X-Git-Url: http://git.uio.no/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=PWGPP%2FanalysisQA%2FREADME;h=2b427c624502051f39ea4b3103b69091684e9b4a;hb=59221a67b3ec6b640bf25f768592b7d828ecf68f;hp=d241bb616d665ef9e2f2c6651b4b824855814238;hpb=ca14f2e97a03fd151ee535f52f7f49e73db37181;p=u%2Fmrichter%2FAliRoot.git diff --git a/PWGPP/analysisQA/README b/PWGPP/analysisQA/README index d241bb616d6..2b427c62450 100644 --- a/PWGPP/analysisQA/README +++ b/PWGPP/analysisQA/README @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Analysis QA Authur: Satyajit Jena Date: 23 Nov 2013 Last Update: Mon Mar 31 15:47:10 CEST 2014 +Last Update: 27/06/2014 - LF -------------------------------------------- @@ -47,12 +48,40 @@ processHFEQAtask.C %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ processJETrackQA.C +Processes the results of the JE_PWG4HighPtTrackQA wagon. Should be run with the following arguments: +TString strFileIn = "AnalysisResults.root" : the path to the input file. +TString suffix = "eps" : the suffix that determines the output format. For example: eps, pdf, png, etc. +Int_t cent = 10 : the centrality class of the results. Options: 0 (0-10%), 1 (10-30%), 2 (30-50%), 3 (50-80%) and 10 (0-80%). Usually they are published with class 10. +Int_t trig = 1 : linked to the trigger. Default depends on data period: lhc11h: 1, containing lhc12 or lhc13: 5, or else: 6. On doubt one can always referr to the table at the bottom of this paragraph in after checking the AnalysisResults.root file with a browser. +Bool_t bESD = kFALSE : an obsolete variable. Might be removed in the future. +Int_t run = 0 : enables to add a run number to the plots. Not neccessary for general QA, and can be suppresed by giving the number 0. +const char *outfile ="JETrackQA_output.root" : the path to the place to store the plots as root file. This is in addition to the image files made with in the 'suffix' format. +List of triggers: + if(trig==1) strTrigger = "kCentral"; + if(trig==2) strTrigger = "kSemiCentral"; + if(trig==3) strTrigger = "kMBkCentralkSemiCentral"; + if(trig==4) strTrigger = "kEMCEJE"; + if(trig==5) strTrigger = "kINT7"; + if(trig==6) strTrigger = "kMB"; + %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ processJETriggerQA.C +This is an old version of the macro. Use V2 if possible. Only use this for old results. + %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ processJETriggerQA_V2.C +Processes the results of the JE_TriggerQAFullR020 wagon, and if present, can also be used for the results of the JE_TriggerQAFullR020_EMCEGA and JE_TriggerQAFullR020_EMCEJE wagon. Should be run with the following arguments: +TString strFileIn = "AnalysisResults.root" : the path to the input file. +TString suftype ="eps" : the suffix that deternmines the output format. For example: eps, pdf, png, etc. +Float_t jetR = 0.2 : the jetR. Default train value is 0.2, but can otherwise be found by opening the AnalysisResults.root file with the browser. +Float_t minTrkPT = 0.15 : the lower Track momentum cut-off. Default train value is 0.15, but can otherwise be found by opening the AnalysisResults.root file with the browser. +Float_t minClusterET = 0.3 : the lower Cluster energy cut-off. Default train value is 0.3, but can otherwise be found by opening the AnalysisResults.root file with the browser. +Int_t run = 0 : enables to add a run number to the plots. Not neccessary for general QA, and can be suppresed by giving the number 0. +TString trigsuffix = "" : leave empty to open the results of the JE_TriggerQAFullR020 wagon, but or use "EJE" or "EGA" to use the triggered results otherwise. +const char* outfile = "JETriggerQA_outfile.root" : the path to the place to store the plots as root file. This is in addition to the image files made with in the 'suffix' format. + %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ processJpsi2eeQAplots.C @@ -62,6 +91,84 @@ processMakeQA2pc.C %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ processMultistrangeQA.C +Processes the results of the wagons based on AddTaskQAMultistrange.C. +A copy is present in the folder: /PWGLF/QATasks/post/PostProcessQAMultistrange.C . +Creates a "summary pdf" file with several pages. +Arguments: +Int_t icasType = 0, // 0) Xi- 1) Xi+ 2) Omega- 3) Omega+ +Int_t collidingsystem = 0, // 0) PbPb 1) pp 2) pPb +Bool_t isMC = kFALSE, // kTRUE-->MC and kFALSE-->Exp. +Char_t *fileDir = ".", // Input file directory +Char_t *filein = "AnalysisResults.root" // Input file name +Further details in the macro. + +%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +processResonance.C + +Processes the results of the wagons based on AddTaskQAPhi.C. +A copy is present in the folder: /PWGLF/QATasks/post/PostProcessQAPhi.C . +Creates a "summary pdf" file with several pages. +Arguments: +char* system = "pp276", // string giving the collision system ("pp276","pp7", or "PbPb276") +char* name_fin = "AnalysisResults.root", // name of input file +char* name_fout = "QAphi", // base name of output files (without suffix) +char* name_list = "RsnHistMini_Phi_PhiNsigma_KTPCnsig30", // name of the list in fin that contains histograms (may be different) +char* name_hist_base = "RsnMini_phi.PhiNsigma_KTPCnsig30" // base name of the THnSparse histograms (may be different) +Further details in the macro. + +%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +processV0.C + +Processes the results of the wagons based on AddTaskQAV0.C or AddTaskQAV0AOD.C. +A copy is present in the folder: /PWGLF/QATasks/post/PostProcessQAV0.C . +Creates a "summary pdf" file with several pages. +Arguments: +Bool_t lAttemptInvMassFit = kTRUE // if kTRUE attempt rough signal extraction +The Macro run on the file: ./AnalysisResults.root . + +%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +processHighPtDeDx.C + +Processes the results of the wagons based on AddTaskQAHighPtDeDx.C. +A copy is present in the folder: /PWGLF/QATasks/post/PostProcessQAHighPtDeDx.C . +How to run (use AliRoot because of AliXRDPROOFtoolkit): + +gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/Base") +gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/SPECTRA/IdentifiedHighPt/macros") +gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/SPECTRA/IdentifiedHighPt/grid") +gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/SPECTRA/IdentifiedHighPt/lib") +gROOT->SetMacroPath(".:$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/SPECTRA/IdentifiedHighPt/macros:$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/SPECTRA/IdentifiedHighPt/grid:$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/SPECTRA/IdentifiedHighPt/lib/") +.L my_functions.C+ +.L my_tools.C+ +.L PostProcessQAHighPtDeDx.C+ + +PlotQA("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root") + +MakeFitsExternalData("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", "HistosForBB") +MakeFitsV0s("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", "HistosForBB/PrimaryElectrons.root", "HistosForBB",0) +MakeFitsV0s("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", "HistosForBB/PrimaryElectrons.root", "HistosForBB",1) +MakeFitsV0s("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", "HistosForBB/PrimaryElectrons.root", "HistosForBB",2) +MakeFitsV0s("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", "HistosForBB/PrimaryElectrons.root", "HistosForBB",3) +PlotParametrizations("HistosForBB") + +FitDeDxVsP("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", 3.0, 10.0, 0, 6, 13, kTRUE, 0, 2, 0,1, 0, "HistosForBB/hres_0_5_02.root",27); +FitDeDxVsP("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", 3.0, 10.0, 0, 6, 13, kTRUE, 2, 4, 0,1, 0, "HistosForBB/hres_0_5_24.root",27); +FitDeDxVsP("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", 3.0, 10.0, 0, 6, 13, kTRUE, 4, 6, 0,1, 0, "HistosForBB/hres_0_5_46.root",27); +FitDeDxVsP("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", 3.0, 10.0, 0, 6, 13, kTRUE, 6, 8, 0,1, 0, "HistosForBB/hres_0_5_68.root",27); +MakeNSigmaPlot("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root","fitparameters/MB/02_dataPbPb.root",2,50, 0, "02_dataPbPb.root"); +MakeNSigmaPlot("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root","fitparameters/MB/24_dataPbPb.root",2,50, 1, "24_dataPbPb.root"); +MakeNSigmaPlot("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root","fitparameters/MB/46_dataPbPb.root",2,50, 2, "46_dataPbPb.root"); +MakeNSigmaPlot("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root","fitparameters/MB/68_dataPbPb.root",2,50, 3, "68_dataPbPb.root"); +PlotNSigma("nsigma_results") + +ExtractUncPartFractvsP("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", 2, 50,0,0, "results/eta02","fractions"); +ExtractUncPartFractvsP("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", 2, 50,0,1, "results/eta24","fractions"); +ExtractUncPartFractvsP("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", 2, 50,0,2, "results/eta46","fractions"); +ExtractUncPartFractvsP("FileRoot/AnalysisResults.root", 2, 50,0,3, "results/eta68","fractions"); + +Further details in the macro. + + %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ processProduceFastQA.C