]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/AliPHOSSDigitizer.cxx
Changes done to include new ALiL3HoughTransformerVhdl.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / AliPHOSSDigitizer.cxx
990119d6 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
7acf6008 19// This is a TTask that makes SDigits out of Hits
7b7c1533 20// The name of the TTask is also the title of the branch that will contain
21// the created SDigits
22// The title of the TTAsk is the name of the file that contains the hits from
23// which the SDigits are created
7acf6008 24// A Summable Digits is the sum of all hits originating
25// from one primary in one active cell
26// A threshold for assignment of the primary to SDigit is applied
27// SDigits are written to TreeS, branch "PHOS"
28// AliPHOSSDigitizer with all current parameters is written
29// to TreeS branch "AliPHOSSDigitizer".
f035f6ce 30// Both branches have the same title. If necessary one can produce
31// another set of SDigits with different parameters. Two versions
32// can be distunguished using titles of the branches.
33// User case:
a4e98857 34// root [0] AliPHOSSDigitizer * s = new AliPHOSSDigitizer("galice.root")
35// Warning in <TDatabasePDG::TDatabasePDG>: object already instantiated
36// root [1] s->ExecuteTask()
f035f6ce 37// // Makes SDigitis for all events stored in galice.root
a4e98857 38// root [2] s->SetPedestalParameter(0.001)
f035f6ce 39// // One can change parameters of digitization
3de072dc 40// root [3] s->SetSDigitsBranch("Pedestal 0.001")
f035f6ce 41// // and write them into the new branch
3de072dc 42// root [4] s->ExecuteTask("deb all tim")
f035f6ce 43// // available parameters:
44// deb - print # of produced SDigitis
45// deb all - print # and list of produced SDigits
46// tim - print benchmarking information
990119d6 47//
48//*-- Author : Dmitri Peressounko (SUBATECH & KI)
f035f6ce 51
990119d6 52// --- ROOT system ---
7acf6008 53#include "TFile.h"
990119d6 54#include "TTask.h"
55#include "TTree.h"
56#include "TSystem.h"
7acf6008 57#include "TROOT.h"
58#include "TFolder.h"
59#include "TBenchmark.h"
106fc2fa 60#include "TGeometry.h"
990119d6 62// --- Standard library ---
7acf6008 63#include <iomanip.h>
990119d6 64
65// --- AliRoot header files ---
7acf6008 66#include "AliRun.h"
106fc2fa 67#include "AliHeader.h"
990119d6 68#include "AliPHOSDigit.h"
a6eedfad 69#include "AliPHOSGeometry.h"
7b7c1533 70#include "AliPHOSGetter.h"
990119d6 71#include "AliPHOSHit.h"
990119d6 72#include "AliPHOSSDigitizer.h"
990119d6 74
7b7c1533 79 AliPHOSSDigitizer::AliPHOSSDigitizer():TTask("","")
990119d6 80{
81 // ctor
2bd5457f 82 fA = 0;
83 fB = 10000000.;
990119d6 84 fPrimThreshold = 0.01 ;
2b60655b 85 fSDigitsInRun = 0 ;
990119d6 86}
7acf6008 87
990119d6 88//____________________________________________________________________________
7b7c1533 89AliPHOSSDigitizer::AliPHOSSDigitizer(const char * headerFile, const char * sDigitsTitle):TTask(sDigitsTitle, headerFile)
990119d6 90{
91 // ctor
2bd5457f 92 fA = 0;
93 fB = 10000000.;
990119d6 94 fPrimThreshold = 0.01 ;
106fc2fa 95 fSDigitsInRun = 0 ;
2bd5457f 96 Init();
990119d6 97}
7b7c1533 99
7acf6008 100//____________________________________________________________________________
a4e98857 101void AliPHOSSDigitizer::Init()
2bd5457f 103 // Initialization: open root-file, allocate arrays for hits and sdigits,
104 // attach task SDigitizer to the list of PHOS tasks
105 //
a4e98857 106 // Initialization can not be done in the default constructor
7b7c1533 107 //============================================================= YS
108 // The initialisation is now done by AliPHOSGetter
110 if( strcmp(GetTitle(), "") == 0 )
111 SetTitle("galice.root") ;
113 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance(GetTitle(), GetName()) ;
114 if ( gime == 0 ) {
115 cerr << "ERROR: AliPHOSSDigitizer::Init -> Could not obtain the Getter object !" << endl ;
116 return ;
117 }
5ad40cd6 119 gime->PostSDigits( GetName(), GetTitle() ) ;
121 TString sdname(GetName() );
122 sdname.Append(":") ;
123 sdname.Append(GetTitle() ) ;
124 SetName(sdname) ;
125 gime->PostSDigitizer(this) ;
7acf6008 126}
7b7c1533 127
990119d6 128//____________________________________________________________________________
a4e98857 129void AliPHOSSDigitizer::Exec(Option_t *option)
131 // Collects all hits in the same active volume into digit
7b7c1533 132 if( strcmp(GetName(), "") == 0 )
7acf6008 133 Init() ;
7b7c1533 134
135 if (strstr(option, "print") ) {
136 Print("") ;
137 return ;
138 }
990119d6 139
7acf6008 140 if(strstr(option,"tim"))
141 gBenchmark->Start("PHOSSDigitizer");
7b7c1533 142
143 //Check, if this branch already exits
5ad40cd6 144 gAlice->GetEvent(0) ;
a2d8b8a4 145
146 TString sdname(GetName()) ;
147 sdname.Remove(sdname.Index(GetTitle())-1) ;
5ad40cd6 149 if(gAlice->TreeS() ) {
7a9d98f9 150 TObjArray * lob = static_cast<TObjArray*>(gAlice->TreeS()->GetListOfBranches()) ;
5ad40cd6 151 TIter next(lob) ;
152 TBranch * branch = 0 ;
153 Bool_t phosfound = kFALSE, sdigitizerfound = kFALSE ;
7b7c1533 154
7a9d98f9 155 while ( (branch = (static_cast<TBranch*>(next()))) && (!phosfound || !sdigitizerfound) ) {
5ad40cd6 156 if ( (strcmp(branch->GetName(), "PHOS")==0) && (strcmp(branch->GetTitle(), GetName())==0) )
157 phosfound = kTRUE ;
159 else if ( (strcmp(branch->GetName(), "AliPHOSSDigitizer")==0) && (strcmp(branch->GetTitle(), GetName())==0) )
160 sdigitizerfound = kTRUE ;
161 }
163 if ( phosfound || sdigitizerfound ) {
164 cerr << "WARNING: AliPHOSSDigitizer::Exec -> SDigits and/or SDigitizer branch with name " << GetName()
165 << " already exits" << endl ;
166 return ;
167 }
168 }
7b7c1533 169
7b7c1533 170 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance() ;
7b7c1533 172 Int_t nevents = (Int_t) gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries() ;
990119d6 173
174 Int_t ievent ;
7b7c1533 175 for(ievent = 0; ievent < nevents; ievent++){
5ad40cd6 176 gime->Event(ievent,"H") ;
017addb3 177 const TClonesArray * hits = gime->Hits() ;
5ad40cd6 178 TClonesArray * sdigits = gime->SDigits(sdname.Data()) ;
7b7c1533 179 sdigits->Clear();
990119d6 180 Int_t nSdigits = 0 ;
990119d6 182
7b7c1533 183 //Now make SDigits from hits, for PHOS it is the same, so just copy
017addb3 184
185//******************** CHECK HERE
187// Int_t itrack ;
188// for (itrack=0; itrack < gAlice->GetNtrack(); itrack++){
189// //=========== Get the PHOS branch from Hits Tree for the Primary track itrack
190// gime->Track(itrack) ;
990119d6 191 Int_t i;
7b7c1533 192 for ( i = 0 ; i < hits->GetEntries() ; i++ ) {
7a9d98f9 193 AliPHOSHit * hit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSHit *>(hits->At(i)) ;
990119d6 194 // Assign primary number only if contribution is significant
9688c1dd 195
990119d6 196 if( hit->GetEnergy() > fPrimThreshold)
9688c1dd 197 new((*sdigits)[nSdigits]) AliPHOSDigit(hit->GetPrimary(),hit->GetId(),
198 Digitize(hit->GetEnergy()), hit->GetTime()) ;
990119d6 199 else
9688c1dd 200 new((*sdigits)[nSdigits]) AliPHOSDigit( -1 , hit->GetId(),
201 Digitize(hit->GetEnergy()), hit->GetTime()) ;
202 nSdigits++ ;
990119d6 203
9688c1dd 204 }
017addb3 205// } // loop over tracks
990119d6 206
7b7c1533 207 sdigits->Sort() ;
990119d6 208
7b7c1533 209 nSdigits = sdigits->GetEntriesFast() ;
69866bef 210 fSDigitsInRun += nSdigits ;
7b7c1533 211 sdigits->Expand(nSdigits) ;
017addb3 212// Int_t i ;
990119d6 213 for (i = 0 ; i < nSdigits ; i++) {
7a9d98f9 214 AliPHOSDigit * digit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(sdigits->At(i)) ;
990119d6 215 digit->SetIndexInList(i) ;
216 }
7acf6008 217
106fc2fa 218 if(gAlice->TreeS() == 0)
219 gAlice->MakeTree("S") ;
7acf6008 221 //First list of sdigits
222 Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ;
7b7c1533 223 TBranch * sdigitsBranch = gAlice->TreeS()->Branch("PHOS",&sdigits,bufferSize);
5ad40cd6 224 sdigitsBranch->SetTitle(sdname);
7acf6008 225
7b7c1533 226 //Next - SDigitizer
7acf6008 227 Int_t splitlevel = 0 ;
228 AliPHOSSDigitizer * sd = this ;
7b7c1533 229 TBranch * sdigitizerBranch = gAlice->TreeS()->Branch("AliPHOSSDigitizer","AliPHOSSDigitizer",
7acf6008 230 &sd,bufferSize,splitlevel);
5ad40cd6 231 sdigitizerBranch->SetTitle(sdname);
42d2745f 232 sdigitsBranch->Fill() ;
106fc2fa 233
42d2745f 234 gAlice->TreeS()->AutoSave() ;
7acf6008 235
236 if(strstr(option,"deb"))
237 PrintSDigits(option) ;
990119d6 239 }
7acf6008 240
241 if(strstr(option,"tim")){
242 gBenchmark->Stop("PHOSSDigitizer");
243 cout << "AliPHOSSDigitizer:" << endl ;
244 cout << " took " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSSDigitizer") << " seconds for SDigitizing "
7b7c1533 245 << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSSDigitizer")/nevents << " seconds per event " << endl ;
7acf6008 246 cout << endl ;
247 }
990119d6 250}
106fc2fa 251
990119d6 252//__________________________________________________________________
a4e98857 253void AliPHOSSDigitizer::SetSDigitsBranch(const char * title )
255 // Setting title to branch SDigits
7b7c1533 256
257 TString stitle(title) ;
259 // check if branch with title already exists
7a9d98f9 260 TBranch * sdigitsBranch =
261 static_cast<TBranch*>(gAlice->TreeS()->GetListOfBranches()->FindObject("PHOS")) ;
262 TBranch * sdigitizerBranch =
263 static_cast<TBranch*>(gAlice->TreeS()->GetListOfBranches()->FindObject("AliPHOSSDigitizer")) ;
7b7c1533 264 const char * sdigitsTitle = sdigitsBranch ->GetTitle() ;
265 const char * sdigitizerTitle = sdigitizerBranch ->GetTitle() ;
266 if ( stitle.CompareTo(sdigitsTitle)==0 || stitle.CompareTo(sdigitizerTitle)==0 ){
267 cerr << "ERROR: AliPHOSSdigitizer::SetSDigitsBranch -> Cannot overwrite existing branch with title " << title << endl ;
268 return ;
269 }
271 cout << "AliPHOSSdigitizer::SetSDigitsBranch -> Changing SDigits file from " << GetName() << " to " << title << endl ;
273 SetName(title) ;
275 // Post to the WhiteBoard
276 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance() ;
5ad40cd6 277 gime->PostSDigits( title, GetTitle()) ;
990119d6 278}
7b7c1533 279
106fc2fa 280//__________________________________________________________________
281void AliPHOSSDigitizer::SetSplitFile(const TString splitFileName) const
283 // Diverts the SDigits in a file separate from the hits file
285 TDirectory * cwd = gDirectory ;
286 TFile * splitFile = gAlice->InitTreeFile("S",splitFileName.Data());
287 splitFile->cd() ;
288 gAlice->Write();
290 TTree *treeE = gAlice->TreeE();
291 if (!treeE) {
292 cerr<<"No TreeE found "<<endl;
293 abort() ;
294 }
296 // copy TreeE
297 AliHeader *header = new AliHeader();
298 treeE->SetBranchAddress("Header", &header);
299 treeE->SetBranchStatus("*",1);
300 TTree *treeENew = treeE->CloneTree();
301 treeENew->Write();
303 // copy AliceGeom
304 TGeometry *AliceGeom = static_cast<TGeometry*>(cwd->Get("AliceGeom"));
305 if (!AliceGeom) {
306 cerr<<"AliceGeom was not found in the input file "<<endl;
307 abort() ;
308 }
309 AliceGeom->Write();
310 cwd->cd() ;
311 gAlice->MakeTree("S",splitFile);
312 cout << "INFO: AliPHOSSDigitizer::SetSPlitMode -> SDigits will be stored in " << splitFileName.Data() << endl ;
990119d6 315//__________________________________________________________________
a4e98857 316void AliPHOSSDigitizer::Print(Option_t* option)const
318 // Prints parameters of SDigitizer
990119d6 319 cout << "------------------- "<< GetName() << " -------------" << endl ;
7a9d98f9 320 cout << " Writing SDigits to branch with title " << GetName() << endl ;
7acf6008 321 cout << " with digitization parameters A = " << fA << endl ;
322 cout << " B = " << fB << endl ;
323 cout << " Threshold for Primary assignment= " << fPrimThreshold << endl ;
990119d6 324 cout << "---------------------------------------------------"<<endl ;
7acf6008 325
990119d6 326}
a4e98857 328Bool_t AliPHOSSDigitizer::operator==( AliPHOSSDigitizer const &sd )const
3de072dc 330 // Equal operator.
331 // SDititizers are equal if their pedestal, slope and threshold are equal
990119d6 333 if( (fA==sd.fA)&&(fB==sd.fB)&&(fPrimThreshold==sd.fPrimThreshold))
334 return kTRUE ;
335 else
336 return kFALSE ;
7acf6008 338//__________________________________________________________________
a6eedfad 339//__________________________________________________________________
a4e98857 340void AliPHOSSDigitizer::PrintSDigits(Option_t * option)
342 // Prints list of digits produced in the current pass of AliPHOSDigitizer
7b7c1533 343
a6eedfad 344
7b7c1533 345 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance() ;
5ad40cd6 346 TString sdname(GetName()) ;
347 sdname.Remove(sdname.Index(GetTitle())-1) ;
017addb3 348 const TClonesArray * sdigits = gime->SDigits(sdname.Data()) ;
7b7c1533 349
a6eedfad 350 cout << "AliPHOSSDigitiser: event " << gAlice->GetEvNumber() << endl ;
351 cout << " Number of entries in SDigits list " << sdigits->GetEntriesFast() << endl ;
7acf6008 352 cout << endl ;
a6eedfad 353 if(strstr(option,"all")||strstr(option,"EMC")){
7acf6008 354
355 //loop over digits
356 AliPHOSDigit * digit;
a6eedfad 357 cout << "EMC sdigits " << endl ;
358 cout << "Digit Id Amplitude Index Nprim Primaries list " << endl;
359 Int_t maxEmc = gime->PHOSGeometry()->GetNModules()*gime->PHOSGeometry()->GetNCristalsInModule() ;
7acf6008 360 Int_t index ;
a6eedfad 361 for (index = 0 ; (index < sdigits->GetEntriesFast()) &&
362 (((AliPHOSDigit * ) sdigits->At(index))->GetId() <= maxEmc) ; index++) {
7b7c1533 363 digit = (AliPHOSDigit * ) sdigits->At(index) ;
a6eedfad 364 if(digit->GetNprimary() == 0) continue;
365 cout << setw(6) << digit->GetId() << " " << setw(10) << digit->GetAmp() << " "
366 << setw(6) << digit->GetIndexInList() << " "
367 << setw(5) << digit->GetNprimary() <<" ";
7acf6008 368
369 Int_t iprimary;
370 for (iprimary=0; iprimary<digit->GetNprimary(); iprimary++)
a6eedfad 371 cout << setw(5) << digit->GetPrimary(iprimary+1) << " ";
7acf6008 372 cout << endl;
a6eedfad 373 }
374 cout << endl;
375 }
377 if(strstr(option,"all")||strstr(option,"CPV")){
7acf6008 378
a6eedfad 379 //loop over CPV digits
380 AliPHOSDigit * digit;
381 cout << "CPV sdigits " << endl ;
382 cout << "Digit Id Amplitude Index Nprim Primaries list " << endl;
383 Int_t maxEmc = gime->PHOSGeometry()->GetNModules()*gime->PHOSGeometry()->GetNCristalsInModule() ;
384 Int_t index ;
385 for (index = 0 ; index < sdigits->GetEntriesFast(); index++) {
386 digit = (AliPHOSDigit * ) sdigits->At(index) ;
387 if(digit->GetId() > maxEmc){
388 cout << setw(6) << digit->GetId() << " " << setw(10) << digit->GetAmp() << " "
389 << setw(6) << digit->GetIndexInList() << " "
390 << setw(5) << digit->GetNprimary() <<" ";
392 Int_t iprimary;
393 for (iprimary=0; iprimary<digit->GetNprimary(); iprimary++)
394 cout << setw(5) << digit->GetPrimary(iprimary+1) << " ";
395 cout << endl;
396 }
397 }
7acf6008 398 }
a6eedfad 399
7acf6008 400}
7b7c1533 401
403void AliPHOSSDigitizer::UseHitsFrom(const char * filename)
405 SetTitle(filename) ;
406 Init() ;