]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/AliPHOSAnalyze.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / AliPHOSAnalyze.cxx
6ad0bfa0 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17// Algorythm class to analyze PHOS events
18//*-- Y. Schutz : SUBATECH
21// --- ROOT system ---
92862013 23#include "TFile.h"
24#include "TH1.h"
25#include "TPad.h"
6ad0bfa0 26#include "TH2.h"
27#include "TParticle.h"
28#include "TClonesArray.h"
29#include "TTree.h"
30#include "TMath.h"
31#include "TCanvas.h"
33// --- Standard library ---
92862013 35#include <iostream>
36#include <cstdio>
6ad0bfa0 38// --- AliRoot header files ---
40#include "AliRun.h"
41#include "AliPHOSAnalyze.h"
42#include "AliPHOSClusterizerv1.h"
43#include "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1.h"
44#include "AliPHOSParticleGuesserv1.h"
45#include "AliPHOSReconstructioner.h"
46#include "AliPHOSDigit.h"
47#include "AliPHOSTrackSegment.h"
48#include "AliPHOSRecParticle.h"
54 AliPHOSAnalyze::AliPHOSAnalyze()
56 // ctor
58 fRootFile = 0 ;
62AliPHOSAnalyze::AliPHOSAnalyze(Text_t * name)
64 // ctor
92862013 66 Bool_t ok = OpenRootFile(name) ;
67 if ( !ok ) {
6ad0bfa0 68 cout << " AliPHOSAnalyze > Error opening " << name << endl ;
69 }
70 else {
71 gAlice = (AliRun*) fRootFile->Get("gAlice");
72 fPHOS = (AliPHOSv0 *)gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ;
73 fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance( fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetName(), fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetTitle() ) ;
74 fEvt = -999 ;
75 }
81 // dtor
83 fRootFile->Close() ;
84 delete fRootFile ;
85 fRootFile = 0 ;
87 delete fPHOS ;
88 fPHOS = 0 ;
90 delete fClu ;
91 fClu = 0 ;
93 delete fPag ;
94 fPag = 0 ;
96 delete fRec ;
97 fRec = 0 ;
99 delete fTrs ;
100 fTrs = 0 ;
105void AliPHOSAnalyze::AnalyzeOneEvent(Int_t evt)
92862013 107 Bool_t ok = Init(evt) ;
6ad0bfa0 108
92862013 109 if ( ok ) {
6ad0bfa0 110 //=========== Get the number of entries in the Digits array
112 Int_t nId = fPHOS->Digits()->GetEntries();
113 printf("AnalyzeOneEvent > Number of entries in the Digit array is %d \n",nId);
115 //=========== Do the reconstruction
117 cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > Found " << nId << " digits in PHOS" << endl ;
119 fPHOS->Reconstruction(fRec);
121 // =========== End of reconstruction
123 cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > event # " << fEvt << " processed" << endl ;
92862013 124 } // ok
6ad0bfa0 125 else
126 cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > filed to process event # " << evt << endl ;
92862013 130//____________________________________________________________________________
131 void AliPHOSAnalyze::AnalyzeManyEvents(Int_t Nevents, Int_t module) // analyzes many events
134 if ( fRootFile == 0 )
135 cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Root File not openned" << endl ;
136 else
137 {
138 //========== Get AliRun object from file
139 gAlice = (AliRun*) fRootFile->Get("gAlice") ;
140 //=========== Get the PHOS object and associated geometry from the file
141 fPHOS = (AliPHOSv0 *)gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ;
142 fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance( fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetName(), fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetTitle() );
143 //========== Booking Histograms
144 cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Booking Histograms" << endl ;
145 BookingHistograms();
146 Int_t ievent;
147 Int_t relid[4] ;
148 AliPHOSDigit * digit ;
149 AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emc ;
150 AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint * ppsd ;
151 AliPHOSTrackSegment * tracksegment ;
152 for ( ievent=0; ievent<Nevents; ievent++)
153 {
154 if (ievent==0) cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Starting Analyzing " << endl ;
155 //========== Create the Clusterizer
156 fClu = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ;
157 fClu->SetEmcEnergyThreshold(0.025) ;
158 fClu->SetEmcClusteringThreshold(0.75) ;
159 fClu->SetPpsdEnergyThreshold (0.0000002) ;
160 fClu->SetPpsdClusteringThreshold(0.0000001) ;
161 fClu->SetLocalMaxCut(0.03) ;
162 fClu->SetCalibrationParameters(0., 0.00000001) ;
163 //========== Creates the track segment maker
164 fTrs = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1() ;
165 //========== Creates the particle guesser
166 fPag = new AliPHOSParticleGuesserv1() ;
167 //========== Creates the Reconstructioner
168 fRec = new AliPHOSReconstructioner(fClu, fTrs, fPag) ;
169 //========== Event Number
170 if ( ( log10(ievent+1) - (Int_t)(log10(ievent+1)) ) == 0. ) cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Event is " << ievent << endl ;
171 //=========== Connects the various Tree's for evt
172 gAlice->GetEvent(ievent);
173 //=========== Gets the Digit TTree
174 gAlice->TreeD()->GetEvent(0) ;
175 //=========== Gets the number of entries in the Digits array
176 TIter nextdigit(fPHOS->Digits()) ;
177 while( ( digit = (AliPHOSDigit *)nextdigit() ) )
178 {
179 fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ;
180 if (fClu->IsInEmc(digit)) fhEmcDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp())) ;
181 else
182 {
183 if (relid[1]<17) fhVetoDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()));
184 if (relid[1]>16) fhConvertorDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()));
185 }
186 }
187 //=========== Do the reconstruction
188 fPHOS->Reconstruction(fRec);
189 //=========== Cluster in module
190 TIter nextEmc(fPHOS->EmcClusters() ) ;
191 while((emc = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint *)nextEmc()))
192 {
193 if ( emc->GetPHOSMod() == module )
194 {
195 fhEmcCluster->Fill( emc->GetTotalEnergy() );
196 TIter nextPpsd( fPHOS->PpsdClusters()) ;
197 while((ppsd = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextPpsd()))
198 {
199 if ( ppsd->GetPHOSMod() == module )
200 {
201 if (!ppsd->GetUp()) fhConvertorEmc->Fill(emc->GetTotalEnergy(),ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
202 }
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 //=========== Cluster in module PPSD Down
207 TIter nextPpsd(fPHOS->PpsdClusters() ) ;
208 while((ppsd = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextPpsd()))
209 {
210 if ( ppsd->GetPHOSMod() == module )
211 {
212 if (!ppsd->GetUp()) fhConvertorCluster->Fill(ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
213 if (ppsd->GetUp()) fhVetoCluster ->Fill(ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
214 }
215 }
216 //========== TRackSegments in the event
217 TIter nextTrackSegment(fPHOS->TrackSegments() ) ;
218 while((tracksegment = (AliPHOSTrackSegment *)nextTrackSegment()))
219 {
220 if ( tracksegment->GetPHOSMod() == module )
221 {
222 switch(tracksegment->GetPartType())
223 {
224 case 0:
225 fhPhotonEnergy->Fill(tracksegment->GetEnergy() ) ;
226 // fhPhotonPositionX->Fill(tracksegment-> ) ;
227 //fhPhotonPositionY->Fill(tracksegment-> ) ;
228 //cout << "PHOTON" << endl;
229 break;
230 case 1 :
231 fhElectronEnergy->Fill(tracksegment->GetEnergy() ) ;
232 //fhElectronPositionX->Fill(tracksegment-> ) ;
233 //fhElectronPositionY->Fill(tracksegment-> ) ;
234 //cout << "ELECTRON" << endl;
235 break;
236 case 2 :
237 fhNeutralEnergy->Fill(tracksegment->GetEnergy() ) ;
238 //fhNeutralPositionX->Fill(tracksegment-> ) ;
239 //fhNeutralPositionY->Fill(tracksegment-> ) ;
240 //cout << "NEUTRAL" << endl;
241 break ;
242 case 3 :
243 fhChargedEnergy->Fill(tracksegment->GetEnergy() ) ;
244 //fhChargedPositionX->Fill(tracksegment-> ) ;
245 //fhChargedPositionY->Fill(tracksegment-> ) ;
246 //cout << "CHARGED" << endl;
247 break ;
249 }
250 }
251 }
252 // Deleting fClu, fTrs, fPag et fRec
253 fClu->Delete();
254 fTrs->Delete();
255 fPag->Delete();
256 fRec->Delete();
258 } // endfor
259 SavingHistograms();
260 } // endif
261} // endfunction
265void AliPHOSAnalyze::BookingHistograms()
267 if (fhEmcDigit ) delete fhEmcDigit ;
268 if (fhVetoDigit ) delete fhVetoDigit ;
269 if (fhConvertorDigit ) delete fhConvertorDigit ;
270 if (fhEmcCluster ) delete fhEmcCluster ;
271 if (fhVetoCluster ) delete fhVetoCluster ;
272 if (fhConvertorCluster ) delete fhConvertorCluster ;
273 if (fhConvertorEmc ) delete fhConvertorEmc ;
d3e16808 274 fhEmcDigit = new TH1F("hEmcDigit", "hEmcDigit", 1000, 0. , 25.);
92862013 275 fhVetoDigit = new TH1F("hVetoDigit", "hVetoDigit", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
276 fhConvertorDigit = new TH1F("hConvertorDigit","hConvertorDigit", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
d3e16808 277 fhEmcCluster = new TH1F("hEmcCluster", "hEmcCluster", 1000, 0. , 30.);
92862013 278 fhVetoCluster = new TH1F("hVetoCluster", "hVetoCluster", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
279 fhConvertorCluster = new TH1F("hConvertorCluster","hConvertorCluster",500, 0. , 3.e-5);
280 fhConvertorEmc = new TH2F("hConvertorEmc", "hConvertorEmc", 200, 1. , 3., 200, 0., 3.e-5);
d3e16808 281 fhPhotonEnergy = new TH1F("hPhotonEnergy", "hPhotonEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
282 fhElectronEnergy = new TH1F("hElectronEnergy","hElectronEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
283 fhNeutralEnergy = new TH1F("hNeutralEnergy", "hNeutralEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
284 fhChargedEnergy = new TH1F("hChargedEnergy", "hChargedEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
92862013 285 fhPhotonPositionX = new TH1F("hPhotonPositionX","hPhotonPositionX", 500,-80. , 80.);
286 fhElectronPositionX= new TH1F("hElectronPositionX","hElectronPositionX",500,-80. , 80.);
287 fhNeutralPositionX = new TH1F("hNeutralPositionX","hNeutralPositionX",500,-80. , 80.);
288 fhChargedPositionX = new TH1F("hChargedPositionX","hChargedPositionX",500,-80. , 80.);
289 fhPhotonPositionY = new TH1F("hPhotonPositionY","hPhotonPositionY", 500,-80. , 80.);
290 fhElectronPositionY= new TH1F("hElectronPositionY","hElectronPositionY",500,-80. , 80.);
291 fhNeutralPositionY = new TH1F("hNeutralPositionY","hNeutralPositionY",500,-80. , 80.);
292 fhChargedPositionY = new TH1F("hChargedPositionY","hChargedPositionY",500,-80. , 80.);
6ad0bfa0 295//____________________________________________________________________________
296Bool_t AliPHOSAnalyze::Init(Int_t evt)
92862013 299 Bool_t ok = kTRUE ;
6ad0bfa0 300
301 //========== Open galice root file
303 if ( fRootFile == 0 ) {
304 Text_t * name = new Text_t[80] ;
305 cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > Enter file root file name : " ;
306 cin >> name ;
92862013 307 Bool_t ok = OpenRootFile(name) ;
308 if ( !ok )
6ad0bfa0 309 cout << " AliPHOSAnalyze > Error opening " << name << endl ;
310 else {
311 //========== Get AliRun object from file
313 gAlice = (AliRun*) fRootFile->Get("gAlice") ;
315 //=========== Get the PHOS object and associated geometry from the file
317 fPHOS = (AliPHOSv0 *)gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ;
318 fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance( fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetName(), fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetTitle() );
92862013 319 } // else !ok
6ad0bfa0 320 } // if fRootFile
92862013 322 if ( ok ) {
6ad0bfa0 323
324 //========== Create the Clusterizer
326 fClu = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ;
92862013 327 fClu->SetEmcEnergyThreshold(0.025) ;
328 fClu->SetEmcClusteringThreshold(0.75) ;
329 fClu->SetPpsdEnergyThreshold (0.0000002) ;
330 fClu->SetPpsdClusteringThreshold(0.0000001) ;
6ad0bfa0 331 fClu->SetLocalMaxCut(0.03) ;
92862013 332 fClu->SetCalibrationParameters(0., 0.00000001) ;
6ad0bfa0 333 cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > using clusterizer " << fClu->GetName() << endl ;
334 fClu->PrintParameters() ;
336 //========== Creates the track segment maker
338 fTrs = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1() ;
339 cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > using tack segment maker " << fTrs->GetName() << endl ;
341 //========== Creates the particle guesser
343 fPag = new AliPHOSParticleGuesserv1() ;
344 cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > using particle guess " << fPag->GetName() << endl ;
346 //========== Creates the Reconstructioner
348 fRec = new AliPHOSReconstructioner(fClu, fTrs, fPag) ;
350 //=========== Connect the various Tree's for evt
352 if ( evt == -999 ) {
353 cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > Enter event number : " ;
354 cin >> evt ;
355 cout << evt << endl ;
356 }
357 fEvt = evt ;
358 gAlice->GetEvent(evt);
360 //=========== Get the Digit TTree
362 gAlice->TreeD()->GetEvent(0) ;
92862013 364 } // ok
6ad0bfa0 365
92862013 366 return ok ;
6ad0bfa0 367}
92862013 369
6ad0bfa0 370//____________________________________________________________________________
92862013 371void AliPHOSAnalyze::DisplayKineEvent(Int_t evt)
6ad0bfa0 372{
373 if (evt == -999)
374 evt = fEvt ;
92862013 376 Int_t module ;
6ad0bfa0 377 cout << "DisplayKineEvent > which module (1-5, -1: all) ? " ;
92862013 378 cin >> module ; cout << module << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 379
92862013 380 Int_t testparticle ;
6ad0bfa0 381 cout << " 22 : PHOTON " << endl
382 << " (-)11 : (POSITRON)ELECTRON " << endl
383 << " (-)2112 : (ANTI)NEUTRON " << endl
384 << " -999 : Everything else " << endl ;
385 cout << "DisplayKineEvent > enter PDG particle code to display " ;
92862013 386 cin >> testparticle ; cout << testparticle << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 387
92862013 388 Text_t histoname[80] ;
389 sprintf(histoname,"Event %d: Incident particles in module %d", evt, module) ;
6ad0bfa0 390
92862013 391 Double_t tm, tM, pm, pM ; // min and Max theta and phi covered by module
392 fGeom->EmcModuleCoverage(module, tm, tM, pm, pM, kDegre) ;
6ad0bfa0 393
394 Double_t theta, phi ;
395 fGeom->EmcXtalCoverage(theta, phi, kDegre) ;
397 Int_t tdim = (Int_t)( (tM - tm) / theta ) ;
398 Int_t pdim = (Int_t)( (pM - pm) / phi ) ;
400 tm -= theta ;
401 tM += theta ;
402 pm -= phi ;
403 pM += phi ;
92862013 405 TH2F * histoparticle = new TH2F("histoparticle", histoname,
6ad0bfa0 406 pdim, pm, pM, tdim, tm, tM) ;
92862013 407 histoparticle->SetStats(kFALSE) ;
6ad0bfa0 408
409 // Get pointers to Alice Particle TClonesArray
92862013 411 TParticle * particle;
412 TClonesArray * particlearray = gAlice->Particles();
6ad0bfa0 413
92862013 414 Text_t canvasname[80];
415 sprintf(canvasname,"Particles incident in PHOS/EMC module # %d",module) ;
416 TCanvas * kinecanvas = new TCanvas("kinecanvas", canvasname, 650, 500) ;
6ad0bfa0 417
418 // get the KINE Tree
92862013 420 TTree * kine = gAlice->TreeK() ;
421 Stat_t nParticles = kine->GetEntries() ;
422 cout << "DisplayKineEvent > events in kine " << nParticles << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 423
424 // loop over particles
92862013 426 Double_t kRADDEG = 180. / TMath::Pi() ;
6ad0bfa0 427 Int_t index1 ;
428 Int_t nparticlein = 0 ;
92862013 429 for (index1 = 0 ; index1 < nParticles ; index1++){
430 Int_t nparticle = particlearray->GetEntriesFast() ;
6ad0bfa0 431 Int_t index2 ;
432 for( index2 = 0 ; index2 < nparticle ; index2++) {
92862013 433 particle = (TParticle*)particlearray->UncheckedAt(index2) ;
434 Int_t particletype = particle->GetPdgCode() ;
435 if (testparticle == -999 || testparticle == particletype) {
436 Double_t phi = particle->Phi() ;
437 Double_t theta = particle->Theta() ;
6ad0bfa0 438 Int_t mod ;
439 Double_t x, z ;
92862013 440 fGeom->ImpactOnEmc(theta, phi, mod, z, x) ;
441 if ( mod == module ) {
6ad0bfa0 442 nparticlein++ ;
92862013 443 histoparticle->Fill(phi*kRADDEG, theta*kRADDEG, particle->Energy() ) ;
6ad0bfa0 444 }
445 }
446 }
447 }
92862013 448 kinecanvas->Draw() ;
449 histoparticle->Draw("color") ;
450 TPaveText * pavetext = new TPaveText(294, 100, 300, 101);
6ad0bfa0 451 Text_t text[40] ;
452 sprintf(text, "Particles: %d ", nparticlein) ;
92862013 453 pavetext->AddText(text) ;
454 pavetext->Draw() ;
455 kinecanvas->Update();
6ad0bfa0 456
459void AliPHOSAnalyze::DisplayRecParticles()
461 if (fEvt == -999) {
462 cout << "DisplayRecPoints > Analyze an event first ... (y/n) " ;
463 Text_t answer[1] ;
464 cin >> answer ; cout << answer ;
465 if ( answer == "y" )
466 AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
467 }
468 if (fEvt != -999) {
92862013 470 Int_t module ;
6ad0bfa0 471 cout << "DisplayRecPoints > which module (1-5, -1: all) ? " ;
92862013 472 cin >> module ; cout << module << endl ;
473 Text_t histoname[80] ;
474 sprintf(histoname,"Event %d: Reconstructed particles in module %d", fEvt, module) ;
475 Double_t tm, tM, pm, pM ; // min and Max theta and phi covered by module
476 fGeom->EmcModuleCoverage(module, tm, tM, pm, pM, kDegre) ;
6ad0bfa0 477 Double_t theta, phi ;
478 fGeom->EmcXtalCoverage(theta, phi, kDegre) ;
479 Int_t tdim = (Int_t)( (tM - tm) / theta ) ;
480 Int_t pdim = (Int_t)( (pM - pm) / phi ) ;
481 tm -= theta ;
482 tM += theta ;
483 pm -= phi ;
92862013 484 TH2F * histoRparticle = new TH2F("histoRparticle", histoname,
6ad0bfa0 485 pdim, pm, pM, tdim, tm, tM) ;
92862013 486 histoRparticle->SetStats(kFALSE) ;
487 Text_t canvasname[80] ;
488 sprintf(canvasname, "Reconstructed particles in PHOSmodule # %d", module) ;
489 TCanvas * rparticlecanvas = new TCanvas("RparticleCanvas", canvasname, 650, 500) ;
6ad0bfa0 490 RecParticlesList * rpl = fPHOS->RecParticles() ;
92862013 491 Int_t nRecParticles = rpl->GetEntries() ;
492 Int_t nRecParticlesInModule = 0 ;
6ad0bfa0 493 TIter nextRecPart(rpl) ;
494 AliPHOSRecParticle * rp ;
92862013 495 cout << "DisplayRecParticles > " << nRecParticles << " reconstructed particles " << endl ;
496 Double_t kRADDEG = 180. / TMath::Pi() ;
6ad0bfa0 497 while ( (rp = (AliPHOSRecParticle *)nextRecPart() ) ) {
498 AliPHOSTrackSegment * ts = rp->GetPHOSTrackSegment() ;
92862013 499 if ( ts->GetPHOSMod() == module ) {
500 nRecParticlesInModule++ ;
501 Double_t theta = rp->Theta() * kRADDEG ;
502 Double_t phi = rp->Phi() * kRADDEG ;
6ad0bfa0 503 Double_t energy = rp->Energy() ;
92862013 504 histoRparticle->Fill(phi, theta, energy) ;
6ad0bfa0 505 }
506 }
92862013 507 histoRparticle->Draw("color") ;
6ad0bfa0 508 Text_t text[80] ;
92862013 509 sprintf(text, "reconstructed particles: %d", nRecParticlesInModule) ;
510 TPaveText * pavetext = new TPaveText(292, 100, 300, 101);
511 pavetext->AddText(text) ;
512 pavetext->Draw() ;
513 rparticlecanvas->Update() ;
6ad0bfa0 514 }
518void AliPHOSAnalyze::DisplayRecPoints()
520 if (fEvt == -999) {
521 cout << "DisplayRecPoints > Analyze an event first ... (y/n) " ;
522 Text_t answer[1] ;
523 cin >> answer ; cout << answer ;
524 if ( answer == "y" )
525 AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
526 }
527 if (fEvt != -999) {
92862013 529 Int_t module ;
6ad0bfa0 530 cout << "DisplayRecPoints > which module (1-5, -1: all) ? " ;
92862013 531 cin >> module ; cout << module << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 532
92862013 533 Text_t canvasname[80];
534 sprintf(canvasname,"Digits in PHOS/EMC module # %d",module) ;
535 TCanvas * modulecanvas = new TCanvas("module", canvasname, 650, 500) ;
536 modulecanvas->Draw() ;
6ad0bfa0 537
92862013 538 //=========== Creating 2d-histogram of the PHOS module
6ad0bfa0 539 // a little bit junkie but is used to test Geom functinalities
92862013 541 Double_t tm, tM, pm, pM ; // min and Max theta and phi covered by module
6ad0bfa0 542
92862013 543 fGeom->EmcModuleCoverage(module, tm, tM, pm, pM);
6ad0bfa0 544 // convert angles into coordinates local to the EMC module of interest
92862013 546 Int_t emcModuleNumber ;
547 Double_t emcModulexm, emcModulezm ; // minimum local coordinate in a given EMCA module
548 Double_t emcModulexM, emcModulezM ; // maximum local coordinate in a given EMCA module
549 fGeom->ImpactOnEmc(tm, pm, emcModuleNumber, emcModulezm, emcModulexm) ;
550 fGeom->ImpactOnEmc(tM, pM, emcModuleNumber, emcModulezM, emcModulexM) ;
551 Int_t xdim = (Int_t)( ( emcModulexM - emcModulexm ) / fGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) ) ;
552 Int_t zdim = (Int_t)( ( emcModulezM - emcModulezm ) / fGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) ) ;
553 Float_t xmin = emcModulexm - fGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) ;
554 Float_t xMax = emcModulexM + fGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) ;
555 Float_t zmin = emcModulezm - fGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) ;
556 Float_t zMax = emcModulezM + fGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) ;
557 Text_t histoname[80];
558 sprintf(histoname,"Event %d: Digits and RecPoints in module %d", fEvt, module) ;
559 TH2F * hModule = new TH2F("HistoReconstructed", histoname,
6ad0bfa0 560 xdim, xmin, xMax, zdim, zmin, zMax) ;
561 hModule->SetMaximum(2.0);
562 hModule->SetMinimum(0.0);
563 hModule->SetStats(kFALSE);
565 TIter next(fPHOS->Digits()) ;
92862013 566 Float_t energy, y, z;
567 Float_t etot=0.;
568 Int_t relid[4]; Int_t nDigits = 0 ;
6ad0bfa0 569 AliPHOSDigit * digit ;
6ad0bfa0 570 while((digit = (AliPHOSDigit *)next()))
571 {
92862013 572 fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ;
573 if (relid[0] == module)
6ad0bfa0 574 {
92862013 575 nDigits++ ;
576 energy = fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()) ;
577 etot += energy ;
578 fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid,y,z) ;
579 if (energy > 0.01 )
580 hModule->Fill(y, z, energy) ;
6ad0bfa0 581 }
582 }
92862013 583 cout <<"DrawRecPoints > Found in module "
584 << module << " " << nDigits << " digits with total energy " << etot << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 585 hModule->Draw("col2") ;
92862013 587 //=========== Cluster in module
6ad0bfa0 588
92862013 589 TClonesArray * emcRP = fPHOS->EmcClusters() ;
590 etot = 0.;
591 Int_t totalnClusters = 0 ;
592 Int_t nClusters = 0 ;
593 TIter nextemc(emcRP) ;
6ad0bfa0 594 AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emc ;
595 while((emc = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint *)nextemc()))
596 {
92862013 597 totalnClusters++ ;
598 if ( emc->GetPHOSMod() == module )
6ad0bfa0 599 {
92862013 600 nClusters++ ;
601 energy = emc->GetTotalEnergy() ;
602 etot+= energy ;
6ad0bfa0 603 emc->Draw("P") ;
604 }
605 }
92862013 606 cout << "DrawRecPoints > Found " << totalnClusters << " EMC Clusters in PHOS" << endl ;
607 cout << "DrawRecPoints > Found in module " << module << " " << nClusters << " EMC Clusters " << endl ;
608 cout << "DrawRecPoints > total energy " << etot << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 609
92862013 610 TPaveText * pavetext = new TPaveText(22, 80, 83, 90);
6ad0bfa0 611 Text_t text[40] ;
92862013 612 sprintf(text, "digits: %d; clusters: %d", nDigits, nClusters) ;
613 pavetext->AddText(text) ;
614 pavetext->Draw() ;
615 modulecanvas->Update();
6ad0bfa0 616
92862013 617 //=========== Cluster in module PPSD Down
6ad0bfa0 618
92862013 619 TClonesArray * ppsdRP = fPHOS->PpsdClusters() ;
620 etot = 0.;
621 TIter nextPpsd(ppsdRP) ;
622 AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint * ppsd ;
623 while((ppsd = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextPpsd()))
6ad0bfa0 624 {
92862013 625 totalnClusters++ ;
626 if ( ppsd->GetPHOSMod() == module )
6ad0bfa0 627 {
92862013 628 nClusters++ ;
629 energy = ppsd->GetEnergy() ;
630 etot+=energy ;
631 if (!ppsd->GetUp()) ppsd->Draw("P") ;
6ad0bfa0 632 }
633 }
92862013 634 cout << "DrawRecPoints > Found " << totalnClusters << " Ppsd Down Clusters in PHOS" << endl ;
635 cout << "DrawRecPoints > Found in module " << module << " " << nClusters << " Ppsd Down Clusters " << endl ;
636 cout << "DrawRecPoints > total energy " << etot << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 637
92862013 638 //=========== Cluster in module PPSD Up
6ad0bfa0 639
92862013 640 ppsdRP = fPHOS->PpsdClusters() ;
641 etot = 0.;
642 TIter nextPpsdUp(ppsdRP) ;
643 while((ppsd = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextPpsdUp()))
6ad0bfa0 644 {
92862013 645 totalnClusters++ ;
646 if ( ppsd->GetPHOSMod() == module )
6ad0bfa0 647 {
92862013 648 nClusters++ ;
649 energy = ppsd->GetEnergy() ;
650 etot+=energy ;
651 if (ppsd->GetUp()) ppsd->Draw("P") ;
6ad0bfa0 652 }
653 }
92862013 654 cout << "DrawRecPoints > Found " << totalnClusters << " Ppsd Up Clusters in PHOS" << endl ;
655 cout << "DrawRecPoints > Found in module " << module << " " << nClusters << " Ppsd Up Clusters " << endl ;
656 cout << "DrawRecPoints > total energy " << etot << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 657
658 } // if !-999
662void AliPHOSAnalyze::DisplayTrackSegments()
664 if (fEvt == -999) {
665 cout << "DisplayTrackSegments > Analyze an event first ... (y/n) " ;
666 Text_t answer[1] ;
667 cin >> answer ; cout << answer ;
668 if ( answer == "y" )
669 AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
670 }
671 if (fEvt != -999) {
92862013 673 Int_t module ;
6ad0bfa0 674 cout << "DisplayTrackSegments > which module (1-5, -1: all) ? " ;
92862013 675 cin >> module ; cout << module << endl ;
676 //=========== Creating 2d-histogram of the PHOS module
6ad0bfa0 677 // a little bit junkie but is used to test Geom functinalities
92862013 679 Double_t tm, tM, pm, pM ; // min and Max theta and phi covered by module
6ad0bfa0 680
92862013 681 fGeom->EmcModuleCoverage(module, tm, tM, pm, pM);
6ad0bfa0 682 // convert angles into coordinates local to the EMC module of interest
92862013 684 Int_t emcModuleNumber ;
685 Double_t emcModulexm, emcModulezm ; // minimum local coordinate in a given EMCA module
686 Double_t emcModulexM, emcModulezM ; // maximum local coordinate in a given EMCA module
687 fGeom->ImpactOnEmc(tm, pm, emcModuleNumber, emcModulezm, emcModulexm) ;
688 fGeom->ImpactOnEmc(tM, pM, emcModuleNumber, emcModulezM, emcModulexM) ;
689 Int_t xdim = (Int_t)( ( emcModulexM - emcModulexm ) / fGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) ) ;
690 Int_t zdim = (Int_t)( ( emcModulezM - emcModulezm ) / fGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) ) ;
691 Float_t xmin = emcModulexm - fGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) ;
692 Float_t xMax = emcModulexM + fGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) ;
693 Float_t zmin = emcModulezm - fGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) ;
694 Float_t zMax = emcModulezM + fGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) ;
695 Text_t histoname[80];
696 sprintf(histoname,"Event %d: Track Segments in module %d", fEvt, module) ;
697 TH2F * histotrack = new TH2F("histotrack", histoname,
6ad0bfa0 698 xdim, xmin, xMax, zdim, zmin, zMax) ;
92862013 699 histotrack->SetStats(kFALSE);
700 Text_t canvasname[80];
701 sprintf(canvasname,"Track segments in PHOS/EMC-PPSD module # %d", module) ;
702 TCanvas * trackcanvas = new TCanvas("TrackSegmentCanvas", canvasname, 650, 500) ;
703 histotrack->Draw() ;
6ad0bfa0 704
705 TrackSegmentsList * trsegl = fPHOS->TrackSegments() ;
706 AliPHOSTrackSegment * trseg ;
92862013 708 Int_t nTrackSegments = trsegl->GetEntries() ;
6ad0bfa0 709 Int_t index ;
92862013 710 Float_t etot = 0 ;
711 Int_t nTrackSegmentsInModule = 0 ;
712 for(index = 0; index < nTrackSegments ; index++){
6ad0bfa0 713 trseg = (AliPHOSTrackSegment * )trsegl->At(index) ;
92862013 714 etot+= trseg->GetEnergy() ;
715 if ( trseg->GetPHOSMod() == module ) {
716 nTrackSegmentsInModule++ ;
6ad0bfa0 717 trseg->Draw("P");
718 }
719 }
720 Text_t text[80] ;
92862013 721 sprintf(text, "track segments: %d", nTrackSegmentsInModule) ;
722 TPaveText * pavetext = new TPaveText(22, 80, 83, 90);
723 pavetext->AddText(text) ;
724 pavetext->Draw() ;
725 trackcanvas->Update() ;
726 cout << "DisplayTrackSegments > Found " << trsegl->GetEntries() << " Track segments with total energy "<< etot << endl ;
6ad0bfa0 727
728 }
731Bool_t AliPHOSAnalyze::OpenRootFile(Text_t * name)
733 fRootFile = new TFile(name) ;
734 return fRootFile->IsOpen() ;
92862013 736//____________________________________________________________________________
737void AliPHOSAnalyze::SavingHistograms()
3862b681 739 Text_t outputname[80] ;// = fRootFile->GetName();
740 sprintf(outputname,"%s.analyzed",fRootFile->GetName());
741 TFile output(outputname,"RECREATE");
92862013 742 output.cd();
743 if (fhEmcDigit ) fhEmcDigit->Write() ;
744 if (fhVetoDigit ) fhVetoDigit->Write() ;
745 if (fhConvertorDigit ) fhConvertorDigit->Write() ;
746 if (fhEmcCluster ) fhEmcCluster->Write() ;
747 if (fhVetoCluster ) fhVetoCluster->Write() ;
748 if (fhConvertorCluster ) fhConvertorCluster->Write() ;
749 if (fhConvertorEmc ) fhConvertorEmc->Write() ;
750 if (fhPhotonEnergy) fhPhotonEnergy->Write() ;
751 if (fhPhotonPositionX) fhPhotonPositionX->Write() ;
752 if (fhPhotonPositionY) fhPhotonPositionX->Write() ;
753 if (fhElectronEnergy) fhElectronEnergy->Write() ;
754 if (fhElectronPositionX) fhElectronPositionX->Write() ;
755 if (fhElectronPositionY) fhElectronPositionX->Write() ;
756 if (fhNeutralEnergy) fhNeutralEnergy->Write() ;
757 if (fhNeutralPositionX) fhNeutralPositionX->Write() ;
758 if (fhNeutralPositionY) fhNeutralPositionX->Write() ;
759 if (fhChargedEnergy) fhChargedEnergy->Write() ;
760 if (fhChargedPositionX) fhChargedPositionX->Write() ;
761 if (fhChargedPositionY) fhChargedPositionX->Write() ;
763 output.Write();
764 output.Close();