# RPM specfile for Detector Algorithm Summary: @DETECTOR@ Detector Algorithm Name: @DA_NAME@ Version: @ALIROOT_VERSION_RPM@ Release: @ALIROOT_REVISION@ License: CERN Alice DAQ/Offine Group: Applications/Alice Prefix: /opt/%{name} BuildRoot: /@CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR@/da-@DETECTOR@@_ALGORITHM@-rpm/root Packager: Alina Grigoras # automatic dependencies AutoReqProv: yes # list here required RPM packages for compilation BuildRequires: date # list here required RPM packages for runtime Requires: date, daqDA-lib # You can specify other dependencies in the description tag below. # description of the package %description @RPM_DESCRIPTION@ # Turning off the Fascist build policy %define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0 # list of files to be installed %files %defattr (-,root,root) %{prefix}/@DA_EXECUTABLE@