]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/trains/MakeFMDMCTrackTrain.C
Write some scripts
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / trains / MakeFMDMCTrackTrain.C
7a3e34f4 1/**
2 * @file MakeFMDMCTrackTrain.C
3 * @author Christian Holm Christensen <cholm@nbi.dk>
4 * @date Fri Jun 1 13:54:47 2012
5 *
6 * @brief
7 *
8 * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains_specific
9 */
10#include "TrainSetup.C"
11// #include "ParUtilities.C"
15 * Analysis train to make Forward and Central MC corrections
16 *
17 *
18 * @ingroup pwglf_forward_mc
19 * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains_specific
20 */
21class MakeFMDMCTrackTrain : public TrainSetup
24 /**
25 * Constructor. Date and time must be specified when running this
26 * in Termiante mode on Grid
27 *
28 * @param name Name of train (free form)
29 */
30 MakeFMDMCTrackTrain(const char* name)
31 : TrainSetup(name)
32 {
33 fOptions.Add("use-tuple", "Whether to make an NTuple of hits");
34 fOptions.Add("max-strips", "NUMBER", "Max strips/cluster", 2);
35 fOptions.Set("type", "ESD");
36 }
38 /**
39 * Create the tasks
40 *
41 * @param mgr Analysis manager
42 */
43 void CreateTasks(AliAnalysisManager* mgr)
44 {
45 // --- Output file name ------------------------------------------
46 AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("forward_mctracks.root");
49 // --- Load libraries/pars ---------------------------------------
78ac7e09 50 fRailway->LoadLibrary("PWGLFforward2");
51 // fRailway->LoadLibrary("Proof");
52 // fRailway->LoadLibrary("Gui"); // Sigh! CDB depends on GUI!
53 // fRailway->LoadLibrary("CDB");
54 // fRailway->LoadLibrary("RAWDatabase");
55 // fRailway->LoadLibrary("STEER");
56 // fRailway->LoadLibrary("FMDbase");
57 // fRailway->LoadLibrary("FMDsim");
58 // fRailway->LoadLibrary("PWGLFforwardhit");
7a3e34f4 59
60 // --- Set load path ---------------------------------------------
61 gROOT->SetMacroPath(Form("%s:$(ALICE_ROOT)/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2",
62 gROOT->GetMacroPath()));
64 // --- Check if this is MC ---------------------------------------
65 if (!mgr->GetMCtruthEventHandler())
66 Fatal("CreateTasks", "No MC truth handler");
68 Bool_t useTuple = fOptions.AsBool("use-tuple");
69 UShort_t maxStrips = fOptions.AsInt("max-strips");
70 Int_t verbose = fOptions.AsInt("verbose");
72 TString args = TString::Format("%d,%d,%d",
73 useTuple,
74 maxStrips,
75 verbose);
78ac7e09 76 if (!CoupleCar("AddTaskFMDMCTracks.C", args))
7a3e34f4 77 Fatal("CreateTasks", "Couldn't add our task");
78 }
79 //__________________________________________________________________
80 /**
81 * Create physics selection , and add to manager
82 *
83 * @param mc Whether this is for MC
84 * @param mgr Manager
85 */
86 void CreatePhysicsSelection(Bool_t mc,
87 AliAnalysisManager* mgr)
88 {
89 TrainSetup::CreatePhysicsSelection(mc, mgr);
91 // --- Get input event handler -----------------------------------
92 AliInputEventHandler* ih =
93 dynamic_cast<AliInputEventHandler*>(mgr->GetInputEventHandler());
94 if (!ih)
95 Fatal("CreatePhysicsSelection", "Couldn't get input handler (%p)", ih);
97 // --- Get Physics selection -------------------------------------
98 AliPhysicsSelection* ps =
99 dynamic_cast<AliPhysicsSelection*>(ih->GetEventSelection());
100 if (!ps)
101 Fatal("CreatePhysicsSelection", "Couldn't get PhysicsSelection (%p)", ps);
103 // --- Ignore trigger class when selecting events. This means ---
104 // --- that we get offline+(A,C,E) events too --------------------
105 // ps->SetSkipTriggerClassSelection(true);
106 }
107 //__________________________________________________________________
108 /**
109 * @return 0 - AOD disabled
110 */
111 virtual AliVEventHandler* CreateOutputHandler(UShort_t) { return 0; }
112 /**
113 * Do not the centrality selection
114 */
78ac7e09 115 // void CreateCentralitySelection(Bool_t) {}
7a3e34f4 116 //__________________________________________________________________
117 const char* ClassName() const { return "MakeFMDMCTrackTrain"; }
119 /**
120 * Overloaded to create new dNdeta.C and dndeta.sh in the output
121 * directory
122 *
123 * @param asShellScript
124 */
125 void SaveSetup(Bool_t asShellScript)
126 {
127 TrainSetup::SaveSetup(asShellScript);
128 SaveSummarize();
2681f575 129 SaveAnalyseNTuple();
130 SaveReFit();
9c6eaffb 132
133 if (!fRailway || fRailway->Mode() != Railway::kGrid) return;
135 SaveDownloadTrees();
7a3e34f4 137 }
138 /**
139 * Write a ROOT script to draw summary
140 *
141 */
142 void SaveSummarize()
143 {
144 std::ofstream f("Summarize.C");
145 if (!f) {
146 Error("SaveSummarize", "Failed to open Summarize.C script");
147 return;
148 }
149 f << "// Generated by " << ClassName() << "\n"
150 << "// WHAT is a bit mask of\n"
151 << "// 0x001 Event inspector\n"
152 << "// 0x002 Track inspector\n"
153 << "// 0x004 Energy loss fits\n"
154 << "// 0x100 Landscape\n"
155 << "// 0x200 Pause\n"
156 << "//\n"
157 << "void Summarize(const char* filename=\"forward_mctracks.root\",\n"
158 << " UShort_t what=0x10F)\n"
159 << "{\n"
160 << " const char* fwd=\"$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2\";\n"
9c6eaffb 161 << " gROOT->LoadMacro(Form(\"%s/scripts/SummaryMCTrackDrawer.C+g\",fwd));\n"
162 << " SummaryMCTrackDrawer smd;\n"
7a3e34f4 163 << " smd.Run(filename,what);\n"
164 << "}\n"
165 << "// EOF" << std::endl;
166 f.close();
167 }
9c6eaffb 168 /**
169 * Make a ROOT Script to download the generated AODs
170 *
171 */
172 void SaveDownloadTrees()
173 {
174 std::ofstream f("DownloadTrees.C");
175 if (!f) {
176 Error("SaveDownloadTrees", "Failed to open DownloadTrees.C");
177 return;
178 }
179 f << "// Generated by " << ClassName() << "\n"
180 << "void DownloadTrees(Bool_t force=false)\n"
181 << "{\n"
182 << " if (!TGrid::Connect(\"alien://\")) {\n"
183 << " Error(\"DownloadTrees\",\"Failed to connect to AliEn\");\n"
184 << " return;\n"
185 << " }\n\n"
186 << " TString dir(\"" << fRailway->OutputPath() << "\");\n"
187 << " TString pat(\"*/forward_tuple.root\");\n"
188 << " TGridResult* r = gGrid->Query(dir,pat);\n"
189 << " if (!r) {\n"
190 << " Error(\"DownloadTrees\",\"No result from query\");\n"
191 << " return;\n"
192 << " }\n\n"
193 << " Int_t n = r->GetEntries();\n"
194 << " Printf(\"=== Got a total of %d AOD files\",n);\n"
195 << " for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n"
196 << " TString path(r->GetKey(i, \"turl\"));\n"
197 << " TString dir(gSystem->DirName(path));\n"
198 << " TString sub(gSystem->BaseName(dir));\n"
199 << " TString subsub(gSystem->BaseName(gSystem->DirName(dir)));\n"
200 << " TString out = TString::Format(\"forward_tree_%s_%s.root\",\n"
201 << " subsub.Data(),sub.Data());\n"
202 << " if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(out.Data()) && !force) {\n"
203 << " Printf(\"=== Already have %s\",out.Data());\n"
204 << " continue;\n"
205 << " }\n"
206 << " Printf(\"=== Getting %s %s (%3d/%3d)\",\n"
207 << " subsub.Data(),sub.Data(),i,n);\n"
208 << " if (!TFile::Cp(path, out)) {\n"
209 << " Warning(\"DownloadTrees\",\"Failed to copy %s -> %s\",\n"
210 << " path.Data(), out.Data());\n"
211 << " continue;\n"
212 << " }\n"
213 << " }\n"
214 << "}\n"
215 << "// EOF\n"
216 << std::endl;
217 f.close();
218 }
2681f575 219 /**
220 * Make a ROOT Script to download the generated AODs
221 *
222 */
223 void SaveAnalyseNTuple()
224 {
225 std::ofstream f("AnalyseNTuple.C");
226 if (!f) {
227 Error("SaveAnalyseNTuple", "Failed to open AnalyseNTuple.C");
228 return;
229 }
230 f << "// Generated by " << ClassName() << "\n"
231 << "// Process with bare ROOT in ProofLite\n"
232 << "void AnalyseNTuple(Bool_t proof=true,\n"
233 << " Long64_t max=-1,\n"
234 << " const char* opt=\"\")\n"
235 << "{\n"
236 << " const char* fwd=\"$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2\";\n"
237 << " gSystem->AddIncludePath(\"-I${ALICE_ROOT}/include\");\n"
238 << " gROOT->Macro(Form(\"%s/scripts/LoadLibs.C\",fwd));\n"
239 << " gROOT->LoadMacro(Form(\"%s/scripts/TupleSelector.C+%s\",\n"
240 << " fwd, opt));\n"
241 << " if (proof) TupleSelector::Proof(maxEvents, opt);\n"
242 << " else TupleSelector::Run(maxEvents);\n"
243 << "}\n"
244 << "// EOF" << std::endl;
245 f.close();
246 }
247 void SaveReFit()
248 {
249 std::ofstream f("ReFit.C");
250 if (!f) {
251 Error("SaveRerun", "Failed to open ReFit.C script");
252 return;
253 }
254 f << std::boolalpha
255 << "// Generated by " << ClassName() << "\n"
256 << "// If force=true, then force set parameters\n"
257 << "//\n"
258 << "void ReFit(Bool_t force=false,\n"
259 << " const char* filename=\"forward_mctracks.root\")\n"
260 << "{\n"
261 << " const char* fwd=\"$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2\";\n"
262 << " gROOT->LoadMacro(Form(\"%s/corrs/RerunTrackELoss.C\",fwd));\n"
263 << " RerunTrackELoss(force,filename);\n"
264 << "}\n"
265 << "// EOF" << std::endl;
266 f.close();
267 }
9c6eaffb 269 void PostShellCode(std::ostream& f)
270 {
271 f << " echo \"=== Summarizing results ...\"\n"
272 << " aliroot -l -b -q ${prefix}Summarize.C\n"
273 << std::endl;
274 }
7a3e34f4 276};
279// EOF