X-Git-Url: http://git.uio.no/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=ITS%2FAliITS.h;h=0e761f5d62704d97c90d28ddc972646cede349fc;hb=307cf3c6ead0b44043846624ccc354bde07b999a;hp=ac04c8f7206a2ebb5602e60f2a118f6fda93ff94;hpb=58005f185f4f08f2c0c0eaf5fbbc30c7435d442c;p=u%2Fmrichter%2FAliRoot.git diff --git a/ITS/AliITS.h b/ITS/AliITS.h index ac04c8f7206..0e761f5d627 100644 --- a/ITS/AliITS.h +++ b/ITS/AliITS.h @@ -1,236 +1,169 @@ -#ifndef ITS_H -#define ITS_H +#ifndef ALIITS_H +#define ALIITS_H +/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * + * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ + +/* $Id$ */ + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Manager and hits classes for set: ITS // +// Manager class for set: ITS // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -#include "TObjArray.h" + +#include // used in inline function GetModule. #include "AliDetector.h" -#include "AliITSgeom.h" -#include "AliITSdigit.h" -#include "AliITSmodule.h" +#include "AliITSTrigger.h" +#include "AliITSDetTypeSim.h" + + +class TString; +class TTree; +class AliITSpListItem; +class AliITSsimulation; +class AliITSsegmentation; + +class AliITSCalibration; +class AliITShit; +class AliITSgeom; +class AliITSdigit; +class AliITSmodule; +class AliDigitizer; +class AliRunDigitizer; + class AliITS : public AliDetector { -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// -// An overview of the basic philosophy of the ITS code development -// and analysis is show in the figure below. -//Begin_Html -/* - - -
- -

Roberto Barbera is in charge of the ITS Offline code (1999). -Roberto Barbera. - -

-// Version: 0
-// Written by Rene Brun, Federico Carminati, and Roberto Barbera
-// Version: 1
-// Modified and documented by Bjorn S. Nilsen
-// July 11 1999
-// AliITS is the general base class for the ITS. Also see AliDetector for
-// futher information.
-// Data members:
-// AliITSgeom *fITSgeom
-//     All of the geometry information about the active volumes that
-// make up the ITS are described in the AliITSgeom class. This includes
-// the transformation functions between the local and global coordinate
-// systems and the like. See the full description found in the AliITSgeom
-// class. Here in the AliITS class is kept the pointer to the geometry
-// used in the simulations or that thought to be the correct one for the
-// data. Until a more general class is define and a more appropriate
-// place is found to keep this geometry information, it is kept here in
-// AliITS.
-// TObjArray *fITSpoints
-//     This is a pointer to the points, to be used by the tracking algorithms
-// for example, found in the detectors of the ITS. To allow for the most
-// general points structure it is defined to be a pointer to a TObjArray where
-// each array element would be one point found in the ITS detectors. An
-// Addpoints function is defined below. By default an array of 16 TObjects are
-// defined during the initialization of AliITS. This is automatically expanded
-// when necessary by the Addpoints function.
-// Bool_t fEuclidOut
-//     This is a flag used to indicate that an Euclid compatible CAD
-// file will be created upon the creation of the ITS Monte Carlo
-// geometry definition, in the function CreatGeometry. If fEuclidOut is
-// true, then a file called ITSgeometry.euc will be created.
-// Int_t fIdN
-//     This variable contains the number of layers defined in the ITS
-// geometry. It is primarily used as a size indicator for fIdSens and
-// fIdName described below. In general the number of layers, ladders, or
-// detectors should be gotten from the AliITSgeom functions. Upon
-// creating the AliITS object it is set to zero.
-// Int_t *fIdSens
-//     This is a pointer to an array containing the Monte Carlo volume
-// numbers for the different layers of the ITS. These numbers are needed
-// by the StepManager function to determine what layer a hit was on. It
-// is sized and initialized in the Init function and the AliITSv? Init
-// function, called after a call to CreateGeometry. Upon creating the
-// AliITS object it points to zero. This variable is made a pointer
-// in order to keep the maximum flexibility at this level of the code.
-// char **fIdName
-//     This is a pointer to an array of characters containing the names of
-// the different ITS layers as defined in the Monte Carlo geometry data-
-// base. It is sized and filled in the AliITSv? Init function, called
-// after a call to CreatGeometry. Upon creating the AliITS object it
-// points to zero. This variable is make a pointer in order to keep the
-// maximum flexibility at this level of the code.
-// Member Functions:
-// AliITS()
-//     The default constructor of the AliITS class. In addition to
-// creating the AliITS class it zeros the variables fIshunt (a member
-// of AliDetector class), fEuclidOut, and fIdN, and zeros the pointers
-// fITSpoints, fIdSens, and fIdName. The AliDetector default constructor
-// is also called.
-// AliITS(const char *name, const char *title)
-//     The constructor of the AliITS class. In addition to creating the
-// AliITS class, it allocates memory for the TClonesArrays fHits and
-// fDigits, and for the TObjArray fITSpoints. It also zeros the variables
-// fIshunt (a member of AliDetector class), fEuclidOut, and fIdN, and zeros
-// the pointers fIdSens and fIdName. To help in displaying hits via the ROOT
-// macro display.C AliITS also sets the marker color to red. The variables
-// passes with this constructor, const char *name and *title, are used by
-// the constructor of AliDetector class. See AliDetector class for a
-// description of these parameters and its constructor functions.
-// ~AliITS()
-//     The default destructor of the AliITS class. In addition to deleting
-// the AliITS class it deletes the memory pointed to by the fHits, fDigits,
-// fIdSens, fIdName, and fITSpoints.
-// AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits)
-//     The function to add information to the AliITShit class. See the
-// AliITShit class for a full description. This function allocates the
-// necessary new space for the hit information and passes the variable
-// track, and the pointers *vol and *hits to the AliITShit constructor
-// function.
-// AddDigit(Int_t *track, Int_t *digits)
-//     The function to add information to the AliITSdigits class. See the
-// AliITSdigits class for a full description. This function allocates the
-// necessary new space for the digits information and passes the pointers
-// *track and *digits to the AliITSdigits constructor function.
-// BuildGeometry()
-//     This function builds a simple ITS geometry used by the ROOT macro
-// display.C. In general the geometry as coded is wrong.
-// CreateGeometry()
-//     This function builds the detailed geometry used by the Geant
-// Monte Carlo. As defined here it is a dummy routine to be replaced
-// by the version coded up in AliITSv? where the specific geometry to
-// be used by the simulation is defined. See the definition of AliITSv5
-// or the other routines for a complete definition.
-// CreateMaterials()
-//     This function defines the default materials used in the Geant
-// Monte Carlo simulations. In general it is automatically replaced by
-// the CreatMaterials routine defined in AliITSv?. Should the function
-// CreateMaterials not exist for the geometry version you are using this
-// one is used. See the definition found in AliITSv5 or the other routine
-// for a complete definition.
-// IsVersion()
-//     Returns the version number of the AliITS class. At present it is
-// version 1.
-// DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t x, Int_t y)
-//     A dummy routine used by the ROOT macro display.C to allow for the
-// use of the mouse (pointing device) in the macro. In general this should
-// never be called. If it is it returns the number 9999 for any value of
-// x and y.
-// Init()
-//     This routine initializes the AliITS class. It is intended to be called
-// from the Init function in AliITSv?. Besides displaying a banner
-// indicating that it has been called it initializes the array fIdSens.
-// Therefore it should be called after a call to CreateGeometry.
-// MakeBranch(Option_t *Opt=" ")
-//     Creates the TTree branch where the class AliITS is kept.
-// SetEUCLID(bool_t euclid=1)
-//     Sets the flag fEuclidOut to true (default) of false (euclid=0).
-// By setting or clearing the fEuclidOut flag you can controls whether
-// or not a euclid formatted output file of the ITS geometry is written.
-// If fEuclidOut is set true then a file called ITSgeometry.euc will be
-// written after the ITS geometry is defined in the Monte Carlo. If
-// fEuclidOut is set false then no file is created.
-// StepManager()
-//     Dummy routine which is replaced by the routine StepManager() defined
-// in AliITSv?. If no such routine exist then this routine returns zero.
-// See AliITSv? for a detailed description of the step manager routines.
-// GetITSgeom()
-//     Returns the value of the pointer fITSgeom. This is used to get
-// access to the ITS geometry stored in the file. See AliITSgeom for a
-// full description of the geometry package.
-// GetITSpoints()
-//     Returns the value of the pointer fITSpoints. This is used to get
-// access to the ITS cluster objects, if filled, stored in the file. See
-// AliITSCluster for a full description of the cluster data.
+ public:
+    //================= Standard Classes ===============================
+    AliITS();  // Default creator.
+    AliITS(const Char_t *title); // standard Creator
+    AliITS(const char *name, const char *title); // extended standard Creator
+    virtual ~AliITS(); // destructor
+    virtual Int_t IsVersion() const {return 1;}
+    virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t , Int_t )  {return 999;}
+    //===================== Simulation Geometry ========================
+    // get geometry version - detailed (major) or coarse (minor)
+    virtual Int_t GetMajorVersion() const {return -1;}
+    virtual Int_t GetMinorVersion() const {return -1;}
+    virtual void  GetGeometryVersion(Int_t &a,Int_t &b) const
+	                   {a = GetMajorVersion();b=GetMinorVersion();return;}
+    virtual void  SetEUCLID(Bool_t euclid=kTRUE) {fEuclidOut = euclid;}
+    virtual Bool_t GetEUCLID()const {return fEuclidOut;}
+    //-------------------- Geometry Transformations --------------------
+    // ITS geometry functions From Simulation
+    AliITSgeom* GetITSgeom() const {return fDetTypeSim->GetITSgeom();}
+    void   SetITSgeom(AliITSgeom *geom) {fDetTypeSim->SetITSgeom(geom);}
+    // return pointer to the array of modules
+    TObjArray *GetModules(){return fITSmodules;}
+    AliITSmodule *GetModule(Int_t index){
+        return (AliITSmodule*)(fITSmodules->At(index));}
+    virtual void SetDetTypeSim(AliITSDetTypeSim* dts) {fDetTypeSim=dts;}
+    AliITSDetTypeSim* GetDetTypeSim() const {return fDetTypeSim;}
+    //================ Necessary general Classes =======================
+    virtual void Init();
+    virtual AliLoader* MakeLoader(const char* topfoldername);
+    virtual void SetDefaults();
+    virtual void SetDefaultSimulation();
+    virtual void MakeBranch(Option_t *opt=" ");
+    virtual void MakeBranchS(const char* fl);
+    virtual void MakeBranchD(const char* file);
+    virtual void MakeBranchInTreeD(TTree* treeD, const char* file=0);
+    virtual void SetTreeAddress();
+     //---------- Configuration Methods (per detector type) -------------
+    // Determines which ITS subdetectors will be processed. Effects
+    // digitization, and Reconstruction only.
+    void SetDetectors(Option_t *opt="All"){fOpt = opt;}
+    // Returns the list of ITS subdetectors that will be processed.
+    Option_t* GetDetectors(){return fOpt;}
+    // Set calibration
+    virtual void SetCalibrationModel(Int_t dettype, AliITSCalibration *cal){
+        fDetTypeSim->SetCalibrationModel(dettype,cal);}
+    // Set segmentation for Simulation
+    virtual void SetSegmentationModel(Int_t id, AliITSsegmentation *seg){
+        fDetTypeSim->SetSegmentationModel(id,seg);}
+    // Set simulation 
+    virtual void SetSimulationModel(Int_t id, AliITSsimulation *sim){
+        fDetTypeSim->SetSimulationModel(id,sim);}
+    // Set simulation 
+    virtual AliITSsimulation* GetSimulationModel(Int_t id){
+	return fDetTypeSim->GetSimulationModel(id);}
+    //=================== Hits =========================================
+    virtual void StepManager() {} // See Step Manager for specific geometry.
+    //------------ sort hits by module for Digitisation ----------------
+    virtual void FillModules(Int_t evnt,Int_t bgrev,Int_t nmodules,
+			     Option_t *opt, const char *filename); 
+    virtual void InitModules(Int_t size,Int_t &nmodules);  
+    virtual void FillModules(TTree *treeH, Int_t mask = 0);
+    virtual void ClearModules(){if(fITSmodules) fITSmodules->Delete();}
+    virtual void AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits);
+   // Trigger
+    virtual AliTriggerDetector* CreateTriggerDetector() const
+       { return new AliITSTrigger(); }
+    TClonesArray* GetSDigits() const { return fDetTypeSim->GetSDigits();}
+    AliDigitizer* CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const;
+    virtual void UpdateInternalGeometry();
+    virtual void SDigitsToDigits(Option_t *opt="All");
+    virtual void SDigits2Digits(){SDigitsToDigits("All");}
+    virtual void Hits2Digits(); 
+    virtual void Hits2SDigits();
+    virtual void Hits2PreDigits();
+    virtual void HitsToDigits(Int_t evNumber,Int_t bgrev,Int_t size,
+                          Option_t *option,Option_t *opt,
+                          const char *filename);
+    virtual void HitsToPreDigits(Int_t evNumber,Int_t bgrev,Int_t size,
+                             Option_t *option,Option_t *opt,
+                             const char *filename);
+    void HitsToSDigits(Int_t evNumber,Int_t bgrev,Int_t size,
+                       Option_t *add, Option_t *det, const char *filename)
+      {HitsToPreDigits(evNumber,bgrev,size,add,det,filename);}
+    virtual void ResetDigits();
+    virtual void ResetDigits(Int_t branch);
+    virtual void AddSumDigit(AliITSpListItem &sdig);
+    virtual void AddRealDigit(Int_t branch, Int_t *digits);
+    virtual void AddSimDigit(Int_t branch, AliITSdigit *d);
+    virtual void AddSimDigit(Int_t branch,Float_t phys,Int_t* digits,
+		     Int_t* tracks,Int_t *hits,Float_t* trkcharges);
+    TObjArray* GetDigits()  const {return fDetTypeSim->GetDigits();}
+    Int_t* GetNDigitArray() const {return fDetTypeSim->GetNDigitArray();}
+    TClonesArray *DigitsAddress(Int_t id) {
+	return fDetTypeSim->DigitsAddress(id);}
+    //Fast simulation
+    virtual void HitsToFastRecPoints(Int_t evNumber,Int_t bgrev,Int_t size,
+                 Option_t *add, Option_t *det, const char *filename);
+    virtual Int_t Hits2Clusters(TTree *in, TTree *out);
+    virtual void CheckLabels(Int_t lab[3]) const;
+    //===================== Raw Data IO ================================
+    // Write digits into raw data format
+    virtual void   Digits2Raw();
+    virtual Bool_t Raw2SDigits(AliRawReader*);
-    AliITSgeom  *fITSgeom;    // Pointer to ITS geometry
-    TObjArray   *fITSmodules; // Pointer to ITS modules
-    // Defined here since it doesn't have a place in AliDetector like fDigit
-    TObjArray   *fITSpoints;  // Pointer to ITS points
-    Bool_t fEuclidOut; // Flag to write out geometry in euclid format
-    Int_t  fIdN; // the number of layers
-    Int_t  *fIdSens; char **fIdName;   //layer identifier
-    // Geometry and Stepmanager version numbers used.
-    Int_t fMajorVersion,fMinorVersion;
-  public:
-                          AliITS();
-                          AliITS(const char *name, const char *title);
-           virtual        ~AliITS();
-           virtual void   AddHit(Int_t, Int_t*, Float_t*);
-           virtual void   AddDigit(Int_t*, Int_t*);
-           virtual Int_t  AddDigit(AliITSdigit *d);
-//         virtual void   AddPoint(); // yet to be defined
-           virtual void   BuildGeometry();
-           virtual void   CreateGeometry() {};
-           virtual void   CreateMaterials();
-    inline virtual TObjArray* GetModules() {return fITSmodules;}
-    inline virtual TObjArray* GetPoints(){return fITSpoints;}
-    inline void GetGeometryVersion(Int_t &a,Int_t &b)
-      {a = fMajorVersion;b=fMinorVersion;return;}
-    inline virtual Int_t  IsVersion() {return 1;}
-                   Int_t  DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py);
-           virtual void   Init();
-           virtual void   MakeBranch(Option_t *opt=" ");
-    inline virtual void   SetEUCLID(Bool_t euclid=1){fEuclidOut = euclid;}
-           virtual void   StepManager()=0;
-    //
-    // ITS geometry functions
-    inline virtual AliITSgeom *GetITSgeom(){return fITSgeom;}
-    inline virtual TObjArray  *GetITSpoints(){return fITSpoints;}
-    ClassDef(AliITS,1)
+    static const Int_t fgkNTYPES=3; //number of detector types
+    //================== Data Members ==================================
+    AliITSDetTypeSim *fDetTypeSim; //detector type for simulation
+    Bool_t        fEuclidOut;  // Flag to write geometry in euclid format
+    Option_t     *fOpt;        //! Detector option ="All" unless changed.
+    Int_t         fIdN;        // the number of layers
+    Int_t        *fIdSens;     //[fIdN] layer identifier
+    TString      *fIdName;     //[fIdN] layer identifier
+    TObjArray    *fITSmodules; //! Pointer to ITS modules
+    Bool_t        fTiming;     // flag to turn on/off timers.
+ private:
+    AliITS(const AliITS &source); // copy constructor. Not to be used!
+    AliITS& operator=(const AliITS &source); // = operator. Not to be used!
+    ClassDef(AliITS,7) // Base class for ITS