#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliDAQ.h" #include "AliGRPObject.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliQAv1.h" #include "AliQAManager.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliRawReaderRoot.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" #include "AliRecoParam.h" TString ClassName() { return "rawqa" ; } //________________________________qa______________________________________ void rawqa(Char_t * filename, Int_t run, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es=AliRecoParam::kDefault) { // TGrid * grid = TGrid::Connect("alien://") ; // TString filename ; // if (grid) { // filename = Form("alien:///alice/data/2009/LHC09c/000085034/raw/09000085034023.40.root") ; // } else { // filename = "raw.root" ; // } // Set the CDB storage location AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); // man->SetDefaultStorage("local://cdb2"); man->SetDefaultStorage("raw://"); man->SetRun(run); AliCDBEntry * entry = man->Get("GRP/GRP/Data"); if (!entry) return ; AliGRPObject * fGRPData = dynamic_cast(entry->GetObject()); if (!fGRPData) { printf("ERROR: No GRP entry found in OCDB") ; return ; } Int_t activeDetectors = fGRPData->GetDetectorMask(); const char * detNameOff[AliDAQ::kNDetectors] = { "ITS", "ITS", "ITS", "TPC", "TRD", "TOF", "HMPID", "PHOS", "CPV", "PMD", "MUON", "MUON", "FMD", "T0", "VZERO", // Name to be changed to V0 ? "ZDC", "ACORDE", "TRG", "EMCAL", "DAQ_TEST", "HLT" } ; TString detectors = ""; TString detectorsW ; for(Int_t iDet = 0; iDet < (AliDAQ::kNDetectors-1); iDet++) { if ((activeDetectors >> iDet) & 0x1) { if (!detectors.Contains(detNameOff[iDet])) { detectors +=detNameOff[iDet] ; detectors += " " ; } } } AliQAv1::SetQARefStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/QAref") ; AliLog::SetGlobalDebugLevel(0) ; AliQAManager * qam = AliQAManager::QAManager(AliQAv1::kRECMODE) ; qam->SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kCosmic) ; AliQAv1::Instance()->SetEventSpecie(es) ; // TString detectorsW = ""; UShort_t eventsProcessed = 0 ; UShort_t filesProcessed = 1 ; AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(); printf("INFO: Proccessing detectors %s from file %s\n", detectors.Data(), filename) ; if ( !detectors.IsNull() ) { qam->SetMaxEvents(-1) ; qam->SetTasks(Form("%d", AliQAv1::kRAWS)); AliRawReader * rawReader = new AliRawReaderRoot(Form("alien://%s", filename)); detectorsW = qam->Run(detectors, rawReader) ; qam->Reset() ; } else { printf("ERROR: No valid detectors found") ; } eventsProcessed += qam->GetCurrentEvent() ; //qam->Merge(run) ; // The summary printf("\n\n********** Summary for run %d **********", run) ; printf(" data file : %s\n", filename); printf(" detectors present in the run : %s\n", detectors.Data()) ; printf(" detectors present in the run with QA: %s\n", detectorsW.Data()) ; printf(" number of files/events processed : %d/%d\n", filesProcessed, eventsProcessed) ; //const char * qaFileName = AliQAv1::GetQAResultFileName() ; // TFile * qaResult = TFile::Open(qaFileName) ; TFile * qaResult = TFile::Open("QA.root") ; if ( qaResult ) { AliQAv1 * qa = dynamic_cast(qaResult->Get(AliQAv1::GetQAName())) ; if ( qa) { for (Int_t index = 0 ; index < AliQAv1::kNDET ; index++) if (detectorsW.Contains(AliQAv1::GetDetName(index))) qa->Show((AliQAv1::GetDetIndex(AliQAv1::GetDetName(index)))) ; } else { printf("ERROR: %s not found in %s !", AliQAv1::GetQAName(), AliQAv1::GetQAResultFileName()) ; } } else { printf("ERROR: %s has not been produced !", AliQAv1::GetQAResultFileName()) ; } }