]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGCF/Correlations/DPhi/TriggerPID/AliTwoParticlePIDCorr.h
Merge branch 'master' of https://git.cern.ch/reps/AliRoot
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGCF / Correlations / DPhi / TriggerPID / AliTwoParticlePIDCorr.h
4#include "THn.h" // in cxx file causes .../THn.h:257: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef class THnT<float> THnF’
2542e3ae 6
59bf0a70 7class TH1F;
8class TH2F;
9class TH3F;
10class THnSparse;
11class TString;
12class TList;
13//class AliESDtrackCuts;
14class TSeqCollection;
15class AliPIDResponse;
d8eb80a9 16class AliPIDCombined;
59bf0a70 17class AliAODEvent;
18class AliAODTrack;
19class AliAODVertex;
20class AliEventPoolManager;
21class TFormula;
e09e26cf 22class AliAnalysisUtils;
59bf0a70 23class LRCParticlePID;
24class AliVParticle;
83cdcf92 25class AliCFContainer;
26class AliCFGridSparse;
27class THnBase;
28class AliTHn;
919b40de 29class TProfile;
59bf0a70 30
32#include <TObject.h> //LRCParticlePID is a derived class from"TObject"
33#include "TMath.h"
34#include "TNamed.h"
35#include "AliUEHist.h"
36#include "AliPID.h"
37#include "AliAnalysisTask.h"
38#include "AliUEHist.h"
39#include "TString.h"
40#include "AliVParticle.h"
41#include "TParticle.h"
42#include "AliLog.h"
83cdcf92 43#include "AliTHn.h"
5bfa67ad 44#include "TBits.h"
59bf0a70 45
48#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
51namespace AliPIDNameSpace {
53 enum PIDType
54 {
55 NSigmaTPC = 0,
56 NSigmaTOF,
57 NSigmaTPCTOF, // squared sum
d8eb80a9 58 Bayes
59bf0a70 59 };
d8eb80a9 60 const Int_t NSigmaPIDType=NSigmaTPCTOF;//number of Nsigma PID types
59bf0a70 61
62 enum AliDetectorType
63 {
83cdcf92 64 fITS = 0,
65 fTPC,
66 fTOF,
67 fNDetectors
59bf0a70 68 };
71 enum AliParticleSpecies
72 {
73 SpPion = 0,
74 SpKaon,
75 SpProton,
f2fc55fd 76 unidentified,
77 NSpecies=unidentified,
59bf0a70 78 SpUndefined=999
79 }; // Particle species used in plotting
82 enum AliCharge
83 {
84 Posch = 0,
85 Negch,
86 NCharge
87 };
91using namespace AliPIDNameSpace;
93class AliTwoParticlePIDCorr : public AliAnalysisTaskSE {
94 public:
95 AliTwoParticlePIDCorr();
96 AliTwoParticlePIDCorr(const char *name);
97 virtual ~AliTwoParticlePIDCorr();
99 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
100 virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option);
101 virtual void doAODevent();
102 virtual void doMCAODevent();
103 virtual void Terminate(Option_t *);
2542e3ae 104 void SetSharedClusterCut(Double_t value) { fSharedClusterCut = value; }
ecc45872 105 void SetSharedTPCmapCut(Double_t value1) { fSharedTPCmapCut = value1; }
5bfa67ad 106 void SetSharedfraction_Pair_cut(Double_t value2) { fSharedfraction_Pair_cut = value2; }
ecc45872 107
ef349d3c 108
5bfa67ad 109 void SettwoTrackEfficiencyCutDataReco(Bool_t twoTrackEfficiencyCutDataReco,Float_t twoTrackEfficiencyCutValue1,Float_t TwoTrackCutMinRadius,Float_t TwoTrackCutMaxRadius)
2542e3ae 110 {
111 ftwoTrackEfficiencyCutDataReco=twoTrackEfficiencyCutDataReco;
112 twoTrackEfficiencyCutValue=twoTrackEfficiencyCutValue1;
5bfa67ad 113 fTwoTrackCutMinRadius=TwoTrackCutMinRadius;
114 fTwoTrackCutMaxRadius=TwoTrackCutMaxRadius;
2542e3ae 115 }
bb0bbd58 116 void SetVertextype(Int_t Vertextype){fVertextype=Vertextype;} //Check it every time
ef349d3c 117 void SetZvtxcut(Double_t zvtxcut) {fzvtxcut=zvtxcut;}
f2fc55fd 118 void SetCustomBinning(TString receivedCustomBinning) { fCustomBinning = receivedCustomBinning; }
bb0bbd58 119 void SetMaxNofMixingTracks(Int_t MaxNofMixingTracks) {fMaxNofMixingTracks=MaxNofMixingTracks;} //Check it every time
f2fc55fd 120 void SetCentralityEstimator(TString CentralityMethod) { fCentralityMethod = CentralityMethod;}
5bfa67ad 121 void SetPPVsMultUtils(Bool_t val) {fPPVsMultUtils = val;}
f2fc55fd 122 void SetSampleType(TString SampleType) {fSampleType=SampleType;}
919b40de 123 void SetRequestEventPlane(Bool_t RequestEventPlane,Bool_t V2,Bool_t V3,TString EPdetector,Bool_t IsAfter2011){
f2fc55fd 130 void SetAnalysisType(TString AnalysisType){fAnalysisType=AnalysisType;}
131 void SetFilterBit(Int_t FilterBit) {fFilterBit=FilterBit;}
e09e26cf 132 void SetTrackStatus(UInt_t status) { fTrackStatus = status; }
f2fc55fd 133 void SetfilltrigassoUNID(Bool_t filltrigassoUNID){ffilltrigassoUNID=filltrigassoUNID;}
134 void SetfilltrigUNIDassoID(Bool_t filltrigUNIDassoID){ffilltrigUNIDassoID=filltrigUNIDassoID;}
135 void SetfilltrigIDassoUNID(Bool_t filltrigIDassoUNID){ffilltrigIDassoUNID=filltrigIDassoUNID;}
136 void SetfilltrigIDassoID(Bool_t filltrigIDassoID){ ffilltrigIDassoID=filltrigIDassoID;}
137 void SetfilltrigIDassoIDMCTRUTH(Bool_t filltrigIDassoIDMCTRUTH){ffilltrigIDassoIDMCTRUTH=filltrigIDassoIDMCTRUTH;}
ef349d3c 138 void SetSelectHighestPtTrig(Bool_t SelectHighestPtTrig){fSelectHighestPtTrig=SelectHighestPtTrig;}
f2fc55fd 139 void SetTriggerSpeciesSelection(Bool_t TriggerSpeciesSelection,Int_t TriggerSpecies,Bool_t containPIDtrig){
140 fTriggerSpeciesSelection=TriggerSpeciesSelection;//if it is KTRUE then Set containPIDtrig=kFALSE
141 fTriggerSpecies=TriggerSpecies;
142 fcontainPIDtrig=containPIDtrig;
143 }
144 void SetAssociatedSpeciesSelection(Bool_t AssociatedSpeciesSelection,Int_t AssociatedSpecies, Bool_t containPIDasso)
145 {
146 fAssociatedSpeciesSelection=AssociatedSpeciesSelection;//if it is KTRUE then Set containPIDasso=kFALSE
147 fAssociatedSpecies=AssociatedSpecies;
148 fcontainPIDasso=containPIDasso;
149 }
83cdcf92 150
877e0fc2 151 void SettingChargeCounting(Int_t val) {SetChargeAxis=val;}
83cdcf92 153 void SetFIllPIDQAHistos(Bool_t FIllPIDQAHistos){fFIllPIDQAHistos=FIllPIDQAHistos;}
e09e26cf 154 void SetRejectPileUp(Bool_t rejectPileUp) {frejectPileUp=rejectPileUp;}
d8eb80a9 155 void SetCheckFirstEventInChunk(Bool_t CheckFirstEventInChunk) {fCheckFirstEventInChunk=CheckFirstEventInChunk;}
f2fc55fd 157 void SetKinematicCuts(Float_t minPt, Float_t maxPt,Float_t mineta,Float_t maxeta)
158 {
159 fminPt=minPt;
160 fmaxPt=maxPt;
161 fmineta=mineta;
162 fmaxeta=maxeta;
163 }
f2fc55fd 164 void SetDcaCut(Bool_t dcacut,Double_t dcacutvalue)
165 {
166 fdcacut=dcacut;
167 fdcacutvalue=dcacutvalue;
168 }
169 void SetfillHistQA(Bool_t fillhistQAReco,Bool_t fillhistQATruth)
170 {
171 ffillhistQAReco=fillhistQAReco;
172 ffillhistQATruth=fillhistQATruth;
173 }
0684fc6a 174 void SetPtordering(Bool_t PtOrderDataReco,Bool_t PtOrderMCTruth)
175 {
176 fPtOrderDataReco=PtOrderDataReco;
177 fPtOrderMCTruth=PtOrderMCTruth;
178 }
e09e26cf 179 void SetWeightPerEvent(Bool_t flag) { fWeightPerEvent = flag;}
180 void Setselectprimarydatareco(Bool_t onlyprimarydatareco) {fonlyprimarydatareco=onlyprimarydatareco;}
181 void SetselectprimaryTruth(Bool_t selectprimaryTruth) {fselectprimaryTruth=selectprimaryTruth;}
f2fc55fd 182 void SetCombinedNSigmaCut(Double_t NSigmaPID) {fNSigmaPID=NSigmaPID;}
2542e3ae 183 void SetHighPtKaonNSigmaPID(Float_t HighPtKaonSigma,Float_t HighPtKaonNSigmaPID)
184 {
185 fHighPtKaonSigma=HighPtKaonSigma;
186 fHighPtKaonNSigmaPID=HighPtKaonNSigmaPID;
187 }
f2fc55fd 188 void IgnoreoverlappedTracks(Bool_t UseExclusiveNSigma){fUseExclusiveNSigma=UseExclusiveNSigma;}
189 void SetRemoveTracksT0Fill( Bool_t RemoveTracksT0Fill){fRemoveTracksT0Fill=RemoveTracksT0Fill;}
190 void SetPairSelectCharge(Int_t SelectCharge){fSelectCharge=SelectCharge;}
191 void SetTrigAssoSelectcharge( Int_t TriggerSelectCharge,Int_t AssociatedSelectCharge)
192 {
193 fTriggerSelectCharge=TriggerSelectCharge;
194 fAssociatedSelectCharge=AssociatedSelectCharge;
195 }
196 void SetEtaOrdering(Bool_t EtaOrdering){fEtaOrdering=EtaOrdering;}
197 void SetCutConversionsResonances( Bool_t CutConversions,Bool_t CutResonances)
198 {
199 fCutConversions=CutConversions;
200 fCutResonances=CutResonances;
201 }
202 void SetCleanUp(Bool_t InjectedSignals,Bool_t RemoveWeakDecays,Bool_t RemoveDuplicates)
203 {
204 fInjectedSignals=InjectedSignals;
205 fRemoveWeakDecays=RemoveWeakDecays;
206 fRemoveDuplicates=RemoveDuplicates;
207 }
c2c6819a 208 void SetEfficiency(Bool_t fillefficiency,Bool_t applyTrigefficiency,Bool_t applyAssoefficiency)
f2fc55fd 209 {
210 ffillefficiency=fillefficiency;
211 fapplyTrigefficiency=applyTrigefficiency;
212 fapplyAssoefficiency=applyAssoefficiency;
f2fc55fd 214 }
215 void SetComboeffPtRange(Double_t minPtComboeff,Double_t maxPtComboeff) {
216 fminPtComboeff=minPtComboeff;
217 fmaxPtComboeff=maxPtComboeff;}
218 //only one can be kTRUE at a time(for the next two Setters)
219 void Setmesoneffrequired(Bool_t mesoneffrequired) {fmesoneffrequired=mesoneffrequired;}
220 void Setkaonprotoneffrequired(Bool_t kaonprotoneffrequired){fkaonprotoneffrequired=kaonprotoneffrequired;}
f2fc55fd 221 void SetOnlyOneEtaSide(Int_t OnlyOneEtaSide){fOnlyOneEtaSide=OnlyOneEtaSide;}
222 void SetRejectResonanceDaughters(Int_t RejectResonanceDaughters){fRejectResonanceDaughters=RejectResonanceDaughters;}
224void SetTOFPIDVal(Bool_t RequestTOFPID,Float_t PtTOFPIDmin,Float_t PtTOFPIDmax)
225 {
59bf0a70 230
970080e0 231 void SetEffcorectionfilePathName(TString efffilename) {fefffilename=efffilename;}
919b40de 233
8fbae00a 234 //PID Type
235 void SetPIDType(PIDType PIDmethod) { fPIDType = PIDmethod; }
236 PIDType GetPIDType() {return fPIDType; }
237 //NSigma cut
919b40de 238 //set cut on beyesian probability
239 void SetBayesCut(Double_t cut){fBayesCut=cut;}
240 void SetdiffPIDcutvalues(Bool_t diffPIDcutvalues,Double_t PIDCutval1, Double_t PIDCutval2, Double_t PIDCutval3,Double_t PIDCutval4){
241 fdiffPIDcutvalues=diffPIDcutvalues;
242 fPIDCutval1=PIDCutval1;
243 fPIDCutval2=PIDCutval2;
244 fPIDCutval3=PIDCutval3;
245 fPIDCutval4=PIDCutval4;
246 }
247 void SetRandomizeReactionPlane(Bool_t RandomizeReactionPlane){fRandomizeReactionPlane=RandomizeReactionPlane;}
249 //****************************************************************************************EP related part
250 void OpenInfoCalbration(Int_t run);
251 void SetTPCclusterN(Int_t ncl){fNcluster=ncl;};
252 //****************************************************************************************EP related part
255 private:
59bf0a70 256 //histograms
257 TList *fOutput; //! Output list
83cdcf92 258 TList *fOutputList; //! Output list
919b40de 259 TList *fList; //! List for output objects
83cdcf92 261
f2fc55fd 262 TString fCentralityMethod; // Method to determine centrality
5bfa67ad 263 Bool_t fPPVsMultUtils;//switch to ON quantile information for pp 7 TeV case
f2fc55fd 264 TString fSampleType; // pp,p-Pb,Pb-Pb
d8eb80a9 265 Bool_t fRequestEventPlane; //only for PbPb
f2fc55fd 266 Int_t fnTracksVertex; // QA tracks pointing to principal vertex
91a5dc10 267 AliAODVertex* trkVtx;//!
f2fc55fd 268 Float_t zvtx;
269 Int_t fFilterBit; // track selection cuts
e09e26cf 270 UInt_t fTrackStatus; // if non-0, the bits set in this variable are required for each track
ecc45872 271 Double_t fSharedClusterCut; // cut on shared clusters (only for AOD, give the actual cut value)
5bfa67ad 272 Double_t fSharedTPCmapCut;//cut on TPC shared map(set any non negative value to implement this cut automatically, no meaning of the value itself)
273 Double_t fSharedfraction_Pair_cut;//cut on pairs at the correlation level to check whether the correlating pair has large shared clusters(set fraction percentage to be set as cut off)
ef349d3c 274 Int_t fVertextype;
d8eb80a9 275 Int_t skipParticlesAbove;
f2fc55fd 276 Double_t fzvtxcut;
277 Bool_t ffilltrigassoUNID;
278 Bool_t ffilltrigUNIDassoID;
279 Bool_t ffilltrigIDassoUNID;
280 Bool_t ffilltrigIDassoID;
281 Bool_t ffilltrigIDassoIDMCTRUTH;
ef349d3c 282 Int_t fMaxNofMixingTracks;
f2fc55fd 283 Bool_t fPtOrderMCTruth;
0684fc6a 284 Bool_t fPtOrderDataReco;
e09e26cf 285 Bool_t fWeightPerEvent;
f2fc55fd 286 Bool_t fTriggerSpeciesSelection;
287 Bool_t fAssociatedSpeciesSelection;
d8eb80a9 288 Bool_t fRandomizeReactionPlane;
f2fc55fd 289 Int_t fTriggerSpecies;
290 Int_t fAssociatedSpecies;
291 TString fCustomBinning;//for setting customized binning
292 TString fBinningString;//final binning string
ef349d3c 293 Bool_t fSelectHighestPtTrig;
294 Bool_t fcontainPIDtrig;
295 Bool_t fcontainPIDasso;
877e0fc2 296 Int_t SetChargeAxis;
e09e26cf 297 Bool_t frejectPileUp;
d8eb80a9 298 Bool_t fCheckFirstEventInChunk;
f2fc55fd 299 Float_t fminPt;
300 Float_t fmaxPt;
301 Float_t fmineta;
302 Float_t fmaxeta;
f2fc55fd 303 Bool_t fselectprimaryTruth;
c2c6819a 304 Bool_t fonlyprimarydatareco;
f2fc55fd 305 Bool_t fdcacut;
306 Double_t fdcacutvalue;
307 Bool_t ffillhistQAReco;
308 Bool_t ffillhistQATruth;
f2fc55fd 309 Int_t kTrackVariablesPair ;
310 Double_t fminPtTrig;
311 Double_t fmaxPtTrig;
312 Double_t fminPtComboeff;
313 Double_t fmaxPtComboeff;
f2fc55fd 314 Double_t fminPtAsso;
315 Double_t fmaxPtAsso;
d8eb80a9 316 Double_t fmincentmult;
317 Double_t fmaxcentmult;
ecc45872 318 TH1F *fPriHistShare;//!
59bf0a70 319 TH1F *fhistcentrality;//!
320 TH1F *fEventCounter; //!
321 TH2F *fEtaSpectrasso;//!
322 TH2F *fphiSpectraasso;//!
f2fc55fd 323 TH1F *MCtruthpt;//!
324 TH1F *MCtrutheta;//!
325 TH1F *MCtruthphi;//!
326 TH1F *MCtruthpionpt;//!
327 TH1F *MCtruthpioneta;//!
328 TH1F *MCtruthpionphi;//!
329 TH1F *MCtruthkaonpt;//!
330 TH1F *MCtruthkaoneta;//!
331 TH1F *MCtruthkaonphi;//!
332 TH1F *MCtruthprotonpt;//!
333 TH1F *MCtruthprotoneta;//!
334 TH1F *MCtruthprotonphi;//!
335 TH2F *fPioncont;//!
336 TH2F *fKaoncont;//!
337 TH2F *fProtoncont;//!
644edbed 338 TH2F *fUNIDcont;//!
83cdcf92 339 TH2F *fEventno;//!
340 TH2F *fEventnobaryon;//!
341 TH2F *fEventnomeson;//!
0684fc6a 342 TH2F *fhistJetTrigestimate;//!
8fbae00a 343 TH3F* fTwoTrackDistancePtdip;//!
344 TH3F* fTwoTrackDistancePtdipmix;//!
345 TH3F* fTwoTrackDistancePt[2]; //! control histograms for two-track efficiency study: dphi*_min vs deta (0 = before cut, 1 = after cut)
346 TH3F* fTwoTrackDistancePtmix[2]; //! control histograms for two-track efficiency study: dphi*_min vs deta (0 = before cut, 1 = after cut)
f2fc55fd 347
d8eb80a9 348 TH2D* fCentralityCorrelation; //! centrality vs Tracks multiplicity
349 //VZERO calibration
350 TH1F *fHistVZEROAGainEqualizationMap;//VZERO calibration map
351 TH1F *fHistVZEROCGainEqualizationMap;//VZERO calibration map
352 TH2F *fHistVZEROChannelGainEqualizationMap; //VZERO calibration map
353 TH1* fCentralityWeights; // for centrality flattening
355 TH2F *fHistCentStats; //!centrality stats
356 TH2F *fHistRefmult;//!
357 TH2F *fHistEQVZEROvsTPCmultiplicity;//!
358 TH2F *fHistEQVZEROAvsTPCmultiplicity;//!
359 TH2F *fHistEQVZEROCvsTPCmultiplicity;//!
360 TH2F *fHistVZEROCvsEQVZEROCmultiplicity;//!
361 TH2F *fHistVZEROAvsEQVZEROAmultiplicity;//!
362 TH2F *fHistVZEROCvsVZEROAmultiplicity;//!
363 TH2F *fHistEQVZEROCvsEQVZEROAmultiplicity;//!
364 TH2F *fHistVZEROSignal;//!
d8eb80a9 365 TH2F *fHistEventPlaneTruth;//!
366 TH2D *fHistPsiMinusPhi;//! psi - phi QA histogram
919b40de 367 TH3F *fEventPlanePID;//!
368 //****************************************************************************************EP related part
370 Float_t evplaneMC,fgPsi2v0a,fgPsi2v0c,fgPsi2tpc; // current Psi2
371 Float_t fgPsi3v0a,fgPsi3v0c,fgPsi3tpc; // current Psi3
372 Float_t fgPsi2v0aMC,fgPsi2v0cMC,fgPsi2tpcMC; // current Psi2
373 Float_t fgPsi3v0aMC,fgPsi3v0cMC,fgPsi3tpcMC,gReactionPlane; // current Psi3
374 Bool_t fV2; // switch to set the harmonics
375 Bool_t fV3; // switch to set the harmonics
376 Bool_t fIsAfter2011; // switch for 2011 and later runs
378 // Int_t nCentrBin = 9; // cenrality bins
380 //
381 // Cuts and options
382 //
384 Int_t fRun; // current run checked to load VZERO calibrations
386 Int_t fNcluster; // Numer of TPC cluster required
388 TString fEPdet; //Set the name of the event plane to be used to reconstruct the event plane
390 // Output objects
391 TProfile *fMultV0; //! object containing VZERO calibration information
392 Float_t fV0Cpol; //! loaded by OADB
393 Float_t fV0Apol; //! loaded by OADB
394 Float_t fMeanQ[9][2][2]; // and recentering
395 Float_t fWidthQ[9][2][2]; // ...
396 Float_t fMeanQv3[9][2][2]; // also for v3
397 Float_t fWidthQv3[9][2][2]; // ...
399 TProfile *fHResTPCv0A2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output)
400 TProfile *fHResTPCv0C2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output)
401 TProfile *fHResv0Cv0A2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output)
402 TProfile *fHResTPCv0A3; //! also for v3
403 TProfile *fHResTPCv0C3; //! also for v3
404 TProfile *fHResv0Cv0A3; //! also for v3
406 TProfile *fHResMA2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output)
407 TProfile *fHResMC2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output)
408 TProfile *fHResAC2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output)
409 TProfile *fHResMA3; //! also for v3
410 TProfile *fHResMC3; //! also for v3
411 TProfile *fHResAC3; //! also for v3
413 TH2F *fPhiRPTPC; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v2)
414 TH2F *fPhiRPTPCv3; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v2)
415 TH2F *fPhiRPv0A; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v2)
416 TH2F *fPhiRPv0C; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v2)
417 TH2F *fPhiRPv0Av3; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v3)
418 TH2F *fPhiRPv0Cv3; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v3)
419 //****************************************************************************************EP related part
d8eb80a9 420
2542e3ae 421 TH2F* fControlConvResoncances; //! control histograms for cuts on conversions and resonances
59bf0a70 422
423 TH2F *fHistoTPCdEdx;//!
424 TH2F *fHistoTOFbeta;//!
425 TH3F *fTPCTOFPion3d;//!
426 TH3F *fTPCTOFKaon3d;//!
427 TH3F *fTPCTOFProton3d;//!
428 TH1F *fPionPt;//!
429 TH1F *fPionEta;//!
430 TH1F *fPionPhi;//!
431 TH1F *fKaonPt;//!
432 TH1F *fKaonEta;//!
433 TH1F *fKaonPhi;//!
434 TH1F *fProtonPt;//!
435 TH1F *fProtonEta;//!
436 TH1F *fProtonPhi;//!
59bf0a70 437 // TH3F *fHistocentNSigmaTPC;//! nsigma TPC
438 // TH3F *fHistocentNSigmaTOF;//! nsigma TOF
919b40de 439
83cdcf92 440 AliTHn *fCorrelatonTruthPrimary;//!
441 AliTHn *fCorrelatonTruthPrimarymix;//!
442 AliTHn *fTHnCorrUNID;//!
443 AliTHn *fTHnCorrUNIDmix;//!
444 AliTHn *fTHnCorrID;//!
445 AliTHn *fTHnCorrIDmix;//!
446 AliTHn *fTHnCorrIDUNID;//!
447 AliTHn *fTHnCorrIDUNIDmix;//!
448 AliTHn *fTHnTrigcount;//!
449 AliTHn *fTHnTrigcountMCTruthPrim;//!
e09e26cf 450 AliTHn* fTrackHistEfficiency[6]; //! container for tracking efficiency and contamination (all particles filled including leading one): axes: eta, pT, particle species:::::::::0 pion, 1 kaon,2 proton,3 mesons,4 kaons+protons,5 all
59bf0a70 452
919b40de 453 TH1F *fHistQA[16]; //!
f2fc55fd 454
e09e26cf 455
91a5dc10 456 THnSparse *effcorection[6];//!
f2fc55fd 457 // THnF *effmap[6];
59bf0a70 458
d8eb80a9 459 Int_t ClassifyTrack(AliAODTrack* track,AliAODVertex* vertex,Float_t magfield,Bool_t fill);
f2fc55fd 460 Double_t* GetBinning(const char* configuration, const char* tag, Int_t& nBins);
59bf0a70 461
59bf0a70 462
919b40de 463 void Fillcorrelation(Float_t ReactionPlane,TObjArray *trackstrig,TObjArray *tracksasso,Double_t cent,Float_t vtx,Float_t weight,Bool_t firstTime,Float_t bSign,Bool_t fPtOrder,Bool_t twoTrackEfficiencyCut,Bool_t mixcase,TString fillup);//mixcase=kTRUE in case of mixing;
5bfa67ad 464 Bool_t CalculateSharedFraction(const TBits *triggerPadMap,const TBits *assocPadMap,const TBits *triggerShareMap,const TBits *assocShareMap);
c2c6819a 465 Float_t GetTrackbyTrackeffvalue(AliAODTrack* track,Double_t cent,Float_t evzvtx, Int_t parpid);
59bf0a70 466
919b40de 467 //Fill PID and Event planes
468 void FillPIDEventPlane(Double_t centrality,Int_t par,Float_t trigphi,Float_t fReactionPlane);
59bf0a70 470//Mixing functions
919b40de 471 // void DefineEventPool();
59bf0a70 472 AliEventPoolManager *fPoolMgr;//!
473 TClonesArray *fArrayMC;//!
474 TString fAnalysisType; // "MC", "ESD", "AOD"
475 TString fefffilename;
59bf0a70 476 //PID part histograms
478 //PID functions
479 Bool_t HasTPCPID(AliAODTrack *track) const; // has TPC PID
480 Bool_t HasTOFPID(AliAODTrack *track) const; // has TOF PID
bb0bbd58 481 Double_t GetBeta(AliAODTrack *track);
83cdcf92 482 void CalculateNSigmas(AliAODTrack *track, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);
483 Int_t FindMinNSigma(AliAODTrack *track, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);
484 Bool_t* GetDoubleCounting(AliAODTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);
485 Int_t GetParticle(AliAODTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);
487 TH2F* GetHistogram2D(const char * name);//return histogram "name" from fOutputList
5bfa67ad 489 Bool_t ftwoTrackEfficiencyCutDataReco;
490 Float_t fTwoTrackCutMinRadius;
491 Float_t fTwoTrackCutMaxRadius;
59bf0a70 492 Float_t twoTrackEfficiencyCutValue;
493 //Pid objects
494 AliPIDResponse *fPID; //! PID
d8eb80a9 495 AliPIDCombined *fPIDCombined; //! PIDCombined
497 //set PID Combined
498 void SetPIDCombined(AliPIDCombined *obj){fPIDCombined=obj;}
499 AliPIDCombined *GetPIDCombined(){return fPIDCombined;}
919b40de 500
d8eb80a9 501 Double_t GetBayesCut(){return fBayesCut;}
502 Int_t GetIDBayes(AliAODTrack *trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//calculate the PID according to bayesian PID
503 UInt_t CalcPIDCombined(AliAODTrack *track,Int_t detMask, Double_t* prob) const;
504 Bool_t* GetAllCompatibleIdentitiesNSigma(AliAODTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//All the identities are true
59bf0a70 507 Int_t eventno;
f2fc55fd 508 Float_t fPtTOFPIDmin; //lower pt bound for the TOCTOF combined circular pid
509 Float_t fPtTOFPIDmax; //uper pt bound for the TOCTOF combined circular pid
59bf0a70 510 Bool_t fRequestTOFPID;//if true returns kSpUndefined if the TOF signal is missing
511 PIDType fPIDType; // PID type Double_t fNSigmaPID; // number of sigma for PID cut
83cdcf92 512 Bool_t fFIllPIDQAHistos; //Switch for filling the nSigma histos
59bf0a70 513 Double_t fNSigmaPID; // number of sigma for PID cut
d8eb80a9 514 Double_t fBayesCut; // Cut on Bayesian probability
515 Bool_t fdiffPIDcutvalues;
516 Double_t fPIDCutval1;
517 Double_t fPIDCutval2;
518 Double_t fPIDCutval3;
519 Double_t fPIDCutval4;
2542e3ae 521 Float_t fHighPtKaonNSigmaPID;// number of sigma for PID cut for Kaons above fHighPtKaonSigma(-1 default, no cut applied)
522 Float_t fHighPtKaonSigma;//lower pt bound for the fHighPtKaonNSigmaPID to be set >0(i.e. to make it applicable)
59bf0a70 523 Bool_t fUseExclusiveNSigma;//if true returns the identity only if no double counting(i.e not in the overlap area)
524 Bool_t fRemoveTracksT0Fill;//if true remove tracks for which only StartTime from To-Fill is available (worst resolution)
525 Int_t fSelectCharge; // (un)like sign selection when building correlations: 0: no selection; 1: unlike sign; 2: like sign
526 Int_t fTriggerSelectCharge; // select charge of trigger particle: 1: positive; -1 negative
527 Int_t fAssociatedSelectCharge; // select charge of associated particle: 1: positive; -1 negative
528 Float_t fTriggerRestrictEta; // restrict eta range for trigger particle (default: -1 [off])
529 Bool_t fEtaOrdering; // eta ordering, see AliUEHistograms.h for documentation
530 Bool_t fCutConversions; // cut on conversions (inv mass)
531 Bool_t fCutResonances; // cut on resonances (inv mass)
532 Int_t fRejectResonanceDaughters; // reject all daughters of all resonance candidates (1: test method (cut at m_inv=0.9); 2: k0; 3: lambda)
f2fc55fd 533 Int_t fOnlyOneEtaSide; // decides that only trigger particle from one eta side are considered (0 = all; -1 = negative, 1 = positive)
534 Bool_t fInjectedSignals; // check header to skip injected signals in MC
59bf0a70 535 Bool_t fRemoveWeakDecays; // remove secondaries from weak decays from tracks and particles
536 Bool_t fRemoveDuplicates;// remove particles with the same label (double reconstruction)
537 Bool_t fapplyTrigefficiency;//if kTRUE then eff correction calculation starts
538 Bool_t fapplyAssoefficiency;//if kTRUE then eff correction calculation starts
0684fc6a 539 Bool_t ffillefficiency; //if kTRUE then THNsparses used for eff. calculation are filled up
540 Bool_t fmesoneffrequired;
541 Bool_t fkaonprotoneffrequired;
e09e26cf 542 AliAnalysisUtils* fAnalysisUtils; // points to class with common analysis utilities
59bf0a70 543 TFormula* fDCAXYCut; // additional pt dependent cut on DCA XY (only for AOD)
546 Float_t fnsigmas[NSpecies][NSigmaPIDType+1]; //nsigma values
547 Bool_t fHasDoubleCounting[NSpecies];//array with compatible identities
549 //Int_t fPIDMethod; // PID method
551 //functions
e09e26cf 552 Bool_t CheckTrack(AliAODTrack * part);
59bf0a70 553 Float_t PhiRange(Float_t DPhi);
554 Float_t GetInvMassSquared(Float_t pt1, Float_t eta1, Float_t phi1, Float_t pt2, Float_t eta2, Float_t phi2, Float_t m0_1, Float_t m0_2);
555Float_t GetInvMassSquaredCheap(Float_t pt1, Float_t eta1, Float_t phi1, Float_t pt2, Float_t eta2, Float_t phi2, Float_t m0_1, Float_t m0_2);
556 Float_t GetDPhiStar(Float_t phi1, Float_t pt1, Float_t charge1, Float_t phi2, Float_t pt2, Float_t charge2, Float_t radius, Float_t bSign);
f2fc55fd 557 TObjArray* CloneAndReduceTrackList(TObjArray* tracks);
d8eb80a9 558
560 void ShiftTracks(TObjArray* tracks, Double_t angle);
561 Bool_t AcceptEventCentralityWeight(Double_t centrality);
563 //get event plane
919b40de 564 Float_t GetEventPlane(AliAODEvent *event,Bool_t truth,Double_t v0Centr);
d8eb80a9 565 Double_t GetAcceptedEventMultiplicity(AliAODEvent *aod,Bool_t truth);//returns centrality after event(mainly vertex) selection IsEventAccepted GetAcceptedEventMultiplicity
567 //get vzero equalization
568 Double_t GetEqualizationFactor(Int_t run, const char* side);
569 Double_t GetChannelEqualizationFactor(Int_t run,Int_t channel);
570 void SetVZEROCalibrationFile(const char* filename,const char* lhcPeriod);
571 void SetCentralityWeights(TH1* hist) { fCentralityWeights = hist; }
573 Double_t GetRefMultiOrCentrality(AliAODEvent *event, Bool_t truth);
574 Double_t GetReferenceMultiplicityVZEROFromAOD(AliAODEvent *event);//mainly important for pp 7 TeV
59bf0a70 579
580 AliTwoParticlePIDCorr(const AliTwoParticlePIDCorr&); // not implemented
581 AliTwoParticlePIDCorr& operator=(const AliTwoParticlePIDCorr&); // not implemented
583 ClassDef(AliTwoParticlePIDCorr, 1); // example of analysis
585class LRCParticlePID : public TObject {
5bfa67ad 587 LRCParticlePID(Int_t par,Short_t icharge,Float_t pt,Float_t eta, Float_t phi,Float_t effcorrectionval,const TBits *clustermap,const TBits *sharemap)
588 :fparticle(par),fcharge(icharge),fPt(pt), fEta(eta), fPhi(phi),feffcorrectionval(effcorrectionval),fTPCClusterMap(clustermap),fTPCHitShareMap(sharemap) {}
59bf0a70 589 virtual ~LRCParticlePID() {}
592 virtual Float_t Eta() const { return fEta; }
593 virtual Float_t Phi() const { return fPhi; }
59bf0a70 594 virtual Float_t Pt() const { return fPt; }
595 Int_t getparticle() const {return fparticle;}
596 virtual Short_t Charge() const { return fcharge; }
597 Float_t geteffcorrectionval() const {return feffcorrectionval;}
598 virtual Bool_t IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const { return (obj->GetUniqueID() == GetUniqueID()); }
d8eb80a9 599 virtual void SetPhi(Double_t phiv) { fPhi = phiv; }
5bfa67ad 600 virtual const TBits * GetTPCPadMap() {return fTPCClusterMap; }
601 virtual const TBits * GetTPCSharedMap() {return fTPCHitShareMap; }
59bf0a70 602
604 LRCParticlePID(const LRCParticlePID&); // not implemented
605 LRCParticlePID& operator=(const LRCParticlePID&); // not implemented
f2fc55fd 606
59bf0a70 607 Int_t fparticle;
608 Short_t fcharge;
609 Float_t fPt;
610 Float_t fEta;
611 Float_t fPhi;
59bf0a70 612 Float_t feffcorrectionval;
5bfa67ad 613 const TBits *fTPCClusterMap;
614 const TBits *fTPCHitShareMap;
59bf0a70 615 ClassDef(LRCParticlePID, 1);
616} ;
5bfa67ad 620//(fSampleType=="pp_2_76" || fCentralityMethod.EndsWith("_MANUAL"))
621//(fSampleType=="pp_2_76" || fCentralityMethod.EndsWith("_MANUAL") || (fSampleType=="pp_7" && fPPVsMultUtils==kFALSE))