]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/history - PYTHIA6/AliPythia.h
Fix coverity warnings (F. Prino)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PYTHIA6 / AliPythia.h
2010-03-17 morschOption for patching of the omega dalitz decay.
2010-03-04 morschUpdates for multiple interactions.
2009-10-30 morschProcess kPyMbAtlasTuneMC09 added
2009-10-07 morschpy2ent added.
2009-08-17 morschSetter for Pythia Tune.
2009-08-17 morschInterface to pythia tunes added.
2009-03-17 morschq-pythia for jet quenching simulations added. (Leticia...
2008-10-15 morschPossibility to set the nuclear pdf added (EKS98 or...
2008-03-26 morschUsing generalized pdf codes.
2007-10-09 morsch- Update to PYQUEN v1.3 (http://lokhtin.web.cern.ch...
2007-07-05 morschPossibility to set the maximum energy loss
2007-04-20 hristovMin. bias with the default Pythia settings
2006-09-12 morschConfiguration kPyLhwgMb (hep-ph/0604120) added. (Boris...
2006-08-15 morschEffC++ warnings corrected.
2006-08-07 morschObsolete structure functions replaced.
2006-03-20 morschUpdate for PDC'06 muon generation. (Nicole Bastid)
2006-03-18 morschPDC'06 configurations for charm and beauty added.
2006-03-18 morschSome code duplication in Pythia configuration removed.
2006-03-07 morsch pyevnw() needed for Pythia 6.3 added.
2006-02-20 morschZ production and possibility for cuts on secondaries...
2005-09-20 morschBaryon production models added by Eleazar Cuautle Flore...
2005-03-04 morschOption kPyW for W-production added.
2004-07-01 morschStore and communicate event specific quenching parameters.
2004-06-17 morschpyquen added.
2004-05-27 morsch- Use new methods from AliQuenchingWeights ("Integral...
2004-05-10 morschD+ -> K pipi added. (A. Dainese)
2004-04-06 morschNew quenching algorithm.
2003-09-24 morschSimple jet quenching algorythm added.
2003-03-27 morschCharm production process configuration for pPb and...
2003-03-15 morschClassed imported from EVGEN.