#include "ARVersion.h" #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include "TSystem.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TError.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBStorage.h" #include "AliCDBPath.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliCDBId.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliMisAligner.h" #include "AliHMPIDMisAligner.h" #include "AliITSMisAligner.h" #include "AliPMDMisAligner.h" #include "AliT0MisAligner.h" #include "AliTPCMisAligner.h" #include "AliVZEROMisAligner.h" #include "AliZDCMisAligner.h" #include #endif void MakeAlignmentObjs(const char* detList="ALL", const char* ocdbOrDir = "local://$HOME/ResidualMisAlignment", const char* misalType="residual", Bool_t partialGeom=kFALSE){ // Make alignment objects for all detectors listed in "detList" // for the misalignment scenario passed as argument "misalType". // "ocdbUriDirPath" argument is used as URI for an OCDB if it contains // either the string "local;//" or the string "alien://folder=", // otherwise it is used as the path of the directory where to // put the files containing the alignment objects. // The geometry used is the one produced with $ALICE_ROOT/macros/Config.C // unless "partialGeom" is set to true (=> $ALICE_ROOT/test/fpprod/Config.C). // const char* macroName = "MakeAlignmentObjs"; Bool_t toOCDB = kFALSE; TString fileName(""); TString ocdbUriDirPath(ocdbOrDir); if(ocdbUriDirPath.IsNull() || ocdbUriDirPath.IsWhitespace()) { Error(macroName, "Output undefined! Set it either to a valid OCDB storage or to the output directory!"); return; }else if(ocdbUriDirPath.Contains("local://") || ocdbUriDirPath.Contains("alien://folder=")){ // else ocdbUriDirPath is to be interpreted as an OCDB URI toOCDB=kTRUE; Printf("Objects will be saved in the OCDB %s",ocdbUriDirPath.Data()); }else{ // else ocdbUriDirPath is to be interpreted as a directory path Printf("Objects will be saved in the file %s",ocdbUriDirPath.Data()); } TMap misAligners; TString modList(detList); if(modList=="ALL") modList="ACORDE EMCAL FMD HMPID ITS MUON PMD PHOS T0 TRD TPC TOF VZERO ZDC"; Info(macroName, "Processing detectors: %s \n", modList.Data()); Printf("Creating %s misalignment for detectors: %s \n", misalType, modList.Data()); if(modList.Contains("EMCAL")){ AliEMCALMisAligner* misAlignerEMCAL = new AliEMCALMisAligner(); misAligners.Add(new TObjString("EMCAL"), misAlignerEMCAL); } if(modList.Contains("HMPID")){ AliHMPIDMisAligner* misAlignerHMPID = new AliHMPIDMisAligner(); misAligners.Add(new TObjString("HMPID"), misAlignerHMPID); } if(modList.Contains("ITS")){ AliITSMisAligner* misAlignerITS = new AliITSMisAligner(); misAligners.Add(new TObjString("ITS"), misAlignerITS); } if(modList.Contains("PMD")){ AliPMDMisAligner* misAlignerPMD = new AliPMDMisAligner(); misAligners.Add(new TObjString("PMD"), misAlignerPMD); } if(modList.Contains("T0")){ AliT0MisAligner* misAlignerT0 = new AliT0MisAligner(); misAligners.Add(new TObjString("T0"), misAlignerT0); } if(modList.Contains("TPC")){ AliTPCMisAligner* misAlignerTPC = new AliTPCMisAligner(); misAligners.Add(new TObjString("TPC"), misAlignerTPC); } if(modList.Contains("VZERO")){ AliVZEROMisAligner* misAlignerVZERO = new AliVZEROMisAligner(); misAligners.Add(new TObjString("VZERO"), misAlignerVZERO); } if(modList.Contains("ZDC")){ AliZDCMisAligner* misAlignerZDC = new AliZDCMisAligner(); misAligners.Add(new TObjString("ZDC"), misAlignerZDC); } // Load geometry from OCDB; update geometry before loading it if we are going to load // the alignment objects to the OCDB AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if(!cdb->IsDefaultStorageSet()) cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdb->SetRun(0); AliCDBStorage* storage = 0; if(!toOCDB){ //if we produce the objects into a file AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(); //load geom from default OCDB storage }else{ // if we produce the objects in a OCDB storage // update geometry in it Info(macroName, "Updating geometry in OCDB storage %s",ocdbUriDirPath.Data()); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L $ALICE_ROOT/GRP/UpdateCDBIdealGeom.C"); if(partialGeom){ UpdateCDBIdealGeom(ocdbUriDirPath.Data(),"$ALICE_ROOT/test/fpprod/Config.C"); }else{ UpdateCDBIdealGeom(ocdbUriDirPath.Data(),"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/Config.C"); } // load the same geometry from given OCDB storage AliCDBPath path("GRP","Geometry","Data"); storage = cdb->GetStorage(ocdbUriDirPath.Data()); AliCDBEntry *entry = storage->Get(path.GetPath(),cdb->GetRun()); if(!entry) Fatal(macroName,"Couldn't load geometry data from OCDB!"); entry->SetOwner(0); TGeoManager* geom = (TGeoManager*) entry->GetObject(); if (!geom) Fatal(macroName,"Couldn't find TGeoManager in the specified OCDB entry!"); AliGeomManager::SetGeometry(geom); } // run macro for non-sensitive modules // (presently generates only FRAME alignment objects) // gSystem->Exec("aliroot -b -q $ALICE_ROOT/GRP/MakeSTRUCTResMisAlignment.C"); !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // run macros for sensitive modules TObjString *ostr; TString strId; TClonesArray* objsArray = 0; TObjArray *detArray = modList.Tokenize(' '); TIter iter(detArray); while((ostr = (TObjString*) iter.Next())){ TString str(ostr->String()); // DET TString arName(str.Data()); // name of the array in case saved into the file arName += "AlignObjs"; AliMisAligner* misAligner = dynamic_cast (misAligners.GetValue(str)); misAligner->SetMisalType(misalType); objsArray = misAligner->MakeAlObjsArray(); if(toOCDB) { strId=str; strId+="/Align/Data"; AliCDBId id(strId.Data(),0,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); AliCDBMetaData *md = misAligner->GetCDBMetaData(); md->SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); storage->Put(objsArray, id, md); }else{ // save on file fileName = ocdbUriDirPath; fileName += str.Data(); fileName += misalType; fileName += "MisAlignment.root"; TFile file(fileName.Data(),"RECREATE"); if(!file){ Error(macroName,"cannot open file for output\n"); return; } Info(macroName,"Saving alignment objects to the file %s", fileName); file.cd(); file.WriteObject(objsArray,arName.Data(),"kSingleKey"); file.Close(); } } return; }