# This CMake function generates a target that, in turn, will generate a PARfile for the given # library. # # Usage: in the CMakeLists.txt, for a given library, add the following: # add_target_parfile(${MODULE} "${SRCS}" "${HDRS}" "${MODULE}LinkDef.h" "${LIBDEPS}" ["extrainclude1 extrainclude2..."]) # # Arguments are, in order: # - library's name: for libBLAHBLAH it will generate a target BLAHBLAH.par # - source files: classes to include in the PARfile, they must be exactly the ones used to generate # the library # - headers # - the LinkDef used by ROOT # - dependent libraries: used to generate the rootmap # - extra include paths (optional): passed during compilation # # To generate a parfile, if enabled in its CMakeLists.txt, go to the build directory and run: # make BLAHBLAH.par function(add_target_parfile PARMODULE PARSOURCES PARHEADERS PARLINKDEF PARLIBDEPS) # Libraries: result is a space-separated string foreach(_THISLIB ${PARLIBDEPS}) set(_PARLIBDEPS "${_PARLIBDEPS} lib${_THISLIB}") endforeach() string(STRIP "${_PARLIBDEPS}" PARLIBDEPS) # Export variables: used in configure_file() set(PARMODULE "${PARMODULE}") string(REPLACE ";" " " PARSOURCES_FLAT "${PARSOURCES}") #message(STATUS "[add_target_parfile] Library (space-separated): ${PARMODULE}") #message(STATUS "[add_target_parfile] Sources (list): ${PARSOURCES}") #message(STATUS "[add_target_parfile] Dependencies (space-separated): ${PARLIBDEPS}") if(NOT "${ARGV5}" STREQUAL "") # Optional: extra includes, space-separated set(PAREXTRAINCLUDES "${ARGV5}") #message(STATUS "[add_target_parfile] Extra Includes (space-separated): ${PAREXTRAINCLUDES}") endif() # PARfile output directory (the one we will tar) set(PARDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PARfiles/${PARMODULE}) # Create base directory for this module's PARfile: this is the directory we will tar # This works as "mkdir -p" (i.e. it's recursive and creates parents) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${PARDIR}/PROOF-INF) # Create Makefile configure_file( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/PARfiles/Makefile.in ${PARDIR}/Makefile @ONLY ) # Create BUILD.sh configure_file( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/PARfiles/BUILD.sh.in ${PARDIR}/PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh @ONLY ) execute_process(COMMAND chmod a+x ${PARDIR}/PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh) # Create SETUP.C configure_file( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/PARfiles/SETUP.C.in ${PARDIR}/PROOF-INF/SETUP.C @ONLY ) # Target for creating PARfile (would stop after the first failed COMMAND) add_custom_target("${PARMODULE}.par" COMMAND rsync --relative ${PARSOURCES} ${PARHEADERS} ${PARLINKDEF} ${PARDIR}/ COMMAND tar -C ${PARDIR}/.. -czf ${PARDIR}/../${PARMODULE}.par ${PARMODULE}/ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) endfunction()