]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCDisplayDigits.C
correcting DDL bit for AD and HLT
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCDisplayDigits.C
a7a1dd76 1/// \file AliTPCDisplayDigits.C
2/// \author I.Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch
c2b0eaa4 3
4#ifndef __CINT__
ddae8318 5#include <Riostream.h>
c2b0eaa4 6#include <TFile.h>
7#include <TTree.h>
8#include <TCanvas.h>
9#include <TStyle.h>
10#include <TH2.h>
12#include "AliTPCParam.h"
13#include "AliSimDigits.h"
a1d53143 16Int_t AliTPCDisplayDigits(Int_t eventn, int sec, int row, int lab=-1,
cc80f89e 17 int max_t_chan=500, float min_t=0., float max_t=500.,
18 int max_p_chan=150, float min_p=0., float max_p=150.)
73042f01 20 cerr<<"Displaying digits...\n";
cc80f89e 21
22// Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits
106ea0fc 23 TFile *f = TFile::Open("rfio:galice.root");
73042f01 24 if (!f->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open galice.root !\n"; return 1;}
cc80f89e 25
a1d53143 26
c2b0eaa4 28 AliTPCParam *par=(AliTPCParam *)f->Get("75x40_100x60_150x60");
29 if (!par) { cerr<<"TPC parameters have not been found !\n"; return 2; }
cc80f89e 30
c2b0eaa4 31 Char_t s[80];
cc80f89e 32 sprintf(s,"Sector %d Row %d\n",sec,row);
33 TH2F *h = new TH2F("h",s,max_t_chan,min_t,max_t,max_p_chan,min_p,max_p);
a1d53143 34
c2b0eaa4 35 Char_t name[100];
36 sprintf(name,"TreeD_75x40_100x60_150x60_%d",eventn);
cc80f89e 37
a1d53143 38 TTree *t=(TTree*)f->Get(name);
c2b0eaa4 39 if (!t) { cerr<<"TPC digits have not been found !\n"; return 3; }
cc80f89e 40 AliSimDigits dummy, *digit=&dummy;
41 t->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&digit);
c2b0eaa4 42 Int_t sbr=(Int_t)t->GetEntries();
43 for (Int_t i=0; i<sbr; i++) {
44 if (!t->GetEvent(i)) continue;
45 Int_t s,r;
46 par->AdjustSectorRow(digit->GetID(),s,r);
47 if (s==sec && r==row) goto ok;
cc80f89e 48 }
c2b0eaa4 49 return 4;
cc80f89e 51ok:
c2b0eaa4 52
53 Int_t imax=0, jmax=0, qmax=0;
cc80f89e 54 digit->First();
55 do {
c2b0eaa4 56 //Short_t dig=digit->CurrentDigit();
57 Int_t i=digit->CurrentRow(), j=digit->CurrentColumn();
58 Short_t dig=digit->GetDigit(i,j);
cc80f89e 59 if (lab >= 0) {
c2b0eaa4 60 Int_t lab0=digit->GetTrackID(i,j,0);
61 Int_t lab1=digit->GetTrackID(i,j,1);
62 Int_t lab2=digit->GetTrackID(i,j,2);
cc80f89e 63 if (lab0!=lab) if (lab1!=lab) if (lab2!=lab) continue;
64 if (dig>qmax) {imax=i; jmax=j; qmax=dig;}
65 cerr<<lab0<<' '<<lab1<<' '<<lab2<<endl;
66 }
67 h->Fill(i,j,dig);
68 } while (digit->Next());
73042f01 69 if (qmax>0){cerr<<"Peak (time,pad,q) : "<<imax<<' '<<jmax<<' '<<qmax<<endl;}
cc80f89e 70
71 h->SetMaximum(100);
72 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
73042f01 73 TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("ddisplay","TPC digits display",0,0,1110,680);
cc80f89e 74 TPad *p1=new TPad("p1","",0,0,1,0.5);
75 p1->Draw();
76 TPad *p2=new TPad("p2","",0,0.5,1,1);
77 p2->Draw();
78 p2->cd();
73042f01 79 h->DrawCopy("lego");
cc80f89e 80 p1->cd();
73042f01 81 h->DrawCopy("colz");
83 c1->Modified(); c1->Update();
85 f->Close();
86 return 0;
cc80f89e 87}