]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGCF/FLOW/Documentation/examples/manual/ttree/macros/readTTree.C
.so cleanup: more less-obvious cleanup
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGCF / FLOW / Documentation / examples / manual / ttree / macros / readTTree.C
0cb187ff 1void readTTree()
4 // example macro to read data from a ttree and perform a flow analysis using the flow pacakge
5 // author: Redmer Alexander Bertens (rbertens@cern.ch)
4bc96904 6 // note: this macro can run in ROOT only provided libPWGflowBase is available
0cb187ff 7
8 // compile the relevant classes
9 // include paths, necessary for compilation
10 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-Wno-deprecated");
dc64e91a 11 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT -I$ALICE_ROOT/include");
0cb187ff 12
13 // load libraries
4070f709 14 gSystem->Load("libCore");
15 gSystem->Load("libGeom");
16 gSystem->Load("libVMC");
17 gSystem->Load("libPhysics");
18 gSystem->Load("libTree");
19 gSystem->Load("libPWGflowBase");
0cb187ff 20
21 // comile the encapsulated classes
22 gROOT->LoadMacro("../objects/AliFlowTTreeEvent.cxx+");
23 gROOT->LoadMacro("../objects/AliFlowTTreeTrack.cxx+");
24 gROOT->LoadMacro("../objects/AliFlowEventSimpleFromTTree.cxx+");
0f675049 26 TChain* myChain = new TChain("tree");
27 myChain->Add("/home/rbertens/Documents/CERN/ALICE_DATA/filtered/000167988.root");
28 myChain->Add("/home/rbertens/Documents/CERN/ALICE_DATA/filtered/000168066.root");
0cb187ff 29
30 // create pointers for the branches
31 AliFlowTTreeEvent* event = 0x0;
0f675049 32 myChain->SetBranchAddress("event", &event);
0cb187ff 33 TClonesArray* tracks = 0x0;
0f675049 34 myChain->SetBranchAddress("track", &tracks);
0cb187ff 35 // and an example track
36 AliFlowTTreeTrack* firstTrack = 0x0;
38 // connection to the flow package
39 AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants* qc = new AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants();
40 qc->Init();
41 AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* cutsPOI = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts();
42 cutsPOI->SetPtMin(0.2);
43 cutsPOI->SetPtMin(2.);
44 AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* cutsRP = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts();
0f675049 46 // set how many events you want to analyze
47 Int_t maxEvents = 10000;
0cb187ff 48 // event loop
0f675049 49 printf(" > %i events in chain, processing %i of them < \n", myChain->GetEntries(), maxEvents);
50 for(Int_t i = 0; i < myChain->GetEntries(); i++) {
0cb187ff 51 cout << " > Parsing event " << i << "\r"; cout.flush();
0f675049 52 myChain->GetEntry(i);
0cb187ff 53 // pass info to flow package
54 AliFlowEventSimple* flowevent = new AliFlowEventSimpleFromTTree(event, tracks, cutsPOI, cutsRP);
55 qc->Make(flowevent);
56 delete flowevent;
57 maxEvents--;
58 if(maxEvents < 1) break;
59 }
0cb187ff 61 // wrap up analysis
62 qc->Finish();
64 // open a new file which will hold the final results of all methods:
65 TString outputFileName = "qc_results.root";
66 TFile *outputFile = new TFile(outputFileName.Data(),"RECREATE");
67 const Int_t nMethods = 1;
68 TString method[nMethods] = {"QC"};
69 TDirectoryFile *dirFileFinal[nMethods] = {NULL};
70 TString fileName[nMethods];
71 for(Int_t i=0; i<nMethods; i++)
72 {
73 // form a file name for each method:
74 fileName[i]+="output";
75 fileName[i]+=method[i].Data();
76 fileName[i]+="analysis";
77 dirFileFinal[i] = new TDirectoryFile(fileName[i].Data(),fileName[i].Data());
78 }
80 // store the final results
81 qc->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[0]);
82 outputFile->Close();