]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGCF/Correlations/DPhi/FourierDecomposition/AliDhcTask.cxx
Fixing some memory issues
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGCF / Correlations / DPhi / FourierDecomposition / AliDhcTask.cxx
48a61f36 1// Dihadron correlations task - simple task to read ESD or AOD input,
2// calculate same- and mixed-event correlations, and fill THnSparse
3// output. -A. Adare, Apr 2011
5#include "TCanvas.h"
6#include "TChain.h"
8433ff41 7#include "TFormula.h"
48a61f36 8#include "TH1.h"
9#include "TH2.h"
d688e049 10#include "TAxis.h"
8433ff41 11#include "TProfile2D.h"
48a61f36 12#include "TROOT.h"
13#include "TTree.h"
48a61f36 14#include "AliAODEvent.h"
15#include "AliAODInputHandler.h"
16#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
17#include "AliAnalysisTask.h"
18#include "AliCentrality.h"
19#include "AliDhcTask.h"
20#include "AliESDEvent.h"
21#include "AliESDInputHandler.h"
22#include "AliESDtrackCuts.h"
8433ff41 23#include "AliPool.h"
48a61f36 24#include "AliVParticle.h"
c64cb1f6 26using std::cout;
27using std::endl;
48a61f36 29ClassImp(AliDhcTask)
32AliDhcTask::AliDhcTask(const char *name)
42036329 33: AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fVerbosity(0), fEtaMax(1), fZVtxMax(10), fPtMin(0.25), fPtMax(15),
d688e049 34 fTrackDepth(1000), fPoolSize(200), fTracksName(), fDoWeights(0),
42036329 35 fESD(0), fAOD(0), fOutputList(0), fHistPt(0), fHEvt(0), fHTrk(0), fHPtAss(0), fHPtTrg(0),
36 fHCent(0), fHZvtx(0), fNbins(0), fHSs(0), fHMs(0),
37 fIndex(0), fMeanPtTrg(0), fMeanPtAss(0), fMean2PtTrg(0), fMean2PtAss(0),
d688e049 38 fCentrality(99), fZVertex(99), fEsdTrackCutsTPCOnly(0), fPoolMgr(0),
39 fCentMethod("V0M"), fNBdeta(20), fNBdphi(36),
40 fBPtT(0x0), fBPtA(0x0), fBCent(0x0), fBZvtx(0x0),
41 fMixBCent(0x0), fMixBZvtx(0x0)
48a61f36 42{
43 // Constructor
45 // Define input and output slots here
46 // Input slot #0 works with a TChain
47 DefineInput(0, TChain::Class());
48 // Output slot #0 id reserved by the base class for AOD
49 // Output slot #1 writes into a TH1 container
50 DefineOutput(1, TList::Class());
48a61f36 52 fBranchNames="ESD:AliESDRun.,AliESDHeader.,PrimaryVertex.,SPDVertex.,TPCVertex.,Tracks "
53 "AOD:header,tracks,vertices,";
d688e049 54
55 Double_t ptt[4] = {0.25, 1.0, 2.0, 15.0};
56 fBPtT = new TAxis(3,ptt);
57 Double_t pta[4] = {0.25, 1.0, 2.0, 15.0};
58 fBPtA = new TAxis(3,pta);
59 Double_t cent[2] = {-100.0, 100.0};
60 fBCent = new TAxis(1,cent);
61 Double_t zvtx[2] = {-10, 10};
62 fBZvtx = new TAxis(1,zvtx);
63 Double_t centmix[2] = {-100.0, 100.0};
64 fMixBCent = new TAxis(1,centmix);
65 Double_t zvtxmix[9] = {-10,-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6,10};
66 fMixBZvtx = new TAxis(8,zvtxmix);
48a61f36 67}
70void AliDhcTask::UserCreateOutputObjects()
72 // Create histograms
73 // Called once (per slave on PROOF!)
48a61f36 75 fOutputList = new TList();
76 fOutputList->SetOwner(1);
8433ff41 78 fEsdTrackCutsTPCOnly = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardTPCOnlyTrackCuts();
79 //fEsdTrackCutsTPCOnly->SetMinNClustersTPC(70);
80 fEsdTrackCutsTPCOnly->SetMinNCrossedRowsTPC(70);
81 fEsdTrackCutsTPCOnly->SetMinRatioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC(0.8);
48a61f36 82
8433ff41 83 BookHistos();
84 InitEventMixer();
48a61f36 85 PostData(1, fOutputList);
89void AliDhcTask::BookHistos()
8433ff41 91 // Book histograms.
d688e049 93 if (fVerbosity > 1) {
94 AliInfo(Form("Number of pt(a) bins: %d", fBPtA->GetNbins()));
95 for (Int_t i=1; i<=fBPtA->GetNbins(); i++) {
96 AliInfo(Form("pt(a) bin %d, %f to %f", i, fBPtA->GetBinLowEdge(i), fBPtA->GetBinUpEdge(i)));
97 }
98 }
48a61f36 99
d688e049 100 Int_t nPtAssc=fBPtA->GetNbins();
101 Int_t nPtTrig=fBPtT->GetNbins();
102 Int_t nCent=fBCent->GetNbins();
103 Int_t nZvtx=fBZvtx->GetNbins();
104 Double_t ptt[nPtTrig+1];
105 ptt[0] = fBPtT->GetBinLowEdge(1);
106 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nPtTrig; i++) {
107 ptt[i] = fBPtT->GetBinUpEdge(i);
108 }
109 Double_t pta[nPtAssc+1];
110 pta[0] = fBPtA->GetBinLowEdge(1);
111 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nPtAssc; i++) {
112 pta[i] = fBPtA->GetBinUpEdge(i);
113 }
114 Double_t cent[nCent+1];
115 cent[0] = fBCent->GetBinLowEdge(1);
116 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nCent; i++) {
117 cent[i] = fBCent->GetBinUpEdge(i);
118 }
119 Double_t zvtx[nZvtx+1];
120 zvtx[0] = fBZvtx->GetBinLowEdge(1);
121 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nZvtx; i++) {
122 zvtx[i] = fBZvtx->GetBinUpEdge(i);
123 }
48a61f36 124
125 // Event histo
8433ff41 126 fHEvt = new TH2F("fHEvt", "Event-level variables; Zvtx; Cent", 30, -15, 15, 101, 0, 101);
127 fOutputList->Add(fHEvt);
48a61f36 128 // Track histo
129 fHTrk = new TH2F("fHTrk", "Track-level variables",
8433ff41 130 100, 0, TMath::TwoPi(), 100, -fEtaMax, +fEtaMax);
131 fOutputList->Add(fHTrk);
48a61f36 133 // Left over from the tutorial :)
8433ff41 134 fHistPt = new TH1F("fHistPt", "P_{T} distribution", 200, 0., fPtMax);
48a61f36 135 fHistPt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
136 fHistPt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dN/dP_{T} (c/GeV)");
137 fHistPt->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
8433ff41 138 fOutputList->Add(fHistPt);
140 fHPtAss = new TH1F("fHPtAss","PtAssoc;P_{T} (GeV/c) [GeV/c]",nPtAssc,pta);
141 fOutputList->Add(fHPtAss);
142 fHPtTrg = new TH1F("fHPtTrg","PtTrig;P_{T} (GeV/c) [GeV/c]",nPtTrig,ptt);
143 fOutputList->Add(fHPtTrg);
144 fHCent = new TH1F("fHCent","Cent;bins",nCent,cent);
145 fOutputList->Add(fHCent);
146 fHZvtx = new TH1F("fHZvtx","Zvertex;bins",nZvtx,zvtx);
147 fOutputList->Add(fHZvtx);
149 fNbins = nPtTrig*nPtAssc*nCent*nZvtx;
150 fHSs = new TH2*[fNbins];
151 fHMs = new TH2*[fNbins];
153 fIndex = new TFormula("GlobIndex","(t-1)*[0]*[1]*[2]+(z-1)*[0]*[1]+(x-1)*[0]+(y-1)+0*[4]");
154 fIndex->SetParameters(nPtTrig,nPtAssc,nZvtx,nCent);
155 fIndex->SetParNames("NTrigBins","NAssocBins", "NZvertexBins", "NCentBins");
156 //fOutputList->Add(fIndex);
158 fMeanPtTrg = new TProfile2D*[nPtTrig*nPtAssc];
159 fMeanPtAss = new TProfile2D*[nPtTrig*nPtAssc];
160 fMean2PtTrg = new TProfile2D*[nPtTrig*nPtAssc];
161 fMean2PtAss = new TProfile2D*[nPtTrig*nPtAssc];
162 for (Int_t c=1; c<=nCent; ++c) {
163 TString title(Form("cen=%d (%.1f)",c,fHCent->GetBinCenter(c)));
164 fMeanPtTrg[c-1] = new TProfile2D(Form("hMeanPtTrgCen%d",c),title,nPtTrig,ptt,nPtAssc,pta);
165 fMeanPtAss[c-1] = new TProfile2D(Form("hMeanPtAssCen%d",c),title,nPtTrig,ptt,nPtAssc,pta);
166 fMean2PtTrg[c-1] = new TProfile2D(Form("hMean2PtTrgCen%d",c),title,nPtTrig,ptt,nPtAssc,pta);
167 fMean2PtAss[c-1] = new TProfile2D(Form("hMean2PtAssCen%d",c),title,nPtTrig,ptt,nPtAssc,pta);
168 fOutputList->Add(fMeanPtTrg[c-1]);
169 fOutputList->Add(fMeanPtAss[c-1]);
170 fOutputList->Add(fMean2PtTrg[c-1]);
171 fOutputList->Add(fMean2PtAss[c-1]);
172 }
174 Int_t count = 0;
175 for (Int_t c=1; c<=nCent; ++c) {
176 for (Int_t z=1; z<=nZvtx; ++z) {
177 for (Int_t t=1; t<=nPtTrig; ++t) {
178 for (Int_t a=1; a<=nPtAssc; ++a) {
179 fHSs[count] = 0;
180 fHMs[count] = 0;
181 if (a>t) {
182 ++count;
183 continue;
184 }
185 TString title(Form("cen=%d (%.1f), zVtx=%d (%.1f), trig=%d (%.1f), assc=%d (%.1f)",
186 c,fHCent->GetBinCenter(c), z,fHZvtx->GetBinCenter(z),
187 t,fHPtTrg->GetBinCenter(t),a, fHPtAss->GetBinCenter(a)));
188 fHSs[count] = new TH2F(Form("hS%d",count), Form("Signal %s",title.Data()),
d688e049 189 fNBdphi,-0.5*TMath::Pi(),1.5*TMath::Pi(),fNBdeta,-2*fEtaMax,2*fEtaMax);
8433ff41 190 fHMs[count] = new TH2F(Form("hM%d",count), Form("Signal %s",title.Data()),
d688e049 191 fNBdphi,-0.5*TMath::Pi(),1.5*TMath::Pi(),fNBdeta,-2*fEtaMax,2*fEtaMax);
8433ff41 192 fOutputList->Add(fHSs[count]);
193 fOutputList->Add(fHMs[count]);
194 if (fVerbosity>5)
195 cout << count << " " << fIndex->Eval(t,a,z,c) << ": " << title << endl;
196 ++count;
197 }
198 }
199 }
200 }
48a61f36 201}
204void AliDhcTask::InitEventMixer()
206 // The effective pool size in events is set by trackDepth, so more
207 // low-mult events are required to maintain the threshold than
208 // high-mult events. Centrality pools are indep. of data histogram
209 // binning, no need to match.
48a61f36 211 // Centrality pools
d688e049 212 Int_t nCentBins=fMixBCent->GetNbins();
213 Double_t centBins[nCentBins+1];
214 centBins[0] = fMixBCent->GetBinLowEdge(1);
215 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nCentBins; i++) {
216 centBins[i] = fMixBCent->GetBinUpEdge(i);
217 }
48a61f36 218
219 // Z-vertex pools
d688e049 220 Int_t nZvtxBins=fMixBZvtx->GetNbins();
221 Double_t zvtxbin[nZvtxBins+1];
222 zvtxbin[0] = fMixBZvtx->GetBinLowEdge(1);
223 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nZvtxBins; i++) {
224 zvtxbin[i] = fMixBZvtx->GetBinUpEdge(i);
225 }
8433ff41 226
227 fPoolMgr = new AliEvtPoolManager();
d688e049 228 fPoolMgr->SetTargetTrackDepth(fTrackDepth);
8433ff41 229 if (fVerbosity>4)
230 fPoolMgr->SetDebug(1);
d688e049 231 fPoolMgr->InitEventPools(fPoolSize, nCentBins, centBins, nZvtxBins, zvtxbin);
48a61f36 232}
235void AliDhcTask::UserExec(Option_t *)
237 // Main loop, called for each event.
239 static int iEvent = -1; ++iEvent;
241 if (fVerbosity>2) {
242 if (iEvent % 10 == 0)
243 cout << iEvent << endl;
244 }
246 Int_t dType = -1; // Will be set to kESD or kAOD.
f6701c6e 247 MiniEvent* sTracks = new MiniEvent(0); // deleted by pool mgr.
48a61f36 248
249 LoadBranches();
251 // Get event pointers, check for signs of life
252 fESD = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent*>(InputEvent());
253 fAOD = dynamic_cast<AliAODEvent*>(InputEvent());
254 if (fESD)
255 dType = kESD;
256 else if (fAOD)
257 dType = kAOD;
258 else {
259 AliError("Neither fESD nor fAOD available");
260 return;
261 }
d688e049 263 Bool_t mcgen = 0;
264 if (fTracksName.Contains("Gen"))
265 mcgen = 1;
48a61f36 267 // Centrality, vertex, other event variables...
d688e049 268 if (mcgen) {
269 fZVertex = 0;
270 TList *list = InputEvent()->GetList();
271 TClonesArray *tcaTracks = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray*>(list->FindObject(fTracksName));
272 if (tcaTracks)
273 fCentrality = tcaTracks->GetEntries();
274 } else {
275 if (dType == kESD) {
276 if (!VertexOk(fESD)) {
277 if (fVerbosity > 1)
278 AliInfo(Form("Event REJECTED (ESD vertex not OK). z = %.1f", fZVertex));
279 return;
280 }
281 const AliESDVertex* vertex = fESD->GetPrimaryVertex();
282 fZVertex = vertex->GetZ();
283 if(fESD->GetCentrality()) {
284 fCentrality =
285 fESD->GetCentrality()->GetCentralityPercentile(fCentMethod);
286 }
48a61f36 287 }
d688e049 288 if (dType == kAOD) {
289 const AliAODVertex* vertex = fAOD->GetPrimaryVertex();
290 fZVertex = vertex->GetZ();
291 if (!VertexOk(fAOD)) {
292 if (fVerbosity > 1)
293 Info("Exec()", "Event REJECTED (AOD vertex not OK). z = %.1f", fZVertex);
294 return;
295 }
296 const AliCentrality *aodCent = fAOD->GetHeader()->GetCentralityP();
297 if (aodCent) {
298 fCentrality = aodCent->GetCentralityPercentile(fCentMethod);
299 }
48a61f36 300 }
301 }
d688e049 302
48a61f36 303 // Fill Event histogram
304 fHEvt->Fill(fZVertex, fCentrality);
d688e049 306 if (fCentrality > fBCent->GetXmax() || fCentrality < fBCent->GetXmin()) {
307 AliInfo(Form("Event REJECTED (centrality out of range). fCentrality = %.1f", fCentrality));
48a61f36 308 return;
309 }
311 // Get array of selected tracks
312 if (dType == kESD) {
f6701c6e 313 GetESDTracks(sTracks);
48a61f36 314 }
315 if (dType == kAOD) {
f6701c6e 316 GetAODTracks(sTracks);
48a61f36 317 }
319 // Get pool containing tracks from other events like this one
8433ff41 320 AliEvtPool* pool = fPoolMgr->GetEventPool(fCentrality, fZVertex);
48a61f36 321 if (!pool) {
c71ff6f4 322 AliWarning(Form("No pool found. Centrality %f, ZVertex %f",
323 fCentrality, fZVertex));
48a61f36 324 return;
325 }
327 if (!pool->IsReady()) {
328 pool->UpdatePool(sTracks);
329 return;
330 }
332 if (pool->IsFirstReady()) {
333 // recover events missed before the pool is ready
334 Int_t nEvs = pool->GetCurrentNEvents();
335 if (nEvs>1) {
336 for (Int_t i=0; i<nEvs; ++i) {
337 MiniEvent* evI = pool->GetEvent(i);
338 for (Int_t j=0; j<nEvs; ++j) {
339 MiniEvent* evJ = pool->GetEvent(j);
340 if (i==j) {
341 Correlate(*evI, *evJ, kSameEvt);
342 } else {
d688e049 343 Correlate(*evI, *evJ, kDiffEvt);
48a61f36 344 }
345 }
346 }
347 }
348 } else { /* standard case: same event, then mix*/
349 Correlate(*sTracks, *sTracks, kSameEvt);
350 Int_t nMix = pool->GetCurrentNEvents();
351 for (Int_t jMix=0; jMix<nMix; ++jMix) {
352 MiniEvent* bgTracks = pool->GetEvent(jMix);
d688e049 353 Correlate(*sTracks, *bgTracks, kDiffEvt);
48a61f36 354 }
355 }
48a61f36 357 pool->UpdatePool(sTracks);
358 PostData(1, fOutputList);
48a61f36 359}
f6701c6e 362void AliDhcTask::GetESDTracks(MiniEvent* miniEvt)
48a61f36 363{
364 // Loop twice: 1. Count sel. tracks. 2. Fill vector.
d688e049 366 if (fTracksName.IsNull()) {
367 const AliESDVertex *vtxSPD = fESD->GetPrimaryVertexSPD();
368 if (!vtxSPD)
369 return;
371 Int_t nTrax = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks();
372 if (fVerbosity > 2)
373 AliInfo(Form("%d tracks in event",nTrax));
375 // Loop 1.
376 Int_t nSelTrax = 0;
377 TObjArray arr(nTrax);
378 arr.SetOwner(1);
380 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTrax; ++i) {
381 AliESDtrack* esdtrack = fESD->GetTrack(i);
382 if (!esdtrack) {
383 AliError(Form("Couldn't get ESD track %d\n", i));
384 continue;
385 }
386 Bool_t trkOK = fEsdTrackCutsTPCOnly->AcceptTrack(esdtrack);
387 if (!trkOK)
388 continue;
389 Double_t pt = esdtrack->Pt();
390 Bool_t ptOK = pt >= fPtMin && pt < fPtMax;
391 if (!ptOK)
392 continue;
393 Double_t eta = esdtrack->Eta();
394 if (TMath::Abs(eta) > fEtaMax)
395 continue;
397 // create a tpc only track
398 AliESDtrack *newtrack = AliESDtrackCuts::GetTPCOnlyTrack(fESD,esdtrack->GetID());
399 if(!newtrack)
400 continue;
401 if (newtrack->Pt()<=0) {
402 delete newtrack;
403 continue;
404 }
8433ff41 405
d688e049 406 AliExternalTrackParam exParam;
407 Bool_t relate = newtrack->RelateToVertexTPC(vtxSPD,fESD->GetMagneticField(),kVeryBig,&exParam);
408 if (!relate) {
409 delete newtrack;
410 continue;
411 }
8433ff41 412
d688e049 413 // set the constraint parameters to the track
414 newtrack->Set(exParam.GetX(),exParam.GetAlpha(),exParam.GetParameter(),exParam.GetCovariance());
8433ff41 415
d688e049 416 pt = newtrack->Pt();
417 ptOK = pt >= fPtMin && pt < fPtMax;
418 if (!ptOK) {
419 delete newtrack;
420 continue;
421 }
422 eta = esdtrack->Eta();
423 if (TMath::Abs(eta) > fEtaMax) {
424 delete newtrack;
425 continue;
426 }
427 arr.Add(newtrack);
428 nSelTrax++;
8433ff41 429 }
d688e049 430 return;
48a61f36 431 }
d688e049 433 TList *list = InputEvent()->GetList();
434 TClonesArray *tcaTracks = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray*>(list->FindObject(fTracksName));
435 const Int_t ntracks = tcaTracks->GetEntries();
f6701c6e 436 if (miniEvt)
d688e049 437 miniEvt->reserve(ntracks);
f6701c6e 438 else {
d688e049 439 AliError("Ptr to miniEvt zero");
f6701c6e 440 return;
441 }
48a61f36 442
d688e049 443 for(Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < ntracks; itrack++) {
444 AliVTrack *esdtrack = static_cast<AliESDtrack*>(tcaTracks->At(itrack));
445 if(!esdtrack) {
446 AliError(Form("ERROR: Could not retrieve esdtrack %d",itrack));
48a61f36 447 continue;
448 }
48a61f36 449 Double_t pt = esdtrack->Pt();
48a61f36 450 Double_t eta = esdtrack->Eta();
48a61f36 451 Double_t phi = esdtrack->Phi();
452 Int_t sign = esdtrack->Charge() > 0 ? 1 : -1;
8433ff41 453 miniEvt->push_back(AliMiniTrack(pt, eta, phi, sign));
48a61f36 454 }
48a61f36 455}
f6701c6e 458void AliDhcTask::GetAODTracks(MiniEvent* miniEvt)
48a61f36 459{
460 // Loop twice: 1. Count sel. tracks. 2. Fill vector.
462 Int_t nTrax = fAOD->GetNumberOfTracks();
463 Int_t nSelTrax = 0;
465 if (fVerbosity > 2)
466 AliInfo(Form("%d tracks in event",nTrax));
468 // Loop 1.
469 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTrax; ++i) {
470 AliAODTrack* aodtrack = fAOD->GetTrack(i);
471 if (!aodtrack) {
472 AliError(Form("Couldn't get AOD track %d\n", i));
473 continue;
474 }
475 // See $ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskESDFilter.C
476 UInt_t tpcOnly = 1 << 7;
477 Bool_t trkOK = aodtrack->TestFilterBit(tpcOnly);
478 if (!trkOK)
479 continue;
480 Double_t pt = aodtrack->Pt();
481 Bool_t ptOK = pt >= fPtMin && pt < fPtMax;
482 if (!ptOK)
483 continue;
484 Double_t eta = aodtrack->Eta();
8433ff41 485 if (TMath::Abs(eta) > fEtaMax)
48a61f36 486 continue;
487 nSelTrax++;
488 }
f6701c6e 490 if (miniEvt)
491 miniEvt->reserve(nSelTrax);
492 else {
493 AliError("!miniEvt");
494 return;
495 }
48a61f36 497 // Loop 2.
498 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTrax; ++i) {
499 AliAODTrack* aodtrack = fAOD->GetTrack(i);
500 if (!aodtrack) {
501 AliError(Form("Couldn't get AOD track %d\n", i));
502 continue;
503 }
505 // See $ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskESDFilter.C
506 UInt_t tpcOnly = 1 << 7;
507 Bool_t trkOK = aodtrack->TestFilterBit(tpcOnly);
508 if (!trkOK)
509 continue;
510 Double_t pt = aodtrack->Pt();
511 Bool_t ptOK = pt >= fPtMin && pt < fPtMax;
512 if (!ptOK)
513 continue;
514 Double_t eta = aodtrack->Eta();
8433ff41 515 if (TMath::Abs(eta) > fEtaMax)
48a61f36 516 continue;
518 Double_t phi = aodtrack->Phi();
519 Int_t sign = aodtrack->Charge() > 0 ? 1 : -1;
8433ff41 520 miniEvt->push_back(AliMiniTrack(pt, eta, phi, sign));
48a61f36 521 }
48a61f36 522}
525Double_t AliDhcTask::DeltaPhi(Double_t phia, Double_t phib,
526 Double_t rangeMin, Double_t rangeMax) const
528 Double_t dphi = -999;
529 Double_t pi = TMath::Pi();
531 if (phia < 0) phia += 2*pi;
532 else if (phia > 2*pi) phia -= 2*pi;
533 if (phib < 0) phib += 2*pi;
534 else if (phib > 2*pi) phib -= 2*pi;
535 dphi = phib - phia;
536 if (dphi < rangeMin) dphi += 2*pi;
537 else if (dphi > rangeMax) dphi -= 2*pi;
539 return dphi;
d688e049 543Int_t AliDhcTask::Correlate(const MiniEvent &evt1, const MiniEvent &evt2, Int_t pairing)
48a61f36 544{
545 // Triggered angular correlations. If pairing is kSameEvt, particles
546 // within evt1 are correlated. If kDiffEvt, correlate triggers from
547 // evt1 with partners from evt2.
8433ff41 548
549 Int_t cbin = fHCent->FindBin(fCentrality);
550 if (fHCent->IsBinOverflow(cbin) ||
551 fHCent->IsBinUnderflow(cbin))
552 return 0;
554 Int_t zbin = fHZvtx->FindBin(fZVertex);
555 if (fHZvtx->IsBinOverflow(zbin) ||
556 fHZvtx->IsBinUnderflow(zbin))
557 return 0;
48a61f36 559 Int_t iMax = evt1.size();
560 Int_t jMax = evt2.size();
8433ff41 562 TH2 **hist = fHMs;
563 if (pairing == kSameEvt) {
564 hist = fHSs;
565 fHCent->AddBinContent(cbin);
566 fHZvtx->AddBinContent(zbin);
567 }
569 Int_t nZvtx = fHZvtx->GetNbinsX();
570 Int_t nPtTrig = fHPtTrg->GetNbinsX();
571 Int_t nPtAssc = fHPtAss->GetNbinsX();
573 Int_t globIndex = (cbin-1)*nZvtx*nPtTrig*nPtAssc+(zbin-1)*nPtTrig*nPtAssc;
48a61f36 574
d688e049 575 Double_t weight = 1;
576 if (fDoWeights) { // Count trigger particles in this event
577 for (Int_t i=0; i<iMax; ++i) {
578 const AliMiniTrack &a(evt1.at(i));
579 Float_t pta = a.Pt();
580 Int_t abin = fHPtTrg->FindBin(pta);
581 if (fHPtTrg->IsBinOverflow(abin) ||
582 fHPtTrg->IsBinUnderflow(abin))
583 continue;
584 ++weight;
585 }
586 }
48a61f36 588 for (Int_t i=0; i<iMax; ++i) {
590 // Trigger particles
8433ff41 591 const AliMiniTrack &a(evt1.at(i));
593 Float_t pta = a.Pt();
594 Int_t abin = fHPtTrg->FindBin(pta);
595 if (fHPtTrg->IsBinOverflow(abin) ||
596 fHPtTrg->IsBinUnderflow(abin))
597 continue;
48a61f36 598
599 if (pairing == kSameEvt) {
8433ff41 600 fHistPt->Fill(pta);
48a61f36 601 fHTrk->Fill(a.Phi(),a.Eta());
8433ff41 602 fHPtTrg->AddBinContent(abin);
48a61f36 603 }
8433ff41 605 for (Int_t j=0; j<jMax; ++j) {
48a61f36 606 // Associated particles
607 if (pairing == kSameEvt && i==j)
608 continue;
8433ff41 610 const AliMiniTrack &b(evt2.at(j));
48a61f36 611
48a61f36 612 Float_t ptb = b.Pt();
613 if (pta < ptb)
614 continue;
8433ff41 616 Int_t bbin = fHPtTrg->FindBin(ptb);
617 if (fHPtAss->IsBinOverflow(bbin) ||
618 fHPtAss->IsBinUnderflow(bbin))
619 continue;
48a61f36 621 Float_t dphi = DeltaPhi(a.Phi(), b.Phi());
622 Float_t deta = a.Eta() - b.Eta();
8433ff41 624 Int_t index = globIndex+(abin-1)*nPtAssc+(bbin-1);
d688e049 625 hist[index]->Fill(dphi,deta,1./weight);
8433ff41 626
627 if (pairing == kSameEvt) {
628 fHPtAss->AddBinContent(bbin);
629 fMeanPtTrg[cbin-1]->Fill(pta,ptb,pta);
630 fMeanPtAss[cbin-1]->Fill(pta,ptb,ptb);
631 fMean2PtTrg[cbin-1]->Fill(pta,ptb,pta*pta);
632 fMean2PtAss[cbin-1]->Fill(pta,ptb,ptb*ptb);
633 }
48a61f36 634 }
635 }
637 return 0;
641void AliDhcTask::Terminate(Option_t *)
643 // Draw result to the screen
644 // Called once at the end of the query
8433ff41 646 delete fPoolMgr;
648 fHCent->SetEntries(fHCent->Integral());
649 fHZvtx->SetEntries(fHZvtx->Integral());
650 fHPtTrg->SetEntries(fHPtTrg->Integral());
651 fHPtAss->SetEntries(fHPtAss->Integral());
48a61f36 653 if (gROOT->IsBatch())
654 return;
656 fOutputList = dynamic_cast<TList*> (GetOutputData(1));
657 if (!fOutputList) {
658 AliError("Output list not available");
659 return;
660 }
c71ff6f4 662 fHistPt = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (fOutputList->FindObject("fHistPt"));
48a61f36 663 if (!fHistPt) {
664 AliError("ERROR: fHistPt not available\n");
665 return;
666 }
48a61f36 667 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("AliDhcTask","Pt",10,10,510,510);
668 c1->cd(1)->SetLogy();
669 fHistPt->DrawCopy("E");
673Bool_t AliDhcTask::VertexOk(TObject* obj) const
675 // Modified from AliAnalyseLeadingTrackUE::VertexSelection()
677 Int_t nContributors = 0;
678 Double_t zVertex = 999;
679 TString name("");
681 if (obj->InheritsFrom("AliESDEvent")) {
682 AliESDEvent* esdevt = (AliESDEvent*) obj;
683 const AliESDVertex* vtx = esdevt->GetPrimaryVertex();
684 if (!vtx)
685 return 0;
686 nContributors = vtx->GetNContributors();
687 zVertex = vtx->GetZ();
688 name = vtx->GetName();
689 }
690 else if (obj->InheritsFrom("AliAODEvent")) {
691 AliAODEvent* aodevt = (AliAODEvent*) obj;
692 if (aodevt->GetNumberOfVertices() < 1)
693 return 0;
694 const AliAODVertex* vtx = aodevt->GetPrimaryVertex();
695 nContributors = vtx->GetNContributors();
696 zVertex = vtx->GetZ();
697 name = vtx->GetName();
698 }
700 // Reject if TPC-only vertex
8433ff41 701 if (name.CompareTo("TPCVertex")==0)
48a61f36 702 return kFALSE;
704 // Check # contributors and range...
705 if( nContributors < 1 || TMath::Abs(zVertex) > fZVtxMax ) {
706 return kFALSE;
707 }
709 return kTRUE;