]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG0/multiplicity/AliMultiplicityTask.cxx
replaced THXF to THX in many function prototypes
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG0 / multiplicity / AliMultiplicityTask.cxx
a9017e49 1/* $Id$ */
3#include "AliMultiplicityTask.h"
5#include <TStyle.h>
6#include <TSystem.h>
7#include <TCanvas.h>
8#include <TVector3.h>
9#include <TChain.h>
10#include <TFile.h>
11#include <TH2F.h>
12#include <TH3F.h>
13#include <TParticle.h>
14#include <TRandom.h>
15#include <TNtuple.h>
16#include <TObjString.h>
17#include <TF1.h>
19#include <AliLog.h>
20#include <AliESDVertex.h>
21#include <AliESDEvent.h>
22#include <AliStack.h>
23#include <AliHeader.h>
24#include <AliGenEventHeader.h>
25#include <AliMultiplicity.h>
26#include <AliAnalysisManager.h>
27#include <AliMCEventHandler.h>
28#include <AliMCEvent.h>
29#include <AliESDInputHandler.h>
745d6088 31#include "AliESDtrackCuts.h"
a9017e49 32#include "AliPWG0Helper.h"
0a0f4adb 33#include "multiplicity/AliMultiplicityCorrection.h"
a9017e49 34#include "AliCorrection.h"
35#include "AliCorrectionMatrix3D.h"
a9017e49 37ClassImp(AliMultiplicityTask)
39AliMultiplicityTask::AliMultiplicityTask(const char* opt) :
40 AliAnalysisTask("AliMultiplicityTask", ""),
41 fESD(0),
42 fOption(opt),
745d6088 43 fAnalysisMode(AliPWG0Helper::kSPD),
2fa65f52 44 fReadMC(kFALSE),
f3eb27f6 45 fUseMCVertex(kFALSE),
a9017e49 46 fMultiplicity(0),
47 fEsdTrackCuts(0),
48 fSystSkipParticles(kFALSE),
49 fSelectProcessType(0),
50 fParticleSpecies(0),
51 fPtSpectrum(0),
52 fOutput(0)
54 //
55 // Constructor. Initialization of pointers
56 //
58 for (Int_t i = 0; i<4; i++)
59 fParticleCorrection[i] = 0;
61 // Define input and output slots here
62 DefineInput(0, TChain::Class());
63 DefineOutput(0, TList::Class());
68 //
69 // Destructor
70 //
72 // histograms are in the output list and deleted when the output
73 // list is deleted by the TSelector dtor
75 if (fOutput) {
76 delete fOutput;
77 fOutput = 0;
78 }
82void AliMultiplicityTask::ConnectInputData(Option_t *)
84 // Connect ESD
85 // Called once
2fa65f52 87 Printf("AliMultiplicityTask::ConnectInputData called");
a9017e49 89 TTree* tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*> (GetInputData(0));
90 if (!tree) {
91 Printf("ERROR: Could not read tree from input slot 0");
92 } else {
93 // Disable all branches and enable only the needed ones
f3eb27f6 94 tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
2fa65f52 95
f3eb27f6 96 tree->SetBranchStatus("AliESDHeader*", 1);
97 tree->SetBranchStatus("*Vertex*", 1);
a9017e49 98
f3eb27f6 99 if (fAnalysisMode == AliPWG0Helper::kSPD) {
100 tree->SetBranchStatus("AliMultiplicity*", 1);
101 }
a9017e49 102
745d6088 103 if (fAnalysisMode == AliPWG0Helper::kTPC || fAnalysisMode == AliPWG0Helper::kTPCITS) {
f3eb27f6 104 //AliESDtrackCuts::EnableNeededBranches(tree);
105 tree->SetBranchStatus("Tracks*", 1);
2fa65f52 106 }
a9017e49 107
a9017e49 108 AliESDInputHandler *esdH = dynamic_cast<AliESDInputHandler*> (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler());
110 if (!esdH) {
111 Printf("ERROR: Could not get ESDInputHandler");
112 } else
113 fESD = esdH->GetEvent();
114 }
f3eb27f6 115
116 // disable info messages of AliMCEvent (per event)
117 AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliMCEvent", AliLog::kWarning - AliLog::kDebug + 1);
a9017e49 118}
120void AliMultiplicityTask::CreateOutputObjects()
122 // create result objects and add to output list
124 fOutput = new TList;
125 fOutput->SetOwner();
127 fMultiplicity = new AliMultiplicityCorrection("Multiplicity", "Multiplicity");
128 fOutput->Add(fMultiplicity);
130 if (fOption.Contains("skip-particles"))
131 {
132 fSystSkipParticles = kTRUE;
133 AliInfo("WARNING: Systematic study enabled. Particles will be skipped.");
134 }
136 if (fOption.Contains("particle-efficiency"))
137 for (Int_t i = 0; i<4; i++)
138 {
139 fParticleCorrection[i] = new AliCorrection(Form("correction_%d", i), Form("correction_%d", i));
140 fOutput->Add(fParticleCorrection[i]);
141 }
143 if (fOption.Contains("only-process-type-nd"))
144 fSelectProcessType = 1;
146 if (fOption.Contains("only-process-type-sd"))
147 fSelectProcessType = 2;
149 if (fOption.Contains("only-process-type-dd"))
150 fSelectProcessType = 3;
152 if (fSelectProcessType != 0)
153 AliInfo(Form("WARNING: Systematic study enabled. Only considering process type %d", fSelectProcessType));
155 if (fOption.Contains("pt-spectrum-hist"))
156 {
157 TFile* file = TFile::Open("ptspectrum_fit.root");
158 if (file)
159 {
160 TString subStr(fOption(fOption.Index("pt-spectrum")+17, 3));
161 TString histName(Form("ptspectrum_%s", subStr.Data()));
162 AliInfo(Form("Pt-Spectrum modification. Using %s.", histName.Data()));
163 fPtSpectrum = (TH1*) file->Get(histName);
164 if (!fPtSpectrum)
165 AliError("Histogram not found");
166 }
167 else
168 AliError("Could not open ptspectrum_fit.root. Pt Spectrum study could not be enabled.");
170 if (fPtSpectrum)
171 AliInfo("WARNING: Systematic study enabled. Pt spectrum will be modified");
172 }
174 if (fOption.Contains("pt-spectrum-func"))
175 {
176 if (fPtSpectrum)
177 {
178 Printf("Using function from input list for systematic p_t study");
179 }
180 else
181 {
182 fPtSpectrum = new TH1F("fPtSpectrum", "fPtSpectrum", 1, 0, 100);
183 fPtSpectrum->SetBinContent(1, 1);
184 }
186 if (fPtSpectrum)
187 AliInfo("WARNING: Systematic study enabled. Pt spectrum will be modified");
188 }
190 if (fOption.Contains("particle-species")) {
191 fParticleSpecies = new TNtuple("fParticleSpecies", "fParticleSpecies", "vtx:Pi_True:K_True:p_True:o_True:Pi_Rec:K_Rec:p_Rec:o_Rec:nolabel:doublePrim:doubleCount");
192 fOutput->Add(fParticleSpecies);
193 }
195 // TODO set seed for random generator
198void AliMultiplicityTask::Exec(Option_t*)
200 // process the event
202 // Check prerequisites
203 if (!fESD)
204 {
745d6088 205 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "ESD not available");
a9017e49 206 return;
207 }
745d6088 209 //MB1 definition
210 Bool_t eventTriggered = AliPWG0Helper::IsEventTriggered(fESD->GetTriggerMask(), AliPWG0Helper::kMB1);
2fa65f52 211 // only FASTOR
745d6088 212 //Bool_t eventTriggered = fESD->GetTriggerMask() & 32;
a9017e49 213
f3eb27f6 214 const AliESDVertex* vtxESD = AliPWG0Helper::GetVertex(fESD, fAnalysisMode);
215 Bool_t eventVertex = (vtxESD != 0);
a9017e49 216
a9017e49 217 Double_t vtx[3];
f3eb27f6 218 if (vtxESD)
219 vtxESD->GetXYZ(vtx);
a9017e49 220
2fa65f52 221 // post the data already here
222 PostData(0, fOutput);
a9017e49 223
224 //const Float_t kPtCut = 0.3;
2fa65f52 226 // create list of (label, eta) tuples
227 Int_t inputCount = 0;
228 Int_t* labelArr = 0;
229 Float_t* etaArr = 0;
745d6088 230 if (fAnalysisMode == AliPWG0Helper::kSPD)
a9017e49 231 {
2fa65f52 232 // get tracklets
233 const AliMultiplicity* mult = fESD->GetMultiplicity();
234 if (!mult)
a9017e49 235 {
2fa65f52 236 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "AliMultiplicity not available");
237 return;
a9017e49 238 }
2fa65f52 240 labelArr = new Int_t[mult->GetNumberOfTracklets()];
241 etaArr = new Float_t[mult->GetNumberOfTracklets()];
243 // get multiplicity from ITS tracklets
244 for (Int_t i=0; i<mult->GetNumberOfTracklets(); ++i)
a9017e49 245 {
2fa65f52 246 //printf("%d %f %f %f\n", i, mult->GetTheta(i), mult->GetPhi(i), mult->GetDeltaPhi(i));
a9017e49 247
2fa65f52 248 // This removes non-tracklets in PDC06 data. Very bad solution. New solution is implemented for newer data. Keeping this for compatibility.
249 if (mult->GetDeltaPhi(i) < -1000)
250 continue;
a9017e49 251
2fa65f52 252 etaArr[inputCount] = mult->GetEta(i);
3886f106 253 // TODO add second label array
254 labelArr[inputCount] = mult->GetLabel(i, 0);
2fa65f52 255 ++inputCount;
256 }
257 }
745d6088 258 else if (fAnalysisMode == AliPWG0Helper::kTPC || fAnalysisMode == AliPWG0Helper::kTPCITS)
2fa65f52 259 {
260 if (!fEsdTrackCuts)
261 {
262 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "fESDTrackCuts not available");
263 return;
264 }
a9017e49 265
2fa65f52 266 // get multiplicity from ESD tracks
5a6310fe 267 TObjArray* list = fEsdTrackCuts->GetAcceptedTracks(fESD, (fAnalysisMode == AliPWG0Helper::kTPC));
2fa65f52 268 Int_t nGoodTracks = list->GetEntries();
a9017e49 269
2fa65f52 270 labelArr = new Int_t[nGoodTracks];
271 etaArr = new Float_t[nGoodTracks];
a9017e49 272
2fa65f52 273 // loop over esd tracks
274 for (Int_t i=0; i<nGoodTracks; i++)
a9017e49 275 {
2fa65f52 276 AliESDtrack* esdTrack = dynamic_cast<AliESDtrack*> (list->At(i));
277 if (!esdTrack)
a9017e49 278 {
2fa65f52 279 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, Form("ERROR: Could not retrieve track %d.", i));
280 continue;
a9017e49 281 }
2fa65f52 282
283 etaArr[inputCount] = esdTrack->Eta();
284 labelArr[inputCount] = TMath::Abs(esdTrack->GetLabel());
285 ++inputCount;
a9017e49 286 }
2fa65f52 288 delete list;
289 }
a9017e49 290
2fa65f52 291 // eta range for nMCTracksSpecies, nESDTracksSpecies
292 Float_t etaRange = -1;
293 switch (fAnalysisMode) {
773f84dc 294 case AliPWG0Helper::kInvalid: break;
745d6088 295 case AliPWG0Helper::kTPC:
296 case AliPWG0Helper::kTPCITS:
297 etaRange = 0.9; break;
298 case AliPWG0Helper::kSPD: etaRange = 2.0; break;
2fa65f52 299 }
a9017e49 300
2fa65f52 301 if (!fReadMC) // Processing of ESD information
302 {
303 if (eventTriggered && eventVertex)
304 {
305 Int_t nESDTracks05 = 0;
306 Int_t nESDTracks09 = 0;
307 Int_t nESDTracks15 = 0;
308 Int_t nESDTracks20 = 0;
a9017e49 309
2fa65f52 310 for (Int_t i=0; i<inputCount; ++i)
311 {
312 Float_t eta = etaArr[i];
a9017e49 313
2fa65f52 314 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 0.5)
315 nESDTracks05++;
a9017e49 316
2fa65f52 317 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 0.9)
318 nESDTracks09++;
a9017e49 319
2fa65f52 320 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 1.5)
321 nESDTracks15++;
323 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 2.0)
324 nESDTracks20++;
a9017e49 325 }
2fa65f52 326
327 fMultiplicity->FillMeasured(vtx[2], nESDTracks05, nESDTracks09, nESDTracks15, nESDTracks20);
328 }
329 }
330 else if (fReadMC) // Processing of MC information
331 {
332 AliMCEventHandler* eventHandler = dynamic_cast<AliMCEventHandler*> (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler());
333 if (!eventHandler) {
334 Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event handler");
335 return;
a9017e49 336 }
a9017e49 337
2fa65f52 338 AliMCEvent* mcEvent = eventHandler->MCEvent();
339 if (!mcEvent) {
340 Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event");
341 return;
342 }
a9017e49 343
2fa65f52 344 AliStack* stack = mcEvent->Stack();
345 if (!stack)
346 {
347 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "Stack not available");
348 return;
349 }
351 AliHeader* header = mcEvent->Header();
352 if (!header)
353 {
354 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "Header not available");
355 return;
356 }
a9017e49 357
f3eb27f6 358 if (fUseMCVertex)
359 {
360 Printf("WARNING: Replacing vertex by MC vertex. This is for systematical checks only.");
361 // get the MC vertex
362 AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = header->GenEventHeader();
363 TArrayF vtxMC(3);
364 genHeader->PrimaryVertex(vtxMC);
366 vtx[2] = vtxMC[2];
367 }
2fa65f52 369 Bool_t processEvent = kTRUE;
370 if (fSelectProcessType > 0)
371 {
372 // getting process information; NB: this only works for Pythia
6b62a9c7 373 Int_t processtype = AliPWG0Helper::GetEventProcessType(header);
a9017e49 374
2fa65f52 375 processEvent = kFALSE;
a9017e49 376
2fa65f52 377 // non diffractive
6b62a9c7 378 if (fSelectProcessType == 1 && processtype == AliPWG0Helper::kND )
2fa65f52 379 processEvent = kTRUE;
a9017e49 380
2fa65f52 381 // single diffractive
6b62a9c7 382 if (fSelectProcessType == 2 && processtype == AliPWG0Helper::kSD )
2fa65f52 383 processEvent = kTRUE;
a9017e49 384
2fa65f52 385 // double diffractive
6b62a9c7 386 if (fSelectProcessType == 3 && processtype == AliPWG0Helper::kDD )
2fa65f52 387 processEvent = kTRUE;
a9017e49 388
2fa65f52 389 if (!processEvent)
390 AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug, Form("Skipping this event, because it is not of the requested process type (%d)", processtype));
391 }
a9017e49 392
393 // systematic study: 10% lower efficiency
394 if (fSystSkipParticles && (gRandom->Uniform() < 0.1))
2fa65f52 395 processEvent = kFALSE;
a9017e49 396
2fa65f52 397 if (processEvent)
398 {
399 // get the MC vertex
400 AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = header->GenEventHeader();
401 TArrayF vtxMC(3);
402 genHeader->PrimaryVertex(vtxMC);
404 // get number of tracks from MC
405 // loop over mc particles
406 Int_t nPrim = stack->GetNprimary();
407 Int_t nMCPart = stack->GetNtrack();
409 // tracks in different eta ranges
410 Int_t nMCTracks05 = 0;
411 Int_t nMCTracks09 = 0;
412 Int_t nMCTracks15 = 0;
413 Int_t nMCTracks20 = 0;
414 Int_t nMCTracksAll = 0;
416 // tracks per particle species, in |eta| < 2 (systematic study)
417 Int_t nMCTracksSpecies[4]; // (pi, K, p, other)
418 for (Int_t i = 0; i<4; ++i)
419 nMCTracksSpecies[i] = 0;
421 for (Int_t iMc = 0; iMc < nPrim; ++iMc)
422 {
423 AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, Form("MC Loop: Processing particle %d.", iMc));
a9017e49 424
2fa65f52 425 TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(iMc);
a9017e49 426
2fa65f52 427 if (!particle)
428 {
429 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, Form("UNEXPECTED: particle with label %d not found in stack (mc loop).", iMc));
430 continue;
431 }
a9017e49 432
2fa65f52 433 Bool_t debug = kFALSE;
434 if (AliPWG0Helper::IsPrimaryCharged(particle, nPrim, debug) == kFALSE)
435 {
436 //printf("%d) DROPPED ", iMC);
437 //particle->Print();
438 continue;
439 }
a9017e49 440
2fa65f52 441 //printf("%d) OK ", iMC);
442 //particle->Print();
a9017e49 443
2fa65f52 444 //if (particle->Pt() < kPtCut)
445 // continue;
a9017e49 446
2fa65f52 447 Int_t particleWeight = 1;
a9017e49 448
2fa65f52 449 Float_t pt = particle->Pt();
a9017e49 450
2fa65f52 451 // in case of systematic study, weight according to the change of the pt spectrum
452 // it cannot be just multiplied because we cannot count "half of a particle"
453 // instead a random generator decides if the particle is counted twice (if value > 1)
454 // or not (if value < 0)
455 if (fPtSpectrum)
a9017e49 456 {
2fa65f52 457 Int_t bin = fPtSpectrum->FindBin(pt);
458 if (bin > 0 && bin <= fPtSpectrum->GetNbinsX())
a9017e49 459 {
2fa65f52 460 Float_t factor = fPtSpectrum->GetBinContent(bin);
461 if (factor > 0)
462 {
463 Float_t random = gRandom->Uniform();
464 if (factor > 1 && random < factor - 1)
465 {
466 particleWeight = 2;
467 }
468 else if (factor < 1 && random < 1 - factor)
469 particleWeight = 0;
470 }
a9017e49 471 }
a9017e49 472 }
a9017e49 473
2fa65f52 474 //Printf("MC weight is: %d", particleWeight);
a9017e49 475
2fa65f52 476 if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < 0.5)
477 nMCTracks05 += particleWeight;
a9017e49 478
2fa65f52 479 if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < 0.9)
480 nMCTracks09 += particleWeight;
a9017e49 481
2fa65f52 482 if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < 1.5)
483 nMCTracks15 += particleWeight;
a9017e49 484
2fa65f52 485 if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < 2.0)
486 nMCTracks20 += particleWeight;
a9017e49 487
2fa65f52 488 nMCTracksAll += particleWeight;
a9017e49 489
2fa65f52 490 if (fParticleCorrection[0] || fParticleSpecies)
491 {
492 Int_t id = -1;
493 switch (TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode()))
494 {
495 case 211: id = 0; break;
496 case 321: id = 1; break;
497 case 2212: id = 2; break;
498 default: id = 3; break;
499 }
a9017e49 500
2fa65f52 501 if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < etaRange)
502 nMCTracksSpecies[id]++;
504 if (fParticleCorrection[id])
505 fParticleCorrection[id]->GetTrackCorrection()->FillGene(vtxMC[2], particle->Eta(), particle->Pt());
506 }
507 } // end of mc particle
a9017e49 508
2fa65f52 509 fMultiplicity->FillGenerated(vtxMC[2], eventTriggered, eventVertex, (Int_t) nMCTracks05, (Int_t) nMCTracks09, (Int_t) nMCTracks15, (Int_t) nMCTracks20, (Int_t) nMCTracksAll);
a9017e49 510
2fa65f52 511 if (eventTriggered && eventVertex)
a9017e49 512 {
2fa65f52 513 Int_t nESDTracks05 = 0;
514 Int_t nESDTracks09 = 0;
515 Int_t nESDTracks15 = 0;
516 Int_t nESDTracks20 = 0;
a9017e49 517
2fa65f52 518 // tracks per particle species, in |eta| < 2 (systematic study)
519 Int_t nESDTracksSpecies[7]; // (pi, K, p, other, nolabel, doublecount_prim, doublecount_all)
520 for (Int_t i = 0; i<7; ++i)
521 nESDTracksSpecies[i] = 0;
a9017e49 522
2fa65f52 523 Bool_t* foundPrimaries = new Bool_t[nPrim]; // to prevent double counting
524 for (Int_t i=0; i<nPrim; i++)
525 foundPrimaries[i] = kFALSE;
a9017e49 526
2fa65f52 527 Bool_t* foundTracks = new Bool_t[nMCPart]; // to prevent double counting
528 for (Int_t i=0; i<nMCPart; i++)
529 foundTracks[i] = kFALSE;
a9017e49 530
2fa65f52 531 for (Int_t i=0; i<inputCount; ++i)
532 {
533 Float_t eta = etaArr[i];
534 Int_t label = labelArr[i];
a9017e49 535
2fa65f52 536 Int_t particleWeight = 1;
538 // in case of systematic study, weight according to the change of the pt spectrum
539 if (fPtSpectrum)
540 {
541 TParticle* mother = 0;
543 // preserve label for later
544 Int_t labelCopy = label;
545 if (labelCopy >= 0)
546 labelCopy = AliPWG0Helper::FindPrimaryMotherLabel(stack, labelCopy);
547 if (labelCopy >= 0)
548 mother = stack->Particle(labelCopy);
550 // in case of pt study we do not count particles w/o label, because they cannot be scaled
551 if (!mother)
552 continue;
554 // it cannot be just multiplied because we cannot count "half of a particle"
555 // instead a random generator decides if the particle is counted twice (if value > 1)
556 // or not (if value < 0)
557 Int_t bin = fPtSpectrum->FindBin(mother->Pt());
558 if (bin > 0 && bin <= fPtSpectrum->GetNbinsX())
559 {
560 Float_t factor = fPtSpectrum->GetBinContent(bin);
561 if (factor > 0)
562 {
563 Float_t random = gRandom->Uniform();
564 if (factor > 1 && random < factor - 1)
565 {
566 particleWeight = 2;
567 }
568 else if (factor < 1 && random < 1 - factor)
569 particleWeight = 0;
570 }
571 }
572 }
574 //Printf("ESD weight is: %d", particleWeight);
576 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 0.5)
577 nESDTracks05 += particleWeight;
a9017e49 578
2fa65f52 579 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 0.9)
580 nESDTracks09 += particleWeight;
a9017e49 581
2fa65f52 582 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 1.5)
583 nESDTracks15 += particleWeight;
a9017e49 584
2fa65f52 585 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 2.0)
586 nESDTracks20 += particleWeight;
a9017e49 587
a9017e49 588
2fa65f52 589 if (fParticleCorrection[0] || fParticleSpecies)
590 {
591 Int_t motherLabel = -1;
592 TParticle* mother = 0;
594 // find mother
595 if (label >= 0)
596 motherLabel = AliPWG0Helper::FindPrimaryMotherLabel(stack, label);
597 if (motherLabel >= 0)
598 mother = stack->Particle(motherLabel);
600 if (!mother)
601 {
602 // count tracks that did not have a label
603 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < etaRange)
604 nESDTracksSpecies[4]++;
605 continue;
606 }
608 // get particle type (pion, proton, kaon, other)
609 Int_t id = -1;
610 switch (TMath::Abs(mother->GetPdgCode()))
611 {
612 case 211: id = 0; break;
613 case 321: id = 1; break;
614 case 2212: id = 2; break;
615 default: id = 3; break;
616 }
618 // double counting is ok for particle ratio study
619 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < etaRange)
620 nESDTracksSpecies[id]++;
622 // double counting is not ok for efficiency study
624 // check if we already counted this particle, this way distinguishes double counted particles (bug/artefact in tracking) or double counted primaries due to secondaries (physics)
625 if (foundTracks[label])
626 {
627 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < etaRange)
628 nESDTracksSpecies[6]++;
629 continue;
630 }
631 foundTracks[label] = kTRUE;
633 // particle (primary) already counted?
634 if (foundPrimaries[motherLabel])
635 {
636 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < etaRange)
637 nESDTracksSpecies[5]++;
638 continue;
639 }
640 foundPrimaries[motherLabel] = kTRUE;
642 if (fParticleCorrection[id])
643 fParticleCorrection[id]->GetTrackCorrection()->FillMeas(vtxMC[2], mother->Eta(), mother->Pt());
644 }
645 }
647 delete[] foundTracks;
648 delete[] foundPrimaries;
a9017e49 649
f3eb27f6 650 if ((Int_t) nMCTracks15 > 15 && nESDTracks15 <= 3)
651 {
652 TTree* tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*> (GetInputData(0));
653 printf("WARNING: Event %lld %s (vtx-z = %f) has %d generated and %d reconstructed...\n", tree->GetReadEntry(), tree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName(), vtxMC[2], nMCTracks15, nESDTracks15);
654 }
a9017e49 655
2fa65f52 656 // fill response matrix using vtxMC (best guess)
657 fMultiplicity->FillCorrection(vtxMC[2], nMCTracks05, nMCTracks09, nMCTracks15, nMCTracks20, nMCTracksAll, nESDTracks05, nESDTracks09, nESDTracks15, nESDTracks20);
a9017e49 658
2fa65f52 659 fMultiplicity->FillMeasured(vtx[2], nESDTracks05, nESDTracks09, nESDTracks15, nESDTracks20);
661 if (fParticleSpecies)
662 fParticleSpecies->Fill(vtxMC[2], nMCTracksSpecies[0], nMCTracksSpecies[1], nMCTracksSpecies[2], nMCTracksSpecies[3], nESDTracksSpecies[0], nESDTracksSpecies[1], nESDTracksSpecies[2], nESDTracksSpecies[3], nESDTracksSpecies[4], nESDTracksSpecies[5], nESDTracksSpecies[6]);
663 }
664 }
665 }
a9017e49 666
2fa65f52 667 delete etaArr;
668 delete labelArr;
a9017e49 669}
671void AliMultiplicityTask::Terminate(Option_t *)
673 // The Terminate() function is the last function to be called during
674 // a query. It always runs on the client, it can be used to present
675 // the results graphically or save the results to file.
677 fOutput = dynamic_cast<TList*> (GetOutputData(0));
678 if (!fOutput) {
679 Printf("ERROR: fOutput not available");
680 return;
681 }
683 fMultiplicity = dynamic_cast<AliMultiplicityCorrection*> (fOutput->FindObject("Multiplicity"));
684 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
685 fParticleCorrection[i] = dynamic_cast<AliCorrection*> (fOutput->FindObject(Form("correction_%d", i)));
686 fParticleSpecies = dynamic_cast<TNtuple*> (fOutput->FindObject("fParticleSpecies"));
688 if (!fMultiplicity)
689 {
690 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, Form("ERROR: Histograms not available %p", (void*) fMultiplicity));
691 return;
692 }
dca331bb 694 TFile* file = TFile::Open("multiplicity.root", "RECREATE");
a9017e49 695
696 fMultiplicity->SaveHistograms();
697 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
698 if (fParticleCorrection[i])
699 fParticleCorrection[i]->SaveHistograms();
700 if (fParticleSpecies)
701 fParticleSpecies->Write();
703 TObjString option(fOption);
704 option.Write();
706 file->Close();
dca331bb 708 Printf("Writting result to multiplicity.root");
a9017e49 709}