#!/usr/bin/env python ## @package thtml2doxy_clang # Translates THtml C++ comments to Doxygen using libclang as parser. # # This code relies on Python bindings for libclang: libclang's interface is pretty unstable, and # its Python bindings are unstable as well. # # AST (Abstract Source Tree) traversal is performed entirely using libclang used as a C++ parser, # instead of attempting to write a parser ourselves. # # This code (expecially AST traversal) was inspired by: # # - [Implementing a code generator with libclang](http://szelei.me/code-generator/) # (this refers to API calls used here) # - [Parsing C++ in Python with Clang](http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/07/03/parsing-c-in-python-with-clang) # (outdated, API calls described there do not work anymore, but useful to understand some basic # concepts) # # Usage: # # `thtml2doxy_clang [--stdout|-o] [-d] [--debug=DEBUG_LEVEL] file1 [file2 [file3...]]` # # Parameters: # # - `--stdout|-o`: output all on standard output instead of writing files in place # - `-d`: enable debug mode (very verbose output) # - `--debug=DEBUG_LEVEL`: set debug level to one of `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, # `CRITICAL` # # @author Dario Berzano, CERN # @date 2014-12-05 import sys import os import re import logging import getopt import clang.cindex ## Brain-dead color output for terminal. class Colt(str): def red(self): return self.color('\033[31m') def green(self): return self.color('\033[32m') def yellow(self): return self.color('\033[33m') def blue(self): return self.color('\033[34m') def magenta(self): return self.color('\033[35m') def cyan(self): return self.color('\033[36m') def color(self, c): return c + self + '\033[m' ## Comment. class Comment: def __init__(self, lines, first_line, first_col, last_line, last_col, indent, func): assert first_line > 0 and last_line >= first_line, 'Wrong line numbers' self.lines = lines self.first_line = first_line self.first_col = first_col self.last_line = last_line self.last_col = last_col self.indent = indent self.func = func def has_comment(self, line): return line >= self.first_line and line <= self.last_line def __str__(self): return "" % (self.func, self.first_line, self.first_col, self.last_line, self.last_col, self.lines) ## A data member comment. class MemberComment: def __init__(self, text, is_transient, array_size, first_line, first_col, func): assert first_line > 0, 'Wrong line number' self.lines = [ text ] self.is_transient = is_transient self.array_size = array_size self.first_line = first_line self.first_col = first_col self.func = func def has_comment(self, line): return line == self.first_line def __str__(self): if self.is_transient: tt = '!transient! ' else: tt = '' if self.array_size is not None: ars = '[%s] ' % self.array_size else: ars = '' return "" % (self.func, self.first_line, self.first_col, tt, ars, self.lines[0]) ## A dummy comment that removes comment lines. class RemoveComment(Comment): def __init__(self, first_line, last_line): assert first_line > 0 and last_line >= first_line, 'Wrong line numbers' self.first_line = first_line self.last_line = last_line self.func = '' def __str__(self): return "" % (self.first_line, self.last_line) ## Parses method comments. # # @param cursor Current libclang parser cursor # @param comments Array of comments: new ones will be appended there def comment_method(cursor, comments): # we are looking for the following structure: method -> compound statement -> comment, i.e. we # need to extract the first comment in the compound statement composing the method in_compound_stmt = False expect_comment = False emit_comment = False comment = [] comment_function = cursor.spelling or cursor.displayname comment_line_start = -1 comment_line_end = -1 comment_col_start = -1 comment_col_end = -1 comment_indent = -1 for token in cursor.get_tokens(): if token.cursor.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.COMPOUND_STMT: if not in_compound_stmt: in_compound_stmt = True expect_comment = True comment_line_end = -1 else: if in_compound_stmt: in_compound_stmt = False emit_comment = True # tkind = str(token.kind)[str(token.kind).index('.')+1:] # ckind = str(token.cursor.kind)[str(token.cursor.kind).index('.')+1:] if in_compound_stmt: if expect_comment: extent = token.extent line_start = extent.start.line line_end = extent.end.line if token.kind == clang.cindex.TokenKind.PUNCTUATION and token.spelling == '{': pass elif token.kind == clang.cindex.TokenKind.COMMENT and (comment_line_end == -1 or (line_start == comment_line_end+1 and line_end-line_start == 0)): comment_line_end = line_end comment_col_end = extent.end.column if comment_indent == -1 or (extent.start.column-1) < comment_indent: comment_indent = extent.start.column-1 if comment_line_start == -1: comment_line_start = line_start comment_col_start = extent.start.column comment.extend( token.spelling.split('\n') ) # multiline comments are parsed in one go, therefore don't expect subsequent comments if line_end - line_start > 0: emit_comment = True expect_comment = False else: emit_comment = True expect_comment = False if emit_comment: if comment_line_start > 0: comment = refactor_comment( comment ) if len(comment) > 0: logging.debug("Comment found for function %s" % Colt(comment_function).magenta()) comments.append( Comment(comment, comment_line_start, comment_col_start, comment_line_end, comment_col_end, comment_indent, comment_function) ) else: logging.debug('Empty comment found for function %s: collapsing' % Colt(comment_function).magenta()) comments.append( Comment([''], comment_line_start, comment_col_start, comment_line_end, comment_col_end, comment_indent, comment_function) ) #comments.append(RemoveComment(comment_line_start, comment_line_end)) else: logging.warning('No comment found for function %s' % Colt(comment_function).magenta()) comment = [] comment_line_start = -1 comment_line_end = -1 comment_col_start = -1 comment_col_end = -1 comment_indent = -1 emit_comment = False break ## Parses comments to class data members. # # @param cursor Current libclang parser cursor # @param comments Array of comments: new ones will be appended there def comment_datamember(cursor, comments): # Note: libclang 3.5 seems to have problems parsing a certain type of FIELD_DECL, so we revert # to a partial manual parsing. When parsing fails, the cursor's "extent" is not set properly, # returning a line range 0-0. We therefore make the not-so-absurd assumption that the datamember # definition is fully on one line, and we take the line number from cursor.location. line_num = cursor.location.line raw = None prev = None found = False # Huge overkill with open(str(cursor.location.file)) as fp: cur_line = 0 for raw in fp: cur_line = cur_line + 1 if cur_line == line_num: found = True break prev = raw assert found, 'A line that should exist was not found in file' % cursor.location.file recomm = r'(//(!)|///?)(\[(.*?)\])? 0: # Skip empty lines continue stripped = strip_html(raw) mcomm = re.search(recomm, stripped) if mcomm: if start_line == -1: # First line. Check that we do not overlap with other comments comment_overlaps = False for c in comments: if c.has_comment(line_num): comment_overlaps = True break if comment_overlaps: # No need to look for other comments break start_line = line_num end_line = line_num append = True mclass_doxy = re.search(reclass_doxy, mcomm.group(1)) if mclass_doxy: class_name_doxy = mclass_doxy.group(1) append = False else: mauthor = re.search(reauthor, mcomm.group(1)) if mauthor: author = mauthor.group(1) if date is None: # Date specified in the standalone \date field has priority date = mauthor.group(2) append = False else: mdate = re.search(redate, mcomm.group(1)) if mdate: date = mdate.group(1) append = False if append: comment_lines.append( mcomm.group(1) ) else: if start_line > 0: break if class_name_doxy is None: # No \class specified: guess it from file name reclass = r'^(.*/)?(.*?)(\..*)?$' mclass = re.search( reclass, filename ) if mclass: class_name_doxy = mclass.group(2) else: assert False, 'Regexp unable to extract classname from file' if start_line > 0: # Prepend \class specifier (and an empty line) comment_lines[:0] = [ '\\class ' + class_name_doxy ] # Append author and date if they exist comment_lines.append('') if author is not None: comment_lines.append( '\\author ' + author ) if date is not None: comment_lines.append( '\\date ' + date ) comment_lines = refactor_comment(comment_lines, do_strip_html=False) logging.debug('Comment found for class %s' % Colt(class_name_doxy).magenta()) comments.append(Comment( comment_lines, start_line, 1, end_line, 1, 0, class_name_doxy )) else: logging.warning('No comment found for class %s' % Colt(class_name_doxy).magenta()) ## Traverse the AST recursively starting from the current cursor. # # @param cursor A Clang parser cursor # @param filename Name of the current file # @param comments Array of comments: new ones will be appended there # @param recursion Current recursion depth def traverse_ast(cursor, filename, comments, recursion=0): # libclang traverses included files as well: we do not want this behavior if cursor.location.file is not None and str(cursor.location.file) != filename: logging.debug("Skipping processing of included %s" % cursor.location.file) return text = cursor.spelling or cursor.displayname kind = str(cursor.kind)[str(cursor.kind).index('.')+1:] indent = '' for i in range(0, recursion): indent = indent + ' ' if cursor.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CXX_METHOD or cursor.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR or cursor.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR: # cursor ran into a C++ method logging.debug( "%5d %s%s(%s)" % (cursor.location.line, indent, Colt(kind).magenta(), Colt(text).blue()) ) comment_method(cursor, comments) elif cursor.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL: # cursor ran into a data member declaration logging.debug( "%5d %s%s(%s)" % (cursor.location.line, indent, Colt(kind).magenta(), Colt(text).blue()) ) comment_datamember(cursor, comments) else: logging.debug( "%5d %s%s(%s)" % (cursor.location.line, indent, kind, text) ) for child_cursor in cursor.get_children(): traverse_ast(child_cursor, filename, comments, recursion+1) if recursion == 0: comment_classdesc(filename, comments) ## Strip some HTML tags from the given string. Returns clean string. # # @param s Input string def strip_html(s): rehtml = r'(?i)' return re.sub(rehtml, '', s) ## Remove garbage from comments and convert special tags from THtml to Doxygen. # # @param comment An array containing the lines of the original comment def refactor_comment(comment, do_strip_html=True): recomm = r'^(/{2,}|/\*)? ?(\s*.*?)\s*((/{2,})?\s*|\*/)$' regarbage = r'^(?i)\s*([\s*=-_#]+|(Begin|End)_Html)\s*$' new_comment = [] insert_blank = False wait_first_non_blank = True for line_comment in comment: # Strip some HTML tags if do_strip_html: line_comment = strip_html(line_comment) mcomm = re.search( recomm, line_comment ) if mcomm: new_line_comment = mcomm.group(2) mgarbage = re.search( regarbage, new_line_comment ) if new_line_comment == '' or mgarbage is not None: insert_blank = True else: if insert_blank and not wait_first_non_blank: new_comment.append('') insert_blank = False wait_first_non_blank = False new_comment.append( new_line_comment ) else: assert False, 'Comment regexp does not match' return new_comment ## Rewrites all comments from the given file handler. # # @param fhin The file handler to read from # @param fhout The file handler to write to # @param comments Array of comments def rewrite_comments(fhin, fhout, comments): line_num = 0 in_comment = False skip_empty = False comm = None prev_comm = None rindent = r'^(\s*)' for line in fhin: line_num = line_num + 1 # Find current comment prev_comm = comm comm = None for c in comments: if c.has_comment(line_num): comm = c if comm: if isinstance(comm, MemberComment): non_comment = line[ 0:comm.first_col-1 ] if comm.array_size is not None: mindent = re.search(rindent, line) if comm.is_transient: tt = '!' else: tt = '' # Special case: we need multiple lines not to confuse ROOT's C++ parser fhout.write('%s/// %s\n%s//%s[%s]\n' % ( mindent.group(1), comm.lines[0], non_comment, tt, comm.array_size )) else: if comm.is_transient: tt = '!' else: tt = '/' fhout.write('%s//%s< %s\n' % ( non_comment, tt, comm.lines[0] )) elif isinstance(comm, RemoveComment): # Do nothing: just skip line pass elif prev_comm is None: # Beginning of a new comment block of type Comment in_comment = True # Extract the non-comment part and print it if it exists non_comment = line[ 0:comm.first_col-1 ].rstrip() if non_comment != '': fhout.write( non_comment + '\n' ) else: if in_comment: # We have just exited a comment block of type Comment in_comment = False # Dump revamped comment, if applicable text_indent = '' for i in range(0,prev_comm.indent): text_indent = text_indent + ' ' for lc in prev_comm.lines: fhout.write( "%s/// %s\n" % (text_indent, lc) ); fhout.write('\n') skip_empty = True line_out = line.rstrip('\n') if skip_empty: skip_empty = False if line_out.strip() != '': fhout.write( line_out + '\n' ) else: fhout.write( line_out + '\n' ) ## The main function. # # Return value is the executable's return value. def main(argv): # Setup logging on stderr log_level = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig( level=log_level, format='%(levelname)-8s %(funcName)-20s %(message)s', stream=sys.stderr ) # Parse command-line options output_on_stdout = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, 'od', [ 'debug=', 'stdout' ] ) for o, a in opts: if o == '--debug': log_level = getattr( logging, a.upper(), None ) if not isinstance(log_level, int): raise getopt.GetoptError('log level must be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL') elif o == '-d': log_level = logging.DEBUG elif o == '-o' or o == '--stdout': logging.debug('Output on stdout instead of replacing original files') output_on_stdout = True else: assert False, 'Unhandled argument' except getopt.GetoptError as e: logging.fatal('Invalid arguments: %s' % e) return 1 logging.getLogger('').setLevel(log_level) # Attempt to load libclang from a list of known locations libclang_locations = [ '/usr/lib/llvm-3.5/lib/libclang.so.1', '/usr/lib/libclang.so', '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/libclang.dylib' ] libclang_found = False for lib in libclang_locations: if os.path.isfile(lib): clang.cindex.Config.set_library_file(lib) libclang_found = True break if not libclang_found: logging.fatal('Cannot find libclang') return 1 # Loop over all files for fn in args: logging.info('Input file: %s' % Colt(fn).magenta()) index = clang.cindex.Index.create() translation_unit = index.parse(fn, args=['-x', 'c++']) comments = [] traverse_ast( translation_unit.cursor, fn, comments ) for c in comments: logging.debug("Comment found for entity %s:" % Colt(c.func).magenta()) if isinstance(c, MemberComment): if c.is_transient: transient_text = Colt('transient ').yellow() else: transient_text = '' if c.array_size is not None: array_text = Colt('arraysize=%s ' % c.array_size).yellow() else: array_text = '' logging.debug( "%s %s%s{%s}" % ( \ Colt("[%d,%d]" % (c.first_line, c.first_col)).green(), transient_text, array_text, Colt(c.lines[0]).cyan() )) elif isinstance(c, RemoveComment): logging.debug( Colt('[%d,%d]' % (c.first_line, c.last_line)).green() ) else: for l in c.lines: logging.debug( Colt("[%d,%d:%d,%d] " % (c.first_line, c.first_col, c.last_line, c.last_col)).green() + "{%s}" % Colt(l).cyan() ) try: if output_on_stdout: with open(fn, 'r') as fhin: rewrite_comments( fhin, sys.stdout, comments ) else: fn_back = fn + '.thtml2doxy_backup' os.rename( fn, fn_back ) with open(fn_back, 'r') as fhin, open(fn, 'w') as fhout: rewrite_comments( fhin, fhout, comments ) os.remove( fn_back ) logging.info("File %s converted to Doxygen: check differences before committing!" % Colt(fn).magenta()) except (IOError,OSError) as e: logging.error('File operation failed: %s' % e) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit( main( sys.argv[1:] ) )