#include "ARVersion.h" #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBStorage.h" #include "AliCDBId.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include #include "AliRun.h" #include #include #include #include "iostream" #include "fstream" using namespace std; #endif Bool_t DiffGeomBeforeTagging(const char* recipient, const char* cdbUri="local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB", const char* cfgFile="$ALICE_ROOT/macros/Config.C"){ // Compare the geometry created in the current AliRoot with the one // in the OCDB directory of the current aliroot. If they differ, // warn the recipients to update the geometry in $ALICE_ROOT/OCDB // before tagging and to consider updating it in the raw OCDB. // // Running this macro always before creating a release tag will // allow to have in release tags OCDBs the geometry corresponding // to their code. // // The recipient string is supposed to contain comma-separated // valid email addresses, at least the one of the librarian and // probably also the one of the guy in charge of the geometry object. // // Uplaod the geometry from $ALICE_ROOT/OCDB and get the number of nodes AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage(cdbUri); cdb->Get("GRP/Geometry/Data",0); Int_t svnocdb_nnodes = gGeoManager->GetNNodes(); Printf("The geometry in OCDB has %d nodes",svnocdb_nnodes); cdb->SetRun(0); gGeoManager = 0; // Create the geometry and get the number of nodes if(!gSystem->AccessPathName("geometry.root")){ Printf("Deleting existing \"geometry.root\""); gSystem->Exec("rm -rf geometry.root"); } gROOT->LoadMacro(cfgFile); gInterpreter->ProcessLine(gAlice->GetConfigFunction()); gAlice->GetMCApp()->Init(); if(!gGeoManager){ Printf("Unable to produce a valid geometry to be put in the CDB!"); return kFALSE; } if(gSystem->AccessPathName("geometry.root")){ Printf("Did not find freshly written \"geometry.root\" file. Exiting ..."); return kFALSE; } Printf("Reloading freshly written geometry.root file"); if (TGeoManager::IsLocked()) TGeoManager::UnlockGeometry(); AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry("geometry.root"); Int_t svncode_nnodes = gGeoManager->GetNNodes(); Printf("The generated geometry has %d nodes",svncode_nnodes); // If the number of nodes differs, remove the geometry file from the local OCDB // and replace it by calling the UpdateCDBIdealGeom.C macro if (svncode_nnodes != svnocdb_nnodes){ Printf("The geometry generated and the one in the current OCDB differ."); Printf("Remove \"$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB/GRP/Geometry/Data/Run0_999999999_v0_s0.root\"."); Printf("and run $ALICE_ROOT/GRP/UpdateCDBIdealGeom.C(\"local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB\",%s)",cfgFile); // Get root and AliRoot versions const char* rootv = gROOT->GetVersion(); TString av(ALIROOT_VERSION); TString revnum(ALIROOT_REVISION); Printf("root version: %s. AliRoot %s, revision number %s",rootv,av.Data(),revnum); // create and send mail TString subject(Form("AliRoot revision %d is about to be tagged and the geometry changed!",revnum)); // mail body TString bodyFileName("mailbody.txt"); // bodyFileName.Form("%s/mail.body", GetShuttleLogDir()); gSystem->ExpandPathName(bodyFileName); ofstream mailBody; mailBody.open(bodyFileName, ofstream::out); if (!mailBody.is_open()) { Printf("Could not open mail body file %s", bodyFileName.Data()); return kFALSE; } TString recipients(recipient); TString body; body = Form("Dear AliRoot librarian or geometry expert,\n\n"); body += Form("while tagging the current revision - r%d - the geometry produced by the code\n" "appears to have changed w.r.t. to the one saved at the previous tag.\n\n" "You should remove \"$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB/GRP/Geometry/Data/Run0_999999999_v0_s0.root\"\n" "and run $ALICE_ROOT/GRP/UpdateCDBIdealGeom.C(\"local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB\",%s) " "before tagging.\n\n" "Also consider updating the raw geometry on the raw OCDB.\n\n" "Je vous prie de bien vouloir croire en l'assurance de mes respectueuses et honorables salutations.",revnum,cfgFile); mailBody << body.Data(); mailBody.close(); Printf("Sending mail to \"%s\"",recipients.Data()); TString mailCommand(""); if(recipients.CountChar(',')==0){ mailCommand = Form("mail -s \"%s\" %s < %s", subject.Data(), recipients.Data(), bodyFileName.Data()); }else{ TString cc(recipients); recipients.Remove(recipients.First(',')); cc.Replace(0,cc.First(',')+1,""); mailCommand = Form("mail -s \"%s\" -c %s %s < %s", subject.Data(), cc.Data(), recipients.Data(), bodyFileName.Data()); } Bool_t result = gSystem->Exec(mailCommand.Data()); return result; }else{ Printf("There are no changes between the geometry generated with current code and the one in the current OCDB."); } return kTRUE; }