]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSsimulationSDD.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSsimulationSDD.h
8a33ae9e 3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
5/* $Id$ */
1ca7869b 6
b0f5e3fc 7#include <TNtuple.h>
1ca7869b 8#include <TArrayF.h>
b0f5e3fc 10#include "AliITSsimulation.h"
b0f5e3fc 11
1ca7869b 12class TH1F;
13class TFile;
14class TVector;
15class TArrayI;
16class TArrayF;
e8189707 17class AliITS;
18class AliITSMap;
19class AliITSMapA1;
20class AliITSMapA2;
b0f5e3fc 21class AliITSetfSDD;
e8189707 22class AliITSInStream;
1ca7869b 23class AliITSresponse;
b0f5e3fc 24
b0f5e3fc 25class AliITSsimulationSDD : public AliITSsimulation {
8a33ae9e 27 public:
28 AliITSsimulationSDD(); // default constructor
29 //Standard Constructor
30 AliITSsimulationSDD(AliITSsegmentation *seg, AliITSresponse *res);
31 // Copy opporator
32 AliITSsimulationSDD(AliITSsimulationSDD &source);
33 virtual ~AliITSsimulationSDD(); // Destructor
34 // = opporator
35 AliITSsimulationSDD& operator=(AliITSsimulationSDD &source);
37 // get the address of the array mapping the signal or pointers to arrays
38 virtual AliITSMap* HitMap(Int_t i);
40 // set the scale size factor for the smples in FFT
41 virtual void SetScaleFourier(Int_t scale=4) {fScaleSize=scale;}
42 Int_t ScaleFourier() const {return fScaleSize;} // returns the scale factor
43 // set perpendicular tracks flag
44 virtual void SetPerpendTracksFlag(Bool_t flag=kFALSE) {fFlag=flag;}
45 // returns perpendicular track flag.
46 Bool_t PerpendTracksFlag() const {return fFlag;}
47 // set compression parameters for 2D or 1D via response functions
48 void SetCompressParam();
49 // retrieve compression parameters for 2D or 1D
50 void CompressionParam(Int_t i, Int_t &db, Int_t &tl, Int_t &th);
51 // retrieve compression parameters for 2D or 1D
52 void CompressionParam(Int_t i, Int_t &db, Int_t &tl);
54 virtual Int_t Convert10to8(Int_t signal) const;// 10 to 8 bit SDD compresion
55 virtual Int_t Convert8to10(Int_t signal) const;//undo 10 to 8 bit SDD compresion
56 virtual void ZeroSuppression(const char *opt); // Apply zero suppresion
57 virtual void Init2D(); // initiilzes 2D compresion algorithm
58 virtual void Compress2D(); // Applies 2D compresion algorithm
59 virtual void Init1D(); // initilizes 1D compresion algorithm
60 virtual void Compress1D(); // Applies 1D compresion algorithm
61 virtual void StoreAllDigits(); // if No compresion run this.
62 virtual void ReadBaseline(); // read baseline values from a file
63 // returns baseline and noise for a given anode i.
64 virtual void GetAnodeBaseline(Int_t i, Float_t &baseline, Float_t &noise);
65 // local implementation of ITS->AddDigit. Specific for SDD
66 virtual void AddDigit(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t signal);
67 // Finds clulsters of signals. Use with regards to Compresion algorithms
68 virtual void FindCluster(Int_t i, Int_t j,Int_t signal,
69 Int_t minval,Bool_t &cond);
71 // get parameters for 1D - this could be changed when we get more
72 // input from Torino after they have a look at the code
73 virtual Int_t Tolerance(Int_t i) {return fTol[i];}//returns tolerance
74 virtual Int_t Disable(Int_t i) {return fT2[i];}//high threshold 2D
75 // Set the output file name - for 1D encoding
76 virtual void SetFileName(const char *filnam) {fFileName=filnam;}
78 // add baseline, noise, electronics and ADC saturation effects
79 void ChargeToSignal();
80 // Digitses a SDD module
81 void DigitiseModule(AliITSmodule *mod,Int_t md,Int_t ev);
82 // Sorts tracks for the 3 most highly contributed one to be added to digit.
83 void SortTracks(Int_t *tracks,Float_t *charges,Int_t *hits,Int_t ntracks);
84 // collects and returns the fired SDD cells (uses AliITSMapA2...).
85 void ListOfFiredCells(Int_t *arg,Double_t timeAmplitude,TObjArray *list,
86 TClonesArray *padr);
88 // Creates histograms of maps for debugging
89 void CreateHistograms(Int_t scale);
90 // Fills histograms of maps for debugging
91 void FillHistograms();
92 // Resets histograms of maps for debugging
93 void ResetHistograms();
94 // Get the pointer to the array of histograms
95 TObjArray* GetHistArray() {return fHis;}
96 // create a separate tree for background monitoring (2D)
97 virtual void MakeTreeB(Option_t *option="B")
98 { fTreeB = new TNtuple("ntuple","2D backgr","nz:nl:nh:low:anode");}
99 // presently a dummy routine use TreeB() instead
100 void GetTreeB(Int_t) { }
101 // Return pointer to TreeB
102 TNtuple *TreeB() {return fTreeB;}
103 void WriteToFile(TFile *fp);// Writes the histograms to a file
104 // Get's histogram of a particular anode.
105 TH1F *GetAnode(Int_t wing, Int_t anode);
107 // Sets the check noise flag.
108 void SetCheckNoise(Bool_t check=kFALSE) {fCheckNoise=check;}
109 // Returns the noise value
110 Float_t GetNoise();
111 // sets DoFFT value.
112 void SetDoFFT(Int_t doFFT=1) {fDoFFT=doFFT;}
114 // Print SSD simulation Parameters
115 virtual void Print();
117 private:
118 // Variables and pointers for local use only. Not Streamed out.
119 AliITS *fITS; //! local pointer to ITS
120 AliITSMapA1 *fHitMap1; //! local pointer to map of digits
121 AliITSMapA2 *fHitMap2; //! local pointer to map of signals
122 AliITSInStream *fStream; //! input file stream
123 AliITSetfSDD *fElectronics; //! local pointer to electronics simulation
124 Double_t *fInZR; //! [fScaleSize*fMaxNofSamples] input of the
125 // real part of FFT
126 Double_t *fInZI; //! [fScaleSize*fMaxNofSamples]
127 // input of the imaginary part of FFT
128 Double_t *fOutZR; //! [fScaleSize*fMaxNofSamples]
129 // output of the real part of FFT
130 Double_t *fOutZI; //! [fScaleSize*fMaxNofSamples]
131 // output of the imaginary part of FFT
133 TObjArray *fHis; // just in case for histogramming
134 TArrayI fD; // decrease values for baseline eq.
135 TArrayI fT1; // low thresholds
136 TArrayI fT2; // high thresholds(2D) or disable (1D)
137 TArrayI fTol; // tolerance
138 TArrayF fBaseline; // Baseline
139 TArrayF fNoise; // Noise value
140 TNtuple *fTreeB; // Background info tree for 2D
141 TString fParam; // Compresion algorithm options
142 TString fFileName; // File name for possible options above
143 Bool_t fFlag; // Flag used to simulate perpendicular tracks
144 Bool_t fCheckNoise; // Flag used to check the simulated noise
145 Int_t fDoFFT; // Flag used to switch off electronics when 0
146 Int_t fNofMaps; // Number of anodes used ( 1-2*nanodes per wing )
147 Int_t fMaxNofSamples;// Number of time samples
148 Int_t fScaleSize; // scale size factor for the samples in FFT
149 Int_t fModule; // in case bgr,noise,param,change module-by-mod.
150 Int_t fEvent; // solely for output from bgr monitoring of 2D
95d1e92f 151
b0f5e3fc 152 ClassDef(AliITSsimulationSDD,1) // Simulation of SDD clusters
8a33ae9e 153
b0f5e3fc 154};