->PMNumber() < 32) { aBBflag[iChannel] = (aBBflagsV0C >> fVZERODigit->PMNumber()) & 0x1; aBGflag[iChannel] = (aBGflagsV0C >> fVZERODigit->PMNumber()) & 0x1; } else { aBBflag[iChannel] = (aBBflagsV0A >> (fVZERODigit->PMNumber()-32)) & 0x1; aBGflag[iChannel] = (aBGflagsV0A >> (fVZERODigit->PMNumber()-32)) & 0x1; } AliDebug(1,Form("DDL: %s\tdigit number: %d\tPM number: %d\tADC: %d\tTime: %f", fileName,k,fVZERODigit->PMNumber(),aADC[iChannel][AliVZEROdigit::kNClocks/2],aTime[iChannel])); } } // Now fill raw data for (Int_t iCIU = 0; iCIU < 8; iCIU++) { // decoding of one Channel Interface Unit numbered iCIU - there are 8 channels per CIU (and 8 CIUs) : for(Int_t iChannel_Offset = iCIU*8; iChannel_Offset < (iCIU*8)+8; iChannel_Offset=iChannel_Offset+4) { for(Int_t iChannel = iChannel_Offset; iChannel < iChannel_Offset+4; iChannel++) { buffer->WriteChannel(iChannel, aADC[iChannel], aIntegrator[iChannel]); } buffer->WriteBeamFlags(&aBBflag[iChannel_Offset],&aBGflag[iChannel_Offset]); buffer->WriteMBInfo(); buffer->WriteMBFlags(); buffer->WriteBeamScalers(); } for(Int_t iChannel = iCIU*8 + 7; iChannel >= iCIU*8; iChannel--) { buffer->WriteTiming(aTime[iChannel], aWidth[iChannel]); } // End of decoding of one CIU card } // end of decoding the eight CIUs delete buffer; fLoader->UnloadDigits(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliVZERO::Raw2SDigits(AliRawReader* rawReader){ // Converts the VZERO raw data into digits // The method is used for merging simulated and // real data events TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); if(!fLoader) { AliError("no VZERO loader found"); return kFALSE; } fLoader->LoadSDigits("UPDATE"); if (!fLoader->TreeS()) fLoader->MakeTree("S"); fLoader->MakeSDigitsContainer(); TTree* treeS = fLoader->TreeS(); TClonesArray *sdigits = new TClonesArray("AliVZEROSDigit", 64); treeS->Branch("VZEROSDigit", &sdigits); { rawReader->Reset(); AliVZERORawStream rawStream(rawReader); if (!rawStream.Next()) return kFALSE; // No VZERO data found GetCalibData(); Int_t nSDigits = 0; Float_t *charges = NULL; Int_t nbins = 0; for(Int_t iChannel=0; iChannel < 64; ++iChannel) { Int_t offlineCh = rawStream.GetOfflineChannel(iChannel); Short_t chargeADC[AliVZEROdigit::kNClocks]; for(Int_t iClock=0; iClock < AliVZEROdigit::kNClocks; ++iClock) { chargeADC[iClock] = rawStream.GetPedestal(iChannel,iClock); } // Integrator flag Bool_t integrator = rawStream.GetIntegratorFlag(iChannel,AliVZEROdigit::kNClocks/2); // HPTDC data (leading time and width) Int_t board = AliVZEROCalibData::GetBoardNumber(offlineCh); Float_t time = rawStream.GetTime(iChannel)*fCalibData->GetTimeResolution(board); // Float_t width = rawStream.GetWidth(iChannel)*fCalibData->GetWidthResolution(board); Float_t adc = 0; // Pedestal retrieval and suppression Float_t maxadc = 0; Int_t imax = -1; Float_t adcPedSub[AliVZEROdigit::kNClocks]; Float_t integral = fSignalShape->Integral(0,200); for(Int_t iClock=0; iClock < AliVZEROdigit::kNClocks; ++iClock) { Bool_t iIntegrator = (iClock%2 == 0) ? integrator : !integrator; Int_t k = offlineCh + 64*iIntegrator; adcPedSub[iClock] = (Float_t)chargeADC[iClock] - fCalibData->GetPedestal(k); if(adcPedSub[iClock] <= fRecoParam->GetNSigmaPed()*fCalibData->GetSigma(k)) { adcPedSub[iClock] = 0; continue; } if(iClock < fRecoParam->GetStartClock() || iClock > fRecoParam->GetEndClock()) continue; if(adcPedSub[iClock] > maxadc) { maxadc = adcPedSub[iClock]; imax = iClock; } } if (imax != -1) { Int_t start = imax - fRecoParam->GetNPreClocks(); if (start < 0) start = 0; Int_t end = imax + fRecoParam->GetNPostClocks(); if (end > 20) end = 20; for(Int_t iClock = start; iClock <= end; iClock++) { adc += adcPedSub[iClock]; } } Float_t correctedTime = CorrectLeadingTime(offlineCh,time,adc); if (!charges) { nbins = fNBins[offlineCh]; charges = new Float_t[nbins]; } else if (nbins != fNBins[offlineCh]) { delete [] charges; nbins = fNBins[offlineCh]; charges = new Float_t[nbins]; } memset(charges,0,nbins*sizeof(Float_t)); // Now lets produce SDigit if ((correctedTime > (AliVZEROReconstructor::kInvalidTime + 1e-6)) && (adc > 1e-6)) { for(Int_t iBin = 0; iBin < nbins; ++iBin) { Float_t t = fBinSize[offlineCh]*Float_t(iBin); if ((t < correctedTime) || (t > (correctedTime+200.))) continue; charges[iBin] = kChargePerADC*adc*(fSignalShape->Eval(t-correctedTime)*fBinSize[offlineCh]/integral); } } TClonesArray &sdigitsref = *sdigits; new (sdigitsref[nSDigits++]) AliVZEROSDigit(offlineCh,fNBins[offlineCh],charges); } if (charges) delete [] charges; } treeS->Fill(); fLoader->WriteSDigits("OVERWRITE"); fLoader->UnloadSDigits(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliVZERO::GetCalibData() { // Gets calibration object for VZERO set // Do nothing in case it is already loaded if (fCalibData) return; AliCDBEntry *entry = AliCDBManager::Instance()->Get("VZERO/Calib/Data"); if (entry) fCalibData = (AliVZEROCalibData*) entry->GetObject(); if (!fCalibData) AliFatal("No calibration data from calibration database !"); AliCDBEntry *entry2 = AliCDBManager::Instance()->Get("VZERO/Calib/TimeSlewing"); if (!entry2) AliFatal("VZERO time slewing function is not found in OCDB !"); fTimeSlewing = (TF1*)entry2->GetObject(); for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < 64; ++i) { Int_t board = AliVZEROCalibData::GetBoardNumber(i); fNBins[i] = TMath::Nint(((Float_t)(fCalibData->GetMatchWindow(board)+1)*25.0+ (Float_t)kMaxTDCWidth*fCalibData->GetWidthResolution(board))/ fCalibData->GetTimeResolution(board)); fBinSize[i] = fCalibData->GetTimeResolution(board); } fSignalShape = new TF1("VZEROSDigitSignalShape",this,&AliVZERO::SignalShape,0,200,6,"AliVZERO","SignalShape"); fSignalShape->SetParameters(0,1.57345e1,-4.25603e-1, 2.9,6.40982,3.69339e-01); fRecoParam = new AliVZERORecoParam; return; } Float_t AliVZERO::CorrectLeadingTime(Int_t i, Float_t time, Float_t adc) const { // Correct the leading time // for slewing effect and // misalignment of the channels if (time < 1e-6) return -1024; // In case of pathological signals if (adc < 1e-6) return time; // Slewing correction Float_t thr = fCalibData->GetCalibDiscriThr(i,kTRUE); time -= fTimeSlewing->Eval(adc/thr); return time; } double AliVZERO::SignalShape(double *x, double *par) { // this function simulates the signal // shape used in Raw->SDigits method Double_t xx = x[0]; if (xx <= par[0]) return 0; Double_t a = 1./TMath::Power((xx-par[0])/par[1],1./par[2]); if (xx <= par[3]) return a; Double_t b = 1./TMath::Power((xx-par[3])/par[4],1./par[5]); Double_t f = a*b/(a+b); AliDebug(100,Form("x=%f func=%f",xx,f)); return f; }