// --- ROOT system #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliZDCPreprocessor.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliDCSValue.h" #include "AliAlignObj.h" #include "AliAlignObjParams.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliZDCDataDCS.h" #include "AliZDCPedestals.h" #include "AliZDCCalib.h" #include "AliZDCRecParam.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Class implementing ZDC pre-processor. // // It takes data from DCS and passes it to the class AliZDCDataDCS // // The class is then written to the CDB. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(AliZDCPreprocessor) //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliZDCPreprocessor::AliZDCPreprocessor(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle) : AliPreprocessor("ZDC", shuttle), fData(0) { // constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliZDCPreprocessor::~AliZDCPreprocessor() { // destructor } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliZDCPreprocessor::Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime, UInt_t endTime) { // Creates AliZDCDataDCS object AliPreprocessor::Initialize(run, startTime, endTime); Log(Form("\n\tRun %d \n\tStartTime %s \n\tEndTime %s", run, TTimeStamp(startTime).AsString(), TTimeStamp(endTime).AsString())); fRun = run; fStartTime = startTime; fEndTime = endTime; fData = new AliZDCDataDCS(fRun, fStartTime, fEndTime); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliZDCPreprocessor::Process(TMap* dcsAliasMap) { // *************** From DCS ****************** // Fills data into a AliZDCDataDCS object if(!dcsAliasMap) return 1; // The processing of the DCS input data is forwarded to AliZDCDataDCS Float_t dcsValues[28]; // DCSAliases=28 fData->ProcessData(*dcsAliasMap, dcsValues); // Store DCS data for reference AliCDBMetaData metadata; metadata.SetResponsible("Chiara Oppedisano"); metadata.SetComment("DCS data for ZDC"); Bool_t resDCSRef = kTRUE; resDCSRef = StoreReferenceData("DCS","Data",fData,&metadata); //dcsAliasMap->Print(""); // // --- Writing ZDC table positions into alignment object TClonesArray *array = new TClonesArray("AliAlignObjParams",10); TClonesArray &alobj = *array; AliAlignObjParams a; Double_t dx=0., dz=0., dpsi=0., dtheta=0., dphi=0.; // Vertical table position in mm from DCS Double_t dyZN1 = (Double_t) (dcsValues[0]/10.); Double_t dyZP1 = (Double_t) (dcsValues[1]/10.); Double_t dyZN2 = (Double_t) (dcsValues[2]/10.); Double_t dyZP2 = (Double_t) (dcsValues[3]/10.); const char *n1ZDC="ZDC/NeutronZDC1"; const char *p1ZDC="ZDC/ProtonZDC1"; const char *n2ZDC="ZDC/NeutronZDC2"; const char *p2ZDC="ZDC/ProtonZDC2"; UShort_t iIndex=0; AliGeomManager::ELayerID iLayer = AliGeomManager::kInvalidLayer; UShort_t volid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(iLayer,iIndex); // new(alobj[0]) AliAlignObjParams(n1ZDC, volid, dx, dyZN1, dz, dpsi, dtheta, dphi, kTRUE); new(alobj[1]) AliAlignObjParams(p1ZDC, volid, dx, dyZP1, dz, dpsi, dtheta, dphi, kTRUE); new(alobj[2]) AliAlignObjParams(n2ZDC, volid, dx, dyZN2, dz, dpsi, dtheta, dphi, kTRUE); new(alobj[3]) AliAlignObjParams(p2ZDC, volid, dx, dyZP2, dz, dpsi, dtheta, dphi, kTRUE); // save in CDB storage AliCDBMetaData md; md.SetResponsible("Chiara Oppedisano"); md.SetComment("Alignment object for ZDC"); Bool_t resultAl = kTRUE; resultAl = Store("Align","Data", array, &md, 0, 0); // *************** From DAQ ****************** Bool_t resPedCal = kTRUE, resECal = kTRUE, resRecPar = kTRUE; // ***************************************************** // [a] PEDESTALS -> Pedestal subtraction // ***************************************************** TString runType = GetRunType(); printf("\n\t AliZDCPreprocessor -> runType detected %s\n\n",runType.Data()); if(runType == "STANDALONE_PEDESTAL"){ TList* daqSources = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "PEDESTALS"); if(!daqSources){ Log(Form("No source for STANDALONE_PEDESTAL run %d !", fRun)); return 1; } Log("\t List of sources for STANDALONE_PEDESTAL"); daqSources->Print(); // TIter iter(daqSources); TObjString* source = 0; Int_t i=0; while((source = dynamic_cast (iter.Next()))){ Log(Form("\n\t Getting file #%d\n",++i)); TString stringPedFileName = GetFile(kDAQ, "PEDESTALS", source->GetName()); if(stringPedFileName.Length() <= 0){ Log(Form("No PEDESTAL file from source %s!", source->GetName())); return 1; } // --- Initializing pedestal calibration object AliZDCPedestals *pedCalib = new AliZDCPedestals("ZDC"); // --- Reading file with pedestal calibration data const char* pedFileName = stringPedFileName.Data(); // no. ADCch = (22 signal ch. + 2 reference PMs) * 2 gain chain = 48 const Int_t knZDCch = 48; if(pedFileName){ FILE *file; if((file = fopen(pedFileName,"r")) == NULL){ printf("Cannot open file %s \n",pedFileName); return 1; } Log(Form("File %s connected to process pedestal data", pedFileName)); Float_t pedVal[(3*knZDCch)][3]; for(Int_t i=0; i<(3*knZDCch); i++){ for(Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ fscanf(file,"%f",&pedVal[i][j]); //if(j==1) printf("pedVal[%d] -> %f, %f \n",i,pedVal[i][0],pedVal[i][1]); } if(iSetMeanPed(i,pedVal[i][1]); pedCalib->SetMeanPedWidth(i,pedVal[i][2]); } else if(i>=knZDCch && i<(2*knZDCch)){ pedCalib->SetOOTPed(i-knZDCch,pedVal[i][1]); pedCalib->SetOOTPedWidth(i-knZDCch,pedVal[i][2]); } else if(i>=(2*knZDCch) && i<(3*knZDCch)){ pedCalib->SetPedCorrCoeff(i-(2*knZDCch),pedVal[i][1],pedVal[i][2]); } } } else{ Log(Form("File %s not found", pedFileName)); return 1; } // //pedCalib->Print(""); // AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Chiara"); metaData.SetComment("Filling AliZDCPedestals object"); // resPedCal = Store("Calib","Pedestals",pedCalib, &metaData, 0, 1); } delete daqSources; daqSources = 0; } // ***************************************************** // [b] EMD EVENTS -> Energy calibration and equalization // ***************************************************** else if(runType == "STANDALONE_EMD"){ TList* daqSources = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "EMDCALIB"); if(!daqSources){ AliError(Form("No sources for STANDALONE_EMD run %d !", fRun)); return 1; } Log("\t List of sources for STANDALONE_EMD"); daqSources->Print(); // TIter iter2(daqSources); TObjString* source = 0; Int_t j=0; while((source = dynamic_cast (iter2.Next()))){ Log(Form("\n\t Getting file #%d\n",++j)); TString stringEMDFileName = GetFile(kDAQ, "EMDCALIB", source->GetName()); if(stringEMDFileName.Length() <= 0){ Log(Form("No EMDCALIB file from source %s!", source->GetName())); return 1; } // --- Initializing pedestal calibration object AliZDCCalib *eCalib = new AliZDCCalib("ZDC"); // --- Reading file with pedestal calibration data const char* emdFileName = stringEMDFileName.Data(); if(emdFileName){ FILE *file; if((file = fopen(emdFileName,"r")) == NULL){ printf("Cannot open file %s \n",emdFileName); return 1; } Log(Form("File %s connected to process data from EM dissociation events", emdFileName)); // Float_t fitValEMD[6]; Float_t equalCoeff[5][4]; Float_t calibVal[4]; for(Int_t j=0; j<10; j++){ if(j<6){ fscanf(file,"%f",&fitValEMD[j]); if(j<4){ calibVal[j] = 2.76/fitValEMD[j]; eCalib->SetEnCalib(j,calibVal[j]); } else eCalib->SetEnCalib(j,fitValEMD[j]); } else{ for(Int_t k=0; k<5; k++){ fscanf(file,"%f",&equalCoeff[j][k]); if(j==6) eCalib->SetZN1EqualCoeff(k, equalCoeff[j][k]); else if(j==7) eCalib->SetZP1EqualCoeff(k, equalCoeff[j][k]); else if(j==8) eCalib->SetZN2EqualCoeff(k, equalCoeff[j][k]); else if(j==9) eCalib->SetZP2EqualCoeff(k, equalCoeff[j][k]); } } } } else{ Log(Form("File %s not found", emdFileName)); return 1; } //calibdata->Print(""); // AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Chiara"); metaData.SetComment("Filling AliZDCCalib object"); // resECal = Store("Calib","Calib",eCalib, &metaData, 0, 1); } } // ******************************************************** // [c] PHYSICS RUNS -> Parameters needed for reconstruction // ******************************************************** else if(runType == "PHYSICS"){ TList* daqSources = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "PHYSICS"); if(!daqSources){ AliError(Form("No sources for PHYSICS run %d !", fRun)); return 1; } Log("\t List of sources for PHYSICS"); daqSources->Print(); // TIter iter2(daqSources); TObjString* source = 0; Int_t j=0; while((source = dynamic_cast (iter2.Next()))){ Log(Form("\n\t Getting file #%d\n",++j)); TString stringPHYSFileName = GetFile(kDAQ, "PHYSICS", source->GetName()); if(stringPHYSFileName.Length() <= 0){ Log(Form("No PHYSICS file from source %s!", source->GetName())); return 1; } // --- Initializing pedestal calibration object AliZDCRecParam *recCalib = new AliZDCRecParam("ZDC"); // --- Reading file with pedestal calibration data const char* physFileName = stringPHYSFileName.Data(); if(physFileName){ FILE *file; if((file = fopen(physFileName,"r")) == NULL){ printf("Cannot open file %s \n",physFileName); return 1; } Log(Form("File %s connected to process data from PHYSICS runs", physFileName)); // Float_t physRecParam[10]; for(Int_t j=0; j<10; j++) fscanf(file,"%f",&physRecParam[j]); recCalib->SetZEMEndValue(physRecParam[0]); recCalib->SetZEMCutFraction(physRecParam[1]); recCalib->SetDZEMSup(physRecParam[2]); recCalib->SetDZEMInf(physRecParam[3]); recCalib->SetEZN1MaxValue(physRecParam[4]); recCalib->SetEZP1MaxValue(physRecParam[5]); recCalib->SetEZDC1MaxValue(physRecParam[6]); recCalib->SetEZN2MaxValue(physRecParam[7]); recCalib->SetEZP2MaxValue(physRecParam[8]); recCalib->SetEZDC2MaxValue(physRecParam[9]); } else{ Log(Form("File %s not found", physFileName)); return 1; } //calibdata->Print(""); // AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Chiara"); metaData.SetComment("Filling AliZDCCalib object"); // resRecPar = Store("Calib","RecParam",recCalib, &metaData, 0, 1); } } else { Log(Form("Nothing to do: run type is %s", runType.Data())); return 0; } // note that the parameters are returned as character strings! const char* nEvents = GetRunParameter("totalEvents"); if(nEvents) Log(Form("Number of events for run %d: %s",fRun, nEvents)); else Log(Form("Number of events not put in logbook!")); UInt_t result = 0; if(resDCSRef==kFALSE || resultAl==kFALSE || resPedCal==kFALSE || resECal==kFALSE || resRecPar==kFALSE){ if(resDCSRef == kFALSE) result = 1; else if(resultAl == kFALSE) result = 2; else if(resPedCal == kFALSE) result = 3; else if(resECal == kFALSE) result = 4; else if(resRecPar == kFALSE) result = 5; } return result; }