]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - FMD/scripts/AliFMDAnaFlowRing.h
Fixes to AliFMDPreprocessor from Hans.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FMD / scripts / AliFMDAnaFlowRing.h
9b98d361 1// -*- mode: C++ -*-
4#include <flow/AliFMDFlowBinned1D.h>
5#include <flow/AliFMDFlowTrue.h>
6#include <flow/AliFMDFlowBin.h>
7#include <flow/AliFMDFlowAxis.h>
8#include <flow/AliFMDFlowUtil.h>
9#include <AliFMDAnaRing.h>
10#include <TH1.h>
11#include <TH2.h>
12#include <TProfile.h>
13#include <TMath.h>
14#include <TBrowser.h>
17class AliFMDAnaFlowRing : public AliFMDAnaRing
20 /** Constructor
21 @param d Detector number
22 @param r Ring identifier
23 @param n Number of bins
24 @param etamin Minimum @f$\eta@f$
25 @param etamax Maximum @f$\eta@f$
26 @param bg Background
27 @param c1 Lower cut
28 @param c2 higher cut */
29 AliFMDAnaFlowRing(UShort_t d=0, Char_t r='\0',
30 Int_t n=0, Float_t etamin=0, Float_t etamax=0,
31 TH2* bg=0, Float_t c1=0, Float_t c2=0)
32 : AliFMDAnaRing(d, r, bg, c1, c2),
33 fAxis(n, etamin, etamax),
34 fV2(Name(), Name(), 2, 1, fAxis),
35 fTrue(Form("True%s", Name()), Name(), 2, fAxis),
36 fNObserv(0),
37 fPsi(Form("%s_psi", fName), "Event planes",
38 fAxis.N(), fAxis.Bins(), 2*fNSeq, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()),
39 fDPsi(Form("%s_dpsi", fName), "Distance to real #Psi_{R}",
40 fAxis.N(), fAxis.Bins(), -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()),
41 fMult(Form("%s_mult", fName), "Multiplicity per hit",
42 fAxis.N(), fAxis.Bins(), 100, 0, 10)
43 {}
44 /** Constructor
45 @param d Detector number
46 @param r Ring identifier
47 @param a Axis
48 @param bg Background
49 @param c1 Lower cut
50 @param c2 higher cut */
51 AliFMDAnaFlowRing(UShort_t d, Char_t r, const AliFMDFlowAxis& a,
52 TH2* bg, Float_t c1, Float_t c2)
53 : AliFMDAnaRing(d, r, bg, c1, c2),
54 fAxis(a),
55 fV2(Name(), Name(), 2, 1, fAxis),
56 fTrue(Form("True%s", Name()), Name(), 2, fAxis),
57 fNObserv(0),
58 fPsi(Form("%s_psi", fName), "Event planes",
59 fAxis.N(), fAxis.Bins(), 2*fNSeq, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()),
60 fDPsi(Form("%s_dpsi", fName), "Distance to real #Psi_{R}",
61 fAxis.N(), fAxis.Bins(), -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()),
62 fMult(Form("%s_mult", fName), "Multiplicity per hit",
63 fAxis.N(), fAxis.Bins(), 100, 0, 10)
64 {}
65 /** Initialize */
66 void Init()
67 {
68 fPhis.Set(10240);
69 fEtas.Set(10240);
70 fWeights.Set(10240);
71 fNObserv = 0;
73 fV2.SetLineColor(Color());
74 fV2.SetMarkerColor(Color());
75 fV2.SetFillColor(Color());
76 fV2.SetFillStyle(3003+(fRing == 'I' ? 1 : 2));
78 fPsi.SetXTitle("#eta");
79 fPsi.SetYTitle("#Psi");
80 fPsi.SetZTitle("Frequency");
82 fDPsi.SetXTitle("#eta");
83 fDPsi.SetYTitle("#Delta#Psi=|#Psi-#Psi_{R}|");
85 fMult.SetXTitle("#eta");
86 fMult.SetYTitle("M");
88 ModHist(fPsi);
89 ModHist(fDPsi);
90 ModHist(fMult);
92 AliFMDAnaRing::Init();
93 }
94 /** Modify histogram
95 @param h Histogram */
96 void ModHist(TH1& h)
97 {
98 h.GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(132);
99 h.GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(132);
100 h.GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(8);
101 h.GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(132);
102 h.GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(132);
103 h.GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(8);
104 h.GetZaxis()->SetTitleFont(132);
105 h.GetZaxis()->SetLabelFont(132);
106 h.GetZaxis()->SetNdivisions(8);
107 h.SetLineColor(Color());
108 h.SetMarkerColor(Color());
109 h.SetFillColor(Color());
110 h.SetMarkerStyle(20);
111 h.SetDirectory(0);
112 }
113 /** Called at beginning of event */
114 void Begin() { fNObserv = 0; }
115 /** Fill in one strip
116 @param phi Azimuthal angle @f$ \varphi@f$
117 @param eta Pseudo rapidity @f$ \eta@f$
118 @param mult Signal */
119 void Fill(Float_t phi, Float_t eta, Float_t mult)
120 {
121 // if (mult < 0.2 || mult > 2) return;
122 // if (fBg && mult < fCut0) return;
123 if (mult <= 0.01) return;
124 Int_t imult = Int_t(mult+.1);
125 if (fNObserv + imult >= fEtas.fN) {
126 ULong_t n = Int_t(fEtas.fN * 1.5)+imult;
127 fEtas.Set(n);
128 fPhis.Set(n);
129 fWeights.Set(n);
130 }
131 for (Int_t i = 0; i < imult; i++) {
132 fEtas[fNObserv] = eta;
133 fPhis[fNObserv] = phi;
134 fWeights[fNObserv] = 1;
135 fMult.Fill(eta, mult);
136 fNObserv++;
137 }
138 }
139 /** Called at end of event */
140 void End()
141 {
142 fTrue.Event(fNObserv, fPhis.fArray, fEtas.fArray,
143 fWeights.fArray, 0); // fWeights.fArray);
144 fV2.Event(fNObserv, fPhis.fArray, fEtas.fArray,
145 fWeights.fArray, 0); // fWeights.fArray);
146 for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fAxis.N(); i++) {
147 AliFMDFlowBin* bin = fV2.GetBin(i);
148 AliFMDFlowBin* tbin = fTrue.GetBin(i);
149 if (bin && bin->Counts() > 0) {
150 Double_t psir = tbin->Psi() / fV2.PsiOrder();
151 fPsi.Fill(fAxis.BinCenter(i), bin->Psi() - psir);
152 fDPsi.Fill(fAxis.BinCenter(i), bin->Psi() - psir);
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 /** Browse this object
157 @param b Browser */
158 void Browse(TBrowser* b)
159 {
160 AliFMDAnaRing::Browse(b);
161 b->Add(&fV2, "V2");
162 b->Add(&fTrue, "TrueV2");
163 b->Add(&fPsi);
164 b->Add(&fDPsi);
165 b->Add(&fMult);
166 }
168 /** Flow axis */
169 AliFMDFlowAxis fAxis;
170 /** Flow histogram */
171 AliFMDFlowBinned1D fV2;
172 /** Flow histogram */
173 AliFMDFlowTrue1D fTrue;
174 /** Cache of phi */
175 TArrayD fPhis;
176 /** Cache of eta */
177 TArrayD fEtas;
178 /** Cache of weights */
179 TArrayD fWeights;
180 /** Number of observables */
181 Int_t fNObserv;
182 /** Histogram of Psi */
183 TH2D fPsi; // Event planes
184 /** Histogram of dPsi */
185 TProfile fDPsi; // Mean distance to Psi
186 /** Histogram of multiplicities */
187 TH2D fMult;
189 ClassDef(AliFMDAnaFlowRing,1) // Flow ring
194// EOF