#ifndef AliVZEROv7_H #define AliVZEROv7_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Manager and hits classes for set : VZERO // // version 7 // // April 2006 // // revised in July 2008 // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "AliVZERO.h" class AliVZEROv7 : public AliVZERO { public: AliVZEROv7(); AliVZEROv7(const char *name, const char *title); virtual ~AliVZEROv7() {}; virtual void AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits); virtual void AddDigits(Int_t *tracks, Int_t *digits); virtual void CreateGeometry(); virtual void AddAlignableVolumes() const; virtual void BuildGeometry(); virtual void CreateMaterials(); virtual void DrawModule() const; virtual void DrawGeometry(); virtual void Init(); virtual void MakeBranch(Option_t *option); virtual Int_t IsVersion() const {return fVersion;}; virtual void StepManager(); Int_t GetCellId(Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits); protected: Int_t fCellId; // Scintillator cell number from 0 to 95 TLorentzVector fTrackPosition; // Position of particle entering cell TLorentzVector fTrackMomentum; // Momentum of particle entering cell private: // V0C part in front of muon arm absorber // V0C Parameters related to geometry: Double_t fV0CHeight1, fV0CHeight2, fV0CHeight3, fV0CHeight4; // Heights of V0C elements Double_t fV0CRMin, fV0CRBox; // Min and max radii of V0C box Double_t fV0CLidThickness; // Thickness of V0C box lid Double_t fV0CCellThickness; // Thickness of V0C cell Double_t fV0CBoxThickness; // Thickness of V0C box Double_t fV0COffsetFibers; // Z offsets to output fibers // V0C Parameters related to light production: Float_t fV0CLightYield; // Lightyield in BC408 (93.75 eV per photon) Float_t fV0CLightAttenuation; // LightAttenuation in fibers (0.05 per meter) Float_t fV0CnMeters; // Number of meters of fibers to PM Float_t fV0CFibToPhot; // Loss in Fibers - Photocathode Connection // V0A Parameters related to geometry: Double_t fV0AR0, fV0AR1, fV0AR2, fV0AR3, fV0AR4, fV0AR5, fV0AR6, fV0AR7; // Radius of V0A Double_t fV0ASciWd, fV0APlaWd, fV0APlaAl, fV0AOctWd, fV0AFraWd; // Thickness of elements Double_t fV0AOctH1, fV0AOctH2, fV0ABasHt; // Height of elements Double_t fV0AFibRd; // Radius of Fiber Double_t fV0APlaEx; // Extension of plates to basis Double_t fV0APMBWd, fV0APMBHt, fV0APMBTh, fV0APMBWdW, fV0APMBHtW; // Parameters for Photo-Multiplier Double_t fV0APMBAng, fV0APMBThW, fV0APMTR1, fV0APMTR2, fV0APMTR3; // Parameters for Photo-Multiplier Double_t fV0APMTR4, fV0APMTH, fV0APMTB; // Parameters for Photo-Multiplier Float_t fV0AnMeters; // Must be calculated depending on each ring // V0A Parameters related to light production: Double_t fV0ALightYield; // Lightyield in BC404 Double_t fV0ALightAttenuation; // LightAttenuation in fibers Double_t fV0AFibToPhot; // Loss in Fibers - Photocathode Connection Int_t fVersion; // Version number == IsVersion ClassDef(AliVZEROv7,1) // Class for VZERO version 7 }; #endif