@Book{refactoring, author = {Fowler, Martin}, title = {Refactoring: improving the design of existing code}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = {1999}, address = {Reading, MA}, isbn = {0201485672} } @Book{kerievsky2005, author = {Kerievsky, Joshua}, title = {Refactoring to patterns}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = {2005}, address = {Boston}, isbn = {0321213351} } @Book{designPatterns, author = {Gamma, Erich and Helm, Richard and Johnson, Ralph and Vlissides, John}, title = {Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = {1995}, address = {Reading, MA}, isbn = {0201633612} } @article{demeyer2002, author = {Demeyer, Serge}, title = {Maintainability Versus Performance: What’s the Effect of Introducing Polymorphism?}, journal = {ICSE'2003}, year = {2002}, address = {University of Antwerp} } @online{etymology-refactoring, title = {{EtymologyOfRefactoring}}, url = {http://martinfowler.com/bliki/EtymologyOfRefactoring.html}, author = {Fowler, Martin}, urldate = {2014-03-20}, date = {2003-09-10}, } @book{brodie2004, title = {Thinking Forth}, year = {2004}, edition = {3}, rights = {Creative Commons}, url = {http://thinking-forth.sourceforge.net/}, author = {Brodie, Leo} } @article{refactoringBrowser1997, title = {A Refactoring Tool for Smalltalk}, volume = {3}, issn = {1074-3227}, pages = {253–263}, number = {4}, journaltitle = {Theor. Pract. Object Syst.}, author = {Roberts, Don and Brant, John and Johnson, Ralph}, date = {1997-10}, } @thesis{opdyke1992, location = {Champaign, {IL}, {USA}}, title = {Refactoring Object-oriented Frameworks}, institution = {University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign}, author = {Opdyke, William F.}, date = {1992}, note = {{UMI} Order No. {GAX93-05645}} } @article{miller1956, title = {The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information}, volume = {63}, rights = {(c) 2012 {APA}, all rights reserved}, issn = {1939-1471(Electronic);0033-{295X(Print)}}, doi = {10.1037/h0043158}, shorttitle = {The magical number seven, plus or minus two}, pages = {81-97}, number = {2}, journaltitle = {Psychological Review}, author = {Miller, George A.}, date = {1956}, } @report{javaReport2011, title = {{JAVA} {EE} Productivity Report 2011}, rights = {{ZeroTurnaround} OÜ}, url = {http://zeroturnaround.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Java_EE_Productivity_Report_2011_finalv2.pdf}, type = {Survey}, date = {2011}, } @online{fowlerRubicon2001, title = {Crossing Refactoring's Rubicon}, url = {http://martinfowler.com/articles/refactoringRubicon.html}, author = {Fowler, Martin}, date = {2001}, urldate = {2014-02-09}, date = {2001}, } @report{secondRubicon2012, title = {Composite Refactorings: The Next Refactoring Rubicons}, url = {https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/35678/2012-WRT.pdf?sequence=2}, institution = {University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign}, author = {Vakilian, Mohsen and Johnson, Ralph}, date = {2012}, } @report{vakilian2012, title = {A Compositional Paradigm of Automating Refactorings}, url = {https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/30851/VakilianETAL2012Compositional.pdf?sequence=4}, abstract = {not peer reviewed}, author = {Vakilian, Mohsen and Chen, Nicholas and Zilouchian Moghaddam, Roshanak and Negara, Stas and Johnson, Ralph E.}, date = {2012-05}, } @book{cleanCode, location = {Upper Saddle River, {NJ} [etc.]}, title = {Clean code: a handbook of agile software craftsmanship}, isbn = {9780132350884 0132350882}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, author = {Martin, Robert C and Coplien, James O}, date = {2009} } @book{meyer1988, title = {Object-oriented software construction}, isbn = {0136290493 9780136290490 0136290310 9780136290315}, publisher = {Prentice-Hall}, author = {Meyer, Bertrand}, date = {1988} } @article{metricsSuite1994, title = {A Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design}, volume = {20}, issn = {0098-5589}, doi = {10.1109/32.295895}, pages = {476-493}, number = {6}, journaltitle = {{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering}, author = {Chidamber, {S.R.} and Kemerer, {C.F.}}, date = {1994-06}, } @book{louden1997, location = {Boston}, title = {Compiler construction: principles and practice}, isbn = {0534939724 9780534939724}, publisher = {{PWS} Pub. Co.}, author = {Louden, Kenneth C}, date = {1997}, } @online{weakRef2006, title = {Understanding Weak References}, url = {https://weblogs.java.net/blog/2006/05/04/understanding-weak-references}, titleaddon = {Java.net}, author = {Nicholas, Ethan}, urldate = {2014-03-20}, date = {2006-05-04} } @inreference{wikiAdvice2014, title = {Advice (programming)}, rights = {Creative Commons Attribution-{ShareAlike} License}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Advice_(programming)&oldid=462233199}, booktitle = {Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}, urldate = {2014-03-21}, date = {2014-03-14}, langid = {english}, note = {Page Version {ID:} 462233199}, } @online{fowlerXunit, title = {Xunit}, url = {http://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/Xunit.html}, author = {Fowler, Martin}, urldate = {2014-03-27}, } @online{fowler_design_2004, title = {Is Design Dead?}, url = {http://martinfowler.com/articles/designDead.html}, author = {Fowler, Martin}, urldate = {2014-04-09}, date = {2004}, } @inreference{wiki_continuous_2014, title = {Continuous design}, rights = {Creative Commons Attribution-{ShareAlike} License}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Continuous_design&oldid=544105069}, booktitle = {Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}, urldate = {2014-04-09}, date = {2014-04-08}, langid = {english}, note = {Page Version {ID:} 544105069}, }