############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 IBM Corporation and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Contributors: # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation ############################################################################### AbstractAnnotationHover_action_configureAnnotationPreferences= Configure Annotation Preferences AbstractAnnotationHover_message_singleQuickFix= 1 quick fix available: AbstractAnnotationHover_message_multipleQuickFix= {0} quick fixes available: AbstractAnnotationHover_multifix_variable_description=Fix {0} problems of same category in file JavaTextHover_createTextHover= Could not create Java text hover NoBreakpointAnnotation_addBreakpoint= Add a breakpoint NLSStringHover_NLSStringHover_PropertiesFileNotDetectedWarning= The properties file could not be detected NLSStringHover_NLSStringHover_missingKeyWarning= Warning: The key is missing! NLSStringHover_NLSStringHover_PropertiesFileCouldNotBeReadWarning=Warning: The properties file could not be read! NLSStringHover_open_in_properties_file=Open in Properties File JavadocHover_back= Back JavadocHover_back_toElement_toolTip=Back to {0} JavadocHover_noAttachments= Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found. JavadocHover_noAttachedSource= Note: This element has no attached source and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached Javadoc. JavadocHover_noAttachedJavadoc= Note: This element has no attached Javadoc and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached source. JavadocHover_noInformation= Note: The Javadoc for this element could neither be found in the attached source nor the attached Javadoc. # The first parameter is the constant value string and the second is its hex representation JavadocHover_constantValue_hexValue={0} [{1}] JavadocHover_error_gettingJavadoc= Note: An exception occurred while getting the Javadoc. See log for details. JavadocHover_forward= Forward JavadocHover_forward_toElement_toolTip=Forward to {0} JavadocHover_forward_toolTip=Forward JavadocHover_openDeclaration= Open Declaration JavadocHover_showInJavadoc= Show in Javadoc View JavaSourceHover_skippedLines=... {0} lines skipped ProblemHover_action_configureProblemSeverity=Configure Problem Severity ProblemHover_chooseSettingsTypeDialog_button_cancel=Cancel ProblemHover_chooseSettingsTypeDialog_button_project=Configure &Project ProblemHover_chooseSettingsTypeDialog_button_workspace=Configure &Workspace ProblemHover_chooseSettingsTypeDialog_checkBox_dontShowAgain=&Always configure the workspace settings ProblemHover_chooseSettingsTypeDialog_message=The project ''{0}'' does not have any project specific problem severity settings yet.\n\nDo you want to create and configure the project settings or do you want to configure the workspace settings? ProblemHover_chooseSettingsTypeDialog_title=Configure Problem Severity