]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG4/JetTasks/AliAnalysisTaskUE.cxx
peak finder code from Per Thomas/Yale
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG4 / JetTasks / AliAnalysisTaskUE.cxx
f3050824 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id:$ */
6ef5bfa4 17
f3050824 18#include <TROOT.h>
19#include <TSystem.h>
20#include <TChain.h>
21#include <TFile.h>
22#include <TList.h>
23#include <TH1I.h>
24#include <TH1F.h>
25#include <TH2F.h>
623ed0a0 26#include <TProfile.h>
f3050824 27#include <TCanvas.h>
28#include <TVector3.h>
29#include <TLorentzVector.h>
30#include <TMath.h>
6ef5bfa4 31#include <TTree.h>
32#include <TBranch.h>
623ed0a0 33#include <TRandom.h>
f3050824 34
35#include "AliAnalysisTaskUE.h"
36#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
37#include "AliMCEventHandler.h"
623ed0a0 38#include "AliMCEvent.h"
f3050824 39#include "AliAODEvent.h"
40#include "AliAODInputHandler.h"
41#include "AliAODHandler.h"
42#include "AliStack.h"
43#include "AliAODJet.h"
44#include "AliAODTrack.h"
623ed0a0 45#include "AliAODMCParticle.h"
1c796df8 46#include "AliKFVertex.h"
f3050824 47
623ed0a0 48#include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h"
49#include "AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks.h"
216601f0 50#include "AliInputEventHandler.h"
623ed0a0 51#include "AliStack.h"
f3050824 52#include "AliLog.h"
55// Analysis class for Underlying Event studies
57// Look for correlations on the tranverse regions to
58// the leading charged jet
60// This class needs as input AOD with track and Jets
61// the output is a list of histograms
63// AOD can be either connected to the InputEventHandler
64// for a chain of AOD files
65// or
66// to the OutputEventHandler
67// for a chain of ESD files, so this case class should be
68// in the train after the Jet finder
70// Arian.Abrahantes.Quintana@cern.ch
71// Ernesto.Lopez.Torres@cern.ch
75ClassImp( AliAnalysisTaskUE)
81AliAnalysisTaskUE:: AliAnalysisTaskUE(const char* name):
6ef5bfa4 82AliAnalysisTask(name, ""),
7fa8b2da 83fTrigger(0),
6b7d2b7e 84fDebug(0),
c4396fd4 85fDeltaAOD(kFALSE),
e1060f2b 87fAODBranch("jets"),
6b7d2b7e 88fArrayJets(0x0),
6ef5bfa4 89fAOD(0x0),
623ed0a0 95fUseMCParticleBranch(kFALSE),
6ef5bfa4 100fAnaType(1),
623ed0a0 103fConePosition(1),
6ef5bfa4 104fAreaReg(1.5393), // Pi*0.7*0.7
9d9a3c85 106fUseChargeHadrons(kFALSE),
6ef5bfa4 107fUseSingleCharge(kFALSE),
623ed0a0 112fChJetPtMin(5.0),
6ef5bfa4 113fJet1EtaCut(0.2),
114fJet2DeltaPhiCut(2.616), // 150 degrees
c4396fd4 119fAvgTrials(1),
6ef5bfa4 120fhNJets(0x0),
de6f8090 128fhdNdEtaPhiDist(0x0),
6ef5bfa4 129fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt(0x0),
134fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt(0x0), //fhRegionMultMin(0x0),
e1060f2b 135fhRegionMultMinVsEt(0x0),
6ef5bfa4 138fhRegionAvePartPtMaxVsEt(0x0),
623ed0a0 141fh1Xsec(0x0),
6ef5bfa4 143fSettingsTree(0x0)//, fhValidRegion(0x0)
f3050824 144{
145 // Default constructor
146 // Define input and output slots here
147 // Input slot #0 works with a TChain
148 DefineInput(0, TChain::Class());
149 // Output slot #0 writes into a TList container
150 DefineOutput(0, TList::Class());
623ed0a0 153//______________________________________________________________
154Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskUE::Notify()
156 //
157 // Implemented Notify() to read the cross sections
158 // and number of trials from pyxsec.root
519378fb 159 // Copy from AliAnalysisTaskJFSystematics
856f9829 160 fAvgTrials = 1;
623ed0a0 161 TTree *tree = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetTree();
519378fb 162 Float_t xsection = 0;
163 Float_t ftrials = 1;
623ed0a0 164 if(tree){
165 TFile *curfile = tree->GetCurrentFile();
166 if (!curfile) {
167 Error("Notify","No current file");
168 return kFALSE;
169 }
170 if(!fh1Xsec||!fh1Trials){
171 Printf("%s%d No Histogram fh1Xsec",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__);
172 return kFALSE;
173 }
c4396fd4 174 AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::PythiaInfoFromFile(curfile->GetName(),xsection,ftrials);
623ed0a0 175 fh1Xsec->Fill("<#sigma>",xsection);
9d9a3c85 176
c4396fd4 177 // construct average trials
178 Float_t nEntries = (Float_t)tree->GetTree()->GetEntries();
a221560c 179 if(ftrials>=nEntries && nEntries>0.)fAvgTrials = ftrials/nEntries;
c4396fd4 180 }
623ed0a0 182 return kTRUE;
f3050824 185//____________________________________________________________________
186void AliAnalysisTaskUE::ConnectInputData(Option_t* /*option*/)
6ef5bfa4 188 // Connect the input data
f3050824 189
6ef5bfa4 190 // We need AOD with tracks and jets.
191 // Since AOD can be either connected to the InputEventHandler (input chain fron AOD files)
1e996f55 192 // or to the OutputEventHandler ( AOD is create by a previus task in the train )
6ef5bfa4 193 // we need to check where it is and get the pointer to AODEvent in the right way
f3050824 194
c4396fd4 195 // Delta AODs are also implemented
198 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo("ConnectInputData() ");
f3050824 199
200 TObject* handler = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler();
c4396fd4 202 if( handler && handler->InheritsFrom("AliAODInputHandler") ) { // input AOD
203 fAOD = ((AliAODInputHandler*)handler)->GetEvent();
204 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" ==== Tracks from AliAODInputHandler");
205 // Case when jets are reconstructed on the fly from AOD tracks
206 // (the Jet Finder is using the AliJetAODReader) of InputEventHandler
207 // and put in the OutputEventHandler AOD. Useful whe you want to reconstruct jets with
208 // different parameters to default ones stored in the AOD or to use a different algorithm
209 if( fJetsOnFly ) {
210 handler = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetOutputEventHandler();
211 if( handler && handler->InheritsFrom("AliAODHandler") ) {
212 fAODjets = ((AliAODHandler*)handler)->GetAOD();
213 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" ==== Jets from AliAODHandler (on the fly)");
214 }
215 } else {
216 fAODjets = fAOD;
217 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" ==== Jets from AliAODInputHandler");
218 }
219 } else { //output AOD
6ef5bfa4 220 handler = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetOutputEventHandler();
221 if( handler && handler->InheritsFrom("AliAODHandler") ) {
c4396fd4 222 fAOD = ((AliAODHandler*)handler)->GetAOD();
6ef5bfa4 223 fAODjets = fAOD;
c4396fd4 224 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" ==== Tracks and Jets from AliAODHandler");
6ef5bfa4 225 } else {
226 AliFatal("I can't get any AOD Event Handler");
227 return;
228 }
229 }
f3050824 230}
233void AliAnalysisTaskUE::CreateOutputObjects()
6ef5bfa4 235 // Create the output container
236 //
f3050824 237 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo("CreateOutPutData()");
238 //
239 // Histograms
1e996f55 240
7fa8b2da 241 // OpenFile(0);
f3050824 242 CreateHistos();
1e996f55 243 // fListOfHistos->SetOwner(kTRUE);
f3050824 246}
250void AliAnalysisTaskUE::Exec(Option_t */*option*/)
1c796df8 252 //Trigger selection ************************************************
216601f0 253 AliInputEventHandler* inputHandler = (AliInputEventHandler*)
254 ((AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager())->GetInputEventHandler());
255 if (inputHandler->IsEventSelected()){
256 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" Trigger Selection: event ACCEPTED ... ");
257 }else{
258 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" Trigger Selection: event REJECTED ... ");
259 return;
260 }
1c796df8 262 //Event selection (vertex) *****************************************
263 AliKFVertex primVtx(*(fAOD->GetPrimaryVertex()));
264 Int_t nTracksPrim=primVtx.GetNContributors();
265 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(Form(" Primary-vertex Selection: %d",nTracksPrim));
266 if(!nTracksPrim){
267 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" Primary-vertex Selection: event REJECTED ...");
268 return;
269 }
270 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" Primary-vertex Selection: event ACCEPTED ...");
6ef5bfa4 272 // Execute analysis for current event
273 //
274 if ( fDebug > 3 ) AliInfo( " Processing event..." );
519378fb 275 // fetch the pythia header info and get the trials
276 AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = dynamic_cast<AliMCEventHandler*> (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler());
277 Float_t nTrials = 1;
c4396fd4 278 if (mcHandler) {
279 AliMCEvent* mcEvent = mcHandler->MCEvent();
280 if (mcEvent) {
281 AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pythiaGenHeader = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::GetPythiaEventHeader(mcEvent);
282 if(pythiaGenHeader){
283 nTrials = pythiaGenHeader->Trials();
284 }
519378fb 285 }
286 }
c4396fd4 287 fh1Trials->Fill("#sum{ntrials}",fAvgTrials);
288 AnalyseUE();
6ef5bfa4 289
f3050824 290 // Post the data
291 PostData(0, fListOfHistos);
f3050824 293
295void AliAnalysisTaskUE::AnalyseUE()
297 //
298 // Look for correlations on the tranverse regions to
299 // the leading charged jet
300 //
6ef5bfa4 301
f3050824 302 // ------------------------------------------------
303 // Find Leading Jets 1,2,3
304 // (could be skipped if Jets are sort by Pt...)
305 Double_t maxPtJet1 = 0.;
306 Int_t index1 = -1;
307 Double_t maxPtJet2 = 0.; // jet 2 need for back to back inclusive
308 Int_t index2 = -1;
309 Double_t maxPtJet3 = 0.; // jet 3 need for back to back exclusive
310 Int_t index3 = -1;
6ef5bfa4 311 TVector3 jetVect[3];
312 Int_t nJets = 0;
c4396fd4 314
6ef5bfa4 315 if( !fUseChPartJet ) {
317 // Use AOD Jets
c4396fd4 318 if(fDeltaAOD){
319 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" ==== Jets From Delta-AODs !");
320 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(Form(" ==== Reading Branch: %s ",fDeltaAODBranch.Data()));
321 fArrayJets =
322 (TClonesArray*)fAODjets->GetList()->FindObject(fDeltaAODBranch.Data());
323 if (!fArrayJets){
324 AliFatal(" No jet-array! ");
325 return;
326 }
327 nJets=fArrayJets->GetEntries();
328 }else{
e1060f2b 329 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" ==== Read Standard-AODs !");
330 if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(Form(" ==== Reading Branch: %s ",fAODBranch.Data()));
332 nJets = ((TClonesArray*)fAODjets->FindListObject(fAODBranch.Data()))->GetEntries();
c4396fd4 333 }
334 //printf("AOD %d jets \n", nJets);
6ef5bfa4 336 for( Int_t i=0; i<nJets; ++i ) {
c4396fd4 337 AliAODJet* jet;
338 if (fDeltaAOD){
e1060f2b 339 jet =(AliAODJet*)fArrayJets->At(i);
c4396fd4 340 }else{
e1060f2b 341 jet = (AliAODJet*)((TClonesArray*)fAODjets->FindListObject(fAODBranch.Data()))->At(i);
c4396fd4 342 }
343 Double_t jetPt = jet->Pt();//*1.666; // FIXME Jet Pt Correction ?????!!!
9d9a3c85 344
6ef5bfa4 345 if( jetPt > maxPtJet1 ) {
c4396fd4 346 maxPtJet3 = maxPtJet2; index3 = index2;
347 maxPtJet2 = maxPtJet1; index2 = index1;
348 maxPtJet1 = jetPt; index1 = i;
6ef5bfa4 349 } else if( jetPt > maxPtJet2 ) {
c4396fd4 350 maxPtJet3 = maxPtJet2; index3 = index2;
351 maxPtJet2 = jetPt; index2 = i;
6ef5bfa4 352 } else if( jetPt > maxPtJet3 ) {
c4396fd4 353 maxPtJet3 = jetPt; index3 = i;
6ef5bfa4 354 }
355 }
9d9a3c85 356
6ef5bfa4 357 if( index1 != -1 ) {
c4396fd4 358 AliAODJet *jet = 0;
359 if (fDeltaAOD) {
360 jet =(AliAODJet*) fArrayJets->At(index1);
361 }else{
e1060f2b 362 jet = (AliAODJet*)((TClonesArray*)fAODjets->FindListObject(fAODBranch.Data()))->At(index1);
c4396fd4 363 }
7f80aa7b 364 if(jet)jetVect[0].SetXYZ(jet->Px(), jet->Py(), jet->Pz());
6ef5bfa4 365 }
366 if( index2 != -1 ) {
c4396fd4 367 AliAODJet* jet = 0;
368 if (fDeltaAOD) {
369 jet= (AliAODJet*) fArrayJets->At(index2);
370 }else{
e1060f2b 371 jet=(AliAODJet*) ((TClonesArray*)fAODjets->FindListObject(fAODBranch.Data()))->At(index2);
c4396fd4 372 }
7f80aa7b 373 if(jet)jetVect[1].SetXYZ(jet->Px(), jet->Py(), jet->Pz());
6ef5bfa4 374 }
375 if( index3 != -1 ) {
c4396fd4 376 AliAODJet* jet = 0;
377 if (fDeltaAOD) {
378 jet= (AliAODJet*) fArrayJets->At(index3);
7f80aa7b 379 }else{
e1060f2b 380 ((TClonesArray*)fAODjets->FindListObject(fAODBranch.Data()))->At(index3);
7f80aa7b 381 }
382 if(jet)jetVect[2].SetXYZ(jet->Px(), jet->Py(), jet->Pz());
6ef5bfa4 383 }
385 } else {
387 // Use "Charged Particle Jets"
388 TObjArray* jets = FindChargedParticleJets();
389 if( jets ) {
390 nJets = jets->GetEntriesFast();
391 if( nJets > 0 ) {
c4396fd4 392 index1 = 0;
393 AliAODJet* jet = (AliAODJet*)jets->At(0);
394 maxPtJet1 = jet->Pt();
395 jetVect[0].SetXYZ(jet->Px(), jet->Py(), jet->Pz());
6ef5bfa4 396 }
397 if( nJets > 1 ) {
c4396fd4 398 index2 = 1;
399 AliAODJet* jet = (AliAODJet*)jets->At(1);
9d9a3c85 400 maxPtJet2 = jet->Pt();
c4396fd4 401 jetVect[1].SetXYZ(jet->Px(), jet->Py(), jet->Pz());
6ef5bfa4 402 }
403 if( nJets > 2 ) {
c4396fd4 404 index3 = 2;
405 AliAODJet* jet = (AliAODJet*)jets->At(2);
9d9a3c85 406 maxPtJet3 = jet->Pt();
c4396fd4 407 jetVect[2].SetXYZ(jet->Px(), jet->Py(), jet->Pz());
6ef5bfa4 408 }
410 jets->Delete();
411 delete jets;
f3050824 412 }
413 }
6ef5bfa4 414
c4396fd4 415
f3050824 417
6ef5bfa4 418 if( fDebug > 1 ) {
419 if( index1 < 0 ) {
420 AliInfo("\n Skipping Event, not jet found...");
421 return;
422 } else
423 AliInfo(Form("\n Pt Leading Jet = %6.1f eta=%5.3f ", maxPtJet1, jetVect[0].Eta() ));
424 }
f3050824 426
427 // ----------------------------------------------
6ef5bfa4 428 // Cut events by jets topology
f3050824 429 // fAnaType:
6ef5bfa4 430 // 1 = inclusive,
f3050824 431 // - Jet1 |eta| < fJet1EtaCut
432 // 2 = back to back inclusive
433 // - fulfill case 1
434 // - |Jet1.Phi - Jet2.Phi| > fJet2DeltaPhiCut
435 // - Jet2.Pt/Jet1Pt > fJet2RatioPtCut
6ef5bfa4 436 // 3 = back to back exclusive
f3050824 437 // - fulfill case 2
438 // - Jet3.Pt < fJet3PtCut
6ef5bfa4 440 if( index1 < 0 || TMath::Abs(jetVect[0].Eta()) > fJet1EtaCut) {
441 if( fDebug > 1 ) AliInfo("\n Skipping Event...Jet1 |eta| > fJet1EtaCut");
f3050824 442 return;
443 }
f3050824 444 // back to back inclusive
6ef5bfa4 445 if( fAnaType > 1 && index2 == -1 ) {
446 if( fDebug > 1 ) AliInfo("\n Skipping Event... no second Jet found");
447 return;
448 }
449 if( fAnaType > 1 && index2 > -1 ) {
f3050824 450 if( TMath::Abs(jetVect[0].DeltaPhi(jetVect[1])) < fJet2DeltaPhiCut ||
6ef5bfa4 451 maxPtJet2/maxPtJet1 < fJet2RatioPtCut ) {
452 if( fDebug > 1 ) AliInfo("\n Skipping Event... |Jet1.Phi - Jet2.Phi| < fJet2DeltaPhiCut");
453 return;
f3050824 454 }
f3050824 455 }
f3050824 456 // back to back exclusive
6ef5bfa4 457 if( fAnaType > 2 && index3 > -1 ) {
458 if( maxPtJet3 > fJet3PtCut ) {
459 if( fDebug > 1 ) AliInfo("\n Skipping Event... Jet3.Pt > fJet3PtCut ");
f3050824 460 return;
461 }
f3050824 462 }
f3050824 463
623ed0a0 464 //fhEleadingPt->Fill( maxPtJet1 );
6ef5bfa4 465 //Area for Normalization Purpose at Display histos
466 SetRegionArea(jetVect);
f3050824 468 // ----------------------------------------------
469 // Find max and min regions
470 Double_t sumPtRegionPosit = 0.;
471 Double_t sumPtRegionNegat = 0.;
472 Double_t maxPartPtRegion = 0.;
473 Int_t nTrackRegionPosit = 0;
474 Int_t nTrackRegionNegat = 0;
9d9a3c85 475 static Double_t const kPI = TMath::Pi();
476 static Double_t const kTWOPI = 2.*kPI;
477 static Double_t const k270rad = 270.*kPI/180.;
f3050824 479
623ed0a0 480 if (!fUseMCParticleBranch){
481 fhEleadingPt->Fill( maxPtJet1 );
482 Int_t nTracks = fAOD->GetNTracks();
6ef5bfa4 483
623ed0a0 484 for (Int_t ipart=0; ipart<nTracks; ++ipart) {
486 AliAODTrack* part = fAOD->GetTrack( ipart );
487 if ( !part->TestFilterBit(fFilterBit) ) continue; // track cut selection
488 if (!part->IsPrimaryCandidate()) continue; // reject whatever is not linked to collision point
489 // PID Selection: Reject everything but hadrons
490 Bool_t isHadron = part->GetMostProbablePID()==AliAODTrack::kPion ||
491 part->GetMostProbablePID()==AliAODTrack::kKaon ||
492 part->GetMostProbablePID()==AliAODTrack::kProton;
9d9a3c85 493 if ( fUseChargeHadrons && !isHadron ) continue;
623ed0a0 494
495 if ( !part->Charge() ) continue; //Only charged
496 if ( fUseSingleCharge ) { // Charge selection
497 if ( fUsePositiveCharge && part->Charge() < 0.) continue; // keep Positives
498 if ( !fUsePositiveCharge && part->Charge() > 0.) continue; // keep Negatives
499 }
501 if ( part->Pt() < fTrackPtCut ) continue;
502 if( TMath::Abs(part->Eta()) > fTrackEtaCut ) continue;
504 TVector3 partVect(part->Px(), part->Py(), part->Pz());
506 Double_t deltaPhi = jetVect[0].DeltaPhi(partVect)+k270rad;
9d9a3c85 507 if( deltaPhi > kTWOPI ) deltaPhi-= kTWOPI;
508 fhdNdEtaPhiDist->Fill( deltaPhi, maxPtJet1 );
623ed0a0 509
510 fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( part->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
512 Int_t region = IsTrackInsideRegion( jetVect, &partVect );
514 if (region > 0) {
515 if( maxPartPtRegion < part->Pt() ) maxPartPtRegion = part->Pt();
516 sumPtRegionPosit += part->Pt();
517 nTrackRegionPosit++;
518 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( part->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
519 }
520 if (region < 0) {
521 if( maxPartPtRegion < part->Pt() ) maxPartPtRegion = part->Pt();
522 sumPtRegionNegat += part->Pt();
523 nTrackRegionNegat++;
524 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( part->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
525 }
526 }//end loop AOD tracks
527 }
528 else {
6ef5bfa4 529
623ed0a0 530 // this is the part we only use when we have MC information
531 // More than a test for values of it also resumes the reconstruction efficiency of jets
532 // As commented bellow if available for the data, we try to pair reconstructed jets with simulated ones
533 // afterwards we kept angular variables of MC jet to perform UE analysis over MC particles
534 // TODO: Handle Multiple jet environment. 06/2009 just suited for inclusive jet condition ( fAnaType = 1 )
6ef5bfa4 535
623ed0a0 536 AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = dynamic_cast<AliMCEventHandler*> (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler());
537 if (!mcHandler) {
538 Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event handler");
539 return;
540 }
542 AliMCEvent* mcEvent = mcHandler->MCEvent();
543 if (!mcEvent) {
544 Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event");
545 return;
546 }
547 AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pythiaGenHeader = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::GetPythiaEventHeader(mcEvent);
548 if(!pythiaGenHeader){
549 return;
550 }
f3050824 551
623ed0a0 552 //Get Jets from MC header
553 Int_t nPythiaGenJets = pythiaGenHeader->NTriggerJets();
554 AliAODJet pythiaGenJets[4];
555 TVector3 jetVectnew[4];
556 Int_t iCount = 0;
557 for(int ip = 0;ip < nPythiaGenJets;++ip){
558 if (iCount>3) break;
559 Float_t p[4];
560 pythiaGenHeader->TriggerJet(ip,p);
561 TVector3 tempVect(p[0],p[1],p[2]);
562 if ( TMath::Abs(tempVect.Eta())>fJet1EtaCut ) continue;
563 pythiaGenJets[iCount].SetPxPyPzE(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]);
564 jetVectnew[iCount].SetXYZ(pythiaGenJets[iCount].Px(), pythiaGenJets[iCount].Py(), pythiaGenJets[iCount].Pz());
565 iCount++;
566 }
6ef5bfa4 567
623ed0a0 568 if (!iCount) return;// no jet in eta acceptance
f3050824 569
623ed0a0 570 //Search the index of the nearest MC jet to the leading jet reconstructed from the input data
571 Int_t index = 0;
572 if (fConstrainDistance){
573 Float_t deltaR = 0.;
574 Float_t dRTemp = 0.;
575 for (Int_t i=0; i<iCount; i++){
576 if (!i) {
577 dRTemp = jetVectnew[i].DeltaR(jetVect[0]);
578 index = i;
579 }
580 deltaR = jetVectnew[i].DeltaR(jetVect[0]);
581 if (deltaR < dRTemp){
582 index = i;
583 dRTemp = deltaR;
584 }
585 }
587 if (jetVectnew[index].DeltaR(jetVect[0]) > fMinDistance) return;
588 }
589 //Let's add some taste to jet and simulate pt of charged alone
590 //eta and phi are kept as original
591 //Play a Normal Distribution
592 Float_t random = 1.;
593 if (fSimulateChJetPt){
594 while(1){
595 random = gRandom->Gaus(0.6,0.25);
596 if (random > 0. && random < 1. &&
597 (random * jetVectnew[index].Pt()>6.)) break;
598 }
f3050824 599 }
623ed0a0 600
601 //Set new Pt & Fill histogram accordingly
602 maxPtJet1 = random * jetVectnew[index].Pt();
605 fhEleadingPt->Fill( maxPtJet1 );
607 if (fUseAliStack){//Try Stack Information to perform UE analysis
609 AliStack* mcStack = mcEvent->Stack();//Load Stack
610 Int_t nTracksMC = mcStack->GetNtrack();
611 for (Int_t iTracks = 0; iTracks < nTracksMC; iTracks++) {
612 //Cuts
613 if(!(mcStack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iTracks))) continue;
615 TParticle* mctrk = mcStack->Particle(iTracks);
617 Double_t charge = mctrk->GetPDG()->Charge();
618 if (charge == 0) continue;
620 if ( fUseSingleCharge ) { // Charge selection
621 if ( fUsePositiveCharge && charge < 0.) continue; // keep Positives
622 if ( !fUsePositiveCharge && charge > 0.) continue; // keep Negatives
623 }
625 //Kinematics cuts on particle
626 if ((mctrk->Pt() < fTrackPtCut) || (TMath::Abs(mctrk->Eta()) > fTrackEtaCut )) continue;
628 Bool_t isHadron = TMath::Abs(mctrk->GetPdgCode())==211 ||
629 TMath::Abs(mctrk->GetPdgCode())==2212 ||
630 TMath::Abs(mctrk->GetPdgCode())==321;
9d9a3c85 632 if ( fUseChargeHadrons && !isHadron ) continue;
623ed0a0 633
634 TVector3 partVect(mctrk->Px(), mctrk->Py(), mctrk->Pz());
636 Double_t deltaPhi = jetVectnew[index].DeltaPhi(partVect)+k270rad;
637 if( deltaPhi > 2.*TMath::Pi() ) deltaPhi-= 2.*TMath::Pi();
9d9a3c85 638 fhdNdEtaPhiDist->Fill( deltaPhi, maxPtJet1 );
623ed0a0 639
640 fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( mctrk->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
642 //We are not interested on stack organization but don't loose track of info
643 TVector3 tempVector = jetVectnew[0];
644 jetVectnew[0] = jetVectnew[index];
645 jetVectnew[index] = tempVector;
647 Int_t region = IsTrackInsideRegion( jetVectnew, &partVect );
649 if (region > 0) {
650 if( maxPartPtRegion < mctrk->Pt() ) maxPartPtRegion = mctrk->Pt();
651 sumPtRegionPosit += mctrk->Pt();
652 nTrackRegionPosit++;
653 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( mctrk->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
654 }
655 if (region < 0) {
656 if( maxPartPtRegion < mctrk->Pt() ) maxPartPtRegion = mctrk->Pt();
657 sumPtRegionNegat += mctrk->Pt();
658 nTrackRegionNegat++;
659 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( mctrk->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
660 }
661 } // end loop stack Particles
663 }else{//Try mc Particle
665 TClonesArray* farray = (TClonesArray*)fAOD->FindListObject("mcparticles");
667 Int_t ntrks = farray->GetEntries();
668 if (fDebug>1) AliInfo(Form("In UE MC analysis tracks %d \n",ntrks));
669 for(Int_t i =0 ; i < ntrks; i++){
670 AliAODMCParticle* mctrk = (AliAODMCParticle*)farray->At(i);
671 //Cuts
672 if (!(mctrk->IsPhysicalPrimary())) continue;
673 //if (!(mctrk->IsPrimary())) continue;
675 if (mctrk->Charge() == 0 || mctrk->Charge()==-99) continue;
677 if (mctrk->Pt() < fTrackPtCut ) continue;
678 if( TMath::Abs(mctrk->Eta()) > fTrackEtaCut ) continue;
680 Bool_t isHadron = TMath::Abs(mctrk->GetPdgCode())==211 ||
681 TMath::Abs(mctrk->GetPdgCode())==2212 ||
682 TMath::Abs(mctrk->GetPdgCode())==321;
9d9a3c85 684 if ( fUseChargeHadrons && !isHadron ) continue;
623ed0a0 685
686 TVector3 partVect(mctrk->Px(), mctrk->Py(), mctrk->Pz());
688 Double_t deltaPhi = jetVectnew[index].DeltaPhi(partVect)+k270rad;
689 if( deltaPhi > 2.*TMath::Pi() ) deltaPhi-= 2.*TMath::Pi();
9d9a3c85 690 fhdNdEtaPhiDist->Fill( deltaPhi, maxPtJet1 );
623ed0a0 691
692 fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( mctrk->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
694 //We are not interested on stack organization but don't loose track of info
695 TVector3 tempVector = jetVectnew[0];
696 jetVectnew[0] = jetVectnew[index];
697 jetVectnew[index] = tempVector;
699 Int_t region = IsTrackInsideRegion( jetVectnew, &partVect );
701 if (region > 0) {
702 if( maxPartPtRegion < mctrk->Pt() ) maxPartPtRegion = mctrk->Pt();
703 sumPtRegionPosit += mctrk->Pt();
704 nTrackRegionPosit++;
705 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( mctrk->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
706 }
707 if (region < 0) {
708 if( maxPartPtRegion < mctrk->Pt() ) maxPartPtRegion = mctrk->Pt();
709 sumPtRegionNegat += mctrk->Pt();
710 nTrackRegionNegat++;
711 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->Fill( mctrk->Pt(), maxPtJet1 );
712 }
714 }//end loop AliAODMCParticle tracks
f3050824 715 }
716 }
f3050824 717 //How quantities will be sorted before Fill Min and Max Histogram
718 // 1=Plots will be CDF-like
719 // 2=Plots will be Marchesini-like
6ef5bfa4 720 if( fOrdering == 1 ) {
721 if( sumPtRegionPosit > sumPtRegionNegat ) {
722 FillSumPtRegion( maxPtJet1, sumPtRegionPosit/fAreaReg, sumPtRegionNegat/fAreaReg );
f3050824 723 } else {
6ef5bfa4 724 FillSumPtRegion( maxPtJet1, sumPtRegionNegat/fAreaReg, sumPtRegionPosit/fAreaReg );
f3050824 725 }
726 if (nTrackRegionPosit > nTrackRegionNegat ) {
6ef5bfa4 727 FillMultRegion( maxPtJet1, nTrackRegionPosit/fAreaReg, nTrackRegionNegat/fAreaReg, sumPtRegionNegat/fAreaReg );
f3050824 728 } else {
6ef5bfa4 729 FillMultRegion( maxPtJet1, nTrackRegionNegat/fAreaReg, nTrackRegionPosit/fAreaReg, sumPtRegionPosit/fAreaReg );
f3050824 730 }
6ef5bfa4 731 } else if( fOrdering == 2 ) {
f3050824 732 if (sumPtRegionPosit > sumPtRegionNegat) {
6ef5bfa4 733 FillSumPtRegion( maxPtJet1, sumPtRegionPosit/fAreaReg, sumPtRegionNegat/fAreaReg );
734 FillMultRegion( maxPtJet1, nTrackRegionPosit/fAreaReg, nTrackRegionNegat/fAreaReg, sumPtRegionNegat/fAreaReg );
f3050824 735 } else {
6ef5bfa4 736 FillSumPtRegion( maxPtJet1, sumPtRegionNegat/fAreaReg, sumPtRegionPosit/fAreaReg );
737 FillMultRegion( maxPtJet1, nTrackRegionNegat/fAreaReg, nTrackRegionPosit/fAreaReg, sumPtRegionPosit/fAreaReg );
f3050824 738 }
739 }
741 Double_t avePosRegion = (nTrackRegionPosit) ? sumPtRegionPosit/nTrackRegionPosit : 0.;
742 Double_t aveNegRegion = (nTrackRegionNegat) ? sumPtRegionNegat/nTrackRegionNegat : 0.;
6ef5bfa4 743 if( avePosRegion > aveNegRegion ) {
744 FillAvePartPtRegion( maxPtJet1, avePosRegion/fAreaReg, aveNegRegion/fAreaReg );
f3050824 745 } else {
6ef5bfa4 746 FillAvePartPtRegion( maxPtJet1, aveNegRegion/fAreaReg, avePosRegion/fAreaReg );
f3050824 747 }
6ef5bfa4 748
f3050824 749 fhRegionMaxPartPtMaxVsEt->Fill(maxPtJet1, maxPartPtRegion );
6ef5bfa4 750
751 // Compute pedestal like magnitudes
752 fhRegionDiffSumPtVsEt->Fill(maxPtJet1, TMath::Abs(sumPtRegionPosit-sumPtRegionNegat)/(2.0*fAreaReg));
753 fhRegionAveSumPtVsEt->Fill(maxPtJet1, (sumPtRegionPosit+sumPtRegionNegat)/(2.0*fAreaReg));
f3050824 755}
f3050824 757//____________________________________________________________________
758void AliAnalysisTaskUE::FillSumPtRegion( Double_t leadingE, Double_t ptMax, Double_t ptMin )
6ef5bfa4 760 // Fill sumPt of control regions
762 // Max cone
763 fhRegionSumPtMaxVsEt->Fill( leadingE, ptMax );
764 // Min cone
765 fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt->Fill( leadingE, ptMin );
766 // MAke distributions for UE comparison with MB data
767 fhMinRegSumPt->Fill(ptMin);
f3050824 768}
771void AliAnalysisTaskUE::FillAvePartPtRegion( Double_t leadingE, Double_t ptMax, Double_t ptMin )
6ef5bfa4 773 // Fill average particle Pt of control regions
775 // Max cone
776 fhRegionAvePartPtMaxVsEt->Fill( leadingE, ptMax );
777 // Min cone
778 fhRegionAvePartPtMinVsEt->Fill( leadingE, ptMin );
779 // MAke distributions for UE comparison with MB data
780 fhMinRegAvePt->Fill(ptMin);
f3050824 781}
784void AliAnalysisTaskUE::FillMultRegion( Double_t leadingE, Double_t nTrackPtmax, Double_t nTrackPtmin, Double_t ptMin )
6ef5bfa4 786 // Fill Nch multiplicity of control regions
788 // Max cone
789 fhRegionMultMaxVsEt->Fill( leadingE, nTrackPtmax );
790 fhRegionMultMax->Fill( nTrackPtmax );
791 // Min cone
792 fhRegionMultMinVsEt->Fill( leadingE, nTrackPtmin );
793 fhRegionMultMin->Fill( nTrackPtmin );
794 // MAke distributions for UE comparison with MB data
795 fhMinRegSumPtvsMult->Fill(nTrackPtmin,ptMin);
f3050824 796}
799Int_t AliAnalysisTaskUE::IsTrackInsideRegion(TVector3 *jetVect, TVector3 *partVect)
801 // return de region in delta phi
802 // -1 negative delta phi
803 // 1 positive delta phi
804 // 0 outside region
805 static const Double_t k60rad = 60.*TMath::Pi()/180.;
806 static const Double_t k120rad = 120.*TMath::Pi()/180.;
808 Int_t region = 0;
809 if( fRegionType == 1 ) {
810 if( TMath::Abs(partVect->Eta()) > fTrackEtaCut ) return 0;
811 // transverse regions
812 if (jetVect[0].DeltaPhi(*partVect) < -k60rad && jetVect[0].DeltaPhi(*partVect) > -k120rad ) region = -1;
813 if (jetVect[0].DeltaPhi(*partVect) > k60rad && jetVect[0].DeltaPhi(*partVect) < k120rad ) region = 1;
6ef5bfa4 814
f3050824 815 } else if( fRegionType == 2 ) {
816 // Cone regions
817 Double_t deltaR = 0.;
819 TVector3 positVect,negatVect;
623ed0a0 820 if (fConePosition==1){
821 positVect.SetMagThetaPhi(1, 2.*atan(exp(-jetVect[0].Eta())), jetVect[0].Phi()+TMath::PiOver2());
822 negatVect.SetMagThetaPhi(1, 2.*atan(exp(-jetVect[0].Eta())), jetVect[0].Phi()-TMath::PiOver2());
823 }else if (fConePosition==2){
824 if(fAnaType<2) AliFatal("Prevent error in Analysis type there might be only 1 jet. To avoid overflow better Correct UE config");
825 positVect.SetMagThetaPhi(1, 2.*atan(exp(-(jetVect[0].Eta()+jetVect[1].Eta())/2.)), jetVect[0].Phi()+TMath::PiOver2());
826 negatVect.SetMagThetaPhi(1, 2.*atan(exp(-(jetVect[0].Eta()+jetVect[1].Eta())/2.)), jetVect[0].Phi()-TMath::PiOver2());
827 }else if (fConePosition==3){
828 if(fAnaType<2) AliFatal("Prevent error in Analysis type there might be only 1 jet. To avoid overflow better Correct UE config");
829 Double_t weightEta = jetVect[0].Eta() * jetVect[0].Pt()/(jetVect[0].Pt() + jetVect[1].Pt()) +
830 jetVect[1].Eta() * jetVect[1].Pt()/(jetVect[0].Pt() + jetVect[1].Pt());
831 //Double_t weightEta = jetVect[0].Eta() * jetVect[0].Mag()/(jetVect[0].Mag() + jetVect[1].Mag()) +
832 // jetVect[1].Eta() * jetVect[1].Mag()/(jetVect[0].Mag() + jetVect[1].Mag());
833 positVect.SetMagThetaPhi(1, 2.*atan(exp(-weightEta)), jetVect[0].Phi()+TMath::PiOver2());
834 negatVect.SetMagThetaPhi(1, 2.*atan(exp(-weightEta)), jetVect[0].Phi()-TMath::PiOver2());
835 }
f3050824 836 if (TMath::Abs(positVect.DeltaPhi(*partVect)) < fConeRadius ) {
6ef5bfa4 837 region = 1;
838 deltaR = positVect.DrEtaPhi(*partVect);
f3050824 839 } else if (TMath::Abs(negatVect.DeltaPhi(*partVect)) < fConeRadius) {
6ef5bfa4 840 region = -1;
841 deltaR = negatVect.DrEtaPhi(*partVect);
f3050824 842 }
844 if (deltaR > fConeRadius) region = 0;
6ef5bfa4 845
f3050824 846 } else
847 AliError("Unknow region type");
6ef5bfa4 848
f3050824 849 // For debug (to be removed)
850 //if( region != 0 ) fhValidRegion->Fill( partVect->Eta()-jetVect[0].Eta(), jetVect[0].DeltaPhi(*partVect) );
852 return region;
6ef5bfa4 855
857TObjArray* AliAnalysisTaskUE::FindChargedParticleJets()
859 // Return a TObjArray of "charged particle jets"
860 //
9d9a3c85 861 // Charged particle jet deï¬\81nition from reference:
6ef5bfa4 862 //
863 // "Charged jet evolution and the underlying event
864 // in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.8 TeV"
865 // PHYSICAL REVIEW D 65 092002, CDF Collaboration
866 //
9d9a3c85 867 // We deï¬\81ne "jets" as circular regions in eta-phi space with
868 // radius deï¬\81ned by R = sqrt( (eta-eta0)^2 +(phi-phi0)^2 ).
6ef5bfa4 869 // Our jet algorithm is as follows:
870 // 1- Order all charged particles according to their pT .
871 // 2- Start with the highest pT particle and include in the jet all
872 // particles within the radius R=0.7 considering each particle
873 // in the order of decreasing pT and recalculating the centroid
874 // of the jet after each new particle is added to the jet .
875 // 3- Go to the next highest pT particle not already included in
876 // a jet and add to the jet all particles not already included in
877 // a jet within R=0.7.
878 // 4- Continue until all particles are in a jet.
9d9a3c85 879 // We deï¬\81ne the transverse momentum of the jet to be
6ef5bfa4 880 // the scalar pT sum of all the particles within the jet, where pT
881 // is measured with respect to the beam axis
883 // 1 - Order all charged particles according to their pT .
884 Int_t nTracks = fAOD->GetNTracks();
885 if( !nTracks ) return 0;
886 TObjArray tracks(nTracks);
888 for (Int_t ipart=0; ipart<nTracks; ++ipart) {
889 AliAODTrack* part = fAOD->GetTrack( ipart );
890 if( !part->TestFilterBit(fFilterBit) ) continue; // track cut selection
891 if( !part->Charge() ) continue;
892 if( part->Pt() < fTrackPtCut ) continue;
893 tracks.AddLast(part);
894 }
895 QSortTracks( tracks, 0, tracks.GetEntriesFast() );
897 nTracks = tracks.GetEntriesFast();
898 if( !nTracks ) return 0;
9d9a3c85 899
6ef5bfa4 900 TObjArray *jets = new TObjArray(nTracks);
901 TIter itrack(&tracks);
902 while( nTracks ) {
903 // 2- Start with the highest pT particle ...
904 Float_t px,py,pz,pt;
905 AliAODTrack* track = (AliAODTrack*)itrack.Next();
906 if( !track ) continue;
907 px = track->Px();
908 py = track->Py();
909 pz = track->Pz();
910 pt = track->Pt(); // Use the energy member to store Pt
911 jets->AddLast( new TLorentzVector(px, py, pz, pt) );
912 tracks.Remove( track );
913 TLorentzVector* jet = (TLorentzVector*)jets->Last();
9d9a3c85 914 jet->SetPtEtaPhiE( 1., jet->Eta(), jet->Phi(), pt );
6ef5bfa4 915 // 3- Go to the next highest pT particle not already included...
916 AliAODTrack* track1;
9d9a3c85 917 Double_t fPt = jet->E();
6ef5bfa4 918 while ( (track1 = (AliAODTrack*)(itrack.Next())) ) {
9d9a3c85 919 Double_t tphi = track1->Phi(); // here Phi is from 0 <-> 2Pi
920 if (tphi > TMath::Pi()) tphi -= 2. * TMath::Pi(); // convert to -Pi <-> Pi
921 Double_t dphi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(jet->Phi()-tphi);
6ef5bfa4 922 Double_t r = TMath::Sqrt( (jet->Eta()-track1->Eta())*(jet->Eta()-track1->Eta()) +
923 dphi*dphi );
924 if( r < fConeRadius ) {
9d9a3c85 925 fPt = jet->E()+track1->Pt(); // Scalar sum of Pt
6ef5bfa4 926 // recalculating the centroid
623ed0a0 927 Double_t eta = jet->Eta()*jet->E()/fPt + track1->Eta()*track1->Pt()/fPt;
9d9a3c85 928 Double_t phi = jet->Phi()*jet->E()/fPt + tphi*track1->Pt()/fPt;
de6f8090 929 jet->SetPtEtaPhiE( 1., eta, phi, fPt );
6ef5bfa4 930 tracks.Remove( track1 );
931 }
932 }
934 tracks.Compress();
935 nTracks = tracks.GetEntries();
936 // 4- Continue until all particles are in a jet.
937 itrack.Reset();
938 } // end while nTracks
940 // Convert to AODjets....
941 Int_t njets = jets->GetEntriesFast();
942 TObjArray* aodjets = new TObjArray(njets);
943 aodjets->SetOwner(kTRUE);
944 for(Int_t ijet=0; ijet<njets; ++ijet) {
945 TLorentzVector* jet = (TLorentzVector*)jets->At(ijet);
623ed0a0 946 if (jet->E() < fChJetPtMin) continue;
6ef5bfa4 947 Float_t px, py,pz,en; // convert to 4-vector
948 px = jet->E() * TMath::Cos(jet->Phi()); // Pt * cos(phi)
949 py = jet->E() * TMath::Sin(jet->Phi()); // Pt * sin(phi)
950 pz = jet->E() / TMath::Tan(2.0 * TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-jet->Eta())));
951 en = TMath::Sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz);
9d9a3c85 952
6ef5bfa4 953 aodjets->AddLast( new AliAODJet(px, py, pz, en) );
954 }
955 // Order jets according to their pT .
956 QSortTracks( *aodjets, 0, aodjets->GetEntriesFast() );
958 // debug
959 if (fDebug>3) AliInfo(Form(" %d Charged jets found\n",njets));
961 return aodjets;
965void AliAnalysisTaskUE::QSortTracks(TObjArray &a, Int_t first, Int_t last)
967 // Sort array of TObjArray of tracks by Pt using a quicksort algorithm.
969 static TObject *tmp;
970 static int i; // "static" to save stack space
971 int j;
973 while (last - first > 1) {
974 i = first;
975 j = last;
976 for (;;) {
977 while (++i < last && ((AliVParticle*)a[i])->Pt() > ((AliVParticle*)a[first])->Pt() )
978 ;
979 while (--j > first && ((AliVParticle*)a[j])->Pt() < ((AliVParticle*)a[first])->Pt() )
980 ;
981 if (i >= j)
982 break;
984 tmp = a[i];
985 a[i] = a[j];
986 a[j] = tmp;
987 }
988 if (j == first) {
989 ++first;
990 continue;
991 }
992 tmp = a[first];
993 a[first] = a[j];
994 a[j] = tmp;
995 if (j - first < last - (j + 1)) {
996 QSortTracks(a, first, j);
997 first = j + 1; // QSortTracks(j + 1, last);
998 } else {
999 QSortTracks(a, j + 1, last);
1000 last = j; // QSortTracks(first, j);
1001 }
1002 }
1006void AliAnalysisTaskUE::SetRegionArea(TVector3 *jetVect)
1008 Double_t fAreaCorrFactor=0.;
1009 Double_t deltaEta = 0.;
1010 if (fRegionType==1) fAreaReg = 2.*fTrackEtaCut*60.*TMath::Pi()/180.;
1011 else if (fRegionType==2){
1012 deltaEta = 0.9-TMath::Abs(jetVect[0].Eta());
1013 if (deltaEta>fConeRadius) fAreaReg = TMath::Pi()*fConeRadius*fConeRadius;
1014 else{
1015 fAreaCorrFactor = fConeRadius*fConeRadius*TMath::ACos(deltaEta/fConeRadius) -
1016 (deltaEta*fConeRadius)*TMath::Sqrt( 1. - deltaEta*deltaEta/(fConeRadius*fConeRadius));
1017 fAreaReg=TMath::Pi()*fConeRadius*fConeRadius-fAreaCorrFactor;
1018 }
1019 }else AliWarning("Unknown Rgion Type");
623ed0a0 1020 if (fDebug>10) AliInfo(Form("\n dEta=%5.3f Angle =%5.3f Region Area = %5.3f Corr Factor=%5.4f \n",deltaEta,TMath::ACos(deltaEta/fConeRadius),fAreaReg,fAreaCorrFactor));
6ef5bfa4 1021}
f3050824 1023//____________________________________________________________________
1024void AliAnalysisTaskUE::CreateHistos()
1026 fListOfHistos = new TList();
9d9a3c85 1029 fhNJets = new TH1F("fhNJets", "n Jet", 20, 0, 20);
f3050824 1030 fhNJets->SetXTitle("# of jets");
1031 fhNJets->Sumw2();
f3050824 1032 fListOfHistos->Add( fhNJets ); // At(0)
1034 fhEleadingPt = new TH1F("hEleadingPt", "Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1035 fhEleadingPt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1036 fhEleadingPt->SetYTitle("dN/dP_{T}");
1037 fhEleadingPt->Sumw2();
1038 fListOfHistos->Add( fhEleadingPt ); // At(1)
1040 fhMinRegPtDist = new TH1F("hMinRegPtDist", "P_{T} distribution in Min zone", 50,0.,20.);
1041 fhMinRegPtDist->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1042 fhMinRegPtDist->SetYTitle("dN/dP_{T}");
1043 fhMinRegPtDist->Sumw2();
1044 fListOfHistos->Add( fhMinRegPtDist ); // At(2)
1046 fhRegionMultMin = new TH1F("hRegionMultMin", "N_{ch}^{90, min}", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
1047 fhRegionMultMin->SetXTitle("N_{ch tracks}");
1048 fhRegionMultMin->Sumw2();
1049 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionMultMin ); // At(3)
1051 fhMinRegAvePt = new TH1F("hMinRegAvePt", "#LTp_{T}#GT", 50, 0., 20.);
1052 fhMinRegAvePt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1053 fhMinRegAvePt->Sumw2();
1054 fListOfHistos->Add( fhMinRegAvePt ); // At(4)
1056 fhMinRegSumPt = new TH1F("hMinRegSumPt", "#Sigma p_{T} ", 50, 0., 20.);
1057 fhMinRegSumPt->SetYTitle("Ed^{3}N_{tracks}/dp^{3} (c^{3}/GeV^{2})");
1058 fhMinRegSumPt->SetXTitle("#Sigma p_{T} (GeV/c)");
1059 fhMinRegSumPt->Sumw2();
1060 fListOfHistos->Add( fhMinRegSumPt ); // At(5)
6ef5bfa4 1061
f3050824 1062 fhMinRegMaxPtPart = new TH1F("hMinRegMaxPtPart", "max(p_{T})|_{event} ", 50, 0., 20.);
1063 fhMinRegMaxPtPart->SetYTitle("Ed^{3}N_{tracks}/dp^{3} (c^{3}/GeV^{2})");
1064 fhMinRegMaxPtPart->SetXTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)");
1065 fhMinRegMaxPtPart->Sumw2();
1066 fListOfHistos->Add( fhMinRegMaxPtPart ); // At(6)
1068 fhMinRegSumPtvsMult = new TH1F("hMinRegSumPtvsMult", "#Sigma p_{T} vs. Multiplicity ", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
1069 fhMinRegSumPtvsMult->SetYTitle("#Sigma p_{T} (GeV/c)");
1070 fhMinRegSumPtvsMult->SetXTitle("N_{charge}");
1071 fhMinRegSumPtvsMult->Sumw2();
1072 fListOfHistos->Add( fhMinRegSumPtvsMult ); // At(7);
6ef5bfa4 1073
9d9a3c85 1074 fhdNdEtaPhiDist = new TH2F("hdNdEtaPhiDist", Form("Charge particle density |#eta|<%3.1f vs #Delta#phi", fTrackEtaCut),
1075 62, 0., 2.*TMath::Pi(), fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
de6f8090 1076 fhdNdEtaPhiDist->SetXTitle("#Delta#phi");
9d9a3c85 1077 fhdNdEtaPhiDist->SetYTitle("Leading Jet P_{T}");
de6f8090 1078 fhdNdEtaPhiDist->Sumw2();
1079 fListOfHistos->Add( fhdNdEtaPhiDist ); // At(8)
6ef5bfa4 1080
f3050824 1081 // Can be use to get part pt distribution for differente Jet Pt bins
9d9a3c85 1082 fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt = new TH2F("hFullRegPartPtDistVsEt", Form( "dN/dP_{T} |#eta|<%3.1f vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fTrackEtaCut),
1083 100,0.,50., fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
f3050824 1084 fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt->SetYTitle("Leading Jet P_{T}");
1085 fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt->SetXTitle("p_{T}");
1086 fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt->Sumw2();
1087 fListOfHistos->Add( fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt ); // At(9)
6ef5bfa4 1088
1089 // Can be use to get part pt distribution for differente Jet Pt bins
9d9a3c85 1090 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt = new TH2F("hTransRegPartPtDistVsEt", Form( "dN/dP_{T} in tranvese regions |#eta|<%3.1f vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fTrackEtaCut),
1091 100,0.,50., fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
f3050824 1092 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->SetYTitle("Leading Jet P_{T}");
1093 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->SetXTitle("p_{T}");
1094 fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt->Sumw2();
1095 fListOfHistos->Add( fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt ); // At(10)
1098 fhRegionSumPtMaxVsEt = new TH1F("hRegionSumPtMaxVsEt", "P_{T}^{90, max} vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1099 fhRegionSumPtMaxVsEt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1100 fhRegionSumPtMaxVsEt->Sumw2();
1101 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionSumPtMaxVsEt ); // At(11)
6ef5bfa4 1102
f3050824 1103 fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt = new TH1F("hRegionSumPtMinVsEt", "P_{T}^{90, min} vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1104 fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1105 fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt->Sumw2();
1106 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt ); // At(12)
1108 fhRegionMultMax = new TH1I("hRegionMultMax", "N_{ch}^{90, max}", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
1109 fhRegionMultMax->SetXTitle("N_{ch tracks}");
1110 fhRegionMultMax->Sumw2();
1111 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionMultMax ); // At(13)
6ef5bfa4 1112
f3050824 1113 fhRegionMultMaxVsEt = new TH1F("hRegionMultMaxVsEt", "N_{ch}^{90, max} vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1114 fhRegionMultMaxVsEt->SetXTitle("E (GeV hRegionAveSumPtVsEt/c)");
1115 fhRegionMultMaxVsEt->Sumw2();
1116 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionMultMaxVsEt ); // At(14)
6ef5bfa4 1117
f3050824 1118 fhRegionMultMinVsEt = new TH1F("hRegionMultMinVsEt", "N_{ch}^{90, min} vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1119 fhRegionMultMinVsEt->SetXTitle("E (GeV/c)");
1120 fhRegionMultMinVsEt->Sumw2();
1121 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionMultMinVsEt ); // At(15)
6ef5bfa4 1122
f3050824 1123 fhRegionAveSumPtVsEt = new TH1F("hRegionAveSumPtVsEt", "(P_{T}^{90, max} + P_{T}^{90, min})/2 vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1124 fhRegionAveSumPtVsEt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1125 fhRegionAveSumPtVsEt->Sumw2();
1126 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionAveSumPtVsEt ); // At(16)
6ef5bfa4 1127
f3050824 1128 fhRegionDiffSumPtVsEt= new TH1F("hRegionPtDiffVsEt", "(P_{T}^{90, max} - P_{T}^{90, min}) vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1129 fhRegionDiffSumPtVsEt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1130 fhRegionDiffSumPtVsEt->Sumw2();
1131 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionDiffSumPtVsEt ); // At(17)
1133 fhRegionAvePartPtMaxVsEt = new TH1F("hRegionAvePartPtMaxVsEt", "#LTp_{T}#GT^{90, max} vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1134 fhRegionAvePartPtMaxVsEt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1135 fhRegionAvePartPtMaxVsEt->Sumw2();
1136 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionAvePartPtMaxVsEt ); // At(18)
6ef5bfa4 1137
f3050824 1138 fhRegionAvePartPtMinVsEt = new TH1F("hRegionAvePartPtMinVsEt", "#LTp_{T}#GT^{90, min} vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1139 fhRegionAvePartPtMinVsEt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1140 fhRegionAvePartPtMinVsEt->Sumw2();
1141 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionAvePartPtMinVsEt ); // At(19)
6ef5bfa4 1142
f3050824 1143 fhRegionMaxPartPtMaxVsEt = new TH1F("hRegionMaxPartPtMaxVsEt", "max(p_{T})^{90} vs Leading Jet P_{T}", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1144 fhRegionMaxPartPtMaxVsEt->SetXTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
1145 fhRegionMaxPartPtMaxVsEt->Sumw2();
1146 fListOfHistos->Add( fhRegionMaxPartPtMaxVsEt ); // At(20)
6ef5bfa4 1147
623ed0a0 1148 fh1Xsec = new TProfile("fh1Xsec","xsec from pyxsec.root",1,0,1);
1149 fh1Xsec->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"<#sigma>");
1150 fh1Xsec->Sumw2();
1151 fListOfHistos->Add( fh1Xsec ); //At(21)
1153 fh1Trials = new TH1F("fh1Trials","trials from pyxsec.root",1,0,1);
1154 fh1Trials->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"#sum{ntrials}");
1155 fh1Trials->Sumw2();
1156 fListOfHistos->Add( fh1Trials ); //At(22)
1e996f55 1157
6ef5bfa4 1158 fSettingsTree = new TTree("UEAnalysisSettings","Analysis Settings in UE estimation");
5c1827c4 1159 fSettingsTree->Branch("fFilterBit", &fFilterBit,"FilterBit/I");
1c796df8 1160 fSettingsTree->Branch("fTrigger", &fTrigger,"TriggerFlag/I");
1e996f55 1161 fSettingsTree->Branch("fConeRadius", &fConeRadius,"Rad/D");
1162 fSettingsTree->Branch("fJet1EtaCut", &fJet1EtaCut, "LeadJetEtaCut/D");
1163 fSettingsTree->Branch("fJet2DeltaPhiCut", &fJet2DeltaPhiCut, "DeltaPhi/D");
1164 fSettingsTree->Branch("fJet2RatioPtCut", &fJet2RatioPtCut, "Jet2Ratio/D");
1165 fSettingsTree->Branch("fJet3PtCut", &fJet3PtCut, "Jet3PtCut/D");
1166 fSettingsTree->Branch("fTrackPtCut", &fTrackPtCut, "TrackPtCut/D");
1167 fSettingsTree->Branch("fTrackEtaCut", &fTrackEtaCut, "TrackEtaCut/D");
1168 fSettingsTree->Branch("fAnaType", &fAnaType, "Ana/I");
1169 fSettingsTree->Branch("fRegionType", &fRegionType,"Reg/I");
1170 fSettingsTree->Branch("fOrdering", &fOrdering,"OrderMeth/I");
1171 fSettingsTree->Branch("fUseChPartJet", &fUseChPartJet,"UseChPart/O");
9d9a3c85 1172 fSettingsTree->Branch("fUseChargeHadrons", &fUseChargeHadrons,"UseChHadrons/O");
1e996f55 1173 fSettingsTree->Branch("fUseSingleCharge", &fUseSingleCharge,"UseSingleCh/O");
1174 fSettingsTree->Branch("fUsePositiveCharge", &fUsePositiveCharge,"UsePositiveCh/O");
1175 fSettingsTree->Fill();
623ed0a0 1178 fListOfHistos->Add( fSettingsTree ); // At(23)
6ef5bfa4 1179
1180 /*
1181 // For debug region selection
1182 fhValidRegion = new TH2F("hValidRegion", "dN/d#eta/d#phi",
1183 20, -2.,2., 62, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
1184 fhValidRegion->SetYTitle("#Delta#phi");
1185 fhValidRegion->Sumw2();
1186 fListOfHistos->Add( fhValidRegion ); // At(15)
1187 */
f3050824 1188}
f3050824 1189
e1060f2b 1190
6ef5bfa4 1192//____________________________________________________________________
1193void AliAnalysisTaskUE::Terminate(Option_t */*option*/)
1195 // Terminate analysis
1196 //
1198 //Save Analysis Settings
1e996f55 1199 // WriteSettings();
6ef5bfa4 1200
1201 // Normalize histos to region area TODO:
1202 // Normalization done at Analysis, taking into account
1203 // area variations on per-event basis (cone case)
1205 // Draw some Test plot to the screen
1206 if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) {
1208 // Update pointers reading them from the output slot
1209 fListOfHistos = dynamic_cast<TList*> (GetOutputData(0));
1210 if( !fListOfHistos ) {
1211 AliError("Histogram List is not available");
1212 return;
1213 }
9d9a3c85 1214 fhNJets = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(0);
6ef5bfa4 1215 fhEleadingPt = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(1);
9d9a3c85 1216 fhdNdEtaPhiDist = (TH2F*)fListOfHistos->At(8);
6ef5bfa4 1217 fhRegionSumPtMaxVsEt = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(11);
1218 fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(12);
1219 fhRegionMultMaxVsEt = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(14);
1220 fhRegionMultMinVsEt = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(15);
1221 fhRegionAveSumPtVsEt = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(16);
623ed0a0 1223 //fhValidRegion = (TH2F*)fListOfHistos->At(21);
6ef5bfa4 1225 // Canvas
623ed0a0 1226 TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1",Form("sumPt dist (%s)", GetTitle()),60,60,1100,700);
6ef5bfa4 1227 c1->Divide(2,2);
1228 c1->cd(1);
1229 TH1F *h1r = new TH1F("hRegionEtvsSumPtMax" , "", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1230 h1r->Divide(fhRegionSumPtMaxVsEt,fhEleadingPt,1,1);
1231 //h1r->Scale( areafactor );
1232 h1r->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1233 h1r->SetXTitle("P_{T} of Leading Jet (GeV/c)");
1234 h1r->SetYTitle("P_{T}^{90, max}");
1235 h1r->DrawCopy("p");
1237 c1->cd(2);
1239 TH1F *h2r = new TH1F("hRegionEtvsSumPtMin" , "", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1240 h2r->Divide(fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt,fhEleadingPt,1,1);
1241 //h2r->Scale( areafactor );
1242 h2r->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1243 h2r->SetXTitle("P_{T} of Leading Jet (GeV/c)");
1244 h2r->SetYTitle("P_{T}^{90, min}");
1245 h2r->DrawCopy("p");
1247 c1->cd(3);
1248 TH1F *h4r = new TH1F("hRegionEtvsDiffPt" , "", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1249 h4r->Divide(fhRegionAveSumPtVsEt,fhEleadingPt,1,1);
1250 h4r->Scale(2.); // make average
1251 //h4r->Scale( areafactor );
1252 h4r->SetYTitle("#DeltaP_{T}^{90}");
1253 h4r->SetXTitle("P_{T} of Leading Jet (GeV/c)");
1254 h4r->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1255 h4r->DrawCopy("p");
1257 c1->cd(4);
1258 TH1F *h5r = new TH1F("hRegionMultMaxVsEtleading", "", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1259 TH1F *h6r = new TH1F("hRegionMultMinVsEtleading", "", fBinsPtInHist, fMinJetPtInHist, fMaxJetPtInHist);
1261 h5r->Divide(fhRegionMultMaxVsEt,fhEleadingPt,1,1);
1262 h6r->Divide(fhRegionMultMinVsEt,fhEleadingPt,1,1);
1263 //h5r->Scale( areafactor );
1264 //h6r->Scale( areafactor );
1265 h5r->SetYTitle("N_{Tracks}^{90}");
1266 h5r->SetXTitle("P_{T} of Leading Jet (GeV/c)");
1267 h5r->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1268 h5r->DrawCopy("p");
1269 h6r->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1270 h6r->SetMarkerColor(2);
1271 h6r->SetYTitle("N_{Tracks}^{90}");
1272 h6r->SetXTitle("P_{T} of Leading Jet (GeV/c)");
1273 h6r->DrawCopy("p same");
1274 c1->Update();
623ed0a0 1276 //Get Normalization
1277 fh1Xsec = (TProfile*)fListOfHistos->At(21);
1278 fh1Trials = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(22);
1280 Double_t xsec = fh1Xsec->GetBinContent(1);
1281 Double_t ntrials = fh1Trials->GetBinContent(1);
1282 Double_t normFactor = xsec/ntrials;
6b7d2b7e 1283 if(fDebug > 1)Printf("xSec %f nTrials %f Norm %f \n",xsec,ntrials,normFactor);
623ed0a0 1284
6ef5bfa4 1286 TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Jet Pt dist",160,160,1200,800);
1287 c2->Divide(2,2);
1288 c2->cd(1);
1289 fhEleadingPt->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1290 fhEleadingPt->SetMarkerColor(2);
9d9a3c85 1291 if( normFactor > 0.) fhEleadingPt->Scale(normFactor);
623ed0a0 1292 //fhEleadingPt->Draw("p");
6ef5bfa4 1293 fhEleadingPt->DrawCopy("p");
1294 gPad->SetLogy();
1296 c2->cd(2);
9d9a3c85 1297 Int_t xbin1 = fhdNdEtaPhiDist->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(fMinJetPtInHist);
1298 Int_t xbin2 = fhdNdEtaPhiDist->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(fMaxJetPtInHist);
1299 TH1D* dNdEtaPhiDistAllJets = fhdNdEtaPhiDist->ProjectionX("dNdEtaPhiDistAllJets",xbin1,xbin2);
1300 dNdEtaPhiDistAllJets->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1301 dNdEtaPhiDistAllJets->SetMarkerColor(2);
1302 dNdEtaPhiDistAllJets->DrawCopy("p");
6ef5bfa4 1303 gPad->SetLogy();
1305 c2->cd(3);
1306 fhNJets->DrawCopy();
623ed0a0 1308 //c2->cd(4);
1309 //fhValidRegion->DrawCopy("p");
6ef5bfa4 1311 //fhTransRegPartPtDist = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(2);
1312 fhRegionMultMin = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(3);
1313 fhMinRegAvePt = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(4);
1314 fhMinRegSumPt = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(5);
1315 //fhMinRegMaxPtPart = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(6);
1316 fhMinRegSumPtvsMult = (TH1F*)fListOfHistos->At(7);
1318 // Canvas
623ed0a0 1319 TCanvas* c3 = new TCanvas("c3"," pT dist",160,160,1200,800);
6ef5bfa4 1320 c3->Divide(2,2);
1321 c3->cd(1);
1322 /*fhTransRegPartPtDist->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1323 fhTransRegPartPtDist->SetMarkerColor(2);
1324 fhTransRegPartPtDist->Scale(areafactor/fhTransRegPartPtDist->GetEntries());
1325 fhTransRegPartPtDist->DrawCopy("p");
1326 gPad->SetLogy();
1327 */
1328 c3->cd(2);
1329 fhMinRegSumPt->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1330 fhMinRegSumPt->SetMarkerColor(2);
1331 //fhMinRegSumPt->Scale(areafactor);
1332 fhMinRegSumPt->DrawCopy("p");
1333 gPad->SetLogy();
1335 c3->cd(3);
1336 fhMinRegAvePt->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1337 fhMinRegAvePt->SetMarkerColor(2);
1338 //fhMinRegAvePt->Scale(areafactor);
1339 fhMinRegAvePt->DrawCopy("p");
1340 gPad->SetLogy();
1342 c3->cd(4);
1344 TH1F *h7r = new TH1F("hRegionMultMinVsMult", "", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
1346 h7r->Divide(fhMinRegSumPtvsMult,fhRegionMultMin,1,1);
1348 h7r->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1349 h7r->SetMarkerColor(2);
1350 h7r->DrawCopy("p");
1352 c3->Update();
1355 /* c2->cd(3);
1356 fhValidRegion->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1357 fhValidRegion->SetMarkerColor(2);
1358 fhValidRegion->DrawCopy("p");
1359 */
1360 c2->Update();
1361 } else {
1362 AliInfo(" Batch mode, not histograms will be shown...");
1363 }
1365 if( fDebug > 1 )
1366 AliInfo("End analysis");
f3050824 1369
6ef5bfa4 1370void AliAnalysisTaskUE::WriteSettings()
1e996f55 1371{
6ef5bfa4 1372 if (fDebug>5){
1373 AliInfo(" All Analysis Settings in Saved Tree");
1374 fSettingsTree->Scan();
1375 }