]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/MUONTRKda.cxx
Interfaced with error logger & corrected a warning compiler
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / MUONTRKda.cxx
53f515d3 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
18/* 21/11/07
3f637cfc 19
90293ba6 20Version for MUONTRKda MUON tracking
21(A. Baldisseri, J.-L. Charvet & Ch. Finck)
3f637cfc 22
24Rem: AliMUON2DMap stores all channels, even those which are not connected
25 if pedMean == -1, channel not connected to a pad
3f637cfc 27
29extern "C" {
30#include <daqDA.h>
33#include "event.h"
34#include "monitor.h"
36#include <Riostream.h>
37#include <stdio.h>
38#include <stdlib.h>
96fa832f 41#include "AliMUONLogger.h"
3f637cfc 42#include "AliMUONRawStreamTracker.h"
43#include "AliMUONDspHeader.h"
44#include "AliMUONBlockHeader.h"
45#include "AliMUONBusStruct.h"
46#include "AliMUONDDLTracker.h"
2bf54af2 47#include "AliMUONVStore.h"
3f637cfc 48#include "AliMUON2DMap.h"
0aa03544 49#include "AliMUONCalibParamND.h"
3f637cfc 50#include "AliMpIntPair.h"
2bf54af2 51#include "AliMpConstants.h"
3f637cfc 52#include "AliRawReaderDate.h"
3f637cfc 54//ROOT
55#include "TFile.h"
53f515d3 56#include "TSystem.h"
3f637cfc 57#include "TTree.h"
58#include "TH1F.h"
59#include "TString.h"
60#include "TStopwatch.h"
61#include "TMath.h"
62#include "TTimeStamp.h"
63#include "TGraphErrors.h"
64#include "TF1.h"
fd99693f 65#include "TROOT.h"
66#include "TPluginManager.h"
a76f513d 67#include "TFitter.h"
3f637cfc 68
a76f513d 69#define NFITPARAMS 4
3f637cfc 70
71// global variables
90293ba6 72const Int_t gkNChannels = AliMpConstants::ManuNofChannels();
73const Int_t gkADCMax = 4095;
75AliMUONVStore* gPedestalStore = new AliMUON2DMap(kFALSE);
77Int_t gNManu = 0;
78Int_t gNChannel = 0;
79UInt_t gRunNumber = 0;
80Int_t gNEvents = 0;
53f515d3 81Int_t gGlitchErrors= 0;
82Int_t gParityErrors= 0;
83Int_t gPaddingErrors= 0;
90293ba6 84Int_t gNDateEvents = 0;
85Int_t gPrintLevel = 1; // global printout variable
86Int_t gPlotLevel = 0; // global plot variable
88TH1F* gPedMeanHisto = 0x0;
89TH1F* gPedSigmaHisto = 0x0;
90Char_t gHistoFileName[256];
92// used by makegain
53f515d3 93Char_t gHistoFileName_gain[256]="MUONTRKda_gain_data.root";
94Char_t gRootFileName[256];
95Char_t gOutFolder[256]=".";
96Char_t filename[256];
97Char_t filenam[256]="MUONTRKda_gain";
98// Char_t filenam[256]="MUONTRKda_gain.param"; // if gPrintLevel = 2
99// Char_t filenam_bad[256]="MUONTRKda_gain.bad"; // if gPrintLevel = 2
100// Char_t filenam_peak[256]="MUONTRKda_gain.peak"; // if gPrintLevel = 3
101// Char_t filenam_out[256]="MUONTRKda_gain.out";
102Char_t flatFile[256];
104ofstream filcout;
106TString flatOutputFile;
107TString logOutputFile;
90293ba6 108TString gCommand("ped");
53f515d3 109TTimeStamp date;
3f637cfc 110
111// funtions
90293ba6 113
115Double_t funcLin(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
117 return par[0] + par[1]*x[0];
3f637cfc 120//________________
90293ba6 121Double_t funcParabolic(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
3f637cfc 122{
90293ba6 123 return par[0]*x[0]*x[0];
3f637cfc 125
90293ba6 126//________________
127Double_t funcCalib(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
129 Double_t xLim= par[3];
3f637cfc 130
90293ba6 131 if(x[0] <= xLim) return par[0] + par[1]*x[0];
3f637cfc 132
90293ba6 133 Double_t yLim = par[0]+ par[1]*xLim;
134 return yLim + par[1]*(x[0] - xLim) + par[2]*(x[0] - xLim)*(x[0] - xLim);
3f637cfc 135}
3f637cfc 138//__________
139void MakePed(Int_t busPatchId, Int_t manuId, Int_t channelId, Int_t charge)
142 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped =
90293ba6 143 static_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(gPedestalStore->FindObject(busPatchId, manuId));
3f637cfc 144
145 if (!ped) {
90293ba6 146 gNManu++;
147 ped = new AliMUONCalibParamND(2, gkNChannels,busPatchId, manuId, -1.); // put default wise -1, not connected channel
148 gPedestalStore->Add(ped);
3f637cfc 149 }
53f515d3 151 if (gNEvents == 0) {
0aa03544 152 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, 0.);
153 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, 0.);
3f637cfc 154 }
0aa03544 156 Double_t pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0) + charge;
157 Double_t pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1) + charge*charge;
3f637cfc 158
0aa03544 159 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, pedMean);
160 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, pedSigma);
3f637cfc 161
165void MakePedStore(TString flatOutputFile = "")
53f515d3 167// TTimeStamp date;
0aa03544 168 Double_t pedMean;
169 Double_t pedSigma;
3f637cfc 170 ofstream fileout;
171 Int_t busPatchId;
172 Int_t manuId;
173 Int_t channelId;
175 // histo
53f515d3 176 TFile* histoFile = 0;
177 TTree* tree = 0;
178 if (gCommand.CompareTo("ped") == 0)
179 {
180 sprintf(gHistoFileName,"%s/MUONTRKda_ped_%d.root",gOutFolder,gRunNumber);
181 histoFile = new TFile(gHistoFileName,"RECREATE","MUON Tracking pedestals");
182// }
3f637cfc 183
184 Char_t name[255];
185 Char_t title[255];
186 sprintf(name,"pedmean_allch");
187 sprintf(title,"Pedestal mean all channels");
53f515d3 188 Int_t nx = 4096;
3f637cfc 189 Int_t xmin = 0;
53f515d3 190 Int_t xmax = 4095;
90293ba6 191 gPedMeanHisto = new TH1F(name,title,nx,xmin,xmax);
192 gPedMeanHisto->SetDirectory(histoFile);
3f637cfc 193
194 sprintf(name,"pedsigma_allch");
195 sprintf(title,"Pedestal sigma all channels");
53f515d3 196 nx = 201;
3f637cfc 197 xmin = 0;
53f515d3 198 xmax = 200;
90293ba6 199 gPedSigmaHisto = new TH1F(name,title,nx,xmin,xmax);
200 gPedSigmaHisto->SetDirectory(histoFile);
3f637cfc 201
53f515d3 202// TTree* tree = new TTree("t","Pedestal tree");
203 tree = new TTree("t","Pedestal tree");
3f637cfc 204 tree->Branch("bp",&busPatchId,"bp/I");
205 tree->Branch("manu",&manuId,",manu/I");
206 tree->Branch("channel",&channelId,",channel/I");
90293ba6 207 tree->Branch("pedMean",&pedMean,",pedMean/D");
208 tree->Branch("pedSigma",&pedSigma,",pedSigma/D");
3f637cfc 209
53f515d3 210 }
3f637cfc 212 if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) {
213 fileout.open(flatOutputFile.Data());
214 fileout<<"//===========================================================================" << endl;
215 fileout<<"// Pedestal file calculated by MUONTRKda"<<endl;
216 fileout<<"//===========================================================================" << endl;
90293ba6 217 fileout<<"// * Run : " << gRunNumber << endl;
3f637cfc 218 fileout<<"// * Date : " << date.AsString("l") <<endl;
90293ba6 219 fileout<<"// * Statictics : " << gNEvents << endl;
220 fileout<<"// * # of MANUS : " << gNManu << endl;
221 fileout<<"// * # of channels : " << gNChannel << endl;
3f637cfc 222 fileout<<"//"<<endl;
223 fileout<<"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
224 fileout<<"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
90293ba6 225 fileout<<"// BP MANU CH. MEAN SIGMA"<<endl;
3f637cfc 226 fileout<<"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
228 }
230 // iterator over pedestal
90293ba6 231 TIter next(gPedestalStore->CreateIterator());
2bf54af2 232 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped;
3f637cfc 233
2bf54af2 234 while ( ( ped = dynamic_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(next() ) ) )
3f637cfc 235 {
2bf54af2 236 busPatchId = ped->ID0();
237 manuId = ped->ID1();
3f637cfc 238
239 for (channelId = 0; channelId < ped->Size() ; ++channelId) {
0aa03544 241 pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0);
3f637cfc 242
243 if (pedMean > 0) { // connected channels
90293ba6 245 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, pedMean/(Double_t)gNEvents);
3f637cfc 246
0aa03544 247 pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0);
248 pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1);
3f637cfc 249
90293ba6 250 ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pedSigma/(Double_t)gNEvents - pedMean*pedMean)));
3f637cfc 251
0aa03544 252 pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0) + 0.5 ;
90293ba6 253// pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0) ;
0aa03544 254 pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1);
3f637cfc 255
257 if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) {
258 fileout << "\t" << busPatchId << "\t" << manuId <<"\t"<< channelId << "\t"
259 << pedMean <<"\t"<< pedSigma << endl;
260 }
53f515d3 262 if (gCommand.CompareTo("ped") == 0)
263 {
90293ba6 264 gPedMeanHisto->Fill(pedMean);
265 gPedSigmaHisto->Fill(pedSigma);
3f637cfc 266
267 tree->Fill();
268 }
53f515d3 269 }
3f637cfc 270 }
3f637cfc 271 }
273 // file outputs
274 if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull())
275 fileout.close();
53f515d3 277 if (gCommand.CompareTo("ped") == 0)
278 {
279 histoFile->Write();
280 histoFile->Close();
281 }
3f637cfc 282
283// delete tree;
3f637cfc 285}
90293ba6 288void MakePedStoreForGain(Int_t injCharge)
3f637cfc 289{
290 // store pedestal map in root file
90293ba6 292// Int_t injCharge = 200;
3f637cfc 293
294 TTree* tree = 0x0;
296 // compute and store pedestals
53f515d3 297 sprintf(flatFile,"%s/%s_%d_DAC_%d.ped",gOutFolder,filenam,gRunNumber,injCharge);
298 cout << "MUONTRKda : Flat file generated = " << flatFile << "\n";
299 MakePedStore(flatFile);
3f637cfc 300
301 TString mode("UPDATE");
90293ba6 303 if (gCommand.Contains("cre")) {
3f637cfc 304 mode = "RECREATE";
305 }
90293ba6 306 TFile* histoFile = new TFile(gHistoFileName_gain, mode.Data(), "MUON Tracking Gains");
3f637cfc 307
308 // second argument should be the injected charge, taken from config crocus file
309 // put also info about run number could be usefull
90293ba6 310 AliMpIntPair* pair = new AliMpIntPair(gRunNumber, injCharge);
3f637cfc 311
312 if (mode.CompareTo("UPDATE") == 0) {
313 tree = (TTree*)histoFile->Get("t");
314 tree->SetBranchAddress("run",&pair);
90293ba6 315 tree->SetBranchAddress("ped",&gPedestalStore);
3f637cfc 316
317 } else {
318 tree = new TTree("t","Pedestal tree");
319 tree->Branch("run", "AliMpIntPair",&pair);
90293ba6 320 tree->Branch("ped", "AliMUON2DMap",&gPedestalStore);
3f637cfc 321 tree->SetBranchAddress("run",&pair);
90293ba6 322 tree->SetBranchAddress("ped",&gPedestalStore);
3f637cfc 323
324 }
326 tree->Fill();
327 tree->Write("t", TObject::kOverwrite); // overwrite the tree
328 histoFile->Close();
330 delete pair;
53f515d3 334// void MakeGainStore(TString flatOutputFile)
335void MakeGainStore()
3f637cfc 336{
90293ba6 337 Double_t goodA1Min = 0.5;
338 Double_t goodA1Max = 2.;
339 Double_t goodA2Min = -0.5E-03;
340 Double_t goodA2Max = 1.E-03;
3f637cfc 342 // open file mutrkgain.root
343 // read again the pedestal for the calibration runs (9 runs ?)
344 // need the injection charge from config file (to be done)
345 // For each channel make a TGraphErrors (mean, sigma) vs injected charge
346 // Fit with a polynomial fct
347 // store the result in a flat file.
53f515d3 349
350 TFile* histoFile = new TFile(gHistoFileName_gain);
352 AliMUON2DMap* map[11];
353 AliMUONVCalibParam* ped[11];
354 AliMpIntPair* run[11];
356 //read back from root file
357 TTree* tree = (TTree*)histoFile->Get("t");
358 Int_t nEntries = tree->GetEntries();
360 // read back info
361 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
362 map[i] = 0x0;
363 run[i] = 0x0;
364 tree->SetBranchAddress("ped",&map[i]);
365 tree->SetBranchAddress("run",&run[i]);
366 tree->GetEvent(i);
367// std::cout << map[i] << " " << run[i] << std::endl;
368 }
96fa832f 369 gRunNumber=(UInt_t)run[0]->GetFirst();
53f515d3 370
371 // some print
372 cout<<"\n ******** MUONTRKda for Gain computing (Run = " << gRunNumber << ")\n" << endl;
373 cout<<" * Date : " << date.AsString("l") << "\n" << endl;
374 cout << " Entries = " << nEntries << " DAC values \n" << endl;
375 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
376 cout<< " Run = " << (Double_t)run[i]->GetFirst() << " DAC = " << (Double_t)run[i]->GetSecond() << endl;
377 }
378 cout << "" << endl;
90293ba6 381 Double_t pedMean[11];
382 Double_t pedSigma[11];
383 Double_t injCharge[11];
384 Double_t injChargeErr[11];
3f637cfc 385
90293ba6 386// full print out
53f515d3 388 sprintf(filename,"%s/%s_%d.log",gOutFolder,filenam,gRunNumber);
389 logOutputFile=filename;
391 filcout.open(logOutputFile.Data());
392 filcout<<"//====================================================" << endl;
393 filcout<<"// MUONTRKda for Gain computing (Run = " << gRunNumber << ")" << endl;
394 filcout<<"//====================================================" << endl;
395 filcout<<"// * Date : " << date.AsString("l") << "\n" << endl;
397// cout<<"\n ******** MUONTRKda for Gain computing (Run = " << gRunNumber << ")\n" << endl;
398// cout<<" * Date : " << date.AsString("l") << "\n" << endl;
90293ba6 402 // why 2 files ? (Ch. F.)
403 FILE *pfilen = 0;
53f515d3 404 FILE *pfilef = 0;
405 if(gPrintLevel>=2)
90293ba6 406 {
53f515d3 407 sprintf(filename,"%s/%s_%d.param",gOutFolder,filenam,gRunNumber);
408 cout << " fit parameter file = " << filename << "\n";
409 pfilen = fopen (filename,"w");
3f637cfc 410
90293ba6 411 fprintf(pfilen,"//===================================================================\n");
412 fprintf(pfilen,"// BP MANU CH. a0 a1 a2 xlim P(chi2) P(chi2)2 Q\n");
413 fprintf(pfilen,"//===================================================================\n");
53f515d3 414 fprintf(pfilen,"// * Run : %d \n",gRunNumber);
415 fprintf(pfilen,"//===================================================================\n");
417 sprintf(filename,"%s/%s_%d.bad",gOutFolder,filenam,gRunNumber);
418 cout << " Bad channel file = " << filename << "\n";
419 pfilef = fopen (filename,"w");
421 fprintf(pfilef,"//=================================================\n");
422 fprintf(pfilef,"// Bad Channel file calculated by MUONTRKda \n");
423 fprintf(pfilef,"//=================================================\n");
424 fprintf(pfilef,"// * Run : %d \n",gRunNumber);
425 fprintf(pfilef,"// * Date : %s \n",date.AsString("l"));
426 fprintf(pfilef,"//=======================================\n");
427 fprintf(pfilef,"// BP MANU CH. a1 a2 thres. Q\n");
428 fprintf(pfilef,"//=======================================\n");
3f637cfc 429 }
90293ba6 431 FILE *pfilew=0;
53f515d3 432 if(flatOutputFile.IsNull())
433 {
434 sprintf(filename,"%s_%d.par",filenam,gRunNumber);
435 flatOutputFile=filename;
436 }
437 if(!flatOutputFile.IsNull())
90293ba6 438 {
439 pfilew = fopen (flatOutputFile.Data(),"w");
441 fprintf(pfilew,"//=================================================\n");
442 fprintf(pfilew,"// Calibration file calculated by MUONTRKda \n");
443 fprintf(pfilew,"//=================================================\n");
444 fprintf(pfilew,"// * Run : %d \n",gRunNumber);
445 fprintf(pfilew,"// * Date : %s \n",date.AsString("l"));
446 fprintf(pfilew,"// * Statictics : %d \n",gNEvents);
447 fprintf(pfilew,"// * # of MANUS : %d \n",gNManu);
448 fprintf(pfilew,"// * # of channels : %d \n",gNChannel);
449 fprintf(pfilew,"//-------------------------------------------------\n");
450 fprintf(pfilew,"//=======================================\n");
451 fprintf(pfilew,"// BP MANU CH. a1 a2 thres. Q\n");
452 fprintf(pfilew,"//=======================================\n");
453 }
53f515d3 455 FILE *pfilep = 0;
456 if(gPrintLevel==3)
457 {
458 sprintf(filename,"%s/%s_%d.peak",gOutFolder,filenam,gRunNumber);
459 cout << " File containing Peak mean values = " << filename << "\n";
460 pfilep = fopen (filename,"w");
462 fprintf(pfilep,"//===============================================================================================================================\n");
463 fprintf(pfilep,"// * Run : %d \n",gRunNumber);
464 fprintf(pfilep,"//===============================================================================================================================\n");
465 fprintf(pfilep,"// BP MANU CH. Ped. <0> <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> \n");
466// fprintf(pfilep,"// %9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f fC\n",level_fC[0],level_fC[1],level_fC[2],level_fC[3],level_fC[4],level_fC[5],level_fC[6],level_fC[7],level_fC[8],level_fC[9],level_fC[10]);
467// fprintf(pfilep,"// %9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f\n",level_err[0],level_err[1],level_err[2],level_err[3],level_err[4],level_err[5],level_err[6],level_err[7],level_err[8],level_err[9],level_err[10]);
468 fprintf(pfilep,"//===============================================================================================================================\n");
469 }
90293ba6 470
3f637cfc 472
90293ba6 473// plot out
3f637cfc 474
90293ba6 475 TFile* gainFile = 0x0;
53f515d3 476 sprintf(gRootFileName,"%s/%s_%d.root",gOutFolder,filenam,gRunNumber);
90293ba6 477 gainFile = new TFile(gRootFileName,"RECREATE");
479 Double_t chi2 = 0.;
480 Double_t chi2P2 = 0.;
481 Double_t prChi2 = 0;
482 Double_t prChi2P2 =0;
483 Double_t a0,a1,a2;
484 Int_t busPatchId ;
485 Int_t manuId ;
486 Int_t channelId ;
487 Int_t threshold = 0;
488 Int_t Q = 0;
53f515d3 489 Int_t p1 ;
490 Int_t p2 ;
491 Double_t gain;
492 Double_t capa=0.2; // internal capacitor (pF)
90293ba6 493
494 TTree *tg = new TTree("tg","TTree avec class Manu_DiMu");
496 tg->Branch("bp",&busPatchId, "busPatchId/I");
497 tg->Branch("manu",&manuId, "manuId/I");
498 tg->Branch("channel",&channelId, "channelId/I");
500 tg->Branch("a0",&a0, "a0/D");
501 tg->Branch("a1",&a1, "a1/D");
502 tg->Branch("a2",&a2, "a2/D");
503 tg->Branch("Pchi2",&prChi2, "prChi2/D");
504 tg->Branch("Pchi2_2",&prChi2P2, "prChi2P2/D");
505 tg->Branch("Threshold",&threshold, "threshold/I");
506 tg->Branch("Q",&Q, "Q/I");
53f515d3 507 tg->Branch("p1",&p1, "p1/I");
508 tg->Branch("p2",&p2, "p2/I");
509 tg->Branch("gain",&gain, "gain/D");
511// bad BusPatch and manu
512 Int_t num_tot_BP=800;
513 Int_t num_tot_Manu=1500;
514// Int_t bad_channel[num_tot_BP][num_tot_Manu];
515 Int_t bad_channel[800][1500];
516 for ( Int_t i = 0; i < num_tot_BP ; i++ )
517 { for ( Int_t j = 0; j < num_tot_Manu ; j++ ) bad_channel[i][j]=0;}
3f637cfc 518
3f637cfc 519
90293ba6 520 char graphName[256];
3f637cfc 521
522 // iterates over the first pedestal run
0aa03544 523 TIter next(map[0]->CreateIterator());
2bf54af2 524 AliMUONVCalibParam* p;
3f637cfc 525
90293ba6 526 Int_t nmanu = 0;
53f515d3 527 Int_t nGoodChannel = 0;
528 Int_t nGoodChannel_a1 = 0;
90293ba6 529 Int_t nBadChannel = 0;
53f515d3 530 Int_t nBadChannel_a1 = 0;
531 Int_t nBadChannel_a2 = 0;
532 Int_t nplot=0;
90293ba6 533 Double_t sumProbChi2 = 0.;
534 Double_t sumA1 = 0.;
535 Double_t sumProbChi2P2 = 0.;
536 Double_t sumA2 = 0.;
538 Double_t x[11], xErr[11], y[11], yErr[11];
53f515d3 539 Double_t xp[11], xpErr[11], yp[11], ypErr[11];
90293ba6 540
2bf54af2 541 while ( ( p = dynamic_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(next() ) ) )
3f637cfc 542 {
2bf54af2 543 ped[0] = p;
3f637cfc 544
90293ba6 545 busPatchId = p->ID0();
546 manuId = p->ID1();
3f637cfc 547
548 // read back pedestal from the other runs for the given (bupatch, manu)
3f637cfc 549 for (Int_t i = 1; i < nEntries; ++i) {
0aa03544 550 ped[i] = static_cast<AliMUONVCalibParam*>(map[i]->FindObject(busPatchId, manuId));
3f637cfc 551 }
553 // compute for each channel the gain parameters
90293ba6 554 for ( channelId = 0; channelId < ped[0]->Size() ; ++channelId ) {
3f637cfc 555
53f515d3 556 gain=0.4;
3f637cfc 558 Int_t n = 0;
559 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
561 if (!ped[i]) continue; //shouldn't happen.
0aa03544 562 pedMean[i] = ped[i]->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0);
563 pedSigma[i] = ped[i]->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1);
564 injCharge[i] = (Double_t)run[i]->GetSecond();
90293ba6 565 injChargeErr[i] = 0.01*injCharge[i];
566 if(injChargeErr[i] <= 1.) injChargeErr[i]=1.;
568// if(n<2)cout << nEntries << " " << i << " " << injCharge[i] << endl;
570// cout << busPatchId << "\t" << manuId <<"\t"<< channelId << "\t" << n << " " << pedMean[i] << " " << pedSigma[i] << " " << injCharge[i] << " " << injChargeErr[i] << endl;
3f637cfc 571
fd99693f 572 if (pedMean[i] < 0) continue; // not connected
3f637cfc 573
574 if (pedSigma[i] <= 0) pedSigma[i] = 1.; // should not happen.
575 n++;
576 }
53f515d3 578
579 // print_peak_mean_values
580 if(gPrintLevel==3)
581 {
583 fprintf(pfilep,"%4i%5i%5i%10.3f",busPatchId,manuId,channelId,0.);
584 fprintf(pfilep,"%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f mV\n",pedMean[0],pedMean[1],pedMean[2],pedMean[3],pedMean[4],pedMean[5],pedMean[6],pedMean[7],pedMean[8],pedMean[9],pedMean[10]);
585 fprintf(pfilep," %9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f%9.1f \n",pedSigma[0],pedSigma[1],pedSigma[2],pedSigma[3],pedSigma[4],pedSigma[5],pedSigma[6],pedSigma[7],pedSigma[8],pedSigma[9],pedSigma[10]);
586 }
588 // makegain
90293ba6 589
591 // Fit Method: Linear fit over 6 points + fit parabolic function over 3 points)
593 // 1. - linear fit over 6 points
595 Double_t par[4] = {0.,0.,0.,gkADCMax};
597 Int_t nInit = 1;
598 Int_t nbs = nEntries - nInit;
599 Int_t nbpf1 = 6; // linear fit over nbf1 points
601 for (Int_t j = 0; j < nbs; ++j)
602 {
603 Int_t k = j + nInit;
604 x[j] = pedMean[k];
605 xErr[j] = pedSigma[k];
606 y[j] = injCharge[k];
607 yErr[j] = injChargeErr[k];
609 }
53f515d3 611 TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1",funcLin,0.,gkADCMax,2);
612 TGraphErrors *graphErr = new TGraphErrors(nbpf1, x, y, xErr, yErr);
90293ba6 613
614 f1->SetParameters(0,0);
616 graphErr->Fit("f1","RQ");
618 chi2 = f1->GetChisquare();
619 f1->GetParameters(par);
53f515d3 621 delete graphErr;
622 graphErr=0;
623 delete f1;
90293ba6 625 prChi2 = TMath::Prob(chi2, nbpf1 - 2);
627 Double_t xLim = pedMean[nInit + nbpf1 - 1];
628 Double_t yLim = par[0]+par[1] * xLim;
630 a0 = par[0];
631 a1 = par[1];
90293ba6 633 // 2. - Translation : new origin (xLim, yLim) + parabolic fit over nbf2 points
53f515d3 635// par[0] = 0;
90293ba6 636 Int_t nbpf2 = nEntries - (nInit + nbpf1) + 1;
638 if(nbpf2 > 1)
639 {
53f515d3 640 for (Int_t j = 0; j < nbpf2; j++)
90293ba6 641 {
642 Int_t k = j + (nInit + nbpf1) - 1;
53f515d3 643 xp[j] = pedMean[k] - xLim;
644 xpErr[j] = pedSigma[k];
90293ba6 645
53f515d3 646 yp[j] = injCharge[k] - yLim - par[1]*xp[j];
647 ypErr[j] = injChargeErr[k];
90293ba6 648
3f637cfc 649 }
90293ba6 650
53f515d3 651 TF1 *f2 = new TF1("f2",funcParabolic,0.,gkADCMax,1);
652 TGraphErrors *graphErr = new TGraphErrors(nbpf2, xp, yp, xpErr, ypErr);
90293ba6 653
654 graphErr->Fit(f2,"RQ");
655 chi2P2 = f2->GetChisquare();
656 f2->GetParameters(par);
53f515d3 658 delete graphErr;
659 graphErr=0;
660 delete f2;
90293ba6 662 prChi2P2 = TMath::Prob(chi2P2, nbpf2-1);
53f515d3 664
665 // ------------- print out in log file
666// if (busPatchId == 6 && manuId == 116 && ( channelId >= 17 && channelId <= 20) )
667// {
668// filcout << " \n ********! Print_out.: BP= " << busPatchId << " Manu_Id= " << manuId
669// << " Ch.= " << channelId << ":" << endl;
671// for (Int_t j = 0; j < nbpf1; ++j)
672// {filcout << j << " " << x[j] << " " << xErr[j] << " " << y[j] << " " << yErr[j] << endl;}
673// filcout << " a0,a1 = " << a0 << " , " << a1 << " pr_chi2 = " << prChi2 << endl ;
675// for (Int_t j = 0; j < nbpf2; ++j)
676// {filcout << j << " " << xp[j] << " " << xpErr[j] << " " << yp[j] << " " << ypErr[j] << endl;}
677// filcout << " a2 = " << par[0] << " pr_chi2_2 = " << prChi2P2 << endl;
679// }
680 // ------------------------------------------
90293ba6 684 a2 = par[0];
686 par[0] = a0;
687 par[1] = a1;
688 par[2] = a2;
689 par[3] = xLim;
53f515d3 691// delete graphErr;
90293ba6 692
3f637cfc 693 }
90293ba6 695 // Prints
53f515d3 697 p1 = TMath::Nint(ceil(prChi2*14))+1;
698 p2 = TMath::Nint(ceil(prChi2P2*14))+1;
90293ba6 699
700 Double_t x0 = -par[0]/par[1]; // value of x corresponding to à 0 fC
701 threshold = TMath::Nint(ceil(par[3]-x0)); // linear if x < threshold
53f515d3 703 if(gPrintLevel>=2)
90293ba6 704 {
705 fprintf(pfilen,"%4i %4i %2i",busPatchId,manuId,channelId);
53f515d3 706 fprintf(pfilen," %6.2f %6.4f %10.3e %4.2f %5.3f %x %5.3f %x\n",
707 par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3], prChi2, p1, prChi2P2, p2);
90293ba6 708 }
710 // some tests
53f515d3 712 if(par[1]< goodA1Min || par[1]> goodA1Max)
90293ba6 713 {
53f515d3 714 p1=0;
715 nBadChannel_a1++;
716 if (gPrintLevel && nBadChannel_a1 < 1)
90293ba6 717 {
53f515d3 718 cout << " !!!!! " << nBadChannel_a1 << " !!!!!!!! Bad Calib.: BP= " << busPatchId << " Manu_Id= " << manuId <<
90293ba6 719 " Ch.= " << channelId << ":";
720 cout << " a1 = " << par[1] << " out of limit : [" << goodA1Min << "," << goodA1Max <<
721 "]" << endl;
722 }
90293ba6 723 }
53f515d3 724
725 if(par[2]< goodA2Min || par[2]> goodA2Max)
90293ba6 726 {
53f515d3 727 p2=0;
728 nBadChannel_a2++;
729 if (gPrintLevel && nBadChannel_a2 < 1)
90293ba6 730 {
53f515d3 731 cout << " !!!!! " << nBadChannel_a2 << " !!!!!!!! Bad Calib.: BP= " << busPatchId << " Manu_Id= " << manuId
90293ba6 732 << " Ch.= " << channelId << ":";
733 cout << " a2 = " << par[2] << " out of limit : [" << goodA2Min << "," << goodA2Max
734 << "]" << endl;
53f515d3 735
736 for (Int_t j = 0; j < nbpf2; ++j)
737 {cout << j << " " << x[j] << " " << xErr[j] << " " << y[j] << " " << yErr[j] << endl;}
90293ba6 738 }
90293ba6 739 }
90293ba6 740
53f515d3 741 Q = p1*16 + p2; // fit quality
742 if(p1==0)Q=0; // bad linear fit <=> bad calibration
744 if(p1>0 && p2>0)
90293ba6 745 {
53f515d3 746 nGoodChannel++;
747 sumProbChi2P2 += prChi2P2;
748 sumA2 += par[2];
749 }
750 else
751 {
752 nBadChannel++;
753 if(busPatchId < num_tot_BP && manuId < num_tot_Manu) bad_channel[busPatchId][manuId]++;
754 else{cout << " Warning : busPatch = " << busPatchId << " Manu = " << manuId << endl;}
755 if(gPrintLevel>=2)fprintf(pfilef,"%4i %5i %2i %7.4f %10.3e %4i %2x\n",busPatchId,manuId,channelId,par[1],par[2],threshold,Q);
90293ba6 756 }
53f515d3 757
759 if(p1>0)
760 {
761 nGoodChannel_a1++;
762 sumProbChi2 += prChi2;
763 sumA1 += par[1];
764 gain=1./(par[1]*capa);
765 }
90293ba6 767
768 tg->Fill();
770 if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull())
771 {
772 fprintf(pfilew,"%4i %5i %2i %7.4f %10.3e %4i %2x\n",busPatchId,manuId,channelId,par[1],par[2],threshold,Q);
773 }
775 // Plots
777 if(gPlotLevel){
53f515d3 778 if(Q==0 and nplot < 100)
779// if(p1>1 && p2==0 and nplot < 100)
780// if(p1>1 && p2>1 and nplot < 100)
781 {
782 nplot++;
783 TF1 *f2Calib = new TF1("f2Calib",funcCalib,0.,gkADCMax,NFITPARAMS);
785 TGraphErrors *graphErr = new TGraphErrors(nEntries,pedMean,injCharge,pedSigma,injChargeErr);
787 sprintf(graphName,"BusPatch_%d_Manu_%d_Ch_%d",busPatchId, manuId,channelId);
789 graphErr->SetTitle(graphName);
790 graphErr->SetMarkerColor(3);
791 graphErr->SetMarkerStyle(12);
792 graphErr->Write(graphName);
794 sprintf(graphName,"f2_BusPatch_%d_Manu_%d_Ch_%d",busPatchId, manuId,channelId);
795 f2Calib->SetTitle(graphName);
796 f2Calib->SetLineColor(4);
797 f2Calib->SetParameters(par);
798 f2Calib->Write(graphName);
800 delete graphErr;
801 delete f2Calib;
802 }
90293ba6 803 }
3f637cfc 804 }
90293ba6 805 nmanu++;
53f515d3 806 if(fmod(nmanu,100)==0)std::cout << " Nb manu = " << nmanu << std::endl;
3f637cfc 807 }
809 // file outputs for gain
53f515d3 810// if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) fileout.close();
811 if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) fclose(pfilew);
812 if(gPrintLevel==2){ fclose(pfilen); fclose(pfilef);}
813 if(gPrintLevel==3) fclose(pfilep);
90293ba6 814
815 tg->Write();
816 histoFile->Close();
3f637cfc 817
90293ba6 818 //OutPut
819 if (gPrintLevel)
820 {
53f515d3 821 filcout << "\n List of problematic BusPatch and Manu " << endl;
822 filcout << " ========================================" << endl;
823 filcout << " BP Manu Nb Channel " << endl ;
824 filcout << " ========================================" << endl;
825 for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < num_tot_BP ; i++ )
826 { for ( Int_t j = 0 ; j < num_tot_Manu ; j++ )
827 if (bad_channel[i][j] != 0 ) filcout << "\t" << i << "\t " << j << "\t\t" << bad_channel[i][j] << endl;}
828 filcout << " ========================================" << endl;
831 filcout << "\n Nb of channels in raw data = " << nmanu*64 << " (" << nmanu << " Manu)" << endl;
832 filcout << "\n Nb of fully calibrated channel = " << nGoodChannel << " (" << goodA1Min << "<a1<" << goodA1Max
90293ba6 833 << " and " << goodA2Min << "<a2<" << goodA2Max << ") " << endl;
53f515d3 834 filcout << "\n Nb of Bad channel = " << nBadChannel << endl;
836 filcout << "\n Nb of Good a1 channels = " << nGoodChannel_a1 << " (" << goodA1Min << "<a1<" << goodA1Max << ") " << endl;
90293ba6 837
53f515d3 838 Double_t meanA1 = sumA1/(nGoodChannel_a1);
839 Double_t meanProbChi2 = sumProbChi2/(nGoodChannel_a1);
840 Double_t meanA2 = sumA2/(nGoodChannel);
841 Double_t meanProbChi2P2 = sumProbChi2P2/(nGoodChannel);
90293ba6 842
843 Double_t capaManu = 0.2; // pF
53f515d3 844 filcout << "\n linear fit : <a1> = " << meanA1 << "\t <gain> = " << 1./(meanA1*capaManu)
90293ba6 845 << " mV/fC (capa= " << capaManu << " pF)" << endl;
53f515d3 846 filcout << " Prob(chi2)> = " << meanProbChi2 << endl;
847 filcout << "\n parabolic fit: <a2> = " << meanA2 << endl;
848 filcout << " Prob(chi2)> = " << meanProbChi2P2 << "\n" << endl;
850 }
853 return ;
3f637cfc 855}
859// main routine
860int main(Int_t argc, Char_t **argv)
fd99693f 863 // needed for streamer application
864 gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo",
865 "*",
866 "TStreamerInfo",
867 "RIO",
868 "TStreamerInfo()");
a76f513d 870 TFitter *minuitFit = new TFitter(NFITPARAMS);
871 TVirtualFitter::SetFitter(minuitFit);
fd99693f 872
3f637cfc 873 Int_t skipEvents = 0;
874 Int_t maxEvents = 1000000;
90293ba6 875 Int_t MaxDateEvents = 1000000;
876 Int_t injCharge = 0;
0aa03544 877 Double_t nSigma = 3;
3f637cfc 878 Int_t threshold = -1;
879 Char_t inputFile[256];
90293ba6 880
53f515d3 881// TString flatOutputFile;
882 TString fesOutputFile;
3f637cfc 883 TString crocusOutputFile;
884 TString crocusConfigFile;
3f637cfc 886// option handler
888 // decode the input line
889 for (Int_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) // argument 0 is the executable name
890 {
891 Char_t* arg;
893 arg = argv[i];
894 if (arg[0] != '-') continue;
895 switch (arg[1])
896 {
897 case 'f' :
898 i++;
899 sprintf(inputFile,argv[i]);
900 break;
901 case 'a' :
902 i++;
903 flatOutputFile = argv[i];
904 break;
53f515d3 905 case 'b' :
906 i++;
907 sprintf(gOutFolder,argv[i]);
908 break;
3f637cfc 909 case 'o' :
910 i++;
911 crocusOutputFile = argv[i];
912 break;
913 case 'c' :
914 i++;
915 crocusConfigFile = argv[i];
916 break;
53f515d3 917// case 'v' :
918// i++;
919// logOutputFile = argv[i];
920// break;
3f637cfc 921 case 'e' :
922 i++;
90293ba6 923 gCommand = argv[i];
3f637cfc 924 break;
925 case 'd' :
926 i++;
90293ba6 927 gPrintLevel=atoi(argv[i]);
928 break;
929 case 'g' :
930 i++;
931 gPlotLevel=atoi(argv[i]);
3f637cfc 932 break;
933 case 's' :
934 i++;
935 skipEvents=atoi(argv[i]);
936 break;
90293ba6 937 case 'l' :
938 i++;
939 injCharge=atoi(argv[i]);
940 break;
941 case 'm' :
942 i++;
943 sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&MaxDateEvents);
944 break;
3f637cfc 945 case 'n' :
946 i++;
947 sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&maxEvents);
948 break;
949 case 'p' :
950 i++;
0aa03544 951 sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&nSigma);
3f637cfc 952 break;
90293ba6 953 case 'r' :
954 i++;
955 sprintf(gHistoFileName_gain,argv[i]);
956 break;
3f637cfc 957 case 't' :
958 i++;
959 sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&threshold);
960 break;
961 case 'h' :
962 i++;
963 printf("\n******************* %s usage **********************",argv[0]);
964 printf("\n%s -options, the available options are :",argv[0]);
965 printf("\n-h help (this screen)");
966 printf("\n");
967 printf("\n Input");
968 printf("\n-f <raw data file> (default = %s)",inputFile);
969 printf("\n-c <Crocus config. file> (default = %s)",crocusConfigFile.Data());
970 printf("\n");
971 printf("\n Output");
972 printf("\n-a <Flat ASCII file> (default = %s)",flatOutputFile.Data());
53f515d3 973 printf("\n-o <CROCUS cmd file> (default = %s)",crocusOutputFile.Data());
974// printf("\n-v <log output file> (default = %s)",logOutputFile.Data());
3f637cfc 975 printf("\n");
976 printf("\n Options");
53f515d3 977 printf("\n-b <output directory> (default = %s)",gOutFolder);
90293ba6 978 printf("\n-d <print level> (default = %d)",gPrintLevel);
979 printf("\n-g <plot level> (default = %d)",gPlotLevel);
980 printf("\n-l <DAC level> (default = %d)",injCharge);
981 printf("\n-m <max date events> (default = %d)",MaxDateEvents);
3f637cfc 982 printf("\n-s <skip events> (default = %d)",skipEvents);
983 printf("\n-n <max events> (default = %d)",maxEvents);
984 printf("\n-p <n sigmas> (default = %f)",nSigma);
90293ba6 985 printf("\n-r root file data for gain(default = %s)",gHistoFileName_gain);
3f637cfc 986 printf("\n-t <threshold (-1 = no)> (default = %d)",threshold);
90293ba6 987 printf("\n-e <execute ped/gain> (default = %s)",gCommand.Data());
3f637cfc 988 printf("\n-e <gain create> make gain & create a new root file");
989 printf("\n-e <gain> make gain & update root file");
990 printf("\n-e <gain compute> make gain & compute gains");
992 printf("\n\n");
993 exit(-1);
994 default :
995 printf("%s : bad argument %s (please check %s -h)\n",argv[0],argv[i],argv[0]);
996 argc = 2; exit(-1); // exit if error
997 } // end of switch
998 } // end of for i
90293ba6 1000 // set gCommand to lower case
1001 gCommand.ToLower();
3f637cfc 1002
53f515d3 1003
3f637cfc 1004 // decoding the events
1006 Int_t status;
3f637cfc 1007 void* event;
90293ba6 1009 gPedMeanHisto = 0x0;
1010 gPedSigmaHisto = 0x0;
3f637cfc 1011
1012 TStopwatch timers;
1014 timers.Start(kTRUE);
1016 // once we have a configuration file in db
1017 // copy locally a file from daq detector config db
1018 // The current detector is identified by detector code in variable
1019 // DATE_DETECTOR_CODE. It must be defined.
1020 // If environment variable DAQDA_TEST_DIR is defined, files are copied from DAQDA_TEST_DIR
1021 // instead of the database. The usual environment variables are not needed.
1022 if (!crocusConfigFile.IsNull()) {
1023 status = daqDA_DB_getFile("myconfig", crocusConfigFile.Data());
1024 if (status) {
1025 printf("Failed to get config file : %d\n",status);
1026 return -1;
1027 }
1028 }
1031 status = monitorSetDataSource(inputFile);
1032 if (status) {
1033 cerr << "ERROR : monitorSetDataSource status (hex) = " << hex << status
1034 << " " << monitorDecodeError(status) << endl;
1035 return -1;
1036 }
1037 status = monitorDeclareMp("MUON Tracking monitoring");
1038 if (status) {
1039 cerr << "ERROR : monitorDeclareMp status (hex) = " << hex << status
1040 << " " << monitorDecodeError(status) << endl;
1041 return -1;
1042 }
0aa03544 1044 Int_t busPatchId;
1045 UShort_t manuId;
1046 UChar_t channelId;
1047 UShort_t charge;
96fa832f 1048 TString key("MUONTRKda :");
53f515d3 1050 if (gCommand.CompareTo("comp") != 0)
1051 {
1052 cout << "\nMUONTRKda : Reading data from file " << inputFile <<endl;
3f637cfc 1053
53f515d3 1054 while(1)
1055 {
1056 if (gNDateEvents >= MaxDateEvents) break;
1057 if (gNEvents >= maxEvents) break;
1058 if (gNEvents && gNEvents % 100 == 0)
1059 cout<<"Cumulated events " << gNEvents << endl;
1061 // check shutdown condition
1062 if (daqDA_checkShutdown())
1063 break;
1065 // Skip Events if needed
1066 while (skipEvents) {
1067 status = monitorGetEventDynamic(&event);
1068 skipEvents--;
1069 }
3f637cfc 1070
53f515d3 1071 // starts reading
1072 status = monitorGetEventDynamic(&event);
1073 if (status < 0) {
1074 cout<<"EOF found"<<endl;
1075 break;
1076 }
1078// gNDateEvents++;
3f637cfc 1079
53f515d3 1080 // decoding rawdata headers
1081 AliRawReader *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate(event);
3f637cfc 1082
53f515d3 1083 Int_t eventType = rawReader->GetType();
1084 gRunNumber = rawReader->GetRunNumber();
1086 // Output log file initialisations
1088 if(gNDateEvents==0)
1089 {
1090 if (gCommand.CompareTo("ped") == 0){
1091 sprintf(flatFile,"%s/MUONTRKda_ped_%d.log",gOutFolder,gRunNumber);
1092 logOutputFile=flatFile;
1094 filcout.open(logOutputFile.Data());
1095 filcout<<"//=================================================" << endl;
1096 filcout<<"// MUONTRKda for Pedestal run = " << gRunNumber << endl;
1097 cout<<"\n ******** MUONTRKda for Pedestal run = " << gRunNumber << "\n" << endl;
1098 }
1100 if (gCommand.Contains("gain")){
1101 sprintf(flatFile,"%s/%s_%d_DAC_%d.log",gOutFolder,filenam,gRunNumber,injCharge);
1102 logOutputFile=flatFile;
1104 filcout.open(logOutputFile.Data());
1105 filcout<<"//=================================================" << endl;
1106 filcout<<"// MUONTRKda for Gain run = " << gRunNumber << " (DAC=" << injCharge << ")" << endl;
1107 cout<<"\n ******** MUONTRKda for Gain run = " << gRunNumber << " (DAC=" << injCharge << ")\n" << endl;
1108 }
1110 filcout<<"//=================================================" << endl;
1111 filcout<<"// * Date : " << date.AsString("l") << "\n" << endl;
1112 cout<<" * Date : " << date.AsString("l") << "\n" << endl;
1114 }
1116 gNDateEvents++;
3f637cfc 1118
3f637cfc 1119
53f515d3 1120 if (eventType != PHYSICS_EVENT)
1121 continue; // for the moment
3f637cfc 1122
53f515d3 1123 // decoding MUON payload
1124 AliMUONRawStreamTracker* rawStream = new AliMUONRawStreamTracker(rawReader);
96fa832f 1125 rawStream->DisableWarnings();
3f637cfc 1126
53f515d3 1127 // loops over DDL
1128 rawStream->First(); // if GlitchError ? what we are doing ?
1129 while( (status = rawStream->Next(busPatchId, manuId, channelId, charge)) ) {
0aa03544 1130
53f515d3 1131 if (gNEvents == 0)
1132 gNChannel++;
0aa03544 1133
53f515d3 1134 // if (gPrintLevel) printf("manuId: %d, channelId: %d charge: %d\n", manuId,
1135 // channelId, charge);
0aa03544 1136
53f515d3 1137 MakePed(busPatchId, (Int_t)manuId, (Int_t)channelId, (Int_t)charge);
3f637cfc 1138
53f515d3 1139 } // Next digit
96fa832f 1141 if (!rawStream->IsErrorMessage()) {
1142 gNEvents++;
1143 }
1145 if (rawStream->GetPayLoad()->GetGlitchErrors()) gGlitchErrors++;
1146 if (rawStream->GetPayLoad()->GetParityErrors()) gParityErrors++;
1147 if (rawStream->GetPayLoad()->GetPaddingErrors()) gPaddingErrors++;
1149 AliMUONLogger* log = rawStream->GetPayLoad()->GetErrorLogger();
1150 log->Print(key, filcout);
53f515d3 1151
1152 delete rawReader;
1153 delete rawStream;
3f637cfc 1154
53f515d3 1155 } // while (1)
1156 }
3f637cfc 1157
3f637cfc 1158
90293ba6 1159
1160 if (gCommand.CompareTo("ped") == 0)
1161 {
53f515d3 1162 sprintf(flatFile,"MUONTRKda_ped_%d.ped",gRunNumber);
90293ba6 1163 if(flatOutputFile.IsNull())flatOutputFile=flatFile;
1164 MakePedStore(flatOutputFile);
1165 }
3f637cfc 1166
1167 // option gain -> update root file with pedestal results
1168 // gain + create -> recreate root file
1169 // gain + comp -> update root file and compute gain parameters
53f515d3 1171 if (gCommand.Contains("gain"))
1172 {
1173 MakePedStoreForGain(injCharge);
1174 }
3f637cfc 1175
53f515d3 1176 if (gCommand.Contains("comp"))
1177 {
1179// if(flatOutputFile.IsNull())flatOutputFile="MUONTRKda_gain.par";
1180// MakeGainStore(flatOutputFile);
1181 MakeGainStore();
1182 }
3f637cfc 1183
90293ba6 1185 delete gPedestalStore;
3f637cfc 1186
a76f513d 1187 delete minuitFit;
1188 TVirtualFitter::SetFitter(0);
3f637cfc 1190 timers.Stop();
90293ba6 1192 if (gCommand.CompareTo("comp") != 0)
1193 {
1194 cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of DATE events = " << gNDateEvents << endl;
53f515d3 1195 cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of Glitch errors = " << gGlitchErrors << endl;
1196 cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of Parity errors = " << gParityErrors << endl;
1197 cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of Padding errors = " << gPaddingErrors << endl;
90293ba6 1198 cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of events used = " << gNEvents << endl;
53f515d3 1199
1200 filcout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of DATE events = " << gNDateEvents << endl;
1201 filcout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of Glitch errors = " << gGlitchErrors << endl;
1202 filcout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of Parity errors = " << gParityErrors << endl;
1203 filcout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of Padding errors = " << gPaddingErrors << endl;
1204 filcout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of events used = " << gNEvents << endl;
90293ba6 1206 }
53f515d3 1207
1209 cout << "\nMUONTRKda : Output file generated : " << logOutputFile << endl;
90293ba6 1211 if (gCommand.CompareTo("ped") == 0)
1212 {
1213 if (!(crocusConfigFile.IsNull()))
1214 cout << "MUONTRKda : CROCUS command file generated : " << crocusOutputFile.Data() << endl;
1215 else
1216 cout << "MUONTRKda : WARNING no CROCUS command file generated" << endl;
1217 cout << "\nMUONTRKda : Histo file generated for pedestal : " << gHistoFileName << endl;
1218 }
3f637cfc 1219 else
90293ba6 1220 {
53f515d3 1221 cout << "\nMUONTRKda : Root data file for gain calculation : " << gHistoFileName_gain << endl;
1222 }
1224 if (gCommand.CompareTo("comp") == 0)
1225 {
1226 cout << "MUONTRKda : Root Histo. file generated : " << gRootFileName << endl;
1227 cout << "MUONTRKda : Flat ASCII file generated (to SHUTTLE) : " << flatOutputFile << endl;
1228 }
1232 // Store IN FES
1234 if (gCommand.CompareTo("comp") == 0 || gCommand.CompareTo("ped") == 0)
1235 {
1236 printf("\n ***** STORE FILE in FES ****** \n");
1238 // to be sure that env variable is set
1239 gSystem->Setenv("DAQDALIB_PATH", "$DATE_SITE/infoLogger");
1241 if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull())
1242 {
1244 // flatOutputFile.Prepend("./");
1246 status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(flatOutputFile.Data(),flatOutputFile.Data());
1247 if (status)
1248 {
1249 printf(" Failed to export file : %d\n",status);
1250 }
1251 else if(gPrintLevel) printf("Export file: %s\n",flatOutputFile.Data());
1252 }
90293ba6 1253 }
3f637cfc 1254
53f515d3 1255 filcout.close();
90293ba6 1256 printf("\nExecution time : R:%7.2fs C:%7.2fs\n", timers.RealTime(), timers.CpuTime());
3f637cfc 1257
1258 return status;